Live SEO Audit for Ecommerce Website

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hey what's up youtube welcome back to the channel where we teach you how to grow your brands with search traffic uh this is jaden here and today we'll be doing a audit for one of our potential clients and as you know if you're watching the video you should know that whenever i want to work with a client i will always provide some sort of value up front first so usually it's in the form of audit so in this video you're going to learn how i do audits for all of my potential clients who are almost almost all of my potential clients so this is a e-commerce site which is called books books okay books ball box okay whatever it is it is a e-commerce site so what we do it will bring up our template okay that we use which is kind of edited uh from ryan stewart's um template that he has so if you have not checked him out highly recommend to go check him out it's a really good guy super informative about seo so kind of model his template and then edited it uh quite a lot actually to become my own so that's the template i use for all of my clients so let's find so this is it so once we got a template open up i'm gonna go ahead and open up screaming frog okay and if you don't know what screaming frog is screaming frog is a crawler that goes to your website and crawl all of your website pages and um basically everything that is happening behind your website and then kind of tells you what um what's the error what areas you need to fix and stuff like that so i'll go and plug this in and then i will start with crawl now this page right this website they have it's kind of heavy uh in a sense that they have more than um i think over 200 plus pages that's getting indexed so it might be a longer crawl so you're gonna learn how to crawl a big website or learn how to audit a big e-commerce site so if you have a big e-commerce site you know i think you're going to learn something from this so while this is crawling right so it's going to take some time all this is crawling i'm going to go and take a look at some of the things that i can help them with so let's just take a look at the side this is okay let's go to gt matrix just to see the site speed and stuff like that okay just to kind of test the site speed and what i like to do is i like to modify this draft and then make it kind of customized because clients like that and then what i like to do is i like to insert one which is um let's just call this initial findings okay and let's just see so site speed let's just take a look whether it is mobile friendly so if you wanna you wanna check for site speed for your website just go to gg matrix okay and type in your url like what i what i did over here and then you will you will see they will give you the website speed and uh let's go over to google um a mobile friendly test this is to test whether is the page mobile friendly okay oh this is not good okay so usually when i see things like that right what i want to do is i want to list down they sit down page okay notes page speed okay page speed and now i just kind of want to paste it up paste the information here and then this is not good so whenever i see a result that is not good what i like to do is i like to cross check it to make sure that this data is correct so i will go to another data speed testing tool which is called google page speed inside there it is and then do the same copy paste the url in okay and then we just kind of wait we want to kind of wait on that okay and then while this is fetching so this is just a let me close this so this is just right off the bat what we see um based on a overview of the website just to kind of see you know the feel of the website in terms of seo is it good this is not good okay okay seems like a normal so let's just go to the uh so they have shop collections a lot more so design is really nice okay let's just go and take a look so this is not good too so you want to do is copy paste it here okay speed index 32 seconds your page speed is way slow so i kind of want to just make this a bit nicer notes and no this doesn't look good so let me just give this a darker color and then um um status okay and then this is just red okay kind of just show them that you know it's not good okay so once once this is confirmed right then it's all good to go okay and then what i like to do is okay so the page it's okay partially loaded that's weird it might be because of their long waiting long load time so i want to check one of their product pages because with e-commerce site their product pages are most one of the most important pages so let me just go to let's see name aim first walkers let's go to new that's good this and then just kind of want to plug this in and see whether is that page mobile friendly because some of the time you'll notice that your home page is optimized for mobile but the important pages like in this case for e-commerce site mobile pages are important so you just want to check for mobile to see whether um they are optimized for mobile so while that is loading this is not good so one thing we have already identified is the page loading speed is very slow um 7 32 like their mobile loading speed is super slow okay so that's that now let's just take a look let's take a look at our screaming frog crawl and this is still 20 plus percent okay i don't think you can see my screaming crawl okay but i just wanna just wanna just wanna show you that okay let me change the settings stop here that's my beautiful face let's go to share screen okay now you should be able to see my screaming for crawl okay so while this is crawling let's go back so page is mobile friendly awesome okay then let me just go and see some other important stuff like um http status kind i just want to see whether it's redirecting which seems to be okay okay and then we're gonna want to do without the s okay so seems good now let's just take a look at so it seems like a website is loading fine on here on on desktop but not on mobile which is weird okay let me see yeah it's loading quickly in the sense i i like that design by the way but it's loading quickly in a sense that on desktop though so this is weird okay what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do one more page speed test okay and um what's that um it's called web page speed or something i forget what is it yeah web page test okay and then just kind of want to select us because that's where they are and then plug in your website so what you want to do is you want to just make sure the data that all these tools are giving you it's more or less correct and how you do that is by getting a aggregate of you know different tests and different results from different places so you can kind of have a rough average okay because some of the times the tools give you wrong data and that can really mess up your whole campaign give you wrong um information to work on and stuff like that okay but it seems like the mobile is working fine but not not the but the desktop version is working fine but not the mobile version so let's just test this first and let's see microscoping for crawl okay so it's about done so once i'm done with screening fro right what i'll do is i'll extract all these data out i'll export all this data out and then i will go i'll bring it into my audit where i have certain settings that is already set up here okay well this is testing okay let's just see so let's take a look at their robot stop text wow okay oh i don't like this do not crawl search pages and not seo optimized catalog links so i think this is um they set this up by themselves do not crawl check out and user account yup so this is a correct correct one magento seo do not cross sub category pages okay size okay i'm gonna check this okay how i check this it's just good to see whether is it picking up so i want to go to so let me just paste this and then go to the website then paste it again and then now let me do a site colon search so yeah so that's good no sizes showing up which is good and let's just see yeah so it's taking like 20 seconds and this is on which is weird because it's showing me that's relatively fast okay unless this is cache so what i want to do is open up incognito yep it's working fine yeah so i'm not so sure about that it might be because of the place that i'm in but it seems like it's not good okay let me just run this again re-test case it shows 10 10 over seconds but let me see whether it's the same result and again i can ask them to do a run on their own like i can ask them to do the test on their own yeah and let's see so this is about done okay let's check out their sitemap gateway let's just go and see the robots of text do not crawl print product pages okay so server settings okay so they have purposely you know crawl check out yeah so they've purposely indicated some of the um crawl settings here which is good now what i want to check it's are they missing out on any stuff how i do that is checking say dates okay so there hmm so this is a category page okay so what i like to do right is i like to just check oh this is not good okay so this is a um um a url that you do not want and this better be canonical could not co yep so it's canonical yeah so this is good because what essentially is happening right now is this is a page nation and even though it's getting indexed but there's a code here that says you know canonical to this page over here and if i'm not wrong i think they have a real equal text or a next text let's see next page yeah so they have a rel equal next yeah so i guess having a canonical will be good enough for them canonical and that's what you want to see right so if you click on this page so essentially what you're telling google is that's telling google this page don't bother about this page just worry about this this page this is the main page so what i like to do with this category page it's i like to see whether is there a self canonical so it's having a self canonical and then what i like to do is i like to um kind of just see whether is this page getting any sort of traffic because if it's not then we can either think about you know um creating a yeah so it's not getting any traffic right so we can think about um we can think about whether do we want to rank this page for anything and if not we can have the choice of no indexing this and the reason why is because it's not bringing in any traffic it's not bringing any traffic for this particular page right or in a sense that we can leave this as is this is not the most important right now yeah and let's just see this probably is getting indexed yep block category lifestyle oh yeah so these are the page nations uh they can probably get google to remove this but it's not that big of a deal not that big of a deal okay so some of the category pages can be next um okay let's just see post why is that url struct oh this is the breadcrumb yeah but the url structure is a bit weird though because generally you want a url structure to be you know you can do without a post to be honest you're wasting space here with your url structure you want it to be as optimized as short clear concise as much as possible so having a pose here is not that that's that good practice unless you are either canonical them somewhere which is weird as well yep so and let's just see right so let's just see how this particular page is ranking okay is that is it getting any sort of traffic because most of the time if it is we can just optimize the url structure and remove away the post and it could be ranking for something else so we asked ma real wow okay the page title is way too long so already i'm noticing a few things right the page title is too long the url structure is not not optimized let's see what keywords this is ranking for so they're not ranking for basically anything is this getting any traffic is this getting any referring domains no so essentially this page is not this is a new page ah okay so this is a theme page right so that's what we'll do later on we'll find out all the pages that has team pages in content and this page is 2018 so we can either do without this or you know make it rank for something but either way we don't want it to be you know on the website or on google without you know this is essentially not doing anything it's not getting any links not getting any traffic huh okay so it's 7.9 seconds now which is slightly faster but still not the best okay so let's just keep this okay so let's go so school so s screaming fox is done let's just export this save this okay and i just kind of want to note this down here um block url structure not optimized okay so your structure is not optimized and then let's go take a look um fin content issues okay which is essentially the same okay now let's go take a look okay just to make sure let's see whether is it is canonical is there no index tag here no so this is getting indexed okay so now that we have done with the all right so one thing that you can do straight away right if you are using screaming frog you can straight we go down and you can see the response code over here no response code um you can see what things are being blocked by robots which is um not really really that important so what you want to look at is you want to look at a url okay there's some weird url over here but again this is not indexed so you don't have to worry so much about that um uppercase not index don't have to worry so much about that and then now you look at the page title so what i like what i really like about screaming frog is it tells you um the supposed page titles you need to have so for example in this case look there's 83 duplicate titles okay and if i filter by indexability okay all this is duplicate duplicate page titles right yeah so all these are duplicate page titles so whenever you have duplicate content on your website and google notices it which they do you're gonna not um uh you know google isn't gonna like duplicate content so let's just put it that way google doesn't like anything that's duplicated google likes unique whether is it internal or external and yeah so there's already a few duplicate contents over here and then we have similarly over here over here yeah so new season and all these are indexable so let's just go and take a look at one example over here okay if i copy this and i paste this here okay now i want to look whether do they have okay whether do they have any sort of canonical okay new season kit okay so it's having a self canonical now let's see whether is this page ranking for anything okay because if it's not right so this page is not ranking for anything so unless you want this page to rank for something then my suggestion is you can do and no index to it because this is essentially not going to serve anything it's not selling anything okay so again not the biggest issue that i'll do what i'll do is go for those low hanging fruits first so let me just so again you can see that there's a lot like same with page titles with meta description uh meta keywords they don't need to have manage meta keywords but i don't know why they have it so they can just remove this um hater one text hey the two texts and stuff like that okay so what you need to do now it's why am i closing all these tabs okay so i've already exported this so i'm going to open up my exports okay and then what i'm going to do is this i'm going to copy go to my template okay and i just want to delete this clip actually okay the zoom bar is blocking my view okay let me just uh paste this okay and this is going to be an interesting project to work with because they have over you know they have thousands of of pages right they have yeah a thousand pages so what we want to do now is we want to sort of filter the stuff that we need okay and i'm gonna move this this is irritating as well just um can i move this bar away height video floating height floating meeting controls yeah so that's good now i can just shrink my face okay so so now let's take a look at what things that we need okay so we need the url let's grab the url copy and then we just wanna okay so what i'm noticing right is this sheet has over 10 000 columns which is gonna slow down my whole process so what i'll do is delete away those useless columns okay and then let's just paste this here what the hell just happened wait what what do i do brother oh man what is this i just did some oh okay so i just undo okay so now let's get everything back okay so first of all let's paste the url which is copy then let's just paste this here okay and then next up um status code status code and then we have index or no index indexability flexibility and then we have our current title which is weird because wait what what non-indexable so this is the wrong version right yeah yeah okay okay yeah so for a minute i thought like the homepage doesn't have a page title which is not what you want because ultimately the home page is one of the most important pages so page title length and then so i really have um formatting set up here to tell me whether is this optimized in terms of the characters so let's go to meta description okay the length and we have header one header ones and h1 length and then we have word count now word count is one of uh one very important metric that you can look at because it can straight away tell you which pages are below let me move my face all the way below 500 words or essentially it's telling you which pages are low in word count okay and this is all thousand plus and then my condition for my conditional formatting is not working for some reason let me just see yeah but we can filter that out later so canonical link element this is just to show you where this page is uh being canonical to if it is being canonical at all and this is here canonical link at layman and for some reason right there's some merged pages oh okay doesn't seem that way so let's just copy paste okay so that's done now let's go to what's next um in links and outlinks okay the number of in-links and the number of outlooks so i'm gonna just do this and copy and paste now to run a full fledge um audits right this is this is part of the audit because if i were to run a full-fledged audit i would i will ask for the uh google search console and yeah google analytics just so i can see like the number of impressions and kind of prioritize which um which url they should be looking at first because it will be based on you know which urls is getting the most impressions and the most clicks because that's ideally what you want to optimize first and you want to prioritize first and then you can look at um the ahrefs url rating and the keyword that that page is particularly ranking for what should it be ranking for and stuff like that okay but again i will not go into this because i don't have the relevant data from them so initially this is the first thing that i'll do for them okay so just to make everything nicer i like to make it standardize okay and immediately from here i can already see a few things okay wait a minute uh where is page depth where is it let's see so crawl that so we've crawled that right it will kind of show you how how far away is that page and generally you don't want the page to be too far for people to navigate so it needs to be like within two clicks you want to give people uh what they want okay so let me just move this over here over here okay so that i can see which uh which canonical are they being canonical to the correct place so from here right what we can do is we can kind of look at the status code first okay we can look at some of the status quo they are having so let's take a look at some of their four or four pages so these are all of their four or four pages okay and let's just see is this working okay so this is a 4 4 page [Music] and so what we want to do is we want to just make sure that it's not being indexed okay so in this case it's not being indexed here with four or four pages is okay but you generally want to delete this page away and not that big of a concern let me just double check so this is a 404 page okay and what i would do right is because when when i have a uh google analytics like if i have google analytics or you know google search console setup and when i run a full um analysis for the entire page i can sort of see how much referring domains this have okay and we don't want to just delete the page okay actually i should i should have ran a um yeah so i think what i will do is i will run a block check but that will show my um api okay never mind because essentially what i'll do right is i will run a href check and this is you can do this with screaming frog as well and you need a you need a ahrefs account so that you can link the api from ahrefs to screaming frog and what this does right is it gives you the number of referring domains that this particular page has so before you decide to before you decide to um you know no index i mean not no index but and remove it entirely or you know you can see whether is this pitch getting any sort of links and if it is right you can do a 301 redirect so what i'm going to do here right it's i'm going to put re run rerun screaming rerun audit with analytics okay because you don't want to so so let me just give you an example right if this page okay i don't think this page has any links but let's just see if this page has any link you don't want to no index this okay look this is this has five links right uh yeah look so this has five links right now it's it's it's not doing anything okay so you want to didn't content issues okay and you want to so let me just do re-run the whole audit for this okay rerun audit with analytics to see rerun audio with analytics okay and it's kind of the notes okay again this whole thing can be very flexible right when you create your own template the thing i like is whenever there's a template you don't have to follow it exactly you can sort of decide which matrix you want to look at for your type of own for your seo for how you're going to run seo right because everybody has different seo strategies different people have different things that they look at that they believe that is a major factor so you you wanna you know at the same time some clients they don't want to see they want to see certain specifics or you want to you know deliver certain um factors that they look at then you can sort of um change your template as sm when so it's not a date template in a way so find a url so on do it uh so i'm gonna put this as notes right so i'm gonna put this as notes as check for traffic or referring domains okay and i'm gonna list down all the way here okay and what i want to do right is i want to just make sure that i i listed like this is a table of contents okay so this is one good example okay one good example that i want to show them okay so rerun audit with analytics to check for traffic and referring domains because what's happening right now is four four um um four links right they have four links here but it's just that it's a broken link so unless they are having a canon unless it's 301 redirecting right so let's just check so this is the link okay so this is the post okay and then let's just go and take a look at yeah this is irritating let me hide the floating panel again okay so this is where the link is so let's just this is weird they have a bunch of weird stuff going on here but never mind let's just go and look or look at this one payoff so let's look for anchor tax one payoff right so when i click on one payoff 404 that is not what you want to see right because this is page juice that is not being passed okay so this is one one thing very specific that we found for them which is awesome okay so that's done out of the way now let's go and take a look at three um two pages three or two pages are temporary redirects okay and all these are non-indexable and they are not getting canonical so let's just go and take a look at them whoops okay it's getting redirect to a page that is non-existent okay so let me just put here re-directed to a in to a 404 page okay again this is something that they want to see and they want to just check this again so we run audit okay um just check this no wrap okay so this is weird redirected to a 404 page and i'm guessing this is the same redirecting tool for so one thing i like to check right to see whether is this important is if google is um indexing them because if google is not indexing these pages right then it's not that important but you can still do something with this page right but um ideally it's not uh it's not that important if google is not picking up on this these pages so this is not indexed by google which is cool okay and now what i'll do it's a rerun rerun we run because i i also want to see whether this page has any links before i do anything to it okay and this is not really important to be honest not really important okay and then next we want to go to 301 pages okay and they have a bunch of 301 pages so this is cdn not that important i think so let's go and take a look okay and for these 301 pages right we just want to see whether it's the 301 working well cdn pages are not really that important let me just see yeah so they're getting a bunch of redirects which is okay to be honest just wanna make sure that these redirects are in place properly all right and one more thing i want to check is if this is on google okay which is isn't so that's good to go so with all these three directs we don't have to do anything okay because if they have traffic they're already redirecting if they don't if they have uh referring domains they already they are already being redirected so not too important so all these leave as is lyft assist cdn live assist live live live live and again this is not a enterprise level technical audit right this is like for me this is considered a very basic technical audit because when it comes to a full-blown technical audit for enterprise it's going to cost a lot of money first of all and second of all i don't have the skill set to do it because they go like they dive deep into like specific like cgns and stuff like that so honestly in most cases if your website is not that big like this is a thousand or two thousand uh page website it's not that big to be honest so you don't need to have that kind of technical stuff to implement to really see a jump in um in your organic traffic so i'm gonna lease all this down as leave as is okay and i want to take a look at all these okay so so okay one thing i can do right it's i can sort so this allows me to sort everything and now i can just do this way easier way easier okay because all these are just cdns so i just want to make sure that okay so just do this and paste bro what the hell man paste for everything paste okay now that that's done now let's go and take a look at some of the weird urls that are shown here so for example this one this shows that it's redirecting okay first of all let's check whether is it being indexed okay so dot com slash walking so this is being indexed right now and it says slash walking okay so that's the dash right so that's the dash so that is fine so it says that this is being redirected okay wait a minute so the slash is being read is the slash being redirected all without the slash okay so it's being redirected to without the slash so that is okay um but the one that is being indexed right now is the right one yeah so that's the right one yeah so this is the wrong version so this is good okay and i'm guessing all these slash will be redirect redirected to the right one in a sense so i just have to leave as is okay because it's redirected to okay let me just put this here copy okay redirected and then let's just take a look at this oops okay so this is redirected as well so the redirection is good so leave as is um usually okay so what i will do right is if this particular client is going to be very strict about like they want it to be exactly optimized right what i would do is i will take a look at the redirection because you want to redirect something which is relevant to another link which is relevant so if it makes sense so for example this right now it's redirecting to a walking to another walking url so essentially they're talking about the same thing so relevancy right but if this it's a url about toddler preschooler and it's getting redirect to a new season i walk right so might not be that optimized but again again it's it's way too deep already so i'm just gonna leave it at that okay i'm just gonna leave it at that and is this page indexed yep this page is indexed so that's good to go so we just want to check to see whether are these urls okay so this is not redirecting properly okay let me just check again so kids to new season kids new season and yeah we find another era so look this is getting redirected to a page that is not being in uh it's redirecting to a 404 page so what you want to do over here okay so which wait i'm lost i'm lost okay wait wait just a minute the problem with doing seo is sometimes you open way too many tabs and you just freaking get lost okay so this is redirecting well so leave as is this is the one that is not working kid slash new season so redirected 301 okay so 3 301 [Music] so let's just put a comment here redirected to fall for page okay so this is a 404 page so that's not what you want to do and again if this site has links right or if this site used to have traffic then it's going to be a waste kits okay so this is the correct redirection and then give vouchers okay so how many do this have because if it's too long then i wanna cons okay so it's not that long okay yeah we can go through them so give vouchers uh redirected to gift vouchers so that's good and then let's do this sizing and fitting guide cool sizing empty guy cruising so i'm guessing this is going to be as expected okay why does this has html which is weird their site structure used to be weird because they have like html here so that's weird so at least this is redirecting well okay so this is say redirecting well as well which is good how to stay young okay copy how to prevent summer train okay how to get kids to wear clothes wear shoes okay uh you know what one thing i don't like though it's the url structure like i mentioned earlier right you don't want your url structure to have like block slash post because honestly honestly what i would do my recommendation is just to remove this but again this is a spiral effect because when you remove a when you change your url structure right you kind of have to go to back end and um well i think it's quite easy to set up you can just uh have a indication that whichever that is getting redirected um whichever whenever somebody types in the url like this it gets redirected to the new url just like that so my recommendation is to change the url structure just because it's more optimized but again we'll see we'll see so feed scroll in correct fit okay eh [Music] and it seems like all is good so how many are these okay a few more to go okay so one then let's just check okay five reasons kids go barefoot so over at this phase again just want to re-emphasize we are trying to find out whether are these redirects working and is this redirect going to the correct page or is this redirect not working and going to the wrong page slash baby yup okay so this is done so for all these right you just want to leave as is okay leave as is don't have to do much okay because there's no problem to fix oh no no no yeah okay so this needs to be 301 correctly and then now let's just solve the rest okay so this is getting redirected to a slash okay so it's pretty inconsistent but uh yeah i mean i guess the redirect's still working so let's just put it there so i'm guessing this is gonna be a slash yep yep okay so this is a lot more easier okay okay i walk okay and then let's check okay wait yeah to a dash which is good and then this is just a home page right so https redirect to www.version okay so all is good okay so this side always good so let's just leave as is and again just from this alone right we can already find a few errors like um one technical error over here so the rest we don't have to worry much because it's just a cdn and it's all getting redirected to the home page so we just want to put it in there let's do this and then scroll down and shift paste and for some reason it's not working let's do it again shift haste burrow bro why why you do me like that just go down paste okay so now that's done so this is the whole of 301 structure done and then now what's what we have left with it's live pages right so this is going to be a huge chunk of their current pages huge chunk okay so we also want to filter out the things that we want to see first okay so first of all what we want to look at is we want to look at 200 pages that are non-indexable and kind of see these pages to see whether is this page supposed to be known next or next but in this case it's saying that it is uh index but it shows that it's not indexable okay so that's weird so let's just take a look okay so it's okay so now this is a problem because they have two pages this is two pages this is one page this is the other page so this is canonical to the without slash version and then if i go to this page canonical without slash okay so they have a redundant page over here which i have no idea again this is either you're gonna 301 this or you're gonna this is essentially duplicate page right so what you want to do is you want to go to site and see whether this page is getting indexed and just make sure i'm not the robot okay and look without the dash okay and then this is with the dash okay but uh yeah this is not they have two versions ultimately which is not getting redirected the url is overview wait a minute me just refresh this again oh this uh wait this is the correct one yeah so this is not optimized yeah they have two different versions right now let's just see whether this is 301 no index uh i don't think so so yep so that's that's why we do audits like this because what they have is they have two pages of the same thing okay so this is indexable right so for some reason okay let's just double check again okay because i don't like to be um um i just want to make sure that it's correct so let's just go view page source no index okay so this doesn't have a no index text so this is getting it next okay this is definitely getting index and sometimes it's like that so what i want to do it's uh i want to just jot it down because if this is one page then probably they'll have a few pages that's going to be like that and what i will do right is i will just look at all these non-indexable pages and then once i'm done filtering all this out the rest of the pages i'm gonna mark it as on-page because that's where i will need to do a lot more work but for a free audits that for a complimentary audit i'm not gonna do that much work but this is good enough in in my eyes okay so i'm gonna pause the video for a while and then resume the video after i'm back so okay i'm back let's just continue with this okay so so earlier on okay let me hide this bar again hide floating meeting controls okay okay so we already found a few errors here because this is getting 301 um so you don't want to trio on this because this is essentially two pages yeah and that is not good so even though it's canonicalized it's just there's no reason for so unless this page is getting like there's no reason for to to canonical this page yeah so no reason to the one that's getting indexed is this so i'm not sure so i think um okay let's see let's see is this url getting domains referring domains or any sort of traffic because if it is then you do not want to canonical it you want to redirect it okay in the sense it should be redirecting so i'm not sure why canonical because sometimes google ignores canonical text and sometimes my internet doesn't work so if you like what you see guys if you learn something from this video you know put a thumbs up give the video a like and for more videos like this like you want to learn seo and you want somebody to explain to you slowly i hope i am doing that for you and just click on the subscribe button then i'll be forever grateful you know so yeah hfs is not working okay whatever so i'm gonna just put here um trio currently okay it should be 301 to this page okay and again i want to rerun this because i want to check rerun audit to check for referring domains okay currently duplicate page okay this is a duplicate page okay now let me just try and see can i show you what i'm trying to say over here because if this page is not getting any traffic and it seems like it's ranking for a few keywords okay and i can almost guarantee you the other page it's okay i can't see that okay it's probably ranking for the same keyword and this is getting it yeah wait what so let me do a little bit of digging here so i have this two url node so i have this url the one without the slash and the one with the slash okay both have eight referring domains so if i click on backlinks if i click on backlinks are they coming from the same place most likely they are so 3185 okay and it's going to this it is going to the one without the slash you know what exact url is what i wanted to see i think because that was the prefix so if i change this this is the one that's getting the link this is not getting any link because i think i have my settings wrong yeah so you want to check for the exact url because now this exact url shows that it's not getting any traffic the prefix means prefix means um anything that is after this showing me so this is the right one so look so this is not getting any traffic so you want to just redirect over or i guess canonical is fine but i don't i have no idea why you don't want to connect but like there's no reason to not canonical it i mean not 301 and again i can see for traffic and stuff and stuff but yeah currently duplicate the page is 100 duplicate the page this page is 100 duplicated and this is not um this is not indexable even though it's non-indexable good practice right good practice 2 301 because there's no reason for you to have two pages that like what you do for the previous page right so if you have a page like earlier that we got we went through a lot of um pages that is redirecting so that's what you want to have so let's just go on to the rest okay and this is pages and this is different right because this is more like um this is not a page nation page okay where this is more like a blog post or a page right so this is more like a resource page so resource page you generally just want to 301 it for this for page nation page then it's a bit different right because this is usually canonicalized or there's a real equal text so canonical and this is canonical to the correct page so we kind of just want to leave this as is and why why is because um i mean that's just i i don't know how to how better to explain it i mean it has a bit of things to do with core budget and stuff like that but that's the good practice a good practice to have so and look i don't think this page is being indexed to could be closing girls yeah so this is the correct one being indexed and this is getting canonical let me see sometimes it's too canonical which you don't want to see so right now um yeah so it's it's they're tracking analytics which is good so canonical is done let me go back so this i will leave as is right i will leave it as is because it's already canonical to the to the right page who's in girls let's go okay and then this is more or less the same more or less the same stuff [Music] yep so just want to check yeah the page is loading super slow it's either that or my internet just crap okay again too many pages uh conor nicole so this is the right canonical make sure that this link is working yep and one thing you want to check right is sometimes when you see when you look at this canonical right sometimes you see they have the wrong canonical so you want to canonical to the right place so this is fine so let's put it here and this is probably the same with this page nation page you can you can kind of do this in a inbox um so this is page two and then you can look just to double check the canonical this is without the slash and then if you go this is without a slash so that's good to go okay and again this is new season so let's just do this new season and then this is kind of the same and the same cruising for boys okay page two canonical like this is something that you might find boring but this is what's like this is very needed for a website because if you don't fix your internal stuff if you don't know what's going wrong internally whatever you do um be your own page or your off page it's not going to be fully optimized because there's a lot of think of it this way if you are optimizing your technical stuff first you're kind of receiving a bonus for your um on page and your off page so walking girls walking girls let's see so i can just use this here [Music] new season let's see so because this is a new category so let me just do a spot check okay and then let's just see whether is there no index text i don't have that's good canonical going to i walk okay so this is the right canonical so i walk so now now i can um let's see i want to sort again and then i can kind of do like a bug okay so i can't do this because baby baby girls baby okay so let's do this and then what is this baby imagine rainbow grey okay so this is let's see what this is about so they have baby imagine gray and this is like a product page so this is a variation of a variation of product page so i don't think they are optimizing this page because if they are this is getting canonical so let's just take a look at the pitch source canonical okay so this is getting is what huh this is the problem with um one of the problem with e-commerce sites is when you have a similar pages but i i guess this is what um what they want to do which is totally fine so what is happening right now is they have a canonical tag and economical tech basically tells google that ignore this page okay and i just want to focus on this page right because they are canonical over here canonical imagine rainbow grey right so they're telling google ignore this page they want one please focus this page on here focus focus is here okay and this if they have good practice this will be a self-canonical so yeah so imagine rainbow grey yep so they have a self canonical over here so that is good but the thing is uh i guess this is okay what url am i checking yeah baby gray so this is fine it's fine it's good to go uh one thing i like to check right is to see whether is google picking up on their canonical okay it seems like it is and then let's just check for the main url yep and then one thing i also like to do it's actually i don't have to do it i wanted to check for um to see whether is there any traffic but it's all good yeah so this is when people filter it so i guess that's okay and then imagine so this is the same so again we can do this and basically this is just leave it as it is okay leave it as it is uh let's see love notes milk baby love notes meal okay so again this is another variation of which is a bit weird it's a bit weird so they are ranking for love notes milk so first of all i don't know whether does this even have any search volume maybe there is but i'm not i'm not you know a what a baby shoe expert so i wouldn't know okay so what i like to do right with all this right it's i i need to recheck this because what i would do is i would there's not enough data for me to look at because usually what i'll do is i will take a look at whether is this page even getting any sort of traffic because by right it's not supposed to get any impressions and clicks and if it does then you know you know then i will uh then i will yeah actually i think we can just leave it as it is to be honest because even if it is even if it gets traffic this page is mainly served for um whenever a person you know goes to their shop and then they go to baby and then they go to so this is a navigational link uh url where they are just you know uh customers are just navigating the site and then clicking on this and this and this and then they get redirected here okay but i don't know why they they have this because honestly i don't think they need to because this page unless it's something different right but essentially it's the same page it's the same exact page so i'm not sure why they have two of the same pages i might need to ask them again check for rationale of two pages two same pages okay and this is right so love notes let me let me let me show an example because sometimes you don't know everything with the client's website and you're not supposed to know everything that's the thing you're not supposed to know everything sometimes you need to check because you know if you know everything then you know then you have nowhere to improve on especially when it comes to website like this so this is getting redirected which is okay because this these are paid page nation page so leave it as it is i'm more interested to find out these kind of pages so check for rationale for these kind of pages okay and leave the rest as it is because this page okay what i'm trying to check over here is this page baby slash imagine rainbow milk is the exact same page as i think is the exact same page as this page box imagine rainbow grid because if it's the same page right then they don't have to you know have this have this url here they can just have one url and then don't even bother to canonical unless it's something different so i'm not sure again i'm not sure need to depends on it depends on what is going on with your website okay let's see imagine rainbow okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute am i doing something wrong so uh yeah i think i'm so confused great great oh okay okay i know what's the problem yeah so i pasted the wrong url so i was wondering why is it so different okay so baby imagine rainbow milk and then imagine rainbow milk so let's see whether is there any difference at all so they have essentially the same same page exactly the same it's just that the breadcrumb is different so no idea why and then they have like the same exact you know basically the same thing customers review customers review and this page is not even yeah so i might need to have to ask them check for rationale of two same pages okay if not what i will do is i will just remove one of the page you know because it is almost redundant almost redundant okay unless they want to they want it to be like under here newborn and plane walkers then other baby and then say for example what is that imagine rainbow milk right imagine rainbow milk where is it milk imagine rainbow okay so if i click on this oh this is this is gray dan is going to bring me to here yeah then what's the point of having then there is no point to have this page yeah this this yeah so this there's no point to have this page right because it's essentially the same thing yeah so i might have to check with them i might have to check with them so this i have to check so let's so i'll assume this is the same so i'm gonna assume this is the same and then let's just check this is the correct one navy okay and then these wait a minute so this is another one and then these are block pages which should be canonical to the main blog page which is awesome so again i just want to double check to see whether i've missed anything out okay let's just take a look kernon co all right and this is the blog page right let's just see blog page that's right so that's good to go and yeah so this is leave it as it is block pages leave it as it is alter pages you don't need to index them but we'll take a look so alter pages alter pages alter pages alter pages this is getting redirected to this page okay let me just oh okay so page nation for author pages all the pages generally don't have to be indexed but since they already have it let's just take a look because their author pages might be might be generating some sort of traffic and generally all the pages you don't need to have them indexed i don't know why they're having them indexed no index yep it's getting index canonical so unless they are getting some sort of traffic then i will not do anything with it so right now it seems like it's that way so i'm gonna leave it as it is leave it leave it again leave it to leave it and you want to kind of do this in box because if you do this in boxes a lot easier to manage and yeah so if you do this in box it's easier to manage like what i'm doing right now because they are usually they usually belong to one similar category okay and then now i'll take a look at the category pages okay and this should be so um okay so look the the thing i don't like about this kind of your structure is the block category and design it's way too long canonical so this is going to block slash designs category so this is the okay again too many times opened so this is going to canonical here here here and then i'm gonna leave it as it is it's really don't i'm not liking the url structure though and then this is food health so for health so this is the same right so again you can do this by category and then lifestyle lifestyle then you just kind of want to leave as it is and then this is another what is this month okay so this is a date so usually date you also don't want to canonical it i mean you don't want to index them at all yeah this should be no index though i would not index all these pages but again we need to we need to get more information before we can really make a solid decision to confirm our decision right because this is this this page is useless this page is useless so you don't even have to canonical it you can just index these pages so what i would do it i will just leave it as it is right now for these pages i do not want to leave it as it is i want to i want to same with author pages so what i want to do right is i want to rerun rerun audit with to check traffic and rd okay for author pages alter these two because you don't you don't want to just um the good habit is to know index it to be honest or just ask robots not to crawl them okay so that's what you want to do but uh if they are getting referring domains and you know other stuff then you don't want to you don't want to no index them so this is the same let me just do this rerun rerun um okay what is this so this is block okay so this is just one weird url blog post for family activity ideas and this is recent as well i mean three months ago not that reason but just let's just take a look where is this being canonical to huh there's no point there's no point to have this too no point to waste your core budget like that because what okay um one thing one of the things i know about crore budget of optimizing your core budget it's if you insert a canonical tag what google will do is google will come will still crawl your page and then read your canonical and then decide not to focus on the pitch that is being canonized canonicalized right but if you don't have the page in the first place google will not even crawl this page and read the language and hence you're saving the the amount of time that that bot can do right so that's what i know but uh yeah so i don't really know why again i need to re-audit this and then for cruising this is um category page so pretty much can leave as is leave as is and let's just see so block block commands so this is let's just put here so there's no reason for this to be kind of like no reason for this to be canonicalized or for this to be indexed that i can just that i can say for sure 100 100 let's see cruising cruising and then this is cruising boys and so they have a lot of similar url category pages but uh yeah i'll need more information than that before i can especially for category pages because sometimes category pages rank for something okay what is this i walk okay what is yeah look so this is another thing that i wanna so this this is another issue over here yeah so you don't have to canonical it this is wasting your core budget right you have two similar pages just delete them or redirect them you know or you know just just delete okay we run and check for it is not good for crawl budget okay then just come on similarly and then same with this and then so this is probably like a resource page yep so this is the same okay reordered and this is a very very thorough detail uh detail audit okay so let's just take a look so kids plus um wait okay okay so i got it wrong so this is the page and then this is the kids plus run audit kids plus kids plus i walk i walk okay so this is probably gonna be a page nation page so we're gonna just leave it here leave it here boys leave it here girls leave it here then this is a girl and same with page nation page like these right okay what this is is this a category page yeah so this is a category page so again just want to leave this like that like that and then leave as is manufacturing okay so this is another resource page that is having the same issue right so yep same issue as this so i'm gonna just paste it and you can by running all this like this you can kind of see like um what is the main issue that the website is having live as is i'm gonna leave all this as is okay and then i walk okay so this is another page nation page i walk and this is uh similar to this page nations page nation um this is another resource page rerun audit and what is this yeah so this is the one i saw earlier right rerun audit to check okay yep so yep and then so basically they have a bunch of resources page that is wasting core budget right now because of you know canonicaling so all these um page nation page i'm just gonna leave as is so page nation page you can see like p equals p equals these are page nation pages so let me just solve this okay and this is the same okay and then we have down to a few final urls okay and then we can kind of let the potential client know that you know hey we've done this work for you identify a bunch of things that you can fix what do you think and what is this so yeah they kind of this is the same as what we found earlier on which is check for rationale for two pages so their problems are usually classified in groups because they are pages and what they do with their pages are usually classified in groups too so it's going to do that i'm going to do that okay and then this is uh page nation so page nation i'm gonna leave it as it is leave it as is walking and girls okay and what is this similarly check for the rationale of two pages explorer yep so run audit and rerun audit and basically yeah so that's it so that is all for um the current pages that we'll be doing and the next up will be all the live pages and all these live pages right it's going to take a lot of work okay it's going to take a lot of work and the reason why is because we need to go into every single one of them we need to you know um we need to get more information before we can do anything so i'm going to put rerun audit re-run audit with analytics okay so this is what i yeah i shouldn't have scrolled but i'm in too deep i should have just pressed shift okay done okay rerun audit and the reason why is because before i even go in and check right so i can i can show them like um the page titles they have okay um and then and then i just want to kind of show them exactly like what things that they can work on like you know here we can already see like page titles um meta description length you know h1 length and then we can see pages with lower account okay and they don't have pages that has low account which is good which is awesome okay but we also don't want them to have fluff content so what's gonna happen right it's uh sideliner okay what's gonna happen most of the time is for e-commerce sites very very very common you will see a lot of duplicate content and because slideliner only allows me to scroll like a few pages but i'm just gonna see so this is a tool that you can use to find duplicate content on on your own website and it allows you to i think it allows you to crawl 500 urls or 200 i'm not sure kind of forgot but uh yeah 250. the siteliner premium lets you scan advanced options and blah blah blah how much is the okay i don't know how much is it but you don't want to have duplicate content and usually with e-commerce sites you're going to have a lot of duplicate content usually so whenever remember whenever you have duplicate stuff on your website when google cross your site they're not gonna like it so just and how you can do that right it's by just looking at um some of the page titles that you have and stuff like that to make sure that they are not duplicate from a top down perspective and yeah so it's already at 17 20 so it's going up so that's just what we want to see and yeah and then while this is crawling yeah this is not going to do us much good not going to do as much good okay because what they will need to do is then they will need to go in and change a lot of their their content okay and that's what i highly recommend but sometimes it takes too much time so that's the reason why we need different analytics we need these numbers to come in because then we'll know which page we need to optimize instead of you know fixing everything and anything okay and that's why we need to run a more thorough audit for this so what i'm going to do right it's i'm just going to leave it at here i'm going to close this and then i'm going to save this and what i'm going to do is i'm going to reach out to them i'm just going to let them know that we've done this audit and see what they have to say okay and i hope you've learned something from this video if you like videos like this if you want to learn how to grow your brand with such traffic with google subscribe for future future for future videos um and whenever i post the video you'll get notified straight away and let me know what kind of videos or what kind of things that you want to see or you want me to elaborate on okay and then that's all till then stay safe and uh bye-bye
Channel: Jaden Oh
Views: 2,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo audit, seo for e-commerce, e-commerce seo, ecommerce seo tips, ecommerce traffic, ecommerce seo, how to drive traffic to your online store
Id: xpfBVM1v14Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 4sec (5584 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.