It's NOT OVER Yet, SATAN Has FAILED Again - Re-broadcast

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baby love you tonight glory to God [Music] bless you Destiny Jeff and Melanie Hines and Elizabeth June Lydia more folks on here tonight God bless all of you [Music] oh God is so good Alex Matthew on YouTube Selma Teresa God bless you Theresa Carrie Anne Helen Audrey foreign Monique God bless all of you you're just bringing in all the channels on you tonight [Music] oh the Lord is so good has he been good to you oh he's been so good to us glory to God mighty mighty mighty mighty God oh come on let's put them hands together tonight and help me bless my God tonight oh come on and help me bless him tonight we'd like to we'd like to welcome you tonight to this live broadcast where Jesus Christ Alone is Lord of all he alone deserves the glory the honor and the praise I believe the Holy Ghost is going to touch heal the level set somebody free and encourage somebody on here tonight you know when God when God calls a Ministry to minister to his people he knows exactly what he is doing amen things begin to happen when the power of God begins to move when the Holy Ghost I listen listen I just I just can't hump church as usual come on somebody can I get a witness here tonight who would say Pastor I ain't after tradition I'm after the power of the most high God I wanted just like Jesus and the apostles delivered it in the book of Acts I want all that God has for me you're my shelter my shelter sing it to him forever come on in time of storms in my shelter my shelter forever forever forever you're my king this is an old song but I love it my shelter sing a church my shelter forever forever come on in time of storm heal myself somebody Lift Your Hands to Heaven tonight if he is your shelter forever forever you're my king should you see him again my shelter come on Church my shelter glory to God forever in time of storms My Shelter forever forever [Music] forever you're my king your mercy should follow your mercy forever I'll follow me your mercy your mercy forever forever you're my King come on and sing it to the king tonight your mercy your mercy forever shall follow me your mercy your mercy forever [Music] forever you're my king tell him I love you forever tonight Jesus I love you I love you forever with all my heart I love you I love you forever forever you're my King come on and sing it to him I love you [Music] I love you forever with all my heart I love you I love you forever forever I gotta go back to that one with the storm You're My Shelter tonight this is this verse this verse from this song is for somebody here tonight [Music] somebody who's facing storms of life storms in your marriage in your health in your finances in your relationships on the job in your business in your ministry he is a Shelter From The Storm who knows he is a shelter come on somebody Lift Your Hands to Heaven and wave it at me if you believe he is a shelter tonight I say Wave Your Hands to Heaven tonight if you know he is a shelter tonight I want somebody to lift your hands and say he is my shelter he is he is yes he is tonight [Music] glory to God get your hands of heaven and see with me tonight My Shelter My Shelter forever in time of storm you're my shelter my shelter forever forever you're mighty sing it in the king tonight my shelter and my shelter come on Church help me worship him here tonight in the time of stop in time of storms my shelter my shelter oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] forever you're my king see you to the Lord tonight my shelter My Shelter forever in time of storm in time of storms you're my shelter my shelter come on Church forever forever you're my king listen to this Isaiah chapter 43 Verse 2. Isaiah this is the Lord prophesying through Isaiah the prophet he said when you walk through the waters they'll not overflow you so it doesn't matter who you are there Comes A Time in every child of God's life you will face a storm in your life it's just a matter of time so he he didn't say if any time he says if that means you have something to do with it but when he's when he used the word when it's only a matter of time scenes so he said when you go through the waters they'll not overflow you when you go through the rivers you ain't gonna drown come on somebody when you go through the fire he said you will not be burned not even the Sith of smoke we'll Kindle on you tonight and he is your shelter in the time of stop this is for somebody tonight it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how hard the winds blow it doesn't matter how much the waves try to beat into the ship Jesus Is Right on board with you my mama had this saying if Christ is in the vessel you can smile at the stone come on somebody you know these old people they had some Sands Lord of Mercy and the more you walk with God the more you begin to understand what on God's Earth they were talking about because when Jesus was in that vessel with his disciples headed over to the other side the devil said that storm to try to capsize their ship he tried to destroy them but the disciples they awoke Jesus they said Master don't you care that we are about to perish and when he heard that Lord of Mercy he knew they were they were at the end of their room he just stood up in the bow of the boat with authority in power peace be still three words and it was over I said he spoke three words and it come on somebody come on somebody somebody shout peace be still I feel in the morning here tonight remember shut up come on open your mouth and shout it type it in the live chat tonight peace be still my God there is an anointing on you tonight to say it there's an anointing on you to type it come on somebody it was like he was releasing a bomb on the devil peace be still and it was over and I believe I believe somebody's storm is coming to a cruise here tonight I said I believe somebody's storm is coming to a close tonight I said Somebody's storm is coming to a close tonight come on somebody put your hands together and help me give him praise I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost here tonight my shelter my Shelter tonight listen just don't slow it down the top if you are facing a storm tonight because I feel they're so strong from the Holy Ghost you see if you'd say Pastor that's me I'm in a storm I'm in a storm right now and I felt Pastor today I even felt like those disciples felt Lord do you even care have you have you forgotten about me Jesus Lord I've been crying out to you I've been praying I've been I've been doing everything I'm supposed to I'm paying my tithes I'm living right God Lord I'm doing everything I know how to do if you would say Pastor I'm in a storm tonight we want to pray for you tonight I want you to type in the chat that's me that's me that's me come on talk to me the Holy Ghost is talking I need you to respond don't ignore the anointing when God's moving you've got to respond you've got to respond something's happening here tonight glory to God I'm just a lot of people are responding here tonight A lot of people responding to the Holy Ghost tonight foreign [Music] all this thing's about to be over in your life come on Lift Your Hands to Heaven I said this thing is about to be over in your life this is about to be over in your life God's bringing this child the Holy Ghost for me to tell you God's bringing this chapter to a close he is bringing this thing to a close mouth shelter myself forever forever in time of storms my shelter my shelter come on somebody forever forever I'm about to pray for you but I want you to sing it one more time now shelter nah my shelter forever forever [Music] in time of storms My Shelter forever forever you're my King come on and lift your voice and see you with me here tonight now shout out my shelter sing it to him forever in time in time of storm he hold my shelter my shelter forever forever you're my King come on and see you with me tonight My Shelter my I feel a breakthrough happening here tonight come on just Lift Your Hands to Heaven father God I take authority over every storm in the lives of your people here tonight me and Pastor Amy are Servants of God We join our faith together tonight and we say peace be still to every storm in the lives of your people right now every storm that's over swimming them every storm that's overtaken them trying to destroy their marriage trying to destroy their physical health with sickness and disease attacking their finances God their jobs their career God their relationships with their family members that Ministry that Pastor going through a storm that minister of the Gospel feel like throwing the towel in don't throw the towel in brother don't throw the towel in Sister your storm's coming to a close tonight it's coming too close tonight I said it's coming to a close tonight Lift Your Hands to Heaven since coming to a close tonight it's coming to a close tonight it's coming to a close tonight [Music] shelter forever forever you're my king forever you're my king Dom tonight you're my shelter my shelter [Music] forever in time in time of storms shelter I gotta feel the anointing I feel burned I feel burdens lifting here tonight I feel a calm I feel a calm coming into people's lives tonight I feel the peace of God coming into people's lives here tonight people who came onto this broadcast burdened down stressed out no peace confusion frustration Joy gone the Holy Ghost is restored unto you the joy of your salvation tonight some of you have lost your joy here lately ah but David said he restores my soul he's restoring you tonight the joy of the Lord is your strength weeping man dear for a night but joy comes in the morning you must shelter my shelter forever forever forever you're my king so singing it a lot tonight your mouth shouts up my shelter raise the music forever in time of storms up my shelter come on put your hands together forever forever you're my king the chapter is coming to a close tonight I said that chapter in your life is coming to a close tonight it's coming to a close right now [Music] it's coming to a close tonight because your mouse helps out my June you got a right to be excited God's working in your family forever forever see you to the king tonight you're my shelter my shelter forever forever in time of storm in time up foreign [Music] forever forever let's sing that verse again I'll shelter my shelter forever in time of storms shelter my shelter oh forever forever you're my king sing it in the Lord he's ministering to somebody My Shelter forever in time of storm heal myself here tonight who would say Pastor Sean I feel burdens lifted from off of my shoulders here tonight I feel my peace my joy is being restored some of you had already happened Come on talk back to me who could feel something's happening here tonight you know when the anointing of the Holy Ghost begins to move and God's begin God begins to manifest his power this things happen God don't just move to be playing games amen I say when God begins to move demons gotta I mean they got to flee when Jesus showed up they begin to crowd have you come to talk Menace before the time I feel demons are being subdued right now come on come on if you can feel something happening tonight I want to hear from you tonight say Pastor I feel a ship in my life I feel weights remove off my shoulders tonight burdens frustration confusion I got my peace back tonight I got my joy back tonight glory to God Forever Forever sing it to him again I can't sing it to him forever in time of storms up my shelter forever forever you're my king I gotta sing it I want to get all the juice out of this song my shelter forever for ever in time of storms my photo My Shelter forever [Music] forever you're my king oh come on and help me bless him tonight come on and help me give him praise here tonight come on and help me bless him that all the Holy Ghost already beginning to heal people Shanice Shanice Walcott said I had a pain in my chest and it's gone the Lord's beginning to heal people here tonight oh there is an anointing here tonight listen the Miracles are happening here Jonathan said good night Pastor I got healed on my left side last night during the session praise God come on let the testimonies come go have received the anointing by God he's healing people here tonight I said he's healing people here tonight receive your Miracles the Holy Ghost is moving my God and I got to catch up with him tonight I said the Holy Ghost is moving here tonight he is already beginning to heal people here tonight my God my God glory to Jesus tonight he is beginning to heal there is an anointing the Holy Ghost is beginning to move here tonight if you need a miracle from God place your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you there is an anointing movement you Lord you are worthy my God you Lord singer you are worthy come on [Music] and no one can worship you for me Josh why don't you come join us for all the things you've done for me and no one can worship you for me blessing you to the Lord again you Lord You Lord you are worthy know us and no one can worship you for me for all the things all of the things you've done for me [Music] know what no one can worship you for me here's my worship tonight here's my worship come on all of my worship receive receive my worship all of my worship here's my worship tonight here's my worship [Music] all of my worship receive receive my worships all of my worships you Lord and you Lord you are worthy [Music] know what I am no one can worship you for me for all the things for all the things you've done for me know what and no one to worship you for me singing in the king tonight here's my worship all of my worship receive receive my worship all of my worship here's my worship Here's My Worship all of my worship receive receive my worship All of My Worship I will not be silent and I will not be silent I will always worship you as long as I breathing as long as I have reading I will always worship you That's My Worship yes My Worship there's somebody else on here tonight [Music] Landy did you get healed I want to hear from you make a plane to us tonight the anointing of God is here tonight for miracles come on somebody listen if you're watching through Facebook or YouTube wherever you're watching from tonight I want you to invite some of your friends and family that you know they need a touch from God they need a word from God they need the Holy Ghost to touch them they need a healing go ahead and send this link to them send it to what's up Facebook Messenger tag your friends on Facebook send it through snapchat however you guys do it invite some of your friends to be a part of this broadcast tonight I feel the anointing here God's already beginning to heal people tonight here's my worship is My Worship come on church all of my worship receive my worships All of My Worship You Lord come on and you Lord you are worthy [Music] no one and no one to worship you for me for all the things for all the things you've done for me no one and no one can worship you for me here's my worship Here's My Worship receive receive my worship listen Betty Carby said good night Pastor I was really depressed and stressed out on the Holy Ghost Has Lifted my burden and you know when I read her statement the Holy Ghost said there's a whole lot of people who came on this broadcast tonight feeling the same way but that depression is gone come on that burden is gone glory to God come on give God praise here tonight if you felt the burden left Come on talk back to me he is a mighty God [Music] I will not be silent sing it to him and I will not be silent I will always worship you as long as as long as I am reading I will always worship you here's my worship Here's My Worship all of my worship receive Lucy In My Worship [Music] as My Worship [Music] glory to God glory to God save receive my worship all of my worship has My Worship Here's My Worship foreign [Music] [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah who know our God is greater tonight come on somebody greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world my God our God is greater go forth Greener come on and God is stronger come on any other and I call this healer he's awesome with power I got singing To The King tonight I caught his creator come on God is greater and our God is stronger God you are higher than any other and I caught his healer he is awesome in power I've got to see it another time and our God is greater and our God is stronger God you are high Humanity's healer he's awesome and power I got if I caught us flowers tonight come on as for us what could ever stop us and if our God is with us what could stand again what could stand [Music] I got his greatest I Garden stronger come on God you are higher than any other it's all right oh God it's deep let's stop let's stop that song one two three go our God is greater come on and our God is stronger cause you are higher than any other and I call this healer you got it he's awesome in power I got that's it if I call this flawless come on church and If thy God is for us what could ever stop us and if our God is with us what could stand against quick which stands [Music] if I got as far as come on if our God is for us what could ever stop us and if I call his witness what could stand against what could stand why do you turn into wine come on water you turn into wine Open the Eyes Open the eyes there's no one There's No One Like You Jesus None Like You into the darkness you shine come on into the darkness you shine out of the ashes out of the ashes We rise there's no one there's no one none like you I call this Creator come on and our God is greater that's it I got it stronger caught you my higher than any other and I got this healer he's awesome and power I got [Music] I got if I caught us for us tonight signatures and if our God is for us what could ever stop us if our God is with us what could stand against what could stand [Music] if I caught his Forest tonight if our God is for us what could ever stop us and if I caught it with us we could stand against who could stand I God is greater tonight sing it to him too our God is greater and our God is stronger got you by higher than in me other and I got this healer he is awesome in power I got I call this greater tonight our God is greater than our God you behind you [Music] I got his healer he's awesome in power I got what are you turn into wine come on the water you turn into my Open the Eyes there's no one like you none like you Jesus into the dark as you shine into the [Music] there's no one none like you none like you I got this cleaner come on I got this greater listen Saints there is an anointing here tonight are you hearing me there's an anointing here for miracles people have already begun to be healed tonight and if there is listen good now don't try to tell me how to run the service now just just flow with me now amen I want you to lay your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you right now there is an anointing here are you hearing me who can feel the anointing of God here tonight I said who can feel the anointing of God here tonight who can feel the anointing of God just just wave if you can feel the the presence the I believe this is one of the hardest things to get some people to understand when the listen good bring it down a little bit when the anointing of God is present listen good Saints I'm going to teach this until the day I die when you sense the presence of God I know you've been trained oh if you feel the anointing it's time to beg for prayer no when God's anointing is moving the Holy Ghost is right there with you I'm just trying to help God's people to grow the anointing is right there with you so why are you gonna bypass the Holy Ghost right there in the room with you to talk to Pastor Sean that just doesn't make sense but when you feel that anointing and I know some people has to be trained when you feel that anointing that's when you put your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you the presence of God is moving tonight everyone under the sound of our voice the anointing of God is right there that's the presence of God that's the Holy Ghost and when you sense his presence he is present to work miracles he is present to heal he he he's not showing up in your house for you to bypass him and say oh Pastor pray for me no no it just doesn't make sense he is showing up on your behalf he is showing up to answer your prayer and this is why we worship God because the worship worship manifest the presence of God God loves when his people worship Him the Bible says it enter into his presence with singing so when we begin to sing the presence of God begin to be made manifest and Malachi said in the presence of God is the hiding of his power you see so when we sing and come into the presence of God his power is right there in his presence and this is why people begin to be healed this is why Miracles begin to happen and so when you come into the presence of God when you feel that anointing listen just just say Lord I can feel you right here in the room with me Lord Jesus I know Pastor Sean is not the Healer he's only him in past Damian only your vessels to lead us and bring us to you that's our job our job is to worship God is to just Magnify Him and lift him up to bring you to Jesus and once we bring you to Jesus that's that's where you connect directly with him and he will give you everything you need it's one of the greatest lessons we have learned in our life you see you can speak to a mountain and the mountain has to move but there is another way the mountain moves the Bible says in the book of Isaiah listen good now the Bible says mountains melt like wax in the presence of God you see so when you come into the presence of God Miracles begin to happen tumors disappear cancer leaves Blind Eyes Are Open deaf as an unstopped crippled legs begin to work again are you hearing me his presence is here the anointing of God dear God I feel it come on lift your hands dear God I feel a wave right there I feel a wave of the power of God listen under this anointing right now just lay your hands on the part of your body where you need God to touch you just do it just do it father God in the name of Jesus the Lord these are your precious people father me and Pastor Amy join our faith together tonight Lord we ask you to touch heal deliver and set your people free tonight drive that sickness out of there but give me my flow God's touching somebody drive that sickness out of their body driving out that pain drive it out that heart disease drive it out God that that fibroids that cancerous tumor that block arteries in the heart that blindness that deafness that dumbness that paralysis that person that's bound to a wheelchair you double used him in the name of Jesus you Spirit of infirmity count out yeah somebody's healing the left side somebody somebody listen here somebody right then somebody felt something moved from out of their left side you're healing the left side that was a spirit of infirmity crank the music up somebody shout come out you foul devil of infirmities I feel the anointing somebody someone who have suffered with epilepsy is being healed somebody who suffered with fainting spells becoming so weak and to the point you just collapse and pass out the Holy Ghost is healing you that devil is leaving your life right now in the name of Jesus is in the name of Jesus hey I feel the anointing of God come on receive your Miracle receive it receive it tonight receive it tonight good is coming back into people's bodies tonight chronic pain is leaving osteoporosis my God Alzheimer's we rebuke it autism we rebuke it asthma the flu coven 19. we curse it in the name of Jesus congestive heart failure we rebuke those suffered from a heart attack from Strokes from an enlarged heart holding the heart we rebuke it [Music] Hallelujah cancer of the stomach diabetes be healed tonight be healed tonight in the name of Jesus my God pancreatic cancer we curse you tonight cancer of the ovaries of the stomach of the liver of the kidneys of the body we rebuke it leukemia we rebuke it melanoma we rebuking out of your body tonight [Music] you are great in the name of Jesus be healed tonight be healed tonight be healed tonight there is no one else like you there is an anointing here there is no one else like you or you are great so great there is no one else like you see you doing there is no one else like you for you are great receive the power of God into your body right now be healed from that sickness be healed from that infirmity be healed from that infirmity [Music] somebody is receiving a miracle of healing behind the right air behind the right Ed as a sharp pain that comes into your head the Holy Ghost is healing you tonight he's healing you and I see some people here tonight your joints are inflamed because of rheumatoid arthritis but the power of the Holy Ghost is healing you tonight he is healing you tonight and I see a severe case of eczema behind somebody's neck right in the back of the neck so that case of itching the Holy Ghost is healing you tonight receive your Miracle tonight come on somebody there is no one else for you our Grace you do Miracles so great no one else like you sing it in a cake there is no one else like you for you are great you do Miracles so great there is no one else like you [Music] you deserve the glory and you deserve the glory and the honor as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name cause you deserve the glory and the awareness as we lift our hands in worship as we bless your holy name for you are great to do Miracles so grapes listen here Miracles Miracles are beginning to happen and I'm asking you begin to begin to check your bodies begin to check your bodies right now I want you to check your bodies under this anointing the power of God's moving under this anointing of the Holy Ghost begin to check your bodies begin to do what you could not do before begin to do what you could not do before and as soon as you know the Holy Ghost has touched you and heal you I want you to type in the live chat tonight and let us know what God has done for you I got some testimonies I got to read here tonight God is working a lot of Miracles what's the number Michaela say that again over 600 praise the Lord listen Samuel and Josh I need you to pay close attention there's an anointing here tonight receive from the Holy Ghost tonight Pastor Sean is not the Healer Jesus is listen to this testimony here tonight this is this is Annette from Pennsylvania it's a powerful Miracle Annette said I suffered from nerve damage in my body I have a metal plate and four screws and three donor bones in my neck I've been having severe pain in the left back side of my neck as I was listening to your word the pain in my neck left God is amazing and he does amazing work through you and your wife I love listening to you every day God deserves all the glory honor and praise thank you Jesus for your touch in my body amen this woman out of metal plate she got donut bones in there she got screws in her neck but the Holy Ghost come on somebody help me give him praise tonight you are great she is here Annette from Pennsylvania is healed there is no one else like you sing it to him there is no one else like you for you are great you do Miracles so great and a net Annette from Pennsylvania we want to hear from you email us so we can put you in touch with Jeffrey for Jeffrey to interview you and get your full testimony dear God their God there's a miracle in the live chat on YouTube Sheila Warner said I can breathe without chest pains glory to God Amen and amen oh come on somebody help me give him praise help me celebrate as God heals his people here tonight I don't know how much praying something you want me to do some people in the chat like pray for me I just finished praying for everybody this is not your traditional service the Holy Ghost is moving I already prayed I asked God to heal you now once you exercise your faith and put your hands on yourself and say Lord I Believe by your stripes I am healed and begin to check your bodies Lord have mercy the anointing for miracles is here the anointing for miracles is here for you are great Sing It To The King let me read another testimony here abriona said my right my ring finger on my left hand has been broken for years it was improperly healed and now by faith I can bend my thing and make a perfect kiss Thank you Lord Jesus come on somebody this was someone who had a broken finger and it didn't heal properly listening to the broadcast the power of the holy ghost touch her and abriona is healed by the power of God come on somebody there is no one else like you there is no one you are great for you are great we're about to ship listen I feel an anointing here I feel an anointing holy holy holy are you Lord listen people with problems in the stomach is beginning to be healed right now stomach ulcers Eating Disorders I want you to lay your hands on your stomach right now there is an anointing for people to be healed in their stomach just do it come on holy holy holy are you Lord the L is an angel's bow the others and Angels bow the redeemed the redeem we worship you now holy holy holy are you Lord sing it in the king holy holy holy holy Lord listen lay your hands on your stomach right now lay out the word of knowledge is coming fast Lord help me to keep up with you tonight slow it down for me Jesus let me keep up with you listen to me good problems in the stomach is being healed right now just lay your hands on your stomach someone have just been healed a muscle in the in the bottom right side of your back you have some type of pull muscle trouble there the Holy Ghost have just healed you that problem pinched nerve pull muscle it's healed tonight in the name of Jesus receive your Miracle tonight it's at the lower right side of the back you are healed you are healed in the name of Jesus there is someone in the chat they're going by the name Silky Cat please give us your real name but listen this person said I felt a pop in my left arm I can raise it now thank you Lord oh come on somebody come on somebody [Music] sing it to him holy holy holy holy eye listen I want to repeat this word because I don't want you to miss it some some people here pull muscle on the bottom right side of the back not all the way to the bottom but almost to the bottom pulled muscle pinched nerves be giving you trouble for years the Holy Ghost have just healed you I want you bend over and touch your toes Bend touch your toes twist to the right twist to the left do it but you got to exercise your faith you got to exercise you got to take you got to take possession when the word when the Holy Spirit is speaking supernaturally and revealing things that's going on you've got to grab that word and say Lord I receive it and just begin to do what you couldn't do before Miracles are happening here tonight Sing It To The King holy holy holy are you Lord sing it to him tonight come on holy holy holy heart Miracles are happening tonight Miracles are happening there are people being healed in their stomachs right now fibroid tumors in the stomachs disappearing in the name of Jesus sis just lay your hands just lay your hands on your neck the Holy Ghost is moving I ain't the Healer Jesus is just lay your hands on the part of your body you folks are too stubborn you two like to tell men and women of God how to do things I'm telling you the anointing is moving you want to tell me what to do that's why people come to church and they get nothing because they're too stubborn listen Naaman almost walked away from Elijah from Elijah Elisha told him go dip in the in the Jordan River seven times he said well I thought you were going to do it this way wait a minute Elisha ain't God he's not the Healer Elisha can only tell you what the Holy Ghost tells him to tell you but you folk don't get it you steady want to tell somebody how to do their meetings go back to your church where no miracles happen this is not the ministry for you we do things by the Holy Ghost we are led by the spirit of God are you listening to me come on somebody oh there is an anointing here tonight there is an anointing stomach problems in the stomach are being healed right now in the name of Jesus I said problems in the stomach is being healed right there it is there it is bring it up here Sammy there it is somebody's responding now we know you from Africa no doubt about it I love my African folks I love traveling to Africa mubanga and along we said I had stomach pains the pain has gone praise the Lord that's it Jesus is the Healer oh come on somebody come on somebody may buy your house is here holy holy holy Lord just do what I'm telling you to do holy I know people think Bob has to Sean is tough I'm trying to help you get your miracle I don't want you messing with with religious games we're not here to play games you notice and I say this a lot you notice when a lot of people came to Jesus for healing Jesus didn't sit there praying for no three hours the blind man he spit on the ground took the mud rubbed it in his eyes and say go wash he didn't sit there praying it's somebody and I understand the Bible says if there's any among you sick call for the Elders of the church let him anoint you at all and the prayer of Fate will heal the sick but what a lot of people miss the prayer faith is not the only way for people to be healed there's the word of knowledge are you listening to me there is the working of Miracles there is all kinds of ways God have to heal people but you have to respect the anointing that's on that specific man there are different gifts in the body of Christ one person has has the has the the gift with the prayer of faith but you know with us it's just a word of knowledge and miracles begin to happen so I I've got to stay in my Lane I've got to stay in the in the anointing that God has placed on Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy so when you come to a Ministry you've got to submit you know the Bible says the pr the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the prophets so when you come to that Ministry don't come with nothing preached set up in your mind you've got to flow with the way the Holy Ghost works with that man that woman and that gifting that he has trusted him with and you will receive your miracle that that's the way it works Marie Marie Legg grew out I mean Lydia was sitting down all the way in Trinidad couldn't walk for 10 months and whilst we were praying for the sick she heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say get up and walk she didn't sit there begging for prayer she just jumped up and obeyed the Holy Ghost and Lady is healed tonight Lydia you know we love you Lydia let Lydia wave at these folks for me tonight every time I call your name my faith just goes to the next level bring Lydia up there for us Sammy there's Lydia there's Lydia all the way look at her beautiful smile and all couldn't walk for 10 months and Lydia is healed by the power somebody put your hands together and say Jesus is a miracle worker holy I'm coming to Trinidad when this pandemic lifts tell me the biggest stadium that got over there we want to rent it and you go we want you right on the platform with us glory to God we coming to Trinidad because of you I feel that I'm coming I'm coming Canada I'm coming I'm telling you I'm coming figure with me holy holy holy uh Jamaica I'm coming glory to God sing it holy Mighty God tonight listen Landy grazes heal all my muscle aches are gone the muscle issues are gone thank you Lord what an awesome God we serve come on somebody he's healing his people tonight see you with me holy [Music] God Miracles are happening tonight listen listen really that's pretty awesome really said pastor Sean before I started watching the program tonight I checked my diabetes my blood sugar was up it was 600. I just did my blood test that it is now 1 40. God I pray you let it drop all the way down to 95 into 85. come on somebody holy holy holy holy someone someone said pastor why don't you come to South Africa I have to come to South Africa because we have a lot of people in South Africa who watch us we have a lot of places to go but you got to pray God lift this pandemic amen but you know what I like you ain't got to wait for me to come all the way there you can be healed just watching this broadcast isn't that awesome it's not awesome but I'm coming in the name of Jesus we come in holy holy are you Lord singing with eating that Holy Holy oh that is that and you know someone's being healed someone's being healed in the right muscle come on Flex that thing Flex that Flex that Flex that someone's being here somebody is being healed come on flex your right muscle just Flex it just Flex it there's an anointing here and there are more people being healed in their backs and their knees and their in their thighs in their hip socket and their necks people are being healed here tonight in their hearts in their lungs in their liver tumors are leaving tonight holy holy holy are you Lord sing it to him tonight the elders and an angel's mouth the redeemed we worship you now holy holy holy sing it to him another time holy holy holy holy eye someone said pastor Sean would you come to Jamaica First Once the pandemic is lifted we'll see what the Holy Ghost say man I don't make these decisions I just gotta follow God but who knows what God will do come on somebody sing it to him tonight there are more testimonies here tonight there's another lady said praise God I was experiencing severe itching for years just as Pastor Sean just wait a minute God's interrupting me somebody who suffered from asthma and you do you deal with shortness of goat change that up for me Agnes State listen listen if someone's being healed shortness of breath and I mean a severe case of asthma listen to their case of asthma is being healed somebody you struggle with shortness of breath your asthma you have a severe case of asthma just place your hands over your over your lungs area the Holy Ghost is healing you the the Holy Ghost is healing you are you Lord God sing it [Music] the lamp holy see you oh listen I mean severe severe case of asthma it's it's almost scary you struggle to breathe real bad just put your hands over your chest area over your lungs area the Holy Ghost is healing you from that asthma he is healing you and your doctor is going to confirm this for you you won't need that nebulizer whatever it is people who have asthma has to use you won't need it anymore but you let your doctor tell you that I'm not a doctor you let your doctor tell you when it's okay but you're going you listen you're gonna get it confirmed people with severe cases of eyes may have tonight who is that who are [Music] who are are you Lord God [Music] is the love sing it do what I'm telling you if you have sharpness if you suffer with a severe case of asthma and shortness of breath I want you to put your hands on your chest right now as an Act of Faith come on just do it right now Almighty standing to get for your brother or your sister do it put your hands on your body there is an anointing here tonight stand in the gap for your for your sons till you do it stand in the gift stand in the gap stand in the Gap to your family members holy your family members are being healed are you not God [Music] Almighty wedding when he is the Lamb singing To The King oh holy people have been healed the anointing is moving watch him the anointing of God is moving into people's lungs and freeing it up right now the anointing the healing power of the Lord Jesus is flowing into people's lungs right now who struggle and have us of their case of shortness of breath and Asthma people are being healed in their lungs listen to me good now I want you stand to your feet you that I'm praying for right now stand to your feet and inhale take a deep breath in take a deep breath in and then I mean Breathe It Right Out keep taking deep breaths the Holy Ghost is healing you the Holy Ghost is healing you oh Miracles are happening Miracles are happening Miracles are happening Miracles are happening in people's lungs right now Worthy Worthy is the Lamb singing To The King holy [Music] holy are you Lord are you Lord God [Music] is a lamp come on and sing it to the king oh holy he is Holy tonight this is Holy tonight I use Lord God [Music] what is the love there's an anointing here oh holy listen I want you to check yourself check yourself you that had that breathing trouble tonight I want you to check yourself and begin to do what you could not do before some of you have been healed already that that those people who are having a hard time breathing some of you have already been healed here tonight some of you have already been healed I want you to check yourself real good and let me know what God's doing in your body because there is an anointing God's healing people right now Lord have mercy Lord have mercy right at the top pit of people's stomach people are being healed I just felt the power of the Holy Spirit moving in that part in people's stomach right in the top Center of your stomach people are being healed right now by the power of God Worthy is holy singing To The King [Music] are you Lord are you not God almighty there is a so there's a testimony here this person said praise God I was experiencing severe itching for years just as Pastor Sean described and now I am healed praise God Jesus is the Healer thank you Pastor Sean for being a yielded vessel of the Lord you are absolutely right Jesus is the Healer praise God listen to Marcia Marcia said mighty mighty my sister has been healed from cancer My God is Awesome come on somebody are you Lord are you not God Almighty [Applause] Worthy is the love my God [Music] listen listen to this more people here being healed comfort from Delaware is the testimony that came in that is me Pastor I just received my miracle I had arthritis for about six to seven years glory to God I have been believing God for a long time Hallelujah I am totally healed in all my fingers I had been seeing and believing God yes my Abba Father just did it glory to God somebody give God praise him foreign listen Genie from Canada oh boy here comes the Canadians now thank you for your healing prayers I have suffered for a very long time with pain in my neck shoulders and arms not many hours of the day go by without me crying out because of the pain and discomfort I believe that I have received a great blessing I am healed from this awful pain all glory to God thank you Pastor for making intercession with the healing spirit of God thank you men of God now I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me all praise and all praise and honor be the God who has redeemed me from the curse of the law God bless you and your family we love you up here in Canada and appreciate your blessings to you and your ministry the blessings of the Lord makes rich and has no soul come on let's give God peace for Eugenie in Canada Worthy is a lamb [Music] listen there's there's a testimony from a Marvin right now Marvin I want you to email me all right because I need you I need you to be in touch with Jeffrey Marvin is funny Marvin said pastor the world needs you they need Jesus it's the Jesus it Pastor Sean trust me they don't need you they don't need me pass to him he will tell you that they need Jesus but listen here he said he said I was healed by one of your services my foot was broken and you said get up in the name of Jesus and walk and I did praise be to God loving and you just now telling me that I need to lay hands on you again but listen here Marvin I ain't put up his name yes listen Marvin email us email us and say Pastor that's me I'm Marvin from Jamaica because I want Jeffrey to get in touch with you Jeffrey needs to interview you Jeffrey is my associate he works with us he he wants to talk to you and get you a miracle come on somebody someone with a broken leg just caught up in it but he watching one of the broadcasts oh and you see listen listen this is how you know it's Jesus I I didn't know this fella got had his broken leg heal him I didn't know anything about it it ain't Pastor Sean and Pastor Amy we don't even know that man was healed but Jesus did come on somebody oh see you to the king holy there it is listen this is Angel said Hallelujah I can breathe I think stress was triggering the breathing issues and causing my pain and bleeding and now angel said she can breathe come on somebody oh the Holy Ghost doesn't he know it doesn't he know it are you Lord God Almighty [Music] what's that Sammy what's that Josh huh this one this is from Kenya thank Kenya Keys thank you my Lord the tightness in my chest is gone I'm totally healed come on somebody give him praise here he's healing his people tonight he is healing his people sing it to him holy [Music] holy Almighty [Music] when he is the lamp singing To The King holy holy holy are you Lord are you Lord God [Music] Almighty worthy Worthy is [Music] whoa slow it down now sleep apnea sleep apnea there there's a good many of you on here tonight you're struggling with sleep apnea you have trouble sleeping you have trouble sleeping you you got I mean us you got a bad case of it come on talk to me here tonight let me know you're here tonight I want to pray for you I want to pray for you I want to pray for you you have trouble in your sleep you have trouble in your sleep standing again for your husband claim the miracle for him tonight claim it for them claim it for him we're going to come in agreement with all of you here tonight there are people responding there's a good many of you I the Holy Ghost I'm just telling you what he told me there's a good many of you but you're going to get healed tonight [Music] I say your husband your wife whoever that trouble is they gonna get healed tonight you're going to receive your Miracle tonight [Music] and so this is why I follow the Holy Spirit you see I gotta wait for him to tell me which direction to pray and go in I can't let people Lead Me there the Holy Ghost said there is a lot of people here and you know the whole God handpick you to be here tonight there's a lot of people on here tonight I mean people are responding there is a um an amazing response tonight [Music] glory to God thus Maria said the pain that was on my left shoulder for almost months wasn't able to reach my upper buck and now I can without pain God bless you Maria God bless you Maria got a miracle glory to God listen there's a lot of people I mean an amazing the holy spirit said there's many people on here tonight who was who they sleep apnea they got trouble in their sleep they have trouble listen Lift Your Hands to Heaven right now and I want you believe that that I brought tonight and that it's his anointing it's not Pastor Sean it's the Holy Ghost we're gonna rebuke that sleep apnea tonight we are going to rebuke that and for a whole lot of you on here tonight you will never have that trouble again you're going to sleep good tonight I need you to give me my flow tonight I feel an anointing here to do it I will sleep up here in the name of Jesus you foul devil of infirmity talking to people of God that's causing this problem find you tonight we tried you out of their life out of their sleep out of their bodies we rebuke you come on somebody said we rebuke you I feel the anointing here Glory of their life [Music] listen listen here wait a minute here dear God somebody suffers somebody somebody suffers with muscle spasms you have just been completely healed in your right calf area dear God muscle spasms is being healed I felt it my God Jesus have mercy Lord don't give me the word of knowledge that's strong Lord have mercy I felt that thing dear God you're being healed I rebuke muscle spasms I rebuke it from out of your body I rebroken in Jesus name someone shall come out a mountain devil come out that's a demon of infirmity come out of that right cap come out of that right cow that's a demon caution that muscle spasm that's that's not natural at all that's a demon count our elusive in Jesus name loose them in the name of Jesus come out of their bodies come out in the name of Jesus we take authority over you come out somebody shout come out come out come out come on in the name of Jesus you've been taken advantage of them too long sleep apnea come out we charge you we command you to come out in the name of Jesus power in the name of Jesus I feel the anointing go quick the anointing of God's moving come on let's go come on picking us that's it there is power there is an anointing Miracles are happening here all your folks are going to sleep good tonight there is power there's an anointing here tonight I feel a breakthrough Miracles are happening you're gonna sleep good tonight two breaks to break every team you're gonna sleep good tonight in your doctor listen your doctor is going to verify this miracle all right you sleep apnea and that thing's gone you'll never have this trouble again you'll never have to deal with this again you're just gonna have to do what you're supposed to remember Jesus said go your way and sin no more unless a worse thing come on you you just do your part and you're gonna be all right God's got you and there is that I'm telling you a lot of people heal from sleep apnea tonight I mean the Holy Ghost told me there's a bunch of people on here who have that problem how would I know that it only could be the Holy Ghost it's saying some guess and gain we're not playing we're not playing guacamole come on somebody we following the Holy Ghost glory to God your spouse is going to sleep good tonight just go ahead and take it for him they're going to sleep good tonight to break every chain to break to break every chain listen and that person who had that severe case of muscle spasms especially in the right calf of your of your right leg and that in the right leg there in the calf area dear God I mean you had it you had it bad you had it bad Lord have mercy but you are healed you were healed you are healed in the name of Jesus you are healed tonight you are healed tonight you are healed to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain there is power cause there is power in this power cause there is power in the name of Jesus whose power cause there is power to break to break every team break every team Break Every Chain to break to break every chain to break listen I want you I want you to stand on that leg and Jog jump up and down move around and it you usually wait a couple of days before you can even prove it but the Holy Ghost is heal you tonight to break to break every chain come on [Music] to break to break every team Break Every Chain Break Every Chain there is power cause there is power in the name of Jesus sing it for him there is power in power in the name tonight there it is there it is Elizabeth McKenzie said just got a healing from asthma been having shortness of breath from morning thank you man of God thank you oh glory to God glory to God the sharpness of breath has stopped glory to God break every team I have a chance falling I have a chance I had the chance falling I have a chance I have a chance [Music] I hear the chains falling I had the chance [Music] the anointing of God is here tonight I had the chance come on somebody shout break sheep shout it breaks cheat come on break keep singing remix break kid singing to him break Chief come on just break kid break break break break break break break [Music] Shout break come on break break break break I hear the chains falling tonight I hear the chains falling I have a chance I have a chance [Music] there's power cause there is power in the name of Jesus sing it to him there is power in power in the name power in that name power in the name of Jesus power in the name of Jesus to break every team Break Every Chain Break Every team to break to break every cheat Break Every Chain Break Every team to break to break every chain Mighty God Mighty God almighty God [Music] Rebecca said praise God a few days back the Holy Spirit revealed to you that pain in the left leg was being healed I had a severe ache in the left knee right to my thighs I was unable to stand God healed me praise God Judith I believe God has heard me I received your word about right eye healing today I had a double eye infection even though you did not mention infection I laid my hands on my eyes and both eyes feel better praise God come on somebody give God praise tonight to break every chin to break every chain to break every chain there it is there's someone in the chat says good evening this is Sister Charles I had this problem on my right back calf about a week ago you prayed about glory to God I'm not feeling it anymore sometimes I couldn't straighten my leg when I lay down glory to God and that was a subverse of their pain because I felt it Lord have mercy you can't deny these things These Are Spiritual things amen [Music] to break to Break Every Chain Break Every Chain Break Every cheat to break to break every chain my and listen my brother from Jamaica who got healed from the broken leg I'm waiting to hear from you brother I want you to email us tonight we have the email address on the screen we want to interview you and get your testimony and I know some people are thinking well I already told you tuned it down a little bit I know some people are thinking well I already told you I'm Healed what do you want to interview me for this listen this is a Ministry flown in the power of God God's the one healing people but what you don't understand when you just write in and say oh I'm Healed from this you are you you you you left out pages of information you don't realize how much information you have left out until someone like Jeffrey who's trained to do this Jeffrey knows what I'm looking for amen we spend years working together he been doing this for years for us and he knows exactly and listen when you who who would say pastor pull the thing up here so I mean bring everyone in here for me from Zoom I would say Pastor Sean when Jeffrey interviewed me I began to realize and see the importance of you having someone interview us to get all that information on I mean there are pages of information that that that's left out so when you write it and say I'm Healed from cancer there's so much more information that's that's left up because the anointing is on you you're crying you're emotional I mean the power of God's on you you can't you can barely think straight on you you just so happy you healing you are I mean come on somebody no no one can drill you in the anoints on you like that but if if someone follow up with you a few weeks later and sit down with you and interview you you will be amazing what comes out of these testimonies and so out of [Music] 617 people that's been 600 and something Miracles Jeffrey had the opportunity he already interviewed 70 people man he's got ways to go Lord have mercy but but but but but there are some of you I don't know why you don't understand it it's really important that you share your testimony it's not to you're not making me look good did they see him but Pastor Sean you actually bringing glory to God when you share your testimony you are bringing glory to God and you take away from the power of God when you keep your testimony to yourself and you refuse to for someone to follow up with you you actually you're doing the work of God Injustice it in my opinion it's a sin and I'll tell you why Jesus said wait a minute didn't didn't ten lepers got healed where are the nine he was upset about it that only one person out of the 10 who got healed had enough sense and gratefulness to even come back and let him know what God did the fella came back and fell down at Jesus knees and said Lord I thank you I've been healed of my leprosy but guess what now pay attention guess what Jesus said to this guy he said go your way your faith have made you hold he left hold and spirit soul and body the other nine they got healed but they were not made whole there you go come on somebody I said there you go right there one one went away hold am I right about a Jeff one went away completely whole the other nine they walked away with healing that's all they had but healing ain't enough your soul your spirit your mind needs to be healed your emotions you need you need the full deal are you listening to me but Jesus said to that one your faith have made you whole you see that big difference come on somebody oh blessed be the name of Jesus blessed be the name of Jesus we about to move on in this service tonight want to receive this evening's offering for the preaching of the Gospel for the work of the ministry for the kingdom of God and then we are going to jump into the word of God on tonight praise His holy name it's not over yet glory to God I love preaching from this passage in Acts chapter 12 we'll get into it here in a minute but I want to take you into the book of Philippians chapter 4 beginning at verse 15. I know some of you must hear Pastor Sean reading this scripture in your sleep amen and I I just I just feel I'm on I just feel compelled to keep sharing this this chapter during the time when it's time to receive an offering because people have been hurt by Ministries doing a lot of of foolishness manipulation I'm just just a lot of nonsense and the Holy Ghost said I want people to be able to see you in Palestinian Ministry and and look at you and they can I want to be able to tell just by the way you carry yourself you are not into gimmicks you are not in the tricks you're not into working folk up we ain't got we just don't have time for it you understand where I'm coming from and I just feel compelled to keep reading this scripture and keep reading it and keep teaching it during the offering time so people can calm down when there are some people who who's visiting for the first time they are wondering okay let me see if he is going to try do some of that funny business well you're gonna be disappointed there ain't no funny business yeah the only business going on here is Jesus Christ and him crucified amen glory to God so I want to take you into Philippians chapter 4 beginning at verse 15 the Apostle Paul said now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the Gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but you only so Paul wanted them to know you are the first group of people who stuck with me and really got behind me on a on a level that nobody else have done and we will always be grateful for our social media family you got behind this ministry when we were at our lowest point when we were questioning ourselves Lord are you sure you told us to do this come on have you ever been there somebody Lord are you sure and you people on social media showed up you believe in Pastor Sean and Pastime you believe in the message you believe in and the anointing and you you responded and you got behind the work of God and it means so much to us are you hearing me and I know you hear you hear me say it a lot that's because it's coming from my heart amen let's move on into verse 16 the Apostle Paul that even in thessalonica you sent once and again you said once and again under my necessity once and again Paul says you are constantly as you are able to as you are able to give as you are able to support the work of God you are doing it again and again and again and again and again verse 17. I love this because you gotta you have to let people know where you stand Paul says not because I desire a gift I'm not after your money that's and me and Pastor me we say the same thing we are not after your money but we desire fruit that may abound to your account that fruit is The Souls of men now you're hearing me that fruit is The Souls of men bringing the lost to Jesus Christ people's marriage is being restored people marriages being healed I love it we got several we got testimonies coming here lately one lady said me and my husband are finally back together that's fruit Saints that's the work of the ministry the Bible says he that when its Souls is wise I want to hear him say Well done good and faithful servant so when we all stand before the Lord I'm not getting some big reward that you ain't getting we all played our part to reach the loss so we will be rewarded and you will be getting the same reward my God my god listen to verse 18. Paul says but I have all an abound I am full having received of epaphroditus the things which were sent for me baphroditus was a disciple of Paul and the Philippian Church sent an offering with epaphroditis to carry to Paul to help him continue the work of the ministry and the thing that the thing here [Music] the thing that is so important that I felt the Holy Spirit as God help us to get a better understanding of these scriptures every time we get you I really slow down because what I'm about to say here it's actually sacred and it's worth repeating until the day we die to help God's people understand when you give towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ you're giving before God is absolutely sacred don't don't tell me oh I'm giving so I can get a house I mean this ain't the lottery God is not in the lottery business are you hearing me that tells me right there you given for the wrong reason the Apostle Paul says the things which were sent from you you sent it for the gospel it is on over to which means aruma of a sweet smell it is a sacrifice Saints it is acceptable and it is well pleasing to God and I want you to hear me good right here what made these people's offerings what made their offerings in the nostril of God in the eyes of God and a rumor of a sweet smell what made it a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God for this simple reason right here they gave it towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no other important message on the planet I want you to hear me good tonight holds the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the highest esteem in all of his books it is the most important message on God's heart are you listening to me and when you give towards the gospel dot funds that you are giving it goes up before God as in a rumor that at that transaction goes up as an aruma of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God because you are giving it towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ the son of God and in turn the Apostle Paul says my God my God I love the word my God shall supply all you need all according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus he will supply all why because it's the blessings of supporting the Gospel of Jesus Christ when you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these things will be added all of them will be added but you've got to give for the right reason don't give because you're trying to manipulate God I need a new car so I'm going to saw tonight that's the wrong reason the first and foremost reason you should be given is because I'm grateful that Jesus died on Calvary cross I'm given so this gospel can be preached around the world over on other people's lives get changed just like how that message changed my life when you give with the right motive in your mind and in your heart God will blow your mind father in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the Living God me and Pastor Amy We join our faith with your wonderful people here tonight as they get ready to support the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they get ready to give to the most important message on the face of this Earth receive it as an aroma of a sweet smell of sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God Supply every need in their lives open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that they will not have room enough to receive let the blessings of God come on them and overtake them everything they put their hands on let it be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God you move mountains to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at forward slash give you can also give through the ministry PayPal account that address is Paypal dot me forward slash Sean Pinder Ministries you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 4588 and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also give through the ministry Zell account the ministry Zell email address is info at and for tax purposes we need you to email us your name and mailing address you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Sean Pinder Ministries and for tax purposes we need you to email us your name your mailing address and also your cash up username so we can verify that it's you and all of this is for tax purposes you can also mail your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinder Ministries P.O box 2726 McKinney Texas 75070 cause you move mountains and you cross walls to fall with your power before Miracles there is nothing that's impossible and we're standing here you made a way you you made a way sing a tip you you made a way and we're standing and we're standing you moved it you move mountains and you can't swaps to fall with your power [Music] miracles there is nothing [Music] [Music] impossible [Music] and was standing here only because you made a way sing it to him you you made a way singing To The King you you made up standing we're standing here [Music] in the mountains you move mountains [Music] you Crossroads to fall with your power singing To The King perform Miracles there is nothing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's impossible and we're standing here you made a way you you made up you made up father God in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] as we get ready to go into the word of God tonight minister to your people tonight [Music] encourage somebody tonight the devil the devil has convinced somebody that it's over but let them know tonight it's not over yet [Music] Satan has failed again it's not over I don't care what the devil say it's not over until God says it's over speak to your people let the word get down in their spirits tonight let them hear the Holy Ghost speaking directly to their situation tonight in the name of Jesus somebody say a good amen right down someone say a good amen right there oh bless His holy name open your mouth and say it it's not over yet type it out it's not over glory to God It's Not Over [Music] it's not uh it was a close call I said it was a close call but it's not over yet let me let me just say this real fast we have already begun to see people save in our family remember the Holy Ghost gave me that word and said before December 31st some of your family members say oh it's happening oh come on here somebody I said it's already begun Hallelujah now watch this now you know there's a scripture that says there's a scripture that says in the Old Testament like priests like people you know what that means God begins to work in the life of his spiritual leaders first and when you see God begin to work in the life of his spiritual leaders you may as well start shouting because you're next in line come on somebody [Music] it's it's not over yet glory to God and I want to take you into the word of God here in the book of act Stacks in the book of Acts chapter 12 it's not over yet oh bless His holy name now the Bible says in verse 1 about that time you see there is a time when you come under attack and you got to go through stuff I'm reading from the New Living Translation of the Bible the Bible says about that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some Believers in the church what's new right he had the Apostle James John's brother killed with a sword remembered Peter James and John these were the three dearest to Jesus these were the three closest to him when he was on this Earth and he even prophesied and told told them that some of them were going to die for the gospel and Herod killed James and you know what it was just his time you can't listen when you are serving God you are not checking out unless it's your time are you listening to me and that's John who wrote the Book of Revelation that was his brother Peter James and John was the three closest and so Herod realized that Peter James and John they were the pillar of the church are you hearing me so he decided I'm gonna just I'ma start killing the top the top the best I'ma wipe them out so he killed James with the sword verse 3 says and when Herod saw how much displeased the how much displeased the Jewish people he also he also arrested Peter and this took place during the Passover celebration listen Saints if you think Christianity is a cake walk I got something else coming for you have to realize you and I we are living in the last days some of us on this broadcast tonight may die for the Gospel of Jesus Christ who knows we are living in the last days come on somebody they're ready to throw you in jail if you confront certain things they're ready to take you over this platform and guess what it's I I say we are headed there real quickly come on somebody but as for me and my house help me preach two minutes here I'm going all the way someone shot I'm going all the way as I live and for Christ I die I said I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power hey I'm getting drunk tonight glory to God Hallelujah and let me say this we we actually have we actually have Deliverance there's a misinterpretation on Deliverance in the church in our day and time let me read something to you I'm trying to help somebody out here tonight I want to let me just jump over to Hebrews chapter 11. this isn't in my notes well I just feel the Holy Ghost want me to read this to help some people here tonight because there is a there is a misconception about Deliverance in the body of Christ you got to realize Shadrach mesha I couldn't Abednego they said listen man we we we're not going to Bow they said our God is able to deliver us but what a lot of people missed they went a step further they said and if he doesn't they said if he does not deliver Awesome from The Burning Fire In fairness we still are not going to bow shout out yes Hallelujah [Music] watch this now let me let me read something to you let me let me read something to you the Apostle Paul made this statement in the book of Hebrews chapter 11. it beginning beginning in verse 32 and I'm sorry it's not in as we don't have it on the screen here because this wasn't in my notes I'm just following the Holy Ghost Paul says and what shall I more say for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon Gideon was a Powerhouse and of Barack and of Samson out of jephthah of David also and Samuel and of the prophets watch this now he said who through faith they subdued kingdoms they wrought righteousness they obtained promises and they stopped the mounts of lions remember Daniel did David did remember Samson did as well they quenched the violence of fire and escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong they waxed Valiant in flight and they turned to flight the armies of the aliens women received their dead raised to life again and others were tortured here it is this this is the part here that that a lot of people don't like to read others were tortured not accepting Deliverance that they might obtain a better Resurrection come on here somebody that's people who said if I got a choice chop my head off or I got to deny Jesus to live you may as well pull the sword out and go to working on my neck cause I ain't turning Jesus down come on talking to tonight you've got to understand you are not always going to be delivered in the way you think we are going to be delivered some of us may die for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ John the Baptist got his head chopped off for calling Sin Sin someone shout for Christ I live and for Christ I die Hallelujah watch here let me just read the rest of it now watch this so and others had trial of cruel markings and scourgings they took a whipping moreover of bonds and imprisonment watch this verse 37 they were stoned they were saw in the Sun the son of Sunday means they were cut in half are you following me tonight now watch what the Bible says they they were saw on a Sunday they were tempted with slain with the sword they were killed now all of them didn't Escape excuse me they wondered about in sheepskins and goat skins being destitute Afflicted and tormented good the Bible says about these folks of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the Earth Here It Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes the surprise these all having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise we'll promise they didn't receive they weren't alive when the Messiah came that's all that means but what I want you to understand is they all had the same Faith the one who was delivered from the fire I'm the one who got chopped in half some of them were fed to the Lions you know God didn't stop the mouth of all the lions come on somebody hello come on worry about me I said he did not lock the mouth of all the lines everybody did not Jesus did not show up in the fire and took the heat out of the fire for everybody like he did for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego wind William Tyndale was burned at the stake from for interpreting the Bible in the in the common language for everyday people everybody is not going to be rescued the way we interpret Deliverance to be But True Deliverance the Apostle Paul says help me preach tonight God I feel at him what shall separate us from the love of God so persecution shall get nothing prison nor anything to come is able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus the Apostle Paul said in all these things someone's out real more we are more Hallelujah glory to God [Music] I just had to read that to you because we live in a day and time everyone thinks the lion's mouth are going to be shut for everybody that's not true that is absolutely not true Deliverance May means your death come on somebody now watch this I know I know some people got shook up just now I said I know some people got shook up we need to get shake up in the body of Christ and you know that scripture in Acts 1 8 that says you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost comes on you that word power means to work miracles but that same word power also means to become a Mata to die for the gospel of Christ oh come on somebody it's real quiet I can tell when I got you I can tell when I got the audience they are really a thousand shouts are not flying amen now if I was hollering and shouting breakthrough it's coming boy I mean we had a million texts inside there tonight but when you preach like this you hunt people's attention because everybody is not going to escape the sword I just want you to know that some of you here tonight may die listen we in the last days I said we are in the last days and they are doing everything in their power to bend the church I mean look at some of the stuff some churches are accepting and they are doing this in the name of God unbelievable you may as well kill Pastor Sean because he ain't giving into that demon come on somebody that last day Spirit incoming in my life know my family are you hearing me okay let's move on now let's go back to Acts chapter 12. let's go back to it's another over yet I just had to show that little seed into somebody's life because someone under the sound of my voice may have to lay their life down for what they believe in amen watch this so Herod had the Apostle James kill and then he proceeded further to take Peter also and then let's go to verse 4. prison Peter I'm under the god of false gods of Four soldiers 16 armed and dangerous military men who can I mean they know how to use a sword Herod intended to bring Peter out for public trial after the Passover he was going to help Peter execute it but whilst Peter was in prison wow but whilst Peter was in prison the church prayed very earnestly for him who knows God answers prayer if you believe God answers Prejudice Lift Your Hands to Heaven and wave at me I said if you believe God answers prayer just Lift Your Hands to Heaven come on somebody I say God still answers prayer the church back here they knew how to pray and call on God at Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 says call unto me and I will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things but you know not you may be in the prison now you may be teamed up your hands may be pound your feet may be bound but prayer is going up to God and it's only a matter of time before your prayer is action someone shout into the amount of time there I feel the Holy Ghost here my god let's get back into the word here no no watch this so so these four got together and they said we gonna pray we gonna call on God we're going to Touch the Hem of His Garment we're going to put Heaven on notice we're gonna we're gonna talk to God we're gonna give it to him and tell him God you can't let Peter God can't end like this come on somebody repeat them words say Lord it can and like this it can't end like this Lord have mercy now watch this and in the church now they are praying in verse 6 says watch this now watch God man God you have you ever noticed how late God shows up sometimes when I say late it's almost like you only got two seconds and then God shows up come on somebody watch this now the Bible says the Night Before Peter was to be placed on trial that means this man only had 24 hours left come on somebody within 24 hours they were gonna have the Apostle Peter executed they were I mean Herod Herod wanted this man dead he wanted him I mean out of the way just out of here the Night Before Peter was to be placed on trial my God somebody about to go and and someone someone scheduled to go to go to the doctor to have some type of surgery glory to God it may be tomorrow but tonight you're gonna get a miracle come on here somebody the Night Before Peter was to be placed on trial he was asleep this ain't had nothing to do with Peter's breaths come on somebody that this man now this is how you know Peter had grown in his faith because during the storm in Mark chapter 4 Peter wasn't sleeping there Peter was screaming at Jesus laughed me about the parents you better cover wake up but now Peter has grown in his faith I said Peter has grown in his faith this man is sleeping I dare someone to say you can you can just go down to sleep God's got this one come on just go to bed and get you some nap I know they planning to execute you in the morning they planning your demise how they go withhold the promotion from you how they gonna withhold the raise on the job your husband planted on serving you divorce papers tomorrow but while you sleep in the night the Holy Ghost he's moving things he putting things into place the Holy Ghost [Music] he's working it out come on talk to me say who's working it out when you go to bed tonight I gotta tell somebody dogs gonna work it out and we know now that all things work together for good to them that love God who are called according to his purpose of someone shall guards about to work it out working out Jesus work it out so watch here now [Music] so Peter this man is asleep and he is fastened they got him chained up real good he ain't going nowhere he don't have a prayer in the dark fasting with two chains between two soldiers and others are standing god with with swords drawn they making it absolutely impossible for this man in his own strength to be able to escape it might be impossible for Sean but not with God for With God all things are possible somebody Raven shouted oh thanks hey what channel let's go back to the scriptures now watch this so Peter is sleeping between two Gods verse seven and suddenly that's how God works you know when God gets ready to work suddenly glory to God it just happens right lady and Lydia Lydia Sydney couldn't walk for 10 months suddenly suddenly someone shouted like when God gets ready to move he will make it happen quickly like on the day of Pentecost they were all in one place I don't want a card I'm sorry but he must sound from Heaven out of the sound of a Russian Mighty red someone shouts Charlotte hey my God watch him let's go let's go to verse seven now where seven says and suddenly there was a bright light in the cell the whole jail house lit up my God my God my God my God my God sorry Superman this story is way better than Batman and Robin Spider-Man man they ain't got nothing on the Bible they got a fake it in Hollywood uh the Bible's the real deal this ain't fake darling this is this this doesn't happen come on somebody come on somebody they gotta hype it up God ain't got time to Hype nothing up he just make it happen come on somebody suddenly there was a bright light in the cell and an angel of the Lord stood Before Peter this man's snoring foreign like Pastor Sean at night stood Before Peter the angel had to strike him now you know he was out come on I said you know he was on I said you know old Pete was sleeping really I mean this means a lot to someone saw God's about to slap you upside your head with a miracle you you're about to get slapped the things you've gone the blessing of God makes Richmond it has no soul shall wake me up Jesus wake me up if you gotta slap me slap me real good just don't let me miss my new minute don't let me miss my Miracle don't let me miss my Miracle someone shall slap me Jesus slap me if you have to Hallelujah slap me Jesus bring it up suddenly there was a bright light in the cell and the angel of the Lord stood Before Peter this man's knocked out storm the angel struck him on the side to wake him up quick get up and now what's happening is these shoulders you on God there knocked out they standing up sleeping ah the Holy Ghost knows how to put your enemies to sleep dear God they're fast asleep the light's shining inside the prison the angel said quick get up I said when God gets ready to move you got to be quick you can you can't drag your foot man you ain't got time to sit you and by the time you finish reasoning all this stuff out the Holy Ghost of being a move on to somebody else who is willing to listen and obey quick Get Up and the minute he said get up the chains fell from off his wrist I guess I'm gonna jump to your feet get up come on somebody get up hey the trees are falling off tonight someone shall get up get up get up get up you coming out let me preach a minute here many other afflictions of the righteous but out of them all the Lord delivers him this poor man cried and the Lord heard him and delivered him from all his fears I stopped by to tell somebody you prayers prayers I've been heard your answer is on the way I know the devil has plenty of demise they have scheme they have strategized they have limited you with every limitation every hexa Every curse every spell is falling off of your life right now somebody shouted I hear the team's father I hear it Fallen cause I'm getting ready to move I'm getting ready to come out someone shout I'm getting ready I feel the Holy Ghost I'm preaching to somebody you in the fight of your life but the Holy Ghost send me with a word from God to tell somebody tonight her it's not over here God's got the last word the chains are coming off it's coming off your hands it's coming off your feet I know they got a death worn out on you I know they gotta hit out on your life on your family but greater is here that's in me than he that's in the world if God be for awesome who can be against us no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper and every tongue that rise against you in judgment it shall be condemned for the battle is not yours this battle is Belongs to the Lord my mama would have said it like this the heart of the battle the sweeter the victory he he may not show up when you want him but he's always on time in 24 hours Peter is going to be executed but before the 24 hours is up a daily the Angels showed up and he hid him on the side say quick [Music] your deliverance has come you shall live and not die to declare the wish of God the angels of God in Camp around those who fear Him someone shout he'll give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways they will hold you up when you dash your foot against your stone someone shall bring me out Jesus up bring me out hey glory to God I feel the Holy Ghost I fear the Holy Ghost you coming out you coming out of the mess you're coming out of that impossible looking situation you coming out out of that nasty messed up relationship got better for you you're a child of the king you're a princess you're a prince God's got something better somebody shout I'm on my way out someone type those words I'm coming out I'm coming out I'm no worries singer from the soul a long time ago talking about I'm coming out I want the world to know no darling this belongs to the church we are coming out God is on my side the same God not opened the Red Sea from roses and the children of Israel is getting ready to bring you out the same God that opened up the Jordan River for Joshua and the children of Israel he's getting ready to bring you out the same God who knocked down the Jericho walls for Joshua and the children of Israel he is getting ready to move every obstacle up every demonic stronghold that hindered you that got you trained up that's got you held up that's holding you back the prosperity and the progress up in your family that brought magic it's fallen off someone sounded broken the snare is broken come on out Darren come out someone shot I'm coming out I'm coming out of there now I'm coming out I'm coming out I'm coming out I'm daring a devil in hell that can stop the power of God from bringing me out it's my time it's my season and when God gets ready to bring you out every demon in Hell gonna bow every principality of every Power every ruler of the darkness of this world every spiritual wickedness in high places they got the bow they gotta come out of the way solid make room baby I'll cut it out I'm coming I'm coming you killed James cause it was his time but it ain't my time I shall live and not die to declare the worship God somebody shout I shall live [Music] my God I feel the Holy Ghost Hallelujah make room cause I'm coming out leg room it's not over yet Tatum has failed again he's given you power to channel serpents up I'm scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and absolutely nothing Shout by eating means hurt you shout it not all ow Hallelujah [Music] all right gone now watch this pull the scriptures back up there so the angel now the angel told him to get dressed get dressed I ain't talking about for no funeral either get dressed Pete get dressed put on your sandals my God my God someone's about to travel under the sound of my voice you better pack your bags well babes I'm taking it for us this pandemic my God Something's Gonna live Something's Gonna live I say God say get ready you're about to get on the Move somebody I feel a witness from the Holy Ghost here tonight some of you been praying God's gonna let some of you travel glory to God ah I feel the Holy Ghost here tonight some of you under the sound of my voice gonna travel with us glory to God I feel that anointing here I said some of you will travel with me to Jamaica to Trinidad to the UK to South Africa to Canada I said some of you right on this broadcast going with us glory to God watch in on this let's get back to the scriptures the angel told them get dressed pack your bags you getting ready to come out pack Peter pack put all your sandals and he did and now put on your coat my God you know this man is Sleepy the angel got to tell him how to put his shoes on it's a grown man now you know this fellas this fella in the deep sleep man my God have you ever seen someone in such a deep sleep that just talk on the head I've been there come on somebody Peters Peter don't Peter don't don't know his arm from his head the angel got to tell him put on you because Peter you have to understand Peter this miracle is happening so serious Peter actually is thinking he's in a dream and then the angel said put on your shoes oh he's yawning the angel said now Pete I want you put on your coat and follow me the angel ordered him watch this watch the next verse so Peter left the cell watch this but the entire time Peter was thinking he was dreaming are you ready for that kind of breakthrough where God is coming through so real for you you think you dream I just just picture yourself say this is not a dream this is my time This Is My Season weapon may endure for a night but joy someone shall Joy it comes in the morning Hallelujah let's go back to the word the self following the knee but all the other didn't even realize it was actually happening and that's how that's that's our main Pastor Amy felt here lately I mean God have done so much for us in the last two weeks me and my wife just been sitting back with each other and saying can you believe this can you can you believe what's already hot oh come on somebody say this happened it's happening it's happening the word of God is being fulfilled there Comes A Time there comes a season When God says you're right is over that was a prophecy for somebody here tonight you're right make a person say my weight is all right come on type it my way [Music] Hallelujah my reading is over we've waited for over 20 something years and now what God told us is beginning to come to pass one thing right after the other it's coming to pass one right after the other one right after the other it's coming to pass the prophetic word is coming to pass it's being fulfilled my God let's go back to the word here [Music] so the Bible says they passed first and the second God saw it in their hand but the angel got him in the Deep Sleep they're standing up with their swords they didn't even know what's going on and Peter just tipping they passed the first and the second God posts and came to the Iron Gate leading to the city and this opened for them all by itself that that's see when you are a general for God when you're willing to go out for God the minute you get near that gay God himself reaches Downs his big hands and open I mean the door just slide open like that but in the Rocks took no word just though I mean the dog just the dog just begin to swing wide open I feel someone and I feel somebody in my spirit here tonight glory to God I said I feel somebody in my spirit here tonight glory to God you're walking towards something and you're wondering how is this gonna work I've been praying I've been believing God I've been fasting I've been I've been trusting God I'm I'm activating my faith the Holy Ghost said keep on walking towards it the gate's getting ready to [Music] ultimate it's ultimate the pandemic is gonna live and the gates to the rock is coming open again Someone's Child is opening someone shot the gates we're gonna trouble again we don't do meetings again we don't go to stadiums shout is open it Keep On Walking people walking someone shall walk towards it walk towards it speak without works is dead just walk towards it and Winnie got about 20 feet towards the gate someone shot is opening right now I'm always out I'm almost out Jeff baby we almost out pasta Evie we almost out hey [Music] we're gonna live again we're gonna enjoy life again I got my God someone shot the gates are opening I guess I'm gonna jump up and walk through it I need someone to stand in your feeder the gauge opening let's walk through it get up on your feet and walk you in heaven the gates opening watch for it hey [Music] it I feel the Holy Ghost walk through it walk through it your daughter was closed it's now open windows that were closed it's now all about someone shout is open it's all cut Charlotte it's open shut up Hallelujah with my hands whilst I keep reading watch this now this now so the Bible says they passed the first and the second person came to the Iron Gate leading to the city and this opened for them all by itself watch this so they passed through I guess I'm going to lift your hands and say I just went through it I just went through it but I'm out now I'm out now I'm out shout out I almost lost my mind but I'm out [Music] I'm out I feel this anointing with my hands lifted with my hands lifting unto you and my voice and my voice singing around I bless I bless bless your name with all of my heart come on sing it to him again with my hands with my hands if it unto you and my voice singing aloud I plus I bless bless your name with all of my heart I adore see it I adore your name raise that music precious Lord how you know I adore your name let me read the rest of this we're not anointing I'm not gonna break the flow but I just got to read the rest of this show they pass through started walking down the street that means Peter's a free man God let him out when God let you out you are out friend I say when God [Music] and I want to say to Sophie Marie I want to say this to your niece the whole family coming out Sophie God's heard your crying saying your tests God's got you in the palm of his hands he's got you Sophie he's got you tonight now I believe the Holy Ghost talking to a whole lot of people here tonight I want to say this to everyone he has you in the palm of his hands God's working it out God's working it out he's working it out he's working it out put that scripture back up he's working it out so so so they passed through and started walking down the street then the angel said my job's finished you know what to do Peter you're a smart man suddenly left him Peter finally came to his senses Peter said it's really true doesn't mean Pastor Amy been saying this week can you believe this it's really true he said the Lord has sent his angel and save me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders had planned to do to me he brought him out he brought him out he brought him out next scripture son he brought him out and the Bible says when he realizes he went to the home of Mary the mother of John Mark where many were gathered together for prayer he knocked at the door in the gate and a servant girl named Rhoda came to open it when she recognized Peter's voice she was so overjoyed Lord have mercy she was so Overjoyed that instead of opening the door she ran back inside now to break that door down I just came out of prison and I'm hearing you running I would have taught a door down with Peter's patient he's better than Pastor Sean she ran back inside and told everyone Peter is standing at the door you know what they told her you are out of your mind that's what some of your family members are about to tell you that's what some of them have told you lately you are flat out of your mind they said when she insisted they decided Well it must be his Angel can't be Peter meanwhile Peter continued knocking when they finally opened the door and saw him Lord what a night with a night what a night with a night this man is supposed to get killed the next morning and this fella knocking on the door at midnight there you were amazed that was the words the Holy Ghost gave me a few weeks ago the Holy Ghost said what I'm about to do and you always like people are going to be amazed and shocked and that word goes to you too Saints people are going to be shocked they're going to be amazed at what God's doing for you he motioned for them to be to quiet down I I told them how the Lord had led him out of the prison tell James that was the Lord's brother tell James and the other brothers what happened he said then he went to another place I adore I adore precious Lord with my hands lifted under you see it with my hands lifted unto you and my voice and my voice singing aloud I bless I bless bless your name listen I guess or someone beat me to the deal I dare someone to lift their hands to heaven and say I'm out I'm out of the mess I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out of the mess I'm out of the mess someone shot I'm out with my hands with my hands and lifted unto you and my voice singing aloud sing it to him I bless bless your name with all of my heart with my hands with my hands lifted unto you and my voice singing aloud I bless bless your name with all of my heart I adore I adore your name listen listen listen listen Saints you that's under the sound of my voice tonight there is a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost he is pouring out on you tonight just Lift Your Hands to Heaven just receive that tonight this is a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost God's pouring out a fresh anointing tonight you're gonna make it you gonna make it I adore you I adore your name precious Lord I adore your name father me and Pastor Amy join our faith with your wonderful people here tonight [Music] we cover them in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you Lord for bringing them out like you did the Apostle Peter maybe a little different situation or circumstance but we thank you God it's not over yet Satan has failed again it's not over it's not over it's not over it's not over it's not over it's not over cover your people in the blood of Jesus thank you for speaking your word to them thank you for delivering them thank you God your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path thank you Jesus I adore who would say Pastor Sean I received my word tonight God have spoken to me through the scriptures tonight yeah I adore you precious Lord I adore your name I bring my offering I bring my prayers and I bring my offering and I bring my praise with a heart full of joy and I bring my offering and I bring my worship the highest breaks I bring my offering and I bring my praise with a heart full of joy and I bring my offering and I'll bring my worship the highest praise I bring my offering and I ping my prayers [Music] dear God I feel that I just I just feel the strength I just feel the strength of the Lord here tonight strengthening in his people comfort in this people encouraging his people God's in control he loves you he has a plan he has a plan look at what he did for Peter I mean Peter's situation from all human aspects it just looked impossible but not with God for nothing should be impossible with God the doors are opening I went whilst we were in that word I felt a lot of things that were slam shot in your face I just felt them swinging wide open tonight you're gonna be amazed at what God did does for you after tonight when he's when God sends a Rhema word to you he means it the thing is going to come to pass amen now we can't just end like this without giving somebody I Surrender we can and without giving someone an opportunity here tonight you Christians have been very encouraged tonight and we are excited for you now we gotta take care of the king's business tonight there are people on here tonight who have not yet made things right with God your life is not right with God you are not saved you are not a Christian but you've been listening to the word and the holy ghosts have been drawn you and drawn you and drawn you and now it's time to make that step without any further hesitation I want you to make that step for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life without any further hesitation I want you to pray this prayer with me say Lord Jesus I believe you are the son of God I believe you died on Calvary cross for me they murdered You In Cold Blood that buried you in a borrowed tomb but on the third day God raised you from the dead you are now seated at God's right hand and soon and very soon you are coming again dear Lord I Surrender my life to you I'm Yours Lord thank you for forgiving me of my sins washing me in your blood and writing my name down in the Lamb's Book of Life thank you Lord for saving my soul listen if you prayed that prayer and meant it me and my beautiful wife Pastor Amy let us be the first to say to you welcome into the kingdom of God welcome into God's family I want you to take a step and type in the live chat right now I've just surrendered my life to Jesus I want you to type it you know Jesus said if you be ashamed of me and my words down here on this Earth I will certainly be ashamed of you when you stand before my father and the Holy Angels God bless you people are surrender in tonight and I do God bless you tonight [Music] and I surrender [Music] and God bless you tonight Justina God bless you I surrender all God bless you Susan Louis God bless you tonight ebony God bless you people God bless you All To Thee to make up God bless you tonight my blood blessed savior I God bless you Karen Turner Michaela Jackson God bless you Nancy Rosemary God bless you tonight I Surrender and I Surrender Candace God bless you all to thee and all God bless you Monique I Surrender God bless you Susan Janet Mr Simone Shelia God bless you tonight they're all sing it to him and I God bless you Sasha they're all A.T God bless you Marie Reed God bless you my blessed savior I foreign I Give Myself Away come on singing to my king here tonight I give myself I Give Myself Away Sonia God bless you tonight Sarah God bless you and Denise God bless you tonight Barbara God bless your welcome into God's family tonight away show you Michelle God bless you Amanda Yari God bless you Myrna God bless you I Give Myself Away so you come on saves can you type in a live chat and welcome these new people into God's family here tonight which is the important step for these folks tonight I Give Myself Away so you God bless you Georgia Grace God bless you people are still coming into the family of God here tonight early God bless you tonight Snow White give us your real name a lot of people being saved here tonight that's what it's about isn't it I Give Myself Away [Music] here I am here I stand Here I Am here I stand Lord my life is in your hands Lord am longing to see your desires revealed in me I Give Myself Away singing To The King yet and I give myself Give Myself Away Give Myself Away [Music] since we love every single one of you me and Pastor Amy we love you we appreciate you we don't take you for granted but pull me God bless you more people still coming into the kingdom we about to wrap up we just want you all to know we love you and just remember it's not over yet Satan has failed again my love you wanna greet God's people tonight I give myself Give Myself Away amen I'm so blessed that you uh wanted to participate in this service tonight thank you so much for joining us uh just know that it's not over it's not over until God says it's over you know professor's talking about us believing God for a long time there were things we were praying about one thing in particular for over 23 years and at times your faith would be high you feel like you're on a roller coaster sometimes your faith is way up here and then you get hit back to down to reality you're on the bottom of that roller coaster but you know what the way to keep persevering and keep believing is to stay plugged in keep reading your Bible keep praying keep amen ever give up always hope know that there's always hope in Jesus Christ when you are down you can always gain strength from others put the broadcast on keep listening to the morning broadcast replay this message in your personal time amen extra time just keep in the presence of God and that's what keeps you uh strong in your faith and that's what keeps you steady and you just keep pressing in and eventually when God is ready that door will open that Miracle will happen and I can be a testimony to you tonight 23 years in the making and God has answered our prayer amen you did exactly what we were believing and asking them for so I know if he's done it for me yes so just keep pressing in stay encouraged God is faithful he is on the throne amen thank you my lovely beautiful wife Pastor Amy isn't she a good woman listen we love you both of us we love all of you we care about you be encouraged and never forget it's not over yet we love you guys God bless you we'll see you again on Sunday night 7 P.M Central Standard time it's not over yet God bless you bye-bye it's here the book we've been waiting for seven ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us a complete guide to hearing God Pastor Sean Penner gives readers life-changing Keys when exploring understanding and experiencing the voice of God which every believer can hear on a daily basis packed with powerful Revelations this book shares the methods means and motivations for the voice of God and provide answers to questions like how to hear God recognize his voice tap into his guidance and much more receive confidence on hearing God through the word dreams and Visions Divine Impressions and more and discover a much deeper and more intimate walk with the Lord order seven ways the Holy Spirit speaks today available in Amazon and all major book suppliers your journey into the powerful Realms of God's voice starts here never forget we love you take advantage of these other videos and they will be a blessing to you a strand my God they will increase your faith in Jesus name
Channel: Sean Pinder
Views: 12,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sean pinder, Pastor Sean Pinder, Sean Pinder ministries, Sean Pinder youtube, Sean Pinder youtube live, Sean Pinder live, Benny hinn, Pastor benny hinn, Benny hinn ministries, Jesus, Bible sermon, Sermon, Sermons, Bible preaching, Bible teaching, Bible study, Bible, Church, Music, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Music, Video, Live
Id: lKmRTdEGv5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 41sec (9581 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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