Live Rescue: Top 6 Animal Rescues - Part 2 | A&E

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we are on our way to check on a baby  raccoon that is stuck in someone's backyard hi well thanks how are you so he's just  can't figure out how to get out and mom's   not getting him for some reason yeah she  came down twice isn't doing anything to   help and he can't get out yet because our  steps are pretty high so he tries and he   just falls off if it's okay i'd like to take  a look and then i'll come back and figure out   what i'm just a little confused about why  mom's not just picking it up and taking it and he's trying to stand  off it hi baby where's mama   oh boo-boo what are you doing where is your mother baby you sweet baby oh you keep falling through there oh let's  just pick you up and take you maybe he'll   start screaming and mom will come to your  rescue be nice if you would scream for me   hi you're just gonna we're gonna keep  playing this game okay okay monkey come here   oh hi you're feisty that's always  a good sign hi you're so fast hi hi hi i gotcha i gotcha i gotcha i gotcha  you're okay look how cute you are baby raccoons   are the cutest hi are you mad at me i know you're  mad at me i'm sorry look at his cute little   feet and his cute little tail are you the most  perfect creature that's ever lived yes you are   hello baby okay i'll stop torturing you  let's go see if we can find your mama   you can bite me if you want that's what the  gloves are for you do whatever makes you happy but could you scream for me so mama can hear you  mother where are you why aren't you making noise there we go that's what i wanted to  hear perfect thank you right on cue usually that's the sound that will summon mother oh there she is hello do you want your child  doc come take your baby i don't want you to fall   come take your baby oh i don't  want you to fall little monkey there she comes come on there she hissed at me because she doesn't  want me to hurt her baby come get him   oh my god don't run away she's scared  of me come get him come get him   well i would no don't go this way  go towards your mother don't fall good mama good job mother mom came  running at me to protect her baby   which caused me to jump back in horror and  now they've been reunited and everybody lives   happily ever after and i didn't get attacked  by a raccoon so that couldn't have gone better we got an animal rescue a cat is stuck in a tree   the gentleman who called it in is gonna be  waiting for us he's wearing a dallas cowboys hat   blue shirt navy blue shorts go cowboys  cowboys fan found a cat in a tree he's   probably looking for a super bowl ring  for the cowboys huh those are hard to find go niners it's an urban legend the  firemen go on cats and trees all the time   it was the last time when we had jeff three years  ago i could pull it up my phone yeah comment   yeah oftentimes me we make it worse yeah usually  when we go to get them the cats get scared and run   higher up in the tree he's at the very top though  very top what you doing trying to save a cat state   are you the cowboys fan yes i am well you out here  looking here for a super bowl trophy or what can   you find a cabin tree instead must be a patriots  fan no come on niners man is that your cat no   that's somebody cat man we just happened to see a  tag on him and up there you know little young man   that showed us uh how long has he been up there  i don't know he looked like he's stuck up here that ain't gonna do it huh it's  times like this that do try me fire dispatch engine 56 can  you start me a truck code too go away trying to wake the truck up yeah  so cat's in the tree cat's not coming down   so we'll get one of our truck companies with the  big aerial ladder on top and uh they can put it   right up there and they'll be able to get the cat  out of the tree we're gonna hang tight until then tell him to make a hoop with  his arms and shoot a basket   watch he'll make a hoop with his arms he can shoot  a basket at him try it again use the backboard he's going to take one of the faces john cena yeah jeff you hear that i've ever seen  john cena i look like john cena all right hey look   can we catch it no you won't be able to catch  it sweetie we're gonna we're gonna get it okay oh sorry that thing might get spooked and jumped   but we're gonna do our best we'll get as close  as we can and try and get that down safely that's why we gave him a pillowcase  they got the ladder up there   fresh went up was able to uh get the cat down  fine and uh we'll try and figure out if we   can find an owner i think it'll be close  kids are gonna go play basketball and uh   we're off to the next one yes you can get a  picture of the fire truck go do that all right so we are on our way to pick up a dog  that spent the night with a good samaritan   they found him last night and they were  kind enough to let him crash at their house   it's gonna be a little scruffy dude that we  get to meet so i love little scruffy boys   they're my favorite we'll see what happens oh my goodness you're even cuter than  i imagined you'd be hello handsome   hi booboo you're so cute hi well thanks how are  you guys doing oh my goodness you're my favorite   hello bubba i think you lost because they were  standing around for a while shall let them out now   yeah go ahead hi monkey oh my goodness did you  find the nicest place to spend the night you lucky   baby gave him some chicken and water and i need a  blanket and he just left here throughout the night   i'll play with him oh thank you for looking after  him he's very lucky yeah they kept you safe so i'm   gonna see if he has a chip let's hope for the best  maybe somebody's looking for you huh little monkey   oh no are you growling you don't like this okay we  won't have to do it anymore but unfortunately our   little friend does not have a chip so he will be  coming with us thank you so much and if you guys   hear of a dog missing that matches the description  and have them call us okay i'm assuming that he   belongs to someone because he's obviously been  on a leash before he's friendly he feels clean   hi baby are we friends now hi little monkey yes  you know i'm a sucker for a little wiry-haired boy   yeah i sure am all right let's go  in the car bubba we'll take our time we're out of the sun you get to take a nap come  on bubba no i know it's scary bubba i know it's   scary it's okay it's okay to be scared we  all get scared sometimes okay we're gonna   try again it's only gonna be scary for a second  i promise okay come on come on come on come on see that wasn't so bad oh come on baby boy  it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay   oh bubba and you can see how conflicted he  is cause he wants to be my friend but he also   doesn't want to be picked up he doesn't want to be  in the van um so he's just stressed out he's had a   rough day we all can relate to having a rough day  sometimes i wish i could bite people so i get it   hey monkey we're gonna try again okay  really quick really quick come on   okay we're gonna put you on a little on a catch  pull so you don't hurt yourself okay come on it's okay bubba it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay love it's okay come on up we  go see it's over now it's over it's over bubba he's safely in there um my big concern is that  if he breaks skin or something like that he could   potentially be harder to adopt out you know we  all have bad days where we don't act like our best   selves and i don't want it to determine his future  when we get back to the shelter i'm just gonna   put him right in the kennel in a nice quiet room  with some treats and give them some time to chill we are going to what i was told is either   a skunk or a raccoon we're not really  sure stuck in a fence in a backyard all right so let's go see how you called  about the skunks i caught before okay oh the raccoons they are raccoons okay so one is stuck um we definitely need mom to  back off yeah so it's um it's mom and three   babies and one of the babies is stuck so if the  little guy is injured i'll take him but otherwise   i'll just let him go your little  leg huh i know you're okay let's see   so this little guy has one of his legs stuck  in between the slats and the problem is since he's slipped down quite a bit yeah they went over next door are you okay  if i tried to pull the bottom of the board   out if that's okay i'm gonna see if i can  grab something and just pop the board off   the bottom because otherwise i don't think  he's gonna get loose let's see if we can at least pry it off enough ain't no baby i'm sorry baby they didn't leave you they're gonna  wait for you don't worry i know it hurts oh let's see how he's using it oh he's putting weight on it when he walks yeah and since mom's still around i think i'm  gonna let him be he's gonna be better off with   her than if we bring him in and try to rehab him  and stuff so that's gonna be the best option for   him is to stay out in the wild this way he's  right back with mom and family and good to go we are going to try and rescue  a cat who's stuck in a car   engine i'm just gonna park right here for now okay we're doing an oil change for one of  my customers car okay we open up the hood   yeah kept hiding under the hood oh yeah i  guess the one the castle was it came out   and now it got underneath the right  that's what they do they go car to car   okay so do we know where  the little fella okay sure   and what i really don't want is him running out  and getting scared and running into this street   that's that's what i don't want you see how furry  that is right there let me look around okay here   let me take a look oh yeah i do see that oh yeah  is this engine hot at all okay all right that's   great we've been parking for days oh okay good  and this is secure okay okay oh look at that whole   thing came out oh all right well it's a good help  let's see oh oh my gosh that did help a bit yeah   hey cat hi hello hey you he's not making  any sound are you hissing are you hissing i'm gonna try to nudge him hey well he is in there  hey buddy you want to move around there's his eye   okay the nice thing now is we  know i know where his head is   if this was a sack of potatoes you just muscle it  out but you just can't do that with a live animal   all right going down the bottom  ready go out come on you can do it all right we gotta come on buddy you gotta  go buddy you got to it's the best way i'm just trying to come on come on boo the  problem is he's gonna run away but at least   we'll deal with that later oh i know you hate  me it's okay it's okay coming out coming out oh my goodness oh you look like you're  a mess hey buddy i'm gonna help you oh oh boy yeah he's a he's back in one of these cars hi is this your  car oh yeah okay all right well this is really   fortunate we think a kitten ran up into your car  he was in an engine at the um gas station right   here and i got him out but then he ran across the  street and like i think he might be in your engine   oh for god's sake okay ready  ready hold on hold on don't move yeah don't put your hands near him   okay can someone get the box that's  right behind me yep it's like a white box all right we're gonna keep your hands away perfect  no on the ground thank you ma'am all right thank   you the poor little fella is i don't think he's  in great condition he's obviously very mobile   but his fur looked really messed up i have  no idea so he is his next stop is we're   gonna take him to the veterinarian i have to  say this is the first time i've ever gotten   the same cat out of two engines  so this is really a bellwether day we're on our way to check on a skunk who has  fallen into a hole so what's interesting about   skunks is that they're very adept at falling  into things they are terrible climbers they   also i believe don't have great vision so i  think their depth perception is a little wonky hi are you peppy yay i'm gonna go park up there  well i mean i don't know i haven't looked i put   a stick down there oh mate climbed up and out of  it i wouldn't be surprised but you want to do it   let me pull up there and then yeah exactly let  me pull up and we'll see what we're dealing with all right oh what the heck still down there yes  he's still down there so oh hi little monkey i   know him he's super cute every night before the  rest is going to get food you're big and wide   no i mean that they're related you're so cute hi sweet pea what you doing  down there did you get stuck that must be it your friend tried to help you with this huh thank you i actually think i'm gonna be  able to just reach in with my arm so i'm   just gonna throw a towel over him scoop him  up and set him free right here hi boo-boo are   you the cutest baby that's ever lived okay  nope tails going up oh he sprayed already it's okay baby we're gonna be okay together  it's okay i know i know i know love it's okay go be free go baby go on bye could have  gone better he as soon as i put the towel   towards him he started spraying so  luckily the towel got most of it um   i'm in an out space right now in outdoor space  so i don't totally smell it on me but once we   get in the car we'll see how bad i stink but he's  free he's uninjured i was able to reach him in   without anything spectacular having to be done  so that was easy hey guys i'm matt eisemann   from live rescue subscribe to a e for more  videos and catch full episodes on
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, live rescue, cops, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, a&e live rescue, live rescue tv show, Top 6 Animal Rescues, live rescue part 2, live rescue compilation, live rescue a&e, watch live rescue, live rescue clips
Id: AkjdgEd6ZxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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