Funeral Mass of Rev. Vincent van Zutphen

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this woman comes from somewhere i'm just being announced i'll just play [Music] lift high the cross the love of christ proclaimed till all the world adore his sacred name come let us follow where our captain taught our king victorious christ the son of god [Music] the love of christ's proclaim till all the world adore is [Music] [Music] [Music] the love of christ proclaim [Music] till all the words [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit peace be with you on the day of his baptism vincent was welcomed into the church and given new life in christ and clothed with the garment of salvation and today we greet the body of our brother and we surround him with the church's prayer and we commend our brother vincent to the mercy of god and we pray that the promises made to him in baptism will be fulfilled so on behalf of the diocese of anaganish i want to extend our condolences to the family on the death of father vincent i'm very pleased to welcome so many people here today including our clergy our priests and deacons and a special welcome to those who are watching on the live stream we're pleased also to have archbishop brian dunn of the archdiocese of halifax yarmouth formerly the bishop of the diocese of anagonish also a former dean of saint peter's seminary so father vincent talked this fella here and then later he was on staff faculty with him for six years so he knows father vincent very well so we're pleased to have you with us today archbishop so as we gather for this celebration of our faith we come before the lord and so prepare ourselves to celebrate these secret sacred mysteries lord jesus you came to give us abundant life lord have mercy lord jesus you bring comfort to those who mourn christ have mercy lord jesus you give hope to all who believe in you lord have mercy may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life let us pray here with favor our prayers which we humbly offer o lord for the salvation of the soul of vincent your servant and priest that he who devoted a faithful ministry to your name may rejoice in the perpetual company of your saints through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit god forever and ever a reading from the book of wisdom the souls of the righteous are in the hand of god and no torment will ever touch them in the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died and their departure was thought to be a disaster and they're going from us to be their destruction but they are at peace for though in the sight of others they were punished their hope is full of immortality having been disciplined a little they will receive great good because god tested them and found them worthy of himself like gold in a furnace he tried them and like sacrificial burnt offerings he accepted them in the time of their visitation they will shine forth and will run like sparks through the stubble they will govern nations and rule over peoples those who trust in him will understand truth and the faithful will abide with him in love because grace and mercy are upon his holy holy eyes and he watches over his elect the word of the lord thanks be to god so [Music] the lord is my shepherd there is nothing i shall want [Music] the lord [Music] the lord is my shepherd there is nothing i shall want fresh and green all the pastures where he gives near restful waters he leads me to revive my drooping spirits the lord is my shepherd there is nothing i shall he guides me along the right path he's true to his name if i should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would i fear you are there with your crook and your staff with these you give me comfort the lord is [Music] you have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my falls my head you have anointed with all my cup is overflowing [Music] the lord is my shepherd there is nothing i [Music] surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life in the lord's own house shall i dwell forever [Music] there is [Music] a reading from the first letter of saint john st paul to the thessalonians we do not want you to be uninformed brothers and sisters about those who have died so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope for since we believe that jesus died and rose again even so through jesus god will bring with him those who have died for this we declare to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive who are left until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who have died for the lord himself with a cry of command with the ark angles call and with the sound of god's trumpet will descend from heaven and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive who are left will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the lord in the air so that we will be with the lord forever therefore encourage one another with these words the word of the lord thanks be to god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] help those you saved by your blood raise them to life with your martyrs save your people lord as they're ruling [Music] oh [Music] the lord be with you and with your spirit a reading from the holy gospel according to john [Music] jesus said to the people i am the living bread that came down from heaven whoever eats of this bread will live forever and the bread that i will give for the life of the world is my flesh the people then disputed among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat so jesus said to them very truly i tell you unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and i will raise him up on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and i in them just as the living father sent me and i live because of the father so whoever eats me will live because of me this is the bread that came down from heaven not like that which your ancestors ate and they died but the one who eats this bread will live forever the gospel of the lord praise to you lord jesus christ god good morning everyone the bishop just gave me a blessing he was supposed to be here in my place really you know so i i i've been giving him a few curses not really though but i thank him very much for that i thank him for the privilege to uh speak a few words on behalf of father vincent and some of the things that were very important in his life father vinson was born was blessed by his from his very birth by being born into a very beautiful family his parents had great faith in god they were a wonderful couple they were courageous they were hard-working they were god-filled and even when i was younger i just remember them always coming for choir practice here they never missed that church was very important to them and of course family was very important and it was a a great day for the porthole and the smelly area when they moved to this part of the world so father vincent had a had a great a great start in life he um he was a good student he worked hard i knew him at st paul's university where he was studying there and gave a few starters to give first class classes in scripture and wasn't easy he was teaching people who were older than he was and probably had a lot more teaching but he just accepted that as a part of his call to to be a priest of god there are a few things in his life that were you might say more important than others and the first reading that we heard from saint john whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and i live in them and i will raise them up on the last day the teachings on the eucharist from saint john were terribly important to father vincent and we could just say that that was the main focus in his life to try to understand more a bit more deeply what it really meant for jesus to take bread and bless it and say this is my body the body of god and to take wine and bless it and say this is my blood now we know that there's been many senses taken up over the years concerning different aspects of the church and it seems that many christians have a great difficulty really believing this teaching and really accepting it and even catholics many of them probably as low as as 40 or as high as 40 percent don't really and truly believe that what we receive in holy communion is the body of christ and the blood of christ and father vincent really tried to drive that teaching home by way of possessions uh eucharistic adoration and in every way that he could he wanted to teach that and so that first reading that we heard from john was one that would be very dear to his heart he he chose that reading himself and he was very anxious that it would be used at his funeral mass now when jesus first taught about you know giving his body and blood for the people many of his followers just couldn't accept that and even though they had seen he might perform miracles hear him preach like no one ever preached before see even raised people from the dead you know for him to be able to change bread into his own body it seemed to be too much for them on one of the casios that i happen to be working on there was one person there he didn't have very strong faith in the eucharist and when we were gathered in little tables you know this and this is a well-educated person and i was giving a little teaching on the body and blood of jesus he said afterwards who would want to drink anybody's blood and who would want to eat anybody's flesh he was making this point now i'm sure that most of us here hopefully all of us you know know that this is one of the most beautiful gifts that jesus could leave with us you know it's almost a gift that he gives to his father too my one of the parting gifts would be leaving his own very life in the form of bread and wine his body and blood to god's people you know and with the promise that those who eat his body and drink his blood will live in him and he in us and then he will raise us up on the last day you're also somber here today isn't it i thought you might be saying hallelujah you know how come on what better and more powerful and wonderful gift could jesus give to us of course we have his wonderful word but to really believe that at every mass that we attend god gives you and i and whoever comes and whoever believes the very body of jesus and the very his very blood we believe that jesus could do all kinds of things like he could multiply bread and feed thousands he could multiply the fish you know and help peter and the rest catch huge catches of fish that he could do anything he wanted because he's he is god but somehow or other uh to really believe that he's present at every mass that's celebrated i think you know that that almost seems a little bit too much the most if you accept that a few of you do you know i'm sure i'm i'm half kidding but half serious and maybe hopefully father's vincent's life you know and his death may give us a stronger belief that here is our lord and savior jesus offering us you know his of us blessings and graces but offering us his own body because he can do that he's god and his own blood and then telling us that that's the food that we need to bring us into eternal life so that was kind of the main thing i thought i would like to stress today because it seems to be very important to father it should be important of course to every priest and bishop and and every religious leader uh and maybe i'm sure that we could should be reflecting of that and preaching about that more often now father vincent you believe that so strongly every day of the church year except good friday he celebrates mass yeah he just loved to celebrate the eucharist mainly i'm sure because he knew that he would be receiving the very body and blood of jesus so and even when the pandemic stuck he looked for other we other ways to celebrate online in the paris hall he set up the altar there halfway in and half ways out and sometimes the wind would be blowing his hair and everything else he didn't didn't bother him at all as long as he was celebrating the eucharist that was up utmost with him so and once again he had lots of other nice devotions also the one for divine mercy many people probably are not very up on that but over the last number of years the church has been trying to promote a bit more the great mercy of god you know it's like god having a storehouse a warehouse of mercy of compassion and of love that he just loves to share with his people if we will come before him and the divine mercy it's a beautiful devotion of course father vince had a great love for his blessed mother and he was consecrated and into the he received the consecration of his life to mary and the first saturday of every month mary would be queen and crowned at crane once again mary was tremendously important and helpful in his life father vincent had a wonderful connection with his family he had a big family as you know and they were very fond of him and he was very fond of them and even his extended family nieces and nephews and then when baptisms were coming he was very happy to celebrate you know the baptism of all the children that the uh that were born into the van sutton family and extended family he he just loved celebrate baptism he loved to celebrate marriage and above all i've had mentioned he loved to celebrate the eucharist and so some of the things that uh how this flowed out in his own life he had a great love for the needy and very few people i'm sure ever came to his door without help in some way and that that's a wonderful thing the lord tells us quite often you know the lord hears the cry of the poor and father vincent heard that he had great compassion and love for those who were unwell and suffering another wonderful christian principle but one of the things that really stands out in my life was father vincent's acceptance as of the thing you might say the calls that god gave to him he was called of course to be a priest and loved to be a priest and loved the church he was called to teach and he spent many of his years teaching and near the end of his life when he was you know doing so much work on the church here and hoping that he'd be able to survive until it was finished but he was called and once again to accept the cross of suffering of cancer and he did he made these transitions very peacefully he received many sacraments of the church i don't know how many times i anointed him i was running out of oil at the lab but he loved to be anointed he loved the prayers and of course he loved to receive holy communion i had the honor of bringing him holy communion until he couldn't swallow even a small bit of the host and but he lived he died a very peaceful death surrounded by his family and friends as he wanted he had made that known with the people praying the rosary and i'm sure when we're ready to go through the gates of death to mary is listening to here pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death he was just so peaceful in my over 50 years as a priest there are only a few people that i had the privilege of being who were as peaceful he was leaving this world in fact simon had to look a few times to see if he was still with us and what he really seemed that he had read his last breath someone one of the prayers said father into your hands we command his spirit wasn't that beautiful it was lovely it was that's great you know if you and i will be given that privilege when it comes time for us to leave this world you know just to know that we're in the presence of the blessed mother that jesus the good shepherd will be there to welcome us then we're pretty well off we have nothing to worry about so father vincent he knew where where he was headed he knew he was headed for heaven he didn't seem to be sad or rebellious in any way he just peacefully turned his life over to god so today we thank the god for the many gifts that father vincent had and how he developed the gifts from god how we share them with others and he did his best to teach you know the flock that were given to him to know the lord with programs like alpha he put a lot of effort into that trying to help his people draw closer to god and we could expect that he got a very good welcome when he met his good shepherd the good shepherd would have no difficulty numbering him among his flock eternal grants unto him o lord that the preacher i shine upon him may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed for the mercy of god rest in peace so those who live in the spirit of the beatitudes have nothing to fear from death they already belong to the kingdom and so it is with confidence that we present our needs as we pray lord hear our prayer so may the leaders of the church respond always to the grace to present the church as the perfect bride of christ to the father lord hear our prayer may the leaders of the world through their leadership and laws protect the least among us lord hear our prayer we pray for a peaceful solution to the conflict between russia and ukraine we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer as a nation may we protect life from conception in the womb to natural death we pray to the lord let us pray for the repose of the soul of father vincent his parents john and elizabeth van zatfen and all departed members of the family especially rica and jerry henry and mary franco maritas and ricky we pray to the lord lord hear our prayer almighty god you want to see in us the qualities that you saw and loved in your son jesus christ hear our prayers and help us become more like him on earth so that we may share his glory in heaven and we ask this through christ our lord um you satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest sweet come give to us o saving lord the bread of life to eat as when the shabbat [Music] so when you call your family lord we follow and rejoice you satisfy the hungry heart with gifts come give to us o saving lord the bread of life to eat with joyful lips we sing to you our praise and gratitude that you should count us worthy lord to share this heavenly food [Laughter] you satisfy the hungry heart with gift the finest wheat come give to us o saving lord the bread of life to eat is not the cup we bless and share the blood of christ outpour do not one cup one love declare our oneness in the lord you satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat come give to us so the lord the bread of life to eat pray my brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to god the almighty father we ask your mercy lord that this sacrifice of our service offered for the soul of vincent your servant and priest may now bring pardon to him who devoutly offered sacrifice to you in the church through christ our lord the lord be with you lift up your hearts let us give thanks to the lord our god it is truly right and just our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord in him the hope of the blessed resurrection has dawned that those saddened by the certainty of dying might be consoled by the promise of immortality to come indeed for your faithful lord a life has changed not ended and when this earthly dwelling turns to dust an eternal dwelling is made ready for them in heaven and so with the angels and archangels with thrones and dominions with all the hosts and powers of heaven we sing the hymn of your glory as without end we acclaim [Music] holy holy holy lord [Music] blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord [Music] yes you are indeed holy o lord and all you have created rightly gives you praise for through your son our lord jesus christ by the power and working of the holy spirit you give life to all things and make them holy and you never cease to gather a people to yourself so that from the rising the sun to its setting a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name and therefore lord we humbly employ you by the same spirit graciously make holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration that they may become the body and blood of your son our lord jesus christ at whose command we celebrate these mysteries from the night he was betrayed he himself took bread and giving you thanks he said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which will be given up for you in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and giving you thanks he said the blessing and gave the chalice to his disciples saying take this all of you and drink from it for this is the chalice of my blood the blood of a new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins do this in memory of me the mystory of faith when we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim your death o lord [Music] therefore lord as we celebrate the memorial of the saving passion of your son his wondrous resurrection and ascension to heaven as we look forward to his second coming we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice look we pray upon the oblation of your church and recognizing the sacrificial victim by whose death you will to reconcile us to yourself grant that we who are nourished by the body and blood of your son and filled with this holy spirit may become one body one spirit in christ and may he make of us an eternal offering to you so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect especially with the most blessed virgin mary mother of god with blessed joseph her spouse with your blessed apostles and glorious martyrs saint peter and all the saints on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help it is sacrifice of our reconciliation and pray oh lord advance the peace and salvation of all the world be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church on earth with your servant francis our pope wayne joseph our bishop the order of bishops all the clergy and the entire people you have gained for your own listen graciously to the prayers of this family whom you have summoned before you in your compassion o merciful father gathers yourself all your children scattered throughout the world remember your servant vincent whom you have called from this world to yourself a grant that he who was united with your son in a death like his may also be one with him in his resurrection when from the earth he will raise up in the flesh those who have died and transform our lowly bodies after the pattern of his own glorious body to our departed brothers and sisters too and to all who are pleasing to you at their passing from this life give kind admittance to your kingdom we're there we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory when you will wipe away every tear from our eyes for seeing you our god as you are we shall be like you for all things and praise you for without eight without end through christ our lord through whom you bestow in the world all that is good through him and with him and in him oh god almighty father in the unity of the holy spirit all glory and honor is yours forever [Music] [Music] at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say our father on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from deliver us lord we pray from every evil graciously grant peace in our days that by the help of your mercy we may always be free from sin safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior jesus christ lord jesus christ who said to your apostles peace i leave you my peace i give you look not at our sins but on the faith of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will who live and reign forever and ever peace of the lord be with you all peace with you lamb of god you take away the sins of the world [Applause] lamb of god you take away the sins of the world of mercy on us [Music] us [Music] peace [Music] behold the lamb of god behold him who takes away the sins of the world blessed are those who are called to the supper of the lamb lord i'm not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say the word my soul shall be healed body and blood of christ eternal life body of christ body of christ so [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] my oh my [Music] is [Music] is r [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] you so foreign [Music] let us pray renewed by food from your heavenly table we humbly beseech you o lord that by the power of this sacrifice the soul of vincent your servant and priest who faithfully ministered in your church may exalt forever in your sight through christ our lord you before we go our separate ways let us take leave of our brother and may our last farewell express our affection for him and may he's our sadness and strengthen our hope and we know that one day we shall joyfully greet him again when the love of christ which overcomes all things destroys even death itself in baptism vincent shared in the death and resurrection of christ and may he be welcomed into the glory of eternal life and as a reminder of his baptism we sprinkle this holy water and as a sign of respect for our brother vincent we let incense rise to god who has called him to share in his glory [Music] may songs of the angels welcome you and guide you along your way may the smiles of the martyrs greet your own as darkness turns into death every fear will be undone and death will be no more as songs of the angels bring you home before the face of god into your hands father mercies we commend our brother vincent in the sure and certain hope that together with all who have died in christ you will rise with him on the last day and we give you thanks for the blessings which you bestowed upon vincent in this life they are signs to us of your goodness and of our fellowship with christ merciful lord turn toward us listen to our prayers and open the gates of paradise to your servant and help us remain to comfort one another with assurances of our faith until we all meet in christ and are with you and our brother forever amen i wanted to share with you just a brief note from bishop favreau the bishop of the diocese of london and he mentions in his note to me hearing expressing sorrow at the death learning about father vincent i'd like to extend sympathy to the members of the family it reminds me of father vincent serving at the seminary many priests have taken courses in sacred scripture part of their formation they speak about their fondness for father vincent after his retirement he served in the parish of saint patrick's and lucan says all of us in the diocese of london our priests and people are deeply grateful for his priestly ministry in our diocese we have benefited greatly from the faithful service he gave us he's offered mass this week for father vincent he signs his letter bishop ronald favreau bishop of the diocese of london so i'd like to give thanks today as well to father father joby and the staff here st peter's church i also want to thank our i thought there was a choir but there probably was but certainly our cancer i think everybody was acquired today so thank you very much i want to thank also deacon berkeley serving as mc i want to thank our readers the organist and i also want to note a thanks to father eugene morris thank you very much morris beautiful reflection and uh wonderful tribute father vincent thank you so i also expressed thanks again to the clergy are with us our priests and deacons you're waiting for an announcement i guess just a little announcement on behalf of the family and also the entire parish community i would like to express our sincere thanks to bishop in joseph and also archbishop brian dunn and all the clergy and deacons who are present here and all of you and from the family there is an announcement following the burial the clergy and immediate family are invited to the parish hall we are sorry that all cannot be invited but we are limited due to covet restrictions thank you st paul speaks of how the life and death of its of each of us has its influence on others well we certainly see that for the life of father vincent he had an influence on many lives through his career as a priest his service to the church so we received father vincent as a gift from god and now comes the day to return the gift of this wonderful person back to god and we gather to pray that god may welcome him with joy eternal happiness in heaven okay we'll say before we say just uh dear friends may every mark of affection every gesture of kindness that you give to others be a sign of god's peace for you people of the lord let us go and take our brother to his place of rest martin is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are standing [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] stuff i am the bread of life he who comes to me shall not hunger he who believes in me shall not and no one can come to me unless the father draw him and i will raise [Music] [Applause] him up the bread that i will give is my flesh for the life of the world and he who eats of this bread and he shall live forever he shall live forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unless you eat of the flesh of the sun of man and dream of his blood and drink of his fat you shall not have life within you and i will raise him up [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am the resurrection i am alive he believes me [Music] he shall live forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes lord i believe that you are the christ the son of god [Music] and i will [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Saint Peter Port Hood
Views: 682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7QwTe5EL2fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 2sec (4562 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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