LIVE! Making #uglynoods​ #trashfood​ from leftover dough!

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can you see me i'll let you know in a second i see someone can see me hear me if you can't see me or hear me i'm just gonna finish getting ready here for our weird noodle adventure dude i see myself awesome i see three people let me know where you guys are coming in from so i know uh if you are night owls who stayed up until 2 3 am your time because y'all are crazy but thanks for coming happy monday i guess to you folks official deliciousness ah delish who's working on a sunday get out of here is it you julia all right guys i still don't know what's going on with youtube live i can't seem to like schedule a live and then click on that same schedule live video and then actually go live from that scheduled one so i had to make this one off right now right before we went live but basically what we hear today is a couple of days ago was it friday was friday a couple of days ago on the delish youtube channel we made some yo tao and i have a lot of leftover beauty dough to switch out for cam and i really don't feel like frying any more yotau as delicious as they are so we're gonna see what else we can do with these noodles um aaron really likes to make bone broth when we're at home and so we just pull whatever dough we have into noodle-esque things and then we drop it in some flavorful broth and that's usually aaron's lunch or dinner for the day it's a little bit healthier i think than just frying and it's a little bit of a different texture and also it's really fun and you get to make really ugly noodles so welcome you want to say hi erin hi come in there look at the camera no i don't know how cameras you're the professional um so we still have a little bit of dough from the batch that i made at midnight for that live and we also have the dough that we made on camera for that live and what i did was i didn't want to the same dough and i also found this really old gluten-free poppy seed starter that i had left in my fridge just a random experiment that i made at like 2 a.m one day and i don't know why i did it but i did it and it was in my fridge and i needed the mason jar so i put it into this dough and i folded it and you can see there's poppy seeds on the bottom it's really nice and smooth it's sliding around i don't know how a gluten-free starter interferes with the gluten development but it's not bad you know so maybe we'll make some poppy seed noodles too i don't know um i don't know how long we'll be here my phone is really old it's battery life is slowly dwindling over the past year of heavy usage since we're never off our screens anymore and um i guess we'll just go until you guys drop off we'll go until we have some noodles what if they stay for 20 hours then we will have the modern day truman show but i do it voluntarily and in full cognition of what i'm in um what are some comments hello from cairo cairo right there so you should be indonesia you go to sleep in daniel hey siri what time is it in cairo it's 205 pm no that's not too bad wait i said i said that so i it gave me new york what time is it in cairo in you don't get any points for staying up till nine i'm sorry but indonesia go the hell to sleep what are you doing you don't want to end up like me in the last budget eats video where i was just completely miserable and very sad and depressed and if you do that to yourself and you get into a habit of doing it to yourself i can tell you i'm still doing that to myself don't don't do as i do do as i say i'm putting a little bit of flour in a little pinch bowl just so that we um don't have noodles going everywhere but basically when you're working with a dough and you want to use that gluten structure to pull it into a strand that's thinner but still sturdy and you don't want to break it what you really don't want to do right before you make your noodles is knead it or fold it because agitation right now you can see that it's really loose like i'm barely dragging on it and it's already elongating if you need it at this point and you don't give it half an hour to an hour to rest that gluten structure will be so so tight it'll be like a tight rubber band and then when you go to stretch it it'll break on you which is fine you know you can make tiny little nuggets of noodles and it'll still be bouncy and great and it might actually be a lot more al dente so if you like chewy noodles maybe like do work your dough i don't know we're making trash food today hashtag trash food meaning i'm not working off of a recipe i'm just using whatever leftovers i have in my kitchen and i'm making a meal out of it which is honestly most of what i do every day at home erin why did you have to put your computer right more at my nexus thank you so how this works is you should put on a pot of water for me um these noodles i usually tend to pull and drop right into boiling water that way they cook as i go and we can fish them out it's a nice little time where erin and i get to bond and hang out for 10 minutes of the day you know the rest of the time i'm just like yelling at him uh and he takes it i don't know why but he also during the time as well yeah uh should we cook them in my stock that's why i brought it out okay yeah sure um i don't want to waste this water though can i have the little tiny pot for my salsa yes okay so aaron will be cooking his noodles in his homemade broth you want to show the camera your homemade broth it just looks like brown water because it's rough but it's brown water it has a layer of nice fatty foam uh flavor on top it's floating but soon it'll melt and you won't see it anymore but this is like from uh i think pork neck bone uh simmered for about eight hours you're guessing it's neck bone i think it's neck bone i think the bad stuff next one um so yeah do you want all the fat on there or do you want less fat uh we can do less fats and somebody use the rest of the coconut are you taking any more comments hello from peru we love trash food yay um so what i'm doing right now is i'm just going les is asking why the stash is back because i felt like it hi guys um we're just going to skim the fat away from the opening of the jar and then we'll pour it slowly tell me when erin keep going uh stop for now let's see how much lettuce yeah that should be good okay so we're going into a i don't know eight inch pan about one and a half inch deep with broth we also have some um leftover coconut cream that has been open since mid february and i honestly don't know why it's still good usually when you open coconut cream it goes bad within the week but this one still smells good so we'll go in here do you want to put some spices in it today so we can soak into the noodles uh yeah why don't you just use your creativity for that you want me to concoct your noodles yeah i thought i was here to just pull noodles well i haven't put the spices in before you can try this is more than i signed up for we're gonna go in with a little bit of garlic powder i guess okay and nice catch i'm gonna go in with a little bit of smoked paprika because we got this smoked paprika from a trip to spain like two years ago ages ago and it says good until march 2020 um so you know it's not as flavorful as it used to be when we first got it a lot of spices kind of expire not in the way that it'll make you sick just in the way that it'll lose its flavor over time and it will become less intense and less flavorful and less dimensional and you should just use it as soon as you can um did you salt your broth it's well salted yet okay no salts um we'll go in with a little bit of powdered red pepper nice tasty that should be enough that's not enough that's definitely not enough for you what else a pinch of oregano is that enough spices for you yet that's good yeah okay we'll set this to a low simmer just give it a stir every now and then and you'll be eating this out of your favorite soup bowl i'm assuming this is aaron's favorite soup fall i got it in green point brooklyn at a random junkie thrift store for i think three or five bucks i can't remember i was with a friend before the pandemic shopping this and now it has a chip in it don't we all have a chip in it by now [Music] and i'll move my spoon off into this bowl because if you leave a metal thing on top of a metal thing that's on top of fire that middle thing will get very hot and then you'll forget five minutes later when you reach for the spoon and then you'll burn your fingers and then you'll be very sad and then you'll curse at yourself and then you'll be very sad again um so we're not gonna do that i guess i'll put your breath here i'll put my little water thing there right cool noodle time huh do we have any more questions do you like mango of course i like mango it's sticky rice i love sticky rice anything um hey florida hey quebec mustache looks amazing thank you thank you what kind of people are talking about me not you i mean i have a kick-ass mustache too and you guys need to comment on that sometime because you know when i forget to thread on sunday night and then i go to film on monday morning if you look really close you'll see that stash um what kind of pots and pans do you use these are my beloved ikea pants we got them when uh we were still living with a roommate and we were paying 800 bucks for a room together cramped we were living in the same room as our kitchen so we've upgraded to a slightly better apartment since then but haven't upgraded pants haven't upgraded pants because why do you need to upgrade pans when they've served you so well they're like very nicely burnt on the bottom like very thin construction very cheap i think this three pack of pots cost us like maybe 14 plus taxes literally the cheapest possible pins you can buy at ikea it sounds like the tin man's hat um and it probably is a tin man's hat and it says it's stainless but you could definitely see that there's spots in there but you know what it works it's great for popcorn because the heat just goes through it really fast it's great for toasting spices you don't need to wait forever for the pan to get hot but you do need to keep your moving to avoid burning so senchi pots usable you just need to uh offset it with time as always when you skip out on money you have to put in more time that's just the equation how long have you had your ikea paws for uh like eight years something like that i feel like we got them maybe in um 2014 or 2015 latest so at least six or seven years um i saw you didn't roast the bones for the bone broth i was wondering why i feel like roasting bones for bone broth might be like an american thing when we created a bone broth recipe for delish i believe uh either mackenzie or lauren created that recipe i think and we roasted bones for it and then we boiled them and that's supposed to bring out more roasted flavors but instead of doing a full roast i just uh like sizzled them for a while in a pan first yeah aaron does a sizzling thing i do the chinese thing that my mom kind of taught me to cook with meats is just like blanch the meat first to get rid of all the extra juices that aren't so fresh kind of like almost washing the meat but in temperature water and then i go in with the broth water to really bring out that pure flavor i go for like a very clean taste but if you like a toastier taste broth toast it who am i to stop yeah there are so many ways to make food you really don't have to follow any one way of making anything can you guys see this cutting board um it's on camera okay so i just cut a piece of dough and i'm kind of stretching it out a little bit just a little bit as you can see it's very bouncy it's very pleasurable and at this point if you just want to like keep stretching it out you can hand tear it and that'll be hand torn noodles um so that makes a pleasurable dough for you what makes a pleasure people do yeah you called it pleasure is this not pleasing to you um a pleasurable dough for me is extensible it's pliable it's soft it's giving but it has its limits it lets you know when you've stretched it too far so it has you know it's set up nice little boundaries for you but also can compromise that's what i look for in a relationship people have been asking about your knife in general yes my knife this knife i got from brooklyn kitchen uh in a hell's kitchen location that has now closed rest in peace um i got it with the kanji i got it from my very first uh cooking job and it cost me like i think like 109 maybe with tax which is pretty cheap for a good japanese made sentoku knife this is a high carbon knife which means it rusts pretty easily if you don't dry it right away but it it's supposed to hold its edge very well so you don't have to sharpen it as much and i probably should sharpen this soon but it's still quite sharp enough for my home cooking needs um so i'm just going to slice the dough into skinny skinny slices and then we'll stretch it i like to dust it with a little bit of flour just to prevent them from sticking to each other and i also like to separate them on the board so that they don't kind of like melt back into each other as i work because i'm not a professional noodle puller i'm literally just making some trash food noodles and uh i'm not skilled enough to fling flower everywhere in a artistic controlled masterly way so i just take one strand i try to dust a little bit of flour on top and then i take it and i hold it by its two ends maybe with a couple of fingers on each end to make sure i'm not like dragging on the weakest part of the cut and i just wait for it to kind of flubber itself out into a skinnier noodle and know that whatever size your noodle ends up being now once you boil it it'll bloat to at least double this thickness so if you think this looks too skinny right now once it boils it'll look different of course you can put this in a very well floured container and boil them all at once like professionals do but like i said this is normally just like a time for aaron and i to chill and so what i tend to do is i'll shape a noodle i'll drop it into our simmering broth like so and aaron will go ahead and take his chopsticks and just give it a nice swirl so that nothing is sticking and then we'll eyeball it if he wants a tender noodle we'll go for two to three minutes until it's like very soft whoop i just broke one that's okay so now it's two noodles now it's two noodles and shorter noodles which means it's easier to slurp um but if you want al dente noodles just go for a minute it'll be kind of still denser in the middle double in width not length to clarify oh did i say length no somebody's asking yes it'll just like bloat basically once it hits the water so you can see that this noodle is pretty skinny and this noodle is pretty fat but that's uh that's why i said we're making ugly nudes guys i don't lie i don't miss advertise if i promise you ugly things that's what we're gonna make that's why i'm here i've seen worse honestly um and this is fun it's just fun i broke it again that's okay and that's all thanks for tuning in was this worth staying up until 2 a.m for guys i told you not to do it you didn't listen to me i don't know why you don't listen to me but this is why i don't have kids because i know they won't listen to me you're getting a cat though so what if it doesn't that's not happened yet what if the cat doesn't listen to you the cat won't listen to me i know what i'm signing up for again i like things that give me clear boundaries so and that's that's a nude do you want to fish those out or no you want to let them getting very distracted these aren't bloating up too much today somewhat what is in your noodle dough um this this dough is the dough that we made in the yotio life at on the delish page that we did on friday so there's um a bit of all-purpose flour corn starch a little bit of sugar a little bit of salt a little bit of baking powder a little bit of baking soda and we rubbed it in a little bit of oil to prevent it from drying out and then three quarters cup water to tie it together into a nice little pliable dough and this dough is now um two and a half days old and it's been in the fridge we just pulled it out maybe 20 30 minutes before we went live so that it could come up to room temp a little bit but obviously if you're just making noodles you probably don't need baking powder in it baking powder was more for the yoyo to kind of puff up in the frying oil but we're just repurposing this dough into a different dish because as delicious as you tell is i really can't eat days in a row i can yes you can i also just don't feel like frying even though i reuse my frying oil it's kind of a pain in the butt to like soap it up and um scrub it out of the pot and i feel like i'm wasting a lot of dish soap and i just don't feel like doing it you know hi june how did you decide to pursue i missed a question somebody somebody changed their mind now no i think they just got bumped uh i'm guessing food yeah culinary um i decided by process of elimination i went to college i graduated with a degree in english lit and minored in religion and education and i thought i would be a teacher and i went to china to teach for a year on a fellowship right after graduation and that's where i met aaron and i burnt out really bad because i was teaching in a bilingual setting i had to teach not only english to chinese students but i also had to teach science and art curriculum in chinese to chinese students and i just felt like i was failing the students and as a first year teacher in a foreign country even though i was born there i feel very americanized it was just a lot to take in and i felt really inadequate and i felt like i also couldn't stay in china for a number of reasons both political and environmental the pollution there is really bad guys really bad um i had a lot of sinus infections the year that i lived there the last one was so bad that i had a fever for four days and i thought i might actually die and i thought like if i'm dying i don't want to die in china because my parents worked really hard to get me out of here and um i came back to new york and my mom was like i told you so and i was like yeah i know why not um and then when i came back to new york i did some social work it was for a project called project hope it was fema funded it was around the time that hurricane sandy hit and i was stationed on coney island doing some social outreach trying to get people some connections and resources to help them get back from the destruction that hit the city and unfortunately project project hope's aim was to get psychological resources to these people but if you know maslow's hierarchy of needs a lot of these people still didn't have like mold free housing they still had they were living with mold like we would go into someone's house and it would smell like mold right away um kind of that like sweet fungal smell and you know when people don't have their basic needs met and we're trying to push psychological help it's not a bad thing it's just not what they need at that moment and i felt like our project was hitting a lot of bureaucracy and um kind of starting to spam the community and i burnt out like red tape is real red tape is bad uh i don't know why we do this crap but i couldn't take it unfortunately i was not strong enough to be a social worker for longer than 10 months so i quit and the last thing that i wanted to try out after education and social work was food and living in new york it's really easy to get into food because restaurants are rampant or were rampant before the pandemic and they are also rampant with cheap labor so you'll get paid minimum wage and um you kind of just learn on the spot which is what i decided to do because after college i had basically no savings and i thought i can't i can't afford to pay through culinary school again i don't want to pay for school again i don't want to be back in school again i don't learn well in a school setting so i just decided to start working and my parents were not happy with it especially being east asian parents who want their kid to be like successful quote unquote in life and you know be financially stable earning minimum wage and a very high cost of living city is not very soothing for a parent to see their child go through and um that's how i ended up in food so that's your life story that is my life story i hope you enjoyed story time would you use the same dough for beyonce noodles um i don't know if the gluten is strong enough for you to make that slapping motion and stretch it without breaking as you saw i just broke quite a few noodles if you go gentle it is you know stretchable but if you watch videos for noodles they basically take a um strip of dough like this wide and then they basically stretch it by slapping it on the surface repeatedly and then once you get to that right thickness of noodle they can't tear it in half and throw it in and it's like nice and thick and chewy which we can do as you see we are doing it so i just don't know at what point this dough will break because it has cornstarch in it and cornstarch doesn't have gluten in it because it's starch and not protein um it's a weaker dough than usual i think but that doesn't mean you can't it just means you'll break it sooner uh rather so you you can you can make noodles out of probably freaking sourdough red dough uh it just depends on what kind of texture your noodle will be you know it'll still be a noodle unless you're like i don't know a gatekeeper and you're like that's not a noodle but to me anything that gets stretched is made of flour or i guess any other grain and can be boiled is a noodle so yes i have listened to mondo grosso i love it it's like really relaxing music what artist song comes to mind that helped you through that last week uh if you follow me on instagram you'll see that i um post a lot of songs i listen to a lot of songs i have a lot of playlists on spotify can i give you these bamboo noodles yeah let's try it i'm gonna suggest cooking a whole one of those we'll just split that in half pro split and we'll drop it in ring noodle ta-dah that was my fake-ass noodle attempt um why did you decide a process of elimination you just i've always liked food um and after trying out other career paths and not having the patience for them or feeling so distraught over my lack of perceived success in them i just went on to the next one maybe if i were older and more mature i would have stuck with teaching or social work i don't know but it's nice and curly that's getting already yeah this is this is the road that life takes you on and um you know i feel like a lot a lot of my early 20s was i kind of went through a arc that i think a lot of people go through it's like i don't know what i'm doing but this is great i'm gonna explore i'm going to have so much fun discovering who i am and then by the time you hit your mid-20s you're like wtf um how come i still don't know who i am how come i still haven't figured out what i'm good at how come i don't have a career and like i don't know some people never have a career i don't know if food is going to be my career it is my job now and i like it and i enjoy food and i love talking to all of you guys and hanging out and kind of building this community of people who like like to commiserate together and cook stuff and eat stuff and be nice to each other but do i want to do this for the rest of my life for now i think so but who am i to say who i will be in a few years so what modifications would you make to the stove for dumplings to paraphrase some of these questions to make dumplings i think you need a much drier dough to be able to shape dumplings you can see that this dough is like so sticky and soft you would not have a great time trying to keep your stuffing of the dumpling in this dough you would not have a great time pinching it shut you would not have a great time period making dumplings with this dough this dough is meant to be shaped loosely and then cooked immediately dumplings require a lot more shaping so to make a modification to this dough i would just knead in a lot more flour and if you watch the video that i did on delish with jackie you'll see that that lumber dough that we use for the dumplings is kind of like a modeling clay like play-doh and this dough is very much not that you want a dough that is sturdy that you can roll out and control the shape of and also fold easily for dumplings how's that looking is that is that thick enough for you yeah it looks it does look a lot like uh looks like a bit crinkly or young well yeah it's not a smooth dough yeah it has much weaker gluten formation um does it make you uncomfortable in any way to share your private life with the internet no my mom's always criticized me for sharing too much as a kid like she told me that i was a big mouth i probably talk too much as you've noticed and i have no problem being an open book as you've noticed for better or worse um i i know the phrase has been tossed around a lot and it like kind of makes you i don't know sneer a little bit at it but radical transparency i feel like is something that i strongly believe in that i feel like if everyone actually spoke was on their mind that yes we would be shocked and uncomfortable at first but that if we made that culture more of an accepted thing that would change a lot of the dynamics in our society right now it would make taboos go away a lot more it would make people less afraid to share things it would embolden people which i think is something that our society has been set up in such a way that it doesn't want to encourage people to be emboldened for a variety of reasons oppression in a lot of different ways um so do i share a lot yeah i do do you like listening to them maybe and if you don't hey it's your black mirror you can shut it off anytime and just look at your pretty little reflections in there june can you speak hokian i can't i only speak mandarin i don't even understand cantonese like i don't know any other dialects of chinese unfortunately i if i had a superpower i would wish i could understand all the languages of the world and also talk to alpacas because i really want to know what's going on in their little brains like literally little brains is that enough noodles or do you want more i think we are approaching enough at this point for me you can i guess you know do some plain water noodles if you want um i'll save that dough for you since you said you didn't want a poppy seed one do you want me to try to shape a poppy seed one for you and your broth um to taste what are you gonna cook them anyways i mean we have the dough i'm gonna cook them eventually yeah let's try one what does aaron do for a living that is a secret question nothing right now aaron is a helping june right now yeah aaron has been a stay-at-home dad to no child like himself it's an easy job it's um just another side effect of our lovely world of 2020. my job right now feels like waiting i think everyone's job feels like waiting yeah i'm a professional waiter but not spelled that way wait is that the same spelling yeah i think so i think it would be the same spelling um when are you guys getting a cat we'll be again karen will be a cat then yeah we're hoping for one soon actually we've started applying um for cats and we're hoping to get a senior cat named fred but fred has a lot of health issues right now so he's staying with his foster mom for the time being until he gets proper diagnosis and then we can actually figure out what we're signing up for and be prepared to take care of him because we don't want to accept a cat especially because i'm working from home like it's really it's really rough managing all the different areas of your life and once you walk through this yeah in one small space so as soon as we know what's going on with fred and we know that he's in hopefully a stabilized condition we'll be ready to welcome him yeah we'd be first-time cat owners so we don't want to kill them immediately when we get them right we'd like to have them for a few years before at least a few weeks yeah do you think you want this um yeah we can do a live style so this is the dough i'm slapping with poppy seed and you can see it broke on me because of the weakened gluten formation and it's noticeably softer than the other dough for sure but i'm not a chef for some reason this live stream and last one lots of people have asked if i'm also a chef because i call you a chef yeah no i've i'm just a home cook i just mess around with whatever ingredients i find in the kitchen similar to june except i don't get paid for it yeah pay me for it uh but um no i trailed at a restaurant once that i worked at yeah uh if you don't know trail means you basically have like a one day interview there and uh it was fun but i could also tell it was going to be extremely difficult as a job way too difficult for me i don't like difficult things so i didn't end up doing it but i do do a lot of home cooking i sort of taught myself in college growing up basically just eating like chicken tenders and pizza from wegmans if anybody knows wedmins every day and then uh went to college and had to figure out how to cook for myself uh chili powder i use whatever chili powder i can get my hands on but uh this is it there yeah there we go it's mirrored that's weird okay this is what i uh have now it's the famous red pepper nice tasty we got a while back for one of june's budget weeks and uh it's a korean chili pepper and yeah it's just really good it's an all-around foot it's not super rich and aromatic like a lot of chili powders but it does have capsaicin and that gets the job done for me guys this is a big boy holy i'm going to turn the heat off i'm going to let the carry-over cooking get through the noodles because this one looks very soft it almost looks like um wow it looks like bread can you see that structure where it's breaking at the chopstick it's almost it's not silky or smooth it's like almost aerated and i think that's because i added the gluten-free sourdough discard in it because that's essentially east and east puffs and aerates your dough which is why we basically just made some bread noodles so can you make noodles out of sourdough bread dough i guess if you call these noodles yes you can uh can you talk about how much your mother taught you about cooking my mom taught me bits and pieces i think my mom doesn't consider herself a cook she doesn't actually she insists she doesn't enjoy cooking but she cooks because she's a mom and she has to feed her kids and obviously being her child i love her cooking more than anything and before the pandemic i used to visit my mom almost every week i used to like take my laundry there to wash at her washing machine because she has a house on the edge of queens and she i can line dry there now that i live in a tiny apartment unfortunately i have to like contribute to the high energy output of clothes drying machines which i absolutely hate but i also don't want moldy clothes but back when i visited her and did laundry at her place she would take like i don't know three to four hours to cook me five to six dishes which was highly unnecessary but moms be moms you know um and she made amazing things she would make me some stir-fried broccoli that i love she would make like eggplant dishes she would make just a lot of things um tomato and egg one of my favorites from her and i learned to uh blanch my meat especially my bones before i make a broth or before i continue cooking it and braising it for a long time to get that pure flavor of meat i learned little things from her which if you follow me on instagram you'll know i post sometimes emails from her about what she thought i did wrong on my shows which yes you know lifelong learning we're always learning we will never be masters and that's a good thing because why do you want to know everything what's the fun in that so my mom keeps teaching me every day and i don't think she's taught me a lot about cooking but i think she's also taught me a lot about life and that also is transferable into cooking so thanks mom [Music] do you um if delish is hiring for remote jobs i don't know um we are always taking on freelance labor so depending on what your specialty is maybe but i actually don't know anything about the hiring process and i also don't know what positions we have available especially that we're working remote now like communication has been increasingly decentralized as i'm sure everybody can relate to and uh yeah i don't have that information sorry um well my nudes are done your news are done you can eat it okay june for the khichri that you made in your last budget eats did you use a teaspoon each of the 14 spices i happen to have all of them just wasn't sure how much to add yeah it was between a half teaspoon to a teaspoon i don't really know but if you actually look on or if you just search delish june kitcheny you'll see that i have a kitchen recipe which is what i spun off of for the budget eats and i do have measured amounts in there for you so you can refer to that recipe um for you guys what is a typical breakfast for you guys what would be an extravagant breakfast guys you think we eat breakfasts like i don't even know what time erin wakes up on a day-to-day basis i kind of drag myself out of bed between 8 30 and 10 30 depending on if i have to shoot that day i usually just wake up to the smell of jun's cooking so she decides what i'm having for breakfast breakfast is literally always leftovers or apples and peanut butter um it's so simple if people think we sit down at like 9am at a table with you know a slice of toast and like you know this is our apartment guys like i think i read one comment that was like this apartment looks better bigger than a studio and you're right it is it's marketed as a junior one bed which means we have this kitchen room that is separate from our living bedroom combo and in that living bedroom combo we have aaron's desk aaron's ginormous computer screen we have our bed we have three leather cushions that i saved from the eighth grade when my parents moved to a new house in forest hills and we couldn't fit our brand new leather sofa in there and i cried my heart out because i was like you didn't let me jump on that sofa and now you're throwing it out like why so i ran downstairs and i grabbed all the cushions and i still have those cushions to this day we don't have the sofa anymore unfortunately it did not fit um and then we have some uh workout equipment like dumbbells and stuff and that's it we don't have a table that's why we never sit down to eat because uh i just sometimes sit on the floor or i bring a chair up to a small desk that i have now in the fourier now because we're working from home um and aaron eats at his desk and that's where we eat what's your favorite indian dish chickpea anything um but also mango lassi is like so good why are you skipping the bread bread oh my god the bread um there's a place called taste of punjab near jfk airport oh my god their bread is amazing if you live in queens or you want to take the train into jfk adjacent area and go to taste of punjab they have wild hours i think they're open from 5 pm to 5 am probably for a lot of the taxi cab drivers and the layover crowd but if you go freaking order their bread it's so good it's the best bread i ate that year and i remember having my mind blown because we were eating at like midnight or one am before our flight and i just i was so tired and sleepy but like that bread man so good june do you like nutella yes i do like nutella i haven't seen you eating italian forever i don't eat nutella because i can't buy nutella because if i buy the nutella then i become the nutella nutella or peanut butter i already know the answer to this though i actually think if i had to choose right now i would choose nutella what yeah i don't know i think i broke sometime in the past two months like especially broke and i haven't yarned for peanut butter in a way um you're not the same person i know anymore what's going on yeah i think at the end of december my depression started sliding really bad and uh in january i hit a new low and in february i kind of plateaued and stayed down there and i lost the desire for peanut butter um but aaron opened a dark peanut butter and i ate two tablespoons of it and i was like oh i remember why i like peanut butter but i don't yearn for it the same way have i tried any spicy challenges i haven't i really like spicy food and everybody's always messaging me being like uh you know do the spicy one chip challenge or whatever or you know hot wings sells the set uh were they hot ones hot ones yeah apparently they sell a hot sauce set where you know that goes progressively increasing and you can do like hot ones at home i'm not in to spicy food just for the pure heat believe it or not i'm in it because it tastes good to me so i don't really do like the extreme spicy stuff i just like chili's the flavor and cooking i like them for the culinary application where have you guys traveled and where would you travel to if you could uh we actually had a trip scheduled for lebanon for april of last year that we had to cancel and really bummed about that we've gone to italy spain portugal we've gone to japan we've gone to chengdu china um hanoi hong kong while it was still hong kong um really feeling for hong kong right now really sad about what's happening there i really hate to see history repeat and i really hate to see the bad guys win over and over again but that is what's happening in hong kong right now uh utterly depressing utterly helpless and hopeless and frick man i don't know i don't know what's going to happen to hong kong it's probably going to get swallowed up by china way ahead of its schedule and i hate it i hate seeing that happen but yeah i miss i miss traveling so much i wish i could go everywhere and anywhere and um and we can't but hopefully soon we'll get our crap together relaxed wants you to turn on super chats so they can give you money while you stream oh i don't even know what that is guys june doesn't know what money is guys if you want to give me money please just donate to a local food bank right now there are people who are struggling struggling to survive and i hate to make it sound sad but like life is freaking sad so please thank you so much for wanting to contribute to me but as you can see aaron and i are not struggling um and we're even hoping to have you know the time resources and energy to take care of a cat soon so we're doing pretty well we're not we don't really need the money right now but there are people who do need the money and i highly encourage you to if you have the resources try to throw some bucks to uh people who can't can't even eat or have a place to live i like how people are self-censoring their own messages somebody said you look like you're about to cry i change their mind yeah i get very emotional very fast um it could be the depression or i'm just a naturally emotional person i don't know it takes very little for me to cry so don't be alarmed crying is okay crying is natural it means i'm alive and i'm feeling and so no need to censor yourself unless you're saying really mean bullyish things then yes please do censor yourself um somebody asked before if we will ever make gulab jamun from scratch and i don't think i will because i actually don't like gulen moon i'm sorry but aaron loves it so you can you can make it for next airing week i really don't want to fry stuff guys um june oxtails are very pricey but have you ever had it or cooked it yes um a friend drove us up to the hudson valley and we had oxtail at this jamaican place and i i legit think i never had like jamaican food before that day and we had this oxtail thing and it was delicious it was like so spiced but sweet it's got that like allspice berry taste to it and it's just nuanced the gelatinous cartilagey nature of the oxtail meat and the flavor of the bone that you like suck on and then the cabbage that went along into that curry so good um what would you give what advice would you give your younger self heck man i don't have any advice for anyone i wanted to say care less but also don't care less because i think if we all started caring less um the world would be even sadder to be in but maybe we can rephrase that to be care less about success and care less about what you think you should be doing or you should be period um and just be my advice for my younger self is uh buy apple stock and bitcoin as much as you can or uh if you're june don't buy anything money is imaginary it is not useful until you are making your life better with it so think about what you would need to make your life better first and then earn the money that you need to make that happen but money is a tool you use it don't let money use you did you thrift that shirt this shirt i bought in college from land's end and i'm very sad i finally changed out of my like t-shirt that i've been wearing for six days in a row because i was like you are a depressing slob and you make me sad i said that to myself in the mirror uh without exchanging any words just through the eyeballs and then i dropped turmeric all over it so now it's stained um it's quite nice it's 100 cotton it's lovely it's a great shade of lavender my mom even approved of this fashion choice which only happens like every once in a blue moon so i was very proud of it at the time but i will continue to wear it and love it and this just means that now that it's stained i can keep staining it and not feel bad about staining it because it's been 10 years since i've had it i think i deserve to like turn it into a chunky comfy shirt so no big um yeah i think a lot of us are going through depression and anxiety and i more than ever and i i don't i don't see why that's a surprise to anyone have you been here for the past year have you even seen um so yes it's a hard time do your families give you grief for being unprofessional unconventional eaters no set time oh yeah my mom my mom is worried for me day to night seven days a week 365 days a year for the rest of my life that is what moms do but like you will get grief from everyone for living the way that you do no matter what you choose to do and you will never do anything right and the time that we accept that you will never do anything right is the time that you get on with just living so turmeric stains can be removed by leaving it under the sun it will go away after a few days i'll try it sometime i barely get sun maybe that's a good uh motivating reason for me to go outside on this shirt also we live in a new york city apartment where we're gonna find sun just stick it on the sidewalk and hope it's still there a few days later uh wow there's a hundred people watching right now i thought there was going to be five yay so happy you guys are tuning in um i'm so happy to just hang out let me know if you want to do this again let me know what leftovers you have in your fridge let me know random stuff you have in your pantry let me know down in the comments below what you want to see on our next ugly food episode um where we make trash food over and over again do you take vitamin d supplements yes when aaron remembers to reach for it because it's in a high cabinet that i can't reach we do take our vitamin ds um where did you purchase your sports yes okay let's talk about those guys a very highly asked question this one is a birthday gift from aaron it is my favorite gift i've ever received it is from snow peak this is a wonderful titanium spork it is beautiful it comes in blue and green and just plain silver i don't know if it comes in pink it might come in paint this is like the purple color it's worn off around the edges it's been a few years since i've had it but it continues to be my favorite eating utensils it's delightful it's so delightful um this mermaid spoon is from fish's eddie in the flat iron district in manhattan this used to be when fishes that he still sold affordable utensils and when they had good design sorry to crap on them but i think their designs and originality have slipped and they've also gotten very highly politicized which is not necessarily a bad thing i feel like playing into the liberal left is very pop and sellable right now so i get it but also bring back this please and uh we love you know rbg but we also like mermaid spoons you sounded like a right winger there too how much would it shock you if i were a right winger no guys i i will vote for literally any candidate who promises to raise the minimum wage give everyone universal health care and actually start caring about people like their people and not just pawns but that's too much to ask i would love to see some leftover cheap dessert idea japanese food please um how long have you and erin been together 10 years we've known each other since 2011 which is the year we graduated from college um do you have any advice for college new grads god i don't even know what the job market is like for you guys like it was bad when we graduated that year it was supposedly just like the slumpier to graduate and get spat out of college i don't even know what it looks like right now probably dismal i'd say right now the trend seems to be go independent go embrace what you want to do what you do best and what you are passionate about because everything is becoming so decentralized during this time um it's a scary time and especially if you're just getting out of college like it's a lot to figure out it's a lot to handle it's probably more than any of us can even wrap our minds around right now so trying to find your identity and who you are and who you want to be and who you want to do in the midst of all of this i don't have advice for you other than try to have fun and try to survive and try to balance making money with being content which is a lifelong struggle my advice if you actually want a job after college is drop whatever major you're on now and switch to computer science there you go aaron for the real um yeah i'm trying to give actually helpful advice and you're giving philosophy yeah i mean he went to nyu i went to a liberal arts school so that's where our that's where our brains are you know different people different advice none of which is helpful or useful minus it life is highly dependent on luck how lucky you are determines where you go it's not really any time about how skilled you are how smart you are despite what we've been told the world is not a meritocracy uh it is unfair so jeff bezos is not a billion times smarter or better than any of us yeah i mean who would i rather have over for dinner 100 shelter cats or jeff bezos maybe if i could put something in his food i would take that opportunity i do play games but just by myself or with my brother like co-op games uh i'm not really into twitch streaming but thank you for the suggestion skincare routine oh yes we are both 1989. now you know my age now you can steal my social security number it's one eight four two three seven two zero zero oh yeah surprising that you know my social security number and i don't um my skincare routine on days where depression is bad is don't wash your face um but i do wash it at night in the shower i use a cleanser i use a tea tree oil kind of like um castile soap based thing but then i also dilute it with some lavender scented oil i shake it together so it's like an emulsion and i just like slather it over my face and i rub it in for like 30 seconds probably way too rough and then i rinse it off and that's it and then after i get out of the shower i'll put on either some cleansing oil or some like blemish oil something oil based and then i'll smooth it over with moisturizer if it's getting particularly dry but most days i skip the moisturizer and in the morning if i'm filming and i don't want to look like a pos um i will rinse my face with warm water for a half a minute just to wash off all of that residual oil that i put on at night and then i'll go in with um like a liquid primer of sorts it's also like a little sloshy emulsion thing and then i'll put on some moisturizer and then i'll put some blush on for you guys just so i don't look like dead just literally dead um and if i feel like it i'll put on some lipstick and then lip balm eyeliner if i'm feeling particularly happy that day which is rare we didn't talk about the noodles yeah jun didn't try them because uh she would have died uh based on how much chilies were in the stock the stuff i sprinkled on top and the jalapenos i put on top uh as you guys probably know it's hard for her to eat spicy foods because it dehydrates her skin condition yeah i know so gluten does too like if you ever look at my hands up close in videos i hope you don't you'll see that when my depression is bad when my stress is bad when i've eaten a lot of spicy food with aaron when i'm eating a lot of gluten things for developing recipes they'll start flaking and uh rashing up and i have an autoimmune thing called lichen planus do not google it it is disgusting and if it gets particularly bad i can't sleep because it's so itchy and burny and painful um so another reason to take care of yourselves and to actually go to sleep and to drink water and to stay away from foods that you know aggravate you is you'll just be better friends with your body but the noodles were excellent they were really nice and bouncy yeah uh i don't know if it's uh how common using this like iota does for noodles but it works really well and you know cook some cook some dough and some boiling water and it'll probably turn out pretty tasty just try things and then get back to me if you discover the next big thing and then we can go viral guys we can go viral together and then we can raise lots of money for charity and then we'll solve world hunger and we'll end all the wars and then we'll stop human greed and then we'll be perfect we'll be in a utopia right um okay wow that was an hour bye hit me up on instagram if you want to see this again with ideas comment down below subscribe i don't know all the things i guess we're a youtuber though have a great day
Channel: junelikethemonth
Views: 16,660
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: budgeteats, lowcost, cooking, cookwithme, junexie, byjune, delish, trashfood, nyc, newyorkcity, queens, cheapeats, homecooking, howtocook, cookingvideo, cookingshow, recipes, norecipecooking, cookingchannel, food, cookingathome, homecook, easycooking, lowcostcooking, foodchallenge, foodrecipes, vlog, vlogging, foodvideo, cookingvlog, baking, frying, boiling, foodblog, foodforthought, fooddiary, foodoftheday, snacktime, foodporn, noodles, youtiao, youtiaodough, handmadenoodles, noods, lamian, pullednoodles, biangbiang, biangbiangnoodles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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