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[Music] we love you jesus we worship you we glorify you we magnify you we lift your name on high tonight oh god we love you jesus we worship you oh we glorify you tonight oh god [Music] we love you tonight jesus glory to god lord we love you with our whole hearts our minds our soul our bodies and a strength on tonight god we love you with everything in us tonight we love you tonight jesus we love you tonight we bless you we worship you we magnify you we glorify you tonight we love you with our whole hearts our minds our soul our bodies and strength tonight [Music] come on just pray along with me saints pray along with me glory to god glory to god we worship you on tonight we worship you tonight jesus we give you the glory we give you the honor tonight we give you the praise tonight you are worthy to be praised god hallelujah glory to god [Music] oh glory thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god he is worthy on tonight he is worthy on tonight amen i'd like to welcome all of you on tonight to this live broadcast where jesus christ alone is lord of all the lord is still confirming the word with signs wonders and miracles amen as we preach the gospel of jesus christ and lift up the name of jesus he said if i be lifted up from this earth i will draw all men unto me come on put your heads together and let's bless him on tonight hallelujah glory to god we love you lord oh we love you glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah [Music] come on and bless him tonight we love you lord we love you come on put your hands together and help me bless my god on tonight help me bless him help me bless him mighty god mighty god mighty god hallelujah he alone is worthy oh he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy tonight hallelujah from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same the name of the lord is worthy to be praised david said i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continually be in my mouth the humble shall hear thereof and be glad o magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together let everything that have breath hallelujah glory to god let everything that have breath give him praise tonight give him glory give him honor tonight have your way tonight lord jesus bless the lord o my soul come on [Music] sing it with me [Music] bless the lord come on church oh my soul and all that is within me come on let's hit hold come on let's go with us bless the lord tonight bless the lord sing it to him oh my soul and all that is within me for he has done great things singing and he has a great things and he has done great things mighty god he has [Music] he has done great things come on and he has done great things he has done great things you're almighty god and he has [Music] bless the lord bless the lord is he's done great things and he has done great things give him a handcuff on tonight and he has done great things yes he has and he has done great things come on and bless him let's get has done great things come on he has done great things come on to worship him tonight he has done great things we love you o god and he has done great things bless his hopes bless the lord bless the lord oh my [Music] listen i want to say this to you on tonight if you have a family member suffering from cancer invite them on this broadcast on tonight if you know someone in your family who is suffering from cancer send this link to them tag him if you're watching through facebook if you're watching through youtube send this link to them through woodstock paul text this link to them i'm gonna be sharing about 13 different testimony testimonies of healing from cancer very encouraging listen not only cancer if you know someone that needs a healing in their body they are sick and they are in terrible shape invite him to be a part of this broadcast on tonight jesus is still the same yesterday today and forever ban that person get that out of there listen listen invite invite people to be a part of this broadcast on tonight just invite them invite him you know when the devil shows up god's up to something in fact when the devil shows up that's a good sign god's about to give someone a breakthrough here tonight come on and help me bless him on tonight bless the lord o my soul bless you lord sing it with me oh my soul bless him less his come on and worship him on tonight listen let me say this again if you have someone in your family that needs a miracle of healing in their body send this link to them call them knack them if you have to invite them to be a part of this broadcast pastor sean is not the healer pastor amy is not the healer jesus christ is the miracle worker he's still the same yesterday today and forever over 900 and something people have 994 people have been healed amen this year alone the lord jesus did it he is still confirming the word which signs wonders and miracles follow he is a miracle working god get them to be on this broadcast and let's believe god for their miracle on tonight bless him shake it with everything you've got on tonight he has done great things say it and he has done great things come on and worship him on tonight he has done great things come on and worship him and he has done great things come on and bless him let's kiss we love you jesus hearst and great thanks he has done great things sing it to him tonight he has done greatness listen the holy ghost has shown me something here you know we're worshiping the lord but god's talking to me right here in somebody's right collarbone area and that little sink right there there's someone suffering with a cancer right in that right right there in that right collar bone there someone's suffering from cancer the holy ghost is bringing healing into your body right now not only from cancer but from injuries from pain in that right shoulder blade area just take your hand and just take your left hand and put it there and receive that miracle right now great things receive that in your right collarbone he be healed in your right collarbone be healed right now he is not he be healed be healed in your right caller bone be healed in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god be healed in your right collar bone right now be healed in jesus name i won't you begin to move that right shoulder around move that collar bone around just begin to move it receive your miracle right now in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god receive that miracle of healing in your right call of duty receive it right now great things he has done singing singing with me on tonight and he has done great things bless his own league he has done great thanks look here someone else someone else have just been healed there's a pain from from in your left ear that penetrates and goes down into the left side of your neck there's a pain that comes from out of your left area and shoots down into your neck the holy ghost is healing you of that pain right now just reach that hand up and lay your hands right there receive that miracle receive that miracle right now receive that miracle in the left side of your neck that pain comes from out of your left air area and goes down into your neck you are being healed right now in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god receive your miracle receive it just receive it right now receive it receive it receive it the power of god's moving on people's at people's right shoulder and in that right call the bone people are being healed already people are being healed in the name of jesus christ bless his oh lee he's done great things and he has done great things he has done great things sing it to him on tonight and he has done great things bless his he has not he has done great things almighty god you are tonight and he [Music] that's it right there that's the word of the lord listen here [Music] several of you who have suffered from strokes in your bodies some of you had stroke several times the holy ghost is healing you tonight so for some of you it's on the right side for some of you it's on the left and you haven't had proper use of your body your physical movements have been really limited since you have suffered from that stroke but the healing power of the holy ghost glory to god thank you jesus the healing power of the holy ghost is flowing into your body right now to make you completely whole to give you full usage of your body and to undo everything that devilish stroke have done to your body and to heal you of every physical limitation [Music] in your body right now in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god i want everyone to join their fate with me for people watching who have suffered from strokes in their body and haven't had proper use of their bodies since they have suffered from strokes be healed in your body right now we command the right side of your body to function properly from the crown of your head all the way down to the soles of your feet we command the left side of your body to function properly in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god from the crown of your head all the way down to the soles of your feet we command your body on the left side and on the right to be completely healed by the power of the living god be healed right now in the name of jesus christ be healed in your body be healed right now in the name of jesus i want you to pray for me there is power in the name of jesus listen every one of you that have an ailment that have a sickness that have a disease in your body i want you to lay your hands on the part of your body where you need god to touch you where you need god to heal you right now there is an anointing from the holy ghost here tonight there is an anointing from the holy ghost here to heal the sick to break every chain break every chain break every chain to break to break every chain city with me on tonight to break to break every chain glory to god there is power there's an anointing here see it there is power in the name of jesus i want you crank that up give it everything there is power yep there's an anointing to heal tonight there is power in the name of jesus to break to break everything [Music] to break everything listen here someone who's suffering from a sharp pain in the left ribcage area down below your armpit about about six to eight inches down below your armpit on the left side in your rib cage area you've been having like serious sharpens like someone sticking you the ice pick or sharp object the holy spirit of just healing you tonight receive your miracle right now receive your miracle lay your hands on the part of your body where you need a healing tonight you don't have to beg healing is the children's bread you just do what i'm telling you to do just lay your hands on the part of your body where you need god to touch you there is a flow of the healing anointing of the holy ghost already the holy spirit is healing his people right now he is healing his people and as soon as you know you were healed as soon as that healing has been made manifest i want you to type in the live chat and let us know what god have healed you from on tonight to break every chain be healed tonight there is power singing with me church there is power in the name of jesus listen i see many people right now are being healed in the knees in the knee area in the knees people are being healed in the knees and several people are being healed in their left cycle in that rib cage area there listen in your rib cage area going towards the left side underneath your armpit people are being healed from sharpies lots of people are being healed in their knees listen i want you to stand and begin to walk begin to move on your legs begin to walk up and down on your legs right now lift those legs up high pace back and forth there is an anointing for healing tonight just pace back and forth and lift those legs real high i want you to just take your time and do it there is an anointing here people are being healed in their knees receive it receive it receive it tonight this is the work of god we take it very seriously this is the work of god begin to walk up and down in your house right now in the name of jesus lift those lift those legs high lift those lift those legs high lift them up just march up and down march up and down lift those legs high and listen i see someone being healed in the left thigh area coming right up towards that crease where that line is there in the left side what's that called and they're growing almost coming towards your groin if they're in the left thigh area you are actually being healed from pain right now receive it just receive it receive your miracle right now in the name of jesus be healed in that left thigh area coming up towards your groin groin receive that miracle right now there is power [Music] in the left eye area coming towards that groin area right there in that crease someone is being healed right now by the power of god someone is being healed in the name of jesus and listen you don't have to wait for me to call out your trouble listen just lay your hands on the part of your body where you know you need a miracle if you have cataracts in your eyes lay your hands on your eyes if you have problems in your lungs lay your hands if your problems in the heart area put your hands there if you have problems in the air put your hands there problems in the mouth put your hands there if you have problems in the neck just lay your hands that problem in your back reach one hand around you and just put it on your back wherever you have trouble in your body tonight just lay your hands on that part of your body receive the healing touch of the holy ghost right now receive the healing power of the lord jesus christ into your bodies right now receive the power of god to heal in your body right now be healed from that infirmity be healed from that disease give me a flow i rebuke the spirit of infirmity i rebuke you tonight loose the people of god i come to you tonight in the name of jesus take your filthy hands off of them say that i bind you in the name of jesus loose their bodies come out you found devil of infirmity come out of their bodies in the name of jesus you devil in rheumatoid arthritis come out you found devil of cancer come out of their bodies somebody shall come out come on join your feet with me come out of their bodies come out in the name of jesus come out come out come out covered 19 come out blindness come out deafness come out cataracts come out curcuma come out gum this come out problems in the throat come out tonsillitis gingivitis come out in the name of jesus [Music] asthma giving you trouble breathing come out stomach cancer come out in the name of jesus those of you on dialysis i repent the devil in jesus name i command your kidneys to be healed i command your kidneys to function problems in the bladder be healed in the name of jesus cancer of the liver be healed and created pancreatic cancer be healed in the name of jesus cancer in the ovaries be healed cancer in the service be healed in the name of jesus come out of the bodies somebody shout come out come out come out come on cancer of the brain come out tumors in the chest come out five broad tumors come out in the name of jesus astigmatism in the eyes come out in the name of jesus come out come out come out come out shiver them come out come out come out come out somebody shall come out in the name of jesus chronic pain come out alzheimer's disease come out come out come out come out hallelujah paralysis come out you that suffered from injuries come out twist the tailbone be healed in the name of jesus problems in the spine in the neck in the vertebrae be healed in the shoulders in the stomach in the chest in the heart in the lungs in the brain in the eyes in the nose come out come out come out come out come out somebody shout come out in the name of jesus come out come out come out come on their bodies are the temple of the holy ghost you have no right devil we bind you in the name of jesus we take authority over you tonight we shut down your attacks in the name of jesus hallelujah oh we love you [Music] you are great you are great you did mirror cut so great there is no one else like you come on and worship if there is no one else like you for you are great listen someone is being healed along the right side of the neck just received that miracle [Music] just receive it right now someone's being healed on the right side of the neck receive that miracle receive that miracle tonight receive that miracle in the name of jesus the holy ghost is touching people tonight see you with everything for you are great come on you do miraculous soldiers listen along the back left side of the neck somebody is being healed right now just lay your hands there receive that miracle you're being healed begin to move that neck around you are healed you are healed the pain is gone the problem is gone should you with me tonight there is no one else like you singing for you are great you do miracles so great going out to the left side of the shoulder people are being healed in the internal organs people are being healed right now and i see fibroid tumors shrinking and disappearing out of ladies stomachs right now just be healed i see cancerous tumors disappearing from in people's chest i see cancerous tumors disappearing in the name of jesus cancers are leaving tonight sing it you devilish cancer i rebuke you in the name of jesus singing with me tonight for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you see your touch you are great listen yeah some of you listen some of you who have suffered from broken bones because of accidents and those bones the doctors try to set them as best they can but you are still having problems you are still suffering from the effects of those broken bones in your body if that's you the holy ghost is healing you right now i want you to stand walk on those legs begin to exercise those hands if it's your fingers begin to move it around if it was problems in the chest listen you suffered from broken bones they the doctors set those wounds the best day know how to and the best they could but you are still suffering from the effects of those broken bones in your body and from those fractures and from those sprains and from those torn tendons but the holy ghost is healing you tonight many of you have already been healed i want you to begin to do what you couldn't do before i want you to begin to check your bodies right now and as soon as you know you are healed tell us exactly what you are healed from and let us know how long you had that problem if you were seeing a doctor if you were on medication but many of you have been healed in the name of jesus and someone with a severe itch on the back left side of the back listen you have a severe case of asthma on not asthma eczema you have a severe case of eczema on the back left side of your back it causes you to have some i mean you itch you scratch your skin until you bleed and not only that person is being healed from exam on the back left side of their back with many people who are suffered from eczema and terrible skin disease eczema psoriasis the holy ghost is healing you right now i see several people who scratch they scratch their skin until they bleed the holy ghost is healing you athlete's feet is at least foot is being healed on tonight at least foot is being healed tonight but i see some of you that scratch and scratch and scratch you scratch and scratch and scratch until you scratch your skin parts of your skin off and you begin to bleed the holy ghost is healing i mean i mean people are being healed from eczema and i mean right now many of you are being healed sing it with me for you are great and whoever that is with the problem on the left side of the neck receive your miracle tonight in the name of jesus receive that miracle tonight in the left side of your neck receive that miracle the holy ghost jesus is not letting me get away from this receive that healing in the left side of your neck right now and it goes down into your shoulder blades and it causes you severe pain the holy ghost is healing that pain that comes from the left side of your neck and goes into the left side of your shoulder causing you severe severe pain the holy ghost is healing you on tonight be healed in the left side of your shoulder just be healed in jesus name so great there is no one else like you receive your miracle tonight shift holy holy whole you holy are you lord there is an anointing of the holy ghost who would say pastor sean i feel that anointing of the holy ghost tonight do you sense the presence of god can you feel the anointing of the holy ghost on tonight come on sing it with me on tonight holy are you lord the elders and angels bow the elders and angels bow they're redeemed sing it with me see you with me on tonight come on holy holy holy ah you lord worship jesus holy holy holy eye you lost look to him on tonight with me tonight listen here i'm seeing people with braces on their legs being healed tonight i see people with leg braces on you are being healed tonight people with not only leg braces but different braces on different parts of your body because of the injury why don't you remove that thing and check your body right now take that leg brace off and begin to check your legs if you believe the lord is healing you tonight why don't you begin to remove that brace and check yourself check it check it do it in faith holy do it in faith tonight are you lord if you have on the neck brace check your neck if you have if you have your arm in a in a in an arm brace or a sling check your arm tonight holy holy holy eye you lord shake singing with me tonight the elders and angels now the redeemed sing it touch holy holy holy are you lord holy holy holy holy holy heart he's a mighty god holy holy holy eye you lord the elders and angels the elders and angels now the redeemed we worship you now holy holy holy are you lord i see you with everything you've got holy holy holy ah you lord holy listen some of you who have been suffering from blood clots in the body some of you have been suffering from blood clots in the body the holy ghost is healing you tonight he is fixing that problem tonight some of you have suffered from blood clots in the body the holy ghost is healing you on tonight he is healing you and for some of you it's been affecting your breathing but you're going to breathe normal tonight the elders and angels now receive that miracle tonight receive that miracle receive that miracle tonight someone who have suffered from an injury on the top on the top of this right hand the holy ghost is healing you tonight i want you to begin to exercise that hand check it the whole i mean the healing power of god's flowing into that hand just begin to exercise that right hand just begin to open and close it move it around begin to exercise it and receive your miracle on tonight come on and sing you with me on tonight holy holy holy ah you lord and whoever and whoever that is with problems in the left shoulder receive your miracle on tonight just receive it look to jesus begin to exercise that left shoulder begin to exercise it there is a healing anointing from the holy ghost flowing right into that left shoulder the holy ghost is not letting me get away from it i mean the power of god is flowing right into that left shoulder you are getting a serious miracle on tonight you are getting a serious miracle in the left shoulder tonight i just can't get away from it receive that miracle receive it be healed in the left shoulder right now don't just sit there and look at me begin to exercise that left shoulder begin to exercise it begin to lift those hands up and down some people's arms that have been locked up listen some people arms that have been locked up you couldn't lift your hands all the way over your head but you are healed tonight i mean you are so healed your hands can go all the way up straight just lift your hands up over your head your arms are loose tonight your arms are healed just take both hands and stretch it all the way up to god you are healed tonight by the power of god you are healed you are healed go ahead and check it begin to stretch those hands out seek it holy you are healed oh glory to god i thank god for the healing power of the holy ghost begin to stretch those arms all the way up you are healed tonight you are healed [Music] see you with everything you've got tonight sing it with me holy holy holy eye you lord sing it to him church holy holy holy are you lost the elders and angels the elders and angels bow the redeemed singing with me holy holy holy are you holy holy holy holy holy ah lord listen if you have been healed tonight if you receive a miracle of healing on tonight i want you to type in the live chat right now and let us know that you are healed let us know you check your body and the pain is gone you can do what you couldn't do before and you're doing it without any pain whatsoever begin to check your bodies right now don't just sit there and look at me someone is being healed someone is being healed on the bottom right side of the stomach someone is being healed on the bottom right side of the stomach right now just lay your hands to receive that miracle just receive it receive it on tonight on the bottom right side of the stomach somebody is receiving a serious miracle of healing receive it on tonight receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus and as soon as you know you are healed i want you to tell us exactly what you are healed from don't just say i'm healed let us know exactly what you are healed from on tonight shake it with me holy holy holy come on and sing it with me on tonight come on and sing it with me on tonight sing it hallelujah come on and worship him once tonight there is another wave of healing anointing about the touchdown in the name of jesus i feel it coming on tonight should you leave me hallelujah come on i feel a shift in the atmosphere tonight see you with me on tonight mighty god you are tonight you your holy holy send it to him holy [Music] there is a healing anointing being released receive your miracle tonight receive your miracle tonight be healed in your body tonight be healed in your legs in your internal organs begin to do what you couldn't do before there is an anointing here you trying to show me something sing it sing it with me tonight testimonies are beginning to come in on tonight and cook said i need you looking now you miss him i need you looking and cook said i thank god for healing my knees on tonight they have been in pain for three weeks i didn't go to doctor i can lift them high and it don't hurt to get them up and down praise be to god another person nas allen said i receive healing from fibroids in jesus name how do you know you are healed can you not feel the fibroids anymore ellen said it's been 15 years since suffering from lung disease breathing problem neck and shoulder pain but now i'm healed glory to see you with me tonight are you [Music] you worthy [Music] juju said the holy spirit is present on this live broadcast my knees have been healed praise god are you lord you're worthy worthy is [Music] i feel the healing anointing here tonight listen [Music] see you with me on tonight are you lord are you [Music] listen shireen mulling said i am heal of the pains on the bottom right side of my stomach to god be the glory holy singing with me church holy are you lord are you lord god almighty where is the lamb sing it to him holy oh holy are you lord [Music] listen listen listen listen listen marie black bring it down a little bit listen to what maury black says the other night you declared healing for persons with cancer and she said i stood in the gap for my auntie she went in for surgery and they saw no trace of cancer in her breast somebody help me give god praise tonight he is a miracle worker holy holy somebody help me give my god praise on tonight are you lord are you lord god almighty what's that wordy what he is ralston said i i am healed from the pain in my stomach and from my hands praise god are you lord god sing it almighty [Music] you're worthy he is a mighty god tonight listen i want you to check your bodies real good there is an anointing being released from miracles on tonight listen let me read some of these healing testimonies from cancer on tonight i'm believing god for many people who have cancer on tonight to be healed you see and i want to say this god god visited me in prayer august the 3rd 2015. the holy ghost spoke to me and said you will begin to see many more people heal from cancer he said i'm going to do it in your meetings whilst you're preaching and ministering the holy ghost said many more people are going to be healed from cancer we had already we had already seen god heal people from cancer but it's beginning to multiply and increase if you have cancer in your body on tonight i want you to listen as i read these testimonies and i want you believe god don't look to pastor sean because i can't heal you only jesus can heal you only the holy ghost can bring the healing power of god into your bodies but as i share these testimonies on tonight i want you to lift your faith to him tonight you know what he said in matthew chapter 7 verse 7 he said ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock on the door shall be open listen evelyn bell said i'm healing my right side of my neck i had terrible pain the whole day and i'm moving my arms and and neck and now the pain is gone listen to this trina got healed from cancer listen to what trina wrote in yes god is amazing and he's a healer i have been healed from stage 3 ovarian cancer thank you god i can't stop thanking him thank you for your ministry to me and helping me keep my faith hallelujah thank you god bless you trina has been healed from stage three ovarian cancer and listen to this one from marisha we read this a few weeks ago but i felt driven by the holy ghost to read these testimonies of people who have been healed from cancer to encourage your faith listen to marisha barisha said praise god pastor i was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and a tumor in my right ovary after having many tests done i received this prayer that was that message on pastor sean in the seats for you under the anointing that's a prayer video she said the day before going into surgery i listen to that on august the 25th the day of the surgery they didn't find either the tumor or the ovarian cancer after they opened my body the tumor that the doctor said i had they now said that they don't see anything but a cloud having done three mris ct scans and ultrasounds all i could say to them was that god healed me brave woman this healing came after hearing you and other prayer warriors i stood in agreement for i realized that god was talking through each of you yes i'm healed in jesus name what's that sammy samuel is getting my attention lena mash lena marsh baron said pastor pendle last week you said that someone was being healed in their foot i claim my healing my foot had been hurting me for over three months the pain is gone i didn't go to the doctor but lena is healed tonight glory to god listen to this listen to this this is prophetess lena from south carolina she said you spoke last week about cancer and healing the doctor thought i had blood cancer but when i went back they couldn't find anything my doctor said i was a mystery but my sister said i was a miracle josh be on the lookout i need you to help me too josh listen to olive olive said i was having a pain in my side because of liver cancer listening to you about healing i'm not feeling that pain any more to god be the glory listen to karen karen said pastor thank you for your service it was in june of 2020. i just had a surgery i just bring the music down just a time i just had a surgery to remove some tumor from my body the doctor thought it was cancer but my spirit told me but my spirit did not tell me so so i declared the word and believed god two weeks after they told me to do a scan of the lower part of my abdomen i remember that morning that i started listening to you praying as if there was no tomorrow that's the holy ghost i went in with the word and after they finished the scan the results came back negative i told the devil to go back where he belongs pastor thanks for your service each and every day and i thank god for using you like this i'm free thanks be to god listen to ernesto or ernesto said i went to chemo and they could not find my cancer anymore thank you jesus listen to sandra sandra said i had a mammogram and i am cancer free pain was there and a knot was there but now they are gone my god my god my god ingrid said thank you lord for healing me during one of pastor sean's broadcast the hospital has confirmed that there is no cancer in my body after several months of tests for suspected cancer in the blood god is absolutely able glory to god listen to this listen to paula's testimony paul said i took a scared wednesday and my oncology appointment was at 3 p.m to god be the glory always because now i am cancer-free in jesus name i give my father god all the glory honor and praise because he is still a healing god my god listen to william's testimony william is one of our faithful partners from out of the uk listen to what william said william said i watch the morning prayers on healing and the struggle is over these two prayers were just for me personally i really felt that the prayer was being held in my house that's the power god showed up in william's house listen william said praise god distance is not a problem to the holy spirit i give him glory and he is worthy to be praised god is able and nothing is too hard or impossible with god when we met i was in a very bad health but as for now my health improve today you did sum it up as the struggle is over it is over i went for a checkup on thursday and the following here are the following findings my high blood pressure is now normal my type 2 diabetes is now under control my prostate cancer is now normal but they said they will still monitor me but i am not on medication for thank god that god always fulfill his promise listen to this man got a lot of miracles listen to this he said you called out lower back pain and pain in the left leg and at the left ankle yes this was me i have in the past had back pain and neck pain on the left i've been on medication on thursday when i was at the doctor's day told me to remain on the same medication but this morning as you call the pain was gone praise god amen sit here with me what's that sammy how you lord listen jenny levinson said i have a heart monitor on to track my heart and i take it off tomorrow to send it back in to doctor tomorrow and they go and read it next week i believe my heart is healed i'm listening to you now and my heart feels good no irregular heartbeat at all right now i am healed see you with me almighty worthy worthy is the lamb almighty god holy listen listen to me saints if you have a cancer give me a flow bring it here josh give me a flow chaos i feel that anointing glory to god bring it quick josh glory to god you that have cancer in your body i want to pray for you what's that josh who is that arlene roberts pastor thank you for healing well it's the lord who healed you sister she said thank you i'm healed with my with my fatty liver you said fasting and you said you said through fasting and you said god will answer your prayer the doctor said the liver is getting better the level is in the normal range god bless you praise god ali that's an awesome testimony that's an awesome testimony you don't have cancer in your bodies i want you to lay your hands on the pan of your body where you need a miracle right now you are great i feel an anointing here my god if you have a cancer in your body lay your hands on the part of your body where that cancer is the power of god is here lydia will praise god for you again lydia the holy spirit have touched lydia in her shoulder praise god praise god see you with me tonight senior church for you are great you need me here because so great which rumor said she said okay yeah i think you missed something remember what happened to you we missed the beginning of your testimony can you send it back to us martina let us know what happened with jerome singer with me tonight mighty god there is no one else like you for you are great listen you don't have cancers in your body you don't have a family member with cancer in your in their body just stand in the gap leticia tell us that i have been healing my hand i could not feel my middle two fingers since surgery in 2005. the surgery was performed to remove a tumor you spoke that someone was being healed in their left hand leticia taylor said she is healed she had problems in her hand for 15 years and now she is healed by the power of god see you with me see you with me church there is no one there is no one else you are great but you are great listen you do have and some some people have been healed in their necks just receive it the holy ghost is bringing that back to me especially on the right side now some people are being healed in their necks received that miracle in the name of jesus well listen someone is being healed right below the left chest of champagne i'm just following the holy ghost some people are being healed of left right below your left chest from sharp pains from sharp pains you are being healed right now in the name of jesus christ you are being healed you are being healed and i pray for everybody here if you have a cancer in your body i want you lift your hands to heaven stretch your hands out and release your faith right now release your faith right now release your faith in the name of jesus christ i curse that cancer i curse that cancer i curse it from out of your body i curse it out of your friend's body i curse it out of your family members body i rebuke that cancer in the name of jesus i rebuke a prostate cancer cancer of the kidneys cancer of the liver cancer of the bladder cancer of the cervix cancer of the pancreas cancer of the stomach cancer of the lungs cancer of the heart cancer of the brains cancer of the throat cancer of the bones cancer of the blood hallelujah i rebuke it in jesus name i rebuke cancer come on open your mind and rebuke it we take authority over cancer tonight you can't say devil we rebuke him in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be healed in your body be healed in your body listen somebody watching me you have trouble with your oxygen levels you are you you have to actually have one of those things in your nose to breathe the holy ghost is healing you tonight he is healing you your oxygen is returning to normal some of you will not need those breathing mach those breathing those oxygen tanks anymore i'm not telling you to take it off but i'm telling you the holy ghost is healing many of you tonight who are having to use an oxygen tank to to breathe from when you go back to your doctor they are going to be shocked let the doctor tell you to remove that i'm not going to tell you remove it but i know many people tonight that's on oxygen tanks you are being healed tonight the holy ghost is healing you my god you are great the holy ghost is healing you the holy ghost is healing people on oxygen tanks at night on breathing machines the holy ghost is healing people on tonight if you're in a hospital watching this broadcast be healed in the name of jesus receive your miracle in the name of jesus receive your miracle tonight in the name of jesus there is no one else like you sing it with me you are grateful you are grace you do me records so great there is no one else like you send it you are great you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you listen be healed from pain in your bodies just be healed put your hands on the part of your body where you need a miracle of healing be healed right now in the name of jesus be healed in your body from pain we rebuke that pain we set you free from it in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus there is no one else you deserve the glory and you deserve the glory and the oh horn up as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name because you deserve the glory and the all horner as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name for you are great shall you with me tonight there is no one else like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you [Music] like you there is no one else like you for you are great you do me records so great you deserve the glory and you deserve the glory and the oh horner as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name you deserve the glory and your horn up as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name for you are great [Music] we love you tonight we worship you tonight jesus there is no one else like you you are great you do miraculous so great there is no one else like you there is no one else sing it for you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you my hallelujah sing it with me [Music] hallelujah belong to you come on and sing with me church my hallelujah belongs to you sing it to him tonight church my hallelujah belongs to you hallelujah hallelujah belongs to come on let's sing that again my hallelujah belongs to you singing my hallelujah belongs to you come on and sing it to him on tonight my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to you sing it to him on tonight trunks my hallelujah singing with me you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you come on and save you and me onto their tips all of the glory belongs to you singing with everything you got tonight come on all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you you deserve it come on friends come on you deserve it i love you tonight jesus you deserve it tonight come on you deserve it come on somebody worship him with me on tonight lift your hands to heaven open your mouth it all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory come on hit them drops from me said all of the glory tonight come on trips all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory tonight come on [Music] you deserve it you deserve it jesus come on you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it my hallelujah hallelujah belongs to you is it i got just awesome on tonight come on my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah say your church my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah my hallelujah you deserve it tonight jesus with everything you've got here you deserve it come on you deserve it say it to him you deserve it you deserve it hallelujah sing it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the glory and all the honor and all the praise you deserved come on chat you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it my hallelujah i hallelujah belongs to you the lord tonight my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah i hallelujah lord i love you tonight jesus my hallelujah my hallelujah you deserve it tonight see you with me touch you deserve come on and see you with me on tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it see your trips [Music] my hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to you i love him with everything in me my hallelujah belongs to you it belongs to you tonight jesus my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah hi hallelujah [Music] shall you with me tonight you deserve it on tonight you deserve it come on chips you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it say it to jesus you deserve it all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you i love them with everything you make all of the glory every ultimate tonight god all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory belongs to you you deserve it on tonight you deserve it you deserve you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it come on and worship him on tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it listen you know we are worshiping but people are being healed more people have been healed on the left shoulders some people have just been healed right there in the right knee the power of god is still here you deserve it come on and sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it jesus see it you deserve come on put your hands together and sing it with me you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it tonight you deserve it tonight you deserve it on tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight [Music] you deserve it tonight jesus somebody give it to him all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you sitting with me on tonight chris cause all of the glory belongs to you see you with me on tonight all of the glory belongs of the glory tonight all of the glory you deserve it tonight jesus you deserve it tonight you deserve it sing it with me you deserve it you deserve it you deserve come on raise that music you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it i love you jesus i love you tonight i love you i love you jesus i love you tonight [Music] sing hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the glory all the glory and all the honor and you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it sing hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the glory all the honor and all the praise you deserve it give it to him tonight church come on let's give him a cop off in the night give my god a cup off and on tonight you deserve it give him a clap off you deserve it on tonight listen someone is being healed in the left wrist right now the power of god's moving someone have just been healed in your left wrist singing with me you deserve it you deserve it hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the glory and all the honor and all the praise you deserve it you deserve it you deserve you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it listen here the healing power of god is moving into somebody's right thumb the thumb on the right hand is being completely healed by the power of the living god someone with pain in the right thumb is being completely healed by the power of god just begin to just begin to open and close your right hand and receive that healing right now you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve you it hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in all the glory and all the honor in all the praise you deserve it sing it with me tonight you deserve it can you type them words you deserve it we've given him the glory tonight sing it with me tonight you deserve you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve it jesus you deserve it you are the one who died on the cross for me jesus you deserve it tonight they crucified your god but on the third day you raised from the dead you are now seated at god's right hand and soon and very soon you're coming again you deserve it tonight you deserve you deserve it i feel the holy ghost you deserve it and all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you come on and sing it to him on tonight and all of the glory belongs to you we love you tonight all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory in all of the glory plots tell him you deserve it tonight come on you deserve it jesus you deserve it we love you jesus you deserve i love you with all my heart tonight father god you deserve it you deserve heavenly father you deserve it you deserve it come on love on it you deserve it i'm a girl you deserve it holy spirit you deserve it holy spirit you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it deserve it cause all of the glorious all of the glory belongs to you come on sing at them on all of the tonight belongs to you i love them with everything in my own tonight singing all of the glory belongs to you all the glory all of the glory sing hallelujah sing hallelujah on tonight sing it hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah and all the glory and all the honor in all the praises you deserve it i feel the holy ghost tonight you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve it sing it to him sing it to him tonight tell him you deserve it there's nobody like our god tonight sing it to him tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve it tonight you deserve it jesus you deserve it tonight you deserve a television you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it see you and make you deserve can you fight it you deserve what you deserve you deserve it tonight you deserve it come on put your hands together give them a clap off and on tonight you deserve it tonight give him a clap off in the night i feel the holy ghost you deserve it tonight sing hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the glory and all the honor in all the praise you deserve it come on if you deserve it come on you deserve it come on you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve it love you tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it and all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory and all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory honor the glory sing hallelujah come on and sing hallelujah come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in all the glory in all the honor in [Music] he's receiving our worship on tonight you deserve it he's receiving our worship you deserve it come on and worship him you deserve it on tonight you deserve it come on church you deserve it you deserve it you deserve listen rose said mike rose at my right top knee is healed you deserve come on and sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it you deserve say it to him because all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you sing it to him all of the glory belongs to if anybody get healed is jesus doing it because all of the glory belongs pastor sean passaimi can't heal nobody and all of the glory belongs see you with everything you've got you deserve it tonight you deserve it come on you deserve it on tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it jesus you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it jesus loves you lord you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve that you deserve it and all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you and all of the glory stir it in that flow stay right in that float margaret said pastor sean my right hand is now healed glory to god all of the glory belongs thank god he healed you all of the glory tonight singing all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory and all of the glory belongs to all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you celeste bring it down [Music] celeste i want you to look to jesus tonight pastor sean can't heal you when the anointing of god is here just lift your hands to heavens the less jesus is the only one who can heal you pastor amy can't heal you pastor sean can't heal you there's no man on this earth that can heal you only the holy ghost can take the power of the resurrected christ and bring it into your body i just want you lift your hands to heaven and say lord i receive my healing from this diabetes right now in the name of jesus be healed from that diabetes the less we rebuke that diabetes out of your body look to jesus don't look to me tonight i want you again put your eyes on jesus you deserve it sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it you deserve what's that josh that one okay now to yourself glory to jesus i was suffering breast pain since 2014 that's six years ago but now that pain is gone away glory to jesus you deserve it sing it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve adrian gonzalez said my left wrist is healed you deserve it sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it you you deserve it because all of the glory all of the glory belongs to only jesus can heal your saints all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you follow the glory to not see it follow the glory all of the glory all of the honor secret all of the glory you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it my job listen my job is to point you to jesus i wish i could heal you myself but only jesus can heal you listen my job is to bring you to him when we come into the presence of god he is all you need when the power of the holy ghost is moving you need jesus not pastor sean you need the holy ghost not pastor sean you better look to him tonight else you're gonna miss what god have for you sing it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it sing it to him and all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you i'm pointing them to jesus tonight lord i'm pointing them to you only you can help your people tonight sing it to jesus sing it to him on tonight and all of the glory me and pastor amy will forever give him the glory listen i said me and listen me and pastor amy will forever give him the glory to honor the praise we know it's not us only jesus can heal we never heal nobody a day in our life only jesus can heal you listen to these testimonies you hear these awesome miracles you see us you see people sending in their photos it's jesus healing them i refuse to get in god's way i refuse to let people put their eyes on me i have nothing listen hold on turn it down a little bit pastor sean have nothing to do with these miracles i'ma say it again pastor sean has nothing to do with these miracles pastor amy have nothing to do with these miracles it's none of self and all of him it's jesus at work saints he is the same yesterday i feel such an anointing here he's the same yesterday today and forever only jesus can heal you [Music] listen jesus said ask and you should receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be open i want you to lift your hands to heaven i want you to look up to heaven and say lord jesus you see i'm struggling with this sickness i'm struggling with this disease heal my body lord in jesus name heal my body and and i'mma just shoot straight with you guys tonight some of you listen turn it down the towel i want them hear me real good some of you have grieved the holy ghost tonight because you i'm here worshiping god i'm trying to point you to jesus you calling on pastor all pastor sean pastor listen listen saints some of you have listen i'm gonna shoot straight some of you have grieved the holy ghost tonight because you're looking to a man instead of looking to him instead of looking to god the holy ghost lives inside of you quit looking to pastor sean quit looking to god i don't want god to take me before my time because people are trying to put me before god and look to me instead of looking to him are you hearing me i want you look to jesus i cannot help you i cannot heal you i've never healed nobody a day in my life pastor amy has never healed a person a day in her life and there ain't an evangelist on this earth or pastor who could claim that it is dim who healed somebody because they didn't do it it's jesus it's the holy ghost it's the anointing of god you deserve it you deserve listen i want you ask him right where you are put your hands on yourself and i want you ask him right now you deserve it you deserve it sing it there you deserve it sing it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve rest off on the drum side you deserve it you deserve deserve it you deserve it the louder you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve now once you look to jesus tonight you deserve it because all of the glory singing all of the glory belongs to you listen to this peta gay pedagogy heat said pastor sean i've been feeling pain in my little finger and now it's been gone in jesus name and i can't stop praising him saying all of the glory belongs to you almighty god sing it all of the glory belongs you deserve it tonight you deserve it come on let me hear that music you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve come on let me hear that music you design it you deserve you deserve it i want you to hit him hard hit him with everything you got i want to hit him crack it you deserve let me hear you him you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve you deserve it you deserve it it's all of the glory all of the glory all of the glory tonight there's all of the glory belongs i'm not getting in the way of the holy ghost all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory and all of the glory say it to him tonight you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it tonight you deserve it [Music] you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it what's that sounding [Music] cynthia said for three years both of my hands were hurting and now they are healed glory to god you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it and all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory tonight and all of the glory belongs to you listen right now we are in a serious flow of the anointing and i want to give you an opportunity to support the preaching of the gospel of jesus christ of course i'm going to preach the word tonight this prayer move mountains but i want to give you a chance to give and support the kingdom of god on tonight you can to do so you can visit us online right now at sean forward slash give sean forward slash give you can also give through the ministry paypal account that address is paypal dot me forward slash sean pinder ministries paypal dot me forward slash sean pinder ministries you can also give by phone by texting spm to the numbers 4588 and a link will be sent to you automatically text the letters spm to the numbers 4588 you can also give through the ministry zell account the ministry zell email address is info at info at you can also give through the ministry cash app account at the ministry cash up address is the dollar sign sean pinder ministries the dollar sign sean pinder ministries you can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money orders out to sean pinder ministries p.o box 2726 mckinney texas [Music] 75070 you deserve it father god bless your people tonight in the area of their finances bless your people bless those who are able to give bless those who are not able to give bless them across the board tonight meet every need in every life under the sound of our voice that's a part of this broadcast right now bless them meet their needs give them favor many people have lost their jobs and been really hit hard financially because of this pandemic remember your people on tonight meet every need in their lives the apostle paul said my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus meet every need in the lives of your people tonight in jesus name and saints no gift is too big or too small and if you can't give because of financial struggles just a matter of fact you have a willing heart the bible says if you have a willing heart it is accepted you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it cause all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you sing it to him tonight and all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory all of the glory belongs send it with everything you deserve it you deserve it sing it to him you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it cause all of the glory [Music] belongs to you all of the glory belongs to you see you with me tonight cause all of the glory belongs to you all the glory all of the glory belongs to you you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve man we are sad thank god my left hand wrist is healed in jesus name thank you pastor sean for your prayers praise god the lord touch you deserve it stay right in the flow father in jesus name as we get ready to go into the word of god on tonight minister to your people teach your people encourage them build their faith on tonight let their faith come alive in the word of god on tonight [Music] let their faith come alive in the word tonight in the name of jesus even while the word of god has gone forth on tonight let many receive their miracles of healing in their bodies on tonight in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god bless your people tonight beyond measure in jesus name we pray somebody say amen oh glory to god glory to god glory to god so you that's been following you that's been following our ministry thanks girls you'd notice this entire week we've really been zeroing in on prayer along with fasting amen and we are talking tonight about this prayer moves mountains and i want to say this to you right right on the offset have you ever been praying and praying and praying and praying about situations and you just hadn't seen any change at all in the situation you're paying your tithes you're sowing seeds you're giving and the offerings you know you're living right with god you're doing what you're supposed to you're standing on the word of god and you're just not saying that change that you ju you you're just not getting that breakthrough it seems like that mountain that problem that's in the front of you it just seems like nothing is able to make this thing move from out of your way oh i got good news for somebody on tonight if you listen to the word real good tonight there is a prayer in the bible that can move that mountain right out of your way glory to god i said i don't care how long that mountain been standing in your way one word from god can change everything and and you got to ask look you we look i'm one of those type of people i'm not going to play church you know i came from out of the world i came from hanging around gangster guys doing crazy stuff i i'm look my personality is this anyone who know me amen i'm not going to play church and i'm not going to come in the church and and settle and become a pharisee i'm sorry my personality and my type of folk we got to have the power of the living god now i'm i i feel the holy ghost about the fall here tonight i just can't play church i know if pastor wayne was listening to me tonight boy he he would be shouting amen brothers like us we got to have the power of the holy ghost and if some sisters are on this broadcast listening to me tonight you would agree with me and say pastor we got to have the power of the living god we got to have power i dare someone to open your mouth and say i got to have power i can't just sing about it up i can't just talk about it if he did it in the bible let's believe god to the point that everything he promised us in the word of god is made manifest before our very eyes if god said i can have it i'm gonna have it up if god said i can be it i'm gonna be it if god said i can do it i'm gonna do it because my bible says i can do all things through christ who strengthens me shall yes i feel the holy ghost i got to have power somebody shall power shall power shall power shall power jesus said you shall receive power after the holy ghost is come upon you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem in judea and samaria and to the outermost end of the world jesus said he that believes on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because i go to the father someone shout yes yeah i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost glory to god listen i i just i just can't play church i just can't play church if he said ask and you should receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened unto you and if you've been asking and asking and asking and asking and ain't doing no receiving if you've been knocking and knocking and knocking and knocking and he no door opening if you've been my god help me if you've been seeking and couldn't find if you've been knocking in the door and open it the my type of personality this is what i said i'm like hold up houston we got a problem you know what i mean okay god there is a problem somewhere in here and i know you eat the problem so it gots to be on my end of the deal you told me if i ask i'm gonna receive if i seek i'm gonna find if i knock the door shall be open i'm asking and i ain't receiving i'm seeking and i ain't finding i'm knocking and ain't no door opening i don't know about you but i can't go on worshiping like that i'm looking for real answers i need god to talk to me and said well son i'll tell you why you asking and eating receiving and seeking and finding and knocking in the doing opening because you missing it somewhere that's how i need god to talk to me because i just can't go on playing church god's either real or he ain't he either hears and answers prayers or he don't he either heals the sick or this is all just a bunch of nonsense and we just need to get rid of our bibles but the god i serve is real can i preach to somebody here tonight who is looking for the reality of the resurrected lord jesus can i preach to somebody who is not willing to go on like a whole lot of other church folk they're going through the motions they're going through their religious ordeal they're going through their rituals they're going through their songs they're going to church every sunday and they know they ain't seeing no results they just as discouraged as the most discouraged person on the planet and yet when you talk to them instead they face reality when you ask them how they do it they put on that religious church face talking about i'm blessed and highly favored i'm blessed you walking like you got pain in your butt oh i don't have no pain i'm healed really well why are you limping then talk to me somebody i i'm here i'm not sick i'm healed well then why are you still in the hospital no man i'm healed i'm a fake person i'm healed well why are you still on medicine look folk we've got to come to a place where we quit playing these religious games when jesus asked blind by the mess what do you want me to do for you he didn't look at jesus and said i'm healed i'm healed i can see no that not see my kids are laughing at that i guess i'm being listen just i'm a realist man i'm sorry i'm a realist can i can i talk some truth can i talk some sense into somebody right now can i help somebody here tonight can i help some look i'm not saying you shouldn't believe god to be healed ain't nothing with standing on the word by his stripes i'm healed but let's face reality did your miracle is is it made manifest yet it ain't manifest if you still got the sickness am i right chaos am i right sammy am i right sean jr i'm am i right sarah i know my pastor i know glory to god you know people will say oh don't don't say it don't say it don't don't say what man if i got cancer in the body i got cancer now i'm believing god then now look now look don't get me wrong now i i'm a fake person but if the cancer there i'm not going to fake it man come on somebody don't stop taking your chemo keep going to chemotherapy treatment wilds at the same time you using your faith to get healed can i preach to somebody tonight if there is pain in your body keep taking the doctor's prescription keep taking the medicine until the miracle has been made manifest david said i want to preach myself happy tonight david said i cried unto the lord and he heard my cry and he delivered me from out of the heart out he delivered me from out of a horrible pit quit playing these fake games quit talking all that spiritual jogging jargon you know you're in pain if you are struggling financially if somebody asks you how everything is going don't lie to him and talk but i'm rich i'm not poor i'm abundant and not broke come on let's get real ready say i'm broke busted and disgusted but i believe that my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory i stopped by the night she come under the monsanto seven under the bushes i stopped by tonight to set somebody free from all of these religious crazy games that church people have taught you to play let's get real before god david said this poor man he cried and the lord heard him and delivered him from all his fears if david can call himself paul if david can admit that he was shaken if david can admit that he had a struggle then i can get real with my god god don't want me for phony prayers you don't want no phony church folk god wants you to get real with him if the mountain is still there say god the mountain is still in my way the pain is still in my body but i'm gonna break through one way or the other i stop trying to tell somebody under the sound of my voice tonight that there is a prayer that will move your mountain there is a prayer that will heal your sick body there is a prayer that will cast the devil out there is a prayer that will turn your financial situation around there is a prayer that will drive cancer from out of your body there is a prayer that will drive the blindness from out of your eyes there is a prayer that will shine out a different from spirit there is a prayer that will drive out covered 19 there is a prayer that will heal autism there is a prayer there is a prayer somebody shout tell me the truth tell me the truth preach it like it's real tell me the truth tell me the truth i can't play church i need some real truth because jesus said if you continue jesus said if you continue in my word then i you my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free set us free set us free from foolishness and church games and bring us into the real faith where mountains moving where ship bodies are here where financial breakthroughs take place where broken marriages are restored somebody shall preach preach preach preach the truth preach the truth [Music] some of you feeling guilty you are phony church people they telling you all but but if you had real faith you wouldn't need to take that medicine and when that person go home a little pain hit their body oh god they run into the medicine cabinet where is that tylenol where is that acetaminophen where is that rub my god this outright is pain come on let's get real let's quit playing church folk let's quit playing church and let's get real because there is power i i want to run tonight there is power in the name of jesus there is healing in the name of jesus there is deliverance in the dream of jesus there are miracles in the name of jesus there are breakthroughs in the name of jesus at the name of jesus of heaven power and every tongue must confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god preach to me i want the truth set me free set me free i'm tired of church folks condemning me i'm tired of church people making me feel unspiritual i need the truth of the word of god help me jesus someone shall help help help i need help i need the truth i need the real word of god i need the real gospel where i'm not condemned where i'm not feeling bad for admitting the truth if you're sick it's all right to stay sick but at the same time you believe in god for your miracle it's all right to come clean because my bible says without faith it's impossible to please god faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen i got pain in my body when i believe god i get cancer in my body but i believe god i'm on dialysis but i believe god i got a heart disease but i believe god i got leukemia but i believe god i got a broken leg but i believe god because all things are possible to him who believes shall preach pastor preach pastor sean tell me the truth tell it to me tell him like it is hell feel the holy ghost under the messiah i feel the holy ghost yeah i feel the holy ghost tonight glory to god now watch this now watch this let's let's dig into some word here on tonight i want to take you into the book of mark chapter 11 verses 12 through 14 my god we've got to tell the truth the bible says verses 12 through 14 of mark 11 and on the morrow when they will come from bethany he was hungry oh i like my bible because if you listen to some people they make jesus sound so out there that you wouldn't think he got hungry you wouldn't think he needs something to eat can i tell the truth here you you wouldn't think he had to eat any food at all because well after all isn't he god in the flesh but he is a man now he is the god man a hundred percent god and a hundred percent man at the same time so much man as though he would not god and so much god as though he were not man he is the son of god the messiah so the bible says he was hungry man if the bible can tell me jesus was hungry i'm in good company to admit that i'm hungry or i'm in pain or something wrong with me can i just tell the truth let's get into the word here and on the morrow when they will come from bethany he was hungry ah this puts jesus this puts this puts me in touch with him now because we do we do not have a priest who cannot be touched but he is touched with the feelings of our infirmities he knows what you're going through glory to god and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there on because this type of fig tree even if it was in fixed season if leaves were there on it figs were supposed to be there so that's why when he saw the leaves he said well some fig should be there even though it's not the season if happily he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet doesn't matter you're still supposed to have figs you got leaves i know some church folks are just like this fig tree they got all the leaves on them they got all the signs that they got it together they playing all these spiritual games they talking all this spiritual jargon they got more anointing than jesus himself come on but they full of gossip they full of sin and they ain't bearing no real fruit but they got all the leaves they got the look they got the talk but they can't walk straight come on talk to me somebody when the light goes out at night all the real devil comes out now watch this verse 14 says and jesus answered and said unto it jesus is answering the fig tree he's having a conversation with a tree now you know the apostle peter they must have been thinking man he's losing it he is losing it he's answering the fig tree the tree i i we did you hear the fig tree say anything james what about you john or what about you andrew judas judy judas did the fig tree say something judas yeah i ain't looking for no figs man i'm looking to see if we got some money on it you know we got some thieves in the church oh don't let me go down that trail tonight glory to god we won't get out of here tonight judas looking for money man jesus looking for fakes he's looking for something to steal you've got some thieves in the church but we're going to preach that another time all my kids are having the time tonight now watch this so he cursed the fig tree he cursed it he rebuked it and the apostle peter said i i don't see nothing i don't see nothing happening he cursed the fig tree but i i don't see nothing happening he cursed but but but i i can't see nothing i don't i don't see nothing this is where some christians make their mistake when the man of god rebuke something they'll say he but he's saying people heal i don't see nobody testifying i still got this pain rock in my body it's okay to be real it's okay to be real and this is where some people make their mistake when god is working healings and miracles in a ministry everybody wants everything to be instant they want it now they want it instantly but i've learned from working with god these 20 27 something yes everything does not come instantly some stuff you're gonna have to fight for it my god i'm preaching to somebody tonight some stuff you want from god you gon just have to roll up those sleeves and go to working on that thing are you listening to me tonight pete peter said man look here johnny john johnny uh i don't see nothing i think he i think he missed it this time he he off tonight he ain't got it tonight i love my church folks man i just love him i just love my church folks he he's off tonight he missed god tonight jesus is thinking in his mind he knows what these he knows what these disciples are thinking and jesus is saying to himself boy i can't wait till morning because these disciples hadn't realized yet that some things come with time can someone type those words for me that's a boy someone ought to tweet that out some things come with time everything instant i know you want it right now but some stuff you just gonna have to plain oh wait for it come on talk to me so so the bible says now this break this brings us down to verse 20. the bible says and in the morning i dare someone to say it's a new day it's a new day it's a new day glory to god type them words for me it's a new day it's a new day the bible says in the morning 24 hours had passed now glory to god or less than 24 hours at least 12 because it was in the evening when he cursed the victory now it's morning time it's about 12 to 14 hours later can someone say it's a new day it's a new day you know the bible say weeping man day off for a night glory to god i feel something coming here weep it may endure for a night but joy someone shall joy shout joy it's a new day devil you had your time yesterday but this is the day that the lord has made we go rejoice and be glad in it yesterday is gone this is a new day this is my time [Music] this is my season shout out to somebody it's a new day it's a new day it's a new day i didn't get no results yesterday but i had my faith intact but you got to understand faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith does not come with evidence but after a while can someone shout it after a while faith will produce evidence of abraham and sarah they waited 25 years under isaac to come and after 25 years sarah she woke up one morning and she said abe i got some morning sickness up abraham said what you mean i still got it i'm 90 something years old and i still got it sarah said i got morning sickness up abraham said i think something's going on i think something's going on the next day sarah said i've gotten warning sickness up out of few weeks they realize sarah you're waiting for a long time but your weight is over weeping may endure for a night with joy comes in the morning her faith it produced a young boy by the name of isaac she was past the age of childbearing but i gotta i got a question for you tonight is there anything too hard for god is there anything too hard for god he said to jeremiah i am the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for god all things are possible to those who believe and when they were passing the next day peter realized that the fig tree that jesus curse up it was withered from the roots up all the way up into the leaves i stopped by to tell somebody that cancer in your body it's drying up it's dying that tumor in your body it's shrinking it's taking some time but before you know it that cancer is gonna be gone from hunting your body one of these days in the not too distant future one of these days in the near few weeks you go into your doctor they're gonna look for cancer they're gonna do the ct scan they're gonna do the ultrasound they're gonna do everything they can and your report is going to come back there is no cancer in your body what's going on they're gonna call in more doctors to verify i'm talking about a prayer that can move mountains up and then jesus looked at his apostles and he said and i'm gonna say it to you tonight have faith in god can someone type them words from me have faith have faith have faith have faith in god have faith have faith it may not happen when you want it but it's going to happen someone shall pray until something happens push through it push push push we in the delivery room tonight i'm here to preach to somebody who's about to give birth to the promise of god you've been tired you've been weak you've been wary you've been warned out you wanted to throw the tower lid out you wanted to wave the white flag the devil been talking in your ass i'm telling you this is not real because if it was real you would have been healed a long time ago but i stopped trying to tell somebody the devil is a liar and he is the father of all lies god is not a man that he shall lie nor the son of man that he should have to repent if god said it he'll make it good if he spoke it it will come to pass so shall my word be that goes out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void that it shall accomplish that which i please and it will possible in the thing i said it to prosper in the word of god i yes i'm amen joshua said out of all of god's good promise that he made to the children of israel not one promise have failed all have come to pass i stopped by to tell someone your faith is about to produce your faith with prayer is about to move that mountain that mountain is getting smaller the mountain is shrinking jesus said have faith in god for whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the midge of the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he say but when the disciples tried to cast the devil out of the young boy they ran into some trouble they ran into some problems because what they were doing it was not working and when jesus came down when he came down on the mountain there was a calamity and jesus said what's going on i'm the father of the boy said i brought my son to your disciples and they could not cure him but if you can do anything you can make him whole jesus said don't put it on me like that if you can believe all things are possible to him who believe do you believe that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works in us do you believe that he is able somebody take those words my god is able my god is able and when the father cried out i believe but help my unbelief jesus said bring the boy to me and jesus said come out of him you give a dumb spirit come out and enter no more into him and the bible says the little boy was made whole in the same hour in the same hour there are some miracles that will happen in the same hour but there are some miracles that take time and the disciples they came to jesus privately and they said how come we could not cast the devil out they said how come we could not cast the devil out of the young boy jesus looked at them and said because of your unbeliever if you have faith as a green a mustard seed you shall say unto this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and if you doubt not if you doubt not if you doubt not you will have whatsoever you say and nothing should be impossible to you however i gotta put an identity under this thing however this kind can only come out by prayer and fasting by prayer and fasting this prayer can move mountains but it is the prayer that is combined with fasting you gotta turn your plate upside down you got to fast and jesus said when you fast be known as a hypocrites they disfigure their faces to be seen a man to be fast enough but when you fast do it privately fast to your father which is in secret and your father which sees in secret he will reward you openly nothing should be impossible somebody shouted tonight nothing should be impossible to my prayer if i add fasting along with my prayer shouty ass shouting us shout yes nothing is impossible with god he is the god that opened the red sea from moses he is the god the giant up the jordan river for joshua he is a god that knocked down the jericho wars he is the god that took five loaves and two pits up and fed the multitude fed five thousand men besides women and children he is the god that raised lazarus from the dead after he been dead for four days and stinking in a grave this prayer moved mountains somebody shouted somebody type it up this prayer this prayer this prayer despair in new mountains you move mountains you move mountains and you cause once to fight with your power preferred mirror cuts there is nothing that's impossible and we're standing here because human mountains and human mountains you can't watch to with your powers prefer miraculous there is nothing that's impossible that's important sing it and we're standing listen listen when the disciples could not cast the devil out [Music] they had i love these disciples because they're real they had sense enough to ask jesus privately and said wait a minute why couldn't we cast the devil out and he told them the truth he said this kind can only come out by prayer and fasting listen if you've been praying and praying and praying and praying and having been seeing any results [Music] it's time to turn that plate down [Music] you've got to listen listen listen listen listen take it down just a little bit for me you got to add fasting along with your prayers and don't write into me and tell me oh i've been fashioned and nothing's happening well maybe because you need to get cleansed of your unbelief are you hearing me let the holy ghost work on your heart when you when you obey the word of god don't tell me the word of god doesn't work we've seen god heal over 8 000 people you got to me a little too late and don't tell me you have all the faith in the world and you are not getting no results listen you may have to wait a while but eventually you're gonna get results and you're gonna get bible results let's don't play church saints if you know you ain't get no answers let's go to the word unless let's examine ourselves and not only that when you look at mark chapter 11 jesus said in verse 23 whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed put the scriptures up there mark 11 23 i want them to see it he said whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed get the next one ready whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever sh he shall love whatever he saith but you notice in another place there in in matthew 17 21 he wanted you to know this kind only comes out by prayer and fasting see some people will take this scripture here in mark 11 23 and they'll be speaking and speaking and speaking and speaking to themselves until they're black and blue in the face and then get new results then they get mad at god and say well it doesn't work the devil is a lie the word always works you ain't working because you got to take your time and study your bible and find out what is it that i'm missing the missing link you got to add fasting with your prayers and it doesn't even stop there look at what the next verse says the next verse jesus said therefore therefore i say unto you whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them and notice what he says in verse 25 and 26 because you got to have all of this on see people are speaking and ain't getting no results and they're wondering why well this may be the reason why right here and you notice he says and it's a conjunction it's added onto that mark 11 23 he said and when you stand praying forgive if you have ought against any that your father also witches in heaven may forgive you your trespasses watch the next verse but if you do not forgive neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses are you listening to me so if you've been speaking and speaking and speaking and nothing's happening you need to add fasting on with your prayer well if you fasting and still nothing happening you probably got unforgiveness in there somewhere against somebody and you better listen you better say god examine me and if there is any wickedness in me i want you cleanse me i want you deliver me i want you to set me free listen when i went on that first 40 day first oh boy i was so excited you know god didn't show me the blueprint after jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights he walked in the power of god but you see jesus was perfect i wasn't man on that 40 day fast god showed me over 80 something people i needed to call and ask for their forgiveness over 87 people i thought man you've got to be you you can't be serious you want me call these prideful people and do what man if i call them in actual forgiveness they're gonna go and brag about it and boy i don't like people to mess around like that with me they gonna go and talk about it the holy ghost said now you got pride i'm like man this is rough i didn't even want to finish the holy ghost said you got to do it son you got to do it man i was calling people you know what i hated when i called some of them people they weren't even there i'm like you got to be kidding me this joking picking up the phone i gotta leave a message and do you know i call all of those people and i humble myself it it didn't matter if i was in the right the holy ghost said you call them and repent just i'm like but they're wrong me i mean you want me but you know the bibles the bible says if your brother have ought against you the bible says you need to go humble yourself before your brother and make things right between you and him then you can bring your gifts to the altar some people are praying and ain't getting no results some people are faster than i don't care how much you fast you can fast for 100 days doesn't matter to god if you still got bitterness in your heart and you hadn't forgiven them people and went and asked for their forgiveness your fasting means zero to god can i just shoot straight with y'all can i come clean with you all do you want pastor sean to lie to you or do you want me to tell you the truth do you are you are you wanting results from the bible if you want results from the bible i'm going to give you the gospel the exact way god gave it to me man the holy ghost was he was all up in my business the holy ghost said this is why people in the church you preach is saying he's talking to me this is why you preachers ain't seen me heal nobody because you got to get it right first man god talked to me strong see i'm not gonna fake oh boy that preacher saw preaching straighten him out preach the strength no no the holy ghost i'm talking to you now you got to and man i went through my whole list i was calling people for almost a month but i got through it and i'm glad i made things right with folks and i still make things right if someone if if if someone offended me and i still um look here you got to do it i'm i'm trying to make heaven i ain't trying to be some fancy big shot preacher man i'm working for a crown i'm working i want to hear jesus say well done look when i stand before god ain't none of you folks going to be there look you might as well live right do not play church and i'm tired of people writing emails to me i took my kid to this preacher and the preacher prayed for them and nothing happened well have you check your own heart out quit blaming everybody and take that big finger and point it at yourself you yourself need examination i'm a preacher and the holy ghost examines me constantly there ain't none righteous no not one only jesus is perfect only jesus and without him me and you are nothing at all but we want that prayer that moves mountains we got to come clean some of you are mad and bitter at a husband or wife and they divorce you they burn you they did you wrong they betrayed you they hurt you and you are angry and bitter at them and the kid looks just like his dad and every time you see that little boy you think about his daddy and you almost hate the little boy but come on saints and vice versa but we we we got to get these things out of us we have to ask the holy ghost to cleanse us we have to ask him to deliver us and to set us free our fasting means nothing if all of that fasting you did if you can't humble yourself and ask someone's for someone's forgiveness and tell somebody i was wrong i shouldn't i shouldn't have talked to you that way i i look my attitude was nasty today i did not have direct i don't care if you are boss or supervisor i don't care if you own the business you cannot talk to them employees let me straighten some of your bosses out i don't care if you own the business god gave it to you and he sure enough can take it away from you treat them employees right talk to them like they're human beings not like there's some trash if you call yourself a christian mr boss mr businessman act like it for crying out loud business woman act like it don't treat them like they trash and you employees go to work on time quit taking extra time from from lunch and expecting to get paid do what's right before god quit stealing from from that man's time render the caesar what belongs to caesar you want god to trust you you want god to use you want god to raise you up well you got to be faithful in the small things children you claiming to be a christian and full of the holy ghost and you ain't even talking to your parents you got to make it right parents you claiming to be full of the holy ghost and you don't even want to speak to your kids come on saints and don't even get me started on racism because i've experienced it firsthand from all sides from the blacks the white the hispanics the indians the asians i've experienced racism from every type of race on this planet hello somebody so so don't even just point at one race we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god come on saints let's we we got to get real ain't no one rights ain't no one race got it together that's a lie straight from out of hell come on somebody we got to get this we got to get right with god we got to quit playing church let's come clean with god and i just want to drop this in here and quit letting these politicians use you to divide up the body of christ and turn you against your brothers and your sister come on somebody you are you you ain't no republican first you were christian first you ain't no democrat first you were christian you're a child of god you ain't no independent first you're a child of god and for you in the bahamas you know plp first you know f m first you are a christian you are a child of god act like it for christ's sake i know this is election time and if you don't be careful you will have folk all mad and hateful towards one another and you think god's gonna answer your prayer and dane all republicans righteous and they ain't all democrats righteous they all need to repent before god and independence are you listening to me i said they all need to repent and get washed in the blood of jesus now if you offend it i can't help you because i'm a kingdom person i'm on the lord's side we got to don't let these folk divide us up don't let this one divide you against that one because they want to vote a certain way listen to me they're sin in the camp on every side are you hearing me are you listening to me i said there is sin in the camp on all sides come on somebody can can can i get real here i say can i get real can i get real with you so i know we are going we're getting ready to go into an election here in america but i'm wanting to say to you as a christian you ain't no republican first you ain't no democrat first you're no independent you're a christian and act like it quit hating on people because they want to vote a certain way you ain't god who are you to judge another you ain't on the throne you didn't die for nobody jesus did so let's walk and love saints you a christian man act spiritual if you fully the holy ghost act like it if you love god with all your heart i like it act like a child of god don't let these politicians play their crazy games and divide us up because they all need to repent all of them republicans democrats and independents let's let's let's call it like it is this how about how about you say who would join me tonight and say pastor you know what you're telling the truth i'm on the lord's side man i'm on the lord's side i'm a believer i'm a christian man i'm a child of god i'm washing the blood of the lord jesus christ and i ain't gonna let nobody divide me and make me hate god's children come on saints man i love you know you know pastor sean love all of you right and this is why we got to talk like this because we love you we love you we want your prayer to move mountains we want you to get real results in your walk with god i don't want you reading the bible and the bible seems like this far distant book like man i'm reading this stuff but i don't see it happening in my life no we want you to have results we want you pray for yourself and you get healed we want god to work through your life to bring healing to other people he's a good god we love you all so much you move mountains you cause warts there is nothing singing with me that's impossible and we're standing here [Music] listen who would say tonight pastor i've been praying and haven't been getting results but whilst you were preaching tonight the holy ghost have been putting his finger on things in my life and i'm realizing now this is why i haven't gotten healed this is why my prayers have been not being answered this is why i'm not getting my financial breakthrough who would be honest with me tonight and say pastor i need to do some repentant tonight i need god to wash me in his blood tonight i'm a christian but i need the holy spirit to wash me tonight i need him to wash me tonight i need him to wash me what can washer wear my sins and i'm talking the christians first mighty god what cat was awake my sins nothing but the black come on let me hear it of g what can make me whole again what can't make me oh not get nothing nothing but the blood object oh precious is that flow that makes me white has no no other now i know nothing but the blood shh i surrender i want you pray this prayer after me you christians say lord wash me in your blood on tonight i repent before you tonight as a child of god i humble myself before you tonight i have fallen short i've done things and said things that i shouldn't have and i ask you to wash me in your blood tonight [Music] cleanse me tonight wash me in your blood clean my spirit my mind my mouth my thoughts my attitudes my actions clean me up tonight god i humble myself before you tonight and i ask for your forgiveness and i receive your forgiveness tonight you said if we confess our sins you're faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and i want to talk to you that have never surrendered your life to jesus on tonight the holy ghost is calling you jesus said you must be born again unless a man is born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of god he or she cannot enter into the kingdom of god you must be born again and without any further hesitation i want you to pray the sinner's prayer and surrender your life to jesus right now say lord jesus i believe you are the son of god i believe you died on calvary cross for me they crucified you and buried you in a borrowed tomb but on the third day god raised you from the dead you are now seated at god's right hand and soon and very soon you are coming again thank you lord jesus for saving my soul forgiving me of all of my sins and writing my name down in the lamb's book of life sing it with me on tonight and i surrender oh see you with me on tonight hi surrender listen if you prayed that prayer tonight for the first time surrendering your life to jesus i want you to type in the live chat and say pastor sean i've just surrendered my life to jesus god bless you carrot i surrender and i god bless you coretta we want to give a shout out to you that's why we want you to type it in and acknowledge that you just surrendered your life to jesus on tonight they're all god bless you tomeka all to the night god bless you carrot i surrender give myself away singing to him i give myself away god bless you arlene alex god bless you i give myself a melda god bless you margaret god bless you i give myself away come on sing it to him on tonight shauna god bless you lisa god bless you give myself more reign god bless you almighty god tonight give myself i give myself away so you lillian god bless you tonight away first lady ever bless him god bless you i give myself away show you withholding nothing venice god bless you with holding nothing with holding nothing you protest god bless you elizabeth god bless you rosamond god bless you i surrender and i surrender all to you cynthia god bless you everything sabrina god bless you roxanne god bless you with holding nothing singing to him with holding nothing withholding and we say yes somebody tell them yes on tonight yes losing a god bless you yes lord yes tell him yes we say yes tell the lord yes yes tell him yes yes lord tell the lord yes and we say yes god bless you sophia roxanne catherine god bless you gee gucci god bless you tell the lord you have seen it and we say yes [Music] bob the god bless you on tonight we say yes yes lord yes barbara god bless you [Music] the greatest decision you can make god bless you cindy is to surrender your life to jesus that decision has eternal consequences tell the lord yeah sing it and we say yes [Music] nick sir god bless igbonosa god bless you yes i surrender all and i surrender to you everything everything i give to you withholdings god bless you shall see [Music] god bless you hope tall boss god bless you god bless you saskia everything go all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you [Music] the glory belongs to you come on sing it to him all of the glory all right god bless you all of the glory belongs to you mercy god bless you tonight sing it follow the glory to you god bless you roslin all of the glory all of the glory belongs come on and sing it with me tonight you deserve it tonight you deserve it sing it to him you deserve it come on welcome these new people into the kingdom on tonight give them a big welcome into the family of god tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve god bless you myrna you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve all of the glory all of the glory andre god bless you sing it with me on tonight sing it all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory say it all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory and all of the glory you deserve it tonight you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it put the email address up there sami listen if if you have been healed watching any of these broadcasts if you have already went to the doctor and your doctor verified that you are healed you are normal there's nothing wrong with you make sure email your testimony to us to info at so we can share it with the rest of the world and let them know what god have done for you it is absolutely wrong and out of order to receive a miracle and keep it to yourself that's the best way to open the door for the enemy to come and steal what god gave you is to be scared and ashamed and afraid to testify of what god have done for you if you receive a miracle of healing watching any of these broadcasts if you went to doctor and you've already got it confirmed and verified you owe it to the lord to testify so email us info sean info at sing it with me you deserve it cause all of the glory all of the glory belongs to you listen can you let us know where you're watching from on tonight can you put the name of your country the name of your state the name of your city let us know where you're watching from we want to give a shout out to you tonight sing it all of the glory belongs to you all of the glory god bless you miami florida is in the house texas red oak texas in the house jamaica chicago guyana curacao orlando trinidad dublin island southfield michigan the cayman islands glory to god gothenburg sweden is in the house with chester wichester massachusetts fort worth texas italy oklahoma city new york is in the house lafayette louisiana i pray god keep louisiana safe and all of those in the pathway of that hurricane i pray god keep you safe georgia texas guyana trinidad and tobago missouri toronto barbados the united arab emirates maryland highland california pompano beach florida brooklyn new york the bronx pennsylvania lagos nigeria vincent ontario canada connecticut houston melbourne australia come on the uk is in the house india brandon manitoba amen puerto rico cape town south africa south africa is in the house nassau bahama charlotte north carolina las vegas nevada amen amen san fernando trinidad haiti is in the house come on caribbean folks san catherine jamaica antigua ecuador south america is here nassau bahamas amen new jersey god bless all of you sin kits and nevis amen so good to have all of you here detroit is in the house amen rose dominica is in the house honduras amen central and south america is in the netherlands is here on tonight god bless you say lucia ohio amen welcome welcome freeport bahamas grand bahama is in the house that's my hometown amen ecuador maryland connecticut amen all of you god bless all of you tonight allentown pennsylvania we love all of you and thank you morocco is in the house amen amen god bless and touch aquino in the icu i pray for your son that god touch him and bless him pastor sean's tired sin and jamaica we love all of you kenya east africa is in the house right next door to uganda amen freeport new york is in the house god bless all of you belize is in the house god bless all of you we love all of you me and my lovely beautiful cute wife pastor amy we love all of you we care about all of you god bless you take a look at my book commercial we'll see you on sunday night 7 p.m central standard time god bless you made my lovely what pasta amy now our family we love you be safe we still in the midst of a pandemic use wisdom use common sense be safe out there and we pray that god keep you and protect you from this pandemic and if you have been affected by it we pray that god heal you god bless you we love you take care bye bye it's here the book we've been waiting for seven ways the holy spirit speaks to us a complete guide to hearing god pastor sean penner gives readers life-changing keys on exploring understanding and experiencing the voice of god which every believer can hear on a daily basis packed with powerful revelations this book shares the methods means and motivations for the voice of god and provide answers to questions like how to hear god recognize his voice tap into his guidance and much more receive confidence on hearing god through the word dreams and visions divine impressions and more and discover a much deeper and more intimate walk with the lord order seven ways the holy spirit speaks today available on amazon and all major book suppliers your journey into the powerful realms of god's voice starts here never forget we love you take advantage of these other videos here they will be a blessing to you a strength my god they will increase your faith in jesus name bye-bye
Channel: Sean Pinder
Views: 235,016
Rating: 4.7485266 out of 5
Keywords: move, Sean pinder, Pastor benny hinn, this prayer moves mountains, Music, Bible study, Bible preaching, Bible, Sermon, Sean Pinder youtube, Video, Pastor Sean Pinder, Sermons, Sean Pinder live, Sean Pinder ministries, Benny hinn, Jesus, Sean Pinder youtube live, mountain, mark, mountains, mark 11, Holy Ghost, prayer, moves, Benny hinn ministries, Bible sermon, Live, Bible teaching, Church, mark 11 kjv, Holy Spirit
Id: 4xcAfeEcL-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 28sec (10528 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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