LIVE Morning Prayer - God Said He is BREAKING Satan's Attack On You RIGHT NOW

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(subtle gospel music) - [Sean] Mighty God we serve on this morning. Mighty God we serve on this morning in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. Mighty God we serve this morning. There's power. There's power in the name of Jesus. There's power. In the name of Jesus. To break every chain. (subtle gospel music) (subtle gospel music) Good morning saints of the most high God. So good to be back on, amen. The Holy ghost spoke to my heart. Listen, so normally every morning we get up early for prayer, me and my wife, to spend time with the Lord and just about a hour ago while as I was just worshiping God spending time in prayer, the Holy ghost said, "Many of my people are under attack. I want you to go and pray with them and I'm going to break that attack off of their lives right now." Listen, just lift your hands to heaven. There is, some of you are under some serious attacks. If I'm talking to you this morning, I want you to talk back to me, let me know if you have been dealing with some unusual complications and difficulties, I want you to talk back to me and say, "Pastor, that's me, I've been dealing with some serious stuff. It seems like every time I try to move forward there's, there's demonic roadblocks in my way, the demonic stuff just hindering me." You know, I want to say this to you people, you know, even the apostle Paul, even the apostle Paul made a statement in the scripture. The apostle Paul said, "Satan hindered us." Satan hindered us and that word, that word hindered means, the word hindered means you are making progress and he, for somehow he, he penetrates your progress, he impedes it and he begin to stall you and slow your progress down. But I feel the Holy ghost this morning, that devil's gonna, he is going to have to get on the way this morning. He is no match for the power of God. I just want your join your faith with me and sing the song, "There is power in the name of Jesus." Sing it with me. ♪ There is power ♪ Come on, lift your hands to heaven. Just lift your hands to heaven, we going all the way with it this morning. Just lift your hands to heaven and forget about everybody around you. Forget about every distraction in your mind. Just lift your hands to heaven. Lift your face to heaven with your eyes closed and sing it with me this morning. ♪ To break every chain ♪ ♪ Break every chain ♪ ♪ Break every chain ♪ This day is going to be different. ♪ To break every chain ♪ Sing it with me, there is power this morning. There is power. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ Sing it church. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus. ♪ ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ To break every chain ♪ ♪ Break every chain ♪ ♪ Break every chain ♪ ♪ To break, to break every chain ♪ Sing it with me this morning. There is power. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ We love you this morning. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ ♪ To break every chain ♪ We love you master. ♪ To break, to break every chain ♪ We love you Lord. There's an army. ♪ 'Cause there's an army rising up ♪ ♪ There's an army ♪ ♪ There's an army rising up ♪ ♪ To break every chain ♪ Can someone just open your mouth and make a bold declaration? Make a bold declaration. No weapon formed against me will be able to prosper and every tongue that rise against us in judgment, we condemn it right now in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. We condemn it in Jesus name. No weapon, no weapon formed against us. No weapon formed against us will be able to prosper and every tongue that rise against us in judgment we condemn it right now, for this is the heritage of the servants of God and their righteousness is of me, says the Lord. Satan, we rebuke you in the name of Jesus. We resist you in the name of Jesus. We plead the blood. You know what? I want you to play that song for me, the blood, it reaches to the highest mountain. Glory to God. ♪ It reaches to the highest mountain ♪ And it flows. ♪ And it flows to the lowest valley ♪ Oh, the blood. ♪ The blood that gives me strength ♪ ♪ From day to day ♪ ♪ It will never lose it's power ♪ The blood that Jesus shed. ♪ The blood that Jesus shed for me ♪ Slow down. ♪ Way back on calvary ♪ ♪ The blood that gives me strength ♪ From day to day. ♪ From day to day ♪ ♪ It will never lose it's power ♪ ♪ It reaches ♪ Sing it with me church! ♪ It reaches to the highest mountain ♪ ♪ And it flows ♪ ♪ And it flows to the lowest valley ♪ ♪ The blood ♪ ♪ The blood that gives me strength ♪ ♪ From day to day ♪ ♪ It will never ♪ It will never lose! ♪ It will never, it will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never, it will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ Sing it with me church, it will never lose. ♪ It will never ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ ♪ It's ♪ ♪ Power ♪ It will never lose. ♪ It will never ♪ ♪ It will never lose ♪ ♪ It will never ♪ Lift your hands to heaven and sing. ♪ It will never ♪ You bout to win! I said you about to win. Can someone type those words? I'm about to win, I'm about to win, I'm about to win. I'm about to win, I'm about to win, I'm about to win. I'm about to win. I'm about to win. I'm about to win. Glory to Jesus. I'm about to win. I'm about to win, I'm about to win. You are about to win. I said, you are about to win. You are about to win, you are about to win. It'll never lose. ♪ It'll never lose ♪ ♪ It's ♪ ♪ Power ♪ God is a good God, he's a good God. Hallelujah. He's a great God. He's a great God. I feel a breakthrough coming. I feel a breakthrough coming here. ♪ By faith, he has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ Sing it church. ♪ 'Cause is a wonderful ♪ Come on and sing it with me this morning. ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He is a great God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do ♪ He can do anything with faith. ♪ With faith ♪ ♪ 'Cause he has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ Sing it. ♪ 'Cause God is a wonderful God ♪ Sing it with me church, God is a good God. ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He is a great God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do anything with faith ♪ ♪ And he has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ God is a wonderful ♪ Sing it with me church, God is a good God. ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He is a great God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do ♪ ♪ Anything faith ♪ ♪ He has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ 'Cause God is a wonderful ♪ ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do anything in faith ♪ ♪ He has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ Sing it church. ♪ 'Cause God is a wonderful ♪ I'm about to read you something, but until then I'm a just sing for a couple more minutes. Oh, the Holy ghost is at work this morning. Why don't you, why don't you just type these words? Everything's going to be all right. Just type those words. Everything's going to be all right. God is still on the throne and everything's going to be all right. Everything's going to be all right. Everything's going to be all right. ♪ Oh God is a wonderful ♪ Sing it with me church, God is a good God. ♪ God is a good God ♪ He's a great God. ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do anything, faith ♪ ♪ He has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ God is a wonderful ♪ Sing it with me this morning. ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He can do anything with faith ♪ ♪ He has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ God is wonderful ♪ Sing it with me this morning, God. ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He's a great God ♪ ♪ He's ♪ Sing it! Come on, put your hands together and help me bless him on this morning. Oh, help me give him praise this morning. ♪ 'Cause he has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ God is a wonderful God ♪ God is a good God! ♪ God is a good God ♪ ♪ He is a great God ♪ ♪ He can do ♪ ♪ With faith ♪ ♪ He has moved so many mountains ♪ ♪ Out of my way ♪ ♪ God is a wonderful God ♪ God is a wonderful God. ♪ God is a wonderful ♪ Praise God. Listen, I want to read something to you this morning. I want to read something to you this morning, glory to God. I just want to tell you in advance, the Holy ghost is going to shut the attacks of the enemy down over your life. In fact, the Holy ghost is already beginning to shut the attacks of the enemy down on your life. Glory to God, glory to Jesus. We love you, Jesus. We love you. Come on, lift your hands to heaven. We love you Jesus. Come on, tell him you love him this morning. We love you, Lord. We love you. We love you. We love you Jesus. We love you Lord. We worship you Jesus. We worship you Jesus. We worship you. We magnify you Lord. We love you Jesus. We worship you Jesus. We put our trust in you Lord. Oh, glory to God. We put our trust in you Jesus. We put our trust in you. There shall no evil. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh that dwelling for he will give his angels charge over you. They will keep you in all your ways. Less you dash your foot against a stone. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus. Listen, I want to read something to you this morning from the book of Isaiah chapter 59. Keep it real soft for me. Isaiah chapter 59 verse 19 from the King James translation of the Bible. I want you to listen to the word of God on this morning. Glory to God, I feel the Holy Ghost here. Listen to the word of God. The Bible says in Isaiah 59 verse 19, "So shall they fare the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the sun." Here it comes, here comes the word of the Lord to you this morning. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood." Now watch this. Now there's a mistranslation here. Most scholars believe that the translators actually put the comma in the wrong place and almost made it seems like the enemy has more power. Let me, let me let me, let's read it the way the translators who made a mistake here, put the comma and then we'll read it the proper away so you can get it. Let's read it. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood." Then they put comma. "The spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." It almost seem like the enemy has an overwhelming force and almost seems like the Holy ghost, the weaker one. But now we're going to put the comma in the right place. "When the enemy shall come in, comma, like a flood the Holy Ghost is going to raise up a standard against him." (speaking in Tongues) I feel a breakthrough coming to somebody. I said like a flood, the Holy ghost will raise a standard against the enemy. Like a flood. Like a flood. The Holy ghost is coming in like a flood. He is coming against an enemy, like a flood like a flood, like a flood, like a flood, like a flood. He is coming against the enemy like a flood. He is raising up a standard against the enemy right now. He is raising up, let me preach for just five minutes here. I said he is raising up a standard against the enemy in your life right now. He is raising it up. Someone shout break, break, break. Someone shout break. I break every demonic attack over your life. Every principality, every power, every ruler of the darkness of this world, every spiritual wickedness in high places, I break it in the name of Jesus. You got to break. You got to break. You are no match for the name of Jesus. Someone shout break, break, break, break, break. Break. Someone shout break. Someone shout break. Shout break. Shout break. Submit yourselves, therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you. Jesus said upon this rock, I'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not, shall not prevail. Shout, devil you can't prevail. You can't prevail. You can't prevail. Hallelujah. Shout break. Shout break. I'm breaking, I break the change. I break the demonic attack. I break the power of witchcraft. I break the spirit of poverty. I break generational curses. I break divorce. I break sexual promiscuousness and sexual perversion. I break it. I break it. I break it. I break it in your life, off of your job, in your finances, in your health, in your relationships, I break it! I break it over your life. This is going to be a different day. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Somebody shout I'll rejoice. I'll rejoice. I'll rejoice. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Glory to God. Glory to Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah, Jesus. I feel lifted, I feel lifted, I feel lifted. I feel weights being lifted. Come on, lift your hands to heaven. I feel that demonic attack is broken. I feel the weights lifting from off your shoulders. Hallelujah. Oh, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Jesus. Mighty God, mighty God. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. ♪ And if our God is for us ♪ Thank you, go straight down. My God. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. ♪ If our God is for us ♪ ♪ What could ever stop us ♪ ♪ If our God is with us ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ If our God is for us this morning. Sing it church. ♪ And if our God is for us ♪ ♪ What could ever stop us ♪ ♪ If our God is with us ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ Sing it with me church. ♪ What could stand against ♪ If our God is for us this morning, and he is, sing it. ♪ And if our God is for us ♪ ♪ What could ever stop us ♪ ♪ If our God is with us ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ Sing it with me church. ♪ What could stand against ♪ If our God is for us. Sing it to him. ♪ And if God is for us ♪ ♪ What could ever stop us ♪ ♪ And if our God is with us ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ Sing it, our God is greater this morning. Come on, let's go with it. ♪ And our God is greater ♪ ♪ And our God is stronger ♪ ♪ God, you are higher than any other ♪ ♪ And our God is healer ♪ ♪ He's awesome in power ♪ ♪ Our God ♪ If our God is for us. ♪ And if our God is for us ♪ Come on, put your hands together and help me praise him. ♪ And if our God is with us ♪ ♪ What could stand against ♪ Sing it to him. ♪ What could stand against ♪ Our God is greater, come on church. ♪ And our God is greater ♪ ♪ And our God is stronger ♪ ♪ God you are higher than any other ♪ ♪ And our God is healer ♪ ♪ He's awesome and power ♪ ♪ Our God ♪ Water you turned into wine, sing it to him. ♪ Water you turned into wine ♪ Open the eyes. ♪ Open the eyes of the blind ♪ ♪ There's no one like you ♪ ♪ None like you ♪ Into the darkness you shine. ♪ Into the darkness you shine ♪ Out of the ashes. ♪ Out of the ashes we rise ♪ ♪ There's no one like you ♪ You're a mighty God. ♪ None like you ♪ Our God is greater, come on. ♪ Our God is greater ♪ ♪ And our God is stronger ♪ ♪ God you are higher than any other ♪ ♪ Our God is healer ♪ ♪ He's awesome and power ♪ ♪ Our God ♪ Sh, listen, just lift your hands to heaven. Just lift your hands to heaven. Me and Pastor Amy just want to cover you in the blood on this morning. You know, the Holy ghost spoke to me about hour and a half ago as I was praying and said, "God's people who are under attack." The Holy ghost said, "I wanna break the attack off of them right now." It's broken. It's broken. Who would say, "Pastor, I feel weights lifted off my shoulder." Come on, talk back to me. Who would say, "Pastor Sean, I feel weights lifting, lifting from off of my shoulder." Glory to God. We cover you in the blood of Jesus this morning. We cover you in the blood of Jesus on this morning, we cover you. We cover you. We cover your family. We release the angels of God to surround you right now. It's going to work out. I hear the Holy ghost saying that to somebody this morning. Listen, it's going to work out. Though you are facing a seemingly impossible situation. Humanly speaking, there is no way out. But looking through the eyes of faith my Bible says for with God, absolutely nothing shall be impossible. Nothing shall be impossible with God. God is on your side this morning. He cares about you. He loves you and he has an awesome plan for your life. The spirit of God's reminded me about something. I want to read something to you in the book of Second Chronicles, chapter 20. You know, later on tonight, we are taking tonight off. We are not doing a broadcast tonight because me and Pastor Amy, we just need rest. Ministry is tough work and you know even though I was supposed to be taking a break today while I was in prayer this morning, the Holy ghost just really stirred my spirit and said, "I know you're tired, son, but I really want you to go on there and pray with some of my people. Some of my people need a breakthrough. They are under attack in every aspect of their lives." And you know, all I know to do is just obey God, is to obey the Holy ghost. He cares about you. When you see God's willing to interrupt somebody's rest and wake them up even though they're tired, that tells you, you mean a lot to God. He is so determined for you to get the word of God. He is so determined to bring you into his presence. You know, the Bible says, in the presence of God, there's fullness of joy at his right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. He cares about you. Don't let the enemy fool you. Oh, the spirit of God's talking to me here. Before I read Second Chronicles, let me say this. The Holy ghost talking to someone. The enemy have really been attacking your minds bad lately. Trying to make you feel as though God doesn't care about you, as though God has forgotten about you, as though this life is not worth living anymore, but the devil's a liar. Come on, someone just type those words. Say devil you're a liar. You're a liar. You're a liar. You're a liar. You're a liar. You're a liar. The devil is a liar. He is a liar and the father of all lies. Come on, somebody. Say devil you're a liar. We don't believe it for a second. We don't believe what you got to say devil, not even for a split second. We rebuke it. Come on. Someone, someone's mind, someone's mine. I feel the Holy ghost pulling down strongholds from out of somebodies mind. Someone was having a severe attack of the enemy. Try to make you feel like God has forgotten about you, but the devil is a liar. Oh, I feel that. (speaking in Tongues) I feel his attack being broken and ripped to shreds. Give me a paper, let me rip it up because the Holy ghost is ripping up that stronghold. He is tearing it up. He is breaking the attack of the enemy off your mind. This is that attack from the enemy that the Holy ghost is ripping it up. He is ripping it up. The Holy ghost is tearing that thing to shreds. He is tearing it to shreds. He is tearing it to shreds. He is tearing it to shreds. He is tearing it to shreds. He's tearing it to shreds. Say, get out of here devil. Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out. We resist you. We pull down every stronghold from out of your mind, every attack of sadness that's trying to stop your joy. You know, the Bible says the joy of the Lord is your strength. The enemy been trying to suck the joy of the Lord out of you. But lift your hands this morning, cause the Holy ghost is delivering you. That attack over your mind is broken. I cast down every imagination and I pull down every stronghold. Every thing in your mind that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, against the word of God, we pull it down. We pull it down. We pull it down. We pull it down. We tear it up in the name of Jesus. We trample it under our feet. We break it off of you. We break it off of you. We break it off of you and off your family, off of your health, off of your finances. We break it off of you. We break it off. We break it off. We break it off. We break it off. Get thee behind me, Satan. Come on, open your mouth and declare it. Say, Satan get behind me. Get behind me. Get behind me in the name of Jesus. Greater is he that's in me, that he that's in the world. No weapon that's formed against me will be able to prosper and every tongue that rise against us in judgment, it shall be condemned. Glory to God. (speaking in Tongues) Oh, glory to Jesus. Glory to God, glory to God. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God, glory to God. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to Jesus. Come on, lift your hands to heaven. Come on, just worship him. My God, my God. Somebody's getting a breakthrough. Someone's getting a breakthrough. Someone's getting a breakthrough. (speaking in Tongues) Someone's getting a breakthrough this morning. That attack is broken. Every evil spirit, we bind you this morning. Every foul and unclean devil from out of hell that's come against you this morning, we bind it. We bind it that's come against your family, against your marriage, against your health, against your finances, against your future, against your job, against your business against your ministry, against your relationships. We bind it, we bind it, we bind it, we bind it. We take authority over you devil in the name of Jesus. Come on, join your faith with me. Let's do spiritual warfare. We trample you under our feet. Every principality, every power, every ruler of the darkness of this world, every generational curse every hex, every spell. Come on, give me my flow. Every hex, every spell, every form of witchcraft. I break it off of you. I break it. Someone shout break, break, break, break, break. I break it off of you. I break it off of you. I break it off in the name of Jesus. I break it off. (speaking in Tongues) That demonic heaviness, that demonic darkness that's been hovering over you, I break it. I see it beginning to run, I see it running, I see it running. I see it running. I see it running. I see it running. God said, keep me running the flow. I see it running. I see demons leaving people's atmosphere. Demons are leaving your houses, your jobs, your businesses, your ministries, your health. I see devils are moving out of the way. (speaking in Tongues) The healing power of God is here. Come on, lay your hands on the part of your body. God's healing people right now. For you are great. People are being healed in their bodies right now. ♪ You do miracles so great ♪ ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ Sing it church. ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ ♪ You are great ♪ ♪ You do miracles so great ♪ ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ ♪ For you are great ♪ Listen, the healing power of the Holy ghost is here this morning. The healing power of God is beginning to flow into people's bodies right now. Just lay your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you, where you need a healing. And you know, I see this. Many of you who have been in severe, severe pain, you are healed right now. The pain is gone. The Holy ghost just broke that pain from off of your body. I mean, broke it off and took it completely out of your body. You fowl devil of infirmity. Loose the people of God, loose them right now. Loose them, loose them, loose them in the name of Jesus. Take your hands from off of their body. Their body is the temple of the Holy ghost, which lives on the inside of them. I curse chronic pain. I curse back pain. Pain in the spine, pain in the tailbone, in the joints, in the neck, in the shoulders. I curse pain caused from, from different types of cancer. Listen, if you are suffering from a type of cancer I just want you to put the type of cancer you are suffering from. There is a healing anointing here. ♪ For you are great ♪ Listen, and I'm going to ask everyone on this broadcast to join faith to believe God to heal you from cancer right now. If you are suffering from a type of cancer, or someone in your family is suffering from a type of cancer or a friend, or an employee, I want you type the type of cancer they have, type their names and we going to rebuke this cancer in the name of Jesus. Sing it with me. ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ ♪ For you are great ♪ ♪ You do miracles so great ♪ ♪ There is no one else ♪ Breast cancer, colon cancer. Just type it in there. We believe in God for you. Stage four throat cancer. Lung cancer, cancerous tumor. Thyroid cancer. Throat and lung cancer, cancer of the bone. More people, colon cancer, cancer of the uterus, cancer of the ovaries. Prostate cancer, cancer of the stomach. Adenoid cystic carcinoma. Cancer of the blood. Just type it in there. More people saying prostate cancer. Bone cancer, liver cancer. Just put it out there. The power of God is here for miracles right now. More people, breast cancer. I see more ovarian cancer. I see that prostate cancer, my father William Cooper. Trust me, the power of God is here. I see that brain cancer, more throat cancer, more stomach cancer, cervical cancer. I see that lung cancer, cancers through the organs in the blood, kidney. I see more of those, muscle cancer. Listen, I'm even seeing someone with cancer of the spine. Let me say this to you. Let me say this to you. In 2015, I had a visitation from the Lord in prayer. God really stirred my spirit strong and we started seeing people heal all the way back in 2002, healed from cancer, actually back in 99 when we first broke into the healing power of God. From 99, we began to see people heal from different types of cancer and in 2015, in my visitation that I had from the Lord, the Lord spoke to me and said, "You about to see even more cases of cancer heal." I see it. I see those things you put in up there. Just keep putting them up there, the different type of cancer, people in your family or you may be suffering it. So God spoke to me in 2015 and said, "Son, you're about to see many more people heal from cancer." I see that, lupus. He said, "You about to see many more people heal from cancer." And you know, I feel that anointing from the Holy ghost right now. Just lift your hands to heaven. I want you to put your eyes on Jesus 'cause only Jesus can heal you and even though I'm focusing on cancer, whatever type of sickness it is that you may have, just type it on the screen is fine. Just type it. Just put it there because we are going to pray for cancer first and then we are going to believe God to heal every single person that's tuning into this broadcast. There's a mighty anointing here. There's a mighty anointing of the Holy ghost. ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ ♪ For you are great ♪ ♪ You do miracles so great ♪ ♪ There is no one else like you ♪ (speaking in Tongues) Listen, I want you to join your faith with me. I want you to expect your miracle to manifest right now. Expect your body to be healed from cancer right now. Expect the pain in your body to leave right now. When we take authority over this devilish cancer and rebuke it, I want you to expect your miracle of healing from cancer to be made manifest in your body right now. Now someone's being healed in the left knee right now, someone's being totally healed in the left knee. I don't know if it's a cancer in the bone there but I know someone's being healed totally in the left knee right now and I mean, you are healed. Come on, join faith with me. You fowl, give me my flow. You fowl devil of cancer, I curse you in the name of Jesus. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. You devilish cancer. You devil of lung cancer. You devil of stomach cancer. You devil of ovarian cancer. You devil of cervical cancer. You devil of liver cancer. You devil of lung cancer. You devil of prostate cancer. You devil of kidney cancer. You devil of bladder cancer. You devil of heart cancer, brain cancer, bone cancer, leukemia cancer. I curse you in the name of Jesus. Cancer of the skin, I take authority over you. Whatever type of cancer it is. You fowl devil of cancer. I bind you in the name of Jesus. I cast you out of that body in the name of Jesus. I command you to loose your stronghold in the name of Jesus. Come out. (speaking in Tongues) Come out of their bodies. Come out of their blood. Come out of their bones. Come out of their internal organs. Come out! Somebody shout, come out! I feel it coming out. Someone shout come out. You fowl devilish cancer. Come out. Come out. Come out. Come out in the name of Jesus. Come out, you can't stay. Come out in the name of Jesus. Come out. Come out of their bodies. Come out. Come out, come out, come out, come out. Come out. Come out. I feel it leaving. I feel the devil of cancer leaving. I feel it coming out of people's bodies. I feel cancer coming out. I feel it leaving. I feel it leaving. Come out. (speaking in Tongues) Come out of that blood. Come out of their spine. Come out of that brains. Come out of their heart. Come out of their lungs. Come out of their legs. Come out, come out, come out. Come out of their spine. Come out of their rib cage. Come out of their stomach. Come out. Come out, come out, come out. Come out, come out, come out. Come out, you can't stay. You can't stay, you can't stay. There's a breakthrough. People are being healed from cancer, people are being healed from cancer and I mean many people. My God, some of you are about to go to the doctor this week. You gonna get a clean report. They ain't gonna be able to find the cancer. Some of you that's been on chemotherapy, you've been in pain but the pain is leaving. The pain is leaving your body in the name of Jesus. You fowl cancer. Come out, come out, come out, come out. Come out. Someone shout, come out. You can't stay. Come out, you can't stay. I come against you in the name of Jesus. Every principality, every power, every ruler of the darkness of this world, every spiritual weakness in high places, every foul devil of infirmity that's causing cancer in people's bodies. I curse you at the roots. I commend you to triumph. I commend you to disappear. I commend you to vanish. Come out. (speaking in Tongues) Come out of their bodies. Come out. Someone shout, come out. Come out. Come out of their bodies. I feel the Holy ghost is pulling cancer out of people's bodies. Come out. I arrest you in the name of Jesus. You've come to steal. You've come to kill. You've come to destroy. But Jesus said, I've come that you can have life and have it more abundantly. You foul cancer, come out. Someone shout, come out. People are being healed from cancer. People are being healed from cancer. Come out. You can't stay. Every trace, every fiber that have cancer in the body, every blood cell that's carrying that demonic cancer come out. I curse you in the name of Jesus. I release you. I break you up. I pull you out of their bodies in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus and at name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. Be healed from that cancer, cancer in the throat, cancer in the stomach, cancer in their lungs, cancer in the prostate, cancer in the bone, cancer in the blood, cancer in the lungs, cancer in the heart, cancer in the kidneys, cancer in the liver, in the stomach, in the uterus, in the ovaries. Glory to God. In the cervix, in the colon, Glory to God, in the pancreas, we pull it out. Come out. You devil of cancer. I feel the Holy ghost working. I feel him working. People are being healed from cancer. My God, tumors are leaving. Tumors are leaving. You can't stay. Say, devil you can't stay. Come out, come out, come out. Come out, come out. Come out, come out, come out. (speaking in Tongues) Come out of their buddies. Come out, come out, come out, come out, come out, come out, come out, come out, come out. Someone shout, come out. I feel it leaving. I feel it leaving. I feel cancer demons leaving. I feel it leaving. I feel cancer cleaning out of people's bodies. Shout, come out, come out, come out, come out. I know the doctors told you, they already giving you up to die. But the Holy ghost want me to prophesy and tell you this morning you shall live and not die. Can someone open your mouth and declare it? Can someone type it? You shall live. Make it personal. Say, I shall live and not die. To declare the works of God. I shall live. I shall live. I shall live. I rebuke the spirit of death from off of you. I rebuke COVID-19. I rebuke blindness. I rebuke deafness. I rebuke dumbness. I rebuke paralysis in your body. I rebuke neuropathy. I rebuke heart disease. I rebuke diabetes. I rebuke high blood pressure. I rebuke low blood pressure. I command you to be healed your body from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. I lift you up before God. I lift you up in the name of Jesus. I command you to be healed. I set you free from every sickness, from every disease in the name of Jesus, I set you free. I set you free this morning. Me and Pastor Amy, our children, we join our faith with you, we command you to be healed in the name of Jesus. Take your miracle. Take your miracle. Take it. Take your miracle. Take it. The power of God is on you. Many of you are being healed right now. Receive it, the breakthrough God told me that was coming for his people this morning, that breakthrough is here. Can someone say, my breakthrough is here. My breakthrough, my breakthrough, my healing breakthrough. It's here, it's here. My knowledge breakthrough. It's here. My financial breakthrough, it's here, it's here, it's here. Your breakthrough. (speaking in Tongues) (speaking in Tongues) (speaking in Tongues) Listen, someone with pain from cancer in the top center part of your stomach, you're being healed from that cancer right now, in the top center part of your stomach. You are being healed from cancer right now. Many of you, pain have left your body. I want you to begin to check your body. There is power. Come on, let's go with it. Come on. I want you to begin to check your bodies right now. Many of you have been healed. Listen, I want you to begin to check your bodies right now in the name of Jesus and I want you to expect your body to be healed. Begin to check your bodies right now, begin to check your body. If you had a tumor there, I want you to feel that area, feel the part of your chest where there was a tumor, check under your arm. My God, the power of God is here. Many people have been healed. ♪ You break ♪ ♪ You break every chain, break every chain ♪ ♪ You break ♪ ♪ Break every chain ♪ Keep looking for it. There is power, sing it. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ There's a breakthrough this morning. Sing it. ♪ There is power in the name of Jesus ♪ There's a breakthrough. ♪ There is power in ♪ If you have family members you know need a miracle from God, invite them on this. Invite them on this live morning prayer broadcast right now. The healing power of the Lord is here. The healing power of the Lord is here. The healing power of the Lord is here. I want you to begin to check your bodies right now because many of you have been healed. Many of you have been healed. The pain have left your body. The pain have left your body. I want you to begin to check your bodies right now. Check it right now and I want you type. I want you to type in this live chat if the pain has left your body. I want you to tell us right now what God has done for you. The power of God is here. The power, delete that, the power of God is here. I want you to block that person. Just go there and, it's all right, let's keep going 'cause God's healing people. I rebuke that in Jesus name. Listen, the power of God is here healing people. People are being healed. People are being healed, begin to testify. Let's go all the way with it. Invite your family members and friends if they need a miracle. I want you to check your bodies right now. I want you to check your bodies and begin to testify. I want you to check your bodies and begin to testify. I want you to check your bodies and begin to testify. I want you to check your bodies and begin to testify. There are over 1600 people with us on this live broadcast because God's moving. God's healing people. He is delivering people. He is setting people free on this morning. I want you to check your bodies. I want you to check your bodies and as soon as you know that the pain in your body is gone, I want you to begin to testify and let us know what God has healed you from this morning. Juanita Jones said, "The pain have left my body." What was the pain caused by Juanita? What was the pain caused by Juanita? Lanny said, "The pain in my shoulder is gone." People are being healed this morning. People are being healed this morning. Nature Oliver said, "No more pain in my back." People are being healed this morning. People are being healed right now in the name of Jesus. People are being healed. People are being healed right now. Listen, I don't know how much more praying you want me to do. I prayed until I can't pray no more this morning. Now we are ready for testimony. Come on, come on, put your testimony up there. Someone said, "Daily God's word said, I am healed." What are you healed from? I want you to be very specific. Kyle Murray said, "My back pain is gone." My back pain is gone. Carinda said, "The pain in my head is gone." Gloria said, "The pain in my back is gone." People are being healed this morning. People are being healed this morning. Many people have been healed. Many people have been healed. Many people have been healed this morning. Angela said, "The pain in my side and back, it's gone." Shavon Royal said, "The pain." Wait a minute. Shavonne said, "The pain in my organs is gone." What was causing that pain in your organs Yuvone? Karen said, "The pain in my foot is gone." Rose said, "The pain is gone." What pain from what Rose? I want y'all to be specific now. Watch this. Amelia said, "No more pain in my back." Velma said, "the pain in my right elbow just left." Jasmine said, "The pain in my head just left." Listen, listen, people are being healed this morning. I want you. Nancy said, "Pain in my lower abdomen is gone." Can you tell us what was causing that pain? Evelyn said, "I'm healed from arthritis in my knees, the stiffness and the pain are gone." Evelyn, how long did you suffer with arthritis? Daily God's word said the pain from the stomach, pain is gone. Jay said, "The chest pain is gone." The chest pain is gone. Listen, people have been healed this morning. A lot of people have been healed. What's that? Ms. Bodie what's that? I am healed breast cancer is gone. What's going on there Mrs. Bodie? Is the pain from the cancer gone? Is there no more pain there? I want you to check real good. Talk to me. Cause people are being healed this morning. People are being healed this morning. People are being healed this morning. Praise God, praise God. The pain in my foot is gone. God's grace. The pain in your back and neck is gone. How long have some of you been dealing with this problem? Many people have been healed. Monique said, "The pain in my stomach is gone." Praise God. Mel said, "My chest pain is gone. I feel like something removed from my body." Glory that God, people are being healed this morning. Praise God. Listen to, Nambalira, the pain has left my back and shoulders. Praise, this is a lot of miracles this morning. Michelle. Michelle said, "The pain in my left leg is gone after having it for several weeks." Lydia said, "The pain in my chest is gone." Leoni said, "The pain in my left breast is gone." Wow. Florence said, "I'm healed from heaviness, discouragement and depression." Praise God. What's that? What's that Tee said, "No, it's completely gone, the pulse feeling in my ear." What pulse feeling in your ear? Give us some specifics. A lot of people healed this morning. Katrina said, "The pain in my head just left." Nina, I had numbness and pain in my right hand. It's gone. Lot of miracles here this morning. A lot of miracles this morning. Sandra, when I woke up I had severe back pain, it's gone, I'm healed. Who's that? Glenda Solomon. I'm not feeling the fibroids, I claim healing in Jesus name. Praise God. Macio, foot, what is that? She said a foot pains, bursa, muscle pain in the legs. It's gone. Praise God. Praise God, praise be to God. Praise God. Many of you, when you go to your doctor, many of you going to get things confirmed. Many people have been healed from cancer this morning. I know this without a doubt, when you go to your doctor they will verify that that cancer is gone from out of your bodies. Rosemary, I've been healed, the pain in my neck and shoulders gone. I got a stroke in my brain and the pain is gone. Rosemary, are you being, are you able to move and have full usage of your body? Why don't you check yourself? You had a stroke and now the pain has gone. Check your, check your hands, your legs. Get up, walk around. See if you have full usage of your body. See if you can do what you couldn't do before Rosemary. We want to hear back from you, Rosemary. A lot of healings this morning, lot of healings on this morning. Pain in my right side gone. Miss Bodie said, "The pain in my entire body, it's gone." Sophia, my headache is gone. Nick, the pain in my shoulder is gone. It was arthritis. How long you had the arthritis? Many people are healed, glory to God. Shana said, "All my pain is gone." Glory to God. Sparkle Free, no more pain in my lower back. Thank you Lord. Can you guys tell me how long y'all been dealing with some of these problems? Can you give me a little more information? I know a lot of miracles happened this morning. No more. Khalisa said, "No more pain in my right knee." Praise be to God. Lots of people healed this morning. I mean, a lot of people are healed this morning. Glory to god. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy out here Lord. ♪ Sing it for me. My God. ♪ Holy, Holy ♪ Praise God. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy. ♪ Just get my attention, all right? Marie said, "The pain in my knee is leaving." Praise God. What's that Sammy? Mary said, "The pain in my back is gone." Praise the Lord. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy ♪ Sing it with me. ♪ Holy ♪ Claudette said, "The pain in my neck and back, it's gone." Lost the pain in my knee, it's gone. ♪ Holy are you Lord ♪ Peggy said, "This is Peggy, I am healed. I had pains all over my body. Thank you Jesus." Claudina said, "Amen, my pain in my stomach has gone." Glory to God. Madeth said, "The pain in my shoulder is gone and the pain from my head, it's gone." Pam, the pain in my right elbow is gone. Glory to God. Del Rosa, the pain from my back is gone and from my left knee also, it's gone. Glory to God. Glory to God, glory to God. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ Listen, listen, hold on, hold on. This is Ms. Bodie. Ms. Bodie said, "The pain from my left breast cancer is gone, I have no more pain. I feel delivered, no more pain from breast cancer gone. I feel it leave my body." Ms. Bodie, how long have you been dealing with breast cancer and we can't wait for you to go to your doctor and get this confirmed. Ms. Bodie, how long have you had breast cancer? Ms. Bodie said she doesn't feel any more pain from the breast cancer. My God, my God, my God. We going to get many cancer healing testimonies from this morning prayer broadcast. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord. ♪ Come on and sing it with me church. I'm healed from genic issues. Praise the Lord. Tina said, "The pain in my left and upper right stomach it's gone." Glory to God, glory to God. This is a lot of healings this morning. Terry, it's moving so fast. My lower back pain is healed and now I can play football. Well, God bless you. God bless you. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sing it to him on this morning. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are ♪ Listen. Shirley said, "The pain in my back and legs is gone after many months, I feel good." Listen, put the email address of that. Listen, many of you, I want you to email your testimony to us. Email your testimony to because we want to read some of your testimonies off to encourage the rest of our viewing audience. What Nina said, "I had pain for two months in my left hip from a fall and now there's no more pain." Sherry, the pain in my back is gone. Wow, praise God. Praise God. Tee said, "I have had a pulse clot feeling in my ear for weeks. It caused me to have problems sleeping. It was like 24/7 discomfort, now it's gone." Well, God bless you Tee. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sing it with me on this morning. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ Listen to this. Kesha said, "The pain in my back is gone. The heaviness on my heart is gone." Praise God, praise God. ♪ Holy, Holy ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sing it church. ♪ Are you Lord ♪ ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ Sing it with me. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy ♪ Sing it with me this morning, holy ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord. ♪ Come on, sing it to the Lord. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels. ♪ The elders ♪ Listen, Monique said, "Arthritis for 10 years is gone from my shoulders. There's no more pain there." Praise God, Monique. She said, first Monique said they had arthritis for 10 years. Now there's no more pain. ♪ Are you Lord ♪ Sing it to him. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders ♪ Listen to this. Alma Irvin said, "Hallelujah, the left knee where arthritis was for the past two years is more flexible and pain is leaving now, the neck and back arthritis pain for over 20 years is leaving, much more flexibility now." Glory to God. Novelette said, "Distress pain in my neck is gone." Glory to God. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ ♪ To redeem, to redeem ♪ Sing it with me church. Maxine Prince said, "I can feel the pain in my knee, it's leaving." Sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sweet Autumn said, "I've been healed from neck pain six months ago." I wish you would've email us and tell us. Sing it with me church. Sing it. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Come on and sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy ♪ Listen, listen, the rest of Ms. Bodies testimony. She said, "I've been dealing with cancer for 20 years, I've had 32 surgeries, six time cancer survivor. I have pain in the area of my breast where the cancer has been removed." And now she has no more pain and we believe in God you'll never deal with this again in the name of Jesus. Sing it. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy, are you Lord ♪ Sing it to him church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ He's a mighty God. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ Listen, listen. Audrey Wholeness said, "Osteoarthritis in my right knee for three years. It's gone." So, hold on. Where is that? So Audrey, there's no more pain in your knee and you can bend the knee and do what you couldn't do before. Praise be to God. Listen, if I were you and I had, if I was some of you and I had family suffering from cancer, needed healing in their body, I would send this broadcast to them 'cause that anointing of the Holy spirit. Listen, that anointing of the Holy spirit will flow through this video and continue to heal people. The anointing doesn't leave when it's recorded on a broadcast. Sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Don't you just love it with everything. ♪ The elders ♪ Listen, listen, listen. Anne George Raphael said, "My husband has just been rejoicing, the pain in his lower back is gone." Praise God. Praise God. ♪ Are you Lord ♪ Come on, sing it to him church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels ♪ Mary Back said, "The pain in my hand is gone. Amen, and I am praying for my neighbor." Well, praise God. He is a healer, but we are happy you are healed. Praise God. Sing it with me church. Sing it. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ ♪ The redeem ♪ Listen, the Holy spirit have really given us an unusual breakthrough on this morning. He gave us, he gave us an unusual breakthrough on this morning. I want to just encourage you to go back and re-watch this video. Get under that anointing of the Holy ghost. Get under it. I pray for the rest of you that the healing power of God would flow into your bodies. The rest of you that's believing God for your healing. I pray that God would touch you. I pray that God would heal you. I pray that he will deliver you. I pray that he would answer your prayer and give you the desires of your heart. He said in Jeremiah chapter 33, verse three, he said, "Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not." He said, "Call unto to me and I'll answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not." He is a prayer answering God. He's a prayer answering God. What's your real name Sam has to offer. I've been having sciatic pain on my right side for years, seeing my chiropractor for about eight years. Lately it got worse and I've had pain constantly. Now it's gone. The chiropractic doctor Jesus showed up this morning. What's your real name? Sam has to offer. Can you tell us your real name? That's an amazing testimony. ♪ Holy Holy, are you Lord ♪ Sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Let me teach, let me teach you people something real quick. When you see the anointing of the Holy Spirit's on a man of God and the power of God's moving, when you hear me say that I'm joining my faith with all of you, that's your time to join your faith with me. There's no way I can individually pray for everyone. I'll drop dead. But when I'm praying under the anointing and I'm praying and saying, look, just join faith with me. Just join your faith with me. Your prayer request is not being ignored. We are just joined in faith. Would you corporately and believe in God with you? You just have to learn to flow with the way the Holy ghost is moving. So when we are praying and saying, look, I'm praying for everyone, that's your moment to join faith with me. I know each one of you are trying to get me to pray for you individually, but that's, listen, some of you will learn it and we totally get it. We, we have people from different backgrounds but so when we are praying though, and joining our fait with everyone, that's your time, jump in there cause the Holy ghost is moving, amen. ♪ Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ He's a wonderful Jesus. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ To redeem. ♪ To redeem worship you know ♪ Sing it to him. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ And I pray for you. I see those requests with the jobs and the financial struggles. We join our faith with you who are, who are having a difficult time financially because of this pandemic. You believe in God for a job. You believe in God to give you favor. You believe in God to open doors for you. We join our faith with every last one of you. We cover you in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that God open the doors wide and give you favor. Listen, we want to give you an opportunity right now to sew a seed into the ministry and to support the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The Lord has been good to us. He has been so good to us and we just want to give you an opportunity to support the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to support the work of God. You can visit us online right now at, You can also give through the ministry PayPal account. That address is, You can also give by phone, just text SPM to 45888 and a link will be sent to you where you can give texts. SPM to 45888 and a link will automatically be texts back to you. You can also give to the ministry through the ministry Zelle account. The ministry Zelle email address is, and for tax purposes, you must email us your name and mailing address. You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Sean Pinder Ministries, the dollar sign, Sean Pinder Ministries, and for tax purposes you must email us your name and mailing address. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinder Ministries PO box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. ♪ Are you Lord ♪ Come on and sing it with me. ♪ Holy, Holy ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sing it with me this morning church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels bow to redeem ♪ ♪ They worship you now ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Come on and sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ He is a wonderful God. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels bow to ♪ ♪ The redeemed, we worship you now ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy, are you Lord ♪ Come on and sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ He's a mighty God. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Bless your people. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ ♪ The redeemed ♪ Sing it. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ Sing it with me church. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ He's a wonderful God. ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are you Lord ♪ The elders and angels bow. ♪ The elders and angels bow ♪ ♪ The redeemed, the redeemed they worship you now ♪ ♪ Holy, Holy, Holy are ♪ Who would say, "Pastor Sean, I feel so much better after this prayer. After this morning prayer session." Who would say, "Pastor I received my breakthrough." If you are late, just go watch the rebroadcast. If you just showed up, just go back and watch the rebroadcast. God is on the move. Where's that song, I gotta sing this. Someone needs to hear it. This is a move mountains. Glory to God. ♪ Mountains are still being moved ♪ Sing it with me this morning. ♪ Strongholds are still being loosed ♪ God, I believe. ♪ God I believe now I can achieve ♪ ♪ The wonders are still what you do ♪ ♪ bodies are still being read ♪ God said, come on let me hear. ♪ Giants are still being slayed ♪ Sing it. ♪ God I believe ♪ ♪ Yes, I can achieve ♪ ♪ The wonders are still what you do ♪ We are here for you. ♪ We are here for you ♪ ♪ Come and do what you do ♪ ♪ Set our hearts on you ♪ ♪ Come and do what you do ♪ ♪ This is your move ♪ Sing it with me. ♪ This is your move ♪ ♪ This is a move ♪ ♪ This is your move ♪ Sing it with me, bodies are still being raised, come on. ♪ bodies are still being raised ♪ ♪ Giants are still being slayed ♪ ♪ Now I believe and now I can achieve ♪ ♪ That wonders are still what you do ♪ We are here for you. ♪ We are here for you ♪ ♪ Come and do what you do ♪ ♪ Set our hearts on you ♪ ♪ Come and do what you do ♪ This is. ♪ This is a move ♪ ♪ This is a move ♪ ♪ This is a move ♪ ♪ This is a move ♪ ♪ This is a move ♪ We cover you this morning in the blood of Jesus. We cover you. We cover you. We cover you in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, you and your family. We join our faith with all of you that the work that God have started in your body, he will complete it. He will bring it to completion. He will bring it to completion and we declare every attack over your life, it's broken. Every demonic attack over your life, it's broken in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God. It's broken, it's broken. Never forget, me and my lovely, beautiful wife, Pastor Amy and our children, we love all of you. We appreciate you so much. So we will not be, we will not be broadcasting live on tonight because we are taking a break. We need it. I was planning on taking a break, but the Holy ghost interrupted me in prayer and said, "I want you go pray for my people, just go." And all we know to do is obey God. So if you miss this broadcast and you came late, I want you to go back and re-watch this broadcast. It's going to be a tremendous blessing to many of you. We love all of you. Just take it straight to the end. We love all of you. Is that the end? And don't do that, all right? But listen, we love all of you. Hold on. We love all of you. Can you let us know where you guys are watching from? I know it's I know it's an early morning, right? And we in the Holy ghost, obeying God and going after the things of God. Let us know where you're watching from right now. Give us the name of your city, the name of your state, the name of your country so we can just give a shout out to you. We love all of you so much. We appreciate you. England, Deli, India Virginia, Jamaica, Germany, Toronto, praise God. Chicago, London again, many of you. Amen, the Bahamas is here. Columbus, South Carolina, Orlando, Florida, Suffern, New York, many people from Jamaica, Brooklyn, New York, North Carolina, Qatar, amen. All the way down there from the United Arab Emirates Italy, Grenada, New Orleans, Bay City, Wisconsin, Maryland Brooklyn, New York, Freeport, Bahamas, amen. Little Rock, Arkansas. We used to live in Little Rock. Amen, Costa Rica, praise the Lord. Alabama, Kenya, Mississippi, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Texas is in the house. Come on, Texas. Let's go Texas. Trinidad, praise be to God. Queens, New York. We gone have the New Yorkers on here. Turks is in the house. Hong Kong, Cammie from the Bahamas. Houston, glory to God. Amen, McAllen Texas in the house. Boston, Massachusetts, Manhattan, New York. Belize is here. The British Virgin Islands, Fort Lauderdale, Guyana, Ohio, St. Kitts, Brazil, Galveston, Texas. Watching from Florida again, India. There's a lot of you St. Thomas's on here. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, praise be to God. We love all of you so much. We don't take you for granted, we really don't. Brussels his here, Belgium is here, the Indian Ocean is here. Praise be to God. St. Martin, Long Island, St. Lucia, Sweden is in the house. Amen, God bless all of you. God bless you wonderful saints of the most high God. South Africa is on here. South Africa, praise God. Moscow, we got Russia in the house, amen. Port Arthur, Texas. Shilouse, Missouri. Amen, it's so good to have all of you wonderful people on here. Brussels, Omaha, Nebraska, Seattle. Amen, New Jersey is here. A of people from Jamaica on here today. Amen, we love all of you wonderful people. Oxford, Mississippi is in the house, Mississippi. Amen, West Palm Beach, Florida. Amen, love all of you. God bless you. We cover you in the blood. Stay safe in the midst of this pandemic and remember the attacks of the enemy over your life, it's broken in the mighty name of Jesus. God bless all of you. We love you. Take care, bye bye. Never forget, we love you. Take advantage of these other videos here. They will be a blessing to you, a strength. My God, they will increase your faith in Jesus name. Bye bye.
Channel: Sean Pinder
Views: 91,095
Rating: 4.8204136 out of 5
Keywords: Daily morning prayers, morning, morning prayer, Morning devotion, Sean Pinder morning, Pastor Sean pinder, Sean pinder ministries, Prayer morning, live, Sean Pinder live, Sean Pinder prayers, Sean pinder, Sean Pinder youtube, Sean Pinder youtube live, Pastor Sean Pinder, live morning prayer, prayer, Sean Pinder ministries, Early morning prayers, God said he is breaking satan's attack on you right now, sean pinder
Id: 9KQbs996-pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 50sec (5030 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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