Live PD: Most Viewed Moments from Walton County, FL | A&E

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[music playing] We'll be on Laverne Street. It's a red Dodge pickup. This whole not stopping thing is kind of interesting. No, you good. Yeah. Your taillight's not working. That's why I stopped you. Oh, [bleep]. The taillight. You got your license on you? Yes, sir, I do. I stopped him for a tag light, just a minor traffic violation. When I first lit them up, they rolled for quite a bit real slow. Has me kind of thinking, hey, they're hiding something. There's something going on in the vehicle. Nothing in the vehicle that's not supposed to be here or anything? No. OK. No drugs or anything? No. Just the one-- one beer? He doesn't have anything on him? Nah. Do you mind if I search? Check? Yeah. - Go ahead. - Sweet. That'll work. Grab her and step back with me. OK. You're good. Ha ha. That's pretty neat. You don't see many folks carrying their cats out with them. She just stays like that with you? It wasn't that I was just striking up conversation about his cat because I wanted to know about it. Just trying to keep his attention on me and not on my other officers while they're trying to conduct the search. This wax, Holmes, you smell it? No, I didn't smell it. Is this yours? Oh, yeah, man, there's no doubt what that is. Consent was given to me to search the vehicle after I gave him a warning. During that, I found some marijuana wax. Did you forget about it? She'll join me here in a minute. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to-- She is going to join me. Yeah, no, I wasn't trying to-- [laughter] I don't know that I've ever had a cat get that comfortable. You're going to have to turn around and grab her back. There's nothing on you you're not supposed to have? OK. Yeah, I'll let you if you want to put whatever is in there on the hood. You can put them on your head. I'm actually going to check you-- you got drawers on? No or yes? Spread them a little bit more for me. Don't move. Well, he's got something tucked in his rear. You gonna tell me what it is or-- just a pipe? Go ahead and spread your legs a little bit more. Is it actually tucked tucker where it ain't going to come out? [music playing] He's being arrested. Obviously he tried to-- Conceal something? Yeah, conceal it, so he's going to take a ride. You've been very cooperative with us. As such, we're going to write you a notice to appear for the wax. That's a misdemeanor, right? That's a misdemeanor arrest. The law gives us a little leeway where we can make a decision whether to make a physical arrest or issue a citation. Again, he's been cooperative. We had no reason to believe that he wouldn't show up for his court date, and he'll be free to go then. SGT. CORY WEBSTER: Got a report of a reckless driver on the interstate. Looks like now he's getting off here at the exit. [inaudible] 10-50, on it. [bleep] Some [bleep] gas station. How are y'all doing? Traveling? OK. The reason I stopped you is you swerved from the travel lane over into the turn lane there. I got you. All right, can I see your driver's license? All right. You have your insurance or registration with you? How long y'all been driving? 12 hours? All right. I'll be right back with you, OK? I couldn't smell anything while I was at the window, so I don't know if it's alcohol-related. They may just be tired, but they just seem kind of shady. How long you say y'all have been driving? From Virginia? Yeah. OK. All right. You had anything to drink tonight at all? Anything alcoholic? You had a beer earlier? OK. Do you mind stepping out of the car and talking to me for a few minutes? OK. How long ago was it you had that beer? Three hours ago? You just had one beer? Yeah. OK. You mind doing a few exercises for me to see if you're safe to operate the vehicle? OK. Let's see if we can find a decent level spot to do it. All right, take your left foot, put it on the line. All right. All right, take your other right foot-- take your right foot, put it in front of that. Heel to toe. Hold it just like that. Yeah. All right, don't start yet. Let me finish. All right. Forward nine, turn around, then back nine, OK? All right, go ahead. 209 to 339, can you give me 10-51? Turn around? Yep. OK. Nope, cartwheels not necessary. Look. Turn around. Put your hands behind your back. What's that? You didn't perform the exam satisfactorily, and I believe you're under the influence of something. I didn't feel comfortable with his status in turning him over. I feel he's under the influence. Right now, he'll be booked and processed for DUI. Do you mind performing a few exercises to see if we can turn this vehicle over to you? OK. OK. OK, all right. Step over here with the Deputy Laird. He's going to talk to you for a few minutes, OK? OK. Whoa. Ma'am? You OK? All right. Look, it's OK. We don't have to worry about any exercises or tests, OK? She ain't in no shape to take the truck, so I'm going to tow it. OK. Think y'all can standby with it till the tow truck gets here, do a tow sheet for me? Yeah, we can do that. OK. There's a couple of hotels close by. We'll drop you off at whichever one you'd like. I'm not sure how the rates go. That'll be between you and the manager, OK? But we can at least get you there. All right? DEP. CHAD BERNACKI: Just kind of patrolling the area that we call the stretch. It's just a long stretch of highway with nothing on it. No businesses, no gas stations. Got a speed limit of 65, but people tend to come out here and open it up. DISPATCH: 308. It's gonna be a silver Dodge. He's pulling over prior to me even lighting him up, so I'll see what's going on with him. How you doing? DRIVER: I'm doing fine. I just took my seat belt off when you came up here. But you got a cracked tail light. DRIVER: I know. It was like a rock or something that, like, it hit or something when I was back that way. Do you happen to have your license on you? DRIVER: No, sir. - Registration? DRIVER: She has hers. PASSENGER: I have mine. You don't have yours? DRIVER: No. I stopped the vehicle for a minor traffic infraction. While talking to the occupants, you could smell the odor of marijuana. You gotta come back here with me. OK. The reason I asked you out, there is an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Oh, no, no, no, no. So has it been smoked in there? - We don't smoke. - Uh-uh. Somebody else borrow it? I don't smoke. [interposing voices] Is it your vehicle? DRIVER: No. So it's somebody else's vehicle? DRIVER; Yes, it is, and we don't-- me and her don't smoke marijuana. As far as you know, there's nothing in there? No, I promise to God on my son's life, no. We do not smoke marijuana. Well, we'll be spinning our wheels then, but because of the smell, I'm going to search it. There's probable cause to search the vehicle. I promise you, I cleaned this car out. There's no marijuana. What about the owner of the car? DRIVER: Probably. Probably? [chuckles] I wouldn't borrow the car again. [music playing] Well, where y'all coming from? Panama? Yeah. The only thing that's got me kind of concerned would be these right here, because those are normally removed when you purchase the clothes. So if you got that many tags-- DRIVER: The only thing that's in that bag that belongs to her is that fur coat. That's it. That's not-- So where'd all the other stuff come from? DRIVER: It was already in the car. Already in the car? DRIVER: I swear on my son. It was already in the car. Can you take this stuff and just let us go, please? Just take the stuff? DRIVER: I mean, just leave it. Yeah. Here's your shoplifting device. This would be a common shoplifting device. What they do is they'll take a large bag and they'll take tin foil and wrap it up inside, and they'll use the tin foil to block those sensors. Well, there's another purse with somebody's ID. It looks an awful lot like hers. Pretty close to you. Tell him [inaudible] my sister. This is my sister's car. This is her stuff. I'm telling you. So is [bleep] driver's license suspended? I don't know. I believe this ID is you, and I'm going to ask you specifically, looking at this ID, is that you? You need a few minutes to figure out if this is you? I'm confused. Listen, you've been very cooperative. She has four warrants for similar type offenses as this. $20,000 bond. With a $20,000 bond, so this isn't obviously the first time. She's a pretty big player in these offenses. [sirens] [music playing] This car's been yanking back and forth all over the place. I mean, it's accelerating heavily and tailgating. This person's driving horrible. [music continues] WOMAN: I'm sorry. I'm so ready to go home. I'm so sleepy. Sleepy? WOMAN: Yeah, sleepy. I just got-- You're all over the road, tailgating. WOMAN: Oh, my god. It's like some of the worst driving I've seen in a while. WOMAN: Really? You want to take a breathalyzer? I smell alcohol, but-- WOMAN: I swear to God, like I just got my real estate license. How long has it been since you drank? WOMAN: Um, this morning. This morning? WOMAN: Yeah. What are those keys down there? Oh. WOMAN: These aren't keys. Is that O2? Are those like whip-its? WOMAN: Those are from like a party the other night. Y'all were doing whip-its? WOMAN: Yeah, yeah. You weren't doing those while you're driving, huh? WOMAN: Hell, no. The problem with this one with those whip-its, inhale too much, you can actually black out. So I mean, in terms of things, just as dangerous as driving on any other narcotic or controlled substance or alcohol, if not worse, due to the fact that it can cause you to black out. You take any medication or anything besides the-- - No. - No? No. OK. I don't do drugs. I'm not a big drinker. Like, I don't-- OK. Would you be willing to do field sobriety exercises for me? Yeah, sure. When's the last time you did one of those whip-its? Come right here. Just watch your step up over this curb. It was at a festival. Just come over here to this line. All right, come on right here. So you haven't taken anything else? No marijuana or anything recently? Oh, no. How long has that been? Marijuana? Yeah. Marijuana makes me hide in bushes. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000. Don't be sleepy and drive. Pull over and give yourself a break or else you're going to be like this. But you saw me ace those-- was that an ace? No. No? No. Like a B? A B? I wouldn't even give you a B. Those whip-its will get you an immediate high, and then the farther it goes, she's probably going to get better and better, but I mean, in between her driving, to her just getting out of the vehicle being unsteady on her feet, leaning against it. When you put everything together, she'll end up going to jail for DUI here shortly. [dispatch] Go ahead and put your hands behind your back for me. OK. I'm going to place you under arrest for DUI. DUI? Yeah. Everything says you're impaired, OK? Everything? The driving, the contact, and your field sobriety. I'm having a conversation with you right now. Do I sound-- And the problem is, especially with whip-its, the longer it goes, the more coherent and everything you'll sound. The better you'll be. The farther you distance yourself from the last time you took a whip-it. That was like three days ago. Come on over here with me. Can we put her in yours? [music playing] Oh, you got to be kidding me. That's a 100-pack, 50, 50. You're probably looking at 300 whip-its that she had. And I mean, there's a-- I mean, just reaching in there, I just pulled two open ones. She had open ones all-- I mean, where they'd been punched. She had open ones all around her. This, I'll sit in front of a jury on any day. [sirens] We're on patrol in American Farms. It's a high traffic area for methamphetamine and a lot of traffic late at night. We observed this vehicle pass us. He failed to dim his bright lights. Also, he has no tail lights on the vehicle, so we're going to stop him and see what he's got to say. How you doing, sir? Deputy Miller with the Sheriff's office. Yes, sir. The reason I'm stopping you, you failed to dim your bright lights, and also, you have no lights on the rear of the vehicle at all. No, sir. Do you got your driver's license, registration, proof of insurance? OK, why is there a tag on the vehicle if it's not registered? OK. Any guns? Hand grenades? OK. The rear passenger, he's known to carry improvised fire arms. Sir, go ahead and stop for me. Turn around and place your hands on the vehicle real quick. Right now I'm detaining you. It doesn't mean you're going to jail or anything. I'm just detaining you just due to the weapon being right there. OK, step right there with that deputy. It's pretty creative, actually. And it just goes to show you that a firearm can be made out of anything. It doesn't have to necessarily look like the typical firearm. I don't think the AC works anymore. Little fancy way of charging your phone. This is like the modern anti-theft. No one can drive sticks anymore. So the straw that I found back there, tested-- presented positive for meth. Earlier, I asked you about any weapons inside the vehicle, and everybody in the vehicle said no. And upon further review, we've found a homemade shotgun. Is that yours? You forgot it was in there? OK. OK, is there any reason why you haven't just bought a shotgun instead of trying to make one? Don't have the money? There was a red straw found, OK? Inside that red straw, we used a cotton swab, we field tested that, and it tested positive for the presence of methamphetamine. Does that belong to you? OK, who does it belong to? OK. All right, I'll be right back with you, OK? I'm going to push this door closed. Yes, sir. We're going to collect the makeshift firearm and also Deputy Doggette has placed to passenger-- right rear passenger-- under arrest for possession of methamphetamine, and also possession of drug paraphernalia due to the presence of narcotics in the straw, which was in his-- his-- readily accessible to him, and that's where we're at now.
Channel: A&E
Views: 11,558,660
Rating: 4.8169184 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, cops, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police car, police ridealong, live pd full episode, live pd clip, live pd compilation, season 3, taser, hamburger, rural police forces, best of Walton county, most uncooperative suspects, bystanders, live pd show best moments, live pd Walton county, Dan abrams, Walton County, shoplifter, different furry, furry friends, highway
Id: YiEj9mrqTN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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