Live Daily Holy Mass | 03 March 2022 | Ss. Peter & Paul's Church | Ireland

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus keep me near the cross there are precious [Applause] [Music] [Music] till i [Music] near the cross [Music] have me walk from day to day [Music] be [Music] rest beyond [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all with your spirit brothers and sisters good morning and almost welcome as we continue our journey through true land and today jesus will give in the gospel the message of what really all the journey is about as he's going to be crucified but we know that true lent the journey doesn't end with crucifixion and it ends with the resurrection because sometimes it takes for us to make sacrifices in order to achieve our glory or in order to achieve our mission on our calling as jesus makes it so clearly in the gospel at the beginning of this masses we acknowledge our sins as also we welcome those who join us through our webcam facebook live shalom tv now known on our own radio as together we prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries i confess to almighty [Music] brothers and god that i have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done and what i have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault therefore i expressed mary [Music] and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord are gone may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life amen lord have mercy lord have mercy christ have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy let us pray prompt our actions with your inspiration we pray o lord and further them with your constant help that all we do may always begin from you and be you and by you be brought to completion through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you unity of the holy spirit god forever and ever amen a reading from the book of deuteronomy moses said to the people see today i set before you life and prosperity death and disaster if you obey the commandments of the lord your god that i enjoin on you this day if you love the lord your god and follow his ways he will keep his commandments his laws his customs you will live and increase and the lord your god will bless you in the land which you are entering to make your own but if your heart strays if you refuse to listen if you let yourself be drawn into worshipping other gods and serving them i tell you today you will most certainly perish you will not live long in the land you are crossing the jordan to enter and possess i call heaven and earth to witness against you today i set before you life or death blessing or curse choose life then so that you as your descendants may live in the love of the lord your god obeying his voice clinging to him for in this your life consists and on this depends your long stay in the land which the lord swore to your father fathers abraham isaac and jacob he will give them the word of the lord [Music] [Music] happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked nor lingers in the way of sinners [Music] and who ponders his lording [Music] he is like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters that heals its fruit in just season and whose leaves shall never faith and all that he does shall prosper [Music] not so are the wicked not so for they like when old child shall be driven away by the wind for the lord guards the way of the just both [Music] who has placed his trust in the lord praise lord jesus christ a pure heart create from me oh god and give me again the joy of your help lord jesus christ [Music] and the lord be with you and with your spirit a reading from the holy gospel according to luke jesus said to his disciples the son of man is destined to suffer grievously to be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and to be put to death and to be raised up on the third day then to all he said if anyone wants to be a follower of mine let that person renounce themselves and take up their cross every day and follow me for anyone who wants to save their life will lose it but anyone who loses their life for my sake that person will save it what gain then is it for a person to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined their very self this is the good news of the lord jesus christ saint john paul ii explains in the encyclical letter called veritatis splendor how adam and eve have been blessed with freedom when god placed upon them the commandment do not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden basically that gives them the freedom to choose either do so i our either don't do so because otherwise you don't have freedom it's just i don't know meaningless decisions but the true freedom is the one that have consequences and that's why as we see unfortunately adam and eve have chosen to to do exactly against or act againstly against the lord and that freedom with consequences was something that troubled people throughout the history and we have people like the likes of john paul sartre or albert camille and other existentialists who have pondered upon that and even almost drove them to depression that we have so much freedom and so much consequences and we are so responsible for everything that we are doing and then we go to the other likes of the other people who just basically drift away and let the life take decisions for them without being in control of anything and just wake up and see whatever goes today will go and that's it and today the readings and the gospel makes us realize how important are the decisions that we make because moses or god says to moses the author i mean the first reading i have placed before you today life and death and you have the ability to choose you have the ability to do so to choose either life and we have heard in the psalm how the psalmist's praise the one who trusts in the lord and good things will come to him and how unfortunate is the wicked that doesn't place his trust in the lord and chooses against the lord and then bad things come to him but it's not all about you know retribution or about rewards or punishment it's about the fact that we are in control of our lives we can choose either to do good or either to do bad either to help someone or either to don't or either don't and the beauty let's say so in our choosing is the fact that we can start again there are some choices in our life obviously that we can't you can change some things that we can regret or some things that we we regret or some things that we want to relieve and so on but as we start the land is always a journey and we'll be accompanied throughout the land most of the times with the people with the the people of israel who are journeyed for 40 years in the desert and they have as well made choices as god gave them the commandments they have chosen against him and even through all of that god always prevails and try to make people understand that as they give up little things now they little or more things will be given on to them and that is the sacrifice that jesus says about in the gospel because through his sacrifice we can again make choices for example as we start at lent and we make all kinds of propositions most of the times we fail but each day as we have it bless the lord we have a new day that we can start again that we can make new choices i can make better choices towards what we are doing and as jesus says in the gospel if we denounce ourselves if we take our crosses our problems our kinds of sufferings our bad habits and we try to work with them good things would come to us because whatever we invest whatever we do now it will come as i don't know as a reward for us it's a sacrifice that we do in order to better ourselves in order to come or come to the calling that we have been called to to be children of god and it's always about the choices that we do and we take or thank today jesus or thank the god today god for the grace that we are always able to start again and as we journey through land ask always the grace to make the best choices for ourselves to make or be proud of the followers of jesus christ we stand as we proclaim our general intercessions today as we pray as war rages in ukraine pope francis asked us to pray for peace we ask god who is the god of peace and not of war who is the father of all not just of some who wants us to be brothers and sisters and not enemies lord hear us lord graciously hear us we pray for ourselves that each of us during this time of lent will follow jesus with trust and hope lord hear us lord gracious we pray that during this lent we will stand in solidarity with those christians around the world are persecuted for the faith or whose right to religious freedom is restricted lord hear us lord graciously earth we pray for all who join us this morning virtually may you continue to know the presence of god alive and active in your hearts and in your homes lord hear us lord graciously hear us and we take a quiet moment to present our own petitions to the lord and those who have asked for our prayers as we pray lord hear us graciously hear us as we pray this morning for a number of special intentions and we pray for german in india as well for weighing grace in dublin a special intention for sindeline moore johnson in usa as well for dudley duncan east london south africa for surgery and as well family work for surgery as well as special intention for baby fin surgery for the success and as well for mary and family and for all who have asked for our prayers as we pray to the lord lord hear us lord graciously hear us as we pray for our faithfully departed we pray for sister esther queen presentation sisters jonah western australia and formerly of all knock me road whose interpretant is taking place in australia today as well we pray for the hap repose of sister catherine champ champion kilcock and formerly of mount rat road was removal this evening to arrive in saint pocus church in kilcock for evening prayers at 6 00 p.m with funeral mass tomorrow at 10 a.m followed by burial and saint peter's and paul cemetery portland and sister catherine is a sister of patsy champion as well we pray for the hap repose of elizabeth elizabeth scott near ready in manchester whose binaural burial is taking place today as well we pray for where we milanes germaco tabango philippines who died yesterday as well for hilda nazareth in mumbai india who died this morning we pray for mount's mind mass of celine joseph in india and first anniversary of harry amalan in sydney australia as well we pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time and we pray for christopher paisley senior gen st john square for martin mulley and klonterf and for john kelly fairgreen and formerly monaro kilkenny as well for francis abumelli for john kenny dublin as well for cure and money in atana as we pray eternal rest grant unto them lord and let her lie shall upon them may the arrest in peace lord hear us we offer all these intentions through christ our lord amen [Music] [Music] is [Music] good peace [Music] to my [Music] that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father may the lord professor johanns for the praise and glory of his name for our good and good of all his holy church regard with favor o lord we pray the offerings we set upon the sacred altar that bestowing on us your pardon our oblation may give honor to your name to christ our lord amen the lord be with you and with your spirit lift up your hearts we lifted them up to the lord let us give thanks to the lord our god we decided it is truly right and just ordered in our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord for by your gracious gift each year your faithful awaits the sacred paschal feasts with the joy of minds made pure so that more eagerly intent on prayer and on the works of charity and participating in the mysteries by which they have been reborn they may be led to to the fullness of grace that you bestow on your sons and daughters and so with angels and are angels with thrones and dominions and with all the hosts and powers of heaven we sing the human of your glory as without and we acclaimed was [Music] me you are indeed holy lord and all you have created righteously gives you praise for to our son our lord jesus christ by the party and working of the holy spirit to give life to all things and make them holy and you never cease to gather people to yourself so that from the rising of the sun to its setting a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name therefore lord humbly in glory by the same script spirit graciously may hold this kiss you have brought you for consecration that they may become the body and blood of her son our lord jesus christ at his command we celebrate these mysteries for on the night he was betrayed he himself took bread and giving you thanks he said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and giving you thanks he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of the eternal covenant which will be pulled out for him for many for forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me [Music] the mystery of faith [Music] by your cross and resurrection [Music] you have set us free you have set us free therefore oh lord as we celebrate the memorial of the saving passion of your son his wondrous resurrection and ascension into heaven and as we look forward to his second coming we offering thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice luke we pray upon the oblation of your church to recognizing the sacrificial victim by who is that you will to reconcile us to yourself grant that we who are nourished by the body and blood of our son and filled with his holy spirit may become one body one spirit in christ may he make of us an eternal offering to you so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect especially with the most blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with your blessed apostles and glorious martyrs and with all the saints on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for our unfailing help may this sacrifice of our reconciliation we pray o lord advance the peace and salvation of all the world be pleased to confirm in faith and love your pilgrim church on earth with your servant francis our pope and dennis our bishop the order of bishops all the clergy as well as the entire people you have gained for your own [Music] listen graciously to the prayers of this family whom you have summoned before you in your compassion o merciful father gather to yourself all your children scattered throughout the world and to our departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life give kind admittance to your kingdom for there we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory through christ our lord through whom you bestow on the world all that is good through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever and ever amen at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father what in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on our authorities in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not in temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the helper for mercy may be always free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours no one forever lord jesus christ who said your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not on our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will will even reign for ever and ever amen the peace of the lord be with you always and with your spirit as we pray for peace we offer each other a sign of peace [Music] is [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those called to the suffer of the lamb lord i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word and my soul shall be healed for those joining us through the parish radio are the webcam and shalom world tv we now pray this act of spiritual communion my jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally come spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen [Music] me so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i believe in you [Music] you should [Music] alone [Music] [Applause] i believe in [Music] [Music] you [Music] free [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] and we continue to pray our prayer in time of distress as we pray for those still affected by the coronavirus and very aware of the raging war we pray for those afflicted by the war and all the victims as we pray to almighty god and eternal god our refuge in every danger to whom we turn in our distress in faith we pray look with compassion on the afflicted grant eternal rest of the dead calm forth to mourners healing to the sick peace to dying strength health care workers inspiration to scientists wisdom to our leaders and the courage to reach out toward love so that you get to make it glory to your holy name amen let us pray having received the blessing of your heavenly gifts we humbly beseech you almighty god that they may always be for us a source both of pardon and of salvation through christ our lord amen as we are all aware that yesterday was a day of penance and fasting as we prayed for peace and especially peace in ukraine and as an initiative throughout our lenten journey every friday at six pm there will be stations of the cross four piece parade here in the parish church you are more than welcome to join us either physically or through our virtual means so every friday throughout the land at 6 00 pm stations of the cross for peace will be played here in the church i want to thank you all for joining with us today we all are physically here and it's such such a nice turnout to see so many people who are taking their lenten journey seriously and are here at mass and as well those who are joining us virtually and through our webcam facebook live and shalom more tv and our own radio and thanks to the people who broadcast the mass who helped us draw the celebration to our sister sacristans to our extraordinary ministers the eucharist our stewards father nick for celebrating and of course the lovely music done by ifa today thank you very much and i hope you have a blessed land and keep safe the lord be with you and with your spirit may almighty god bless you and protect you all the father and the son and the holy spirit amen the mass has ended let us go forth to love and serve the lord thanks be to god [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] our way [Music] we embrace the cross that you pour and we'll jesus christ jesus christ [Music] mother mary queen of peace we invoke you and implore you as our heavenly mother intercessor and patron of shalom world in this world where there is a lack of peace let shalom world be an instrument and channel of the peace of christ mother mary into your immaculate heart we place all those who have been supporting this television channel with their valuable prayers and financial contributions mother mary star of the new evangelization help us to shed and share the light of the gospel to the whole world amen fighting the battles of life fear not god can deliver you be assured that we are always there to pray for you submit your prayer requests at sw call us [Music] are you looking for life-changing entertainment does what you see on most channels leave you feeling unfulfilled well look no further shalom world tv brings the peace and joy of jesus christ to you whether at home or on the go to start watching you don't need antennas cable connections or a dish you probably already have what you need if you have a smart tv such as a samsung lg or panasonic or if you have them with an android opera or rokutv operating system these can be found on the latest models of sony toshiba visio philips rca sharp aquos tcl insignia element hitachi vestal skyworth chang hong kongka and hisense you can also watch 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life-changing entertainment you found it it's here waiting for you on your shalom world [Music] you
Channel: Shalom World
Views: 4,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shalom, Shalom World, Catholic, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Pope Francis, inspirational, motivational, Shalom TV, charismatic, faith, hope, love, live, nonprofit, support, music, songs, catholic television, christian television network (tv network), charismatic movement, christianity, christian videos, daily mass, catholicism, jesus christ, roman catholic church, prayers, catholic tv channel, holy mass, holy spirit, mother mary, pope francis, mary, online mass
Id: svr-De7HOgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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