Live Rescue: Returning Lost Items to Their Rightful Owners!

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I had to bail out on the bag in order to save my own life what's up guys Jake here I have a little bit more of a serious video I'd like to share with you all as the weather is warming up I just want to make this video to serve as a warning if you want to go out and enjoy yourself on any Waterway especially here in my hometown of Columbus Georgia on the Chattahoochee River I love it here it is my favorite place to make videos you can catch me nine times out of ten out here having a great time diving but it can be one of the deadliest locations to swim and if you're not careful you can get caught off guard just like these people what you're watching right now are four people and a dog being saved because the water rose without warning they weren't wearing life jackets but they are new to the river so I can understand how that mistake maybe happened every day the water at this river goes from low to high and it's controlled by a dam foreign I'm not making this video to scare anyone from coming out here I think you guys should come out here like I said it's my favorite place in the world it is so beautiful just take those safety precautions wear a PFD check the water release listen for that alarm and if you do all three of those you should be okay but can be very very dangerous and I just wanted to show you this video I'm being very serious these people almost lost their lives and I am super grateful to hear today after everything was said and done I let everyone catch their breath and I went up to Natalie and Mark these are two individuals who had to swim for their life asked them what happened if they were okay and then I asked if they lost anything because you guys know what I love to do I love to find things and give it back to the owners for free sure enough Mark had to drop his backpack full of passports IDs wallets and cell phones stuff that uh you know could be replaced but there's also some things in there that's non-replaceable I'm gonna be honest with you guys when I asked Mark and Natalie to show up to the local education where they lost a backpack they weren't too sure if they wanted to go back in the river and I completely understand this is a spot where they almost lost their lives but I reassured them that it took every safety precaution necessary we got pfds checked the water release schedule we're going to listen to The Alarm just in case you know if that goes off we need to get out there quickly and also I have treasure Joe he's the cameraman but one of my best friends and he's going to keep a special eye on Mark and the water release at every given time you can see it in real time so if anything changes we'll get out of there as quickly as possible so everything should be completely fine and at the worst case you know with our life jackets we'll just Bob down the current so everything's gonna be fine but I will tell you though if you're new to the river it is very intimidating walking out there to the river and I completely understand but Mark was up for it he took on the challenge we went back down there and we went on searching for the backpack foreign so it's kind of hard to explain but this is where the journey started where they needed rescuing so Walton's dog stayed behind as the water rised and he got actually landlocked on this island meanwhile Mark and a few other people went downstream and ended up on another rock so this is the beginning of everything and the backpack should be just right down there so you were over here and then you saw another girl on the other side on the other side with fishnets and her name was Christina her name was Christina she looked sad and then how did you guys get in contact I walked over to her asked her how she was doing she was all right she was listening to some music she had just gotten into a bad fight with her boyfriend so we said hi to her and we were trying to cheer up a little bit Yeah Yeah introduced ourselves and Walt Natalie and I look back to the rocks that we came across and they were gone yeah the the footpath that we took to get out here was completely gone there we didn't hear any sirens and we looked around and noticed that the water was Rising fast but you got caught up yeah and so it pushed me right down and immediately it sunk me under water I'm wondering so this was definitely a little higher much all right and then you're stuck on this rock yeah do you mind if we walk over here yeah find a panther maybe right maybe right here yeah we're right here and this current here was moving much faster so when I tried to swim to that bank here yeah it's a backpack purse it's like a regular backpack but smaller it's leather it's beige unfortunately inside there are two wallets a passport two cell phones keys and apparently a couple handfuls of change if you don't mind me asking what kind of phones did y'all have in a bag uh mine was a a note 10 and hers was an iPhone 12. an iPhone 12. I've never found one yet all right here we go could be my first one this would be a crazy story for the first iPhone 12. all right so listen out for that alarm okay if you see anything all right here we go let's do this thing before we continue this adventure this video is sponsored by ag1 for the past few years I've been focusing on investing in my health and making big changes in my daily routine to help me feel mentally and physically better I've also been using ag1 for the past couple months to help me reach my nutritional goals ag-1 is a nutritional drink that gives you comprehensive daily nutritions like vitamins probiotics and antioxidants all in one drink so it's one scoop once a day and in my opinion I think it's best served with cold water I'm usually super busy you know running around traveling and ag-1 makes the process super easy so now I don't have to worry about packing a whole bunch of supplements while traveling all I need is ag-1 and all it takes for me is about one minute in the morning to prep and I'm ready to go plus ag1 actually tastes really good it has a slight pineapple taste and it's actually really easy to drink since I've been drinking ag1 I've noticed my hair and nails have been growing like crazy I know my hair is really short and now I just got a haircut but take a look at this photo my hair looks completely wild and I feel like ag1 is definitely giving me all the nutrients I need I feel great that I'm getting a lot of nutrition from my ag1 drink to help support my busy life and these drinks prep me and make me feel the best I can about about chasing my goals if you want to try ag1 click my link to get a one year supply of immune supporting vitamin D3 and K2 and 5 individual travel packs free with your first purchase you can't put a price tag on your own health so try it you want to start feeling your best thanks ag1 for sponsoring today's video I really appreciate your support and I honestly love your product but with that said let's get back into the video foreign spots like this if it's an Eddy it's good if it's calm but right where it starts picking up the rocks are pretty smooth so that bag's gonna kind of go so that's checking all the edges right here that little hole is super small so I have a nose that was there well let's check out this spot real quick don't keep an ear out for the alarm so I just searched a little bit the issue I'm having is that the water is super dark and murky and it's also flowing a little faster than usual so kind of hard to pinpoint that backpack but I'm trying my best all right like I said I just recently here's Mark and Natalie they were rescued the other day on the river so this could happen to anyone literally they're just out there low flow walking around no warnings anywhere you know and uh next thing you know the water Rose and they got stuck on Islands it's a scary situation but they made the best of it you made some good calls dropping that bag and inside that bag was some important gear you know they lost some phones a passport some wallets and I know you have a backup phone but you sadly did not I tried my very best to find it for him but there is a good outcome I got something for you so this is my personal phone all right nothing is wrong with it I just reset it and uh so yours oh my gosh thank you thank you I guess you guys for like like first people I talked to when I got out of the water like like now that I understand like you know who you got or what you do like that is so crazy but you guys had such a good heart no thank you I mean it's it's all because of the people watching the videos they all support the videos I'm able to use that money to carry out my dreams to go pick up trash in the water to help people like y'all I have a million other phones but I it needed to be mine so I could reset it I can't get into the other one so you guys might just be wondering why I don't give her one of the ones I found that's why plus you never know someone might reach out and be like that's my phone so that's my personal phone I reset it so uh it should be good to go I think all you gotta do is turn it on and then just set it up how you normally would it is the same carrier so you just take it to your spot and then I think they just put another card in there and get you started so thank you thank you so much you're welcome thank you sorry I couldn't find you guys stuff but if it's I know it's out there and I know one day we will find it and we will Circle back to this video and maybe I'll give you guys that backpack at least it would be a great story so it already is like I said just thankful you guys are here you could have ended bad and uh just always um you know just be careful and this is just a story just for everyone you know whether you're on any body of water make sure you're looking out for everyone because anything can happen at any given moment it's not your fault alarm didn't go off and you know things just happen so it is what it is all right so first time diving back into Chattahoochee this year the water's a little cold it's super murky but I think we can find some incredible things I'm so excited to jump off the wall I'm not too sure how deep it is right here hopefully I don't hit my butt on a rock all right here we go I hit my butt on a rock thank you oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] wow oh yeah so I was walking on the Riverwalk one day and I actually ended up stumbling upon Jake and he was coming up from this bridge area he had the biggest smile on his face and the first thing he said was I found it check it out I did it I found their backpack that was so cool she's gonna be so happy I know so you guys remember these guys a couple weeks ago you know they had a close call at the river you know you guys did drop something very important your passports your phones and I told them I would try my best to find it in the day that we went out I didn't find it you know a tragic situation I think turned positive and I'm gonna show you guys how to put no one oh my gosh does that look familiar check it out real quick y'all's phones are in here too so I think the iPhone will work but I don't think it is so crazy and your passport is in here too and uh it still works it's just a little crinkly there you go oh my gosh this is insane but I didn't think I'd say this again so for people watching that have lost something um that's never seen these kind of videos before can you maybe tell them like um how real this is you know like it does it some people think it's set up sometimes oh no no it's it's 100 real like the and there's a the story behind it is like I had to bail out on the bag in order to save my own life at one point it got so difficult to swim I had to get rid of it and kick off my boots at the same time and you know there was a debate of oh my God we lost passports and phones and what felt was like was our whole life but at the same time I don't know if I would have made it if I kept the bag on so yeah none of this estates this is all 100 legit I know thank you guys I mean I never met you guys before and you're standing next watching him crawl out of the water yeah so like you know that that day was a little rough I looked down and I saw you in tears and you're worried about your boyfriend there and everyone else in the water and I just felt so bad for you guys I was like dang and it looked like maybe you lost something and I'm like I don't know if it's the most appropriate thing to ask and we're like hey did you happen to lose anything and then uh you know you tell me you lost the bag and I was like this is what I made for you know like we're gonna get out there and find this thing thank you so much you guys if you're new to my channel this is our dog treasure and we're gonna celebrate because this was an amazing day by allowing her to swim in the water this is her first time this year the water's cold I'm definitely not getting in she might not get in I'm not too sure we're gonna see though you ready you guys did all right here we go go okay you're ready to go now come on this way this way right now you gotta swim whoa oh my boy don't get me wet come on look we're walking on water we're doing it hey this way okay don't be scared you're okay water is ice cold is it let me help you that's the edge right there treasure that is deep water this is shallow come on good girl this water is so cold I do not know how she's doing it come on Chase let's go wow I got a big stick oh my God see if she likes it come on wow he got me all the way wow okay that was a big stick oh my gosh hope you enjoyed the video if you're new to my channel make sure to subscribe so we can go on our next adventure together also click a like on this video If you enjoyed it if you missed my last one it's on screen check it out I think it's pretty cool but I'll see you guys on my next adventure
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 899,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live rescue, breaking news, search and rescue, rescue mission, rescuing animals, dog rescue, rescue, swimming underwater, helping people, rescue team, scuba diving, snorkeling, freediving, treasure hunting, fish, river monsters, news station, rafting, white water rafting, us news today, world news today, fishing, catfish, searching, helping, police, swimming, underwater, rescuing dog, good samaritan, rescuing people, girl, apple, iphone, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: eT6fHGbzF9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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