FX Loop :: Connect Guitar Pedal Effects to Mixer :: Aux Sends Aux Returns :: Mixer Effects Loop

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hey guys today we're going to explore how to hook up an external effects processor or particularly today we're going to use a guitar pedal and how to hook this up to your mixer board to use it for effects through the aux send and return functions of a mixer board so today i've got a pretty simple setup i picked up this analog mxr chorus pedal and i'm going to be hooking this up to the mixer so that i can run this chorus effect on any channel that i can send it to through the aux one so i'm running it off of augs one i have two inputs i'm going to use today so you can hear it through the microphone and i'm going to use my guitar also so i have those two inputs here's the microphone and here is the guitar i have microphone going into channel one guitar going into channel four and i have already set up all the channels i'm just going to show you how to hook this pedal up or any petal or even a string of petals if you wanted to put a bunch of effects so here it goes so to hook up your petal what you want to do is you want to take the input what's going into the input of the petal you want to send it out from the mixer board from either ogg send one or augsen2 i'm going to be using aux send one you can use either of them any augsen that you have that you want to send your effects to so i'm going to be sending the signal to the pedal from augsen1 and then i'm going to be coming out of the pedal from the mono jack into the augs return 1. so here i have my stereo aux returns left is the mono channel this is one on top this is two on bottom so i'm going to plug it into the return channel number one so now i have the signal being sent to this effects pedal from augsen1 and it's returning it through augs return 1. now return augs channel is just another input basically and so my aux return is going to be here my knob that controls this and my aux send is going to be here so whatever i put whatever i adjust these inputs the augs inputs augs 1 inputs these are the sends from each channel so whatever i adjust these two that's what's going to send into the send one into my effects pedal and then it's going to bring it back and with this knob i'm going to control the mix to the mains this is what's being sent to the main fader here so i can control how much i want to blend in so for the sake of today's demonstration i'm sending all of the signal from my microphone it's at unity straight up and also my guitar i'm sending all of that signal in there too also at unity my aux send i also have it unity and my aux return we'll be adjusting that to get the desired effect level and blend that we want so i do know that typically you're supposed to send a guitar level signal an instrument level signal into the guitar pedals and i am not i am sending a line level signal everything all of the signals coming out of a mixer board are going to be line level low impedance signals uh guitar pedal is typically used to getting a high impedance instrument level signal but the signal i'm sending into it is a low impedance line level signal some guitar pedals can handle this signal other pedals will not do so well with the signal you'll have to experiment and find out what works if you really want to do this properly you can get what they call a reamp box and attach it to your chain and a reamp box will basically convert the low impedance line level signal into an instrument level signal that the pedals can then use this pedal seems to work okay with the line level so i'm not i'm just going to use it straight up so let's demonstrate how this is going to work i have this hooked up to a small pa monitor there so we're just going to try the mic channel and i'm going to take the mic here so you can hear that so now the mic is coming out of here i just have unmuted the channel so it is working i'm going to mute the channel back and we are going to see what happens with the effects so i'm going to go ahead and turn the effects processor on and for the sake of demonstration i have i'm just going to run these wide open so you can really hear it you may want to adjust it however you want i'm just going to maximize everything so that you can really tell when i have the effects going so on my board i have my aux 1 set to pre that means that this will adjust the level pre-fader meaning if i adjust the fader going out to the mains it's not going to adjust how much is being sent to that pedal i can adjust that only right here this will not affect that so that means i can also have it muted and i should be able to get a signal we can hear just what the effects are going to sound like with the channel still muted just the wet signal all right so i'm going to adjust the blend here with this button and we're going to see what happens so you hear that there's a really strong effect in the chorus going and the chorus is not going to affect my voice nearly as much as you will hear in just a minute when i do the guitar but if i sustain a note you can really hear it yeah man we got the chorus going on that's right okay now we'll demonstrate the guitar you should be able to hear a lot more of what hap what's happening with the guitar because this is made for these kind of tones so let's see here so i'm going to leave the channel muted and we'll just see what's coming out here [Music] oh yeah [Music] i can turn the effects off that's just the dry signal i can turn the effects back on and we get the course effect now understand that this is just the wet signal i have the channel muted so the guitar sound is not actually coming out through the speaker if i were using this in a live situation or mixing it down i would want some of the dry signal to come in uh especially in a live playing situation if i'm going to throw this into some kind of doll or something maybe i just want this wet effect and i'll just use that but in the case that you do want the dry effect you can add the dry effect the dry signal here so we'll unmute it and we'll turn this down let's see we'll leave that wet signal where it is and you can hear both signals now that may be a bit strong i might not want that much effect on i probably don't if i were going to use it i blend effects normally so the effect signal is going to be a signal that you're layering on top of your other signal or you're combining together i want all of the dry signal to come out and the signal that i'm sending into this the level is my blend for the petal i'm completely wet here if i turn this all the way to the left i have no no effect coming from the petal i want full effect from the pedal because i'm getting plenty of dry signal in a normal guitar chain you may want some of your dry signal coming out in this case i have the dry signal already coming in through here and i'm just using the wet signal to blend in on top of it you can think of it that way anyway so in this case i want full wet signal so i just want the wet signal not to dry and i'm going to blend it until it sounds kind of good i mean maybe the raid is a little bit too much we'll turn that down some too and we'll try it there so you can just barely hear it there but it does sound a lot add a lot of depth it does add a lot of character to it [Music] so this is a [Music] let's say it's pointed this way and this would be a unity straight up [Music] i understand this is also going to be another signal being laid on top of it so it is going to be louder because it is the same signal but being processed through the pedal so i just want a little bit [Music] [Music] no signal this is drying i add a little bit of effect just layer it a little bit on top [Music] i have a lot of effect i have all of my knobs all the way to the right so it's maximum depth maximum rate now the high and the low features are also all the way up the frequency response it's very high a lot of effect going on a lot of processing [Music] but even if i add just a little bit in there it still sounds pretty good it just gives it extra [Music] so there you have it hooking up an effects an external effects processor into a mixer board particularly the guitar pedal remember not all guitar pedals are work you might have to have a reamp box but i would try it without it the reent boss can sometimes cost a couple hundred bucks you might not have the money for that maybe the worst that would happen the signal may be distorted it might not sound that good because it's overloading because a line level signal is much hotter than a an instrument level signal so it may be too much for the pedal to process if it's an older style pedal a tube pedal it may cause some problems but the newer pedals usually they can handle a line level signal just try it and see if it works for you if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and if you'd like to see any other kinds of videos let me know until next time peace
Channel: El Papi
Views: 1,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 32SwnlA96Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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