LIVE - Sheet pan Chicken Biryani

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all right are we live is everyone here in person i think maybe hey yo what's going on everybody let me uh let me adjust this camera angle a tiny bit i think that's a little bit better framing yo what's going on purple the purple is a nice color on you appreciate it yo what's going on davey day from italy what's going on milton flory what's going on zach sweet all right yeah so basically what we're gonna do is i got this idea for a chicken biryani making it basically in only a sheet pan um so we're gonna see how it works this isn't like a traditional super traditional preparations kind of like like the spices i'm just like i'm just using what i have um we're gonna do like potatoes with chicken thighs and we're gonna do whole chicken thighs i don't know we'll see how it works out but it should be an interesting way to make it it'll be delicious regardless but i got an idea so hopefully it turns out pretty good i appreciate that daniel what's going on joe man everyone's flying in here tim in texas yo what's going on what's going on bernardo from uh brazil you just got done shoveling a bunch of snow and ice yeah i heard um my yeah so my family lives in pennsylvania and i i actually didn't uh i talked to my mom the other day and she said they were supposed to get like 9 to 17 inches or something which is ridiculous because i feel like we haven't got that much snow in a long time um but i mean i'm in california so it's it's not obviously we have no snow but it's getting colder but i mean i think at the lowest it's been around like low 40s here then during the day it gets up to like 60s mid 60s turkey biryani i actually have turkey in the fridge right now left over from thanksgiving that i defrosted so i technically could do that but i do want to do this with um with chicken thighs just because i got an idea also i've got some rice just soaking here this is uh basmati rice which is like the best rice ever if you've never gotten it i would highly suggest picking up some actually i need to refill this container so we'll get cooking in a couple minutes but we'll just be chatting actually i need to fill this up so yeah if you if you go to like a i don't know like an international grocery store or maybe an indian grocery store like look for some quality basmati rice this is probably one of my favorite rices like if you're just gonna eat plain rice get basmati you know if you're making like fried rice um in in in other like asian cuisines or like chinese stuff you might want to keep some like different varieties like jasmine or or things of that nature but for plain white rice basmati is is king in my opinion i think the texture it's it for me it's the texture i think the texture is just unreal get a little more in there but yeah i mean this stuff lasts forever i don't even know how much this cost it was probably like 15 or 20 bucks if i had to guess but this is like 10 pounds of rice just a ridiculous amount uh have you attempted different uh types of pulao i've not yet um hopefully going to get into that for sure you can save so many cell phones with that right it's true without potatoes beer onions authentic don't add potato they're no they're i'm i've definitely seen biryani recipes with potato in it um i'm just adding it to mine i mean you don't have to add it to yours like i said this this the the recipe that we're gonna go isn't super traditional anyway i'm not trying to make like a super traditional from like a certain spot i'm just kind of using the base techniques of biryani which is cooking you know like a meat or chicken over you know a bed of rice like that's kind of what i'm going for at least in this live stream you buy rice by the 50-pound bag yeah that's uh that would last you a long time as well how many cups of rice go into a pound um good question i think 30 grams dry is a fourth of a cup so 454 grams in a pound um divided by 30 and then that gives you the amount of fourth cups and then you can multiply whatever so you could do that math i don't feel like doing that something like that are you going to bake the biryani to mimic steaming yeah so i'll show you in a second um but yeah we're basically going to bake it i will be using a pot to boil the rice first um and then i'll put it over top and then we're going to kind of cover it up with just like aluminum foil but basically we're going to cook everything in this sheet pan um so actually let me first i'll i'll toast some spices and whatnot um so this is some cardamom pods i actually need to take the seeds out i'll keep keep rolling all right so these are green cardamom pods which i am just actually i can i can probably give you a up close view let me if this will focus right there maybe i don't think it's gonna focus oh it kind of did but it's just a little green cardamom pod and i'm taking the seeds out from the inside of it and then we're basically just going to toast all these spices um because basically what spices have is they have uh volatile oils and non-voyage oils that like release the aroma in them so ways that you can release the volatile oils are through things like crushing them up or if you give them heat so we're going to toss them in this pan and just lightly toast them so that is the coriander seeds that's some black peppercorns a couple cloves and yeah and the green cardamom seeds and i'm also just gonna throw some chili powder in here and some cumin seeds and i like a lot of cumin i so i'm gonna throw them in a good bit of them um let me switch you guys can see that huh so these are just going to be toasting away down in this bottom corner over here and just low heat and i'm just waiting to wait until they smell kind of fragrant and then i'm going to take them off just obviously you don't want to burn them just until they start to smell nice i guess and then this little mix is going to be used in our chicken marinade but we're also going to save some and like sprinkle it in in the rice when we're layering it out and this was kind of one that i just came up with there's i'm sure there's there's i've seen traditional like different mixes from different regions and stuff but see using those are uh are like a common thing you'll see in in biryani get a rice cooker instead of using a pot i i really don't feel like it's necessary to have a rice cooker and i don't cook rice often enough to warrant one plus i like having minimal appliances um but a lot of people like them for sure muy de san big fan from hyderabad hey glad to have you here do you grind your own spices um yeah mortar and pestle so got it out now could you move the hob camera to the top right of the screen yes i can do that oh well i moved the wrong one yeah good call on that because there's nothing up in the top right that you need to see cool all right okay so nice and toasted and this already smells insanely good just from toasting those spices now we're just going to crush everything up with mortar and i'm actually going to grate in a little bit of cinnamon as well so i'm just using a micro grater this is one of my favorite tools recently like for things like this you can just grate in cinnamon and things of that nature looks works really good for nutmeg um you could grate chocolate a lot of things you can do with this you can obviously zesting and and all that good stuff too and then for mortar and pestle i'm not too like i'm not trying to get this like ultra ultra fun like i'm trying to bash up all like the bigger pieces like the cloves and the cardamom seeds the peppercorns and things like that but i'm not i'm not overly worried about like i need a super fine paste obviously a spice grinder would work very well for this but again i i just don't like to have too many appliances so i don't have a spice grinder that may change i've been looking at like getting maybe a manual spice grinder that looks there's a couple of out there that look pretty cool so we'll see but for now i love i love using the mortar and pestle one of my favorite tools good hands-on work so that's our little spice mixture and then most of this is going to be used in our chicken marinade and then i'll also be sprinkling some of this over the rice so let's get out our chicken and get that going all right so i got a bunch of bone-in skin on chicken thighs which i think are one of the best like budget cuts um for chicken and stuff so these are a little these ones are a little bit on the like they're they're not huge i actually may use a couple more some of these are like big some of them are small so i'm probably gonna do this one's pretty small let's do one two three four five six let's go six and then the rest of these i'm gonna toss in a container and just probably freeze these hopefully these all fit in here probably like one short yeah oh yeah we're gonna no literally one short oh well but these are always good things to just have that's why i had problem getting a bunch of them so straight in the freezer and then back to this what i'm going to do too on these is i'm going to trim off a little bit of this excess skin a lot of recipes that i've seen at least typically always use skin off but i wanted to use skin on to see if we can crisp up the skin um in the when it's on the sheet pan so basically i'm going to marinate this and then we will put it in the oven at high heat to basically get it like browned and kind of crisp so i want the skin to be on there so it can it can give it some texture but i would say it's probably not traditional to use or at least recipes that i've seen typically don't use skin on chicken that could be that could be chained anyone know so i'm just taking off like some of this excess skin that's kind of like flapping off keep up the great work appreciate that lucky uh where'd you get your mortar and pestle one from i got mine probably about three or four years ago from an asian grocery store um i just saw it on the rack and it was like 30 bucks i think and which i thought was a good deal so it's it's like a granite one um i'm sure you can you can order them off amazon or whatever but i mean if you've if you've never been to like a uh like a middle eastern or an indian or like international asian grocery store or something would highly recommend going there's a lot of interesting things that you don't see in your normal grocery store um like like if you're in the states like you know going to kroger or sprouts or you know whole foods and stuff like that so good experience if you've never been to one that's where i got my mortar and pestle you made the bagels today they turned out great glad to hear that um where'd you get the butcher knife um with the dark brown handle yeah that one is from chef knives to go so i think if you go to my recent video on kitchen gifts i think i left a link to that in the in the description you can check it out but yeah that one's from chef knifes ago it's a chinese cleaver yeah you watched the first video when i was at about 20k yeah that's sweet awesome glad to hear it man yeah it will make the it will make the the chicken soft again but um it'll it'll get nice and brown so i'm not really looking for necessarily the texture but the the flavors that you get from browning up the skin but yeah you're definitely right that it will it will get soggy darren thank you for the super chat much much appreciated okay and then another very non-traditional thing we're gonna mayo marinate this so typically you see you know yogurt or curd but obviously i wanted to try this with mayo i've actually never i mean we've done mayo marinades a million times but i've never actually tried using this for biryani which should be fun try making dosats yeah i loved i love dosa um i've never made it from scratch i've bought i've bought batter from like an indian grocery store before and made them but i've i've been curious about making them at home so i may have to do that one day all right where are my spices that i need okay so we're just gonna toss some mayo in probably about two tablespoons worth should be plenty something like that and then i'm gonna add in sprinkle some of this in then i'm going to add in some extra chili powder some turmeric and then i forgot to bash up my garlic and ginger that i wanted to do oh okay forgot to do this so we're coming back to the mortar and pestle actually i'm going to use just half of this so mortar and pestle also if you are crushing up um garlic or ginger like this it's easier to crush it down versus this because the basically all the the what do you call them fibers are running up and down this way so if i bash this way it's going to kind of spread them apart if i'm bashing up and down it's going to squash them all in and crack much easier then a couple cloves of garlic so bash it once to remove the skin and drop it back in there and ginger and garlic paste is something used in a lot in cooking i probably one of the most items i would i would guess i feel like every recipe i see that where it's there's always some ginger and garlic paste in there i don't know if people make it fresh though i don't know they make it all the time or i'm or if they have like a container of it just like ready to go at all times a little paper skin left in there but it's definitely a staple item for indian cooking you should make paratha yeah i do want to do parathas i haven't actually made those in a while in a long time it's been a couple of years since i've made profits so i'm just going to toss this right in there again i didn't make super like smooth or anything not too worried about it what's the camera in the top right oh that that's for the yeah i should check that down now i forgot about it that is the stove cam when we need it but obviously we don't need it for now uh anisha a big fan of the technical approach yeah i like to uh that's how i like to approach cocaine is really think about kind of the underlying techniques and concepts of what we're trying to achieve rather than just like following a recipe so i'm glad that you have been enjoying that stuff okay so we're also going to chop up our potatoes i'm going to mix everything in here and we need salt as well a little bit less salt because mayo is salty so i'm just eyeballing this right now i'm going to use a little bit less than i probably normally would and then i'm also going to chop up the onion and i'm going to throw in some of these onion slices as well so i'm trying to make just these really thin so they kind of they cook down pretty quickly and then we'll also be frying some onions as a garnish as well but i'm gonna do that later when the rest of it's in the oven so toss it in the onions i'm gonna peel the potatoes uh you can buy garlic and ginger yeah i figured you i figured you probably could um just like i mean plenty plenty of us uh buy like chopped garlic in the or were already peeled garlic so i'm actually just gonna use like two of these potatoes toss this one back in the bag up here and smaller chunks not super huge but they should be fun um innocuous remark thank you for the super chat the brussels sprout salad to change change your life you may be responsible for the upcoming sprout shorts i know i do the uh i agree the the brussels sprouts like i mean because i've been doing them roasted for years i i like brussels sprouts a lot but then the past yeah the past like few months um i forget where i first even had like or where i first saw it i don't even remember but i was like oh i should do i'd also start out and then i had been eating it myself like i've just been like enjoying it i made it for that thanksgiving video and then i was thinking i was like man i should really make this into like a full video because i think it's a very uh it's a very cool way to use brussels sprouts and it's very versatile in what you can do and actually i'm working on a print um like a kind of a poster printout of those two frameworks from the video so if you guys want to be on the lookout for that i'm going to put it up on my website it'll it'll be like a couple bucks and you can get it printed out i'll show you actually what it looks like this one is not final but i'll show you what it looks like so this is a sample i wanted to see what it looked like when it got printed out but this is the idea uh which is pretty cool i think so it's got like the build the salad gives you some idea like the what are the bv ccf framework how to make a vinaigrette and then like a couple ideas on like what how you can kind of serve it so this should be so obvious i'm just selling the print like i'm not selling this like like you you just have to like go to a printing store and they can print this out for you and then this is like a five dollar frame or something i found it at michael's okay um i don't have a p.o box i'm hoping to open one up soon um i'll let everyone know when i do have a p.o box open what's your next video idea um i am doing i'm doing a couple christmas videos next next one will be dropping on sunday i have done a taco's day language video if you want to check it out it's from a long time ago when i was uh you know like two years ago probably at this point i was doing a taco tuesday series so we did that all right so i'm gonna mix this up but before i do that i'm gonna toss this sheet pan in i'm going to toss this in the oven to heat up with some oil so if i i don't have any ghee left otherwise i'd be using ghee here but i'm going to toss this in the in the oven to heat up and then that's going to be used to cook all this stuff which i'm kind of realizing now i don't know if i have enough room but we'll make it do but i'm just going to mix everything up and like i said normally this would be done with yogurt so obviously we're going to add a little bit of a different flavor profile since we are using mayo and you know it's not it's not like sour or tart like you know yogurt is um but it's just like a different way of making something that i wanted to try out so that's why like when i like that's what i like about recipes is learning how to make them kind of the you know more traditional authentic ways but then really breaking it down and saying okay like i change it up and see how see how i can make a version different maybe it's better maybe it's not it's just different which is that's like the fun part for cooking for me so all this stuff just mixed up just just nice and coated and then this is going to go on that sheet pan once it heats up i'll let it go for like a a couple minutes to kind of get that oil hot but that's at 450 degrees now meanwhile i'm also going to set a pot on of water where we'll boil our rice microphone popping a bit could be close did i miss someone's super chat which one oh there it is there it is um osama thanks for highlighting subcontinent feud pk car i know i'm i'm not sure what that is but i will definitely look into it um i will definitely look in is that is that a dish i've not i've seriously not heard of that dish before where'd you get your your salt pinch pot um this is a it's a ceramic salt pig from emile henry um you can find them in most like kitchen stores like serla table william sonoma you can get them on amazon too but yeah these are really good big fan of this okay so like i said pot of water so we're gonna boil the rice for about eight minutes before before we actually put it over top so i'm just gonna get set that on like the back burner just to start heating up and then we'll we'll progress from there and and for the rice so the rice i have pre-soaked here so i'm going to drain that out and then i'm also just going to toss in a bay leaf and a uh a green cardamom pod in with the rice just to kind of help it get a little more fragrance [Music] are you classically trained in cooking i am not not at all i've never never worked in any any type of kitchen um i'm all self-taught okay so that will save for later this can be here tuck back in and this is like one of those moments where like i'm kind of waiting on a couple things so this is like those perfect moments where you can be you know cleaning up your kitchen making sure nothing's out that doesn't need to be so i can like use this wash up the mortar and pestle and just like doing little things like that as you're cooking like makes a huge difference at the end it's not it's not this foreboding task of like things that have stocked up over there oh can you get my uh charger in there in the uh it's in my room or i might i might die i didn't even realize that all right the street well we should be okay it should be good for a second no no the my uh laptop charger it should be plugged in over there all right oop kick the camera all right crisis averted pk car high equals pakistani ah i got you cool but no i've not heard of that but now that you have said that i will let me make i'll make a note of it right now on my uh my little to do for today and i'll check that out [Music] sweet i don't even know if i'm saying that right apologies if i'm uh butcher butchering that pronunciation i probably am okay so i'm gonna pull this out this sheet pan oil should be hot so we're just gonna dump everything out and you can i mean you can hear the the oils going off smells really good a little warping from the cool of the food that hit it but and then now i'm going to turn the i'm actually going to turn the oven on broil so i really want it to hit the top and get it nice and browned that's my that's kind of my idea that's what i'm envisioning we'll see how well it works so hopefully it kind of crisp everything up we're not trying to cook it through at this stage because it's gonna it's gonna steam with all the rice in the oven for you know like probably like 20 or 30 minutes so it's not a it's not a big deal that we're trying to cook it through right now i'm trying to get color and some flavor on there hey brian thank you i appreciate the super chat glad you're enjoying the uh the stream loving the international flavor of the chat i i agree i think um i haven't looked at the audience in a while but there's like a good pit of people from all over like obviously i'm based in the u.s so there are going to be you know more more people in the u.s for sure but um i think food is kind of the is like you know it's the it's it's a very commonplace thing that like can bring people together um because food is so different in different places which is like part of the fun for me because like you know you know if i flip through a cookbook from like uh madura joffrey or from like diana kennedy and i see all these recipes that like i've literally never heard of from mexican or indian cuisine and then try to make them and try to learn about them like that's really fun and then it brings people from those countries then they they can you know they they probably have some slight nuance in how they would have done it which is really cool this is off topic but thanks for making me try pick hey i i'm glad you tried them yeah that's a that was another the pickled onions video and like the uh the brussels sprouts video where ones that are like i was like ah should i make a video about this like i don't think it'll be that like interesting or whatever um and then i was like no like these are like good basic things that that i feel like are good for people should know how to do a lot of people have liked the pickled onion video where's my basket it's on this side so i'm going to drain off this rice and then that'll be boiling in a second [Music] and then we'll toss that in and let it boil i'll toss these two guys in the meantime and let me just move this all right um you live in poland the food air is very so watching other people from other countries is kind of kind of uh doing different kind of stuff is cool yeah i really want to get to poland that's that's on my very top of the list to go to how do you how do you clean your boost block after you've had meat touch um for this guy i just i have like this little sanitizer that i spray on it um wipe it down and and that's really it's not not too much i typically don't touch meat on this though um i typically pull out this cutting board or this guy um but yeah just for these two for this like specific boost block and that one i'll just wash them under hot soapy cold water um it's really all you need to do but for this i typically don't put meat on it since obviously i can't actually bring it over but if there is like a little touch or something i'll you know wash it with soap a little spray on it you're good to go thoughts that make it a cookbook um one of some one of the things i want to do for sure um i have an outline on it that um i've got a couple outlines on things and ideas that i want to tackle first one would probably be something simple and very practical um but we we shall see we'll get there did i say hot soapy cold water at the same time how do you avoid open uh fire routine catching fire um it shouldn't catch fire as long as like it because you only keep it on there for like like you know 20 seconds if that it's like you don't really need to um it shouldn't like you shouldn't have to worry about it like actually catching on fire you love the plates and bowls um these are actually just from ikea yeah these are i can i don't know ikea stoneware one two zero one one that says on the bottom i'm not sure like what actual color this is but i just picked them out because yeah i really like the color of them i feel like they make food kind of pop stove cams frozen yeah you're right should be uh should be active now you should make korean food i do want to do some korean food um yeah i've been kind of slacking on doing korean thai um and some japanese dishes that i want to tackle at some point um yeah the thing with food is there's literally so many ideas and so many dishes like it's gonna take me years to go through with this are you gonna go work with other youtubes in the future um yeah i mean i'd like to um to do some collaborations and stuff obviously now it's a little bit harder because you can't meet in person which would be like kind of the fun of it um you know you can do stuff over over um you know like a zoom call or something like that but yeah i'm i'm open for working with anyone have you tried making pretzels um yeah i've made pretzels before it's been a while um but yeah they're fun to make all right so i'm gonna toss in the rice now just in this boiling water and i'm just gonna let this boil for probably eight minutes echo set a timer for eight minutes eight minutes starting now sorry if that sets off some of your echoes i'm sure or if or if you have alexa mine's set to echo on in here so have you tried making a beef wellington i've not um i've not done a video but i have made a beef wellington we did it for christmas i think like three or four years ago um yeah usually usually like me or my dad or we kind of work on it together we like do the the main kind of meat dish um for christmas and it's usually not the same thing so i think last year i did like a goose maybe a couple years we did the beef wellington one year we did we did a peking duck one year um he's done you know like uh roast beef several times and stuff like that um but i haven't done it i haven't done a beef wellington video yet i mean there's a bunch of good videos on beef wellington um maybe i'll do one at some point if if there's something interesting about beef wellington that i feel like the other videos haven't hit upon um yeah we'll keep it as an idea for down the road so these onions i'm going to fry up for our garnish so probably a very typical garnish uh chris um how are you live streaming with such good camera quality using dslr with some kind of adapter program um yeah so i'm not using anything high-tech actually um i have the sony a6600 with the sigma uh 16 millimeter so that's this front on shot with uh i think the i'm at like an f 3.2 so it's a good lens but it's not like this isn't i mean it's it's it's quality stuff but it's not it's not anywhere near the top end stuff like it's not a sony a7 iii or above and it's it's like a 300 lens compared to some that are like 1500 but i have a good lighting setup so that's that also helps make the camera look a lot better and then as far as my software i'm just using obs um um it's at 1920x1080 but i'm recording or on the camera it's on 4k so i think it's compressing 4k down to um 1920. so i think that has a part to do with it but as far as like equipment goes this isn't again it's like it's good stuff but it's not like super expensive insane quality stuff okay so i'll give you guys a little update on this so i'm getting a little bit of browning in here i'm actually going to move the rack up i think because i think it's not quite not quite getting there where i want it to move up the rack to the highest set it right underneath that burner or under that broiler echo how much time left you have four minutes and 20 seconds left on your eight minutes four minutes okay make sure i didn't miss anything thoughts on south american cuisine um yes i want to do i don't know much about it um probably my favorite is so what are those are those argentinian i think originally i'm not sure but those are one of my favorite foods of all time will sodium citrate work um as an emulsifier with the vinaigrette um so sodium citrate in and of itself is working to keep the cheese sauce emulsified by not letting the the the proteins and the um the milk fat separate so it's not really going to work the same it's not the same idea really it's not like with a vinaigrette because it's it's fat but it's then it's like liquidy water it it might work to be honest i'm not really sure i like to see you do tradition uh slovak christmas dinner and your opinion on it um yeah i would love to one day i'm gonna do a pierogi video um i need to film it actually um so that'll be out probably early next week i'm going to be doing a pierogi video that's one of our dishes that we always do on christmas eve okay so i've got this boiled it was looking close enough done to me um and i'll show you guys these how long these like rice strands get um for basmati they're they're crazy so and and then as you kind of steam them they hopefully they'll kind of curl up that's kind of like the signature like look of them but like they're they're i mean there's super long like pieces of rice that's that signature look and then like i said hopefully they curl up in the oven um but we'll we shall see still can oh yeah the snow cam does have grid lines malcolm i appreciate the uh the super chat for letting me know i forgot i turned the grid on for this yeah because it's using it's not coming straight from the camera it's coming from like uh it's coming from the mic capture software for the side cam at least not for the main cam all right so these are starting to look a little bit better we'll give them another minute or two and then i'm basically just going to throw that on top we'll seal it up let it go in the oven for a little while top the biryani with coriander that's what we're going to do that's what we're going to do so i'm also going to fry these onions up so i'm going to use some for this i'm just going to use some leftover peanut oil this is leftover fry oil that i save and these are just going to be used to fry our onions so i mean some people don't like the taste of peanut oil i don't mind it at all it's actually one of my favorite oil flavors so but for for this you could use vegetable oil you could use ghee again you could use there's a bunch of varieties basically we're just going to fry all these onions up and kind of get them crispy is there a particular reason for this recipe to cook the rice in excess um so with this we're not actually with this we're not actually cooking the rice all the way through yet we're going to steam it for the remaining time in the oven um so it's a little bit different you could kind of make it you you could do that like you could do like a normal just you know method cook the rice completely through and then just kind of mix it together but echo stop but with um but with biryani you typically finish cooking the rice and everything together that's kind of like the typical thing and also actually you guys can see this um actually as this cools and it's kind of been steaming a little bit anyway like the rice is kind of you can see it's starting to like kind of curl up which is always kind of pretty cool to see at least i think so can you let us know how you clean your cast iron yeah i'm planning on doing a video hopefully in january or something um so we'll we'll see yeah i want to do i want to cover a cast iron kind of cooking video though but for me mine's pretty basic i don't over think it too much i scrape everything off if there's stuff stuck to it i will um if there's stuff stuck to it i'll probably do it under the sink if not i'll just scrape it with my metal spatula so getting some nice color on here um again this is not getting like super crispy as i thought which is fine it's it is what it is i mean it wasn't gonna like stay super crispy but we're getting at least a little bit of browning um on that exterior of the skin which is nice but for me i'm just going to call this good so what we're going to do is just throw the rice over top something like this just hopefully i should have enough rice and then i'm also going to sprinkle a little bit more of this spice mix in throughout and then if you guys want we can do the saffron milk thing too i still have saffron um or typically saffron we can do we can do it now or we can do it at the end as well to give it the streaks this is already smelling incredible so maybe i could have used a little bit bigger of a sheet pan but let me try to do this without spilling the rice everywhere but yeah this is like the like the the way the chicken comes out it like is super tender if you let this go for a while i guess for a little bit of a i mean maybe a sheet pan maybe this would be a little bit better with some like boneless skinless and you kind of chopped up the pieces so they don't stick out as much but i think this would be a fun way to do it um actually i'm just going to do turmeric milk we'll just do turmeric milk today so get a little glass of milk i'm actually just going to warm it right in this guy actually we'll do the saffron going for the saffron going for the aromatic should probably toast it first though oh i probably missed a lot of questions back in there hopefully i didn't miss anyone's see okay good good we're chilling okay how many bottles of reggae reggae sauce i have no idea what reggae reggae sauce is but i mean i'm down sounds it sounds interesting this is a very strange biryani recipe i completely agree it is yeah i had the idea and i was like i'm going to see how this turns out so basically now we're going to steam it with all this stuff so i'm just gonna pinch that a little bit i'm not going to toast it i just i feel like it's super floral as it is that it's not like super imperative plus i don't want to overpower it saffron can be a little overpowering i think so at least it's definitely a very distinct aroma i should have let this steep longer you know what we'll do i'll let that steep for a bit and then i'll i'll pour it over after we get this in the oven for a while but now i'm gonna let this steam at 300 for like maybe all right didn't like that apparently yeah we'll do 350 for like 20 minutes and i'm halfway through i'll pour over the uh over the milk forgot i need this guy [Music] don't want that on the top rack anymore and then this oil is definitely hot for the onions let me test probably a little too hot i'm going to pull this back off the heat for a second and then we'll fry the onions okay but yeah this is really cool because you can see the saffron like starting to color everything all right um do you like the ratatouille movie i love the ratatouille movie i haven't seen it in a long time though um i have i've have heard of bernal cutlery um i i don't think i've actually bought a knife from them yet though but yeah they have a lot of cool stuff i was looking at their website the other day what was he looking for oh i was yeah i was looking for a christmas present but then i ended up getting a knife from a different site um any workout tips or workout routine videos um i don't have anything my big thing is just for me i think it's i think it's best if you do something every day versus like uh i'd rather do something every day for a shorter amount of time um rather than doing like hour and a half gym sessions i used to do that i used to do those long gym sessions and i don't like to do that anymore um why did you turn oh we didn't we did we did saffron instead of turmeric uh and thank you for the super chat glad uh glad i could help you uh get into some cooking and i'm glad you like the recipes and technique approaches yeah that's exactly what i'm going for i'm trying i felt like there wasn't um i mean a lot of channels definitely do go into technique and stuff but i kind of wanted to do it specifically for like home cook and make that applicable and it seems like people are liking it so it's always good to hear i'm actually doing i'm finishing up a video now on a cookie video which i literally never bake and i've i learned some things making this video about the technique of like cookies and whatnot so it's pretty cool all right let me check on this oil [Music] yeah that's much better all right much better okay and then we're also gonna we're just gonna let these kind of fry down and they'll get they'll get nice and brown and all that good stuff meanwhile continue washing some dishes whoa yo this kind of looks like the blue milk from star wars in a new hope let me see come here glass maybe not it kind of looked like it for a second oh it's not quite as blue it looks bluer from this angle it kind of looks blue but if anyone has seen a new hope with uh luke where they drink the blue milk it's kind of like what the color looks like for some reason the mixture of the soap and the milk uh are you ever going to collab with my name is andong yeah i'd love to um i want to do some traveling next year so if it works out where like i could travel to um he's based out of germany right where i could travel to germany and meet up and do something that'd be awesome will there be a boxing day christmas dinner leftover stream um we're gonna do a christmas stream or actually i was gonna ask on this should we do christmas eve or christmas day stream i'm gonna do one of the two but whatever you guys want to do it doesn't matter to me like you got g i actually actually gave i gave myself this cut today so i've been trying to learn how to uh to cut my own hair it's i mean it's not perfect like if you actually look up close it's not great but i think from a distance it looks alright which is all all that matters for me right now it's not like i'm i'm too worried about it i don't see too many people on a day-to-day basis in quarantine any good polish shallots um i don't know a ton of polish salads actually what brand pan they're the one that you're frying in it's a made in pan so carbon steel made in pan um i'm sure if they're they're like i feel like they're most well known like on instagram and stuff but i just got them trying them out seeing what uh what i think about them and so far i'm a fan what did i do with the uh the saffron jar so i have the cap oh put it in here christmas day eve uh what did you say shawnee eve okay a lot of people are saying christmas eve uh who makes a rack in your fridge if you go to my like two videos ago i have a link to it um a couple of different it's from amazon a couple different people make it have you ever made anything from czech cuisine um probably something similar but i'm not sure if it's a if it's a name i know in pol like i've made a bunch of polish dishes but i'm not sure if it's any of them are specific to czech if you go to germany stop by netherlands you try some shroop waffles i have been to so i was in amsterdam uh right after i graduated college and i got i was i was um opened up to the uh the idea of shroop waffles and they are absolutely delicious how many times you test recipes before posting them it depends a lot on the type of video so if i want to show the testing process then it you know it might be one or two times or if i'm or if i have like a base recipe but i want to compare differences between two things i'll just make both and then just film both and then kind of talk about the differences um for what what's a good video like the hash brown video so that day i tried like a number of different methods um to try to make it but those weren't like you know different recipes it was like me tweaking variables here and there so it was like one full day kind of doing a bunch of tweaks for like three or four hours um and then and then i was like all right this is my finalized recipe then i actually filmed it the next day so it depends um middle east uh i've not made it yet i have not made it yet i will though i need to make that i haven't i haven't made like uh kind of like middle eastern mediterranean i've been i've been on an indian kick lately a lot but i haven't done shawarma or like salads pitas but yeah i definitely do want to make it um sugar and pickled onions brine or no sugar um you can add sugar if you want a little sweetness absolutely completely optional but yeah if you want a little sweetness go ahead and add some it just depends on on you know if you like that that flavor um you tried making the hash browns from the vid and they came out great anything in mind yeah so they'll come out a little bit gray because of um the the washing thing which i kind of showed in the in the i showed the two plates how the one that i didn't wash was grayer um because they kind of get a little bit more oxidized if you don't wash them it's more of a cosmetic thing which is why i was like i don't really care that much for me but yeah if you want them to be kind of a whiter in appearance do do that extra washing step i probably should have pointed that out a little bit better in the video than i did um but yeah it's it's more of a cosmetic thing they'll kind of get gray actually i think i still have one in my fridge and i'm sure it looks gray do i have one here that's not super gray but it's gray-ish i would say it's not like pure white i don't know so like that's kind of what you'll get um again it's more of a cosmetic thing i didn't at least in my side-by-side taste test i didn't notice any like huge differences in how it actually tasted or how it fried up but obviously you know your people's mileage is very for sure all right those look about fried up enough for me so i'm gonna put them on a plate with a paper towel and we'll be on our way here okay don't need that much that'll be plenty do all right and then let me let me throw this milk over again i should probably have done this before but it's fine put that down to protect that top where is my other guy here come on little guys i'll come and i'm gonna join the party down here okay toss that back in a little bit hot on my hands all right now we're just waiting on that so we'll let that go for another little i don't know maybe 10 or 15 minutes meanwhile just answer some questions clean up the kitchen all that good stuff all right um how many stovetop pans do you own include walks cast irons etc um let me think so i've got this is a new one but it's kind of replacing so my other one i have this this is my my grandma's cast iron from way back in the day i have cast iron griddle i have a wok i have that pan that we've used today the walks over there i'm not going to get it out and then i just have i have that sauce pot that we used and then i have this bigger pot but i wanna i wanna replace this for like a dutch oven um like an enamel one just because i feel like that is a little bit more useful than than just that one big pot but yeah i think that's it do you use a 10.5 inch oh yeah i forgot about these so i also do have those like i think they're eight inch cast irons but they're not ones that i use or that i use them for like presentation purposes like in that biryani video i use them all right so try adding some boiled eggs uh yeah that is true i haven't done the boiled egg things but i've had i've certainly been served with it but boiled eggs but i've done it myself any significance to the black patagonia shirt i just like it no yeah i literally just like i've had that shirt for probably well okay so there is significance in the video purposes because i always try to wear black i started doing this i don't know when i actually started doing it but the idea behind wearing black is to let the focus be on the food and not like on what i'm wearing so if i'm wearing like a plain black t-shirt normally the food is going to kind of pop based off of that like you'll be able to see it easier versus if i had like a graphic tee or something it would kind of be a bad background for the food whereas if i'm focusing on food like holding up something like this if i have a plain black shirt this is gonna pop so much more than if i was like wearing you know some kind of graphic tee or something um or like it or or maybe a really like light color so i just chose black just because it's and it's easy and i don't know i like black i kind of like plain clothing anyway as i've kind of you know gotten older i kind of like just plain stuff that's that's simple but yeah so that's why i always wear black shirt um has heath never talked about sexualized kids yeah i'm i'm straight for whatever the heck's worth but yeah i don't know why yeah people ask though but it's fine um have you ever made chicken tikka biryani no i have not yo what's going on ralphie oh a quick review of the chicken recipe wise for those yeah so what we did was we toasted our spices and made we toasted spices and made like a masala mixture um it the ingredients for it are on the notion page we toasted those up ground them up and then that was used in our in our marinade for the chicken so the marinade was mayo then i also added turmeric some of the some extra chili powder the masala spice mixture mix that up with chicken thighs bone-in skin on sliced up onions and some chopped up potatoes that were skinned then mixed all that up put a sheet pan in the oven with some oil to heat it up then took that out of the oven threw the chicken on let everything kind of cook up put it under the broiler to kind of crisp up the top get some color on there and then pour it over rice and then now that's what we're waiting on in the oven you should make i have made i have made raita before um it's very very good i have made it before i should do a video about that you should try making mutton biryani i agree i need i need to get i need to get some i need a mutton purveyor any failed video recipe that you never uploaded or lost well edited um no i don't think i've ever lost a video or like been like ah this isn't a good video and just didn't upload it i don't think i've ever actually done that um i've definitely been like frustrated i'm like ah this is not exactly how i wanted it to turn out um i can't remember a specific video right now but no i can't think of i don't think there's ever been a video where i was like i'm just gonna scrap the whole thing or whatever yeah i don't think so uh i have made infused olive oils um they're more like on a a basis thing like i don't typically make them ahead of time it's more like if i want a flavored olive oil i'll just put some in a pan and then maybe throw some garlic and rosemary in it or something and then use that oil for something but i don't really make it ahead of time and have it ready you should make uh papadum i have that's something i have not made but i am down oh peter if you go onto my community post on youtube um it's it's linked there i should have put it in the description of the live stream i didn't do that i'm not uh i don't have all my live stream stuff sorted out just yet we're still we're still working on it on the youtube scene but also these so i don't know if you guys noticed but these onions when i took them out they were still kind of loose but as they dry they get they get this kind of crisp texture i'm sure you guys can probably hear this nice and crispy but um in an invitation to indian cooking um the author notes that like this is like the one garnish that she feels like is not optional you have to go fried onions over top i appreciate that brandon yeah it's definitely come a long way in the uh in the past couple years onion uh baji i've never made that but i can i can look into it keep tagging me on instagram yeah i'll try to when i when i see tags i try to get to them um i'm not good at being diligent about making sure i get to all of them but i try to when i can on instagram oh i'm getting hungry and then these store these actually i mean they don't store super well but they don't store that bad as long as you kind of let them dry out what music um i i listen to like a bunch of random stuff then money is crispy yeah uh have you changed the paper down up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you let them sit on there they definitely will become kind of soggy again how many subscribers do you need to live stream i have no idea if you need a minimum or not i don't know any plans for baking um yeah i'm gonna do i have a cookie video that will be coming out on sunday maybe maybe i'll drop it saturday probably sunday that'll be coming out but yeah i don't i want to get back into bread making i typically don't do sweets like you probably won't see any more sweets for me for some time but we'll get there oh oh let me get the cilantro out where is the cilantro and i'm just gonna like roughly break it up you could chop it if you wanted i think um also some biryanis use mint too if you happen to have mint leaves i typically have cilantro i don't typically have mint unless i'm probably making something specifically where i need mint so what is the number one solid advice you can give to new food you foodtubers yeah um this is a good question that i like answering so the thing with food on youtube right like there's there's you're not going to be able to like do new like dishes and stuff like everything on food has pretty much been done so what i think you need to do to make good food videos is think about think about your audience and and what they they want to know how is this going to bring how is how is your food video of like a steak or or some recipe gonna bring value to them you know there's a million steak videos but if you make a steak video that shows hey you can save money instead of going to a steakhouse by making this or you can um or you can or these are all the things that you need to know about how to make steak you don't you'd like the basics of it like these are four different ways that you could potentially prepare steak or or whatever so there's always a a way that you can frame food to make it more relevant more valuable for your viewers so for like me like i'm thinking i try to think about the home cook the people who are to watch these videos i think all right like how are how are they going to get something from the video that i'm going to make that brings you know brings them some value is it making something faster is it making something cheaper is it making something with a different texture or maybe a different ingredient or maybe is it is it bringing them inspiration like the the brussels sprout salad video for example that was the value in that at least i think is you get a base blueprint um to make several dishes out of um so that's what i'm thinking about when i'm making videos is i'm thinking about how am i going to bring you know for me it's in for informative value um to the viewers so that's what i'm trying to think about but obviously you could go entertainment root um you know like binge with babish for example something like the specifically the binging with babbage series is much more of an entertainment value than it is informational like most people aren't gonna make you know a crazy recipe that has you know 10 meats in it from a movie but we watch it for the entertainment value you know it's interesting it's it's you know it's about a movie that we've probably heard of or something like that so there's kind of those two routes you can go you can go for value and it's either do you give it in the form of entertainment or do you give it in the form of information or something that your user is going to be able to the viewer is going to be able to use and i think if you kind of frame your videos in that sense it's it's going to help you create better videos that more people will want to watch now it was a long winning answer but that's that's what i would say about that any tips to avoid clutter and mess in the kitchen um do what i'm doing now if you have some down time you know just just start just start putting a couple things away put one thing away put two things away and eventually it'll add up um for me like i'll typically throw on like i'll throw on a podcast i'll throw on music or i'll throw on netflix so it doesn't really feel like i'm you know actively like being like oh i got to put all got to clean all the dishes like oh well this is my kind of chill out time where you know i listen to some music or i have netflix on i'm watching something or whatever all right um let me check the temperature on this oil well this oil is in onions so it's pretty oniony i don't know if i want to save it unless i was cooking onions again in it uh all right i appreciate uh the mod help shiny as always do you use uh soap on your dishes yeah yeah i've got the soap right there some i do more than others like if it's if i know there's like fat um that's what like really helps with soap it like cuts or like it's something with the bonding of fats that it it like dissolves it better but like soap in and of itself isn't like like most dish soap it's not like like that's not antibacterial or anything it just helps i think soap works by it lets things like run away faster or something like that with how it breaks it down you made the popcorn chicken yo glad to hear it that i haven't made that popcorn chicken i think since no i've made it once since that video i might just have to take out this chicken just because i'm too hungry it's probably cooked through anyway by now so we shall enjoy all right let me test this chicken yeah it's definitely cooked through all right uh sharky thanks for the super towel prefer method for cooking sirloin given that it's tougher and chewier than a rib eye or in your strip um yeah so for those fattier ones like or a little i guess tougher like that's that is a good example where sous vide may come in handy because you're cooking it for a long time so that connective tissue has time to like break down so definitely a good option on on that one and then i probably you know just do it over ripping high heat like if you did want to go that route or alternatively would be reverse searing again you're cooking it for a longer time at a at a slow heat so you let it break down so those are probably the top two that i would go for all right let's get a bunch of this and then get some slide this over here some fried onions on there a little coriander so definitely not a super traditional chicken biryani but for me i think this is the fun part about cooking is like testing out different methods on classic dishes all right let's go in for the kill here do so uh [Music] drink oh i think my favorite thing about like obviously the flavors are super interesting because there's so many different spices in there but i love the texture of the rice it's one of those dishes where i could eat like just the rice and just eat copious amounts of it like i typically do anyway but it's a fun dish to make if you're looking for a recipe like i mean i did i did one but there's there's so many different varieties all around like everyone's gonna have their own way of doing it their way different spices and all that but letting everything cook together and then using that basmati rice that for me is i feel like i've never had a bad bitter yani i don't think that day will ever come either then with the mayo marinade i do list i do miss a little bit of the tanginess from using yogurt but again that's part of like the cooking process is trying out different things something something to consider but i mean it still works really well maybe i could have added some lemon juice or something to give it's a little bit more a little bit more vibrance but it's good supposed to eat it by hand yeah uh can you do a knife show sharpening video it's already at 320 grit i actually have one um it's not like a full demo tutorial but i have one on how to fix a chipped chef's knife it's another older video for sure and then obviously you could use bone uh you don't use bone in but it's kind of fun to use bone in i think plus it just comes clean off but i definitely think this is a fun method to do uh biryani right i mean it depends on what you have in your kitchen like if you don't have a big casserole dish or if you have a smaller kitchen i would say this is probably easier like it's fairly easy to do so and what's great about this is i mean it makes a lot i mean this is like this is a lot of food right there like this is this is a number of meals i would say where are the pickled onions actually i almost always do add pickled onions when i eat when i make it biryani for myself and make it i forgot about that and actually this is like the perfect way to get like i said i was kind of missing some acidity a little tang um i don't think i have a favorite video um tin man beer biryani changes by regional one yeah yeah oh yeah one thousand percent oh are people saying i culturally appropriate it yeah i never understand like the uh like i'm not saying this is traditional or i'm not saying it's my recipe i'm saying it's inspired by chicken biryani like that's that's all i'm saying i'm not not trying to like say this is mine like i just inspired by it and i used i made it in a different way that i've not seen made before maybe some other people do make it like this so yeah i mean because really all food like is fusion or has been like that's how it is like it's it's that's what food is it is like a fusion of over the time you know everything changes you learn about some new technique from here and someone takes it from there like it's it's thing like i'm not trying to say this is this is my like i've made this or like i invented this absolutely not any upcoming videos look out for it yes a cookie video on sunday i think and then uh pierogi video a couple days after that hopefully daniel i appreciate the super chat much appreciated uh do you have a link for those round plastics um yeah there's they're on amazon but yeah i think people in europe have been having trouble i don't know if they ship from the link that i have yeah if you look up deli containers that's what they that's what they're known as but yeah um that is gonna wrap it up for the stream everybody hopefully uh you had some fun you learned a little bit of something maybe make something like this for yourself um i have the ingredients on that notion page if you do want to test it out i don't i don't have like specific measurements i this was kind of more of an eyeball i kind of just got the idea for it and was like yeah let's just let's just do it on live stream um but hopefully this gives you some ideas on what you can do and what you can make for yourself or if you do want a specific recipe just check out i do have a biryani video that you guys can all check out too but yeah um like and this stream will be up i'll leave it up on the channel if you guys do want to come back to it watch it chill out or whatever but other than that hopefully everyone has a good rest of their day and uh yeah like i said new video sunday another video before that and then i think we'll do a stream on christmas eve or christmas day so mark that on your calendar and uh yeah so appreciate everybody have a good rest of day peace do
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 41,322
Rating: 4.8964524 out of 5
Keywords: Ethan Chlebowski, cooking live stream
Id: VRNIufh_XKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 10sec (6250 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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