Live Looping - OUTPUT ROUTING options

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hey everybody carl wagner here so we're going to do a tech tip today um talking about live looping and outputs and routing and uh what the best options are for you stay tuned all right hey everybody so i have an rc 300 this is a boss live looper now most loopers even if they're just a single pedal one uh they'll have at least one input and at least one output it would be fantastic if you could have multiple inputs and then you could have so many different versions to output most of the time the outputs are a summarized version of the entire loop including the instrument that you plug in so even if you have guitar keyboard beatbox microphone etc etc unfortunately most of the loopers that are out there on today's market they only have up to a stereo output even the big daddy looper like the boss rc505 it has five tracks but it only has two outputs and that is a left and a right a stereo left and right so most loopers on the market i will say i will generalize and say most loopers have one stereo output and that is a left and a right and unfortunately even though you can have multiple inputs everything has to come out just those two outputs so the critical part is what's the best way to route them well there's a few different options the easiest of those options is to just go mono which would be the left hand channel straight into a di box or mixer and straight out and that's your option and the the trick is blending all of the volumes on the way in to make sure that you're getting the right mix when you're sending it option two um is a little more of my favorite and what i believe most people should do is utilize the left and the right outputs now there's a couple of different ways you can do that the first way is to leave whatever signal you're running as a stereo signal so if that's a delay that's pinging and ponging to the left and the right hand side or if that's a keys or something that has more of a stereo input you can allow it to be a stereo output and then route one to the left and one to the right alternatively um something that a lot of people overlook is being able to pan each track so in their looper i have three different tracks okay you can pan each of these outputs to either the left or the right now track one you might prefer to come out the left track two you might prefer to come out the right now even though the output on the back is a stereo output you're just saying you've got one on the left and one on the right they don't necessarily have to talk with each other so you could pan track one all the way to the left and track two all the way to the right that way you have your entire loop that you've set on track one coming out the left and your entire loop set on track two coming out the right and then track three on this particular looper um you could either just have that coming out both or one or whatever so that's an option that's a really good option for anybody with a stereo out that has a looper with those capabilities of being able to pan the tracks one step up from that is uh i noticed there's a lot of people that do have this same looper that i use and uh this is mostly the one of the biggest reasons that i actually use this looper is it has as i mentioned before two separate stereo outs so that is four different sends now it has a main left and right and it also has a sub left and right and the beauty about that is i'm actually able to decide which output track one two and three comes out that means i can have track one and two for example coming out the main left and right and i can have track three coming out the sub left and right is that a great idea yes and also no the trouble is with looping the more outputs that you have especially if you're going from venue to venue and you're using various different uh audio interfaces uh different mixers different pa systems it can get quite confusing and this is i guess one of the cons of having multiple outputs and especially if they need to be mixed in a slightly different way uh if i know anybody who's out there who's a looper similar to myself i generally have very different things coming out of my three different tracks some of them are beatbox some are bass orientated some are rhythm orientated guitar orientated and they all require slightly different mixing etc and even volumes sometimes if there's so many outputs the trouble is is it becomes too overwhelming to get the mix right and you're actually biting off more than what you can chew and sometimes it becomes a bit more of an easier simpler option to just have fewer outputs to be able to just match them all the same level and it'll end up sounding better and it'll be quicker for set up and pack down now the ultimate uh option which is something that i've considered and i've actually done a couple of times but it refers back to my previous statement of it's an absolute mission to set up and pack down and if you haven't got anybody running the front of house sound perfectly for you that is very familiar with how you do it it's a total nightmare so this method is and this will only really work with one of these larger loopers is this something if anybody's familiar with uh a di box if you're not i'm actually going to do a video about these di boxes but essentially it converts an unbalanced signal to a balanced signal but the beauty about these is it actually has a link out so you can split the signal that you're sending from your guitar what i suggest is uh to split the signal from your guitar before it even gets into the looper that gives you a totally separate guitar channel before it even gets to the looper so you already have your guitar going to the mixer secondly you'll have your stereo left and right out which could be made up from track one or two or both you can pan track one and two to stereo left and right or stereo left or right track three for example could go out the sub left and right so um for me that personally i would have a stereo guitar send stereo track three i would have a mono track one and a mono track two i have one two three four separate sends two of which are stereo that is a pretty incredible thing to be able to split up the sound especially if you're running multiple versions of tracks um at any one time and they require different uh equalization analyzation and mixing very very handy and you can get the most out of uh your looper on on especially on the larger stages it'll make quite a bit of difference something else that is kind of handy too on my particular board if anyone's familiar with it if you've checked it out i have a hx fx and when i route i do actually do an effects loop which i route out to an overdrive pedal and back that is also something i've checked out and thought maybe if i run my overdrive pedal straight out instead of back in i'll get an additional out to be able to eq my overdrive totally separate now all of that to say i don't do that almost ever right now i play so many shows i play a lot of local gigs i tour i play parties weddings events massive stages tiny stages i play anything and everything at this point in my career and sometimes it's just a nightmare having so many outputs and so many different versions and algorithms of things that could go wrong so what i suggest is are doing something in between the most busiest version of that and the simplest version of that and if you have something like this pedal which i know so many people have so apologies if i reference this one in particular so often uh but i i use it and i can tell you exactly what i do with it what i do is i route my input signal of my guitar out either the main left and right or the sub left and right so it's independent my acoustic signal is independent of my loop then i route the entire loop that i make on this track one two and three to come out the other output so i have one stereo signal of my guitar and i have one stereo signal of my loop and i find that that is hands down the easiest way to run into all of my venues with minimal signal difference between the max version of the eight outputs that i was talking before the beauty about this is you can go into any venue if you're not doing the live sound and someone else is doing the live sound you can say look i've got two stereo sends i need you to match all the signal all the levels everything going to the subs all of that stuff i'm just sending you two independent signals one is my guitar or instrument and one is my loop and that is usually the easiest way to go and honestly the best best bang for buck and one thing i will uh finish off by saying is it also enables you to just be able to run a tiny little mixer like this uh there's so many different versions i have a digital rack mount stuff that i use for big shows but honestly for all of the smaller shows that i play with less than 100 people and i'm doing my own sound even on a reasonable size pa i've just got this tiny little yamaha desk i do a lot of fly fly dates which means i have to pack a lot of things up into a suitcase and fly and this is super handy best part about it is i run my microphone in here i run uh my guitar left right into here and my loop left right into there output into the mixer headphone into my in-ear monitors and i'm totally done i'm using almost every single input and output on this mixer and it's fantastic and provided you get the right input signal and provided you get the right eq on your guitar and tones you shouldn't have any feedback issues especially at the volumes that you'd be running so man i hope this helps anybody um apologies for the very quick version rundown but i wanted to try and cover as much as i possibly could i hope this helps you guys please uh dm me in the comments below let me know if there's anything you'd like to know more about or hit me up if you have any questions so you can also count on seeing a lot more of this content um i'm splitting my youtube viewership in half i'm going to be doing a lot of artist stuff for my originals live looping covers and my musical side of things and then you'll be seeing a lot of videos just like this which is tech tips and tricks which hopefully you guys can use especially if you're a looper or an instrumentalist so love you guys thanks for tuning in please like and subscribe i really appreciate it being an independent artist and if you haven't already done so please check out my original content on spotify and all the streaming platforms take care have a fantastic day i'll catch you another one bye
Channel: Carl Wockner
Views: 6,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carl wockner, carl wockner guitar, carl wockner music, tips and tricks live looping, live looping tricks, live looping tips, loop station tutorial, live looping tutorial, boss rc 30, boss oc-3, boss rc300, boss rc300 loopstation, headrush, headrush looperboard, boss rc300 loop station tutorial, loop pedal tips, loop station, live looping setup, boss loop station, boss rc 300, live looping station, scott guitarist, beginners guide, looperboard, loopstation tutorial
Id: wXpknwOD81U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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