LIVE: GN 3175X Water Cooling Production PC Build Prep

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start streaming so now it should be live now okay all right we should be live let me know if you have any trouble with this we've got a Ryan in chat helping moderate this time since last time when Joe and I streams we had an issue with that so we should be covered there we're doing a PC build while I wait to see if people can hear and see everything okay I'm I guess we'll we'll hold off on explaining what exactly we're doing but then we throw in a PC build can you hear the audio okay okay looks like it's good somebody said you weren't in life yes so do you know that we were asking nice try that's weird alright is that full screen now Andrew well we have a new streaming setup for Andrew to keep an eye on the feed as well I guess that's good enough for now worry about it later better or worse can you see the stream okay okay all right good enough okay so yeah we are we're gonna do a system built and it's rather loud yes turn down your audio a lot of ambient noise do you hear ambient noise Andrea yeah okay well I can turn a AC off yes so we're it's a 31 35 X build we already have a 39 60 X and that system I built with Brian from bps Kustoms so that's a thread Ripper 39 60 X it's got to test the v1 hundreds in it Patrick's joining me today we're gonna be building a 31 35 X system for production and we talked about this already on the side jam on the GN Steve Channel and so that actually I think it might have been a patriot that was a patreon only video which you can get on slash gamers nexus but we talked about it there and basically the the approach we're taking is the 3175 acts much like 39 60 X is a very good cpu objectively it doesn't mean I would recommend to going out and buying one but we have one so it's right here it's right there and we are only going to be where we're only going to be doing a 3175 X tests at this point maybe once a year maybe twice once every two years but certainly not more than once a year the relevance only goes down yes it will become much less relevant over time not only people bought it to begin with and so the need to revisit it is low and we just revisited it maybe two months ago so all that said we don't really want those things sitting around because it still objectively good and even if it's not relatively a good purchase for a lot of people so we're gonna throw it into a production system but we're gonna do it in a way where it can be removed if for example we do want to revisit it mm-hmm so that's the the plan on that end the board do you wanna go over some of the components how about the board yes so case board is kind of what we're building around here this is the EVGA sr3 and I may answer this question first okay is there any practical reason that used the CPU over a threader / one yes and two we have both so is there a practical reason for us to choose this ever third river yes is there a practical reason for them to choose a number third river I'd yeah except don't even find it like I just said we already have it this so that's why we chose it yeah we also already have a thread Ripper system so once this is all done we're gonna do a head-to-head benchmark of the 3960 axe full build that we did versus this full build they are we're not isolating the CPUs we already have isolated CPU tasks and it looks very good for threat repair and not very good for this for the most part there's like 3d benchmarking the 3175 axe still does pretty well in a lot of instances or better but the the benchmarking we'll do when we're done is more of just kind of a fun like in tile production building versus a MV production build as useful data for us so we know which system we should be rendering on but I mean yeah I wouldn't again I wouldn't really recommend you go buy a 3175 axe and you can watch already visit if you're curious for the data on that so this board will work with I forgot what the socket name even is for this it will work with the other Intel Xeon that fit that socket but this board is pretty much built with the 31 75 X in mind specifically as was the Dominus Xtreme board and the gigabyte board that I don't remember what the name was but there are basically three boards that were kind of purpose-built for that CPU because it is an overclockable Xeon and you don't want to do overclocking on a server board right Sean Devine says $2 thank you for setting the super chat will answer all this today Sean Devine $2 says where is the snowflake a compilation video well I haven't done one but I do have a short like snowflake plays with inanimate objects for two minutes on the GN Steve channel if you want that anyway then we upload all that footage from the cat shelter there's a 15-minute be roll montage of cat angels on that channel as well so yeah this is the sr3 it's got liquid cooling integrated for the chipset which isn't strictly necessary but it's pretty cool and we wanted to get some use out of it for this system we're gonna keep the Dominus extreme free for actual benchmarking if we need it so what we'll do if we want to revisit the 3175 X is just unlocking it put it in the nominating stream get the CLC back on there and run those tests again yeah so that's the board we have some tried and 0el here that we've picked because it's the nice nicest ddr4 that we have exactly six mistakes oh yeah yeah it's ideal for this and that's a good opportunity to remind people that a quad channel memory isn't the thing hexa channel memory isn't too thin it's the memory doesn't know really or particularly care about the channeling that's on the CPU so you'll see on new eggs sometimes Ram lists itself as being quad channel but all they really mean is there's four sticks of it mmm so this what is a if I remember it's a 6 channel platform but the memory doesn't dictate that outside of you need six sticks to use it 36 hundred megahertz and I think it came as a kid of four and then two more but they're all identical so they should work together we've got two of these - the Ripper died now why would you think that watch multiple people work here I did lots of production machines it's been two weeks the thread rivers dead we need to make another you know $2,000 that's how it works that does remind me though that we need the other one of those yes if you want to pull that out of the system that other system can be shut down okay and then I'll walk through these parts briefly watching I guess hit mute on your mic while you're pulling that out of there so yeah we have to RTX five thousands one of them are about to pull out of the current production system basically we're replacing so yeah 39 60 X system is our best one it's an right now for a for all of our production and rendering stuff we also have so Keegan and Andrew basically swapped between the systems based on mostly who arrives first or what's going on on each system that day but the secondary system has an ad 86 kf5 gigahertz it's a good system but both the 31 75 X and thread Ripper builds massively out classic so this isn't about thread Ripper versus Intel it's about what do we have on hand that we don't care about tying up because we don't need it for testing every day and so that would be the 3175 X and the 3960 X and that leaves the 39 sorry the 30 yeah 30 175 accent 3960 reuse the 3970 ax open and then we can pull the others as needed so the replacement is is going in for the 8086 K which has one of these are TX five thousands in it we're gonna set up a second one in there in this build today we're gonna water-cooled both of them and we bought some bikes key parts for that which I've checked is that is apparently their official pronunciation so these water blocks for the our TX 5,000 cards kind of funny I went out looking specifically for our TX 5,000 water blocks and found out that other than the power cable location it's the same as a it's the same as a our TX 20 atti block and this one says how hard did you have to beg and Vidia for that Quadra we did not talk to anybody afore this so the water block looks like this and it's got RGB in there I don't know if I might remove that I think I could just peel it out I don't know that I really want to connect RGB LEDs but yeah it's just a 20 atti block in fact I think on the front so if we get it close up here you'll see that it says our TX 5000 and it says that on the front so it is branded as such but then on the backside it says 20 atti so it is just a 20 atti copper plate with a different acrylic plate on the front and that's all it is for the waterboxx the case the case is an an ADIZ case entities probably first got known for its AI crystal which i can't remember i want to say that was maybe a : and I think that was just a Cullinan I don't remember but it was just it was a Jones book case is what it was and an ADIZ rebranded it and made the the entities AI crystal this is the an ADIZ I have to look it up AI crystal XL a r3 and it's um its product page can we get this let's see if let me see if we can get this on this and their screen does that fullscreen properly or is it messed up oh yeah okay that's not a bit small that's my stop the webpage for it is kind of embarrassing let me see if I can get the page open properly I don't think so something's wrong with the resolution on that well anyway let me see if where is it on the page can we just get it closed up on that the resolutions it's not scaled properly on the monitor but people will get the point so that is the name of the fan hub RGB support and I can't say it on the stream because I'm afraid YouTube will miss hear me and will be demonetized haha so that's the case it is what was what was the other type of the head though it was um it was a comportment as far as cases compatible with high-end compartments you're on muted now yes okay yeah so that's the case we're working with and basically the reason for choosing this over others that we have is it's big and unfortunately a lot of cases we've worked with recently have ei TX support but ei TX doesn't really mean anything in a lot of ways because I was the one the Fraxel defined 7 you just Riviera yeah and I mean as a lot of people pointed out they do have an Excel version in that case but the non XL version does have plenty of room in there for wider boards it just doesn't have the standoff holes for a board that's wider than like maybe 11 inches yeah so yeah a lot of cases will just have like a lip cut into the motherboard tray unfortunately yeah that make them incompatible or whatever so anyway this one fits it it's just massive and that we used to make it interesting we've got some components we couldn't really use an any system otherwise like this then please refer to it by what's rougher is its name the the Nexus with three X's in the middle one is capitalized monstah full copper radiator that gamertag of a name monsta yeah it's i think we said this before but i'll send us a ton of stuff that i think was just sitting in their warehouse these are the fans reason I guess yeah we had the reason oh yeah unfortunately our requirements for this was have three of the same family that we don't need for other things so I'd probably rather choose like specifically static pressure focused fans for a cooler for a radiator like this because that's a that's a lot of radiator to push air through hmm but the I'm stuck but the yeah I mean we have these available so we'll try that it should be a fun radiator work with wellhe's go all the way down yeah there was any girl taking a minute okay so are you going to build it or just showing the parts well we're gonna build it but you're kind of walking through it first all right so where do we I think I've gone through the parts that are the most critical the monsters probably the most interesting we have a 1600 y EVGA power supply of sr3 dark we have this case cooling so what we're gonna do where's the the front panel so we can show them the problem to put it back so the front panel is suboptimal on this it's glass and there's not a I mean there's a good amount of breathing room here and it's not as much plastic as a lot of other things we look at but it is just a glass panel so what we're gonna do is because the top of the case is effectively a mesh front panel we're gonna set it up as top intake and then front exhaust but keep it positive pressure so lower rpms on the front that way we can control the noise and with a positive pressure setup the air will find its way out through the back over here and the expansion slots and there any other holes we leave in the front at the top so that'll solve that problem and I guess I'll start on the GPS okay that one's still warm yeah we uh we have to save all Avengers projects and shut down this computer and take this graphics card so we'll see how that works out it's not the Phaedrus production system doesn't have a graphics on it and what do you want to start on I will go ahead and put the block on here we haven't ever taken this cover off so if Vijay smashed all the panels on a given price okay by the way worst socket of all time that that intel socket is terrible to work with there's no retention and so if you were to say you wanted to maintain this system do you want to show how the CPU sockets oh I have to in a minute I'm just trying to figure out which way okay yeah yeah yeah so like really commit to it and make sure you write BNE there's no it's not as guided as the other ones you're really gonna put the pressure on huh okay drop it right into the socket there's no there's no way to be gentle about it you have to kind of like there that was I was better than like 80% of the other times we've done that yeah so it's just it sucks cuz like there's nothing to hold it in so if you were to want to maintain this build later like repays the CPU or something hmm or take it out in our case you can't really do it with it's standing up like we're gonna have to lay it down cuz otherwise the CPU is kind of like far the socket and been bent the bottom line of pins yeah I'm gonna have to very gently wipe this down without moving it laterally anyway yeah that's soccer tonight it's a 31 75 X that is the CPU there you did not edge this one I don't know if they etch any because oh yeah you can't buy them on their own right you don't have to buy them in a system the 31 75 X yeah you can buy it alone not as much anymore but um but I think they were integrating them with the Dominus extremes as like pre-built systems at some point so that might be why ours isn't edged we're just because it's an engineering example I think like a centenarian sample most likely if you metal we're not using liquid metal no [Music] okay super chaste got a couple super chats in if you send into a super chat today will answer it on the stream or at least mention it and we've also got a PBS isn't here we've also got stuff on the store of course toward our cameras Nexus not net I'll try and shout out a couple of the orders on there through the stream tonight so if you buy something on the store I'll try and shout out via the name for the order so lasalle rhyme five dollars thank you says love this stuff well it'll be fun once it's all up and running because the 8086 came system were replacing is in need of a replacement for sure it's still great but not for the production work we do Matt Levine two dollars my first ever super chat love the content thank you Matt we appreciate it and I think that reminds me too I think you get free like a free super chat with YouTube premium or something these days too so if you have it I don't know if that's still thin but we'd be happy to take YouTube's money that they're giving you for free bearded hardware $1.99 slack any slack it's like I think if you did a word cloud of Joe's vocabulary Joe from bearded hardware of course does the OSI streams with us think of using a word cloud a Vista vocabulary it basically just be the word slacker massive like seventy two point font and the next so it would be slack and then maybe slack 'ti and then all the other words would be extremely small next one is from few one five dollars hey Steve at your channel is fantastic please invite Kerry Holtzman on your show I don't know who that is do you know who that is we don't know who that is sorry Patrick McNamara McNabb arow ten dollars thank you thanks for making honest well researched and thorough content that's what what we're here for it's fun I enjoy it and as long as we have community support obviously it makes it pretty easy to do trail features two dollars because reasons builds are the best and then I'm gonna do this one before moving on to the summing this card BPS customs five dollars said Wow Brian BPS costumes coming in with more than a 2x increase on advertising budget versus Joe he spent $1.99 on his for a super chat but has now sent two more bps custom says are you sure you're able to do this without me I'm concerned no but if you start driving now you can probably get here before we're done I haven't put this on yet because you're gonna say it's not enough paste is this enough base I would do a little more yeah okay I told you it's good we're at the very top okay up on the top edge okay I'm just gonna push it yeah that works if you think that he told me the Bob Ross do you know what Bob Ross yeah what they say about it what's the refaced said I'm the Bob Ross of G yet I don't know what that means it means I calmly paint with thermal paste or that my hair is out of control okay there one I did see one of the chat counts or something like that guys hair's gotten longer since last time this is a long walk isn't generally that's what happens he hit it hard where joe said $1.99 quit slacking and get a lap job to that 3175 the 3175 acts will unfortunately remain with its original vegas nickel plating because i don't want to spend four hours on stream lapping on the cpu and then the cooler we put on it also Joe's not here so I would have to do almost all of it myself instead of just buying him sandpaper and walking away yes so this build should be pretty nice I think it's it'll be fun to put it head-to-head with the thread Ripper one we already know the performance of the two relative to each other and already know the threader for CPU is tend to win versus this Intel one but I'm curious specifically with the with the production workloads we're working with how it'll do okay let me check the I interpreted Andrews sign language no eagle-eyed viewers and they noticed that I just tried to put the completely wrong kind of CPU but uh it's all good so what block are we is in as a biggie case let me see Oh supremacy okay is it sir promise your velocity no you're right velocity okay I have RGB um if I pull this cord really hard it doesn't fire to that you can also touch I guess but it'd be better to remove it properly I don't really want our GB on this - yeah well we're making kind of a thing of it now like yeah nothing we've put in here has already be except probably the board there's probably RGB LEDs in hi word but I don't think I don't know the sr3 like the whole thing with the dark naming was that had no LEDs okay but maybe they've gone back on that it's possible they've realized the error of their one here this is the no RGB no no bye there was there must have been a point in time at which the SRX was gonna be named the sr3 oh yeah yeah yeah we were talking about that SRX that got killed mm-hmm talking about how if EVGA knew it was gonna die like they saw the writing on the wall when Intel was walking down the CPUs and backstabbing them back in the day if they saw the writing on the wall they may have read branded it as the SRX so that they could distance the branding to save a sour series for future boards what was that sorry Super Record is that what it was yes Super Record I kind of like EVGA his names they are old the like ko I was like a 2004 name we've talked about getting him that's our - in here before but let's start so that's the one that people like that's the actually cool platform did I let's work these down kind of seems like I talked to these down did you have you have we take another part before yeah okay rip SRX yeah it's really unfortunate maybe not how many guys names Patrick are currently working for gamers in axis I think it's I think it's like three at this point we've kind of committed to it it's actually if you submit a resume and your name's not Patrick then I just delete it if you have multiple if your middle name is also Patrick then there's a much higher chance of being hired yes everybody anybody who missed that previously basically when we go to shows I know Keegan's had I don't know Andrew if you've encountered you have everybody thinks that everybody's name is Patrick it's especially always it's always the camera operators who get mistaken as Patrick even that Patrick doesn't like the opposite of the head does the testing on the right in Joe says I missed that board I think he's talking about the sr2 he says too much of a pain to get another no there's not actually more than one patchy yeah that's why I said one-and-a-half oh yeah all right the secret Patrick these screws are so it's worked it down I think the orgy means beastie hello I am Patrick Patrick Patrick send the third someone says trying to is trying to get that resume why are you saying this to us note as fan speed up they can start recycling air intakes start pulling in a hot exhausted air we kind of wrote the book on that stuff we're aware of how the fans work you can told me somebody said I should let my hair down but I'm not doing that until I'm done bending over electrical components right you don't want it to get like tangled in the pins in the socket that'd be a good one get your hair on the socket pins and rip rip socket okay the RGB stays for now why because I think when I said I had taken this apart before I was thinking about one of their thread Ripper blocks maybe yeah I what is it are they they're so torqued down that a couple of them even though they're hex head and this is the correct ek wrench for it they stripped out the heads okay I fix it one might have worked better we also have that size I think what size is it it's one of them yeah it seems right which one was stripped there's oh I can forget it we should see which ones that one there's two of them if we have um I guess as long as they just go back in and never come out again it would be fine oh yeah that one's kind of close yeah that needs a like a rubber band I like two ones if screws are stripped I like to try and get it out and never put it back in I might help to have a brand new one of these two cuz it worked on the head because if you uh you know if you take the screw out and replace it right away then you know I can end up with a surprise in the future do we have more what of these screws we have more of these blocks all right probably but that's that is super stripped yeah those those l-shaped ones are not particularly good for this if it's too thick that rubberband we don't have to fix it I just don't like leaving stripped screws and things mm-hm don't know I don't think that one's salvageable yeah I mean it watch out for the paste yeah yeah thanks I didn't crack the like I didn't loosen it at all but just that stripped before it started coming out ha ha no yeah I say we leave that alone I guess yeah all right well whatever okay I'll let you finish tightening those these are this those things so what is it velocity hmm don't know if we have others we have the one that's attached that CLC yeah just get a circular hat instead Oh actually I have a some advice for you Dinah Mason says I got a stripped screw on my name is kind of swish it sucks I can't get it out to do a full disassembly so here's what I normally do and yes I was talking about an impact driver but I have a manual version of that if I actually cared enough to do this on stream right now people complain about the audio too but typically my trick for stripped screws is I got a flat head and I dig it in I tap it first like light tap with a hammer dig it into like an inner corner of the screw where it's stripped and once you have a groove that the flat head is stuck into you can hit it a few times the hammer and the screw will start spinning I obviously hit it to the left and if its standard threaded and then once you get it loosened you can only just grab like pliers or use your hands and just spin it by hand works really well I've used it to get a lot of computer parts fixed from a stripped screw and I just replace the screw so you could do that for you intend to switch to your the guy who said that but yeah that's it's just not worth not worth doing right now let me see this are there any RGB headers on the board yeah I think there were some we're just we can either plug it in or I can cut this oh this is screwed up anyway actually did you see that damage from some this is damaged from my who knows what I think it was actually like that I mean it was definitely like that I just don't know why when we did it well I'm saying I don't know if it was actually us I think I remember what it was having one of those where it was the damage in the box someone says uh someone saying that you can use like impact drivers inside board these screw removal kits I've got those two I just don't like them oh you already haven't that's no safe way all right problem solved the cable had damage it in any way so fortunately we can just cut it without even really feeling like we've lost anything so you got all those back and tight enough mm-hmm so the half hour Odyssey of me putting a CPU in a socket this ended what would you do for a tiny strips Phillips head in a laptop would you Dremel it hell no I wouldn't Dremel it yeah III you could slip and shoot through the laptop normally what I'll did and the torques won't fit I already looked yes we do have screws I it's not worth extracting the screw I do have kits for it but it's just easier to tap with the hammer on that flathead laptop for a Phillips head that stock I mean I would do the same thing hopefully there's still a bit of a groove and you haven't completely rounded it out but yeah alright so yeah screw removal kits as this person says suck none of them work well enough I agree that's why I normally just use the do it by hand bathroom until I can happen cuz celibate where every time Steve tells me to be alone and she's suck and take them away I get out another one yeah hate this these I don't think we do we have one in the kid that this is this big I don't think so that's the yeah I just need different sizes we've got other ones but it's going to leak no that's fine Jonah says I could have lapped that ship by now Joe no the last time you have to go back to the load see every times the last time Joe gave chip a lap job it took all day he's still Joey you still need to make a video on your channel about if you thought it was worth it after all the overclocking and tell people like how it performed differently or didn't perform differently for Ellen to you oh yeah what pace that we use people are asking Alex for yeah we just need star kick and explore that's a known quantity it's good pace yeah it's fine most of them honestly people like really get caught up over it but for the most part a lot of the Pacer about the same until you start getting into more extreme temperatures this is the collectible 2019 edition so that's it so they're big on their 2019 edition of the Arctic paste all the spring tension on these comes from the socket itself yes these metal bars built in that push down on the CPU oh yeah sir Mayo's I have no idea how to say that name sir sir Romeo J I'm gonna go with that's probably what that is $2.00 is there a hidden chiller under the desk that desk no well but there is liquid nitrogen in this room I see Pete two dollars no message thank you buta dard where 199 just slacker exclamation exclamation exclamation exclamation exclamation bugs lovers tack $5 and no comment not that there is no comment but they tie it - no comment Thank You Jacob salmon two dollars what's your favorite value menu item at Taco Bell well I prefer to not be sick after I eat so I don't go there Andrew do you ever go there what's your they have a favorite item that okay I don't know if you can hear and room it and you said that he has gone but they he feels sick after he eats there and they all make him feel equally safe so that's our answer to your question last time I went to Taco Bell which is the only time that I've been in the past ten no the past five years they didn't give me my salmon things yeah sure oh maybe I don't know I don't know if they make their well I think that's what they are but they don't call him that the cinnamon twist yeah I just remember the Simpsons line about Homer Simpson saying I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's is accurate that's normally what it requires no Arby's is cool now and haven't you seen their social media presence no because the first time I went to Arby's was the last time I went to Harvey's that was enough of Arby's is this driving alcohol in here I guess no it's been okay great it's like super try it on there that throw paste I think I must have repay stood this one it's something I don't know I'm not sure if we but I don't think on video had pasted a card like this I think that's probably we've opened it before did we buy them both new no but I don't know if I've opened them okay I guess we're not gonna put that color back on anyway so yeah stock colors coming off its a blower fan they've done actually pretty well we really haven't had Laura TX cards have been nice because the r-tx 5000 have a lot of memory it's been useful for rendering one downside that's kind of interesting is Andrew had some Unreal Engine stuff he was doing for a while that used r-tx features via unreal and these cards just don't perform well in that compared to like a twenty atti so kind of an interesting downside but and that is something that will be different in this build Versailles the other one is that we are going to install both of these cards and consecutive slots so we should have at the end of the day for full length PCIe slots that are free yeah we might be able to if we need to like swap in another card like an AMD card or twenty atti or something like that for a specific workload we might be able to do that right yeah if it works out like we want it to it'll be nice to be able to swap them in also this board has oh they're way down here business board motherboards screwed in right now yeah if you can get it you see what I'm pointing out in here and I'll lift it up so you can follow it so that um that set of switches is a physical toggle for PCIe slots so if we want to toggle off the cards that are in there it makes working with water cooling a lot easier I mean just turn them off and plug something else in yeah they're talking about let's see they're talking about fast food in the chat haha I've done an infection they're saying that he's RGB infection cuz IV are Yola yes indeed it is okay 1500 Taiwan dollars o PR Captain Planet 1500 auntie D says bearded hardware aka Joe Joe slack on Z is the biggest slacker that's the best spelling I've seen of Joe's name Josh Flagg on Z we should we should do that as an easter egg in one of the videos with Joe and it in the future Andrew yeah he's not watching still never will never hear this point he's just tabbing into two named money in color slackers yeah actually listening probably true I'm gonna take the RGB strip out of this there's RGB in there yes that's how in the it's like diluting the bikes key yeah bikes key we had to look up the pronunciation of their name and they have a tweet official tweet about it because apparently it's enough of a problem and they spell it they say it's bi ke s ki VI ke - s ki was how they phonetically typed it out okay so I'm gonna go with a bike's key on that and we've removed the plague of RGB from the water block you know I could just stand this up and it would make this a lot easier just we're gonna need turn all pads I don't know if they included any with this I should have I should have pre-cut those to save us the time this looks like it'll fit pretty easily I didn't skip the Super chats I just read the one that popped up at the time where I'm gonna go back through them don't worry about it it's not skipping it's just like if I see one pop-up and it's red the red coloring means it's like past whatever needs to be all this for a certain dollar amount I'll try to get that one I'll go back for the others they might have included pre-cut panel pads which would be super nice and we could let's just continue this conversation I guess chats saying chat says well there's dick I love her everyone's just going on the fast food references now I'm kind of hungry I don't want I want like garbage chicken for dinner yes of course I love five guys despite the price and while hipster culture that has attacked it this one said more like crappy Burger King guys I don't know if that was a reference to five guys or something else but I'm not sure like crappy burger can't I think it's already the suppurative and I don't know that there's a lower tier or Burger King's like barely in business like creepy mascot they have what else did chat say about that too I wish we could get Wendy's down here in Costa Rica but they left many years ago let's go to Panama just to get to Wendy's I think kill me fine yeah I can appreciate that you want something which is unavailable there however having multiple Wendy's is near us and I can assure you you're not missing much well that's maybe there's a specific menu item you like I know they also some of them tweaked their stuff for like different regions so they can do something I don't want to subsidize Wendy's Twitter shenanigans you mean like their tabletop RPG they made what they do it was well reviewed tabletop the reviewers actually like this look everyone knows that sneak King is the best fast food what did he mean what's that it's the Burger King's torture pace okay I don't know is it recent no I think it's like 360 there is a video game that was on a CD based around aliens it's probably from the late 90s or early 2000s when I go up late nineties on mid-nineties maybe and it came with cereal it's like the weird you know what it is Andrew I'm talking oh yeah checks yeah check Chex quest checks is that what it's called quest it's the it's the one that's just doomed but everything's checked yeah under if they actually just like downloaded the codebase yeah I think it's like a tree where the snipper things the side cutters flush cutters that DS the correct name or people will correct me thank you mister I want to see if chat says anything about Chex quest now I want to see if they said anything about sneaking because I know nothing sneak can speed run one checks class the other jumping in on it Chex quest yeah tiger I'm like more entertained by this chat then that what we're actually doing remember the 7up video game no just cat nerd Whataburger all the grease twice the heart brain okay where what if different throwing pad sizes it's all in Chinese in English okay it's not like Oh funny they label these as thrown pasted on the manual but at least it's in English formal gum I can yeah I can we still have some of that stride or whatever we used okay moss and then memory and then one over here I don't know if you and Brian talked about that during the oh this isn't even the right that's funny this isn't even the right GPU in the manual 20 atti yeah what were you saying well with these blocks being the same as 20 atti blocks it was basically the same thing with those Tesla V 100's that we put in the other system where we just repurposed blocks that were for for this 2080 it's the I block sir 1080 GI box um it doesn't really matter but we basically just like chopped 2080 okay we chopped the plastic ends off and then they were otherwise identical - yeah you 100 bucks yeah all right so I'm gonna mark where these go on here I brought in a hex on I did that and then we didn't film it so there's no visual record of me attacking expensive water cooling hardness a hacksaw that one worked out that builds really good I need to redo that their own pace on the CPU at some point but it's a good build though how nervous am I making people with what with cutting cables that I can barely see without it's okay they're RGB cable that's sorry something people forget about with streams is like is that you're trying to get stuff visible the camera so it does does mean doing stuff inefficiently versus if you just did it on your own these cable cuts or Intel volt they did this to us okay I wish they cut this more appropriately to size it's cool to include pre-cut thermal pads except if I then have to cut it again I kind of defeats the purpose these fans are RGB which is why they must there's the excised but I enjoy gun in tight hey drew got in tight on the cable cutting action oh did you own they're still going on the fast foods Taco Bell tasty temple challenge is that another fast food video game don't they just invent that I don't know man check if ya need to do super chats and store stuff so we had a pickup on the store from Curtis who picked up a tear down crystal statue with a LED base Thank You Curtis going to Idaho and then super Chatswood I stopped with this one if you got to start like here in Texas dotnet I'll try to shout out the order during the stream otherwise we're eating all the super cats just on a bit of a delay obviously 8-bit one 149 sent a peach emoji her emoticon or whatever the use who calls it Doctor Who 8 6 4 7 and 5 3 or 9 again $5 here's 5 bucks get some tater tots because bearded Hardware eat them all we need to get some tater tots with Jo next time he's here we got some I think of like the previous time but we did screw him over this time and forgot to get some fun spoiler a $2.00 Canadian thank you we don't get free super chats anymore with you 2 p.m. I didn't that but that's unfortunate for us I guess probably better for YouTube bearded hardware $1.99 is the computer for other Patrick to use I think the answer is always yes to that question given what we've established earlier Jeremy Clayton or Zeta from our patreon discord if you want to join that you can get a patreon are calm slash gamers Nexus and get access to the discord Zeta says I can have soup or a chat soup please austin Porterfield the five guys fix the XFX rx 580 GTS black card I asked about buy repay steam with thermal grizzly and a little more mounting pressure no more random black screens that's good sometimes it's all it takes is mounting pressure they are we you pick it out of some of the cards I will put this vendor radiator in first because I think we're more decided on there well now I put the three freak chat out right now do we want to do tubes up to this didn't we you know I can you know how confident I am no listen to me let me distract you while you're getting it did you uh which cool business this chat freaking out taking a razor to a PCB what that's mostly disassembled careful with that one okay so where is what's happening with that radiator that's I'm gonna put it in the front so we can do tubes up if we just want to link the two radiators directly together okay okay I think 280 in the top and then just run the line straight to the between them I gonna start did you want do you want to connect them by the top or connect them like you were saying at the bottom for like getting connected to the pump and res mmm as we can get them both installed and look yeah there was a dominoes game avoid the noid don't know that I ever heard of that one drill holes in the case for better air flow I'll drill holes in the video card for better air flow we're gonna go that far we might as well just tear the glass off drilling the holes in the video card well you want to them I can't stop you that's why we have to anyone helped me finding the video of Linus measuring temps with a thermal camera pointing at the glass on a case that's the best cringe that made that Steve made jokes about during the roast yeah that's not really how to use thermal imaging he made a very strong point of putting tape over glass in the most recent video were these a thermal camera oh you mean just like the tape that's supposed to help it see through it yeah II was just like masking tape little nothing mmm I think you'd be better to do nothing then produce bad data I don't know about that if you're measuring the temperature of a computer you should use the sensors well it was a phone ohh phone okay there was a little different I guess yeah I mean if you make it turn into a blackbody object then it's okay as long as it's no longer a reflective object in the future where we view other people's videos I wonder will you add thermal grisly conduct or not to the sepia now we are not planning to to do that it's um it's it's just too much extra stuff to worry about all right what else do I need - they're all pad up they didn't really they don't really have I guess I'll do the inductors I don't know if they're gonna make contact there I can get the thermal bed scripts if you need this I might they don't really include a lot and I'm not sure that I agree with their selection he used a few of us more nasty ones on the an old cord or they put the M the other man oh yeah oh yeah mmm well that is not what this video card looks like but whatever I understand what they're trying to suggest I'm not sure if the inductors will make contact but I think they will I'd love to work at gamers Nexus but my hair isn't long enough sad face you can put that radiator in a small airplane yes it is genuinely approaching like like car radiator size 4 look at you go maybe I have what is an appropriate age to tell kids we are living in a pointless simulation I think any age is appropriate for existential crisis moments this is the head that does that answer the question I'm living in a pointless simulation whoa like yeah I got as as if it's like some some widely accepted fact that this is the age no there's no okay then you go to the DMV to pick up your learner's permit that's that's really one of the questions yeah are we living in a simulation yes or no no okay come back another time sand builds my p.o box gotta run star stats 60fps okay you can afford star citizen you can afford this pill no a lot of people don't know that we sort of wrote the book and built our channel on star citizen coverage back in the day I had a lot of exclusive interviews with chris roberts and really good to work with we worked with shawn Tracy - he is a brilliant technical director over their former CryEngine guy and has a lot of good insight to share but we haven't really worked with them since their PR contacts changed okay so their block doesn't quite line up with this like with the components on the board but I think I'm gonna add some thermal pads in a few places it's not bad but this is like clearly I mean obvi I'm going over how it's a 20 atti block at the beginning of the stream but it's a little bit it's not really been modified at all on it it should have been in some areas I just didn't know that bit of Laurie someone says yeah if you look go click on a go to slash gamers access open a separate tab click on playlists I've got a star citizen playlist I made specifically because a lot of people didn't know that's what we used to really focus on like back back when I wasn't making really any money from conventions our make or break for PACs determining whether I profited or not for the show was basically whether I could get Chris lined up for an interview that was like our other coverage would do single digit thousands of years or hundreds of years a lot of cases but we get started in coverage up with a whole I mean Chris was really open with us and it was a great interview subject for us specifically because you want to talk about the technical stop so and I didn't I wasn't really focused on the that like stuff that most the media was focused on which was when's your game coming out I was curious about the technology so yeah if we couldn't get Chris lined up for an interview it was basically like well we're not gonna make any money of this show and that's I mean if he would do 40,000 views everything else would be like 500 mm depending so it's a much different time I got to peel this plastic off I think we may be stuck with a more conventional airflow pattern just because we need a mounting location for the reservoir you know it's about a 120 bracket on it so if we have fans on this side then there's not a great mounting location yeah we could also do pull through the well I don't know thinking too much I'm not a big fan of this bikes like ski cooler is it the uh I just don't like the it's not really great contact in some places where like I feel like the stock r-tx coolers doing a better job mm-hmm but I inspire confidence for the the bridges that we're gonna be putting on yeah singular everything should be fine I'm gonna put this last one on and I think that all so actually there's one more I want and I think that'll cover us as best we can am I'm going to cut this one to size but it should be fine overall it's just like kind of weak we I should probably mention in the patreon video I was hoping that I said I was hoping that the ek bridges we already have would fit the bikes he part since bikes keys oh yeah stuff is very similar to e case but the whole spacing is different so if you were playing to try to use if you're one of the two people in the world that was popping on us yeah it's a try to use an ek hard bridge between two GPS called buy bikes key blocks it will almost work but not quite and almost but not quite it's not great for little cooling on a very expensive hardware yeah I sell off the radiator now I know what radiator I don't know the big point the big ones literally never been used before yeah if you think you see dust in there it might be the the powder coat or whatever it is doesn't go that deep into the radiator so there's a bare copper showing and it looks kind of like dust but it's just the coating isn't fully covering it what kind of gum is that I'm not stacking Thrall pad so I don't know why you think I'm second throw that's it is a pressed no way that's toothpaste you've been chewing Chris hey just just take a shot of toothpaste before the stream alright good enough I added some there's a bit mess in there on the caps but they're fine they're not actually they don't need to be covered uh okay thermal gum yeah that radiators I'm saying it's called the monsta it's an alpha cool if you want to look it up it's an apical monsta is the name of it i'm not sure they even sell it i don't think we ever looked to see if it's still being sold caps are bothering me i have their own touch to that even though it's completely fine yeah i don't know we received it it was basically a box from alpha cool of like hey here's this stuff that's sitting around a warehouse including gummy bears including gummy bears we have not eaten the alpha cool brandon gummy bears they are still here i think yes I think I know exactly where they are to go hahaha but uh yes all that's been pretty useful because we start working on a build or something and then neat apart and it's like oh I'll do that random bag of alpha cool stuff has something yeah I had some cool stuff in there there was like a liquid cooling board or an Xbox one or xbox 360 maybe yeah it's gonna beep more to do that but that's fine yeah that's fine um alpha coke gummy bears where's the Arctic the paste yeah who cleans up the hair around the office Andrew Andrews vacuumed the production or a minute ago although he also had to get the what did you call it coconut crumbs wasn't motivated by like wanting to tidy up the office he was motivated by he dropped cookie crumbs on the floor wait did you were they cookie or a coconut no I thought so coconut crumbs was what he called the okay okay use the gummy bears that's their Hall pads no I'm sorry I'm one crazy cow as a common visitor of Eris's stevia might be too young to remember when a box of cereal came with a record on the back of the box I'm gonna win here and say you are correct him that I don't remember that was there a back plate on these now right now yeah what's so crazy cow or whoever else can speak to it is are you talking about vinyl or what it means an overclocking record like they used to have a high scoreboard on it kingpin was on there baby kingpin no I put throne pads on things I won't touch the block but that's okay I guess where's a razor will work I think I talked about my mounting solution for the reservoir the better what well that's good I'm sticking a knife into a video card so you can talk about that that's cool this is um not how you're supposed to know the water cool heat tube but I think we have the correct mounting hardware somewhere maybe but I don't know where it is which is almost definitely my fault so for the time being and stealing this semi compatible ek melting hardware and we're gonna stick it on one of these 120 slots here which won't give it a lot of rotational support but I don't think we're planning to take this off-road or anything like that so it should be okay it's fine off-road for the for the reservoir specifically or for the whole system what's going offroad well we're gonna put some big tires for mutton genuine accent for that but either I want crazy cows it was either 78 or 45 speed vinyl records they're just on the back of the box I do some super chats I guess so jumpy thank you $70 beanie I actually did show that design back to our manufacturing contact recently and we were talking about what changes need to be made on it so what's something that was brought up recently which brought into dollars would you test an arm 128 core CPU it's on 7 nanometers I wouldn't really know how I'd have to look into it it's something I might do for for fun but I don't know that I don't know why I put that screw there but I don't know that I would do that as a I don't know that we could really do it a server CPU proper justice but the answer to would you is yes I just don't have one I put that screen this like not paying enough attention I just put it in the wrong spot twice I also read it a thermaltake kit for this d5 pump but d5 is d5 right yes max cow get a little $10 I work in IT infrastructure and have replaced a number of LJ 36:47 CPUs these chips are much easier to install on in server Chaz's because they are attached to the heatsink for the plastic carrier that makes a lot of sense they actually attach to the adjacent ak-12 via plastic carrier the cpu mmm that makes a lot of sense guys saying it's easier to install them and servers because the cooler is responsible for the free keeping it position properly then also explains why the mounting mechanism itself is finer yeah it's like Michael yeah Tommy Mullen Swedish 50 thank you glad I'm not the only one that's not a fan of RGB yes we are specifically removing the RGB cables from these can't get much more GN than that all the way it $2 we gonna see more mountain bike videos on your second channel yeah it's kind of cold right now but eventually yes I have some backlog from Whistler after I went to LTX I never published I wanted to but I ended up getting busy but yeah I don't know I should go through some of that stuff see if any of it's worth putting up this short answer there was is yes it's just mostly a matter of whether at this point Panda 5 guy's favorite channel my build is a 39 50 X or as extreme 20 atti kingpin do you ever what paste comes on the kingpin and is it worth 3 pasting with Corona I would say it's not really really worth 3 pasting unless you unless you're planning on doing XOC in which case it is because you're gonna be going cold but generally now I guess they gave me different screws I don't know why I'm trying to use these because I'm reading a stream chat at the same time that's so what are you working on right now the radiator mount yeah I'm putting a these like Delrin or plastic whatever they are mounts here should attach to either we used a metal mount and the other build but ideally there are these plastic mounts that attach onto the back of them and then it screws on to a 120 fan slot or 140 they probably have different sizes and the advantage of those is that you would be able to like put one at the bottom and one at the top and then you would have really good support this EK support is not actually intended for this so I'm going to have the supports very close together but it should still work I'll put it at the top so it'll be hanging down rather than trying to yeah and the reservoir upside down I think that's what you should do it'll be a challenge to fill it you just have to fill it really fast and then close it really fast it's really cool and fun how they want to make sure that if you have one of those allen wrench that's with like 800 different sizes in there yeah water cooling manufacturers want to make sure that you use all of them and that you're not wasting any money yeah ek fortunately uses the same size on basically everything but then you get a water cool and sometimes I change stuff yeah my Vegas we are mixing a lot of it's still annoying at least with bike parts for the most part once he gets like a grip it's all the same but no in computers oh this would be interesting such a slow process for this thing you're going to do it again yeah well it'll go faster now that I'm aware of like what kind of weird quirks they are with the waterblock but it seems to be pretty ok overall I just don't I'm not super happy with the contact but it's it's better than it's still gonna be better than air all right I need to take a super chat in a second xx standstill ax ax with a name like that you know Microsoft's marketing department is looking for new people I've heard and I hope for call so it likes a lot of axes yeah what was them was Nexus and I had three X's and and E ax ax ax and the middle X was capitalized that's straight and I would suck if one of those things wasn't not secured it's like if something happened you're a nice computer there all right next one oh yeah xxx stand still xx $5 built in this case I guess this one maybe a week ago bottom hard drive cases with the larger power supply did mine with a dual V 5 dual a 526 95 b2 temperatures were 31 degrees Celsius over room temperature at load I'm not familiar with the 2695 v2 I've thought in my head I have to look it up the Intel names like I can't keep them straight for well the Zeon's they're not overclocked I can tell you though yeah they're yeah so we want to see if we can pull that power supply shred out to be sure yeah we can do that I think it will make accessing everything easier later I don't know if it's gonna come out with all the stuff in it it probably should though yeah well the stuff that's in there so for at least I think the two at the front of the there's the Alpha cool guy I was looking for this the 2 means it's also like a cape more than the rest of it and also probably means something but you really want to know who kidnap you this is good to go I need a mmm this cart assembles differently than they expects i need not on the other side of that did they not give a replacement Bioshield that is annoying I'm not sure that I have anything that size this year's like the 28th et I know maybe I can pull one from a 2080 guy 20 series mountain where they assume that it's not involved instead of just screwing into the base plate which is what the r-tx cards do uh-huh they not include one that's kind of stupid don't think so I looked in the other box and I didn't know oh you mean yeah yeah it's kind of stupid seeing as their marketing that says r-tx 5000 obviously it's been updated rebranded from a 28 t io anyway but you think they could at least include the extra hardware huh alright that's annoying now I do have one here nice so I will only use one in case I only have one other one for the other card I guess I'll mount it up at the top so we were just discussing whether this power supply shroud comes out and we think it does I did I had not noticed that but you know what it's 2020 power supply shot its current year a meme there over yeah I don't like I like power supplies when we can get rid of him annoying thermally and they take up a lot of space and annoying to work with let's see if I have a screw it'll fit this improvised and so you know this might be a gigantic overly priced block of black steel but at least an ADIZ didn't go to the trouble of making this removable rather than putting rivets and everything by entities you also mean Jones both yeah yeah definitely that did we talk about the price already that case no I think we just made fun of RGB hub yeah that stupid case is like $270 and it's just a rectangle steel rectangle with a lot of glass which is expensive but not that expensive so we got in Seoul's money because I guess this is the only the Dominus extreme as long as the sr3 is the Dominus extreme is even larger and this is probably one of the few cases on the market that would actually fit it and probably one of the cheaper ones that actually does yeah definitely Wow that is really annoying thanks spike ski I'm just gonna keep salvaging parts from this 20 atti pile over here I think we're also probably gonna get rid of the hard drive cage it's because I'm now noticing that there are well now we'll leave that in the we're the boot driver uses for this is the opt-in drive that until sent with the original system which is thicker than a normal 2.5 inch drive so we might want to put it in a hard drive no because it's got a heat sinking on the top least that's you clearly don't know magnets how do they work are they even real I didn't major in magnets I don't know you didn't major in insane clown posse they didn't make sure I didn't say that have you ever watched their movies no I have not yeah big big money rustlers where they're Cowboys or look you should look up insane clown posse I don't think I should I don't think there's any reason I should do that I'm sure they're great I'm sure all yeah greatly enjoy them so how does that how does that go I have I have free time let me look up and say calm Posse but how do you not know that they've made it that's that's the question all I know is that they've greatly contributed to the world of facial recognition and the counter there of federal government's unending war against struggle this nice alright we got it so if you were wondering what the hell is Steve doing basically the IO plate for these r-tx 5000 that screw straight in to see if I can show it yeah right there right there it's go straight into the cooler I guess it was a base plate into a base plate and because it's an RTI x28 ECI block that they've branded as RT X 5000 it did not it requires a not in a vault for the IO play but it's an include any hardware for that so I had to go steal parts from other video cards that have dismantled behind us and I've only put one end because I'm a bit worried that where I can have another one so it's a semi branded if you show them that the still I did yeah big money rustlers it's hilarious someone says okay see condition they are boys is another common look in the movies called big money rustlers you should look it out and then tell me they're not Cowboys ICP at five dollars I put the bikes key waterblock on by RT X 5000 I haven't powered it up yet to small chips ended up outside the heatsink that had been on the original sink yeah that's kind of common as long as they're not ones I'm worried about getting hot it doesn't bother me but I'm not worried about it in our situation they were there was a moss or a rather an inductor that wasn't covered and then I think one of the power regulators on the far right like the middle right side there's always another screw yes Brandon Kline forgot I just love the data-driven approach the content is there any good way of measuring how much life is left in a power supply mine a Corsair arm 750 is six now it's goodbye fortunately power supplies that don't suck tend to live a really long time the answer that was no there's no good way to know that I think when they invent they when they invent another power connector that's not on your current power supply then you know that stays there numbered yeah right yeah I wanted to point out this fit and finish into the exposed copper from where they drove that was that a standoff I think that's a standoff drove the standoff through that's on both of them yeah so it's that way it's not the highest quality block I don't know what I paid for these I want to say they were like 150 or something yeah we we could have done the hacksaw approach again yeah we could've just done 28 et eyes but no we wanted to play nice this time yeah so basically power connectors are on the right side of the card and so you can cut the a20 atti acrylic piece of a water block off to accommodate that may be good and it's not like it leaks that doesn't contain any water that part but these ones are pre-cut the bikes key ones right there so it's got the cutout for the connector and that's really all there is to it they're just changing that plate that's it okay now I get to deal with semi stripped screws actually I might take the flat-head approaches justify my best stuff that's it appears I may have to move this radiator in order to get this power supply shut up is it a good heavy it is removable though yes that's nice as they challenging geometry it's almost like they weren't planning on the Nexus monsta when they made this case I don't think alphago was planning on it what's that stupid quote that too worried about whether we can to ask if we should or something whatever that quote is I bet they saw one if they're still uh they're still making them I bet they saw one after this dream one yeah yes one kind of like how I have a water wall sold one more a three I actually think they sold a couple after we worked with it I'm gonna stop trying to do this the the pat way and do it the right way I need a tiny flathead I don't think I've ever used these on this wall the million bits we have right there I am now every time we get a promotional screwdriver or something it comes with a full set of bits now we have 8 million bits yes we're twitch millionaires please wash this screw it's at a point where it's like your next decision is really important as to how you're extracting it's like do I commit to Philips head and just really apply a lot of force or do I try and use a flathead these he's Nvidia rear i/o r-tx screws are always problematic because they're so tiny I really don't want to take this entire radiator back power supply shots gotta go power supply shroud what it's gotta go oh yeah can't have it in there the only downside to that is we're gonna have to hang on to it yeah yeah every uh every production system we end up stripping it down to bare essentials and then we have an entire shelf in the storage room dedicated to the extras and all the extras and covers and plates and filters that we just taken off I have one of those at home two of the the bin for like oh oh here's all the hard drive sleds you didn't use yeah and then you got rid of the case and you still have the hard drive sleds yeah okay here we go oh man got it this screw is going straight into metal metal scrap bin I hope they have a standing video card makes people nervous oh no this is one more in there ma'am not much pretty gone out of mouth alright prepare for something loud but harmless noises what's what are you doing now I'm taking the radiator out because I'd forgot that we're taking the power supply shroud out and the radiator is blocking access and the whole thing but now it's gone I can never trouble me again tight wrap everything sound like you just murdered no it's so anyone wants to still hear its beating heart tell-tale heart that's sure if you can even get it that close there's the screw the stream still going and you're on here leave you actually doesn't look that bad in camera but it was starting to go yeah so anyway lots of force and careful very careful selection of a bit and I was able to get it out not only when the screws go that bad I just I get rid of them so that we don't use it again and end up with the stuck screws always waste much time is there a better way to do this yes should I be doing it the better way No oh did you pay my salary so and let's listen I did what's what are you trying to I need the way the case down the Creator back head I'm trying to be lazy and not got to do it okay what's anything super chess in a second what's chess team that screws dunsky yeah I was close come you got it out though got both him out what happened well basically there were two screws that were I don't know the r-tx screws for I think it's 4 HDMIs no no it's display for it specifically they're really super tiny that let me see if I can if I still have another table that's alive I mean I don't know once you zoom in on it I feel like it kind of doesn't look quite that's tiny bit these are like a pH 0 or 0 0 I'll top my head so it's not like it's an uncommon size it's gonna be hard to even focus on but it's small enough that you know these they're not that strong if you slip once then you just you strip it out instantly he like you get one slip and that's done so just apply a lot of pressure which I didn't do was taking that one out but it's good now I just I normally with stripped screws I've stripped so many screws my life like the worst ones were with bikes where you've got like a screw holding apart on something that's worth thousands of dollars and you don't really want to drill into it and I learned my lesson there too yeah like if you're not patient when you're taking it out at least be patient when you're fixing it when it's stripped cuz that's when it really counts Oh gross this was used for the Atari did you just rip Atari jeez I'm like a nice clean that's or three motherboard I think so if you're not sure what Atari juice is references in check back I guess in like a week or so cuz I don't know yeah that's not up yet I he can also learn about it on the GM Steve channel through slash gamers Nexus we've got it behind the scenes video I wash mine donate for that's how a geez ya know everybody just could still watch me trying to redo this with the least possible effort I think I have it lined up correctly know the Atari juice is gross it's their new business venture maybe they'll finish that one you've wrenched out from the hotels and speaker hats hotels especially I don't think you can buy Atari speaker heads anymore I can't imagine why normally when I'm listening to music I want it playing into my eyeballs that's that's where you hear things I also want to make sure everybody around me is annoyed by by my plane I've said music I got a product for you when did they make this I must have been a couple years ago really that's it yeah I mean they were bluetooths I can't have been well I say that booth they spin around for a really long time I think it was a couple years ago Terrence and Lewis I was answering that PSD question earlier from Brennan Klein yeah the only thing that you can really tell life on is like a drive with smart Terence Lewis five dollars no message thank you Lawrenceburg I've thought it's gentium that's crucial G team okay Jean team love the work you all do I'm trying to complete my build but I don't have a GN toolkit help me Obi Steve Kenobi you're my only hope yeah we've been working on getting a new mold for those made four months now and Lunar New Year always throws manufacturing down at roughly the same time every year and you lose about a month but yeah so the molds we just had another mold get completed they're doing testing on it if it passes all the testing of the factory then the tools will come to us so basically we've made some changes to them because we're between production runs is really the only time you can make changes so taking longer than I expected which is why they've been out of stock but I'm hoping within a couple of months we get it all done and and imported the challenge is that it takes a while to manufacture but the sampling period also takes forever because they make several samples and we gauge by photos whether that's good or not then they send one out here we request changes and goes back and forth forever but yeah we're working on it I can't really speed it up though mr. phu SI t just otherwise youtube will flag it $1 no message thank you bundes Autobahn 7 sorry Z Ben CRC a 5,000 I remember a time when you could install the CPU without having to worry about heat sinks and fans like the 286 or when you changed an eighty-eight with an NEC v20 without worrying about jumper settings jumper settings we haven't had to deal with for the most part in a long time so at least that's an upside occasionally though you've worked you've had to change jumpers for yeah they especially well often those uh words that have toggles on them like this one or dip switches will get flipped because we mess around with our boards a lot more than they're designed for so things get bumped yeah they only jumpers I have ever had the that's what they're the IDE hard drive what's this chat still talking about fast food or have they moved on store purchases we had one from Sager and Saudi Arabia purchased the Aegean mod mat thank you and a poster tear down poster and we have one from mica or mica in Alberta who picked up a GN mod matte as well thank you for both of those let's chat talking about okay first of all I have seen this comment before her I've seen this one before ello and wallah SEC says why do people compete rise and threader brigands Eon don't you seriously rely on epic so first all these yeah 3175 ax is not build as a server chip it is billed as an enthusiast chip it's in the x-series it's overclockable their whole spiel was that you push 5 gigahertz all core like that was their big deal so it's not like comparing epic to Zeon it's like comparing super high-end intel with a different name to see Brian De Andy should be thread Ripper wanna yell of course they're sure he came out of a box like that what oh that's pretty bad actually um so I don't have any damage to like the liquid tubes if I if I paid for that I'd send it back yeah but the mounting hardware the mounting hardware for the radiator wasn't at the top or bottom it was just loose in the box so okay it got pressed against the fence normally you know we had to own these things for a couple months before they look like hey yeah this pretty disappointing really I don't know how that gets passed QC well I think it was in shipping okay so you think it was shipping damaged yeah I think that shipping in a Pelican case yeah but so the radiator comes in a box like this and it's got a bunch of screws and the screws rather than being a note at the bottom we're just laying on top okay so that's how it gets passed QC but that's still Corsairs fault yes that's I didn't say yeah that's just stupid on Corsairs part they should know better than that that's why I like okay they tape their screws to the box one could argue the sending a set of liquid cooling hardware in a Pelican case stupid it is to fortunately they don't do that for customers yeah yeah I hate that stuff stupid like reviewer special reviewer kit sir I just it's like really you're gonna pander that hard might work on some people that just I don't want all this garbage and it's not what the customer gets so what's the like why you sending it to me of course the answer is what they want unboxings or they want their stuff to look really good on camera but we just don't show the reviewer kits in almost any circumstance when they send fancy ones because like if you can't buy it and I'm not gonna play into that and show it so I I want the company to see that I want someone to be like wow we spent how much extra money on that thing and it's never even been showing maybe we should stop doing this these are both copper radiators they checked when we got us about Oh makes metal sad they're both copper so yeah I know it's not the tubes are um the tubes are fine unfortunately it's just annoying that like you know if I were a customer and I spent money on expensive open-loop stuff I wouldn't want any imperfections anywhere one of the benefits of actually using new radiators and some other new hardware here is that all the screws are still in their little baggies so I don't have to go hunting around for compatible hardware that's true sometimes they end up on your background shot yeah that's true we did put the horizon one up there for the most part yeah although the Asus one no one even knows that's an Asus box I think yeah I asked Josh if he wanted to use it for shooting on and I took it out and he was like no sorry I put in facts which one the the big Asus boat okay that's true it did end up back there that's not Steve's father no I said all the back yes yes the background shelf that the conspiracy theory of Nvidia boxes or whatever those weren't reviewer boxes though the Nvidia stuff that was just their boxes it's my personal conspiracy because I put all them back there email tech power up I've got a lit with me it's an inside job that skinny radiator looks pathetic yeah I don't know this is like a like a 1x radiator should the front fans be flipped at the top is intake I didn't want to do the front dies exhaust yeah but I was setting it up and then I realized that we need a vertical 120 mount for the reservoir somewhere and if we want to push through the radiator yeah and yes we have to pull as exhaust basically yeah we could do that uh all intake is fine it'll find a way out okay it'll go out the back let's just do you want to do all intake or do you want this to be exhaust so as though you were dying I don't want the only intake to be the front for sure oh god that would be way too hot so I would do either all intake at this point mm-hmm and then exhaust through the back I guess with the rear exhaust fan okay and then let the rest come out the you could if it if there's spacing before you can even install the power supply upside down and let it pull some of the air but I don't think the rear will support that though that's that makes sense it's not like the GPS or air-cooled they're in the same loop is everything else yeah see I'll put some fans on top of this so yeah I would just do intake and I guess we'll do intake on the front now and then we'll do exhaust in the back power supply I think you're gonna have to install the standard orientation because of how they've done that holes in the back yeah yeah we have a shroud I guess we're a little more flexible with that well that's what if we could install it upside down I would because I'm the power so I can share some of the load of getting the air oh you use how they drilled these holes yeah but we can check that's if he can the power spike can support it so it's all another fan breaks when we come to it that's our we have very many EVGA 1600 watt titanium power supplies now or are they titanium or blend titanium they are nice power supplies yeah we've used them for all of our Oliver xoc stuff for the most part every just that old NZXT one a few times I'm gonna cut Morel pads on the PCB all the talk from chat earlier about their fast food has made me hungry and made sure to eat many cookies out of snack cabinet before the stream started and not just fast food but specifically fast food themes videogames that's what chat was talking about oh really Parappa the rapper yeah what was the details of that what what platform did they put the McDonald's leave is okay deaths training has a very very prominent Monster Energy sponsorship really gross it's it's really good is it for real they actually have a Monster Energy thing absolutely when you uh when you go to your like break room after a long day of delivering packages you can rehydrate with an ice-cold Monster Energy but not only that canonically the canteen that you carry in the game filters and transforms any rain water or other ambient water you may encounter and it turns it into monster energy this is this is in the like tooltips in the game so that's Kanan she gonna die years and years ago talked about if an energy drink sponsor came to us would we say yes and we talked about it and the decision was now like I don't think like if redbull came to us or even just like soda like coca-cola I don't think I would want to take it just on grounds of health concerns for those drinks I'm kind of surprised that they would I guess it's not Konami though is it no that's Sony what what is that was a Sony now is that where he is yes [Music] but it's amazing I hope they leave it in the game for the PC release it's an integral part of the game you can drink five of them and it fully raises your stamina bar so you're actively like five if you do drink five of those in real life you would die if you don't like a heart attack if you don't drink five monster energies then your stamina bar won't be maxed out and you can't deliver as many packages it all to be honest water needs more sponsorships this one says no too bad because you can't drink water in the game you literally can't drink water you can only drink water that has been transformed through alchemical processes and to Monster Energy this is life after the death stranding ask me more about that stranding water normally when someone starts with the word canonically and I said hey that's always try to give me a platform that's kijima games they also a Norman Reedus case the main character comments are like five it's specifically five you can also do a side mission that replaces the monster energies with a fake beer but you shouldn't do it because then you can't drink monster energies anymore okay don't take a energy drink sponsor someone says because it's like taking a red shadow Legend sponsor we can't come back after it we've had them off for tear I actually don't have as much of a problem with the mobile game sponsor unless it's one that's like a scam or something because at least there's a limited influence concern about bias but we haven't had any mobile game sponsors in the history of the company how does that like looks good I'm missing my traditional like get both radiators in and then look and realize the fans are pointing the one the wrong way I mean it's really throwing me off but I can't do that why would you put water on plants like from the toilet Rhonda has got what plants carry how does the Jan server doing it's doing great thank you yeah got that Terry Crews reference in their Rondo it's got what let's go plants crave this seems fine power supply Sean may have served a reinforcing function but no everything's okay Wow it's fine so this is the kind of thing that I review we would talk about power supply shroud is able to come out but it does actually serve a purpose now that said it's not like this thing's gonna move in you know it's it is it really is fine but I would like to see a support beam somewhere there's entirely too much thermal grease no they're wrong up for becquer oh you're looking in the GPU I was gonna say yeah it's been a while yeah if that's what you think go watch our too much most annoying comment benchmark too much they're all paste can you see men walking down alleyway where you are injured oh yeah that's right you gotta get a shot of it that's what I think of your thermal paste Patrick you're in the shop I'm sorry that's right what's the game with the addiction mechanic that changed the ending Lisa that's shot in the dark I'm sure there's more than one game like that someone says what is this case again an ADIZ was it AI crystal AR 3 or something XL maybe AR XL threesome I found it by googling an ADIZ large case so if you do that as well you may be able to find yeah I don't really like it to be honest we're just I already said that but we're just using it because we needed a large case that would fit this motherboard and then you know once we were like well ok we've got a massive case that's really a bit too big for the motherboard figured might as well we used to use other big components to try and fill it in like the super fat radiator you have in the front mm-hmm but I don't like the case it's I find it a bit plain and overpriced for what it is it's you know for ventilation if you do top and take you'll be ok but I just don't it's nothing about it is particularly good it's just big that's the only thing they've got going for them with it it also is she's gonna come across like a joke once we get it completely built but the case is completely black and everything we're putting in it is black and we're taking out all the RGB and then the side panel is so heavily tinted that we're gonna put this all together and you won't be able to see anything that's like the case someone says CC says entities glass hot box is the name of it and then you boy rip says shoot y'all is live loli you got auto blade I don't know if I've ever had a stream autoplay that's kind of cool they can actually live one thanks YouTube Oh like it just rolled into the next video yeah I've never had that happen because I turn off autoplay soon as I can no I leave it on because I I'm entirely committed to the ecosystem and listen to all of my music on YouTube as well you leave it on because I want to support my favorite youtubers by watching their videos yes sure just turn on all the computers every night take it back I don't do that you don't actually do that it's a joke it's a prank bro don't you see the camera it's a prank [Applause] let's chat see why why pinnacle saw game with addiction mechanic as far cry 2 I guess that is another one look my answer was technically very oh yeah I need to check some super chats I think um no it's pretty dope that tool is all in YouTube now yes also speaking of old bands that sometimes release albums Ozzy Osbourne just put anywhere now as some of it's pretty good actually glowing review the Sun eat me is a good one everyone in the couch said it must be a song from the bat I don't know that reference don't look it up see we have one from bazinga X we catch up on super chats we are way behind snowflake would have been done by now let's shoot and see and character neato $10 did you haven't check where Tom's review dammit I expect so many gamer class giving it editors choice cross the envy around times we're in a big deal no I'm aware of it and I'm not surprised Tom's half the time but I'm aware of it Dave $2 well I have enough RAM for Chrome no no I won't have an upper hand for Chrome the Bowen $20 my Tuesday at night is it oh I guess for some people it would be watching Stephen Patrick on a live stream while flame ocarina of time and while my wife plays Majora's Mask pretty great Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask I would think my only question is is it on the actual consoles or is it that you the e word oh yes yeah that's what I was going for pyaare Captain Planet oh we got yours Jacob salmon to us popeyes chicken sandwiches always a win yeah if you don't get like beaten to death trying to get on John McMillan if I've got his hair worked for Wendy's for four years for Patrick destiny to what I'm that must be I'm the last notorious for playing destiny to somehow because his hands never on camera I'm drea sheriff two dollars vegan ah I'm guessing that's because I said mean things about Arby's listen you don't need to be vegan to dislike Barbies yes and also Joey also I'm not personally I like oh we can have a roundtable discussion with two people the quality of Arby's we won't need to have you keep eating there because eventually you'll get the same food poisoning everyone else gets from me forget our water from Arby's Spike's gaming chexquest was the best dollar per time game in 96 reviewed by eight-year-old maze as min oku 94 night thoughts on the Fraxel define 7 XL did you look into that one at all or I know we'd know it I saw the name in the reviewers guide and I did not look into it further because it's not the one we got but if it's like the define 7 probably pretty good yeah to find 7i I think they would really kill it if they did a mesh front panel version of it hmm like kinda like that and our 600 ultra 5 because they were at the top of the charts for for the no panel tests I am yeah I like all the amenities in the case I think they've made changes based on feedback but thermals not as good as they could be yeah that said the like you said the amenities on it are actually genuinely really good and I can overlook some of the thermals for that if someone is brute-forcing with water or doesn't care as much about thermals or has plans to run it with the it's got a door right you could always run it with a door open I guess yeah I have my work system is in a dark face Pro 900 and oh yeah that's right we can just open the door on that never a lot of people commented on that they were saying they after seen our to find seven review they wanted to buy the dark Bass Pro 900 which we didn't actually really reference in the review I had forgotten about it it's the hinges on the door are they suck more fragile than fractals are we've broken a couple of those yeah I'm not be quite could improve the the front door on it they kind of let me down with the the pure bass 500 DX the rework it's like they got half the memo mmm but not all of it I guess we'll see how it does why I think I'm going to flip this radiator around so we'll have a longer tube run but we don't have a great solution for these really tight bends so it's giving the tube some more slack oh I haven't trouble with this one sorry I cannot put one in there it's like I don't know if it's whatever okay magic happens gamers Nexus let's see action $12 oh I think this might be in reference to when I was cutting the thermal pads on the piece of you I think you do those sorts of things to anger people can you please keep doing them especially when going overboard with their own taste yes the fact that we don't we're not 100% sure which thing you're referencing speaks to it yeah we but $10 10 D is for you thank you I'll take it which one of us is getting called it we it's probably nice all of the attendees I think oh no they weren't calling one of us are we that's the username oh I should probably clarify that I also wasn't finding them what is the accepted formalized spelling of weed does it involve an A or that just WBE B it's just WEP okay yes there is a real answer for that question is it short for a weaboo or is that ass different then it's short for a we up we up you which means do you want me to do this I don't know is it there's a webcomic called the Perry Bible Fellowship and there's a comic strip where there's there's a bunch of businessmen having a meeting and one of them has a graph where like profits are down and he's saying gentlemen we have this stop wasting all this time on weeaboo and somebody says did somebody say weeaboo and then we all start like hazing em like it's a it's a frat party and so now everybody uses this phrase pull the coop I think fortune did a replace on a slur no okay like a point in this place yeah so then it just so they became hear the word for the because that's what 4chan does I need another ten atti setup screws ma'am kind of hate bikes Q for doing this I can just do a supercut of the horror and a half of me staring at radiators thinking about what the laziest possible way to install them would be we have a couple of comments okay this one first I went crazy how Steve are Patrick have you all got the S for 24 or 36 iOS and you have to test from in there no but thank you for reminding me I will ask them Christian non concept's for the weave that calls itself weave it's fine to call that one a weeb Patrick the weeb historian someone says I just like period my fellowship there's a lot of I was I was a quake fanatic someone says quake was great I miss I miss like old Unreal Tournament ear but don't worry they're coming back right Andrea epic games is working on its new Unreal Tournament it's big moneymaker no Unreal Tournament not for tonight Andrew what's that the game that was a tremendous failure and that epic was ashamed of up until oh you mean the fortnight save the world the co-operative zombie killing experience yeah how people know people forgotten geezers andrew is like dissolving any ability I had to assemble hardware by pointing a camera at me please don't do this I'm rotating the case background and then nobody can see did someone say fork knife quick wise quake is now yeah well you know what I mean well you know quake isn't quite what it was quake legends are quake heroes or whatever the really champions that what yeah yeah that's Yuri I didn't we I forgot to to be fair I played that for a little bit and it was fun hey pack a $0.99 no message Thank You Hugh on $2 flight bills go it down to do a video with you thank you see if I have been asking build Zoid to do that for a couple of years now and we'll probably line it up one day but it's kind of difficult with existing travel and this one's gonna work nice and I think he's trying to reserve kind of his travel like not budget because I would pay for it but I guess like energy budget because it does take a lot I think he's trying to reserve that mostly for potential trips to Taiwan where you can visit HQ is and get more stuff done so well line it up someday I'm trying to get Roman out here too but he's gonna be a difficult one to get to because he's so busy all the time there's 800 jobs that he works ok nice he doesn't have a job Rowen duster I've seen him posting on YouTube yeah it's not especially the the way Roman life Stu intentionally I do like almost like posting I guess sometimes to really just get out of yours yeah just one controlling I'll give him credit for that it was every convention he comes up to me and he says man this AMD fans it's always the AMD fan he's right you say one thing critical about them and they're going crazy I need to get get up with Roman again he was this I would check this channel he was supposed to be doing that water cold let's see I'm not gonna spoil it if it's not up here's working on a special water cooling project oh it's probably op I guess is there an english version no yes it looks like he's talked about it publicly so wrong one was going to connect an open loop to the ocean and do that for his cool I'm sorry I'm worried about mixing metals how about adding salt water to it that's mold fish yeah yes yeah plankton phytoplankton I need to I need to check that out [Music] I'll see Big Al 268 $10 have you seen the new thick 2 pro yes I do have most of the new 5700 XT stuff from XFX I don't have time to get through attesting it Andrew we have a question hurry 99 MX 50 says do you speak Spanish wait Oh wish for I forget how to say Spanish so my own John one for Spanish we have one from Elmen I got I gave 100 are you Steve why your hair so long I appreciate that you pluralized it the way you did but it's because that's that's their current state of being I don't really know how to yeah you know even yeah she would yeah you that person that donated that said that they thought it was cool when we do things to piss off viewers on purpose yeah um that's for sure what was happening with this radiator for like without that's 15 minutes that's why that's why this is happening someone says Roman is the cause push the temperature rising I came up his computer to the head oh no that wasn't Spanish for the person who's confused I don't speak Spanish intercept see when you're asked sure and just said si sounds like Andrea speaks Spanish do you speak any Spanish Andrew yes he's doubled back on his answer he said no but he tried to say it with the Spanish accent I'm actually not sure and these CPUs socket 370 anyone here even know what it was I thought my head have to justify myself EVGA has two mounting holes on every corner of their ends this is really screwing me up I'm sure there's a good reason for that how's Patrick threes back from holding the camera Patrick 3 is the tripod say and and just like you've got the most stable how do you hold it that study Andrea you're like not even moving okay he says he screwed his pistol at Kraft also he's got rails and adjustable height one day Gary's nice as well the host sponsor people okay where is the RGB we have intentionally stripped it out I went through the RGB strips from these blocks blocks are done I guess I'll do some super chats while you finish that stuff we should have premeditated so that we could like have a bunch of hidden RGB in here wow it's been however many hours building the computer that I turn it on and all the RGB that would be pretty funny though livin 757 here from the verge you need more thermal compound Josiah Tygra 269 can you NJ dot o d-roc battle ones three xxx yes Sean Daly guys my dudes is that res really required given the huge capacity of that chunky and all caps radiator no yeah we have it so you know it's going in there yeah also a big upside for doing these builds is that it clears space on our shelves no it does it go on with the fan up mmm nice yeah so if you're looking at this and you're like why is the fan up it's because it's gonna help pull some of the air out of the case because we've gone with basically all intake so we'll have exhaust out the back and exhaust at the bottom it's a 1600 watt t2 it's not gonna have any trouble with it the family doesn't even turn on sometimes let's add a thousand Watts bottom filter is also very small compared to the power supply that's Sherwood actually probably the worst through the bottom yes there's there's not enough holes in the bottom and remember the verge did say that you need to put the power supply on top of isolating feet so that it doesn't electrocute mmm shirt circuit the computer or whatever they said I think that's a we're standing on a rubber mat so we're poison that's true haha Hugh on one forty nights have they Dimond icon keep forgetting you can do that mmm m88 lager eight dollars today they make you great channel thanks for the content what's your thoughts on operating from an overclocked 3930k with a 1080i any real performance gains for gaming yes I don't know what they are I've thought my head I haven't tested that CPU uh let me look it up but I'm gonna go with definitely because that is an old sandy bridge-e chip what is the torque count on that six and twelve which doesn't particularly matter cuz that's more of a frequency game at that point all right I guess depends on your overclock if you got like four five or something it might be okay the real way I would answer that is I guess I should walk back my answer a little bit yes if you're unhappy with how it's doing now but if you don't really notice then I'd say just keep keep running it till you're either really bored and you have some money to spend or you're just no longer happy with the performance because the vegan stretches the parts out for longer that's better for everyone last colossi last one but plural $5 my cat sapphire turns 18 next week say hi does note play for me well that is like a very good life on a cat 18 cells on that cat yeah some miles the cat angels the cat shelter we did that PC before they when I went there they had a cup of 20 year old cats they had one that was 22 I think is 22 it's still alive and for adoption yeah yeah if they the older ones they let them roam like with where the humans are and then the other ones have to stay in separate rooms but the older ones they they like they're basically like the bosses they just get to do whatever they want honey you want an experienced cat seniority yeah high ranking cat Elmen I gave so 100 our uvy Emily and Silverstone stop producing new enthusiast cases ITX cases so just don't still makes ITX cases I guess it depends on your definition of enthusiast for that but Lee Ann Lee as the 11 many coming out but it's pretty large X the answer there was a small market ax ax stands still oh also I should say in before I built three of these recently for my friends that means it's a big market that 610 still ax ax $5 name is from when I was 14 anyway 2695 v2 is 12 cores 24 threads per docker and about 120 watts at load each looks like you removed one drive cage already yeah or it might've been missing some parts when we got the case to it of course 24 threads per dock or 120 watts at live there's only one drug cage in there this we should reiterate this is a this case came from a prebuilt system until shipped with the yeah 31 75 X originally also this says followed up and said also this is total wide up good to see you fill window with the twenty nine ninety WX uses the case for Aliexpress do like seventy nine motherboard nothing else fit yeah that's the problem CC we have them yeah Steve Rondo won't admit to went in you were thirty nine ninety X well we ever know the source of the chip I don't know it depends on if anyone ever admits to it Eric to the colors when does your AT&T video come in when I have a second to film it and edit it myself the problem with that one is I need to sift through all the phone calls because I was doing one there for all of them so it's gonna fall on me to put it one day yeah Dave two dollars I thought the front was exhaust fans yeah yeah just so everybody everyone saw me silently doing that well I was telling you about yeah yeah fan jack eighty seven twenty dollars no message thank you very much for your support we will use that I guess for fast food later nor yes s five dollars when you turn on our TX does Steve it turn into Patrick I think it's when you turn on our TX it's one Patrick reflects and becomes multiple Patrick's on all the reflective surfaces then we got one from Richard Meier we're almost through all these super Chad's to catch up any ideas when your tool kits will be restocked I answered that a bit earlier but I'm hoping within a couple months where the tooling some stuff so we're changing some bolts because between production runs the only time we can make is the only time we can make any kind of changes or improvements or modifications because the production runs our company this size you have to order a lot of something to get any kind of attention from some of the factories for a complex item like a tool kit so we really have to like think hard about each order if we want to make changes that's the only chance we're gonna get for the next massive quantity so they're working on ammo there's a couple months but it's just gonna depend on the sampling period and I'm not gonna put them up for backorder until I have a date so lord Damon would you recommend a 5600 XT or 1660 TI 1440p with 3600 on top of XY soggy mmm well I wouldn't wreck on the 66 this guy really period the 1660 super I'm okay with the 5600 XT is better than the 1660 super I guess and is beaten by the 2060 K oh I don't know I and II makes my life hard I they have good at hardware sometimes but they kill it with their software they're not in a good way so I'm leaning more towards like 2060 kayo if it's close in price should be $10 it's different they'll be better off for it Bob $74.99 thoughts on pineapple pizza none Travis Jenkins $10 thank you nor ESS I think we have like seven more of these what are you thought about hard round boxed being accused of never doing unboxing yes shout out for the camera man you'd the real MVP also to my death my bestie I guess that's snowflake my thoughts would be that it would be similar to cameras Nexus never doing gaming and MW o Matt one two five four thought big fan you and a few others inspired to build my water cooling PC that I named Skynet nice that is that is fitting for a first time PC arctic nerd $10 I've literally run out of things to buy from the GNC course directly well thank you if I were to build in a small business like SVM server would you suggest epic where's Dione probably not limited unfortunately I'm not the right person to ask for that I would suggest try and try and go on level the level one text forums maybe you see if you can get in touch with Wendell or one of his guys cuz that's really their area of expertise I don't server hardware I don't have the specs memorized even and that's like the most basic thing you could do so softer side I don't know how vm's do between epic and Zeon but check seeping check without one tax or fur onyx maybe they probably benchmarks lies AK $5 any thoughts on deep pool game historic Sauron Castle exa o-line they claim better leak protection than competitors and have a user serviceable faceplate I don't really think that the leak prevention stuff I think it's mostly marketing but I need to see if we can find a way to really test that I will say that deep cool has some questionable marketing recently what what just wondering why the screws with me cuz cuz I was just spinning the screwdriver it's the to be fair the heads on the because she turned the screws into circles rather because no these the screws that were on the original blocks have a different that's kind of ugly listen not on your end on bikes keys and I shopped for these parts myself based on getting what was available yeah we already have done what we understood to be compatible which now we know we killer just use 20 atti box instead and do that better off for it yes Sean Daly bro if you ever need the clear space on your shelves I'll just sent you my hash hats then Nagar 279 your PC might be fast enough thrown minecraft at 60fps yes but not with our Teac stole away $2 are you too young to have ever built with a cyrix well I never built to see a system with Cyrus no no we do for more universities at least for more nor ESS $10 I think it's time for a permanent overhead camera shot we have been talking with that that way we can see Steve and Patrick screw up close also when is now thanks nori also why like attacking objects part two dropping I didn't need to put one of those together I have plenty of footage of her attacking random things so it'd be a good easy video for the side channel Kurt : if I thought ease is now a good time to build a PC with current gen components or wait Underwood rising for my answers this is always the same there's there very few times when I'll get a really firm weight and those times are basically like if I have a part and I'm working on testing it I can't say anything about it so I was like should I fire wait and then I might say you should wait but that's basically if something it's a week away in most instances the answer to buy or wait is basically are you happy with what you have now do you have more time now than you will later do you really want something to keep yourself busy now it's just there's always new stuff so there's no winning that game I would just your being pragmatic then buy based on if your current system is good enough to last a few more months it's probably worth waiting and if it's not good enough and you're unhappy with an hour just replace it now there's no reason to be unhappy so you can wait for something that'll day one be out of stock anyway the eternal dreamers what I'm dying any chance of the copper mugs coming back in stock love the channel inspired me to build you see it in my home studio I'm always curious about that the I guess is the same as when I see bike channels and I see comments on it about your your channel inspired me to get into biking I'm curious about people finding PC building channels before building a system and specifically curious about if they stumble across it or if it's something they were already interested in they found channels and then they built the system it's the latter then I get it if it's like he just randomly stumble across it one day I'm I guess I could see like watching Jay or lioness work a little bit better than if someone stumbles across one of our review videos I don't think they would stick around to watch that if they've never seen them you see how smart I am would you clean out trying to boyar through it to see if it's a from have an actual water pack the box that is actually pretty smart way digit did it work yes it works did you get enough of a test mm-hmm okay and in and out for these okay so if you're going we can also swap yeah either way it depends on which way the water's running the tubes are run okay let me get through these last few are so close to the end of these all the copper mugs now we're stretched too thin between the other products right now with all the other stuff we're making Neko lover or $2 do ya do you did you know do you play Final Fantasy 14 yes no and ER says I have play I think I played it for a benchmark when it first came out but it's a very different game now from what I understand then literally when I launched the first time anyways some people might have chosen to entitle it Final Fantasy 15 but instead about already a thinner now it is now but right Final Fantasy 14 a realm reborn is the okay version that is currently live Christopher B if their guesses on Nvidia's new hardware looking for an upgrade from my 1072 pair with my 7700 K I have absolutely no idea I don't follow rumors for the most part whatever you see in the news videos is all I know about rumors and Eric our news writer goes and finds all that stuff so I actually I don't even look at it I don't look at computer hardware news from the rumor mill because I don't know it's just like it doesn't really interest me so I have no guests as I don't know as for upgrading your 1070 I mean you'll you'll still get a performance uplift on a 7700 K if you move up to like say use 1080i or run our TX card if you can find one at a reasonable price but I don't know same answer as the other ones if you're happy with it I'd leave it alone last one currently in the super trappy de $20 thank you like in the Gion copper mug I attempted to improve the conductivity of my other drinkware with some cryo not based the results weren't worth the decline and flavor profile Thanks so stick with your thermal solution hardware numbers on YouTube I actually did send us photos he is pretty funny hardware numbers if you don't look him up he took our copper me OMA which is back there actually and who pasted on it and he stuck it on a I think it was a quad-core Eisen CPU and uh and used it as an Allen teapot it actually did work is pretty far I think you've got a world record with it on some low and hefty CP is not how it was advertised but it worked ok so I guess I'll check back in on this normal chats and on the build oh nice new girl over $2 has Final Fantasy 14 for the win voilá fell light your name is nicko lover that you're playing well with oh yeah interesting yeah that's for sure oh yeah that's real I've never heard of that both are super tiny short people and there are cat people in the game so are they like halflings basically yeah yeah okay yeah Christopher beuter $5 donate again because that's the first time anyone has ever said my last name right first try oh god well I'm glad I remembered how I said it second one you didn't say anything else I can try yes right alright so where is this because I want to figure out we can start cutting tubes if you're happy with the layout of the hardware I kind of just did my own but [Music] we can try to stick to this hastily drawn diagram that I wrote down on a sheet of paper that I found in the other room might be fine I guess you already checked this you've got a path you're happy with that's it turn it upside down for extra cooling nice hey cool there may have been a manual for that bridge at some point but I like that I think that testing approach our first casualty of its evening I'm impressed that it it works that the air carry is that well through all the channeling okay so you've gotten all these Titans to people you're happy with and you've discovered my huh how are we gonna know bungee melt how are we gonna fill the reservoir I think we can yeah well I mean honestly that too but we could stick a tube in here and then stick the funnel in the tube yeah kind of sucks but yeah did it just not I guess if you went down to the middle one it wasn't enough clearance or something yeah I can move it down now that would be fine you get on the way of the tubes a bit on the bottom of the voucher yeah um they can't really see it we should does this lift the ball it's yeah everything secure again it's a team effort oh my god it seemed that because I have put trash all over the table it's all so unwieldy okay look up on the majesty of my poorly plans it seems okay honestly yeah work fill the res with gummy bears no we've done you can't we can't mention a food items and chase some Locke lmao these guys have no idea what period they are doing ok I'm sorry Jason I'm sorry that I didn't I haven't lived up to your expectations yeah yeah I wonder if Jason is one of those I've built three computers types they get a lot of those I'll have you know I've built three computers and oh okay I built three like in an hour today because that's the job to remember which is in it which is how I'm here thanks for Alice trading his point left is it I mean that same fan and okay cool ok actually doesn't the sepia doesn't particularly it doesn't matter as much okay I think where's the tubes for the oh you're not gonna get a fan in here with those there yeah I can move the radiator we don't need a fan there no but I can also do the Raider forward there's no reason it needs to be that far back or something lazy yeah I guess we can move that forward and then these are in there okay cool this is intake yes so I think this is gonna be a little bit messy this way I might want to I need to think about I I feel like that hoses for the coarser one should be on the right side yeah I was thinking about it but then we've got I had it like that and then these two fittings Mirena I forgot about the VRM yeah yeah the BRM also has a block on it yeah that complicates things that's not he has to be careful these EVGA fans they don't have the they don't have the plastic all the way over so it'd be easy for the fan of clip something I think see I feel like I would run the Alpha cool radiator lower they could go down one slot and then okay and then where we do tubing there's no bracket for the bottom of this I mean reservoir like two mountains the floor of the case if there's something that's spaced with 120 mounting holes then there is me I feel like we have a good chance of wining two screws up on that yeah I originally wasn't gonna do that just because the but we originally had the shroud in there but yeah yeah the yeah the thing is we even if we just get one screw in there at this point that's yeah let me um think we can get two I can set that up fairly quickly I think I think I would move if possible now that we remove the power supply shroud I'm thinking pump rise on the floor mm-hmm and then that does make it a bit low but that's okay and then probably run a tube straight to the GPU actually we go we could flip it around we could have these houses facing the radiator that'll really shorten that run mm-hmm is there a hole on the backside of this tube no that's sucks okay but there's where the other holes on the the uh oh there on the backside okay I see now okay so I haven't thought about the flow at all Patrick was working on that but I also forgot about the live erm hmm what were you thinking what were you planning on before you take that down what was your plan for and out like what's your from the reservoir I was planning to take in from the let's get an angle of this GPU which would kind of suck so I'm glad we're moving this um and then I was playing to it go out from here into the end of the fat radiator okay so you want to go you want to go from here into the GPS we should probably come in here then out there but that's whatever so you want to go from out into the GPU and then out of the GPU yeah I was I was thinking the other way around but just cuz I was sketching it out on the paper no no where does it go from here uh it would go from the CPU into the GPU okay and we need to leave slack so we can take it out later and on this one were you sending that one the thin radiator yeah okay so I guess we just play some of this one in here oh that's gonna be real close to the rim I guess we could run it over the RAM up here so we could do it we do it 90 I would I would do a 90 here and then run it over the RAM I guess and then we'd have a 90 here and then into the vrm is that the plan mm-hmm and then out the vrm and then it'd be nice if we could just complete the loop but I guess it's got to go to the fat radiator it's not a question of do we flip the fat radiator if you like that might make a cleaner path I think we should yeah I think I have a few ideas now we're not using five drives I don't know where that came from were you just using one drive we'd like we have one SSD for this whole thing people are asking about drives yeah we took the drug pages out we don't need them yeah we everything we do is through a server locally yeah I think I'm thinking of calling it here really and just doing the two routing and then coming back with the and upload on testing because I think the two routings gonna take some thinking through it and moving some stuff around and probably need to dig out some more like right angle fittings and stuff yeah yeah let's let's pipe maybe plan for that a super chats okay let me do these last few and I'm gonna close the super chat weasel ray or bezel weasel radar Raider why did you pick the oh yeah I guess he's older why did you pick the artax 5000 of a Titan r-tx since it's 40% faster and they cost the same well because we have them already Ahmed em the saw five dollars with love from Maldives that's where Roman just was Brian Finkel ten dollars I used to be big into building and gaming but life got in the way still feel a little lost but I've learned much from you bit with J Linus in her burn box that way I'll be way more prepared that's awesome yeah that's I mean it's I think most people aren't really into the stuff every single day I think most people probably like the majority who aren't really comments or is either are probably in and out once every three years for any bill or something BT a runner 150 do you use discrete sound cards in your production work now actually we could be good we have one but no Sean Daly five dollars I'll have you now I replaced the HDMI cable on my mom's Lenovo ThinkPad you guys suck that's what she gets hit you still have our X 580 and it's rock in 1080hd great should one wait for big navvy or just grab a 57 or XT or the drivers bad no switch 10 video I mean that's really hard to answer the drivers are all over the place I like the XT as hardware and there's a lot of really good partner models out there of the XT I think I would just I don't know it's one of those like if you can buy it locally I guess I'd buy locally that way if you aren't happy with a driver situation you just bring it back you can always ship it back but that kind of sucks so that's maybe that's how I would consider it I don't feel too bad about RAC my name 57 or XC i think we haven't really run into a ton of issues I think for the most part they're not as widespread as they were it's just that when there are driver issues they're more catastrophic Lord ain't Damon Damian $5.00 is the 20 60 K ultras no there's never that questions going no it's not worth it just kept in Hokkaido if you're buying one of them Josh why five guys res to fat rad GPU upper add CPU vrm to res that none of that stuff recommendation is reservoir to fat radiator hmm to GPU I think I follow to upper radiator to CPU to vrm to res that would probably be pretty clean I think that's a modified version of what we were talking about yeah see once we mess everything up by taking you back out we'll we'll see whether that would be clean anymore yeah I think would probably go with something like that all right so what's this I think I think I will I'm kind of want to call it here I wanted to cut this off at 10:30 but yeah let's I'm trying to read chat while talking let's let's I think let's call it here and then we'll route the tubing tomorrow and then do a video posted video with the end result okay we got the GPS blocks up and then we got all the LEDs removed one more destructively than the others oh it's on the other table and fans picked all that stuff so I think at this point is just a matter of running the tubes which is gonna be kind of well we just finalized the decisions on the loop order that's gonna be boring anyway so yeah I'm gonna say we call that there it got to a good point and then we can we can run a video on the final result with a benchmark of this versus the other on ice you found a bracket no yeah that's the brackets meant for that okay yeah we can find some re for there or we could drill a hole in the case - it wouldn't be hard drill a hole and do a nut and a bolt mm-hm so that's another option we could throw that in the bottom drill a hole in there and then that kind of solve our problems there - okay all right cool yeah someone says time for Taco Bell open late no Carlos Betancourt when are the Australia backorder shirts shipping it says it on the page you ordered them on and also I said it in the video but we were expecting them the ship on around March 6th okay what case is that we it's AI crystal XL three years something for Vienna DS by Jones bow okay all right that's not for this one tacky jog two dollars his last post you are correct thanks for watching we got everything set up to go so now we just need to run the tubes and undo leak tests and stuff so we'll do an upload for that one that's going to take some more puzzling over how exactly want to route it but I think that all that'll wrap us for this one so thanks for joining well we just did some stuff we've been meaning to do for a while it'll be a really good production build and I'm excited to see how it does risk the 3960 acts and test the build it might do okay I don't know alright thanks for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 220,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, intel xeon w-3175x build, intel xeon w-3175x pc build, intel xeon w-3175x review, intel xeon w-3175x benchmark, intel xeon 3175x benchmark 2020, intel xeon 3175x vs threadripper 3970x, intel xeon 3175x vs 3990x, intel 3175x worth it, intel 3175x premiere, intel 3175x photoshop
Id: Y2wIHIuy728
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 29sec (10409 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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