Why English Lessons Aren't Getting You Fluent - EnglishAnyone.com

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for another live video  first let's do a sound check anybody can hear me wait  for people to come on here   all right that's looking pretty good all  right let's see here I'm gonna zoom in all right that looks pretty good all right oh Arturo is back from Honduras nice  to see you there all right well hello everyone   out there I never know when exactly these lives  actually release all right Arturo says everything   is good let me know if the mic is too low or  too high if I need to turn it down that's okay   but this should be an entertaining lesson  for people and also if you have questions   I'll look nice to see there from Toronto  and all right we should be ready to roll   all right so uh in this video no thanks for your  time or two it's nice to see you there this is my   chance to help out since I don't get to teach or  I shouldn't say I don't get to teach but I don't   I don't have any personal classroom like lessons  anymore everything I do is online uh so it's my   pleasure and it's a fun thing for me to do even  if I can't speak with people personally I can   still talk with you and get in the chat with  everybody and it's nice to connect with with   all the Learners out there I do miss teaching  in the classroom although I also teach my own   children but anyway in this video we're going  to talk about why lessons are not getting you   fluent uh and especially this is for people who  have been learning for a long time maybe you're   watching YouTube videos all the time and you're  still not becoming a more confident speaker but   this will explain why that happens and what you  should be doing well hopefully uh looks like we're   having some more people join us so hello out  there I did this lesson on uh Instagram about   like a couple days ago actually on Monday this  week so it is now Thursday morning here in Japan   and hello wherever you happen to be and I talked  about the three different ways that people are   learning and most of the people are learning kind  of the the typical traditional way and then you've   got a few people who are learning in the way I  teach and so that's wanting to get more people   who actually want to speak so if you already are  happy with your speaking you should stop watching   this video now because it's not necessary for you  and it will not help you anyway but if you have   been one watching more videos and you'd like to  become a better speaker this video will help you   all right so let's talk about why most  lessons are not getting you fluent so   the they're basically three let me draw make  sure everyone can see this if we put one here   two here and a three so the different ways that  people learning and specifically the way people   review for all nice to see you there from from  La very cool all right so we have uh if you can   imagine let's say we just have a word or phrase  most of the videos you will find on YouTube even   if they are teaching you all in English and they  are teaching you conversational vocabulary which   is fantastic most of them give you little or no  review so we're going to put a little dot right   here and this dot just means you're going to  review something not at all you're going to see   something maybe one time and then well you can  tell me so let me know in the chat when I asked   this I had some interesting responses from people  on Instagram uh but if you see a phrase so like a   word or phrase whatever uh even if you maybe find  like 10 words or phrases in one lesson what's   going to happen if you only see that one time so  let me know in the chat I just want to get more   people actually commenting and you know using your  English a little bit actually staying a bit more   active in the video with me so let me know you  watched something one time uh I would forget so   Allah says I would forget anybody else anybody  thinks they would they would learn to speak   something fluently if they heard it one time now  I'm actually reading uh a book I'll show it to you now I read just like I recommend  students read this is a Japanese   book it's actually a Japanese comic book  called Doraemon which I really enjoy   and there are lots of interesting phrases and  words in here that I did not know and when I   learned those I can think ah like that was a  really interesting phrase but if I only see it   one time I'm definitely forgetting the vocabulary  all right well geez 2 A.M in Poland nice all right   welcome Peter so if you see something one time yes  uh you'll forget it well me too Doraemon yeah I   really I really enjoy the comic it's very funny  we watched the uh the cartoon on Sundays here   in Japan with my kids but I just started reading  the comic I wanted something to read I read try   to read different things in Japanese but the point  is if I learn something only one time I'm probably   going to forget that you have to have maybe like  an incredible mind to remember things and be able   to use something fluently unfortunately this  is what most people are doing when they watch   YouTube videos that only teach them something and  then don't come back and review it again but let's   take this uh to the next level so if you if you  watch something one time you will likely forget all right everybody agrees about that there  should be no argument really maybe you remember   but most likely you you will forget that  information so the second thing you can do   we're going to take that word or phrase  again and then we're going to repeat that now what happens here who becomes fluent by taking  a word or phrase and repeating it again and again   what happens all right now this is again just to  demonstrate the different ways that people are   kind of learning with vocabulary and it could  even be the same phrase but how you learn it   really makes a big deal so if you take one phrase  or one word whatever that thing is and you see it   only one time where you hear it only one time  you are likely going to forget that but if you   see that one phrase many many times let's say  you use spaced repetition this just means you're   going to space out the time when you're reviewing  something so let's say you have a timeline here   so you see the phrase the first time and  then you wait some amount of time and you   see it again and again and maybe a little bit  further out like that we're going to space out   the repetition but you're still just repeating  the phrase so anybody doing this what happens   so I will recognize the phrase in reading  your speech yeah all right so Ali another excellent response so if you get repetition  so we're going to repeat something this will probably help you  with your passive vocabulary but why the interesting question is why why does  it only help you with your passive vocabulary now   you might remember the phrase you might even be  able to use it but if the goal is fluency what   are we missing what are we missing all right so  just to review I always like to repeat myself but   I'm going to say things in different ways you'll  notice this is kind of a clue for learning here oh   it remind me nice to see you there from Morocco  we actually have lots of students from Morocco   hopefully more people are joining us from Morocco  it would actually be nice to go out there I've   never been to Africa before so anyway we begin  with one thing one time and then we begin with   OR I guess we continue with one thing and then  we're going to repeat that a bunch of times and we   develop a passive vocabulary maybe you recognize  that word when you hear it in a conversation or   see it in a movie and maybe you can even remember  and use that phrase in a conversation but is it   going to help you speak fluently is it going to  help you speak fluently what are we still missing   any ideas again this is me trying to get you to  to think something nope all right now why not   so if the question is will it help you  speak fluently so we know this one is   probably not going to get you fluent then that's  because you will likely forget the vocabulary   but this one it helps you build  a passive vocabulary but why does   it not why does that not that one  phrase give you uh give you fluency   all right now I actually explained to students  that you can become fluent in individual words   and phrases just being able to understand them and  use them correctly but what are we still missing   what are we still missing any ideas especially if  you've seen me talk in videos especially recently   I'm trying to explain more and more trying to  help more people understand how to learn because   my focus is really fluency all right Ty says or is  it thigh or Thai maybe time uh no practice Okay so   we've got no practice anything else what are we  still missing what are we missing so no practice no practice but you have to think what does  that really mean what does it mean to practice   some vocabulary what does it mean you practice  this is basically practicing the vocabulary here   the root what does that mean the root like the  root word of something what are you talking   about what is the root so when people talk  about practicing vocabulary typically they   mean repetition we're just going to take a word  or phrase and repeat it again and again or we   used spaced repetition like some flash cards uh  or an app that's going to tell us okay here's the   the word or phrase and we're going to see it  again and again uh just in the future so it's   still basically repetition so what are we still  missing here and why listening yeah so you could   hear it again and again and again it's maybe  not just writing it or reading something but   we want to know what are we what are we still  missing what's the difference between this so   we we might think about this as like a classroom  learning activity I'm beginning I'm the teacher   I say hello class today we are going to learn a  phrase and this phrase is a simple greeting it   is how are you now repeat after me how are you  and then I have you repeat how are you how are   you how are you how are you how are you how are  you memorization so we'll put listening up here memorization so you might be able  to remember remember this if you   repeat it again and again remember we  have this example over here we learned   one phrase one time the meaning yeah  the well yeah I'll put that up here now you should hopefully understand the  meaning if the teacher is doing a good   job of helping you understand something a  high level teacher will help you understand   like a native our brain is not taking those  phrases and words out in the right moment   I think you're get you're on to something Ali  tell me more what do you mean by that what do   you mean by that now imagine we're in a classroom  this is your chance to actually you know like say   hey teacher let me let me explain something  to you thinking in English thinking in English thinking in English now what does that mean now  I want people to be specific we need to recreate   the situation and that we will use the word let  me go back to that one Eve Eve gets a gold star   very good gonna put Eve's name up here with uh  that's supposed to be a star I'm you know I'm   not I'm not such a great drawer let me let me  draw a better Star up here we'll draw a dude so he gets a gold star for that but why all right  so this is the really interesting thing if most   people don't think about but they're they have  kind of a general idea about what they're missing   so in general so we should not translate words  in our mother language yes so that's a part of   the learning as well but this lesson specifically  is about how people remember and how we go from   learning to fluency What specifically are we  missing what is the thing that most people are   missing uh that most people should be doing  so again we've got the basic idea all right   let me see here we've got the basic idea of  learning something once and you forget it   you learn something and repeat it a bunch of times  and still it's not really becoming part of your   fluent vocabulary all right now let me show you  why but all right we've already had uh a couple   of good responses Eve especially uh very good  and I'll explain what that is in just a moment   but let me just look at this if we're imagining  a real conversation all right so we have this   is the kind of school example what he says is a  native way to learn so hi from Brazil you need   to feel it yeah so we've got some interesting  responses everybody's kind of generally right   there Eve is the closest one to the Target all  right so yes as I talk about learning like a   native understanding like a native and this is  this video is about how to do that all right   so we talk generally about understanding or not  translating or other things like learning like   a child that but like what specifically does  that mean okay so why so Adrian is asking why   all right I don't know what what specifically  why why for what question let me know what   that means but all right so in general  we've got first level here where you   learn something one time and you don't learn  it again you've probably forget that thing   now the next thing even if you learn one thing and  you repeat it again and again you might remember   that it might remain in your passive vocabulary  but will it really help you in a conversation   and the reason it doesn't often uh is because the  narrow we're just going to imagine this right here   this one phrase that you're learning in  let's say we'll just say this is School   so it could be a classroom or it  could be uh like a lesson online   it doesn't matter what that is but  the difference here is that we've got what you learn in school for a particular  situation and again schools I'll talk about   that in just a moment about uh so Eve mentioned  situations and that's really the key you need   you need to live that phrase yeah but what  does that mean what does it mean to live   that phrase to live that phrase all right so  I want to be concrete I want to be specific   with people so they really understand how to  learn all right so the big problem is that   you have in a classroom usually a teacher  will will typically give you a translation   of something especially if you're learning in  a regular like a sit-down classroom you might   be learning all in English which is great but  typically what your teacher is using and what   natives are using are often different things  so we can imagine it like this in a situation   where you're talking about you know let's say  we're talking about the World Cup so that's a   soccer match of football happening right now  and you might have an English lesson about   the World Cup and it will teach you you know a  particular phrase or maybe a few phrases about   that but natives have a much wider range of  the things they're actually talking about   so you might hear a phrase like let's say we'll  do something very simple like good morning so you learn a phrase maybe you hear the example  in your native language and then you hear it in   English good morning and we learn we're going  to practice that good morning good morning good   morning good morning good morning but maybe in a  conversation people have all kinds of different   greetings that you're not prepared for so even  something easier than this that you probably know   hello so we begin with a greeting like a word or phrase  we're going to use hello for example and you   might hear lots of different examples of this you  might hear hey can you think of any other examples   that a native might use in a real conversation  when they're just giving a greeting like that   so instead of saying hey what else might a native  use can you think of anything I bet you can   what do you say when you greet someone can you  give me an example so we've got hey up here   can you think of any more what about High let me know in the comment   so we've got hello up here this is the hello  the typical word you would find what's up howdy   okay so this was also in uh in the last  in the last video on Instagram what's up howdy sup so even the the shortened version of what of  uh what's up what's up what's up how's it going how's it going what's new hey you very good there you can say Hey or hey you   okay what news yeah you could say what's new  or what news or anything new there are lots of   different ways how you doing how you've been yep  excellent so lots of different ways of expressing   this and if you hear now you probably know a  lot of these this greeting is a very simple idea   but the point you can think about a situation and  think wow if you only learn one thing even if you   repeat it again and again you're still going to  have trouble with that let's see what in Ethiopia   is 4 30 yes 4 30 in the morning it is uh 11 almost  yeah it's like 10 30 in the morning in Japan   all right so we have a word or phrase and there  are actually many different ways of saying this   all right now Eve before she had the uh the answer  about what we really need to do in order to get   fluent all right now the fluency begins so you  have usually one phrase but that phrase comes   from let me let me uh actually erase this up here  and make this very clear for people I'm going to   write this in red all right so we have a word  or phrase word or phrase so the word or phrase   whatever that word is you hear the word hello and  then you hear it one time you probably forget it   next you have the word or phrase like hello and  you repeat it many times maybe you remember that   in conversations uh maybe you say it probably it's  just going to remain in your vocabulary like your   passive vocabulary here now this is a simple  example most people remember the word hello but   you can imagine something more difficult now what  happens when we get to level three over here is   we're not thinking about words or phrases anymore  we're thinking as Eve said about situations all right now this is very important I  know it's it might sound a little bit   weird that they're actually quite similar  but the the way of thinking is different   so thinking about a word or phrase this is  something that a learner does a native is   thinking about situations okay and this is  why in this situation so like a a school a   regular teacher is going to think hey we have  one phrase and we just need to repeat that   again and again but a native is actually  learning a wide range of different things it could all be in that same situation   all right so you might have you know that same  word might be over here you might have hello   but you've still got all these other things  that are happening in that same situation   so natives are thinking about in this situation  what do we do what do we say all right that's   how you think like a native speaker you're not  thinking about words or phrases because that's   more thinking about translating something from one  language into another what we're thinking about is   situations and how do we have something like in  this situation what do natives say and when you   think like this it actually trains you to think  and respond because you're actually watching what   natives are doing you're watching how natives are  responding in this situation and you understand   that there are many different ways to respond okay  so in the situation about like greeting someone we might have greeting like hello thanks a lot  teacher glad to hear it uh so it's my pleasure to   help you guys understand this it took me a while  to figure this out on my own but once I figured   it out then I finally became fluent in Japanese  so I stopped trying to learn or repeat in order   to memorize phrases in Japanese and I just started  focusing on situations now this might seem like a   small thing it's like okay well words and phrases  and situations it's all the same thing it's not   okay the reason it's not is because of this much  wider range of possibility that you have in a   conversation so natives are preparing for all of  this wider range of things that you might hear in   a real conversation now we have the greeting which  is a very simple example like saying hello or hi   or what's up or howdy sup how's it going what's  new those are things that you've probably heard   before but in another situation like you go to a  grocery store and someone just asks you a random   question about something you might be oh oh no I'm  not prepared for that thing because you were only   thinking about this one thing that you learned  in you know a classroom or a textbook or from a   course all right does everybody understand this  idea so far so we have one thing here you learn   a phrase one phrase one word and you learn it  one time and actually you just forget that and   this is what happens with most people learning on  YouTube so they watch a video there could be you   know 10 hours of of training or whatever 10 hours  of words and phrases we're going to practice but   the next day do you really remember that and then  can you really use it fluently most people cannot   well Sonja nice to see you there hello from  Chile all right so if you learned something   one time you will likely forget and even if  you repeat that thing you're spending time   repeating something when it's a much better  idea to actually spend your time learning a   bunch of different things related to that  and you do that when you're thinking about   situations rather than vocabulary all right I want  to make sure everybody everybody understood this   does everybody understand this idea this is very  important for people who want to speak all right   well not only people want to speak but also people  want to understand and still have you know even   if you're just watching uh videos or whatever  and just wanting to watch movies that kind of   thing all right Margo says master I'm studying  English listening to radio soap opera repeating   it for a few months now but my pronunciation has  only improved because I started from scratch but   my pronunciation has only approved does that  mean you're like your other skills have not   improved because I started uh from scratch with  English yeah let me know more about your situation   uh do you do this exact situation in Japanese so  Samir is asking yes this is how I I started I had   to teach myself Japanese and it's basically the  same the same way that natives are learning the   language so a young a young child they're in a  let's say they're they're at the park and they   uh and they they watch an adult like say hello  to another adult they're going to hear lots of   different greetings in the same way that you  would hear different greetings in English   sometimes people would say Konichiwa like a  regular greeting but you might hear like us   boy Genki these are all different greetings that  you hear in Japanese and if you learn only like   one example uh in a textbook or something even if  you repeat that thing it's not going to prepare   you for the wider range of things that you'll  experience in a real conversation okay that's the   that's the main idea of this so when I'm doing  the same thing what I'm actually doing uh as a   learner of Japanese is I'm going first from the  situation as an example I've talked about this a   couple of times on this channel and this is like  going to a coffee shop in Japan and just sitting   and listening to people ordering food okay so I  can go to a Starbucks or you know whatever regular   coffee shop it doesn't matter and I can sit I  like going to Starbucks because they have a lot of   customers so I can sit and listen to many people  ordering something like that and the situation   I'm not thinking about like word or phrase I'm  thinking what do people do in this situation   what do people do in this situation so when people  are ordering a cup of coffee what do they do how   do they order that and just like in English there  are different ways people can ask for something   in a typical classroom they will teach you  maybe one or two things but natives have a   much wider range of the vocabulary they're using  all right now it's not just about vocabulary it's   also about listening and pronunciation if you  hear one teacher say something and even if they   repeat it I could say hello hello hello hello  hello you might not understand when you hear   someone else with a different accent or they're  faster or something else you know whatever each   person has their own unique voice and so it's much  easier for you to improve and prepare for a range   of things if you hear not only different words  and phrases related to this sub related to the   situation but also different voices at different  speeds hearing these in different contexts okay does this make sense I'm going to keep repeating  myself because this is such an important thing   for the people who want to speak fluently or  even who just want to understand movies and TV   shows and things much more easily all right some  telegram group over here I don't know if anybody   doing that I don't organize anything about  that though but people are certainly welcome   to do whatever they like all right let's see uh  uh Ed Nielsen says hey Drew Adam thankful for   your help in my case we met in 2016 and you  challenged me to immerse myself in a room at   my home minimum 60 minutes a day and then when I  noticed I was understanding yeah glad to hear it   so again you're it's when people talk about  immersion it's it's difficult to to think about   what that really means you're actually putting  yourself like in a specific way about learning uh   as a native but you have to do it in a structured  way a systematic way so if you TR like when I came   to Japan I didn't know really any Japanese at all  and I spent the first year doing like mostly this   so I would learn something and forget it sometimes  I would feel like a good student and repeat   something again and again but often I would still  not understand people in situations like actual   conversations okay so even if you you can study  something a lot I can be a really good student   I can learn a word or phrase and remember it and  and try to repeat that again and again but this   is not going to help me if I'm in a conversation  and people don't use that or if people are they're   speaking with a hard to understand accent  all right so I use space repetitions see   what I'm recommending is you do not use space  repetition you do not use space for repetition   spaced repetition all right so the the point of  the way of of learning like this is is imagining   that you only have a certain amount of time each  day that you can learn some people are just in   in English environment all the time and even  if they are they're probably not learning that   systematically or reviewing the things they need  to learn but the point is if you have 10 minutes if you only have 10 minutes to learn something  so let's say you got 10 minutes up here   put a little little clock if you only  have 10 minutes to learn something you   have a few choices you can try number  one we're going to learn 10 words and then we will probably forget  them so you got Option One Is to   learn 10 words and you got option  two we're going to take one word   and then repeat it again and again so one word  and repeat it option three is actually to learn   to focus on a situation and hear lots of different  people say different things about that situation   okay so in 10 minutes and I guess maybe the  the fourth option is to is to try to find   someone to repeat but it's it's basically the  same thing so we'll put speaking practice here now which of these is going to prepare you  best for being in a real conversation learning   10 phrases that you forget or practicing one  phrase and trying to repeat that again and again   or knowing a bunch of different  phrases that are related to something   which do you think is going to be best  preparing you for real conversations   now this if you look at this example we connect  all these things because your brain is making   this connection naturally we're making these  connections and that's why this builds a network it's the vocabulary Network that allows you to  speak fluently okay it's not just knowing some   vocabulary it's the network all right and the  reason the network is so important is because   if you forget this well that's the end of that  vocabulary you can't remember that one and if you   forget this one too in a conversation or someone  uses something different or you can't understand   them then that's the end of that vocabulary  but in this one if you forget something maybe   you can easily switch to something else because  you remember a different way of saying something   remember not all natives speak the same way each  person has a unique way of speaking a unique voice   their pronunciation is going to be a little  bit different all right and so when you forget   one thing your brain just switches to something  else very quickly this is what natives are doing   repeat just one word in 20 minutes all right so  if you do number two you will not build fluency   you do number one you will not build  fluency but if you do number three   that's how you will build fluency and what  you'll notice about this is that when you   learn this way even if you don't have someone  to practice with the practice is the input   the practice is getting all this so there is  repetition there okay you are reviewing the   vocabulary you might hear something but  you might hear it slightly differently   from another speaker so your dad says  something then your mom says that same phrase   maybe your sister or brother says that same  phrase and each time you're still repeating   it but you're hearing it in a different way that's  preparing you for conversations okay so it's not   repeating the same thing like if one teacher says  something over and over again you're listening to   my voice and this is why people who watch my  videos they know my voice they can understand   me very well and they say drew I like the way you  speak it's so clear I can understand you I wish   everyone spoke like you I wish all native speakers  spoke as clearly as you do but they don't so this   is Drew's voice Drew's voice is in this range  right here but natives are at a much wider range   and so you might hear and understand my  voice but other people will have a more   difficult time because the accents are different  or they're using vocabulary that you don't know   okay but if you're focusing on situations  and you're building your network with lots of   different input from different native speakers  that's how you're going to become fluent   now the reason we know this works is because  this is how you got fluent in your native   language let me say that again this is how  you got fluent in your native language this   is what it means to learn like a native  and to understand like a native speaker   the reason you develop this is because you're  learning situations all right in your native   language you could not translate anything as a  young child if you're one year old two years three   years four years you're not writing or reading  either the only way you can get information is   to connect vocabulary with situations all right  so you're not trying to translate words or phrases   you're not trying to translate and then repeat  words or phrases you're really trying to build   a network in your mind of being prepared  for conversations the same way natives are   does anyone have any questions about this  let me go back and make sure all right uh uh all right sabermises and that's why we see  how fast are those who move to the U.S are   learning the language yeah so there are there  are many people who who improve by being in   an English-speaking environment but I know many  people who live in the United States just like I   know many uh like Americans or other foreigners  who live here in Japan and still don't speak   Japanese okay your environment is helpful but  the this is much more important how you learn   is the most important factor in in your learning  if you want to become fluent it doesn't matter   where you live you can become a fluent speaker  anywhere in the world if you learn this way   if you build your network if  you're prepared for conversations   all right and Anderson says today I'm watching  a film in English and understanding then   I decide to learn French by myself and  voila okay I don't know that Jan tring   yeah endless all right well it sounds like  you can speak French and English very good   all right yes it makes sense Lizzie interesting  says Adrian all right I used okay we read that one   already it makes sense is Lorena how can I have  those situations here in my country disc schools   we have very few native people all right so Ty  let me know if I'm if I'm saying that correctly   is it Thai or or probably tie all right but I  want to make sure people understand this if you   hear one phrase or word like you're translating  okay I have this word in Japanese uh konnichiwa   how do I say that in English then you're learning  something and you probably forget it if you hear   it one time even if you repeat the same phrase  it will probably be forgotten or it will just   remain in your passive vocabulary it won't really  help you develop fluency but if you think about   situations this is how you get that so where  do you get these situations from does anybody   have any idea about that how can we do this now I  can just give you the answer but it's more fun if   I get you to think about this so if this doesn't  get you fluent we know this doesn't get you fluent   because it just lets you forget information you're  basically wasting your time if you do this if you   learn something and forget it learn something and  forget it learn something and forget it and this   one you're just great basically you're getting  repetition which your brain doesn't even like   your brain doesn't want to just repeat things  that's why people make spaced repetition because   it's true it's trying to force information  into your brain your brain does not want to   do that your brain is always interested in  new information all right I'm looking around   I go into a new school I'm looking around who  were all these new people I want to know all   I can I'm very interested and excited about that  because they're new but once I know about people   it's like all right well I know about that person  I'm only interested in learning about new things   and that's why all the the content on YouTube  is designed to keep you interested it's new new   new we're going to give you some new words or  phrases but you're just going to forget them   and even if you get repetition it's your  brain is not trying to even if you even if   you do remember that word or phrase you're not  prepared for the much wider range of things that   you will encounter in real conversations all  right I want to make that very clear even if   this works even if you're repeating things it's  not going to help you in conversations you might   know one phrase or word but you really need to  be prepared for the situation that's the key   all right let's see go back so repeat just one  okay we had that one uh Danny or your method   is unique all the time all right now what I'm  telling you is not is not unique this is how   you learned your native language it's more like  a forgotten method because most people think that   they can't learn English this way or they can't  learn a second language or another language this   way but the truth is it's how you learn any new  language if I wanted to learn polish or German   or Portuguese or whatever this is how I would do  it but I don't have like a teacher I'd have to   get that information myself all right and I'm not  familiar I don't think anybody else teaches the   way I do uh for this anyway but if they did that's  how I would learn all right so javeed says sir   your English fluency bids are awesome I take much  help to prepare students for fluency conversation   yeah so English fluency bits he's talking about  these uh specific phrases like be that as it may   these are phrases and conversations that really  you can kind of learn the little pieces of things   and then put them together and actually sound much  more native all right thanks for the content hey   I'm a linguist it does make sense awesome yes I'm  glad to be glad to be uh getting corroboration so   the people are talking about this uh as as from  a linguist that's great all right uh some movie   clips can help my fluency is blocked when I  start translate phrase in my native language   yeah so Lorena has that same problem again you're  typically learning one way you're getting one kind   of information again and again and it's not it's  again it's the network that enables you to speak   so if you can't find uh one thing like or you  can't hear or can't understand that particular   phrase in a conversation or natives just use  something different then you're screwed it   just means like you're you're in the conversation  I I don't know what that person just said to me I   don't know what to do all right all right let's  see here so how do we get that information does   anybody have an idea for that how can we get this  Okay then if can't be fluent by repetition can   you explain again that method so Juan is asking  again all right remember just I want to make sure   everybody believes me about this all right if we  all agree because if we don't agree then you know   there's not much I can do to help you but if you  are in general this video or the videos I make   are for people who have learned English for a long  time and still have trouble speaking fluently okay   so the reason that happens is because most people  either learn something one time and forget it   so they're trying to learn lots of new information  and this is something I tell people all the time   but if you're learning more words and phrases but  you can't use your current vocabulary fluently   you're just wasting your time all right so most  Learners this is what most Learners are doing   either they learn something once and they forget  it or they try to repeat something and it's really   hard to do that because your brain does not want  to repeat information it's just not interested   in doing that your brain is designed to be looking  for new information all the time all right this is   It's if you just look at like brain brain science  brain research this is what they tell us about how   the brain learns and you can you just know this  in your normal everyday life when you're watching   the news people want to know what's new what's  new all the time they don't care about what's   old they want to know what's new that's why we ask  people what's new how are you like what is the new   thing happening in your life I don't want to know  what I already know I want to know what's new okay   we're constantly interested in new information  all right but the only way to get repetition   and have that that still satisfy the brain for  new information as this so this is what I call   if you already know this what do I call this  let's see if who's who are my my prize students   out there what do I call this kind of learning  when you're getting lots of different examples   you're getting lots of different  examples in different ways in different   times at different speeds what do  I call that who knows three words what do I call that leave people to figure  that out all right so to make sure Juan knows   what I'm talking about here so I've been  following since 2017 and I got to you very   helpful thanks for coming on YouTube watching  movies interviews all right what do I call this   so this is learning something once  and forgetting it this is repetition   okay the goal is to is to repeat the information  but not get it exact wonderful technique I believe   you Claudette thank you very much remember  it's it's not even that you really need to   believe me because this is how you learned  your native language okay this is how you   learned your native language and it's the  only way you could learn your native language   imagine some aliens coming into you know  they're coming down to the planet we can't   translate anything because nobody knows their  language and they don't know our language and   maybe they can try to read and write but they're  not going to have good conversations with us   so I will try to teach this way thank you for  reminding you okay so what I call naturally naturally varied review naturally varied review  this is just the name I call to understanding   vocabulary by learning about situations the same  way natives do all right this idea of especially   very very important you have a very narrow  range of something it's just what a teacher   might explain in a classroom but here wow this is  what natives are actually using in conversations   and so when students say teacher I understand you  very well but when I get into a conversation they   usually say I can't understand because it's  too fast I don't know the vocabulary or I   can't understand the accents okay so teachers are  preparing you for this and if you hear something   in this range then you feel great like yeah I  understood what that person said but as soon as   it's outside of that range then you feel bad about  that because you can't understand what people are   talking about so this is learning like a student  in a classroom this is learning like a native   naturally varied review any questions about  that okay go back and check comments here   you got some good comments let's  see conversation generalization very cool very cool all right I don't know if  that's talking about me or not that's why I   usually talk about it to my son surround yourself  with the language you want to learn then your   brain used to it a more course search for more  information on all resources I understand you   perfectly but when I'm going to speak I can't do  it yeah aliens usually speak English in the movies   yeah actually I don't know maybe some old movies  they do that but typically uh aliens are you   know they're they're we're trying to communicate  with them in some way if you remember the movie   Independence Day that was I don't know 20 years  ago I think and they tried to use some flashing   lights or something it's like why would you do  that that doesn't make any sense and I think   the movie The Arrival did something similar so  they're trying to you know trying to teach like   trying to connect with the aliens in some way but  it's actually very simple if you want to do that   you need to you know make it make it clear what  the rules of the language are and it's pretty   easy to do that it's actually very easy to do that  all right repeat the last one again I just joined   please make smooth standard for teaching and  giving recommendation I don't know what that means   please make a smooth stand so repeat that last one  again all right now I know some people are just   joining us so let me give a quick uh Independence  Day is that what happened to Brazil well Drew   regards from Brazil it's late here all right  yes so in linguistics we tend to differentiate   language learning from language acquisition  the latter being the natural way yes yeah   so again this one like uh language learning is  what you might call what a computer does you   put information into a computer and the computer  has a database and a computer can learn this way   a computer won't forget because that's what  computers do computers remember information   but preparing a a computer to actually have  a conversation with people that's a bit more   difficult now acquisition so again what we  just got over there the difference between   language learning and language acquisition this is  where you're actually preparing yourself to speak   okay and the reason you're preparing yourself  to speak is because you're prepared for that   much wider range of situations than you are in  a typical classroom so you learn a few words or   phrases you hear them clearly and slowly but in  a real conversation you're going to hear fast   speech difficult accents you're going to hear new  phrases that you're just not prepared for in a   conversation from uh from a language classroom so  they speak English plus Echo Factor so Peter yes   thank you very much okay so Adrian says perfectly  okay where to find the materials of different   situations or information to practice okay so this  is the key so this is what I was doing so when I   first came to Japan I gave an example of this  I spent about a year trying to learn Japanese   like this so I would learn some new information  from textbooks so this was back almost 20 years   ago when I came to Japan so YouTube wasn't even  around then YouTube is 2006 I think so a few years   after I came to Japan and there weren't nobody  was teaching languages on YouTube that early   really my channel is from 2010 and there are only  a few channels I think even teaching languages on   YouTube before that a few years prior to that but  I was using I was living in Japan so I was still   surrounded by Japanese people but it was it was  like uh like trying to drink from a fire hose it   just all this uh information coming to me all the  time and I couldn't I couldn't process it you know   it's just like you drop someone into a pool and  if they can't swim then they sink and then that's   the end so I got very frustrated because I'm kind  of in the middle of of the Native environment and   the traditional learning language learning way  of learning and I forgot most of what I learned   and some of it I remembered but it was only in  my passive vocabulary I'm using a visual guide   to phrasal verbs to yes that's a great program it  will help you do that visual guided phrasal verbs   so how do we get this information  does anyone have any idea about that   so what was I what was I thinking when I when  I realized this now in my own story so I spent if you don't know my story already does  anyone anyone know how I learned Japanese   does everybody know that story I'll tell  it very quickly so I came to Japan in 2003   like I mentioned uh I wanted to learn Japanese  gardening but I couldn't get a visa to do that   so I got in uh by teaching and so I really  enjoyed teaching and you can see I'm still   teaching today actually don't do much at all  with gardening but so I came in 2003 and for   about the first year I'm still  using uh traditional methods   excuse me and uh it was here that I noticed  that native speakers don't do what I was doing   so native speakers don't learn that way and if  native speakers are speaking maybe I should try   doing what they're doing and so I started thinking  about the differences in the way that we learned   so how do natives learn versus how to uh how to  non-native so how do regular English teachers   or how to how do English students or language  students in my case learning Japanese uh let me   know what you have to review to learn before  I'll come back to that question in a second   but the point is uh so I'm around native Japanese  speakers all day you know just I've worked at   it at a Japanese school and there's lots of  people speaking Japanese all day but I couldn't   understand it it's just overwhelming with lots of  English and I couldn't really follow anything uh   and then I tried to study but I forgot most of  what I learned but during a walk in a park here   that's where I realized I watched children and  I noticed that they were learning like this they   were getting the understanding that they needed  without translating so that was the first part   all right so they have to learn everything all in  the language that they're learning now in uh Peter   would know this is the com uh excuse me let me get  some water all right comprehensive I can't speak comprehensible input so comprehend means to  understand something so children are getting   information they can understand all in Japanese  and when I saw that I said wait a minute I should   stop trying to learn through translations  because if I learn through translations   then I will speak through translations as well  all right so hopefully that makes sense so how   you learn is how you speak if you learn through  translations then you will speak through through   translations as well and so once I saw that I  said okay I need to start getting situations   like this and one example of that like I just  mentioned before is going to like a coffee shop there are many different ways to do this we'll  talk about them in just a moment but this is   just one example where I would sit in a coffee  shop and just watch how people order food and   I try not to be obvious I would you know pretend  like I'm reading a book but I would sit near the   counter and I would just hear like people would  walk up and order food and I would listen all   these different ways that people are ordering  food now you can think about it like on a on   a like a like a like a chart or whatever so there  might be like let's say 30 different things people   would say now some of those things are going  to be used very frequently some of them will be   used maybe less frequently less frequently like  that so let's imagine like each one of these is   a phrase used in it in a conversation or in a  situation so let's say they might say uh like   may I please have something so may I please let's  say this one is like the most common may I please now I have not I don't have the statistics for  this I'm not going to give you exact numbers about   this but this is the basic idea so may I have  or you will also hear like can I have or can I   get now this is not Japanese I'm giving you the  English version of this but it's the same basic   idea so you might hear like one phrase out here  one phrase out here but in general you will have   like a kind of plot of all these different phrases  and some of them will be used a lot some of them   will be used very infrequently but they will be  used and the point is not to learn all of them   and to remember all of these words or phrases it's  more to get an understanding of this is the kind   of thing that people would use and not only the  vocabulary but you're hearing lots of different   voices of people teaching you things okay very  important so in in a like a if you compare this   with a typical classroom you can just look at  the uh so we'll put this as like the native way   and then we'll contrast that  with the classroom way over here so this is the in the classroom you really  get like here's one phrase all right you   see the difference so a classroom will  give you maybe one maybe two phrases   so here's the situation for ordering so I'm in a  coffee shop what do you say when you order food   all right the reality in in a real like a live  coffee shop in the real world is like this   all right you got some phrases that are  used a lot and this is the kind of thing   you might learn in an English conversation  class especially if it's trying to give you   conversational English now they might make it  as an example a like I'm going to teach this   to a like a classroom of you know just just some  students and I would say uh can even though this   is it's less correct English more people use it  so can I have uh whatever so can I have a coffee   can I have a coffee now I will explain this  can I have a coffee and I will explain it   nice and clearly so people can understand you  can read it like this now can I have a coffee   and so you go home and you try to repeat that  phrase over and over again can I have a cup   of coffee now if you go to a coffee shop and you  say can I have a cup of coffee you will probably   be able to order that coffee just fine and you  will be like yes all right so if you go to the   coffee shop but if you are working at a coffee  shop okay here's the big difference like you're   going to hear all this like can I get a uh like  can I have a cup of coffee you're going to hear   all these other things too so do not work at  a coffee shop if you are not prepared for that   thank you all right but does this make sense so  this is just one example and it's one teacher   so it's one voice can I have a cup of coffee  now you might also hear this as like a faster   can I can I can I have a cup of coffee can I  have a cup of coffee can I have a cup of coffee   can I have a cup of coffee people are are busy  they're going to work in the morning and maybe   they come in can I have a cup of coffee can I  have a cup of coffee can I have a cup of coffee   can I it's like a key nah can I can I have a  cup of coffee can I have a cup of coffee can   I have a cup of coffee can I have a cup  of coffee all right can I get a table by   the window same thing so can I usually it's it's  spoken quite quickly like this can I can I can I   all right it sounds like people are understanding  my message here so this is what I started doing   for learning Japanese and this is how I  finally got fluent over here so what I'm   doing is I'm looking at particular situations  I'm just focusing on that so I'm letting the   situation the situation is most important and  from the situation comes the vocabulary so I   didn't begin with like what is what is this it's  more like what do people do in certain situations   so if I drop something on my head in English I say  ouch or ah [ __ ] or whatever it depending on on   how how painful it is or how I feel about that  and little kids watch their parents doing that   okay and in Japanese even picking up  something heavy you'd say like this   in Japanese but in English it's like ah  even the sound is a little bit different   but it's the same idea words are just sounds  with meaning okay it's very simple and so in a   language that little children are watching  what people say in different situations   all right so when to use as much as I can or  I could and so now this is where you start you   you develop that understanding of the grammar the  more examples you get so instead of thinking like   when do I say can and when do I use could that's  still thinking like a like a learner over here okay so the point is not is not to try to  like learn a bunch of rules the rule comes   to you just like you're playing a game and  you're watching people do it and you see ah   like this person does this like in Japanese  something Falls in my head as they eat top now there are different ways again I'm trying  to give you some different ways that people   might say that and there are lots of  different ways I might say like suck   you know it's like [ __ ] [ __ ] you know just  something like that where I'm expressing pain and   anger or whatever but children watch that and what  they're doing is they're connecting the situation   with the vocabulary all right I'm trying to  give you these examples again and again to   make sure everybody understands what I'm talking  about let me go back and check chat right here   uh all right so Claudette so what do you think  about this method by the way uh first time to be   here but this is not my first time to see your  videos I guess I saw you about 11 years ago wow   fantastic uh let me know what I have to review  that I learned before thank you okay I understand   all right so what do you think about learning  through stories yeah so stories are another   way you do this now the idea is that there's not  there's not really just one way you do it it's not   just stories or just listening we're just watching  videos it's actually all of those things but to   do it systematically means you're staying within  the situation and getting lots and lots of varied   examples it's much better it's a much better use  of your time not to repeat One Thing by yourself   or to try to say that thing over and over again  it's a much better use of your time to build your   network and you can do that by yourself just like  I was talking about at the coffee shop if you get   a hundred examples of different people ordering at  a coffee shop you're going to feel very prepared   and you're going to feel very confident about  wording ordering something or even working at   a coffee shop okay so the goal really is actually  to have confidence and certainty certainty to be   certain to be 100 sure about things because  most people who know the language they only   have a passive vocabulary because they don't  actually feel very confident about what they know   they might think they know something but they're  worried about the grammar or they're worried   about the pronunciation or something something is  stopping them there's some doubt some uncertainty   about about what they want to say and that's why  they don't speak so it's easy to listen and you   might understand lots of movies but the point is  to to have the confidence to express yourself and   you build the confidence by building the network  as you build the network you build the confidence   and this just means getting naturally  varied review naturally varied review   all right so people asking what do I do if I do  not live in an English-speaking country let me   go back make sure I had anything else uh it really  makes so much sense now glad here that's exactly   how we train neural network we don't teach it  a rule but we let it figure out from the data   yeah so this is not a new idea and again this  is how you all learn your native language this   is how you you did this already you've been  doing this all your life all right all right   so natural learning progress so what if we don't  live in a native speak English or a native English   country I'm guessing uh watching from Manila  Philippines all right so here's how you can do   this by yourself who would like to do this by  themselves just let me know just comment yes or   I can stop the lesson now and just answer other  questions all right but this is how you do it   so if you learned something one time you will  forget it even if you repeat something you're   not going to be prepared for the conversation and  you're really it's just not a good use of your   time to spend time repeating something like that  it's much better you're going to make the most   progress in the in the least amount of time if you  build your network with lots of different examples   of things so this is learning systematically it's  like learning like a native but in a systematic   way that that will be overwhelming to you okay  and you're getting naturally varied review all   right I'm not getting any responses so I if I  can end it right there if nobody is interested   in how they can do this by themselves it's up  to you let me know in the comments uh below   I'll give you one second as I take another  sip of this lovely Japanese water over here wow we've been going for an hour already  all right let me check the chat here   all right then I guess that's it you guys  can make my make my job easy over here all right hopefully this has been uh helpful  for me so Muhammad is saying is there a course   for that uh yes there are two ways to do this  so if you would like to know let me see here   all right so there's uh matido that's a  nice name Matilda if I'm pronouncing that   correctly so is there a course for that uh  so there are two ways to do this so number   one uh how to be like a native speaker along  with the best Saxon link British in the home   country in a non-native country yep  so again number one you can do this anywhere all right so you can do this anywhere  you can get naturally varied review anywhere   okay number two you can do this by yourself the  point here is not to spend time uh practicing   your speech the practice is the building of  the network this is the practice in the same   way that we're talking about uh like people  building a neural network for a computer we   want to train a computer system you don't talk to  the computer you just feed it lots of information   this is how you do it systematically you're  learning lots of words and phrases related   to a subject and you're focusing on that you're  listening to different speakers you're listening   to different accents different speeds different  times different examples so your brain isn't bored   by that information this way the repetition way  is very boring to your brain all right so what if   I speak to a mirror and record myself no don't do  that that's a waste of your time too again if you   only have let's say you have 10 minutes even if  you have an hour it's a much better use of your   time to do this to get lots of input I'm delighted  to be here and having the opportunity to talk with   you yeah it's my pleasure hello Drew glad to  you Claudio nice to see you there all right   okay so people asking how do you do this so again  you can do this anywhere and you can do this by   by yourself so if you have any questions and you  want to send us a mail you can email us at info   englishanyone.com englishanyone.com so there are  two ways to do this so one is doing it by yourself and I talked about this they're basically three   things you can do number one you focus  or actually we'll just find a topic let me make this more clear so find a topic or a situation  a topic or a situation   so the topic might be fixing cars or making  donuts or mowing your lawn or doing whatever   it doesn't matter whatever it should be  something you are interested in though   so don't think about like English language think  about the topic you're interested in so anything   you can post a comment in the chat here and let  me know what you're interested in I can help   you maybe find something more specific for that  but this should be pretty pretty easy uh again   the point is to find a topic so we want to do  something as an example like fixing fixing a car so to fix a car I don't know anything about cars  or fixing cars but if I wanted to learn about   that okay my topic is how to fix a car I might be  even more specific I want to focus on something uh   and I'm going to find like maybe not just like  fixing cars in general I want to fix car engine and maybe a specific type of car so how to fix  how to fix like uh I don't know a like a Mazda   I don't know Mazda something I don't again I  don't know anything about cars I don't care   about cars I don't know anything about cars but  if I wanted to learn about that this is just an   example you can do anything you like whatever your  your favorite subject is if you like uh ice cream   or you like horses or whatever you like traveling  any of these things will will do perfectly fine   but if you can be specific uh that's the second  step here and the third step is this naturally buried review now you get naturally varied review  by like let's say you can do it right here on   YouTube so I'm going to learn about fixing cars I  go to YouTube search I type in how to fix cars I'm   going to get lots of different examples of that  and I'm going to hear different speakers and it's   going to be all in English all right so how to fix  a car or how to play a game or how to do this just   putting in how to is going to teach me a lot I'm  looking for that kind of information so does it   mean learning vocab is are related to a certain  topic yes I have a question uh a counteract how   do I use that word I don't know that word  is that a word if that's a word I don't know   so naturally varied review I'm going to watch  different videos of people talking about   the same thing I'm going to watch different  videos of people talking about the same thing   now you can do this with English learning videos  as well but it's much better to actually just go   right to the native content if you can understand  it all right so this is how you do it by yourself   does anybody have a question about this we can  talk about the World Cup yeah you could talk   about the World Cup right now so if you go if you  want to focus on the World Cup watch 20 different   videos about a specific thing about the World  Cup sir please may I have your contact number   any input platform share my real problem for  English fluency guy uh if you have a problem   that is not covered by what we do uh we probably  covered everything if it's related to fluency   but this solves every problem that  people have about related you know   things related to fluency but if you'd like  to send us a mail info at englishanyone.com does this make sense the idea is to get this to  build your network around a certain topic and you   do this with topic after topic after topic it's a  very simple process and it will build your fluency   very quickly because as you learn about this topic  you can also use this vocabulary to talk about   other things all right the point is just to become  fluent in the vocabulary and that will expand your   vocabulary very very quickly Isn't that cool all  right so this is how you can do it by yourself   now if you'd like to do it with me as the other  option so this is how I did it by myself I had   to teach myself Japanese because there were  no uh there wasn't an option to do that no   teacher taught this way and I don't think  any Japanese teacher does teach this way   so the other option is fluent for life now this is a program I have where I actually  walk you step by step through a hundred different   topics but you can choose the specific things  you're interested in learning all right so if   you want to learn about gardening or you want  to learn about giving presentations or whatever   this is how you do it you can find a link  in the description right below this video if   you'd like to learn more about fluent for life  but fluent for Life basically is this process   we're going to give you a  topic you have a lesson set but instead of just kind of doing it by yourself  where you would watch some native vocabulary   maybe you don't understand everything I actually  walk you through in simple steps to make sure you   understand the vocabulary we start simply we start  slower and then we move up to real conversations   and as you do this you're going  to get naturally varied review   I don't want to make it sound too complicated  because really you just you sit back you relax   and you get fluent because I'm going to build  your network for you even if you don't speak so it   doesn't matter where you live doesn't matter how  old you are this is how you learned your native   language and if I can teach you this in English  you will get fluent in English too all right   if you have any questions let me know but this is  the basic idea of how you become a fluent speaker   you can do it by yourself if you like if you're  at a high enough level where you can understand   a lot and and you're not going to be too confused  and it's and you don't mind not having the steps   that actually show you how everything works  and teaching you how to get fluent faster it's   different when you're trying to do it really by  yourself and it was a little bit uh kind of a   trouble for me as well also if you don't live in  an English-speaking country it's more difficult to   get that information but you can do it on places  like YouTube but if you would like a system that's   already done everything for you so you just pick  what you want to learn you go through that and   you get fluent in that vocabulary automatically  so each day you're going to go through a lesson   in a different way you're going to meet different  speakers you're going to hear different vocabulary   you're going to hear it in different ways okay so  the point is to focus on a specific topic and then   with the time we can improve our English skill  faster yes that's exactly what you should be doing   so remember these are these are the different ways  you can learn you can learn something one time   so if I have an hour I'm going to watch like five  YouTube videos five short YouTube videos and each   one of them teaches me some phrases I may remember  one or two of those phrases maybe and I probably   will not be able to remember and automatically  use that conference confidently in a conversation   second option is to try to focus on a word or  phrase and then repeat that again and again   but it's not how you want to learn why are you  soaked with your magnetic eraser is that a joke   I thought everybody had magnetic erasers this  is what is what do you do with with an eraser   your eraser doesn't stick to the board like that  it should be I thought maybe that's I don't know   Japanese technology I guess put a magnet on it  you probably seen you know this is like magnets   over here here's a regular magnet you just put an  eraser it sounds like there is a like a business   opportunity for you where you are to put an  eraser on a magnet and then there you go you   can sell your Racers on a magnet see the Eraser  is the magnet is inside there pretty cool huh   all right you can probably watch YouTube videos  about magnet erasers all right that's how like   detailed YouTube is for giving you information so  if you want to get naturally varied review about   magnetic erasers you can get that information  on YouTube all right all I've done is I've taken   like years of my being able to do this have it  streamlined as a lesson set that you can do so   you don't need to speak all you do is you get the  input you spend your time getting all this input   and you become fluent automatically all right  let's see here uh but how to admit mistakes during   talking about the topic okay so the next thing  the reason this works so people wondering like how   will you get fluent or how can I correct mistakes  about talking about things if I learn this way now   if you hear lots of different native speakers say  something just like a child you are going to learn   how to say those things correctly too the problem  in in often like in uh traditional lessons with a   teacher even if you have a teacher there they will  say something slowly or they will say something   and maybe it's it's really just not the way that  natives actually speak in real conversations   and so even if you have a teacher it's the native  input all the correct input that tells you how to   say something correctly so you automatically learn  how to speak correctly by getting the correct   examples just like children so they learn to speak  by getting lots of correct examples and even as an   adult you have more opportunities and you have  more advantages than a regular child trying to   learn a language because you can ask questions you  know are they are they saying it like this you can   go back and repeat things that you want to learn  but this is how this solves the problem of making   mistakes it lets you correct yourself so as you  hear 20 different examples of something you spend   a whole month focusing on one thing you learn  a few hundred phrases as you do that you feel   very confident about using it so you don't worry  about making mistakes all right so it's often   the the information we say garbage in garbage out  garbage in garbage out so if you're learning with   things that are causing you to make mistakes then  it's the thing that you're learning that's making   the mistakes it's not it's not this but if you  can learn with a whole bunch of natives you're   obvi you're going to learn with correct examples  if you understand correct examples you will speak   correctly does that make sense so this is how  you can correct yourself and Learn by yourself   without speaking so you get lots of different  examples I could teach you Japanese right now   and do the same thing and help you understand  something all in Japanese and if I could do that   like a few days in a row you would learn to speak  Japanese about that particular topic all right go   back and see if I have okay so Russ so I've been  living in the UK for eight years I completely   understand you but I can't understand people here  and I couldn't be fluent so what is the solution   this is it we have lots of people in the UK  as well because the program has people from   the United States from the United Kingdom from  Canada from Australia New Zealand we have people   from all over the planet native speakers from  all over the planet and when you hear all those   examples it automatically improves your listening  and pronunciation so you're getting native lots   of different Native examples and as you hear all  those each time you will hear you will spend I   don't know they're like over a hundred different  native speakers in the program think about   that crazy if you it's like being in a native  environment but in a structured systematic way   so you're not overwhelmed we pick a topic whatever  you want to do and the great thing about fluent   for life is that it you do what you want to do you  don't focus on the same lessons that other people   focus on each student is unique in the program  so you might want to focus on business related   English and also the conversational vocabulary  that's used in business situations and there's   a lot of that all right or maybe you just want  to talk about how to go to the doctor or how to   do shopping or whatever those kinds of things but  as you go through the lesson sets and as you do   one lesson set and then another one you you really  start developing fluency very quickly and you can   take what you learn from one lesson and apply in  a different topic the point is to build fluency   in the vocabulary but you do that by focusing  on a topic all right so it's much better to do   this than by trying to learn as much as you can if  you're not already fluent if you are not already   fluent then stop learning more okay if you if  you're if you have like this vocabulary over here   let me move my special magnets if you  have this vocabulary let's say like this   is I don't know let's say 200 words so that's  your vocabulary if you are not fluent in this   then why are you trying to learn more don't add  more to this understand how to get fluent in   your vocabulary then start learning more so this  teaches you how to learn correctly how to actually   learn to focus on a topic spend time with it and  it's a naturally very review that gets you fluent   all right let me answer some more questions over  here all right but uh okay so we answered the   question about correcting mistakes does everyone  understand about that when you get lots of correct   examples why would you make mistakes you're  getting lots and lots and lots and lots of correct   examples and as you see those again and again you  feel very confident that you'll use the same the   same thing all right so Drew this is exactly what  I figured two years ago I taught myself English so   yes from my experience your approach really works  yes and I I call it I mean I guess you can say   it's my Approach but it's really just the native  way it's the native systematic way of learning   languages when you learn your native language this  way there are many times when you don't actually   understand what people are saying you might hear  a phrase like your dad says something when you're   five years old but you don't really understand  it until you turn 10 and then you think ah like   I understand what my dad said 20 years ago you  know but when you learn systematically like this   you actually understand it at that time so it's  much faster and much easier much much easier to   understand things all right so SARS is thank you  uh thanks a lot extremely helpful lessons are from   Vancouver nice Andrew says thank you again and  greetings from Fortaleza Brazil so Thanksgiving   for your scorching clue about speaking and stuff  for English uh how can I get fluent for life just   click on the link in the description below this  video and you can learn more about fluent for life   so it will teach you uh everything about how  to get fluent and again it's a completely   customizable program for your situation so if  you want to become a fluent speaker and you   want to have all the hard work done for you so  you don't want to try to go out to YouTube and   do it by yourself I can tell you from experience  it took me a while to understand how to do it by   myself when I was using it to get fluent in  Japanese now I do it just naturally all the   time I develop the habit of learning that way  but this will teach you that so all the lessons   are all organized you can go through and find if  I want to learn from a particular kind of voice   so if you want New Zealand speaker or Canadian  speaker or United States or if you want to focus   on different topics or grammar points or whatever  but the point is it teaches you all that with   naturally varied review so we're going to focus  on a topic it's the focus that gets you fluent   it's not trying to learn something once and then  you forget it or even trying to repeat one thing   it's building the network that allows you to speak  does anyone have like a counter argument for this   does anyone believe this would not work does  anyone believe this would not help them get fluent   let me know all right Claude so could you tell  us more about fluent for Life what I mean are   the classes lie so no fluent for life is not live  classes it's uh recorded audio video and text and   the reason we do this is because you don't need  live lessons to get fluid now you're watching   me live but someone else watching this video  tomorrow they will still get the same lesson   to still still get the same benefit from it  even though the lesson is not live so hello   from the from the past if you're watching this in  the future so fluent for life again it's designed   for people who are busy and who want to get  fluent without waiting for classes or waiting   for other students or or needing to have a native  speaker around there so fluent for Life basically   puts you in a systematic native environment where  you get to focus on the things that are actually   going to help you speak and then you spend time  each day like 15 minutes a day if you have more   time that's great but even 15 minutes a day of  getting naturally varied review is going to be   better for you than trying to learn you know one  thing or even try to you know watch two or three   YouTube videos that don't actually help you speak  all right let's see uh I get your ideas thank you   so much this is David glad here so you mentioned  you already have a system how does that system   work all right so let me uh if you'd like to know  more about uh fluent for Life I'll explain that so the idea of fluid for life  begins with lesson set a lesson set   and if you'd like to learn more you can you  can read all about this by clicking on the   link below this video but we begin with a lesson  set now that lesson set is focused on a particular   conversation a real conversation between different  native speakers it could be two native speakers   it could be three native speakers but let's just  begin with a video where we got two people talking   so it could be an American and a Canadian it  could be an American and a like an Australian or   whatever the point is it's a real conversation  between native speakers now if you just watch   that you would probably understand some of that  information you would probably uh like I would   learn some new information some new words or  phrases but it would mostly be overwhelming for   people it's going to teach you way too much it's  going to give you way too much information it will   be too fast and again it will just be overwhelming  in general for you and this is why often for   Learners if you've been learning this way then you  try to go directly to conversational English it's   very frustrating just like me coming to Japan and  trying to be in an immersive or native environment   so what we do is we take this and then we split  it up into different pieces and you focus on each   one of these pieces and you learn them in steps  so we begin with just taking one specific thing   again the goal is to focus so we want to focus on  one thing like a grammar Point uh that's taught   or that you might hear in this conversation a  few times so uh Kian is asking if it's live no   it is not live but again the being live is  not helpful for people because maybe you're   not around when the video is live so you just  watch a video anyway just like this your your   this video that I'm watching if you're watching  it with me right now is live but people watching   it later will still get the same benefit okay  so live video doesn't get you fluent it's the   information that gets you flown so we take this  we've got the grammar we're going to focus on it   but not teach you a bunch of grammar rules I want  to give you lots and lots of different examples   and you're going to hear different people saying  things you're going to hear it in stories you're   going to see visual examples of it okay so  that's just focusing on grammar we're going to   have a lesson after that where you're listening  to stories told by different native speakers at   different speeds in different ways all right  Again Naturally varied review so each time   we're taking you step by step to really make  sure you understand it so many years ago I had   a program that just taught these lesson sets  and taught a new one each month it was called   Master English conversation and so those lessons  sets put together all became fluent for life   and so we go through each one of these steps  you're going to focus on vocabulary maybe focus   on some history and culture about that particular  topic and then when you're finally ready for the   video you're actually well prepared to understand  everything and so even more examples of like the   native uh the native speech the native examples in  different ways from different native speakers and   you're seeing how all this works together going  to give you even more examples after that to test   your ability give you some questions to see if you  remember things if you understood it it's not like   a typical it's more like a conversational kind of  thing just seeing if you're paying attention and   remembering it and we also give you a conversation  kind of starter I call these my special Mission   homework assignments so you don't have to speak  to become a fluent speaker but I know a lot of   people want to use their English and I show them  how to do that in different ways so showing them   how to meet different native speakers online  and in person in different countries so it   doesn't matter where you live you can meet people  online if you want to or meet people in person   all right and so as you go through the steps  of this and this is just one lesson set   there's just one lesson set so you're going to  focus on one thing you're going to learn like a   few hundred let's say you learn like 200 maybe 300  for this is this is like one month that you focus   on this and each time you're going to learn with  it you're going to watch it gonna listen to it you   might try to write a little bit of it thank you  again the point is to focus on something so you   really master that information and you build the  network with a naturally varied review does that   make sense so this is one lesson set about  a particular topic maybe it's talking about   gardening or fishing or raising chickens in your  backyard or cars or video games or telling stories   or giving presentations at work whatever lots of  different things like that so this is one lesson   set and there are 100 of them in the program 100  of these and the great thing about this I want to   give you so much content because you choose  what you learn with most people will not go   through all 100 you will go through maybe like 10  of them or 20 of them whatever you want to do for   your situation and some people will move more  quickly through them other people will not but   it usually takes about a month to go through the  vocabulary to make sure you remember everything   so the point again is to build the network this  is how you do it so you can do it by yourself if   you want but this makes it much easier everything  is all laid out for you all you do is choose and   you know exactly what to do each day you just  spend a little bit of time each day learning a   bit more and each time you come back like I  remember that now a really interesting test   for people just to test yourself is when you  begin the lesson set this is the first lesson   you start with for that lesson set but you could  watch the conversation first so if you watch the   conversation first and you might think wow this is  a little bit overwhelming I'm not really prepared   for this but if you watch the conversation first  and then go through all the steps and come back   to the conversation again you feel much different  you feel much more powerful and confident because   wow you actually understood everything you're  well prepared for this for the faster English   does that make sense so this is how we prepare  you to go from understanding teachers so you   can understand me right now but we want to get you  to the level where you can understand Natives and   so you have to be learning with actual native  speech and this is all in English so I'm not   going to teach you with Japanese or Portuguese  or something like that you're learning all in   English the same way natives do but because I  teach it to you step by step you're going to   learn it all comfortably and gonna just get fluent  automatically really even if you don't have anyone   to speak with this will build your fluency because  it's the network that makes you fluent it's not   repeating some phrase again and again it's being  prepared for a conversation for a wide range of   speakers and vocabulary all right let me go back  and answer some questions see if I got anything uh   uh let's see all right so you mentioned your  okay I answered Claudette hope Claudette let   me know if that answers your question about how  fluent for Life Works uh Abhishek says yes okay   I tend to forget phrases Advanced vocabulary and  also don't know how to construct a sentence in   certain situations how can I improve that all  right so that's a problem about fluency that   comes from learning this way I tend to forget  words and phrases all right so it's how you're   learning the vocabulary you remember when you  build the network and you forget when you try to   focus on words and phrases and so this building  the network is what we do in fluid for life   all right uh next one so no one will be fluent  just focusing on YouTube videos and getting a   clue about native speaker the problem there is a  grammar rules and vocabulary for pretty much and   focusing a lot blah yes so this is why if you  just watch YouTube videos you could do this by   yourself it would be difficult to do and that's  why it's possible I want to show people if they   just don't want to join a program or they don't  want to have anyone help them with it some people   usually the people who join fluent for life they  are professionals these are like Executives or   they're doctors or you know just people who want  to use vocabulary fluently as quickly as possible   so they don't want to spend a lot of time trying  to teach themselves they would rather pay someone   to just show them how to do it so this is why  we cover grammar and all those things but you   can focus on the things you're interested  in so if you have specific grammar points   where there are specific native speakers you  have trouble listening to those accents you   can find them all in the program we have an  index so there's a whole index it's like 20   pages long it lets you choose okay these are  here's information about each of the courses   each of the lessons sets so you can pick the  particular things you want to learn about   all right next one big hello from the Philippines  Jerome nice to see you there uh so samir's saying   incantation how can I overcome the fear of  speaking in front of people all right if you are   not if you are not scared of speaking in front of  people in your native language then the problem is   a lack of confidence because you just don't know  the vocabulary very well that's really it if you   learn one phrase and forget it or if you learn  one phrase and try to repeat that again and again   this will not help you prepare you for fluent  conversations so you will not be okay I'm going to   be very nervous about a real conversation because  I don't know what a native would say all right   so the same idea all right so you're right we  should learn English uh grammar naturally without   studying it a lot fantasy is a little dirt and  I see that right pronunciation in phonetic yeah   so this teaches you all of that all right so the  point is to learn grammar but yes you should not   be trying to study grammar textbooks so I wanted  to give you lots of different I'm going to like   explain rules and things but it's really more  showing you how they work so you understand like   a native and then you see lots more examples  and your brain is focusing on that for that   whole month so you're really getting lots and  lots of input to help you understand something   Claudette says thank you so much teacher drew  it seems so easy the way you explain it yes so   this is how you learned your native language  I didn't I didn't create anything new all I   did was systematize it okay and and we we know  this works so linguists like Dr Steven crash   and discovered the same thing I discovered so  I found it in a park in Japan watching young   kids and he found it he calls it comprehensible  input but comprehensible input is really just   the first step all right so comprehensible input  doesn't really help you remember something that's   why you need to continue to get it so even in  his own examples he will talk about like if I   could teach you every day I would help you get  fluent all right and that's what this is so you   don't learn something just one time I'm going  to give it to you again and again and again and   again and again but in different ways so it's not  boring if you just try to do something again and   again and again it's going to be boring for  you so you have to hear it in different ways   you have to be prepared for the situation by  hearing different ways of talking about things   you have to see how different speakers explain  that so you do recommend app to enhance speaking   I don't recommend any app I don't know of any app  that would do that for you this is how you do it   all right so if you're if you're you can either  do it by yourself by watching different content   on YouTube focusing on particular things and  it should be all in English don't learn through   translations or try to use your native language or  something like that it should all be in English so   don't use an app for that you need to have actual  native speech okay so at lower levels you can use   an app for that like we have Frederick the  app that can teach lots of basic vocabulary   actually teaches over 2 000 words and sentences  and can help improve your grammar pronunciation   as well but this is really for people who want to  speak who want to take yes Frederick so people who   want to take their their English uh to the fluent  level this is what we choose this is what we do   all right now I've been speaking for it looks  like an hour and a half an hour and a half   hopefully you have been enjoying this and a lot  of people have stuck with me through this whole   video thank you very much it's uh it's a pleasure  to be helping you guys but the whole point is   really to understand how fluency works and why  the typical things that most people do do not so   if you've wondered why am I learning I'm spending  a lot of time but I still feel nervous I'm still   making mistakes in conversations I'm still  not understanding people it's because of this   so watching more content on YouTube is going  to give you this but if you learn with it the   right way you can get actual fluency by using  the same process all right or I can just walk   you right through the whole thing and if again  this is for people who who like who care more   about their time than their money really so the  program is not cheap you will definitely find   programs that are cheaper than that but nothing  that is going to give you this all right let's   see all right so I'm a bit sad that I have to  throw my grammar book away that I just purchased   now there is some value in a grammar book  I mean you can go back and review things   if you have a question about that but really  the goal is to understand the grammar without   needing to think about a rule all right so  like if I have a door I'm going to teach   you some Japanese I can explain so let's say  like imagine imagine there's a door right here all right so we have a door and I'm going to  teach you some Japanese now the first thing   I can do is give you a bunch of explanations  about transitive or intransitive verbs as an   example so I can explain transitive verbs what is  a transitive verb what is an intransitive verb but   it's much better if the same way I teach my own  children uh the language so I'm going to teach   Japanese to my children I would just show them  how the language works if you understand like   a native you understand the rule and you can use  the rule but you're not trying to study rules all   right so sometimes it's good to get explanations  and we do give you explanations when it's helpful   to do that but most of it is just seeing it in  action so as an example we have a door right here   Duo a kid a kid a kid okay   all right I'm going to open open the door and  then we can have the door opens it's like I did now I'm giving this as like a very quick  lesson but just to show the difference like   I don't know I should have like an actual door  over here but the point is rather than talking   about transitive verbs and intransitive verbs  and me doing something and explaining all that   I just show you how it works and when you  understand like that it's like ah like I   understand all right I'll give you another  example transitive and intransitive verbs   all right without trying to explain what  this is so if I have a marker you're just   like watching me like you know there's like a  marker over here and it's just like ah ochidu ochito but if I have something in my hand some so one is like the thing just falling  and me is dropping something all right now   that was a very quick like not the ideal lesson  but that's basically what you're doing so when   children are learning a language that way they're  learning ah the difference like when something   just like a leaf falls from a tree ochiru  otiru but when I hold something and I drop it all right now if I give you that one lesson  you might think like oh yeah I get it like   oh chidu is like you know just kind of Falls  and otosu is like I dropped something maybe   you understand that but you will probably  forget the lesson if I can't give it to   you again and again so you need to see that  again and again and in in different ways so   you need to hear different speakers saying  that same vocabulary so that's why it's not   just about learning the real vocabulary so even  if you watch YouTube videos that are teaching   you more vocabulary they're not getting you  fluent because you're not building the network   you're not really being prepared for situations  it's a situation that gets you fluent okay   all right now I'm losing my voice over here so  we're gonna have to say goodbye in a moment uh   all right so in sum up yes Adrian Adrian's telling  me get to the point here uh so I would love you to   show us something about how it works the first  class and you have it in the program for the   next time I really appreciate your time with us if  you go to right here on my channel we do not have   like full lesson sets but if you go to the master  English conversation playlist here on YouTube you   can see different examples of that but again like  seeing one or two examples is not that the system   is seeing it and getting getting the whole process  I'm a bit sad that I oh can we get that one   so do you recommend a web to talk or tutor or  something like that yeah so Claudio you don't   need any of that all you need is the input  that's going to build your native Network   and let you speak fluently so you don't need to  find anywhere you don't need a special website   to go to you can get that information right  here on YouTube by again just focusing on   particular topics you're interested in or  you can have me show you how to do it in   fluent for life and you can click on the link  in the description below that video to do that   Tiago says I'm Brazilian I need to start speak  fluency man thank you for your support yeah so   if you'd like to do that get fluent for life it's  good to have fun with English which extremely   gives us great confidence especially when having  an English conversation with native speakers thank   you for the lesson all right yes so thank you  all for hanging around with me hopefully this   makes sense most of the lessons I do on YouTube  are talking about kind of General things about   fluency and looking at the bigger picture rather  than just teaching you more words and phrases I   know my channel would probably be more successful  if I just taught a bunch of words and phrases   uh it's it's frustrating but this is the thing  that actually gets you fluent all right hopefully   that makes sense is that this is this is why I  focus on this I'm not my my number one goal is   not to just get like more YouTube subscribers I  don't care about that I want to help the people   who actually want to get fluent that's why I'm  here but there are lots of channels that will   tell uh tell you lots more vocabulary uh and  focus on that so thank you drew anyway always   be a great person uh Drew you are amazing you  guys are too kind over here I can't say thank   you enough all right so very quickly again if  you learned something one time you will likely   forget it even if you repeat something many times  you will probably forget it it will probably not   go into your active vocabulary and it will  still not prepare you for all the different   situations or all the kind of different like the  different phrases or the different vocabulary uh   the different pronunciation that you will hear  in a real conversation only naturally varied   review will give you that so you need to focus  not just try to go through one of these things   so Samir asks how to think in English this is how  you think in English the answer to every question   the and this is what I love about learning like  this because the answer to every question how do   I sound more native how do I actually think in the  native language how do I speak without translating   it's all right here okay so if you like this  naturally varied review is the thing that gets   you fluent and you can get it in I'll write it  up here for people one more time fluent for life fluent for life is especially helpful  for people who really need to speak and   to need to need to have good conversations  with people so people who are in business   Academia government people who again it's  actually important for them to speak if you   don't really care so much about speaking or  you're just watching movies maybe don't waste   your time but if you do fluent for life is  going to be the fastest way you can do that   all right everyone have a fantastic date  and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: EnglishAnyone
Views: 54,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 102min 30sec (6150 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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