LIVE Foreflight VFR and IFR Pro Tips - MzeroA Flight Training

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone Jason Schaffer here of m0 alongside hey y'all I'm Gary Reeves with pilot safety or I can tell you from Texas when you say hey y'all you know it's just like a giveaway I thought it was the pink shirt thing because you know we all wear pink in Texas I believe it yeah there you go Facebook YouTube we are so blessed we are so thankful to be with you all tonight we're talking about for flight and we're sharing more from for flight as well so you can see as gary kind of go through what are we expecting to learn a little bit more about tonight well the cool thing about for flight is it's got the most features of any ipad program absolutely the hard thing about for flight is it's got the most features of any iPad program absolutely and you know I train people all over the country consistently and most really smart pilots only know about 20 to 30 percent of it yes so tonight with your expertise in VFR sir and me a little blind luck on the IFR thing I think we can just get it a little farther nudge down the road and hopefully show y'all some tricks that will help you he say for pilots absolutely let's give some shoutouts who are we talking to where you at where you from your flight a little bit about ourselves I'll say hi to some YouTube people give some shoutouts that I like Gary do some Facebook hey Brandon Orlando Brian Jose Chuck Paul will from Memphis great to see you username anchors and pilots in Maryland I was born in Maryland believe it or not Andrew Tim a Keith Leslie Ron Robert great to see you now they're just moving too fast to even kind of see Kyle great to see you AJ let's head over to Facebook now Gary give some shoutouts over on the old Facebook everybody I'm really only go say hi to people in Texas let's yeah that's my buddy my buddy John rich not to be confused with country singer John Rich but very close resemblance that would be you know more impressive yeah look there's one of my friends we got Tina from here we got Kirby from Toccoa Georgia mm-hmm wow that's great got a couple people from Orlando just miss somebody else from Santa Antonio Texas Randy from Palmyra Pennsylvania I've got a lot of friends in Pennsylvania and where I was born John is from Colorado and I was actually born in Colorado didn't know that either absolutely one we got a lot of people there tonight and we're just so excited to see all this is gonna be the biggest live thing we've ever done absolutely it's gonna be fantastic let me tell you a little bit about Gary because you might not realize what an expert that we have here that is Gary now over 7500 hours master CFI double imei and just to put that in perspective of what a master CFI means there's a hundred and twelve thousand flight instructors in the United States there's about eight hundred master CFI there's about 11 of them from the pink state of Texas here like Gary which is just fantastic very very just wonderful wonderful guy it's who we go to and we redid my kazoo Lou Gary is who we went to when we needed training on our panel as well western Pacific flight instructor of the year just absolutely outstanding instructor that you have teaching you the IFR side and all lead the VFR side of things today y'all gotta admit I sound really good on paper yeah paper I look reasonably smart and you know I'm sure everybody here knows all about Jason but just in case you're new to the world of Jason it's $10,000 almost or just a couple hours short he's an ATP SEFI a double I and Mei how long you been teaching literally eighteen years old I became a flight instructor I won't say how old I am now but there's two gray hairs look really close right there five or six years yes the creator of the best online ground school I own I used to own a big flight school in Los Angeles I live in California many years recommended everybody do m0a because I got 100% pass rate it's just it's hard and you know he's actually authored over ten books yes in fact a new books coming out soon so something piled aviation mastery or something aviation mastery is the name of the book Gary's helping out with a lot of that and aviation mastery the seminar I saw Steve and a few others who else is going to aviation mastery in Orlando coming up we're so excited I was literally looking this morning Gary we have 11 first-class seats left and 40 for general admission seats left and we're almost sold out so aviation mastery org if you want to grab those as well it'll be super but anyways enough about us enough of chat and all about that let's go ahead and let's get talking about some for flight I'm go ahead and connect my iPad up here as soon as it starts and stops thinking here and get that all working and we're gonna start working on some VFR flying so let's go ahead let's cut over to a Jason's iPad because I posted that poll earlier and what most you wanted to hear about was actually VFR flying no offense to the IFR guy the single pilot IFR guy but less than one here about VFR flying so we're gonna do the scenario based you know I actually I actually went VFR once last year congratulations I believe so ladies and gentlemen if you have your iPad now is a fantastic time to take it out I'm gonna start doing a VFR cross-country and Gary's gonna depart out of there via IFR so let's say we're flying down to aviation mastery in Orlando and we're leaving my neck of the woods Gary I am right here in Ocala Florida this is where Gary and I are at right now and we're gonna head on down to good old M cos literally there yesterday to check out the hotel for aviation master now how many people here you just type in me in the chat how many people here have flown into a class Bravo Airport not flown through bravo airspace I mean landed at the Bravo type in me in the chat let me update the the facebook chats here let's come on question sure I've been teaching forever and of course I flew professionally yes do you think a lot of private pilot's which you're a pilot yeah are afraid of class % absolutely and see what's weird to me its class Pablo is always so much easier your hand is held it's turn left here turn right here do this but it's so intimidating they're worried about the faster pace but look all these Me's we have a flaw in the class Bravo on YouTube let's go to Facebook real quick here and see all that Marc went into San Diego a great class Bravo absolutely Roberts min Andy Houston gifted and you know what's weird is most Bravo airports are actually fairly GA friendly we're gonna talk exactly about that I'm going to show you how we're gonna find the FBO is much easier to just sneak out of this let's do this real quick here let's go back to my iPad screen and let me just run you through how I would do a VFR flight into MCO right now so I'm starting we're gonna get the weather in just a second for now let's just look at the route and i'ma head up here to my search and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna type in K ocf where we are based space to kmco now I want to show you something really cool pay attention to keyboard here look at the are key okay I'm going to or let's let's I'm sorry I'm head and bus we're gonna do look at the T key I'm gonna press and hold the T key and pull down and I just made a five and now I move over to the P key i'ma press and hold-down zero again zero zero did you know you could do that five thousand feet so I have in there OCF to MCO at five I'm so used to fly and flying IFR I put in there 5500 I apologize pulling on the P key again zero zero over there and I've got honey put feet in there and I'm gonna go ahead and press GO did you know you could do that is that fantastic a little shortcut there now I'm to go back to the numeric keyboard it's all right there for you all and one of the first things I want to do is I want to sit and I want to look at my route and let's just kind of get detailed there because I am VFR right I'm not going to be VFR and rely solely on this I'm using for flight to help with pilotage and dead reckoning I still want to be looking outside and flying this airplane here we want to avoid a lot of head downtown so we're flying on out and so far my routes great I've got my go right over top Leesburg it's holding up to 1600 feet it'll be fantastic or less than 600 feet right on up and over that'll be well over that into the bravo airspace hear some great checkpoints of some Great Lakes and everything else and I'm coming into MCO not a problem so far I have a question sure you're so much more familiar with the Florida Bravo than I yes when you go in VFR yes a direction or a way they prefer you to come in I can tell you from experience in this so there's no chance that we're gonna get this right here unfortunately you have to look we're cutting right through Orlando Executive there's a reason they have this surface class II extended you see what I'm talking about they're protecting their opponent aligned exactly they're protecting the approach there is no way we're getting that in fact yes there's the Disney TFR there but oftentimes you'd be amazed at how close they take us to that so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna use the for flight just the rubberband method here and let's find some good VFR checkpoints I have interstate 75 can you see it right there the big 75 interstate 75 that comes all the way down this is a huge intersection down here that I know I can see I'm gonna rubberband myself by pushing and press on my route and pulling my route over and I'm gonna use that as my fix here so you do fly IFR I fly roads right exactly know where you're going there with cheesy pilot jokes so absolutely though I've got that and I can continue those roads on down now that takes me a little bit south of Leesburg this class Delta here like wasn't too terribly concerned with but I have it there and let's see this takes me yeah it doesn't really help me a whole lot with my with my MCO issues so or my Orlando executive issues so let's see maybe I can rubberband now down to this intersection here and just keep kind of spreading that and seeing how that makes for adjustments here and well it's kind of getting better here as we're working our way kind of out of that path knowing we're either in a land 3/6 or wanting north or south when it comes into here so we have all of that set now I've looked at this but this route is only as good the weather that I give it and the weather that I choose so one thing and this is something that Gary actually taught me and it applies in VFR or IFR and remember back in the day we used to call the flight briefers we call the flight briefers and what would always say I'd like to file a VFR and IFR flight plan and get a standard weather briefing and Gary brought up a very good point said Jason we have that out of order why are we filing and then getting a briefing I should brief to my filing so I don't even know what the I mean we could turn on weather and everything else but I need to find out this is even going to work for me in the first place so up in the top left-hand corner I'm gonna hit my flight plan up here and I'm gonna leave my longitude and latitude '''l points in there as far as that goes and then I'm gonna go ahead and set this little send button in the right corner of that flight plan box and I'm gonna send that to my flights so we're gonna send that on over and that's gonna load up and what I'm gonna do now is you see that green cloud right there can everybody see that green cloud kind of center right of the screen I'm gonna press that that's my briefing button and it's gonna go ahead and retrieve my briefing and we're gonna go through a very quick standard weather briefing here together then I'm gonna show you something just truly amazing with VFR flight plans here in a second and you know what's really great are you hitting the briefing button yes you've now satisfied the legal agreement with 91 103 you know it's so fascinating I was actually literally just reading an NTSB report that said he did obtain a weather briefing from for flight and for what it was literally named in the NTSB report it was it was fascinating when you hit the briefing button it logs it which now makes your weather briefing legal yes absolutely you can prove you got it absolutely absolutely this has taken a little bit long but here we are now or back up and running on that so it opens up with comes out swinging here closed or unsafe no Tom's here runway one seven left three five right closed and it gives me the dates as far as when those closures are absolutely fantastic no or deal with runway closures let's continue on here my synopsis gives me a beautiful surface analysis chart we're flying in Florida we had this nasty cold front literally go through last night how many Floridian on the webinar agree with that was a nasty local your what your in Melbourne last night so you experienced Ryan this morning with heavy rain and they were getting some pretty serious storm you drove right through it but we're smart enough to know that behind a cold front it's a little bit windy but with it comes some gorgeous weather for this flight here let's continue on here and I know we know how to read me tars and tafs I just want to kind of show you everything that we can do and point out some very cool things here our cloud coverage let's say we wanted to do this at night Gary I'm kind of a wimp I'm not a big fan VFR night a lot of cloud cover I scared myself as a student pilot inadvertently flying into a cloud at night and you had the blackness of night the blackness of you know ocean on both sides of us in Florida it it kind of adds up that's how far it's IFR really ends up very quickly being that way it truly is here all right looking at our visibility and surface winds as we can see cutting head again I apologize I'm going fast the goal is to show for flight not to do an entire you know NOAA weather brief demonstration here but I want to kind of show everything that I do this process here I love this to Gary this interpolated everything for me interpolating was like a dirty word when I was learning to fly because I math was never my strong suit I'm trying to go back and forth between the winds aloft it's done all the interpolation for me right here which is just outstanding here my departure no Tom's for the Ocala area it shares about my destination in Odom's we talked about that big runway closure as well you'll see that and here my enroute navigational no Tom's my service no Tom's Williston a sauce is out of service if they ever get that thing fixes now service forever here in route airspace and Odom's here and we're just kind of going through everything here and then lastly showing my gather date that a missile launch I was hoping I would pull up they're not showing they live we have a controlled firing area they show everything I don't know that one that one's probably off now but just showing look bald eagle protection measures in effect they just give you every little note I'm here known to man so we have everything international no domes don't apply to us on categorized snow domes you said something very interesting about Uncategorized items to and I can't remember the the point we're talking this is kind of the bleed over or just everything kind just Falls and this is an important spot for you though where it didn't fit somewhere else yes but he could there's missing something it's my missile launch it so I just told a very top one you see it says K Z JK z is enter yeah thats Jacksonville center note him if you saw LA that'd be a Los Angeles center yes but this is where stuff falls is kind of a catch-all and gives you a second chance in case you miss it up it's a missile launch like I don't want to know about that I wouldn't but they but they but they bury it in uncatted eyes no time categorize it can't be that big of a deal this is where most people actually fail the weather briefing is that they don't take the time to slowly read through it you know you saw that runway closure yes you have no idea how many people on frequency will ask for a practice ILS approach yes and an airport where the ILS hadn't been working for a week yes did we not get the weather it's embarrassing yeah and they they haven't so let's keep moving forward here so Gary can share with you some of his techniques so we're turn to beginning oh now we're back at the beginning I'm impressed back in the top left handed corner there and now I'm gonna do something a little bit crazy here we're gonna do it all live let's confirm everything is good here first OC f2 MCO I am leaving we are leaving right now let's say it is time to go let's take the techni who wants to get some multi time with me we're gonna do that we're gonna do that VFR 5,500 feet we've got everything all set let's go ahead and let's go proceed to file here alright we're gonna come on down number of aircraft I told you I'm taking some of you with me here let's just take three just to be safe so we're within weight and balance or come on down I've got everything set again this did everything for me through the nav log the olden a vlog that we used to you know fill out by hand and we still I still teach it it's important but we need to learn how to do both now watch this real quick with me bottom right-hand corner everybody I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna press file are you ready to party in 13 minutes from now absolutely filing flight plan let this file okay so let's go ahead and let's say now we start it up well you know I have a question yeah she filed the flight plan yes that's great but the hard thing is is after you take off especially at a tower field yes then you have to switch frequencies to a flight service station yes watches gone or you're listening over the vor the open your flight plan and then ask for flight following I would rather go straight to flight following absolutely I would rather not open it in the air back and let's be honest you can type in me and the chat if this applies to you how many of you know you should be file in flight plans VFR flight plans but you're not because it's just too cumbersome I know I want the search and rescue features but it's just too cumbersome too just like Gary said I'm listening over a vor this is you know to you know to four five saying well if I listed on this vor trans and a Bravo do I definitely have time to open it in there and I want flight following and by the way we're on we're kind of on the cusp of Jack's and Orlando so it's like a cult flight following alcohol Orlando and it's just thing after thing and by the way I'm a let's say I'm a 70-hour pilot trying to figure all this stuff out to get in there and it's tough look all these meats we have everybody look d1d Graham said he's usually just ends week in flight following well let me show you something let's go back to my iPad full screen so this just checks everybody's boxes let's look at this let me see chats here on on that clifford said flying VFR that I asked for flight following so look in the bottom right hand corner if your iPad has LTE your run-up is complete you're ready to go you're next to roll down the runway bottom right corner I'm gonna press activate are you sure you want to activate your flight plan flight service yes activating flight plan I now have an active flight plan as if I was rolling down the runway at Ocala heading to MC all right now this is with Lino's flight service station MCO is probably getting the the cones out the red carpet getting ready I'd like to think so but now the other interesting thing is anytime you file a flight plan on your iPad cashier over to your iPhone Jim exactly even if you don't have internet on your iPad yes do the same thing on your phone yes it's it's super so Clifford by the way you're in charge of reminding me to close my flight plan don't don't let me forget to close my flight plan okay but seriously everything here is all set I've got everything if I wanted to see that nav log I was talking about here remember those cross-country nav logs we used to fill out everybody I can send this to my printer and print it out now can I show up to this with a check ride absolutely however and I'ma put a big asterisk next to this see if you agree with me here you better be able to explain these numbers because they might say to you well Jason well Gary how did you find your top of climb for flight did it for me it's not gonna fly very long on a checker you'll get away with that once or twice but you're gonna demonstrate you know how to find a top of climb the old-fashioned way as well so absolutely with that let's see let's go ahead bottom right corner now I need to remember to close my flight plan close my flight plan and yes so I've landed now at MCO I've closed my flight plan I'm getting ahead of myself I kind of wanted to show all of that there super stuff let me show one more thing Gary and they'll let you get in some IFR fly-in departing before I even leave all the important stuff for me starts on the ground as Gary's gonna show you how he briefs approach plates i briefed taxiway diagrams in a very similar way here so let's look at this let's look and let's say okay here is Orlando internationally you wonder why private pilots are intimidated right I mean you look at that and that's that's a lot of texting that's a lot of taxing that I don't want to do by the way look up here we've got two Tower frequencies everything else but let's break the static is not everything here applies to us as a VFR only pilot I like to annotate here I use blue because once mga company colors you use pink right so anyways I've got my ATIS here I need my arrival ADA Simon annotate it blue so I know what I'm looking for I need to highlight my tower frequencies I don't know what's runway I'm getting just yet but I'm a highlight both of those I have them there's two ground frequencies for east and west so I'm gonna go ahead and annotate those so I have that now let me show you something else very cool here where on earth is the FBO and where am I gonna go to I want to go I was at an Atlantic aviation I say I want to go there look in the top left-hand corner see where it says FBO watch this I press FBO and right there is Atlantic aviation and you better believe I'm gonna annotate that and say FBO that's Atlantic aviation so guess what I'm gonna do now I'm going to do everything I can I'm begging for 1/8 right or 1/8 because I want the easiest taxi possible now I know exactly where my FBO is and I'm hoping for one eight right one eight left or three six left three six right because I know it's going to super easy taxi for me into Atlantic without one more thing that I'll let Gary take over here if you look tap to view eleven no Tom's here so let's go and take a look at these taxiway G centerline lights okay that's not totally important to me teksu aj5 centreline lights not important to me Heelys third one here I'll put the top there for is interesting taxiway Juliet between taxiway Juliet to and tax a Juliet v is closed it's lit and barricaded but I want to go through I don't even wanna get close to this I know there's lights and there's barricades but this is night I'm trying to taxi at a Bravo Airport it's unfamiliar I'm gonna annotate this first let's find this here is there's Juliet there's Juliet - do you see that to the left and that's the one that goes over the bridges you ever been driving at MCO - Juliet five so I'm gonna annotate this I'm gonna change the color here I'm gonna make it red and I like it kind of opaque there so that works I'm smoked and I'm gonna draw they said from Juliet to - Juliet five closed Emma draw is read so I know that that is close I've got my frequencies all queued up there and ready to go I know where I'm going it's Atlantic aviation I would literally go through no time by notum any taxiway or runway closures and I would mark those all out red with a little bit of transparency so I can still read it and I would have all that marked out and literally Gary this is all before we left the ground it's planning ahead well and see that's the difference between a professional pilot and an amateur yes Schmitt a 60-hour Private Pilot it was a total pro yes it's trained to 40,000 our ATP I would not think I walk my dog yes I have a second time drive a golf cart yes it's not about what the little blue plastic card says what makes a professional pilot is the amount of time you spend before you fly and the amount of time you spend getting better even when you're already done absolutely which means pretty much everyone on here tonight you qualify as a professional because professional pilots never stop taking training you don't stop when your check rides done you always keep getting better I heard somebody say a good pilot was always learning sounds familiar that's just that's just what I heard but let let's say where we're going out we're departing we're leaving and see oh right we just attended aviation mastery we're gonna go over and do some IFR flying here Gary why don't you chat I'll get your iPad set up for you why don't you talk about what you're gonna talk about and share on aviation mastery to aviation mastery is the premier educational event it's two days a very intense master level training yes and it's for all pilots my friend Jason's gonna be this for the VFR stuff Jamie Beckett from AOPA yes I think we have a special guest speaker come you do I think we can announce that now yeah it's public so are we actually have on Saturday Mike Kennedy from airplane repo is gonna be our guest speaker so fantastic he's oh he's a Florida local and everything else you're gonna be doing a lot of presentations and these aren't 30-minute no you're done these are a couple hours at a time they're very intense training there's two days it's February 8th and 9th this year 2019 is coming up soon and you know we only have 11 first customers class yes that includes lunch in the bathroom style yes if you open seats we're almost sold out absolutely aviation mastery org to check that out learn more grab your seats please that complete for flight avid I'm Garmin in-flight emergencies VFR and ifr radio communications a lot of great a lot more for flight advanced stuff that I'm going to be teaching Sakhalin and speaking of that Gary give them a taste of what they're gonna learn at aviation mastery I've got y'all linked up to the two so we're gonna look at my airport diagram if we can cut over to my for flight you notice I actually have jeppesen charts oh sorry up here I got it let's try that we'll kick over to second technical difficulties there we go so you notice I actually used Jefferson almost all professional pilots prefer Jefferson yes and what's interesting is you can pay extra to get jeppesen charts on for flight and it's worth every penny yes I actually get them on for flight for free super cool because I have jet charts on my avid i/o city if you buy jeppesen charts for your avid I'm 550 or 540 you actually get them for free I didn't know about for flight but I recommend you get them either way and I actually have one of the highest tiers out there the Pro Plus subscription yes which has some really cool events I have our futures so yeah look I've marked the same things up you've got the NOTAMs we've got some that close runway I marked the exact same one yes but let's zoom in down there and you see by Atlantic there's little telephone systems yeah those little telephone and highlighted in green and what is that no but there's gotta be a legend on the chart somewhere okay well maybe actually I dunno that's actually where you stop and call ground super cool so the question is is you know when you first start your engine you need to get the ATIS yes then you need to call clearance delivery VFR or IFR yeah well I don't I get flight well you're gonna have four everywhere no no but I don't listen to the ATIS this is right and I don't call clearance this is right come on goes with four flight pro plus if I click over here to airports and I select MCO and we look at the meet are you can see the meet are sure but there's an extra button that we have called digital ADIS okay and the digital ATIS is actually this it's a rival information Lima recorded at zero zero five three Zulu wins visibility the altimeter they even spell it out tree zero zero two while simultaneous approaches it is the exact text of the recorded ATIS Wow updates instantaneously Wow so I don't have to listen to the anus which means I can write all this stuff down yes before I start yes now airline pilots don't even actually get a clearance delivery anymore they actually something called CP DLC yes which is controller pilot digital communications so they get their clearance by text message well now I get my clearance by text message and email too and it's available at over 70 airports it's called a pre departure clearance let me show you how it works super cool Gary the first thing I'm gonna do then just want to lock but that wasn't what I wanted to do I want to do that you want to lock my rotation sorry y'all great technical I am a true for flight expert I just can't work in hi Pat apparently so here's the way I'm gonna flight plan I'm going to start out with kmco just like you did hmm then I'm gonna put a space and I'm gonna go Kay Oscar Charlie Foxtrot mm-hmm space 4,000 same cool technique I thought was the coolest thing and then I'm gonna drag down the Charlie and add 1h meaning I want to leave in one hour Wow can actually add 30 minutes one hour you can do AM PM Zulu time I'm gonna hit go and then when I open up my flight plat you'll see that my aircraft for nine or 401 Foxtrot at 206 it's already programmed in at 4,000 leaving in an hour super cool so what I'm gonna do is now you always want to file standard instrument departures they're gonna give them to you anyway most of the time so you might as well file them so I'm gonna hit routes and here are some routes that for flight shows is recommended and clearly a love for flight they may not be the best routes for you they're only showing you a historical of what other people have gotten the route advisor may actually give you a route that's illegal for you to fly maybe turbo jets or turboprop only so I don't really check the route advisor except what have other people gotten what I actually do is I simply go procedure mm-hmm departure from MCO and I think I'm gonna do the Jag six and then I'm gonna add it to the route and then I'm going to touch where it says Jag six and put show plate the other advantage of jeppesen plates is they're actually now drawn to scale I see that which you can now overlay on the map but the first thing I got to do is I gotta zoom in and look for killer notes DME and radar required mmm well I got DME because I have avid I'm yes GPS well the current database can replace that yes radar means their radar has to be working you got something else I know though Oh turbo jets on which we would love to have yes unfortunately maybe we could start a GoFundMe I'll just donate fifty cents we'll be there in twenty years all right so that doesn't actually work so I'm gonna try procedure again do departure and I think what I'm gonna do is the Orlando for Abdur out now what's interesting and I'll just hide that plate the Orlando floor doesn't seem to do anything right so if I touch Orlando for for and touch show plate this is what's called a manual termination or vector only the whole state departure Wow and basically what it is is you're gonna get radar vectors to one of these vo ours yeah now when you try and load it into an avid I know garment and may not even be in the stored procedure Wow because it's not really a procedure except you got a read for killer notes radar required they got it and if you depart runways three five left or right or three six left to right you must have deeming interesting now what's interesting is right there it'll say climb on heading so I know my clearance is gonna be runway heading mmm-hmm and cross two miles south of Orlando vor at or above 2300 and cross the one one five radial at or above 2600 so if they say climb via the CID yes I actually have to make all those Wow so I can put it in my clearance and every clearance is cleared to route altitude yes applying this expect this within this many minutes mm-hmm and it says maintain 5,000 and expect for the clearance intent just like I can pre write my clearance yes so let's go back to my flight plan yes this is so fasting we teach so much to think ahead of the airplane we're not even at the airport yet Gary and we have this much stuff already planned out so much better than the old ways yes and all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna rubber band to the vor I'm gonna touch Nav OCS and that's the way I'm gonna file the flight plan now before I do that I gotta figure what procedure am I gonna shoot here well if I touch ocf and I look at the weather and I've already done all that winds are pretty much calm whoo we're going to be landing to the north yes so what I'm gonna do is I'll go ahead and file and brief this and do everything you guys did except what I want to do is I'm going to touch ocf and I got to pick the plate really the best way to do it if you all look down at the bottom I'm going to touch plates I'm gonna close out my airport diagram I'm gonna touch that top arrow and I'm gonna create the plus symbol and I'm gonna create a new binder for each airport I go to I don't dump them all in one smart so I'm gonna name it Ocala I'm gonna touch the plate and I'm gonna add the plates I need which is Airport ILS our nav our nav and the V or you actually need to add all the plates you can legally shoot yes and I'm gonna open up the rnf 36 and I'm actually going to show you all my method for marking up an instrument plate and once you start doing mark this is Mark mark mark and the more notes you take the $99 Apple pencil actually makes it work yes so I'm gonna open up and look it happens to be pink which is a much better color than coincidence oh I'm sure and I'm just gonna make it big I'm gonna highlight ocala and the name of the airport yes actually that's really important there's a Sacramento vor to approach and a Sacramento for view our approach and they go to two different airports well we'll mix it up I bet it's a way to bust a check right so this is the GPS three six and I'm just gonna highlight everything that's important to me and ADIS is on one two eight one two five I have to have the ATIS before I can accept an approach clearance yes in that order and that little star next to our caller out there says it's a non-contiguous or an English part-time tower yes I don't highlight the ground because I very rarely need to talk to ground while I'm shooting an approach my final course is zero zero for the minimum altitude at five s is 1700 and I have a DA that's conditional of 280 feet then I just look at the notes and the only thing in there that matters to me at all is that y'all got pilot controlled lighting on one one nine or two five sure do and then I'm just gonna mark up my initial approach six is of two Cho of am beck and of Tulsa which could also be an intermission things and then go zero zero four and then I'm gonna put a giant T over five s I was just always taught time turns with straddle talk oh yeah I'll put a tee over here in my 206 I'm gonna be doing the approach at a hundred knots which means my glide path will be 531 feet and my DA is 280 then the most important thing of the approach is not the approach a real professional pilot never plans on landing we always plan on going miss yes and every mist on the planet I always do it in green because green means go to me yes climb to 2100 cuff Joe and hold yes and then there's a taa around it so what I'm gonna do just circle that runway 3 6 is the missed approach point cuff Joe is the hold with 0 8 4 and then let's start putting in some text so what I do at mist I want to climb to 2100 so I've got text I'm going to put it right there try that again I'm gonna do my text and put it right there and I'm actually going to use the world symbol and put in a special character which means to me climb then I'm going to pull down 21 and I'm going to make that a nice solid green and I'm going to put another one over here since when I get there I'm going to do a teardrop entry with a right turn 25 degrees toward 0 0 4 so that'd be about 0 3 0 because last time you want to figure out how to inner hole is when you're already there yeah absolutely right and then I'm just gonna add all my other numbers let's go to a nice red anywhere outside of Tulsa looks like I should be at 2,000 feet inside of Tulsa if I want to I can descend to 1700 you don't have to by the way you don't have to do that stair slip down sure it's at or above 1700 feet right and then it looks like my decision altitudes to 80 so I'm gonna put in my decision altitude here of a glide path or a precision approach to me mm-hmm for I don't blame you well higher I always round up and add a hundred when I'm just flying for fun with my family in the plane there's no reason to go to the publish minimums no because by the time you react you'll usually go slower than that yes now the advantage of doing all that is now when I say done and overlay that on the map and you're flying it and you're nice and zoomed in all the numbers are already there with situational awareness showing absolutely everything they're your annotations are there and for visual learners I am I know you are we're drawing our eyes right to what we need to see we are so used to it at this point it makes our lives just that much easier right now I'm actually gonna add the initial approach fix absolutely my flight plan but I can't just drag and drop here I've actually got to insert it after OC that's correct so I'm gonna say insert before KOF mm-hmm and put in and that was sorry Tulsa so I'm going to insert before tells ax cool and now look now I've already filed okay and this is the flight plan I'm actually gonna file and then I'm gonna say I'm gonna get a text message here's your pre departure clearance but I filed a very similar flight plan to this earlier and didn't get a pre departure clearance mm-hmm because you won't get a pre departure clearance if the route you're getting is as filed or very close to it well so if you're good and you file something you're actually going to get they actually will not give you a pre departure clearance and I actually got some pictures I'll show you here in for flight I did get an updated text with the new ATIS cool and I even got a note from for flight a pre departure clearance has not been received so when I do call clearance they very specifically say make sure you say negative PDC Wow now I did do another one and this is actually a pre departure clearance from Oklahoma City that I did get and it says not only does it give you the current ADIS but it gives you everything your filed route is this and the amended route yes is the mud III muddy fought we sat 2lewd 5000 with a squawk code everything sorry so I really don't have to call clearance at all with the pre-departure clearances you've read the ATIS you've read your clearance you've read your clearance on the uber ride out to the airport like everything's set already you just fire up in your calling ground I'm done yeah and so much workloads been reduced yes let's go back to Maps so we've already filed now before I take off I'm actually going to now touch procedure approach into OCF our nav tree 6 starting at Tulsa and add to route now you know it's for flight always puts in the procedure turn yes because for flight doesn't know if it's an intermediate fix or an initial approach fix so as soon as I take off mm-hmm I'm not going to Ocala the second I get to my final controller I'm gonna say I would like for nine or 401 Foxtrot level 4,000 yes full-stop landing in Ocala with ADIS Yankee except I'm gonna add a little bit to more let me say for nine or 401 Foxtrot level 4000 . Ocala our nav 36 starting at Tulsa I'd like to go direct there now and I have a via shanky you always get to see dat / of course you know what they say every time direct Tulsa yes what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna touch that green bar but activate approach and it can't find my current it but I'm gonna go there and now this is what everybody forgets I'm going missed I know I'm going missed so I'm gonna add after Oh see ya goof Joe could kill my mr. Pro told yes and then I'm gonna put a space bar and put k EK v yeah I actually never do a repeat and approach if I go missed once it didn't work once when they think it's gonna work again right I actually had a really great friend in California that got divorced and married the same woman five times got it because on the fifth time it's kind of work out like she hated you the first four times it's not really working out yes but that's a sign of insanity which is repeating the same thing right yes so I'm going down the bkv yes and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to touch dkv I'm gonna put show plate and in case the winds are strong I'm gonna add now the R and a half to seven when I'm ready to go but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drag it I blow a line down hold on a second didn't quite work and drag my little blue line down to Hosie waypoints Lizzie now all you have to do is touch the towels RNAV show that plate again so I'm flying along I go missed I end up at cuff choke and they're always gonna say say request yes well I'd like tensions what are your intentions a hold for a couple minutes and I'll get back to you when you've got the current weather at BKB you can now tell them I would like to go to my alternate of bkv but they don't have a flight plan there so instead of making them create a flight plan you say I'd like to have had direct Azim mm-hmm for an R and a half to seven full side and you are again thinking ahead and by the way we're still in the Oberon the way out or sit in the hotel all the way to the airport yeah all of this is planned out so don't stop you can add the missed approach point you can add another airport yes and these are really just a couple of the pro tips the more work you do on the ground the easier flying yes well I think that's exactly what Gary said here you know the difference between an amateur pilot and let's call it a master pilot since we're in the business of pursuing and teaching aviation mastery is that preparation is that work that is spent on the ground so we're gonna open it up for questions now on YouTube and Facebook but again if you desire to learn more about for flight avid ein Garmin in flight emergencies radio communications if you truly are in the business pursuing mastery not just currency gone to the days of being a kirpa no one wants to be just a current pilot I did my three takeoff and landings I got a 70% of my written test like that's there's nothing to brag about there right we're not even pursuing we're beyond proficiency now we're in this business of pursuing mastery so if you want to join Gary and I on that journey to aviation mastery encourage of his aviation master you dot-org there are 11 seats when we open this up left for first class I don't know how many are left now but I guarantee we're going to sell out before those dates of February 9th and 10th in Orlando Florida and now you know how to fly around into MCO right and out of it so I still would probably go to Orlando exactly yeah alright let's go ahead let's go ahead and take some questions our buddy Eric fantastic to see you on here as well josh is still wondering about this D ATIS or explain it just a little bit more Josh on Facebook oh hey Josh or Joshua sorry if I abbreviated that should have da this is actually digital Avis it's actually a word-for-word text version of what you hear a controller say on the air so it really is just another shortcut it's just one less thing you have to listen to and the nice thing is is because MCO has digital latest yes you can actually get that in route if you're connected to the internet on your phone or something Wow and then when you're into a busy bravo airspace all you have to hear is that letter and confirmed you've already gotten it absolutely absolutely super some student pilots can't make aviation mastery cuz his check rides on the 8th well fact that's fabulous reschedule the check no no no that's a fantastic excuse that's awesome my friend that is super super great let's see Chris is asking we're gonna talk about anything Garmin pilot related aviation mastery what do you think with that you're you're leading kind of technology forms over there I will certainly mention it although honestly one of the things that kind of makes me a master is I kind of limit myself I'm really great at like four things yeah and I've just never spent any time using Garmin pilot I've heard really great things about it and I know some people love it I'm not the expert in it but I'm gonna talk about some general things that will absolutely apply to it as well just nothing very specific sure absolutely we're always asked about logging hours on for flight it literally does it for Hugh now I mean there's some things we have to fix and everything else but for the most part my logbook now is for flight I still keep paper and updated occasionally hey hey exactly paper occasionally yeah exactly using just for flight now I tell you I've been digital for years yes I'm like my vor check so somebody asked a question FAA approach plates are not to scale no that's not correct April FAA approach plates are drawn to scale which means they're geo-reference Abul meaning you can overlay them on the map and you get the moving airplane yes but standard instrument departures and star standard terminal arrival routes are not drawn to scale and only jeppesen does that fascinating and again by the way these aren't just for flight questions Gary now here to answer any flight training aviation related questions you have Kevin asks us this I'm afraid to talk date you see any tips Kevin it's one thing to say get out there and just do it but it truly means to happen to tip so I'll let Gary share some tips first off if you haven't gotten live atc net yet you need to go listen to MCO go listen to JFK pretend you're JetBlue 5:23 and read your radio calls back you know pretend you're that airplane and read the calls back as if you were that airplane then when they're off the next frequency change airplanes and work through it that way secondly start writing yourself some scripts world famous Jamie Beckett who will be speaking at aviation mastery Jamie Beckett always says you know VFR flight following talking to ATC it's like ordering pizza who are you where are you and what do you want just like we're in pizza absolutely and you know the biggest tip I can give you is wait to talk and talk well you know you and I talked very fast just stage y'all get me in a radio and I'm like this is very jet 9 or this is very true the slower you talk the slower they'll talk to you and if you don't understand anything never be afraid to ask just tell them can you say that a little bit slower absolutely Lee on Facebook says pop up IFR you go on ATC are going flight service station I've done both it for me it depends on HTC's workload one time I was truly into jams you know not stuck on top it wasn't expecting to get stuck on top and called up ATC thank goodness they weren't very busy but chances are if it's IFR whether they're probably busy well yeah you know as a general rule I don't like pop up AC 8 IFR clearances and I'll tell you why one time I had the clouds coming down on me yes and it was not forecast I had a weather briefing they weren't expected I couldn't go through a mountain pass so I said so Cal you know Cessna what arrows and I'd like an IFR clearance that I'm sorry I always say I'm sorry because then they have to fill flight plan while they're talking to 40 of their plane he said no problem Gary climb and maintain 4,000 I'll get you your ifr clearance I can't climb to 4,000 with him via part right so I actually landed filled out a for flight IFR flight plan took back off got the same guy but if you do have the time it is actually nicer to file it through flight service from the nearest viola absolutely is that the one time you an IFR last year no it was actually Hawaii and there was no radar let's say Gary a few on you to if you on face we're asking you know which which iPad they're saying they don't have GPS with their iPad they don't have LTE is there something that they can hook up with I fly with the Stratus the party of stress this is huge fan of a party Oh Stratus yes know what it's what's really great about the new Garmin technology is you can pay extra for something called a flight stream and link your GPS position and everything to your iPad yes iodine of course has Wi-Fi built in for free yes I'll connect to the Wi-Fi the iPad and I never connect it to my penalty well I don't care if I'm flying a GT Energy 3000 perspective you shared this in our training you always want to by always only connect it to the Stratus from a pareo in the back because if I have a panel failure yes then I have a complete backup yes and my own weather and traffic source yes and if I get on the panel yes I want to say that again you have seen two three mic Zulu right there is people drool over that panel it is outstanding however and Gary taught us we still fly with the Stratus and we do not link our iPad 2 or our kneeboard iPad we have one melt in the panel that is length the Aventine but yes we can grab GPS from that we don't we link directly to the Stratus it is then backups on backups on backups I think Matt our count the other day we can get six attitude indicators at any one point in that airplane if we need it like we talked about a lot of backups in that airplane let's take some more questions here all about redundancy will said does the government shutdown impact pilot certificates it does to some extent I mean you know much more about the processing but the way I understand it is you can absolutely take a written test but you get a printed result yes exactly I do up paper I reforms this is all correct paper yes and you'll get a temporary certificate you can do everything today the only thing is is those temporary certificates are only good for a hundred twenty days yes so if it comes up on the end you just have to log in to FAA gov and request another temporary don't forget yep you're nobody should be postponing check lads if you're ready to go you're ready because a dpe is an independent contractor of the FAA right so it shouldn't be much of an issue more questions and more comments we are here again yes we absolutely love the Stratus a bunch agree not to link it to the panel absolutely Maryland saw it for flight checklists I've been using some Avedon checklists on there you do anything with for flight checklist all my checklist ring for flight super you know what's interesting is for flight in like version 1 and 2 had checklist yes then it dropped out then it went to its own independent back and they kind of just stealth mode snuck them back in cool just a couple months ago all of my checklist including if you can all watch my iPad for just a second my the link pastor took you off the Apple TV my bling back up looks like I'm linked am I still on there there we go now you are legally required to have the aircraft Poh and the Poh for all your avionics e'en arm's reach at all times so if I simply go over to my documents close it out and click on avid ein the owner's manuals right they're super cool a digital copy and it's always legal yes Wow as opposed to you've seen the back of the you know some of the airplanes like at the back pilot seats cut all the manuals SDC's everything just crammed there someone's talking about it's for flight talking the g1000 yet I believe the answer is I think it's a proprietary thing they want Garmin pilots sure does well you can buy a flight stream for certain software versions okay 1000 I don't know the exact software versions of making models so you can have it - yeah I know our for fly for flight does talk to the new dine on HDX we're the first certified Don HDX don't 172 and there's nothing cooler than doing what Gary just did showing us create and all that stuff getting in the planing on send to the dine on and now it's on the airplane it is just it's phenomenal but at the same time we can't get spoiled by this technology we still need to have these mastery skill sets to fall back on with that so here's a great question on YouTube from comm see if I may become CFI this does ATC know that you received a digital readiness well yes because it's actually your responsibility when you check in to say I I'm at Atlantic mmm-hmm I'd like to taxi to tree five left IFR with Edith Lima you still have to tell them that you got Lima or Yankee or whatever yes super well it tells you it's Avis Lima there Kevin said I was about to sell my Stratos when i'ma keep it thanks to you guys awesome that's awesome here alright Eric says lay on edge checklist when flying IFR and you know what we're not here to tell ya we're not here to tell you this is right this is wrong we're here to give you new solutions to what might work for you if this ever becomes a distraction you're spending more time with your head down then looking outside VFR pilots I'm talking to you you know here you're a little too reliant on this well you know and today I was lucky enough to be in studio and I actually recorded a special video for your P I see members yes all about the top ten iPad mistakes yes and the biggest mistake is looking at the iPad had a great example of somebody who taxi and other airplanes Wow because they were looking down just too much head down time gary is actually creating content for online ground school or pilots and her circle members you see in a lot more of Gary he is truly just a master in all things let's take like two more questions that we're gonna wrap this thing up so I'll get back to enjoying your evenings as well and then Gary has a ton of filming to do here in suit tomorrow I'm off to Chicago for a seminar Saturday at 9:00 a.m. hopefully I'll see some of you there as well in that February 9th row come back February 9th for a teenage master don't worry like -1 in Chicago so I'm going in and out you know come back to Florida here let's grab some more questions here thank you for all the kind words on the on the comments grandmas so at the MLS function any any thoughts on MOS and it's it's close its mos is a wonderful thing it's not a legal FAA weather product and it's not as accurate as a terminal aerodrome forecast or a Taff but what it is is there's so many airports they don't have it out yes what they do is they actually take a computer model and they average several tasks and weather reports together and you're in the middle and they create a moss and the cool thing about a mossy even though it's not a legal weather product they actually break it down into smaller periods cool so a tap may say it's gonna be this weather for the next 12 hours yes the moss may say at 2 p.m. it's gonna be this yes so it's a really cool tool even though it's not FAA approved absolutely I'll take a question over here on YouTube they are asking about how is this gonna fly on a check ride and listen the answer is yes this is will work and this will satisfy on a check ride but as I alluded to earlier I mentioned that examiner's giving getting going well Jason how'd you come to this number for flight calculated okay how about this topic line for eventually if you say if you show that for flight is that much of a crutch for you this iPads the only way you fly they might say hey your battery died or whatever it is show me you know how to fly this airplane here yes you can use your iPad on a check ride as long as this improve as a distraction or prove to be a crush if you had a similar experience with your students you know every I haven't trained students for primary check rides in many years yes but every examiner I ever know we'd let you take off and five minutes in the check ride reach over and turn that Ike that off and go power failure yes and of course all my students just pulled out their phone and especially on check rides but not even check rides look I've got two iPads and avid ein and Aspen and iPhone and I still carry paper instrument approach plates yes for every Airport I go to IFR absolutist paper can never break absolutely I still want everybody to always carry a paper backup especially for check roads yes you've got to be ready to show you can do it old school yes absolutely listen I hope you all enjoyed this and just got so much value out of this it's truly Gary and i's a job to better serve you to make aviation just safer and smarter that is our goal each and every day if we delivered any value to you if you just give it a thumbs up alike we truly appreciate that and we hope to see you at aviation mastery in Orlando Florida February 9th and 10th I hope you can join us literally there are 11 first-class seats last I checked 44 generally there were aviation mastery org is the URL imagine a two-hour long for flight in-depth seminar where you can interact have your iPads out as well talking more about avid EIN Garmin in-flight emergencies or radio communications Jamie Beckett's doing a go/no-go decision than a rusty pilots and I know there's so many amazing things in there so I want to say on behalf of Gary and myself the pilot safety not org team the m0a comm team thank you so much for being such a blessing it to all of us you truly are the reason we get up so early stay up so late do all these crazy things we do will we do it for you all to help make you a safer smarter pilots if there's anything anything at all myself Gary our teams can do this week to make you a safer smarter pilot please please please don't hesitate to reach out to us I hope to see you February 9th and 10th at aviation mastery in Orlando Florida enjoy the rest of your evening and most importantly remember that a good pilot is always learning have a great night guys we'll see y'all soon you
Channel: MzeroA Flight Training
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Id: eKZcU7aMJFo
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Length: 66min 57sec (4017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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