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[Music] hello everybody welcome into my latest live broadcast my name is kari Holzman today is Thursday the 26th of December 2019 those of you who celebrate Christmas I hope you had a good Christmas and those of you who don't well hopefully at least had the day off and you can enjoy that right and hope you enjoyed the 24 hour oh it's actually closer to about 40 our live stream lot of upload bandwidth issues there a lot of stopping and starting hopefully today will go smoothly we'll find out soon enough welcome in everybody and we'll give folks a chance to jump in the chat here momentary well I'm stalling there's only like 50 people watching right now so we'll give it a little time for some other people to jump in before we get started my thanks once again to all the generosity of the folks that sent Christmas cards and contributions and and other holiday wishes my way and of course back a chit twofold hope you guys all over the world had a least a pleasant day and hopefully you still have a couple more days of that a lot of us a lot of you guys out there are able to have time off of work until Monday let's hope that's the case if not well I'm sorry you had to go back to work but I enjoy what I do so for me this isn't working at all this is this is my my play in fact today now we got 223 people watching so I'm gonna roll into talking about today I've got a repair I'm gonna share with you but excuse me James Griffin just contributed $10 thank you James he says happy holidays from Alaska thank you James thank you very much excuse me a gentleman wrote I don't know it's wrong my voice today that guy you can imagine Christmas at my house right just me unwrapping oh it's another 12 pack of coke how did you know I saw this giant can of soda look at this bad boy it's like a coke tall boy huh I was like I haven't seen that before like to give you some perspective like a normal this is a normal can alright so I mean that's for when I'm really thirsty that's my Christmas present Oh another can of another can of coke or save that for a special occasion like a fine wine it's show it shall sit in my cellar I'll see if I get my voice I'm sure that's pleasant to listen to Brendan loonies just contributed to pounds hey Thank You Brendan hello to Don Walters and Nick poem and Steve Bernstein and David Andersson Steve Devine John Malorie Peter das PETA Unwin my way gaming Glyn Davies Randall Hill Alex cheek Paul Wright and Patrick mani Wesley else 95 David our register Luke Green Ian Chris store thanks you guys always good to see a Wayne Lawrence been to cure of course been zarion art drawing tutorials and speed paints michael mancini gary tatum michael call us welcome in al has to pay surgery or coach it Eddie Casanova Adam verdict Michael and all my friends in blue thanks you guys for joining me today I really need to get my voice here Bearpaws just contributed ten pounds he says here's some four cokes for you and some treats for the dogs right on and mati yo L just contributed two dollars Thank You ma d thanks to everybody again for all of your kindness and support so I got an email from somebody said they built a system back in 2016 it was running great it had some issues apparently the liquid cooler they use the pump died that remember what I always say that in general if you're going to go with a an all-in-one liquid cooler generally lit up generally lasts about three to five years he was pretty much right on year three and it died and he replaced it the reason he knew something was wrong is the machine started crashing once he replaced the cooler the machine continued crashing he's tried numerous things to try and get it up and running has run out of ideas and asked if I would take a look at it so he shipped it to me it arrived geez I think the day before Christmas or maybe the day before that I've only had it a couple days and he shipped it UPS which I don't recommend UPS is spying for little stuff but the problem is UPS uses a real thin box if you let them box it at their UPS store every computer that arrives from UPS pretty much arrives with some form of damage and this is a big big computer I wasn't expecting anything nearly this size and yesterday on Christmas Day I tried to get caught up on a lot of projects I had going on because it was a nice quiet day for me and I just let the livestream you know run some pre-recorded builds and I started on this repair which is good that means I got everything else done prior I also want to mention on the other build the last build I did which is got the be quiet pure based 500 with be quiet straight power 11 power supply they saw the video the folks that be quiet and they mailed me a new power cable I like had it the next day it's crazy how fast they got on that real quickly and I also talked to the folks at Silverstone and I just received notification of a package being shipped that'll have the new they're shipping me two things they're gonna ship me a new fan because it looks like the LEDs are bad on the one fan and they're shipping you another PF 240 so I can make a how to install tutorial because their instructions are really bad and they know it so I will make another video basically for them utilizing that cooler but I'm very impressed with the cooler so I also want to try it on another system with a different motherboard in different temperature sensors to see if it's really as cool as it appears to be and be quiet also sent me where is it it's right here somewhere hmm oh they sent me a bunch of go-faster stickers so I think what's this business cards nope there's stickers so that's kind of cool I'll put that up here with the be quiet case ah let's see looks like I missed something here in the chat room Chris's tech and variety channel has contributed $2 he says I must not be a mod any or no you're still a mine anyway um so there's this computer arrived now this is from Michael in Tennessee this was shipped all the way from from Tennessee to Arizona also Mike Smith of tech vets received his computer it was supposed to arrive the day before Christmas on Tuesday it ended up arriving the day before that on Monday so FedEx really did a great job and Mike filmed unboxing it and turning it on for the first time and then Mike has been texting me in amazement if I can just pat myself on the back about how incredibly fast that system is and how unbelievably quiet it is in fact he had to move his video card from his current rig into that machine any couple of hard drives and reinstall and reconfigure software and Mike fixed the tech vets website that's back up and running as it should be so tech vets dot-com there's a donate button in the upper right corner of the website if you want to contribute to the channel that's a great way to do that to support either this YouTube channel or the tech vets podcast Mike wants to do another tag bets before the end of the year using the new rig to process everything so I'm really excited about that and we've got a few days so hopefully within a few days we'll have a new tech that's episode if you're not aware of tech man it's just a well it started as just a podcast just an audio digital broadcast that you can download and listen to anytime anywhere we've never charged for it it's always been free and we've been doing this now for like ten years thirteen years I don't know it's been a long time we don't do it very often though so I think we've only done I don't know three four shows this year but we always talked about the trials and tribulations of what it's really like to be in the computer repair business and we have two different computer repair businesses in the sense of the kind of work that we do my work is pretty basic and simple compared to what he does and he makes a lot more money than I do and he's a lot busier than I am and he takes more vacations than I do but that being said it brings two opposing I wouldn't even say they're opposing perspectives of the business different ways you're gonna find your groove if you will and what Mike does is not wrong or right and what I do is not wrong or right but what I do works for me and what he does works for him and so we have this sharing not only of stories and experiences but also of our personal opinions regarding you know well if I were you here's what I would do you know in it I think it makes for a very interesting broadcast because we never get upset at each other whenever we never you know insult or take anything personally with one another it's really just an exchange of perspective and I hope you guys will join us on the next tech but switch should be any day now Jeremy Kramer's contributed $20 very generous thank you Jeremy says here is hold on scrolling off there we go here is for you Kerry and that cute tech lady on quicktips channel who is she take her out to lunch for a good work that is my little sister and thank you for contributing to the channel I appreciate that very much so somebody says they tried going to tech bits and it's not loading hold on let me just check I know we were supposed to be getting an upgrade done to PHP and if they're doing that today I have to determine in the chatroom if somebody's just going to the wrong place No that's works fine it's perfectly fine tech - vets dot-com that's the website can Mike build computers and repair them the way you can mike can he doesn't want to mike built computers in the early 90s late 80s when there was money to be made in it mike is a big guy and it's not real easy for him to get his he's a big guy if you've seen him next to me there's videos here we're we're in person he is taller and wider than me and as a result as computers keep shrinking down and getting smaller and smaller things are a little bit more difficult and then I leave that he's not interested in it like for me one of the advantages I have is I can get my hands in tight places when it comes to this stuff and if I didn't I'd have to get some kind of tools I'd have to figure out a way to work around physical limitations like right now you know my eyes aren't the way they used to be and so I have to get some glasses sometimes and if it was something I didn't enjoy doing those would become excuses as to why but regardless of that what Mike does you know from where I stand requires a lot more in-depth knowledge that I don't have about the internals of things like VLANs and subnets and you know manage switches this is all stuff I don't deal with I don't have to deal with it doesn't do me or my clients any good Mike is a whole nother level he's like a whole nother level above me from my perspective in the kind of work that he does like anybody can do what I do that's why I make a youtube channel to encourage people who we don't think this is a special skill set it has become a skill set through repetition because I enjoy it so much but it didn't require any special education only in extreme interest what mike is doing on the other hand requires far more in-depth internals knowledge with regards to you know the things I just mentioned on top of dealing with HIPAA laws and FINRA laws which you know HIPAA is pretty basic but FINRA gets pretty complicated with encryption and it requires absolute prerequisite of understanding what those requirements are in order to achieve those level of jobs and those level of jobs are usually from companies that deal with millions of dollars in revenue and so you're gonna get paid well basically is what I'm saying you're gonna be able to charge more and get paid well you're not knocking on somebody's door going hey can I fix you a computer and post an ad on Craigslist you know what he's doing is way above that not that there's anything wrong with that but it's I can't do what Mike does not Mike would have to train me but Mike could do what I'm doing he just doesn't want to all right so hopefully we clear that up which Mike am I talking about no I'm not talking about Suburu Mike Subaru Mike works on Subarus I'm talking about Mike Smith My partner and co-host on the tech vets podcast Arin Armstrong computer repair and tips has contributed $5 thank you hey Ron he says from one computer repair tech to another I hope you had a great Christmas yesterday I love your content keep it up well thank you I appreciate that very much all I can think of as key and peele you done messed up now ay-ay-ron blockade wears blockade my name's Blake oh no you didn't so it's a whole skin on YouTube about an inner city school teacher working him anyway never mind credit to key and Peele he done messed up ay-ay run anyway so we should have a tank that's coming up soon and let's get back to this repair so yesterday I started on this repair I wanted to see what I was getting myself into my original intent was to be able to prepare the machine because this customer has a desktop I don't know anything about it I thought I would hide all the icons and make that when I booted up live on camera it wasn't going to show anything that's not appropriate or personal information but I never even got that far the machine would fail to boot and I started to see a lot of bad thing a lot of things incorrect with the way the system was built in configuring and there's a part of me that wished I had filmed it but on the other hand when I'm live and on camera I tend to not focus as much on the project because I've got the I've got to think about where am I in the frame I got to think about you know is the broadcast going out checking the status of it there's too many things I've got a juggle so when I am alone and I can focus on the project I tend to catch a lot more a lot faster so a couple of things I took the battery out of the motherboard every time I turn this board on it would it has a diagnostic LED it'll stop it like four F whatever that is and it would say there's a 15% overclock and I would save the BIOS I would reset the BIOS to defaults restart the computer in that it'll save 15% overclock again other times it doesn't so I thought well I'm gonna check the battery so this is the little CR twenty twenty thirty two battery that's on the motherboard and this battery won't even budge the needle on the memory test like that's how dead it is usually you know they've moved the needle or move nothing so I changed the battery thought well that's good still didn't make a difference so I thought ok I'm gonna pull this graphics card out and I'm gonna unplug everything from the board that isn't absolutely needed so I pulled out as it's got a nine nine eighty I think that's what that is gtx 980 now remember this was built in 2016 so at that time this i'm sure was a high-end and very expensive graphics card I changed his power supply well I didn't change it I unplugged it and used my own power supply this is a corsair HX 850 i that made no difference so started unplugging you SB cables audio cables everything we don't need to have and that's when I realized all of his front port umbilical cables the power switch reset switch harddrive led power led those were all on vertically these little cables they go on like this there's two rows of pins and they go on like that he put them on like this he connected both rows of pins now here's the weird thing on the power switch at least on this motherboard I don't know I haven't really tried this but if I put the power switch on vertically so it's connecting to the reset switch below it power switch still works it still turns on and off now as for the LEDs and lights I didn't check them because they're all up at the top and I'm not that tall I'm not Mike Smith so I can't see it and I'm looking at it from this perspective also when it turns on it made a horrific noise just so I put my hand on the fan and anyway then I put them if your hand on this fan and it went if then I put my hand on this fan and then all the noise went away so all three original case fans are shot they're gone they are on their way out so these two front case fans have LEDs they light up if the customer wants to replace them which he should will have to if he wants the LEDs we'll have to order special fans for that and then the rear case fan is nothing special it's just a regular bring a real case fan back there so all three fans are bad and I got the machine I took the RAM out so I started with two sticks of RAM he's got some pretty good RAM in here four sticks of Corsair Vengeance again everything remember this was built in 2016 so bear that in mind when do I show you he's got a 32 gig kit I believe that's what that is so there's four sticks I took out two sticks got the machine to boot realized it had a really old BIOS on it really really old like from back in 2016 so I went to the Asus website because this motherboards an Asus C 170 deluxe z170 deluxe from Asus downloaded the latest BIOS flashed it and it still would reboot and say 15% over I don't know it was weird so I'm like well something weird going on here but at least it was booting and I ran mem test and the two sticks rmph lied right through mem test no problem took those two sticks up with the other two sticks in ran mam test again machine flies no problem put all four sticks of RAM in machine won't boot hmm so I took the other two sticks back out now it's booting now I'm gonna run prime95 because I don't I don't this cooler I don't know I don't really feel anything moving on it and ran that and prime95 had eighty degrees centigrade within six minutes now with a liquid cooler that shouldn't be happening so I took the liquid cooler apart well first I turned the machine around to look at the the bracket can I turn this this bracket right here was put on sideways and I don't really know that that's an issue I suspect it is let me show you because I took pictures of it so I could show you guys what this is gonna look like here just a minute I gotta find my photos they're here somewhere photos photos photos here we go okay so you can see the bracket on sideways and the reason that's a problem potentially as it's making contact with the CPUs you see the metal plate that it's going around it's hitting the top and bottom of the metal plate which means that bracket can't sit flat see I got another picture here doesn't really look that different let's go to another one let's try to get different angles to try and show you like if we try and look up underneath of it kind of looks like that see I'm trying to say how that the plastic bracket is hitting that metal and it's not sitting flush against the motherboard so I took that apart and rotated it in the proper orientation so now hold on is that right yeah I think that's right so now it looks like that now it's you know flat but here's the problem I think it bent the bracket permanently when I tell you it's important to tighten the screws crossways on your heatsink or it can cause warpage I'm not quite sure people really understand what I'm saying typically when you build a computer it doesn't really matter what order of the screws you put in but when you put that heatsink on your CPU it's got to be perfectly flat so you always go to one corner first place if you have a choice and then go to the opposite corner next don't go around in a circle either way clockwise or counter clockwise because what happens if you tighten down the screws in a circle is it twists and it bends and it won't make contact very often these two surfaces that say this is the top of the CPU and this is the bottom of the heatsink they'll sit like this or like this and you can't tell from looking on top that this is happening because you didn't tighten the screws opposite of each other so that when one corner goes down then the opposite corner goes down then the next corner goes down and the next corner goes down and it's completely flat so to give you an example that that is real because I think some people think that's not real I want to show you what I saw when I took the water pump off this is the water pump and it's kind of a blurry picture but look at this one you can see the factory thermal compound that this was applied at the factory so all he did is take the water pump out as he should have and mount it to the top of a clean CPU and you can see the texture of the original factory application right down the center where it never even made contact with the CPU and further if we just take a look at the CPU that's why we what software do you use to diagnose the computer I use my brain and my eyeballs no piece of software is gonna tell you this you have to take it apart and look at it if you look at the CPU here in this case it's a 6700 K look at the lack of thermal compound I should not be able to read that CPU like I didn't wipe this off I didn't clean it that's exactly the way the water pump came off so the entire surface of that CPU right down the middle had had no contact whatsoever with that heatsink there's your evidence of it right there now you can't tell that from looking at it when it's assembled because when it's assembled you know it looks pretty and you go isn't that great doesn't that look lovely you can't see that that's not making contact you have to take it apart so when I tell you it's important you put the screws on opposite angles opposite corners not angles opposite corners it's to make sure that that CPU is gonna the heatsink is gonna sit flush on top of that CPU that's why this is what happens now I don't know if the customer put the skill tighten down the screw and then went to the next one and tightened it down and went oh there that's the wrong way if that's what the customer did I don't know I asked the customer why they didn't update the BIOS they said they thought that happened automatically okay so let's take this time not to make fun of it but to learn from it because if one person can have that misunderstanding then think about how many other people might have it so it's important we use this opportunity as a a teaching opportunity so anybody who thinks that is corrected okay when it comes to this bracket this bracket needs to go on vertically as I've got it not horizontally and these front power LEDs and switches these go on horizontally and not vertically and I've demonstrated that in close-ups in numerous videos so I'm not even sure how that even worked however again all teaching opportunities now because the machine I was getting it to boot up I didn't even want to mess with the customers to solid state drives they've got in here so I took a spare SSD this is like a 256 Samsung 850 I had laying around and installed Windows 10 on it you know so I could run prime95 and do those tests after seeing how the CPU was running hot and I receded it it's still running hot that CPU is still not making contact I don't know why I don't know if the customer might have used the wrong standoffs I don't know if the backplate is damaged and when I did a google search on this numerous other people with the corsair coolers of course their liquid coolers are having issues with the cpu not firmly making contact with the heatsink that making contact with the cpu and they're saying it's the plastic bracket is buckling that it's the plastic bracket because it's plastic and not metal under certain build conditions it appears to bow or flex instead of sitting flat and it's preventing I mean the water blocks on there tight don't get me wrong I'm calling it a heat sink of water block whatever I mean the same thing you you can wiggle on this do whatever you want somebody even bent the bracket trying to fix it I'm not really interested in trying to repair this I would call Corsair open an RMA and say send me a new bracket send me new standoffs because one of those two things ain't right but that's gonna take time so how do we get this out quickly so I asked the customer I said look how attached are you - liquid cooling because we have three options right now we can call Corsair you know send an email whatever create an RMA and we'll just put the repair on hold until parts come in and hope it works or we can order a new cooler if you want to have liquid cooling and you want that one we can order a new one and we'll wait for parts to arrive and I'll install it or I can take that out and put a Mugen 5 in there which you know I love the Mugen 5 and I said if we do that all this extra cabling all these cables all these hoses all this goes away cuz that's all part of the cooler that's not even all of it there's also a USB cable that goes on the block and goes down to the motherboard so this adds a ton of cables and it adds weight and he's already had one liquid cooler go out on them so to me it's like isn't that your clue to stop using these liquid coolers go to an air cooler you'll never have that problem like the worst thing that'll happen is the fan will go out and you change the fan for 20 bucks you won't have to take anything apart fan just unclips so the customers said yeah that's fine go ahead and put the Mugen in it so that's what I'm about to do but I want you to remember something I haven't fixed the problem with the machine like for all I know this could be a bad motherboard that's happening right now maybe some damage occurred to it I will tell you that this customer is very lucky and the reason is CPUs these days have thermal throttling and thermal protections if this customer were to have done this 20 years ago 15 years ago his CPU would be toast it would absolutely would have baked it would have overheated and burned out that's what used to happen and it just goes to show you you can run a computer without a heatsink or any type of cooling and a modern-day CPU will automatically shut itself down to prevent damage now that extra heat isn't good for it but you know even if you took 20 years off of its life it still got 50 or sixty years left in it well beyond its useful life these things are generally replaced CPUs are generally upgraded or replaced every four to six years some people out there may be running a 10 or 12 year old computer beyond that almost impossible to run a computer on the internet with anything older than that so as long as your components have a 12 year lifespan in a worst-case scenario anything beyond that is irrelevant and redundant because it won't matter to you anymore now there's always gonna be someone out there got a 15 year old computer hey if that was me I wouldn't brag about it but you know for running Windows 15 year old computer and gonna cut it on the Internet with the dangers that are out there well I don't plug it into the Internet okay good for you so we're talking about the general population and the general attitudes running a business of what I see how often people replace computers the problems with older computers that force people to have to replace them just because you tolerate the issues or work around the issues doesn't make it right nor does it make it normal so we're talking about the the masses what do the masses do so when it comes to CPU life worrying about killing it off early it still has way more time left in it you know then then you're probably will ever use it for and that's the only point I was trying to make on that see I can be my own troll I don't need anybody to troll me I can do it on my own now because trolls are real simple it's super easy for me to get into that frame of mind because I'm a simple guy anyway so what I thought I would do today is pull the heatsink off pull the waterblock off take this radiator out take all this unnecessary you know all this week abling by the way I had to untangle all this I mean this guy just slapped it all in there he didn't care which is weird because you think he went with all this RGB the motherboards RGB the water blocks RGB the case as a window you'd think you'd want really nice cable management and I think what happened was I think the guy got real frustrated and kind of gave up I think he just was slapping it in there and was it gonna work now kind of a thing and then when it worked he's like I'm done with that for a while and I totally get it so there's to insult the customer in any way shape or form but I also believe in having pride I believe that okay you got it working time to clean up the cabling but maybe the problem is he never really got it working he got it to boot and then it started to crash or at wooden boot at all and that's when he reached the sort of white flag waving I'm gonna call Kerry and I'm glad he did because there there's a lot to be learned through here and I enjoy this challenge to me this isn't frustrating it's fun I enjoy the puzzle of it you know figuring it out and I will say I advised him again not to ship at UPS it arrived with a little bit of damage on one of these screens maybe this bottom one here yeah so this screen up here goes on the top and this was all bent inwards I don't know how well you can see that I kind of bent it back but it was almost in the shape of a letter U it was bent in really really tough you can kind of see a big dent right there it's supposed to be all smooth it's not supposed to have a big old bump up here anyway he's got these fans on the water on the radiator blowing air out but then he's got I think he had a screen on here gamma screen oh yeah there's a screen built into this which isn't too bad but these filters are for filtering intake air not exhaust air so it's creating a back pressure where those fans are not able to put push the air out with the same amount of force because the screen is blocking the airflow so you don't want to screen on exhaust air unfortunately with this case this is some kind of Corsair case I don't know what model it is it doesn't offer apparently a top without a screen on it it's not a big deal it really isn't he also didn't take there's a piece of clear plastic over this heatsink that over the last three years has turned it yellow and started to bubble so you know my OCD was like that's coming off and I don't know what sort of heat-related problems that could have had and he also left the little plastic covers on the little vengeance logo on the RAM that you always see me remove that doesn't really make any difference it's my own little what do you want to call it I'm just it's just really important to me to take the plastic off I'm funny that way so nothing that would necessarily cause these problems although this piece of plastic does need to come off of here because this is a heatsink and so putting anything on it reduces its efficiency with how well it's gonna dissipate heat so it may not reduce it by much but then it just looks like it just looks terrible over time as the plastic turns yellow starts to bubble up and you're like what's wrong with this motherboard Oh someone left the plastic on it okay I think I got all the information that was last night this is everything I figured out so now you're up to speed and see what I missed in the chat thousand 74 people are watching welcome in everybody technologic says i'm not bragging but I have a whole two gigs of RAM on my Vista custom John Stahl ik has contributed two dollars he says have you ever used a front panel Q connector yes it's been demonstrated on the channel many times the Q connector from Asus and the G connector from gigabyte those have been demonstrated I don't know how many times over and over and over again so if you're new here there's about 900 videos you can catch up on when you have some time let's see is it an Intel processor oh you're not talking to me I'm just looking through the chat here for a minute before I continue all right so mmm Carl said the word I was looking for is a quark no it's not peeling those labels off it's not a quark it's a uh I think of the word I was thinking of it last night it'll come to me David our registers just contributed to dollars he says thank you for being you Gary well I don't know how to be anybody else thanks for the contribution it's another word for a quark but it's uh it's it's more specific than the word quick and it's right there I've got it it'll come to me anyway so let's let's fire it up let me show you where its current state is of operation and I have a feeling I'm gonna have to take this whole board out sometimes when a system comes to me that's so convoluted the easiest thing is to just tear everything out and start over again but especially if the motherboards continue continuing to misbehave if it continues to misbehave with a bear configuration then it appears we're probably going to have to replace the motherboard in all likelihood the CPU is probably fine remember I very rarely ever see a bad CPU and even though that CPU overheated in fact the CPU didn't overheat at thermal throttled we know for a fact its thermal throttling we don't know how often like the the builders the person who owns this computer who built it said when they put the new waterblock on they checked their temperatures and they were in the 30s well yeah if you're just at the desktop it'll sit in the 30s but the minute you make it do something that's when your temps start to rise it's not enough to just run a temperature sensor on it when it's idle because it's not doing anything most of the cores are not even running or it's it's running at 800 megahertz instead of you know whatever it is so anyway I'm not suggesting people need to go and check their CPU temperatures unless you're diagnosing a problem it is your computer acting funny is it not behaving in a way that it should in that case let's start monitoring some temps I would not monitor temps if there was nothing wrong with the machine so you'll see I monitor it on a new-build when I build a brand new computer I want to push it hard and check its temps so I can have confidence when I hand it to the customer that whatever the customer does with it it's going to be fine beyond that it never needs those thermal monitoring programs installed ever again unless we're diagnosing a problem because otherwise all you're doing is looking for a problem I'm Way too busy to that have nothing else better to do then download and install some software in the hopes that I can find a problem because if you're not hoping to find a problem then there's no point in you installing that software well I just want to make sure everything's ok no everything is ok because the computer is doing everything you want it to you already know that so all you're doing is looking for an excuse to have a problem and that's all well and good I'm not saying not to do that I'm saying I'm Way too busy here send me your computer and let me have it a month will I look for problems well why should you have it a month looking for problems when I don't have any issues with it wasn't that what we're doing now cracks me up the word you're looking for is compulsion no it's not a compulsion and that's from Gary Tatum contributed $5.00 the word I was looking for it's like an pet peeve or an idio secrecy it's a I'll think of it it'll come to me it's neither of those words either he'll get me wrong those words work or they're just not as specific as the word because I was thinking of it last night I was thinking what's the word for this it's something unique to me that I do because it's important to me I don't have to do it it's not a compulsion I do it because I choose to because I feel it's important and not important for the sake of the reliability of computer but important for the pride and the quality of workmanship that when somebody looks at it they go wow that looks beautiful and that means taking the plastic off of stuff so you can really showcase it but it's it's close to being like a pet peeve it's something that bothers me that's not really that important but it has an issue with something that is important to me which is the pride of it and I'll think of the word it'll come to me but thank you everybody's trying to think of the word funny it's not an eccentricity is nothing eccentric about it there's its pride but it's a it's like a pet peeve bill Bowers contributed five dollars Kerry I love your computer repairs always very interesting and informative thank you Bill it's not idiosyncrasy that's that's not the way again these so these suggestions could all be used to describe it but it I can't think of the word I want to say it was two words like pet peeve I can't think of what the phrase it's a phrase anyway it's something that's important to me and the reason it's important to me may not be a reason that's important to you but it doesn't make it any less important to me or any more important to you it's not a an issue of right or wrong it's an issue of pride right that's basically the way I can phrase it and everybody's still trying to find words like perfectionism fastidious no no no no OCD it is it is these things but it's there's another there's another word for it or there's two words for it I'm just funny that way I also noticed he's got an m dot to slot down here I don't know how well you can see that but he's got an m dot - right over there so we can zoom in on that some more so this right here is an m dot - slot that's got a adaptor on it for it's gonna be one of those days today further you know that version of SATA that never really took off but never really gained any market what was it called SATA Express something like that and so I don't know why he's got that on there but I think that should come off because I think you're more likely to use this m dot to slot for an m dot to drive long before you'll use a SATA Express Drive I can't think anything today whether you dot two drives or something like that I can't remember it's gonna bother me now I can't think of what that word is where those words are I need to see this is why I need to work alone so you got now my mind is focused on that instead of focused on this and I'm not getting anything done let me fire it up and you can see its current state the other thing I noticed he had a an add-on USB 3 card here not that that should be a problem but I took it out just to be sure I took his GPU out as I mentioned before he's got a GTX 980 in there and it seems to be running flying there was a lot of dust in here I blew it out with the leaf blower and I disconnected the front the front and rear case fans because they were driving me crazy with the noise and so there's no cooling fans running on this other than what's on the power supply and as I mentioned I had disconnected his power supply using my own didn't make any difference so here's what I can pretty much tell you for sure power supply is in good condition and working and the GPU the graphics card is in good condition in working beyond that I don't know the status of anything else I'm not booting off a his hard drives I don't know what's going on there I've got the DVD drive unplugged I don't know what's going on there I have only I've unplugged everything down here from the front audio port I unplugged the USB off with a water block receded the water block something's not right with it it just won't sit right on the CPU and the reason I know it's still not sitting right is I ran prime95 and it immediately went up in temperature again within 5 minutes it was you know at 80 degrees centigrade on a water block like this we shouldn't be much higher than the 70s after 15 minutes let alone not in five minutes so clearly it's still not sitting well and I don't want to spend too much time trying to figure out why I just want to replace it and move on to the next problem but right now it should boot up I've got the only drive hooked up is this drive here it's got no power plug on it because I disconnected my power supply last night and put it away so nothing is plugged in on this board all of his cables are still out and you know need to be I need to plug it back in is what I'm trying to say and that's the current state of it so I guess I guess I need to plug in let's see motherboard power will go here I'm like all excited to plug it in and show you the behavior of the machine and then I realized it's not ready yet somebody sent me that studio light I really need to hook it up just so I can see we get what you guys can see I can't see in here it's pitch dark in this case so I have to feel for everything this case has front port USB 2 and front port USB 3 he sent it to me with the three disconnected I don't know why and I don't even know why he's got this add-in card because he's already got two front USB three connectors on this board so he had a spare one available all he had to do was buy a little adapter to go up front unless he wanted him in the back for some reason the back isn't shy of USB ports though it looks like it's got two four six seven plus a type C that's eight plus he's got four up front two USB 2 s two USB 3 s that's a total of 12 and when adding four that's now sixteen that's pretty unusual for anybody to need that many USB ports these days because so many things are consolidated printers and scanners are all-in-one they're often even Wireless these days and then your keyboard in your mouse so let's say your plug in your printer a keyboard your mouse what else do you plug in that's USB I mean that's three Mike Smith told me when I was building his computer we were looking at motherboards and he said no I can't use that board it doesn't have enough USB I said geez Mike how many do you need because I need eight you need eight what the heck I know he's plugging in a microphone so that's you know on top of the three that I mentioned that's for your speaker shouldn't be plugging in USB maybe you're going Wi-Fi but Mike isn't going in Wi-Fi but let's say you were that's five I don't know what the heck everybody's plugging into their USB ports that they need so many of them but anyway I I really don't understand why that was necessary but I don't know this customer I never met him before he reached out to me in an email we spoke over the phone I wanted to understand what the problem was and whether or not I would be able to help him and explain to him what the process is and what he can expect the costs to be and once all that was established he everything was good and he mailed it to me so that's the extent of what I know about the customer in the situation plugging in digital cameras yeah I guess you could plug in a webcam sure but that's six oculus rift needs three USB ports Wow holy smokes an external sound card yeah I don't think many people use those maybe all the USB ports don't work no they should all work that's not how you fix broken USB ports here's the problem if somebody's you as P ports don't work they're tied into the motherboard so that means there's something else that's probably not working on the motherboard or if the USB port shorted out on the inside that shorts the motherboard on the inside you understand so there's you know the the leg bones connected to the hip bone one thing affects the other so to just put a bandaid on it doesn't really fix anything it just kind of hides it sweeps it under the rug that to me is not a repair but then I guess I'm a repair snob and proud of it so anyway let's see so we plugged that power connector in we plugged this power connector in we need to give the SSD some juice it'll just borrow one of these you could see this as a cabling nightmare this has to that's another reason I want to just tear the whole thing apart do it my way because this is frustrating to work on one of the great things about cable management is not only does it look good it's much much easier for you to work on it in the future sooner or later you're gonna want to get in there for something it may not be a repair maybe you're putting in another hard drive maybe you're upgrading your solid-state drive to something larger maybe your power supply goes and you need to replace it may be whatever fill-in-the-blank it's not only a matter of pride it's a matter of efficiency to get in and get out so even the way UK will manage it is important I mean if you tie all your cables together in one big bundle then no matter what you do you have to cut the bundle and separate it all out again but if you isolate each thing like these are the fans to the cooler and these are the wires to the motherboard and then each one is bundled separately and then they're bundled together then you cut the one bundle and you have like five little bundles and then you just segment out the the wires that you need without interfering with the cable management of everything else and before you know it you're done with the job and all the cable management is real simple at that point because you're only redoing that one thing you changed and then tying it back you know putting all the cables back potentially in one big bundle you're taking the separate bundles and putting them together is what I'm trying to say and if you think about that kind of stuff when you do your cable management it pays off for you if you're the one that's gonna be working on it so it's not always just about the looks although primarily it is so that being said we've got the solid-state drive plugged in oh the water pump needs to be plugged in so there's a power came over here to the block right here again we'll just use another one of these doesn't matter which one there we go and I'm unplugged the SATA cables from all the drives because even a plug didn't SATA cable can prevent a motherboard from booting a USB Drive plugged in can prevent a motherboard from booting so anything that's not absolutely positively required is not put in or installed because we have to make sure the foundation is working all by itself and so by the foundation I'm referring to the motherboard CPU Ram power supply that's it with a keyboard mouse monitor should be able to power up regularly and consistently without errors at that point once that's been established that that's working then we can start adding the GPU back and plugging the drives back in etc etc etc for all we know anything that's not plugged in is a cause of the problem there is no way I can say a DVD would never cause that problem or a solid-state drive would never cause that problem there's anything that's plugged into the board is a potential suspect in this investigation until it's been cleared so I have cleared the power supply and I have cleared the GPU that's all I've cleared at this time and I know that cooler the way it's mounted that's one shady individual maybe not the culprit in this investigation but certainly a shady individual that needs to go so we're gonna take it out of the equation but let me show you what it's doing I think we're ready to power it up I need to get a power cable plugged in which I have right here is it gonna reach there we go let's get this out of the way I need an HDMI cable I'll go up here onto the motherboard and the other end will go back here into the capture card so of course I can use your monitors you guys watching at home keyboard and mouse that's the last thing so here's my keyboard and mouse this is available on Amazon saying with this little rotating table all of that's in my Amazon store in the link below the video there's a bunch of video notes so if you guys want to know where I get the screwdrivers or where I get this turning table or this keyboard and mouse combo that runs off the one dongle all of that is listed in the Amazon store and if you use my link to go to the Amazon store and you literally purchase anything regardless if it's the thing that took you to Amazon the fact that my link took you to Amazon means I'll make a small commission of anything you purchase during that browser visit you don't pay any more doesn't cost you any different it's a great way to show support for the channel if you're gonna buy it anyway you know help a brother out someone flip the switch on and let's get you over to camera 2 I'll tell you one of the things I'm looking forward to when I get a studio is I can put a green screen behind me so that when I do this when I grab my camera a 1 which is what you're watching now and shrink it down into the corner it could just be me standing there on top of the Windows desktop instead of what this is like if I had green behind me it would just be this it would just be me standing on the Windows desktop so we're gonna get there I can already I'm having ideas that's dangerous so what no signal have you ever see your screen say no signal that means it's not being fed any video information it'd be like a TV without an antenna hooked up there's nothing coming in so your monitor is working a lot of customers they call me and say you know my monitor is bad like a why because it says no signal no that's your monitor working telling you there's nothing for it to display it's not being fed information sometimes is a difficult thing to explain I've been trying to think of another phrase for this that customers may better understand because this is a screen I can change on the capture card and I've decided to leave it like this as no signal but it's basically saying your monitor works but there's nothing for me to display sort of like if you turn off your cable box and turn your TV on TV you'll just probably display a blank screen I know mine does until the cable box comes on well instead of a blank screen which often days looks like the monitor is off people go it won't turn on the monitor comes on and it says no signal I am working but you're not giving me anything to show you so that means whatever you've plugged in to the screen is not turned on or not working so when you see no signal I just want to make sure you interpret that correctly let's fire it up enough chitchat you'll see the lights just going on on the pump let's get you zoomed in you see it says overclock 15 percent this machine is not overclocked there's nothing overclocked in it and I reset the bios and upgrading the BIOS and it's still saying there's a 15 percent overclock which makes no sense to me because as far as I know it's not overclocked at all so this is a fresh install of Windows 10 now because this had Windows 10 Pro before apparently I didn't enter any product key I install this the same way I always install Windows 10 which I've shown here numerous times and when I connected to the internet you'll see it automatically activated windows might you don't have to have a Microsoft account that's what I'm telling you Microsoft recognizes this machine on the network it knows this motherboard and hardware and it said oh yeah you've activated this before and it reactivated it without me doing anything at all and that's by me installing Windows 10 and during the installation process when Windows 10 asks me if I have a product key or two it doesn't ask me it says to enter it I always see me click the fine print at the bottom of the screen that I don't have a product key and that way if a customer did install Windows or it's got to be the same version you know if it was Windows 10 home it would not have activated with Windows 10 Pro but you can see right there Windows is activated I don't know the customers product key I didn't ask for it it just happened automatically and I think that's one of the best features of Windows 10 right there we could see the RAM we've gone installed etc that current status you can see the utility software I ran last night is still there and I had crystal disk info and some other stuff here in the recycle bin that I ran on the machine so that I'm not withholding any information from you I'm this is my full disclosure because I wasn't able to film it so you can see it boots up regularly now but I'm still getting that 15 percent overclock which doesn't make any sense if we look at what happens when the motherboard is booting if I bring the camera down you'll see there's a red diagnostic LED which I find to be a complete waste of my time let me get the camera to focus on that right there it says 40 see where it says 40 right here when I shut the Machine off let's just go to restart so we go here go to the shutdown restart watch this diagnostic LED as it goes through the processes of initialization or power-on self-test sometimes it stops at 4 F there's our 15% overclock announcement again which is really strange and it boots pretty good you know for a system that's what three or four years old it runs yeah let's call it three years old that's the the the status of the Machine now so at least it's booting up now which it wasn't doing before so maybe something I unplugged or maybe those front port umbilicals being on vertically instead of horizontally could have been causing it I don't know but it's still not right it's still saying there's a 15% overclock when there isn't and like I said sometimes that stops at four F like if I put all four memory modules in it I think it'll it'll never post I'm pretty sure so I think we have either a bad motherboard or a bad CPU I don't know at this point I don't know yet that's what I should say but I will I will know I shall know there we go okay everybody with me Archie the dog says clear the CMOS I've already cleared the CMOS I pulled the battery out of it replace the battery reset the BIOS and even updated the BIOS which again resets it and then went into the BIOS and loaded the optimal defaults which is setting everything back to stock and it still comes up and says 15% over clock so that's all the basic stuff guys that's already been done could it be a 15% overclock on the memory no because all of that's been turned off XMP was turned on when I received the machine and I turn that off because again when you're diagnosing the system you don't want to diagnose with XMP turned on you don't want fastboot enabled you do not want an overclock once everything is running and stable then you can mess around with that stuff but oftentimes it's that stuff that causes the machine to become unstable so we remove that from the equation but it won't remove so what I'm trying to tell you I don't think the machine is actually overclocked at all I don't think the CPU is a 15 percent overclock if we check it right now let's see let's grab my utilities plug this in and then let's grab cpu-z off of here and we can take a look at what the performance of the CPU is right now PC testing software CPU Z let's drag that out and if the CPU is overclocked it should show it to us this course speed is it well it showed 4000 Wow right here Intel Core i7 at 4 gigahertz I think that's the stock speed if I'm not mistaken I have to look up the specs but I'm pretty sure that's the stock speed the memory should also be running at stock speed nothing should be overclocked here yeah it's 2400 right so 1200 DDR double data rate so that'd be 2400 it says ddr4 2132 shows its 2666 on the XMP side of things so yeah I'm not showing this is overclocked at all you see when the CPU isn't working very hard when it's idling it's only running 800 megahertz but when we give it a job to do like if I grab prime95 and turn that on now you'll see that ramped up and you see it's hitting 4600 so the question is what are the stock and turbo speeds the stock turbo speed of an i7 6700 K because that's a couple years ago let me stop this because I know it's going to get hot check that it's not a custom splash screen I know it's not a custom splash screen because it doesn't do it all the time sometimes it'll boot up and say it's not a 15 percent overclock sometimes it comes up and just says ASIS like it's supposed to so they're saying it is overclocked interesting the max turbo is 4.2 okay good to know thank you guys John Yasuda joins us and contributes $20 he says this is a great repair so far have some pizza and chicken wings on me when you're done right on John I think I will thank you for that it pains me I I'm I've ordered some RAM for the four three computers and the RAM I ordered is the Trident RGB memory that looks like it's got little diamonds in it 170 dollars for two sticks of 16 gigs each so 32 gig kit thready we'll need four of those so I want to pull the RAM out of thread II because the RAM I've got in there won't doesn't seem to be compatible with the motherboard as far as turning on the basically with XMP and I'm only using four of the slots I've decided I'm gonna max thready out and that's gonna take eight memory modules so I'm gonna put eight 16 gig memory modules in it so that's four packages of memory right there are four pairs then I decided I'm gonna do the same thing on nuka-cola the nuka-cola build has 4 memory slots so that's 2 pairs and then I'm gonna use the same memory on these I know spilled which is a micro ATX board and only has two memory slots so that's one pair so 7 pairs of memory at 170 dollars I spent $1,200 on RAM last night it was hard to hit that Buy Now button you know Add to Cart cuz I was like you sure you want to do this it's really overkill and they thought it's gonna get a lot of use people are gonna like it they'll drool over it I'll do it so I pulled the trigger on it and then the memory I'm currently using in thready and nuka-cola that will be repurposed into another build somewhere down the line so that's something coming up here on the channel very soon that was painful it was really painful and the motherboard the Maximus gene 11 is the micro ATX port I'm gonna use on the xenos build it has you can put up to four nvme drives MDOT to nvme drives than I am and if I put for Samsung 970 to terabyte drives in it to put a raid just to test it that's $1600 so I don't think I'm gonna do that I have this hunch that that board will perform better than say a regular suck at 11:51 board because we've already proven that putting nvme in a raid zero configuration actually slows it down on a regular motherboard but what about on a $400 motherboard which is what this Maximus 11 gene board is from Asus it's a three hundred and eighty-nine dollar motherboard and I'm curious if putting that in a raid zero configuration will actually result in more performance because we are limited by the number of lanes so I'll get more into that that's another project running around the back of my head we'll explore that when the time comes but I don't have $1600 laying around to just buy drives for an experiment but that's today maybe between now and then you know certainly I could at least get to because I was not gonna run any faster with - it's certainly isn't gonna run any faster with more than two slow death says 4.6 gigahertz from four gigahertz is exactly fifteen percent well the good news is the BIOS is not lying to us but I don't understand why the BIOS is defaulting to a 15 percent overclock unless there's a switch on the motherboard that's been physically moved on this particular board I have not pulled the user's manual up to look to see that all it's got a number of little toggle switches on it and it'll be interesting to see if those switches have been moved from their default position and if they do any of that Karrie disable multi-core enhancement in the BIOS what's interesting to me is I've worked on asus boards countless times before and the only time I have ever seen the overclock information appear at boot up is when you've gone in and changed it when you reset the BIOS to default values it should not be in an overclock position so there's something not right on this board or there's something wrong with the CPU during the post that's causing the board to miss read it I don't believe I should have to disable anything in the BIOS because if BIOS was completely reset numerous times but I just missed a contribution so let me give a shout out here rusty nails contributed 20 bucks everyone sends Christmas wishes here and is my Hanukkah gift this is one of your better videos so far what are you saying my other videos suck now thank you for the contribution rusty nail I appreciate that very much and here's my Christmas gift back to you here's my Hanukkah gift back to you you're a moderator now see that Mazel Tov and thank you the sign offer a cooler for that the Red River I don't know and I don't care for my thread River or I should say for the community's thread River because I want the RGB and I saw that I think it was dark rock there's a somebody's got a cooler that has RGB on it but the fans are molded in as part of the cooler you can't just change the fans if they ever die so that immediately turned me off I was like oh that's pretty cool at our cooler with RGB bands on it like it's too little bad you guys probably know what cooler I'm talking about I never saw before I stumbled onto a video on YouTube that showed it as part of an option to consider for old Freddie there and yeah that's not gonna work for me I need something that I can fix you know so in the meantime I got to address the noise issues with ready and now you got me talking about something entirely off topic so let me try and reel it back in here guys I hate the idea of ignoring the chat room and then when I address the chat room you guys take me completely off-topic and they go how come it takes you so long to get anything done because I keep allowing myself interruptions because I like to include you guys because you're hanging out with me you know I don't want to ignore you that's what TV is for planet cryos has contributed $25.00 he says I'm not contributed in some time so here's a little Christmas gift carry well thank you of course and for your continued support of the channel I appreciate that it's guys it's guys like you those who are contributing that make it possible for me to avoid sponsorships so I don't have to sit here and tell you about this new XYZ product if I tell you I like a product I'm not getting paid for it it's because I generally rely on the product that I put my reputation on for my business and the sustainability of my business if I'm pushing a product that's crap it's gonna cost me and customer confidence and in warranty labor repair which will put me right out of business so if I'm telling you I run a business and these are the parts I use I don't care if you want to buy it or not I really don't care I'm just answering questions I know I'm gonna get hey what cooler is that what motherboard is that why did you use that how come you don't use these others I use where I know there are as good support good value for money and a product that's very reliable there's always exceptions it doesn't mean the products never break it means that in the rare occasion they do I'm choosing companies where I know if I have a problem they will help me they will get me a solution they won't look for excuses and tell me why they're not gonna honor the warranty because then when you're self-employed like I am I have no choice but to buy another part for that customer to replace it or tell the customer sorry motherboard manufacturer won't replace it so I won't replace it either way I'm screwed because I don't make that much money on a build and certainly any money I will have made will be the negative on one in warranty repair not to mention the damage it does to the reputation the customers confidence its ear up you know it's irreparable so that's why I choose the parts I use so when you hear me talk positively about a product I'm not getting paid by anybody I drink Coke because I like coke god forbid so much conspiracy theory out there I wish so when I'm broadcasting to you from my mansion in my guest house near the third swimming pool then you can put your conspiracy theories in when I tell you there's no sponsors but in the meantime you can see the way I live it's pretty clear if I'm getting sponsors I'm getting ripped off [Music] Steve Devine says side has the TU F Amazon tuff Alliance gaming Alliance RGB air cooler that supports the Asus or a sink now that doesn't mean it won't work on other boards but they specifically designed it's color and its compatibility with the Asus Tough Series so the reason the screen says no signal which I just caught is because the computer fell asleep and when the computer falls asleep it puts the screen into standby mode that means it stops sending a signal out to your monitor and then that little green light on your monitor will often turn amber it's like a low-power standby mode until it receives a signal so anyway sorry I didn't catch that earlier now this is the current status of the machine this is how it's running if we pull the temperature up on this just to kind of look at where the temperatures have been residing well we've been you know this has been on for a while we can see the maximum and minimum temperatures on let's see where is it let's bring up the hardware monitor program this is a free program you can download I always grab portable versions of software that don't have to be installed there's something catching on the bottom of this mouse where is it I can feel it it's driving me crazy I don't find you looks like so far since we started the hardware monitor the temps you know even 43c sitting at idle seems a little bit high for a liquid-cooled machine that's not doing much that I would expect it to be down in the upper 20s mid 30s so it's still obviously that water block is not sitting flush that's very obvious to me should be obvious to you as well so what I need to do so you guys are caught up let's spend all this time catching you up hopefully we're all on the same page hopefully you're joining me now you understand my situation the scenario that I'm dealing with and now we can proceed so let's go ahead and shut this back down you know what let's take a look at the BIOS real quick now I think about it let me sorry guys let me um I got to make the screen bigger for me so I can see let's do a restart again and let's go into the BIOS so when it comes back up I'm going to hit f2 anything on this motherboard it's f2 or delete why is that overclocked at 15% that's crazy and of course the machine will run even faster if it was an overclock I mean cooler the machine would we run cooler comes the stupidest thing I've ever said it'll run faster if we don't overclocking no I meant to say it'll run cooler if we don't overclock it so let's go to advanced mode f7 and see there's the AI Tweaker target CPU mode frequency AI overclocked tuner manual it should be I would say Auto yeah that switches on the trusted platform on to I don't know why dear am timing everything should just be set to auto so what I do is I go over here to exit and I say I want to load optimise defaults and click OK now that should reset the BIOS back to factory so now when I say save changes in reset it should show me everything it just changed so everything here is what it just put back to its previous setting to the new setting right the previous setting new setting that's everything that changed then I hit OK now what was happening before is the machine would not save apparently like when I hit this it just won't start up again it just stays like this until the machine is powered off so I'm gonna give it a minute because the diagnostic LED is running and right now it's a little diagnostic LED down at the bottom there so it's at 35 45 37 39 5222 for F 60 maybe it's gonna boot let's see it's taking a long time it's on b6 all right now it's still going still going it's on 21 for C 3 e 3 a 3-2 why is this taking so long 3 v 3 C 3 922 I see lights going on and off the motherboard there's a red LED on the left side holy smokes it's back to an overclock of 15% again what the heck is going on it's crazy it's absolutely insane CPU is the turbo processing it's not the trust oh I'm thinking of TPM I was thinking of the trusted platform module not TP you see thank you thank you for catching me on that so I have an idea let's roll this back let's roll this back to let's shut it down and I'm going to move that TPM TP you switch back over so one of the issues I run into you know I've been doing this for nearly 30 years and in 30 years we've done everything from visa to IDE and you know a little tail end of FM FM and rll and I got to be honest the older I get and the more this new technology comes out it gets a lot easier for me to forget something I don't see every day no one no one is an island nobody knows everything so one of the reasons I make these videos live is to show the real process of what's going on I think too many people watch highly polished edited and scripted videos and they expect perfection that's not realistic and anybody who expects that I want to see your videos I would love to see yours so it's if you appreciate what I'm doing here it's the reality it's it's what you often don't see in video because people don't want to embarrass themselves I don't have a problem embarrassing myself as long as we can all learn from it and we're not making the same mistakes you know over and over again it benefits the entire community so I just want to address that real quick now as far as this goes there's a switch on the motherboard for the the TTP you not TPM yeah I'm so hooked on numb at least these the the terminology used with the technology it can often overlap and be very similar so I think this TPM is something unique to Asus I'm not that familiar with their product line I've never seen it on any other board before so that's why you guys had to tell me what that is and I appreciate it because again I haven't reached the point of opening the manual yet and normally I don't have to normally these machines are so similar that it's just a matter of you know finding a wire in the wrong place or a setting that's incorrect but they have some whoa hold on a minute guys you okay so the turbo processing unit thanks that's what that is TP you do any other motherboard manufacturers have something called TPU as I've never seen that before and if it's a if it was something on a z170 board generally speaking I don't move any of the switches most boards don't even have switches I don't move them so because I'm not moving them because I keep everything stock for reliability reasons I don't set any settings over and above the stock settings so I don't know where those switches are supposed to be there's three switches down here at the bottom and I'll show them to you we'll take a look and then maybe one of you out there will include you in this repair maybe you guys can help guide me and we can do this together because I'm just too lazy to look in the manual give it a minute to focus okay so we have three three switches down here we've got boot device LED EPU and then TPU one and two you see that switch for TPU can be moved I think it's got three positions yeah we turn that off and I'll leave these other ones on no idea I'm absolutely no idea what that does never been an issue ever that I've had in the past so let's see we go back to camera two let's see the machine will turn on so it's cycling through the diagnostic LEDs now and I'm very curious if our post screen will still say overclock 15% ah it went away that went away that's what was causing it all right all right valuable lesson here let me come back to camera one oh and I'm way zoomed in get to see my shirt okay so it's my new shirt for Christmas deal I get I guess we can zoom in a little bit more and bring this down a little bit give me just a minute there we go okay let's talk about this for a minute because this is a new experience for me I've never had a customer that I'm aware of move switches on the board unless they specifically knew what they were doing I don't move those switches on the board and I'll tell you why if I haven't made it perfectly clear by now I want everything running stock at all times if I'm gonna support you I can't spend hours and hours of free labor helping you overclock your machine and deal with all the blue screens and all the errors until you find the right balance leave it alone like rather than overclock this machine you could buy a brand new CPU today that's probably only 15% faster but I was gonna say much faster but it really isn't the the the last couple generation of CPUs aren't that much faster from this one but if it's important to you to get to 4.6 then let's just throw a ninety nine hundred KS in a socket Z 390 motherboard and move your RAM over and now you're running at five gigahertz across all eight cores better than any overclock you'll ever get and that's stock out of the box on a ninety nine hundred KS that's completely stock and what that means as it's been tested it's been punished and hammered and in fact it could probably safely go a bit above that because in order for it to run stock across all the cores at five gigahertz it's got to have some Headroom on it for a heat that being said it makes no sense to me why somebody will spend all this money on excessive cooling options to go ten or fifteen percent faster like I don't get it I absolutely don't get it when the cost of that ten or fifteen percent faster results in an unstable system or a system that requires like I said a an exotic and expensive cooling or any sort of liquid cooling in my opinion is exotic you don't go into a business you don't go into a corporation I challenge you wherever you live go downtown go into one of the high-rise buildings enter any company and I challenge you to find a computer with RGB liquid cooling or overclocking they're highly unlikely going to find that in the real world this is something hobbyists and enthusiasts do and it's great when you're the one having to fix it when you create your own voluntary problems because you're messing around with stuff because you're watching some YouTube videos where these guys go well that's over Clark this will sail faster I could get it to go and it's highly polished and edited so you don't see all the errors and you don't live with it every day so just because it worked on video for 20 minutes doesn't mean three weeks later it's still running and they often don't follow up it's a disconnect from reality but if you're willing to endure that sort of frustration have at it and if you want to run a business doing that good luck I hope you plan on giving away a lot of work for free because customers are going to keep paying you 100 bucks an hour to keep coming back over to their house until you figure out how to make the thing run stable you know you make it run stable for sure with no doubts keep it it's stock and if that's not fast enough put a faster storage drive in it put more RAM in it change the cpu to something faster that's the way you do it responsibly this this is called fun but it's not fun anymore when you have to send it to somebody and ask them to fix it for you that means it's gotten from fun to frustrating and it cost you a lot of money in the process now and I want to emphasize I have never seen let me rephrase clearly I have worked on Asus z170 boards before and somewhere in my history some of those boards have that TPU switch they also have a TPM getting all defensive and regardless I don't touch it the way it comes out of the box is the way you're supposed to leave it unless you're knowledgeable enough and brave enough and have enough time on your hands to mess around with it alright thank you by the way in the chatroom for your help I was looking at that and all I was thinking was trusted platform module p.m. and this is an issue where when you see something over and over and over again I keep seeing TPM over and over it was for a long time that I wasn't looking at it closely enough to identify the you I mean I clearly saw it was a you but I just was thinking M trusted platform I was really looking at the TP and I thought well maybe there's something on that switch maybe there's a switch somewhere on this board that's overriding no matter how I set the BIOS it's the only thing that makes any sense well now with your help we know what that is and because I have learned it this way in front of 1500 people I will remember it that's the good thing about the school of hard knocks as the tuition can be kind of expensive but the lessons tend to stay with you for a long time I don't know everything I don't claim to know everything and sometimes we get people in the chatroom who come in and and it kind of upsets me because they want to tell me how to do something that was clearly obvious and other times in the chatroom not as often but often enough many of you tell me exactly what I need to know but I can't differentiate the people blowing hot air from the people who are are people I should be listening to so that's why I get resistant when I see some of this I'm just shaking my head but I knew something was up I what's that TPU now without the camera running what would have probably happened was I would have eventually gone to the manual and looked up what all the switches do to make sure they're back to the digital find out I don't even care what the switches do I just want to know what position where the switch is in when it came out of the box I don't need to spend that much time learning it I just need it up and running and I need everything back to defaults in order to you know verify the diagnostic procedure so because I'm not the one who built it because I'm not the one who had it I don't know if those switches were moved or not so I need a point of reference so again I think thank you guys because this is a community this is this isn't supposed to just be me lecturing to you although that's mostly what it is but I appreciate that feedback especially when it's really helpful and and and I get that in return I'm richer for the experience I'm more knowledgeable for the experience and I got there quicker because of your help so thank you guys is that a cute lion in the background well as names Lyle you're close now I don't know if the customer hit that switch with intention or if they were experimenting with it to see what it does or what it could do and then they forgot they could hit that switch three years ago and if I ask him today you might say I don't remember I don't know and it doesn't matter we're not here to insult or to belittle or otherwise think anything negative of the customer what we're here to do is to share real-world technical work with you so if you want to become a technician these are the kind of things and the kind of work the kind of challenges you should be able to reasonably expect in the line of work if you choose that line of work that's the point of showing it to you it's not to embarrass anybody it's not to make anybody feel bad and if that's what you're getting from this that's not what this is change your perspective on it look at it from another set of eyes my set of eyes is there's not enough YouTube channels out there that realistically show what real repair is like the kind of systems customers bring there's not enough YouTube channels out there that follow up with initial reviews to see how something is working over time you know you have something for two weeks and you're gonna recommend it based on having it for two weeks and what happens if your recommendation is crap nothing because you have no liability no accountability and no responsibility so I want you to keep that in mind when you're watching youtube videos but especially ones where they don't have the guts just do it live on camera I think there's a certain amount of madness to endure the abuse from the public to go live and show mistakes but if you want to show reality life is filled with mistakes I'm pretty sure I'm one of them don't ask my parents but that's okay it's nothing to make fun of or to tease it's not blatant ignorance it's it's it's kind of an exciting exploration and when a customer sends me a system I've never seen before that's not working I get excited that I get to figure this puzzle out right so that little switch it's kind of exciting yes Wow look that I know what that does now and I because of the way I learned it I won't soon forget it right if I had just done that last night on my own and I thought trying to remember that I won't have to try to remember this because I'm expected you guys most viewers expect me to know everything you expect there to be some kind of perfect editing perfect lighting perfect audio no mistakes perfect speech never misspeak no interruptions well that's not what we do here because that is not realistic to life and none of you have a perfect life so go ahead and attack me if you want but I think you're missing the point if you are I'm already hearing the voices I'm already hearing the those guys doesn't know what he's doing of course they don't know what I'm doing if I knew what I was doing this would have been fixed in two minutes it's a process of Diagnostics to figure it out that figures out what needs to be done I don't know what needs to be done yet that's what I'm trying to figure out my chest slow des says that switch near TPU named EPU stands for energy processing unit that makes the CPU idle with less power consumption but it's not switched on by default see I don't even care maybe you want to reset it to factory default well that's what I do care about if any of these switches are not where they're were from the factory I want them all put back to the factory standard so are you guys telling me that the EPU switch is in the wrong position let's get a zoom in on it let's take a look at it again let's take a look at all three switches let's bring the camera down a little bit well oh let's go up and again I don't give a rat's behind what these do I don't care it doesn't do any point in me learning this unless I've got a corporate client that has a hundred of these and we're custom configuring them I'm never gonna see this board again or I won't see one very often so I don't want to memorize this particular motherboard because I have different motherboards from MSI gigabyte asrock I deal with every single day so anything that's proprietary you're unique I don't care about I don't care to learn it I just want it back to default so EPO is moved to the right and boot device LEDs also move to the right so my question is for those of you who know where is the default position for these switches should they all be to the left we shut the Machine down I'm watching the fans to see if it's shutting down fans are still spinning where the fans still spinning let me go back to that no shutting up there it goes okay okay so it's it's turned off right now hold on a second a camera will focus I keep walking in front of the camera he clearly switched all of the switches they are all to the left by default based on the manual that's from slow death double-oh-seven now there's nothing we're gonna hurt by by playing with them we'll move them all to the left okay thank you for saving me the time and the effort of downloading the manual and checking it I want to remind you that how I work when I'm alone is very different than how I work when I'm on camera so I eventually would have had to have downloaded the manual to check that and if if I can trust what they're saying in the chatroom everything goes to the left and usually I know when numerous people in the chat repeat it so it looks like everything goes to the left so with that being said and Steve Devine has confirmed it and couple others Jonathan Mayberry just contributed ten pounds he says I'm going to attack you with ten pounds thank you Justin I needed that all right so let's fire it back up and let's go back to camera two and I want to see no more overclock on the post screen and it's not there very good oh it's working all right all right a couple other things that's beautiful I love it that's great let's go ahead and shut it back down Schroder down and back to camera one okay and again thanks to you guys I love this I love the fact that you guys are able to participate and help me we need more videos like this I want more videos it would be really cool if you take the trolls out of the equation to just have maybe one video I'll do where I will follow your diagnostic instructions I'll just say here's a computer here's the symptoms tell me what to do first and then what I'll do is I'll look through the comments ignore the trolling comments or the people that are like Southard on fire blow it up shoot it type format see Colin you know we'll get rid of those hilarious out-of-the-box thinkers and we'll focus on the guys in the chat room and the gals the people in the chat room that are sincere about you know check this and then I will do exactly what you say and we'll see and I will offer no input or suggestion I will just simply follow the suggestions in the chat and we'll see how long it takes to diagnose and repair it because if that turns out to be a faster way to work I can make a lot of money I have to start writing checks all right let's get this changed a little bit here let's you know what in fact let's get down that which way do I want to go let's go this way I'm gonna take this cooler off of here so I'm gonna start by unplugging the fans this coolers got to come off the radiators got to come out and we've got power on here somewhere let's get the power disconnected okay good I'm gonna take the block off you know when you zoom the camera in it needs a lot of light and there's barely any light for me so let me just pull that back a little bit and you know when I pull this off expect to see that thermal material is not seating correctly based on the temperatures we're seeing we know that that's still an issue yep so the whole center of the block still has untouched thermal compound right down the middle so it looks like I did a little bit better of a job seating it but it's still not seating flush and we can still read the CPU the thermal compound should be covering like a like a coat of paint it should be covering that CPU so you can't see that it's silver let alone read anything on it so we had good contact up here but very little contact at the bottom and the entire middle is completely free of any thermal compound plus it was running over clocked at 15% which I'm sure was in helping matters maybe it helped me to discover the the block wasn't seated right because maybe it would have never gotten that hot that quick running at stock speeds and I would have said well it's within the tolerance of temperatures but what I saw it go up like it did as fast as it did I said well that cooler is clearly not working I'm crabbing on to the pipes to see if I can feel them vibrate you should be able to sort of feel the fluid moving through them anyway let's get the radiator out of here so you've done with that flash drive let's take this off flip the power supply to the off position which is something I should have done before I started working and I gotta get up here and get these screws out of the radiator this should be interesting you know where's Mitch when I need them mitch is tall so that grinding sound that's the clutch inside of the screwdriver that the screws are so tight it's it's hitting the clutch mechanism it's not stripping the screws or anything like that this is a really nice driver this is the Milwaukee m4 which is perfect for a computer work and if I change the clutch setting on it to like let me crank it all the way up for example it won't do that anymore you'll just rip these screws right out of there with nary a complaint just like that I just got to make sure to set it back before I tighten them down or I'll rip the heads right off the screws let's see one in each corner I want to take all the screws out except one in each corner to prevent the radiator from falling when I start getting to the last screw and I have to put my hand under it to catch it or it will completely fall damage the radiator it could hit the RAM on the way down it's another reason it would make sense to lay this case flat so you can see and so that way when you do unscrew it the radiator just kind of falls sideways that doesn't fall completely the distance of the case but if I did that you wouldn't be able to see much which wouldn't make for the best viewing I suppose watching it fall would be kind of fun if it wasn't yours wouldn't be fun for me or my customer but it might be fun for you to watch I can't even see this through I'll just feel for it there it is let's take this corner out now when I take out this corner it's gonna start to droop and there should just be one screw left right up here in this corner yep there's only one left it's right here and then I've got to hold this so that it doesn't come crashing down magnetized screwdrivers got the screw on the end and the washer alright this you can see the thermal compound right down the middle is still the way it came from the factory it still has the same texture bumps on it is fresh out of the box Eddy right I don't know which model cooler this was I was trying to look up maybe the owner of the computer can tell me or you guys will recognize it I thought this was an H 110 or maybe an H 115 RGB but I can't find any online and I just did a cursory look online that have a backplate that looks like this one this backplate well I've shown you a picture of it on all the Corsair documentation I've been looking at shows up more of an X shape to backplate this is a completely different backplate I'm starting to wonder if he reused the backplate like I'm wondering here's what I'm thinking he told me he had a liquid cooler that died is it possible he just bought the new cooler it took the old cooler off but left in the back plate and standoffs on and reused you know why change it out I'm just taking cooler off and putting another cooler on but if he bought a different model of cooler even if it's from the same manufacturer then that would explain why it's not sitting right that he doesn't have the right backplate on it I wonder if that's what he did because I can't find any documentation that shows that backplate that looks like this in the shape that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that he swapped it could mean I just I'm not looking up the right model so I will ask you guys for your help in identifying what model of cooler this is from Corsair and what the enclosed the backplate with that model looks like and if it matches what we have because if it doesn't match I know why it's not sitting right if it does match well then I'm just back to speculation so here's the back plate that was used so what I want to know is is this the back plate that came with that cooler or is this the back plate that came with the cooler he had prior and he simply swapped out the block and radiator thinking he would save a few minutes of time they see that black so John Craig says this back plate is from an older model h100 I okay but what do we have what cooler is that we have now so again this is not to embarrass or belittle anybody this is to learn from if you're thinking of doing that don't do that there's a reason why the parts coming closed the only time you can reuse older parts is if you're buying the exact same model purchased within this the same timeframe because they revised these models it may still be an H 100 i but they could have revision to revision three they may not even publicly announce that they've changed some of the enclosed parts for numerous reasons regarding reliability or ease of installation or even issues of trademark infringement as we've seen a lot in the liquid cooling arena right so I'm very curious about where this came from and what model cooler we have yeah so I that's what I that's the initially I was thinking maybe he used the wrong standoffs but these are familiar to me I've sorry I've got the wrong video feed up here these standoffs are familiar to me with Corsair they appear to be correct but that backplate does not match any of the documentation and I will have to ask the customer oh yeah they said don't forget about the screwdriver you're right I need to turn this clutch setting down I always put the clutch on see right now it's on drill which is just full power I put it on all the way down to three which should be between two and four all right okay I'm all excited got a lot of energy today my my energy drink is working what is all this just have a built-in fan controller why what the heck this is a cable management mess and that doesn't help I think I'm gonna take this u2 adapter out of it because I still haven't found what I'm looking for come on that was funny so this little adapter came out with the standoff attached to it and that's what happens if you don't tighten your standoffs down before putting the screw in but I wanted to stand off in any way because what I want to do is I want to put the standoff in the 2280 position with the screw in it so if the customer wants to add an m2 Drive in the future it'll be ready for them they won't have to worry where did the screw go try it you know it's a little teeny tiny screw very difficult to find all these standoffs are five millimeter in size the same thing as the motherboard standoff so I have a 5 millimeter socket dedicated just for that purpose so we can put it on there and then I can take the screw out like so util teeny-tiny screw that's why it's so good to have a magnetized screwdriver cuz you don't want to drop it to be hard to find they're not exactly easy to find at a hardware store either so this ya little adapter again proprietary ASIS stuff it's one of the reasons I don't like Asus is they like to make up their own stuff sometimes the stuff they make up sticks like asus started putting metal reinforced PCI Express slots and then everybody else started to do a gigabyte followed and and everybody else so some of the stuff Asus explores other manufacturers copy and Asus likes to brag they're the first but the problem of being the first is they also have a lot of stuff they try that doesn't work out like Asus couldn't have known that this u dot 2 wasn't gonna take off and they invested in the engineering and development of these parts that you pretty much can't find a drive that plugs in there if you wanted to certainly at the price and performance of envy me it doesn't make any sense to explore that anymore Nasser's can say yeah well we were the first yeah well you were also the last so that's one of the issues I have with a SUSE if you want to experiment and guinea-pig do that yourself don't turn your customers into guinea pigs and that's what Asus likes to do sorry I mean they make a good product but sometimes they don't know when to quit there's a reason why we have industry standards and Asus has actually had an impact on on the industry standards like I say on the high end motherboards to have that metal reinforced PCI Express slot or they have surface mount Intel NICs as something asus was really pushing and driving for and now everybody else does it and I suits likes to point out we were the first everybody's copying us but they also are not so quick to point out all the things they did that ever caught on and the customers who paid top dollar for that equipment that just you know what you supposed to do with this you think this came for free this you paid extra for this what do you do with it now bookmark anyway that's just my opinion doesn't mean the products are bad just wish they didn't go so extreme sometimes with some of their switches on the motherboard come on physical switches on a motherboard in today's day and age did we go back 15 years fair enough this is from 2016 but stupid absolutely stupid everything should be controlled through the BIOS in through software physical switches are a thing of the past and if Asus is leading the way why did they go backwards you see what happened is I embarrassed myself and now I'm angry look at the point blame darn you a soos if you just do everything the way everybody else did it you wouldn't have embarrassed me that that's how that psychology works all right I just want to put the screw back into the standoff I put it in the 2280 position and I don't want the screw to get lost and so I will just put the screw down until it's snug I don't want to over-tighten I want the customer to be able to easily remove it if they want to use it but at the same time I don't want it coming loose and falling out or it'll be gone forever you can find them on Amazon and other places online but you just will have to wait and it may delay how long it'll take you to do your five minute project you know what I mean put an MDOT to drive in should be a five minute project not a seven-day project cuz you have to look for order and then wait for the part Thomas Robertson's contributed two pounds he says happy Boxing Day ah the day where you get to box everything up and take it back to the store with you say I don't want this somebody gave it to me we don't have Boxing Day in America but in Canada and Britain I explained it for people who don't have a Boxing Day it should be called Reebok Seng Day shouldn't it because you're putting it back in the box and taking it back to the store when I think a boxing day I think at Joe Louis Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Leonard and Joe Frazier and Joe come on with his name Joe Joe Foreman Joe Joe Foreman jump all right go supports that's what boxing day is to me cage fighting no that's MMA George Foreman not Joe Foreman George Foreman yeah you should listen to my advice on who to bet on during those sports events or flip a coin Joe Louis of course Joe Louis I'm from Detroit you got to know Joe Louis's if you don't know who Joe Louis is and you say you're from Detroit you ain't from Detroit all right I want to put a Mugen 5 on here just be done with this you know I've got a couple of spare Mugen Phi's they cost less than half of what that liquid cooler costs you won't get any of those cables or wires you just have one little fan wire to hook up forget the tubes look at all the wires on this thing where did it go it's over here over here this isn't all of it there's more there's this one too this goes in the side hi I would like to put this in your computer would that be okay and I'll charge you a lot of money for it just this one piece how many wires do we have to manage now one two three four five six and yet how many wires do we have in the whole system one two three four five and then however many SATA cables you've got so this has more than this one thing or just as many as the rest of the computer combined so can I blow the number of cables you have because everybody likes the way this looks but hey you'll get pretty colors the Mugen 5 is so much easier it's so much cleaner and I can promise you the temps I see on it will be better than the temps I was seeing on that because it's gonna sit correctly now in all fairness I don't think that's the right backplate and even if it is it was installed incorrectly which will have caused it to misshapen it's deformed and well it appears to sit flat on the counter what you can see is there's there's an indentation right here and you might think well when I turn this around it shouldn't matter what direction we put it on cuz this this edge could fit around that indentation but the problem is it's not fully intended there's a piece of there's a ridge right here at the bottom so that means when you put this on backwards or sideways it's being put on like this do you understand it's not that obvious this is an exaggeration but it's going to be arched and it may be arched too when it's installed you can't see it with the naked eye you just can't tell and if it stays arched like this over a period of time because this is plastic or have it was metal it would permanently misshapen and no matter even after you correct it it's now gonna be arched and it's still not gonna sit right now that's a theory it certainly makes sense to me but if this is the wrong backplate to begin with it's never gonna sit right regardless the fact that it worked at all when it was put on sideways is because this these are adjustable for different socket types and if they weren't so adjustable this maybe wouldn't have gone on well now on an intel socket 1151 it's an equal distance it certainly isn't that way with AMD you can only put an AMD cooler on socket a.m. for cooler one of two ways the same with red ripper it won't go on for ways that only go on to right and you put on this way that's one two three four with AMD's a.m. for socket and a thread ripper socket it'll only go on two of four ways that won't the one this way with Intel it's a perfect square maybe Intel needs to rethink that I don't know but Denis says this is the right plate I don't know I don't know if it's the right plate I have no idea why it won't sit correctly because I put it on myself the only other thing that could be wrong on it is there's a plate adapter or a socket adapter on the waterblock here and I turned it around just for the sake of turning it around but what I'm referring to is this plate right here if you give this a twist it comes off now if this is wrong or if this is bent any of that you know I I basically flipped it 180 degrees I don't think it makes any difference but I'm just trying to figure out why it wasn't going on and so that locks in like that there's all there is to it so I can't understand why it won't sit flush unless a wrong part was used or a part was damaged that's all I that's it and that's all there is to it it's not rocket science I'm gonna take a ziploc bag and put these liquid cooler parts in this bag so I don't have them confused with other things later on so I put the standoffs thumbscrews the radiator screws and washers like so we got fifteen hundred and fifty-seven people watching from around the world which guys give me a shutout tell me where you are watching me from what country are you in or what state do you live in I don't need your street address in your personal info but I'm always fascinated with how far-reaching you know when I grew up where now as a child way way back it's pretty special to talk to somebody who lived across the town we have a set of town well that's not true but you know you talk to somebody on the East Coast and the West Coast it felt like a special occasion because you were being charged two dollars a minute or whatever it was back in the day for that phone call and now here I am broadcasting audio and video not being charged per minute and it's reaching people all over the world simultaneously that's mind-blowing and it becomes real when I look through the chat like I like I can see right now and I see States I see other countries from Europe and Australia to Asia and the Middle East it's crazy Wales and Croatia and the UK and Canada Greece Australia Finland and of course all the states you know Florida Arkansas there's Bulgaria clearly not a state Mexico and go back to the states Oklahoma Mississippi Red Dragons contributed $2 he says hello from Oklahoma thanks thank you Barbados yeah Belgium Denmark Slovenia Paris France Germany that's pretty freakin cool right come on that's cool Mike Bader washes me from Detroit Michigan we all know if he's from d'être he's a cool dude we see Portugal in the house and Brazil Brownsville Texas Wilson New York Israel Hungary I wasn't asking if you were oh my gosh when I said hungry I was referring to a country pal are you hungry look at him no I didn't realize that was gonna happen it's not dinner time don't get all excited it's not your dinner time you've got 45 minutes before your dinner time forget that I wasn't asking it's a it's a human word it doesn't mean what you think it means no tail wagging and looking at me with those big eyes might have rescued you from the shelter but it doesn't work on me anymore because I've had you a very long time you we've been together for like eight years now you need to come up with a new trick sorry I deal with some business hello we got people watching us from Pennsylvania and San Antonio Texas and Liverpool Missouri dennis van hull has contributed 20 euro he says if you look up the h100 eye you will see it's the same plate and thank you for all the videos so I looked up the h100 eye last night because I thought it was a 1 a 100 or 115 and I know they have an RGB version which this is clearly an RGB block on the on the water block and the coolers I was looking at looked like exes they'll it's like a square block with little edges that come out I've not seen that one but regardless of that it doesn't really matter because we're gonna move past it nothing I can do we'll seat that CPU flat well let me rephrase I tried receding it and I know I did it right and it's still not seating so there's something not right and it is either the back plate or the standoffs that's all I know whether or not the back plate is warped or is the incorrect back plate is possible but I don't care anymore because we're just gonna go to the Mugen 5 it's going to install perfectly it's gonna run quieter it's not going to have a cable management nightmare and unlike a water pump that will die typically within 3 to 5 years the Mugen 5 will last forever certainly the life of the computer and the worst that can happen is the fan can die which is a stock fan which you can buy literally anywhere fans are sold and no tools are required to replace it you just unclip it oh I guess you got to put the little screws in that hold the no wait a minute no you don't yeah no tools are required with the cooler cost a lot more money takes a lot more time and you will have to replace it whether the liquid gets all gunky or dried up or it starts the leak or the pump dies there's all kinds of reasons so for enthusiasts that want to maintain their own systems have fun with your liquid cooler for businesses and for people who don't want to mess around they just want it to work you're so much better off with a movie of 5 in my opinion but if I'm not having to fix or support your computer for free you put on whatever you want and I don't care I only care when it costs me money to fix your stuff all right let's let's get us a movie in five I know I have one back here somewhere where's my Mugen inventory oh oh I think I only have one left say it ain't so what happened did I use them all oh I've got two all right I have two left I swear I had 10 of these last month two months ago did I go through eight of them already holy smokes better order some more the great thing about having these coolers in stock is they generally don't go down in price when you run a computer repair business or a computer business having any inventory is dangerous because the prices generally go down so if I bought a bunch of let's say the Intel 660 P was on sale for $185 for two terabytes I go that's a great price I'm gonna buy 20 of them and then I sell let's say ten of them and I can't really mark them up that's why I don't want to be in the parts business what can I sell it for well what's it sell for a new wake 200 bucks well I bought it for 185 - shipping cost where's my profit I'm making $15 maximum on each one so then you go okay well if you sold 10 that's 150 bucks yeah it's also a lot of work what happens when the 665 comes out or they go on sale or where the price just drops to 170 regular price like I have no control over that now I'm gonna sell the next ten at a $15 loss or somebody's gonna say well why are you selling me the 660 version when the 665 is better and just basically the same price you want to charge me so buying the inventory whether it's a CPU or RAM or solid-state or any kind of storage it's a dangerous gambling game to play because it is possible prices could go the other way but it's unlikely but with power supplies cases and heat sinks generally the prices are pretty stable and don't move so if these ever go on sale of course I want to stock up I've seen these go for 70 bucks retail right now they're very pretty locked in at about 48 49 dollars on Amazon and Newegg and I think that's a hell of a deal for what you're getting and especially for what competitors charge for their equivalent product this is easier to install and and I think it runs better I think it's more efficient or equally as efficient is some of the best out there that match these dimensions you put a bigger heatsink on you put another fan on obviously it's gonna cool a little better but if you're comparing apples to apple well I shouldn't say that for a comparing pcs the PCs heatsink to heatsink when you compare the depth the width in the height of this heatsink with other equivalent eat sinks that are available from third-party cooler manufacturers and then compare the installation procedure and how much easier this is to install then compare the price I think you will find that this cools better at least as good as all those other competing products is about half the price and as easier to install than any other third-party heatsink apart from the push clips that the Intel stuck CPUs have I'll prove it cuz we're gonna do it right now so anyway Mo's my long way of saying I can order more of these and let them sit on a shelf and not worry if I'm gonna lose money because they can sit on that shelf probably for a few months and the price isn't I won't take a loss on it you know prices in you go down and supposedly was all over the news president Trump in the Chinese government have made some kind of a deal to remove the the tariffs that we're supposed to kick in on January 1st and so a lot of computer equipment is supposed to not be a tariffed that's all I know I haven't read up on it today so I don't know if it's changed if the news has changed since yesterday and the deal as far as I know hasn't been signed yet but the way the media was talking it's as good as done so that's good news for those of us buying computer parts that we're not gonna have to worry about those tariffs will this cooler work with Intel and AMD yes it will work with every pretty much every socket out there but thread Ripper it'll work with FM 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 4 on the AMD side and the until side 1151 1150 1155 1156 775 2011 2066 all of it yeah and a contribution just came in from board or a catalan who's contributed two dollars he said it's for the Mugen five is on sale for forty six dollars and fifty four cents well that's only saving me two dollars per unit I'm not really excited about that but thanks for letting me know and thanks for contributing to the channel of course and I get everybody you got everybody Kevin bill Rebecca looks like I missed his contribution he contributed $10 he said I sent you $10 on Christmas but don't know if you've seen it like your videos in my computer I built last September last year thank you Kevin you should've received a response I respond to all the paypal contributions if you contributed during the live chat during the live stream then I wouldn't have seen any of that because that live stream ran for 30 40 hours you're hearing some loud bangs that is a big issue right now thus the City of Phoenix and generally the surrounding cities allowed for fireworks during a 10-day period from Christmas through New Year's Day which is a new law because we live in a desert they're usually very cautious about fireworks because it's very dry landscape it sets everything on fire and you'll be hearing some bangs happening and those are the neighbors around me lighting off fireworks this has been going nonstop for two days now and it's happening all throughout the hours of days at night it's resulted in over 500 calls to the local police department we can't differentiate between fireworks and gunfire and where the police are not able to and they're just nuisance calls you know they're happening at two o'clock in the morning people have to go to work this is creating a big big issue in the City of Phoenix thousands of calls are flooding numerous police departments you know if you combine all the different police departments and all the surrounding cities and Phoenix of people complaining because other people are lighting up like nobody's ever lit off fireworks on Christmas that's weird generally this happens two times two times of the year January 1st you know at midnight when we enter the New Year fireworks go off and then July 4th Independence Day fireworks go off I don't know who's got all this extra money to go burn it but they're literally spending money to set it on fire and blow it up but apparently there's a lot of people in the Phoenix area that think that's a good investment to annoy the heck out of their neighbors and I'm hoping they're gonna reboot a number of people will complain to reverse that city ordinance and put it back to being sort of a new years and fourth of July thing because this is gonna go on for days it you know today is nothing special why are they doing it today why would you light fireworks off on Christmas Day that's a weird thing to do and it's not like I have one neighbors doing it this is across the entire metropolitan Phoenix area of over 2 million people it's more than yeah I think it's over 2 million people a certain percentage of those people everywhere are lighting off fireworks enough to initiate thousands of calls the police departments and flooding their lines so I apologize for all the banging and loud sound you may be hearing in the background but it's nobody shooting at me you can tell because you would see me shooting back so don't worry but it's just something to complain about mati has contributed five dollars thank you money I appreciate that we do Phoenix just to talk a little bit about that Phoenix has a very large lawless culture it seems to be getting worse it's a very me culture it's all about me I don't care about anybody else nobody else is around and I'm not saying everybody behaves like that but there's enough of that behavior to expect it no matter where you go whether you're driving on the freeway or on the roads people will cut you off people will do whatever they want is if you don't exist and it's part of the reason I want to go back to Michigan people don't behave that way in general there's always somebody who does but it's not as common as it is here so whether they're shooting guns up in the air which is very very common here or launching fireworks it's really hard to tell which one's happening and on all likelihood it's probably both there's a new sort of thing happening here where the young people with their fast cars or their fancy car I won't say fancy they want they will use Twitter or they'll use a Instagram there use a social media platform to say we're all going over to this corner and they will take over an entire intersection to do donuts in the intersection and basically create an entire hazard or that whole area where hundreds of people turn up literally hundreds of people turn up on the spot almost like a flash mob and create all this noise and smoke and endanger the entire neighborhood until the police show up and they all scatter like cockroaches and then next weekend they'll find another place they're all meet at and this whole thing repeats itself and this is a new phenomenon going on around Phoenix and then Venus the subdivisions around Phoenix again not an issue I've ever seen in in Michigan it may happen it's just not happening as often so the culture here is very lawless or there is a large percentage of the culture as what I should say has a lawless attitude and I want to get away from it I'm just you know maybe if I was 17 years old and I thought that's what made me cool I would like it but it's just really stupid and it's really annoying and for people who don't understand why Phoenix sucks so badly you can hear it in the background during this broadcast part of the reason Jen's Karlsson says we have the same problem here in Sweden yeah well I and again I'm not suggesting it doesn't happen anywhere else I can only compare it to where I'm from in Michigan and when I was out there and every time I go there I don't experience or witness this ever ever so that's not to say it doesn't happen but when you live in a really crowded inner city or urban area as I do I think it's to be expected that there's good you know if it's Los Angeles or it's San Francisco or it's Boston or Chicago when you Jam a lot of people into one little area it's real easy for everybody to get on everybody else's nerves so when you go and you move somewhere that's less populated everything is much more pleasant and people are generally kinder because they start to recognize you they see you when you're when you're just in a rat race and every rat looks like every other rat you have no interest in learning about them or recognizing them because they just look like another rat it there's just too many there's just too many to try and remember that's my theory I don't know if it's messed up or not but I just think it's just too many jammed in people and I'm a little enclosed area and though Phoenix is big it's a lot of people to put in that space and so you take all those people from Phoenix and move them to a giant state like Michigan and suddenly everybody's got a elbow room and everybody's got space and so people don't genuinely get on each other's nerves you know you can go out and spend donuts in your empty field who cares when you're doing it out in the street in front of a neighborhood endangering kids and animals it's just an idiot thing to do let's talk about something else cuz I'm sounding like an old man bored Dirac Adaline has contributed $2 he says you're welcome you're gonna save $2 and 44 cents so basically if I buy 20 mugen fives I can get one free I have no intent on buying 20 of them I don't have any place to put them but I would like maybe I'll get six or something like that six four to six I'll be fine so the savings isn't that great but thank you though Mario else contributed two dollars and Mattie says I see my name on that cooler no no that's not yours Mattie has ordered a 99 hundred KS and Mugen five and those are the only two parts we've purchased so far and the reason we bought the CPU is it's hard to find it's uh it sells from anywhere from six hundred and twenty nine up to a thousand dollars so we got it at that 629 dollar price point it's a limited edition but I did actually get a pen and I wrote mati I actually did this one doesn't say mati I know you're kidding but I just I want to be sure you know this is it your cooler not that it would matter Robert Grove says I'm very happy I listened to you Kerry because I installed a Mugen 5 thanks I tried many things before the Mugen 5 I tried liquid cooling phase cooling air anyway listen to many others finally listened to you finally listened to the best he says you apples for the teacher right on Robert I'm you know look it's not important to me that you agree with me I'm not trying to sell you a Mugen 5 I don't sell them I'm not an affiliate I have no business arrangement with side coolers but I think it's a good value and I want to tell you about it because I think it's a good value so I'm glad that you came to the same conclusion I did so these are the sockets this cooler is compatible with as you can see am 2 a.m. 2 + a.m. 3 a.m. 3 + a.m. 4 FM 1 FM 2 FM 2 + so those are all the AMD sockets this is Mugen 5 is compatible with on the intel side we've got the LGA socket 775 then 1 1 5 X that X can be any number and then 1366 and then finally also LGA 2011 version 3 with or without version 3 I believe and then 2066 so this is a very compatible cooler basically if you have a system built within the last 10 years and it's not thread Ripper you can pretty much rest assure that that coolers gonna work for you not compatible with a m1 you know what's compatible with a m1 a brick oh there we go again those traditional Christmas fireworks just like my grandparents used to celebrate Christmas back in the 1930s way away that's never happened just like my parents used to celebrate Christmas in the nineteen fifty no no that never happened just like my friends children would celebrate Christmas in the nineteen ninety no no that never happened just the way the Millennials celebrated Christmas and the two thousand no that never happened ever in the history of time it's never happened there's no precedent for this it's weird it's really weird it's Tuesday let's light off fireworks well actually it's Thursday another reason oh do you work at night and sleep during the day I don't care boom do you work during day and sleep at night I don't care either boom have you been to Phoenix boom what I said welcome to feat boom X let me tell you how I really feel so I've got my denatured alcohol I think I've had this like 20 years used to clean VCR heads and tape deck heads with it now we're cleaning off the top of internal heat spreaders on CPUs to get all that previous thermal material this will be a super easy job because we don't have much on there we're just an ordinary q-tip and this alcohol just evaporates we don't have to dry it off or anything it just evaporates right off the top so you don't have to get this perfect you know you just want to get get it as reasonably close to perfect it's okay if there's a little bit there there here and there but I do my best to clean it as good as I possibly can within reason like I'm not gonna spend a half an hour polishing and that's just stupid and even though I don't have to dry it you'll see I'm running the clean end of the q-tip over it just to make sure that it comes off clean if it's still coming off dirty I'll just keep doing it till it's reasonably you know 98% of the way there pretty good good enough you definitely don't want to mix two different thermal compounds together and you only want thermal compound applied to the CPU not to the heatsink or you will have put on too much I'm gonna need that rubber glove here in a minute so I've shown how to install the the Mugen five on numerous occasions I'm not really gonna go through the entire how-to here on this video I'm just gonna move things along because I like to stop at five o'clock of my time which is about 23 minutes from now so you'll see just to give you an idea why I like the Mugen five so much not only for all the reasons I've already mentioned but this is less than fifty dollars for this air cooler now that liquid cooler behind me that just took out look at the back plate this is the back plate this is the back plate oh sorry this is the back plate that came with the liquid cooler this cheap piece of plastic this is the back plate that comes with the movie of five it's metal I cannot twist it or bend it no matter how thick it is I can't bend it which one of these things do you think is gonna last longer than the other one mm which one of these things do you think is cheaper to make which one of these things should cost more but which one of these things actually does cost more spend your money how you want I don't care so what I've done now is I just put that metal plate on then I just showed you and it's got little foam pads and the foam pads go towards the motherboard it's super easy to put on there are two holes at the top oh wait I already said I wasn't gonna go through all this cuz I've done it a million times so never mind forget I said anything I've got lots of other videos with nice close-ups and full explanations if you want that but I'm starting to sound like a broken record you remember records because I have to explain what that is now dudes old thinks I'm stupid kicks I don't know what a record is I've seen the Guinness Book of World Records [Music] all right we see here another ziplock bag for you guessed it spare cooler parts these are all the parts that would go with a different CPU like an AMD CPU or one of those other sockets we aren't using as I just knock it everything to the floor mmm glad I've got a floor because otherwise that stuff would just fall forever they kept doing it on purpose now all right you're gonna if you're new here you're gonna see a different way of applying thermal compound that's the way a professional does it in the industry we want to use a nitrile glove not a rubber glove not a latex glove nitrile glove we'll make sure it's completely clean it's never been used before this one's good oh I don't think that's gonna be enough Carrie little too conservative just a little finger painting I'm gonna channel my inner Bob Ross even though he didn't do finger painting it's the best joke I got at the moment we tap on it and it's gonna create little hills and valleys so that when we compress it down with the heatsink it'll spread out nice and evenly we won't have to worry about air bubbles not that air bubbles are any problem for anybody except like some extreme liquid nitrogen coolers that might be a few air bubbles short elsewhere this keeps everything nice and clean and we can just take this off we're done with it turn it inside out we don't worry about getting that thermal compound all over everything cuz it's really difficult to wash off once it's on there it tends to stay on for a while now it's gonna be very difficult for me to install the heatsink with the system upright in fact all the work you just saw me do you should be doing that with your computer case lying flat it'll be so much easier for you but you're not filming an I am and if I do that you can't see what I'm doing so I was doing this the hard way for your benefit however it's critical as we've already concluded earlier that the heat sinks it's completely flush on top of the CPU so I don't want to mess about with that I want to make sure that it's done properly so I'm gonna lay the case flat you won't be able to see the first thing I have to do though is remove the protective plastic off of the bottom of the heatsink so we'll take that off and that again has kept that free of contamination dust dirt debris oils from your skin etc etc so we leave that on until we're ready to install and then I've got to move this keyboard out of my way I need some room [Applause] well this thing is heavy that's my exercise for today I'll give you a close-up bet now you know it doesn't matter I just realized I got a little bit on the little frame I want to wipe that up a little bit again not that anybody's gonna see it it's just part of my pride now if you look at the bottom of the heatsink you'll see one edge sticks one of the screws sticks out on the side and one is kind of in the middle underneath the heatsink so this one that sticks out this goes towards your RAM sockets on a a m4 or a socket 1150 one based motherboard which is the vast majority of boards that are sold for consumer use and I want to tighten I don't want to tighten if I want to start one screw just give it a couple of turns get it started it's spring-loaded and so if you tighten it too much the other screw you'll have to put a lot of force on it and again they'll be this issue of warpage occurring so I just want to get both started so that they're lined up and are starting to go into the holes correctly that they're straight and that other one's going in now so I can flip to the other side I'll turn it like one two three four five six seven will go to the other side try and do it evenly one two three four five six seven come back over one two three four five six seven those are about a half turns each one it's not precise you don't have to count to seven I didn't make it up one two three four five six seven and it just came to a dead stop now we'll turn this one until it comes to a dead stop and I'm just kind of curious somebody turns away I am to see how evenly I got it from guessing one two three oh it's already locked down now we're gonna put our cool Eden fan on which I have here the side with the brackets as the side the air blows out of and the side with the center of that spinning that's the side that that pulls air in or sucks air in so we want to mount this on the heat sink so that it's blowing air this way or basically just match the orientation of your rear case fan which should be the same so that fan is drawing air in on this side and blowing it out the back we want to match that pattern in one all of our air moving in the same direction all of our fans we want the front fans to draw air in on the front push the air inside we want this fan to draw air in from inside to push air towards the back and the fan in the back to draw air in from the computer and blow it out so our airflow looks like a big letter s kind of does this motion and if you have a top fan you want that blowing out too but anytime you have an exhaust fan don't you don't want to filter you only want to filter incoming air air that your you are drawing in intake I want to grab a nylon zip tie and tie this wire up right now even though this case is pretty easy to get in there it's just easier for me to put some cable management on that fan power cable before I put it in the case I just didn't want it to fall and hit the floor don't judge me let's see let's put this on first I guess now let's boot it up and run prime95 on it and see what kind of temps we're gonna get keyboard and mouse are still plugged in we've just given it power now I just need the HDMI cable let me push this back a little bit so we have room for the keyboard up here and then yeah HDMI let's get that plugged in right up here switch it on and power it up CPU fan is turning let's go to input two so we can see what's happening over here so far so good and the system is dead quiet but we still have the three case fans unplugged because those things are loud you want to hear one I can plug one in for you here hold on let me let me grab a flashlight and let's go to camera let's go back to camera one for a moment here's the rear case van and then let's unplug it and the Front's are no better the front fans are equally as annoying so they're done they need to be replaced Nigel Baptiste has contributed $10 say Thank You Nigel and let's go back to the desktop and let's see I'm gonna make this fullscreen so I can see it all right here we go we're gonna bring up a hardware monitor so we can monitor our temperatures and then I want to bring up prime95 now I want you to take a look at our idle temperatures in just a moment here we go so here's our idle temps right now the most we've hit since we started the software's 36 degrees centigrade you can compare that with where we were before now I'm going to begin the test this test is going to hammer all the CPU cores at a hundred percent and a very unrealistic workload for an unrealistic amount of time I like to run it for 15 minutes so I've got a little timer here that I'm gonna start and we'll let that run until it hits 85 degrees centigrade or we pass 15 minutes whichever comes first ideally we will never hit 85 degrees centigrade regardless within six minutes last night this was hitting 81 C on the current on the previous cooler it had and I would shut it down because after six minutes you'll see we won't be anywhere near that this cooler is amazing and this cooler is very quiet and this people should be sponsors of my channel damn it sitting there talking all the great things about their product I should be making money from that come on sighs sponsor me got my eye on a Tesla I want to buy all right so we'll let that run I can put myself up in the corner guys if I can get control of my mouse it's the wrong Mouse Terry it's this mouse here give me a minute and I will adjust okay guys so well we're waiting for this test if anybody has any technical questions for me that I can answer I'd be happy to address those now the cyber truck no I'm actually I like the model three yeah any technical questions this will be a time to ask and I still have a problem that I want to address where when all four memory modules were installed the system wouldn't post and I think that maybe because of those switches set to like forcing an XMP we you and I together may have fixed this customer system but there was a lot wrong with it not everything wrong with it was critical but it wasn't right and it just goes to show you a system can work and just not work optimally if you put it together wrong just because you turned it because it turns on and it runs doesn't mean it's running optimally or correctly or reliably and I think it's a one of the issues that happens with highly polished videos on YouTube is it gives people a false sense of the amount of time you should be spending as well as a number of things that can go wrong in common misunderstandings whether brackets are put on backwards or sideways or cables are put on in the wrong place and how important that is even if the effects may not be obvious to you this customer could have been using this computer incorrectly or not using it incorrectly but it could have had it built-in correctly since 2016 and they just never knew because it ran good enough you know they didn't know it could be running better I see that a lot I've had people bring me brand new computers and they get them back and they go this computer never built never ran this fast when it was new and I go well that's because you didn't configure it you only had it running at half speed I did and this is back in the day like where you had to go into the BIOS and set the multiplier manually so if you just left the BIOS at default and you're putting in like an Athlon XP or something back in the day and you didn't set your multiplier then you were running at the default speed you weren't running at the speed of that CPU and well that issue doesn't exist today certainly the switches on the main board for this like if this customer literally bought any other board probably wouldn't have had those switches to play with you know what I'm saying so that should be taken away the the the the people that should be buying motherboards with those features are the people who are gonna use those features who understand what those features are for that's not an average consumer item that's an enthusiast item so I think there's a big ball being dropped here on many of the tech channels on YouTube well they don't make these distinctions to people they go this is the best motherboard you can do this and you can do this and you could do this but most of you aren't gonna go to that level of depth of knowledge to need those features and I think they need to take a state step back and go the only reason we're excited about this board is because it has features that very few people like us would use and if you're not one of those people and you don't want to become one of those people then you should not be buying this board we're so excited about because this could just as easily get you into trouble if you don't know what you're doing and you're messing about so if you take it away and not make it an option for the end user if you take that option away you end up with happier customers you don't have to deal with these issues we're just after five minutes on the test so far you see our temps Vidya was looking awfully dark see we can brighten this up a little bit for you guys the Sun has gone down I love these cameras I love these cameras much better do you think you're gonna be able to boot with all four RAM in the machine with the better cooling or will the two slots be permanent I never said anything about the slots being damaged I don't even know why you think the slots are damaged I think those switches being set the one that it was forcing XMP was probably the cause of the problem I won't know until I test it but before I test that I want to make sure the cooler is installed and working correctly I don't want to add the RAM and testicular and if I have a problem not know which one caused the problem this is very important that you slow down when you're doing this kind of work on an unfamiliar machine or with an unfamiliar problem to identify each step is working don't skip any steps don't take two steps at once or you may end up having to go backwards four steps to figure out where you went wrong so in the long run this is faster and more efficient to do it this way I've done it enough that this is how I've come to this process sometimes you get lucky but when you don't get lucky and you got to go backwards it'll take you three to four times longer than just doing it step by step like I'm demonstrating so there is a method to the madness again looking for any technical questions like an address here while we're waiting for this test to complete and yes the CPUs no longer at a 15 percent overclock which is obviously gonna make a difference but you know what else is gonna make a difference having the surface of the top of the CPU in the bottom of the heatsink mate completely and not have the center being untouched I can guarantee you if the center was not being touched right now we would be seeing at least 15 degrees hotter at this point I couldn't get the CPU where cuz we're at eight minutes over eight minutes now and I couldn't get the CPU at this temperature in the first four minutes it surpassed this in the first three minutes so not only was it overclocked by 15% but I want to emphasize the importance that the mating surfaces of the in this case the water block and the internal heat spread of the CPU were not we're not flush and even after receiving a day one they're not flush so something's wrong there Toshiba sold off their laptop business - I think they sold it to sharp electronics and now sharp has renamed the Toshiba line I saw this coming because Toshiba shut down all the consumer repair shops they had a couple of years ago might have been ten years ago five to ten years ago they started and they forced everybody with it that was a consumer to mail their computers into one repair facility but they used to have authorized repair facilities in almost every state and despite those repair facilities doing a good job and having an excellent reputation after over a decade in business for at least one I'm familiar what they closed him down and you thought uh-oh something big is coming there's a reason why they're doing that well clearly they were shopping around to sell off the laptops and that's exactly what they did so no more Toshiba laptops dinah books is that what they're called now from sharp you can see that the cores are running within spec right so remember the spec on this chip the way it was engineered is where we're running now if you look down at the bottom of the the hardware monitor screen you'll see at the very bottom where the cores are running and it's beautiful it's perfect and our temps or maximum temps are well within range but it's amazing how CPU reliability goes up and if you don't think CPU reliability is related to CPU performance then you obviously don't run a business where you have any warranty work to deal with that's the difference again when you're an enthusiast and you just want to play around with your computer and it crashes in the middle of call of duty or whatever so what who cares but when you're running a business and you've got customers waiting in line and heck if you're the customer and the business goes down like credit card machines went down a Christmas day at one of the I think a Kroger grocery stores and it affected a lot of stores how happy do you think those customers were that had shopping carts full of food that they basically had to abandon and go somewhere else all that time they wasted because they couldn't pay for it because the credit card machine was down how much money do you think that cost Kroger but hey I overclocked your credit card machine for you so that's why it sounds so silly to me when people talk about overclocking and how great it is because it's really not great it's really a horrible horrible idea when it comes to reliability but it's not to say you can't do it and be reliable but it takes some experimentation and crashing to figure out where reliable is if you leave it at stock you can get on with your life and most people won't notice a difference of a couple hundred megahertz when you're back in the day when a 300 megahertz Celeron could be overclocked to 600 that was a hell of a difference she'd doubled the speed these days eating you 15% faster of 4 gigahertz it's almost not noticeable you'd really have to run benchmarking software to see it Ian McCleod contributed $2 and says Slainte cheers Ian thank you for that mark why has contributed $2 he says can I have 50 more can I have more than 50 characters so limited that's a YouTube thing I got I got nothing on that man but thank you Mark is contributed $2 he says get customers see value when slow is their normal know what that means slow is a computer that crashes slow is a computer that you lose all the work you were working on because of blue screen I don't care what your processor speed is if your machine just crashes and you've lost all your work or you're delaying customers because you have to reboot the machine because it crashed or you're unable to meet your project on time because you have to do it again because you just lost everything you did that's not a faster computer and some of the slowest people I know are the ones that emphasize the importance of overclocking think about that does grizzly thermal paste really make a difference like people say it does no thermal paste makes a big difference of more than 2 to 3 degrees centigrade and when you consider ambient room temperatures constantly in flux it is highly unlikely that it's really making any scientifically modified difference now if you live in a world where 2 to 3 degrees centigrade makes a difference in your life by it I can't imagine any scenario aside from profoundly extreme experimental overclocking with liquid nitrogen where 2 to 3 degrees Celsius makes any difference in reality but it's your money the problem with the Internet is there's a lot of false inaccurate incomplete and flat-out lies with regards to information being provided I encourage everybody to do these tests themselves buy yourself a couple of different kinds of thermal compound put them on there and test it it's not a big investment and then have that experience it doesn't matter what anybody says on the internet and while some of the people on the internet are telling the truth and are accurate many others are not telling the truth or are the information is flawed and how they obtained it or they heard it from somewhere else and they're repeating it back and they may not be repeating it back exactly they might be embellishing it's really hard to say so it is my advice that any information including what you see on my channel is taken with a grain of salt let it plant a seed but it's not there to replace your actual real-world experience virtual reality is another word for pretend and pretending to be an airline pilot is not the same as being an airline pilot pretending to drive a car is not the same as driving a car there are g-forces and momentum and things you just can't feel electronically through virtual reality there's things you can't touch you can't smell it's sort of like being on oxycontin or some painkiller it's a numbing experience of life if you want to live life numb you know you should look forward to death as far as I'm concerned life is a is about as much about feeling and tasting and hearing and smelling it's about all all five of the senses and I'm leaving one out virtual reality is only about two senses it's what you see and what you hear you really can't feel anything you can't smell anything there's no sense of balance there's no sense of gravity and there's it's just not the same it's just not the same I'll put you in a car I'll put you in a Tesla and Ludacris mode and we'll go from zero to 60 in 2.9 seconds and then we'll put you in the video game we'll put you in Forza and we'll put it to zero to 60 in 2.9 seconds and we'll see which one of those is more than likely going to make you wet your pants it is an entirely and unrelated experience between reality and virtual reality or playing pretend shooting a gun in a video game is nothing at all like shooting a gun in reality it is nothing you have no idea how heavy that gun is how deafening it is when it goes off and the kickback and then you know people get bruised from the kickback on certain weaponry and how they hold it you it's just very unrealistic and much the same when you're reading forums online and seeing videos that are highly polished and edited crafted for who knows what agenda potentially the information you're getting has been designed specifically with an agenda now we don't know what the agenda is the agenda could be to trick you the agenda could be to help you the agenda could be to sell a product who knows and as long as you don't know that then the only thing you can really rely on are people you know in real life things that you witness firsthand which is the importance of live video or things that you've personally experienced yourself which nothing else matters right that trumps everything I cannot explain to you how to ride a bicycle I can show you videos and I can tell you about balance but until you sit on a bicycle you will have no concept of any of these ideas might think you know because you read about it online and you watch some videos but it won't help you at all no it is something you have to do and you will never ever learn it from watching videos and you will never learn it from reading on the Internet you will never learn it from virtual reality or playing video games life still is life the Internet is not a replacement or an alternate it is a piece about this big of this much and so you are robbing yourself as far as I'm concerned if you invest too much of your life into this piece it ignore the rest of this and think that this piece is providing the rest it's not it absolutely is not doing that so it's important in my opinion that we strike a balance between those two things and not rob yourself of one experience over the other so we have we're at maximum of 71 degrees after what is now I've been talking so long 20 minutes because remember I started this timer well after I started the test that is a huge huge difference and it's a combination of yeah not being overclocked look I can flip that switch back to 15 percent you know overclock it shouldn't be there customer didn't say I wanted overclocked computer customers said I want a computer that works I am frustrated I'm pulling my hair out it's driving me mad that's not a person that wants to overclock if you enjoy the challenges of fixing blue screens and PCs that don't boot then you will enjoy figuring out your overclock because every CPU is different you can't overclock them all the same even the same model number of CPU on the same model number of board with the same RAM and the same everything will not overclock the same it's an experiment and you have to figure it out through crashing until it doesn't crash anymore you got more time than me it's amazing how much time people will invest and waste to get an almost immeasurable difference in performance it'd be like I'm gonna go to the gym every day so I can live longer so I will end up spending the equivalent of five years of my life at the gym so I will live three years longer that makes no sense to me there's other reasons to go to the gym but I'm saying if that's your reason it it's a bad investment in my opinion all right so we're at 21 minutes now I'm gonna stop the test it's obvious it's obvious this cooler is fantastic it's quiet and then when we add the case fans you know when we replace these case fans and we turn them back on and we put the side panels on everything should be enclosed and actually cooler because it's got to move that air efficiently instead of being open like this if a machine is cooling properly it should run cooler with the panels on this is one of those things people are like Oh it'll run hotter with the panels on yeah with bad cooling it will if your computer is running hotter with the panels on then you don't have good cooling your airflow should be improved when you lock the air in and force it to move across see right now the air can come out of here and the air can come out over there and leak likewise this air can go in but when we enclose it and we force the air through a pattern and we have that pattern nice and clean you put in too many fans you disrupt the pattern so too many fans is bad you want to put in just the right number of fans basically we're forcing the air to move in one direction from the bottom front to the top back with some cases being different but the majority of cases that's the the process and it'll actually cool better when you do that right when the panels are on okay there are some exceptions so you know your graphics cards sitting here depending if it's a blower model or not that may interfere with the ambient heat that sits in this area and as a result trapping that in with your case panel could result in seeing higher temps even though your cooling is correct so there are exceptions to that but I just want to emphasize that the the engineering behind it the reason they do that is so that the air moves efficiently and having that airflow keeps pushing that heat out and so things should run cooler rather than just the willy-nilly what's happening now now that being said we're at 23 minutes I want to stop this test this is ridiculous it's obviously not gonna get any hotter and there's no way the customer's ever gonna run the system this hard for this long there's no way you're gonna run all quarters at 100% for what is now 23 minutes no way so whenever the customer does with this machine I know it's never gonna overheat on them unless he starts overclocking it then all bets are off okay so let me shut this down and let's put the other memory in and that'll be the last test for today and then I should be able to put the graphics card back in it and then I can load up his hard drives and see what he's got going on I'll do that off camera cuz I don't know what he's got on there and we can put this USB card back there it shouldn't be a problem I just take all that stuff out for diagnostic reasons so I've got I'm gonna turn the power supply switch to off because i don't want to insert any ram i really don't want to work on anything in here with the power off it's it's actually got to be completely cut off which means unplugging it or at least hitting the switch to the off position the power light there's a little power switch here and it's still lit up even though i've cut power so that means the capacitors there's still power on this board that's just draining and i have to wait for these lights to go off otherwise when I insert the RAM it could have a little spark and it could cause damage so the lights have finally gone off and now I'm gonna take this Ram module and it's gonna go right into this slot right here there's one and then the last one is going to go right in here make sure they're all seated well then they are flip the switch back on and hit power and hopefully this thing will boot because it wasn't booting before Michael Barrett just contributed five bucks he goes here's another 500 bucks that's five dollars here's another five bucks we started our winter shutdown December 23rd through January 2nd lucky you everything's busier neck for me okay we're initializing here we got the LEDs going the diagnostic down here Hey look at that that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about I was starting to think we had a bad motherboard in the whole time it was just damn switches switches that ordinary motherboards don't have by the way want to keep emphasizing that be careful the motherboard you choose don't get yourself into your own little dilemma because you got sold on somebody who's video review for something you don't need so there it is 32 gigs of RAM looking good CPUs running at stock speeds again yay and let's shut er down there we go Gary Tatum's contributed five bucks he says that was a great show Carrie really informed of hey thank you Gary thanks for joining me today I hope everybody had a great Christmas to yesterday and if you don't celebrate Christmas I still hope you had a great yesterday let's fit the screen there I am alright guys a couple shots out to everybody who's contributed today stop that timer and we can wrap things up cuz the dogs are like you're a half an hour late we're starving over here it's not exactly what they're saying but it's close enough all right thanks to Gary Tatum Michael Berra Ian McCleod mark why Nigel Baptiste Glyn Davies he said here's two Australian dollars for a newfangled phone raph player Arvid bazzill bellarius has contributed 100 Norwegian Crona says if you have four nvme drives put three of them in the raid zero and the last one is the boot drive I agree I absolutely agree what is your preference setup rate and bios or let windows take care of it oh definitely set it up in BIOS body has contributed again thank you so much Maudie and then there's border ik kattiline who we met I met him in Michigan Glyn Davies contributed to Australian dollars he said the fireworks are for the launch of your yacht which yacht which one just one I can only have one yacht and thanks to a David register who contributed two dollars these are some I missed earlier Louis 67 contributed five Canadian dollars Lucas on contributed 20 so we Swedish Krona says how important is the RTFM procedure in an IT career so the read the manual procedure is in an IT career it's really important but you're not gonna deal with different hardware in an IT career like let's say you work as desktop support at a corporation they will have a standardized platform of hardware and once you learn that like the back of your hand it'll only change every few years when things get upgraded that's why people that work in desktop support in corporate offices aren't necessarily that helpful when it comes to helping people with their home computers because all they're doing is following corporate procedures and as long as you follow corporate procedures you've got a good career ahead of you there and the only time you have to learn new corporate procedures is when you change jobs lourdes evans contributes $2 Thank You Lourdes for your contributions throughout the year and the Dennis Manhoef red dragon Thomas Robinson Kevin Miller Beck Jonathan Mayberry Henry sure Planet cryos rusty nail Michael Brooks John Yasuda Hugh Wong Chris store who mentioned in his contribution when I was asking about the 4f air he said that according to the standard UEFI diagnostic codes for F usually means bad BIOS chip or flash well you can see that wasn't the problem we had and it emphasizes why I ignore these diagnostic LEDs because all they do is provide useless information that is not most of the time relevant to what the problem is this is why I use my brain and don't rely on what the computer is telling you as far as any Diagnostics go because if the dye if the problem exists then how do you know the Diagnostics are accurate if the Diagnostics are coming from something that's having a problem so you're saying the Diagnostics are right but the Diagnostics are coming from a motherboard that's not working right how can you believe it if it was working he wouldn't be getting a diagnostic code if it wasn't working then the diagnostic code is probably not going to be accurate because it's based on a nonworking platform it's not a separate unit you're plugging and reading it like an obd2 reader for a car it's coming from the broken device if the broken device was that smart why didn't it just fix itself think about that Jen's Karlsson thank you for your contribution and Bill Bauer and Gary Tatum a vardø Arredondo who contributed $4.99 and here's a donation for the channel keep up your hardwork I really enjoy watching the show thank you ever appreciate that sorry I missed it earlier David our register jeonse telic Aaron Armstrong Jim Innes looks like I missed Jim's contribution thank you Jim Jeremy Cramer Chris's tech and variety channel Mahdi yo Ella ken Bearpaw Steve Devine Brendon Looney James Griffin James was the first contribution during today's broadcast watches us in Alaska thanks to all of you for your contributions thanks to everybody watching for just hanging out with me today it's just good to hang out you know and and all my friends in blue and for all of the kindness and support that each and every one of you show in the chat room and to each other that make this a very special place on the internet in a very rare place and I intend to keep it that way only bigger right I want to see this community grow because I know there's a lot of supportive and kind individuals and unfortunately they're not as loud as that minority of jerks that seem to want to take everything over but it ain't happening here this is all an amazing community created by us and for us and so I hope to see it continue to grow I hope to add more friends in blue in 2020 a lot more let's double it let's triple it let's quadruple it let's get bigger bigger and yet let's keep it down to earth and let's keep it supportive and let's keep it kind it's really super easy all right guys thank you so much for watching and I will hopefully see you tomorrow I'm not sure yet if I can be live tomorrow I will what I will be doing tonight is I will put the graphics card back in I'll put the USB card back in I'm gonna do some cable management and clean this up and I'm gonna talk to the customer if he wants me to replace these fans I'll see what I've got in stock I don't have any that light up so if he wants light up fans will have to order them I'll run em test 86 with all the memory installed make sure because it did pass in pairs and we run it again with all four to make sure it still passes I'll hook his drives back up and just do a general looky-loo around windows to make sure it's configured good and remove any temp files that sort of thing make sure all the updates are installed hook all the front port umbilicals back up I think it's pretty well good to go it's just little stuff I don't need to make a video on then once the customer wouldn't we figure out what we're doing with these fans it can get box back up ship it back out to Tennessee everybody ought to be happy so thank you again for watching and I will see you all again next time until then bye for now you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 36,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carey Holzman, PC, build, pc, personal, computer, assemble, how-to, DIY, gigabye, evga, case, ram, memory, rgb, ultimate, nvme, m2, samsung, classic, gigabyte, screwdriver, tools, easy, windows, microsoft, hard drive, ssd, hdd, cpu, temp, temperature, water block, cool, cooler, cooling, big, biggest, best, psu, power supply, #computer, scythe, 1080ti, 9700k, intel, corsair, game, gamer, games, gaming, fortnite, call of duty, minecraft
Id: Sn3qbyKoR2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 43sec (12703 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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