Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Review

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okay so it is time for us to finally discuss Harry Potter and the half-blood blood prince and holy cow has this video been on request because I took a little bitty break between books five and six but it's only been a month anyway I have a cold today because apparently these these this series is cursed and I have to get sick when it's time to record them but I'm really excited to discuss book 6 in the Harry Potter series because like I've said in other videos the latter books are the ones that I've reread the least amount and haven't reread recently at all so they're the ones that I remember the least and it seems like I've gotten so many comments of people saying that book 6 is the weakest in the series and I enjoyed reading this book so much and I remember book 7 being my least favorite no book 2 is my least favorite book 7 being my second least favorite of the 7 and I haven't reread it in so long but the setup for book 7 at the end of book 6 has me so excited to keep reading so I'm really curious I'm just I'm just enjoying myself so much and book 6 was chock-full of amazing and devastating scenes so let's start out this review at the beginning of the book where Dumbledore comes to pick Harry up so they can go on their tasks to visit Slughorn and instead well actually he sends Harry a letter saying that he's coming and then Harry neglects to tell his aunt and uncle that that he's coming and so it's quite the surprise for them which oh man so Dumbledore invites himself in and makes so many condescending remarks to them about let's pretend you were polite enough to invite me inside and manners would dictate that you offer me a drink but I think it would be a bit bold to assume that that's going to happen based off of how this encounter has gone so far that's not a direct quote but that's essentially what he's saying he's being super passive-aggressive to them and then he ends up conjuring his own drink and conjuring some for them as well and then those drinks just keep hitting them up upside the head more and more aggressively as the conversation continues and they're trying really hard to pretend like it's not there until it's hitting them so hard that it's spilling over on them and then they finally say get these things away from us and Dumbledore responds oh sorry about that and he vanishes them away and then he says although it would have been polite for you just to take the drinks all of this comes off super rude but in a really funny way and I've definitely seen people being frustrated with Dumbledore over the scene but honestly I I appreciate it so much Dumbledore then goes on to politely yet firmly chew them out for being abusive caretakers this entire time he said I left you with a letter explaining that I needed you to take Harry in as one of your own and you have neglected to do that this entire time I was so hurt to see that he came to my school neglected abused and malnourished again I'm paraphrasing but Dumbledore laid in to them and told them you have been the worst caretakers that you could have been except that you at least let him stay and because we now know because of this magical protection that Harry has because of the blood relation that he has to them through his mother that's why Dumbledore had to leave Harry with them every summer is because it was the only thing that protected Harry when he was away from the school and Dumbledore was so frustrated at them that they were Harry's only chance at survival when Harry wasn't at school and and all Harry Hatt got from them was pure survival he didn't get an ounce of love or care he was abused the whole time and Dumbledore is mad that that Harry was in a position that his only choice was this abusive family so Dumbledore chose to chew them out I would have loved for Dumbledore to have chewed them out a long time ago I would have appreciated the scene in book 2 when Dumbledore after book one when Dumbledore realized how bad Harry had it with his family I would have loved for Dumbledore to come back and say hey you have not fulfilled what I asked you to do fix it now but it was really satisfying to get it even now I really real appreciated it and I appreciated these little rude things that Dumbledore did like making the drinks knock the Dursleys upside the head and intentionally talking about how rude they are I appreciated it because Dumbledore must have so much built-up frustration with this family and he's taking it out in these little comedic ways I loved getting to see Fred and George's shop I love Fred and George so much as characters in general but I love that they barely passed there Oh wls and there any WTS what is it newts they barely passed their exams and they they weren't star pupils in school whether either with their grades or with their conduct and yet they're clearly such smart individuals that they can create all these things that when they're given a sack of money by Harry they invest it and use it wisely I don't know if they invested it but you know what I mean they're using it wisely to create a thriving business as well as help out their family some and then I love how much they appreciate Harry where they're like you don't pay here you were you were the one that got us off the ground so everything is free for you their business is thriving they're doing incredibly well their hats shield charm hats that they made as a joke we're so well done and so effective that the ministry has bought thousands of them and is continuing to order them for all of their employees these boys that that barely scraped by on their exams and have been nothing but a punch line their entire lives are so smart and business savvy that even stuff that they make as a joke they do it so well that it is extremely effective and the ministry wants to use it I just I am so proud of my boys so then we get on to the Hogwarts Express and predictably Harry is fixated on Malfoy at least this time it's for good reason he had to get it right one of these times but he's fixated on Malfoy gets under his cloak again so that he could listen in on Malfoy and be a part of a conversation he doesn't belong in again Malfoy catches him again and once again okay actually let's back up a sec so in book three maybe I don't remember which book Harry goes to I want to say book three goes to hogs meat when he's not supposed to be there and Malfoy Harry's cloaks lips Malfoy sees him and mouthy Malfoy just yells and then runs away to go tell somebody and Harry gets away with it that time I thought how weird for him not to take the cloak with him like grab the cloak and then run because then Harry's way more likely to get caught but fine it was it was it was a moment with a lapse in judgment we're good but this time especially Malfoy is actually a Death Eater at this point and he's actually trying to get away with sneaking around the castle and doing something that would be very bad if people found out about an invisibility cloak might come in handy and so the fact that when he caught Harry immobilized him and then broke his nose which by the way I was so worried for Harry reading that scene even though I know exactly what's gonna happen I was so worried for him that he was going to end up drowning because he can't really he can't move his whole body is immobilized but the blood is dripping into his mouth and I was so afraid that he was going to drown on his blood even though I knew he wasn't that was a scary scene for me but anyway he mobilizes Harry he breaks his nose and they throw the throws the cloak over him so that nobody will find him and totally understand you you just want to hurt Harry as much as you can you want to send him home so that he misses the first bit of school but worst case scenario Harry misses a day of school somebody does find him and he's fun watch the worst care suitcase scenarios a crowns in his blood but other than that worst case scenario is he misses a day of school and then he comes back that's not worth it Malfoy like you're trying you the amount of work that he goes through in this book to fix the vanishing cabinetmaking Crabbe and Goyle drink that Polyjuice potion all the time and having them wait outside to make sure that nobody sees him having in the end of the book when he had that instant darkness powder that he threw up because he was trying to make sure the coast was clear before he brought the Death Eaters out like there's so many things that Malfoy did that all could have been so much simpler if he would have seen the opportunity with Harry and thought let me take that cloak it's mine now instead of saying huh let me let me kind of disrupt Harry's day so Harry starts watching Harry starts having his private lessons with Dumbledore in this book and this was a great book for a Dumbledore there were so many amazing scenes between him and Harry like when I don't know the new Minister of Magic the lion guy I have no idea how to say his name when he calls Harry's Dumbledore's boy through and through and Harry says yeah that's true and when Harry repeated that back to Dumbledore and Dumbledore says how very rude of him and Harry Harry says well I told him it was true and Dumbledore tears up and and he's like well I really appreciate that I mean uh uh you know that Dumbledore truly truly cares for this kid and they had so many sweet moments throughout this book it was such a great book for tumbles but I so we go into the memories and I loved going into these memories even the ones that aren't super engaging and exciting I loved seeing especially because like I said I haven't reread this book in so long that when things started coming together and we saw what Dumbledore why Dumbledore was showing him each of these things because it was all leading up to understanding these monumental moments in in baldies life and why he might have hidden Horcruxes in certain places why he might have wanted more than one Horcrux and seeing the significance of each of them it was it was so satisfying getting these little pieces that seemed insignificant that seemed not very interesting and then watching them all fall into place and seeing why Dumbledore spent so much time on each of these things he wanted Harry to understand Baltimore not just not just fight him not just try to beat him not just know the facts he the reason Dumbledore has been able to get so far in understanding how to defeat Baltimore the reason he has he spent so much time understanding Baltimore and because of that he's able to find Horcruxes and I I love that Dumbledore spent so much time trying to help Harry understand him to Dumbledore it's made very clear in every book what we're told in every book that Dumbledore is one of the most power Wizards if not the most powerful wizard of our time but this is the first book where I feel like we actually see it we actually see him in the cave decoding things and figuring out the magical relevance of things and we see we know where Dumbledore goes every time he disappears he's searching for our Horcrux and I feel like this is the first time where we actually see the extent especially because this is a this is a soft magic system in this series it's hard to understand how someone is more powerful than another because the magic just seems to as long as you know a spell and you wave your wand right you've got the magic but this is the first book where we actually see we actually understand this soft magic system a little bit more and see the complexities and see that it's a lot more than just knowing a spell and waving your wand but it's detecting things underneath the surface with Dumbledore it's a lot of looking and touching and and a lot of quiet work and I don't understand it and I want to understand it so much more I want to study Dumbledore so much more and study his magic and understand what it is that he's doing behind the scenes and what kind of knowledge he has I am a magic system junkie and this is the first book where the where the magic system within this world is actually really fascinating to me because we're not just magic isn't just a tool to continue the story magic is actually looking like something really complex in this book and I want more of that so bad anyway Wow I went way off what I was trying to say with all that my point was that I loved actually no I'm gonna stay off point because I really want to talk about this I love to see a little bit more on why he's so powerful and all throughout this book I'm thinking to myself wow he must have continued to study magic so much more after school because six books in and we are nowhere near even beginning to understand the depth of Dumbledore's abilities and so I want to know more about I want Harry to get to that point and to get to the point where he understands magic to the level that Dumbledore does and I was just thinking man how do you even get there how do you even learn that much because the the schooling that these kids are getting is nowhere near scraping that surface so I loved that we're actually made sure that Harry understood the very basis of things everybody's like how do we defeat Voldemort Dumbledore says how do we understand Voldemort that's how we can defeat him and then instead of just telling Harry here's what you do here's what you need to know here you go here you go he's trying to get Harry the base the the foundation of how he can pass I just I love it anyway my point was what I where I was trying to get to was in these memories I really felt for Harry especially in the scene with Merlot I actually have no idea how to say her name baldies mom but the scene where she's with her family and they're calling her a squib and she is basically acting as a servant and they're well the dad is attempting to abuse her and they're screaming at her I just imagine that must have been such a hard memory for Harry to be in being a victim of abuse I imagine it's difficult for him to watch abuse happen to another kid speaking of Tom's parents how are love potions legal in this world there are so many things in this world that I wonder how is this legal why is this something that people can just have love potions one of those things if we know that it's possible to brew a potion or buy a potion that you can continue to give someone and then unbeknownst to anyone else around that person can be in love get married have a child or rather have an infatuation and no one can detect it and no one can see it if that's actually possible how is a love potion something that's okay in this world moving forward we have a couple of sketchy moments that the kids actually we have a lot of sketchy moments between between the trio so let's let's break those down a little bit let's start with Hermione we have Hermione who confounds the what's his name McGregor Mary the liquidity the Quidditch guy who is not a fun guy to be around but who's competing with Ron for the place of keeper she confounds him so that he misses a shot that he probably shouldn't have missed awesome and then she's mad at Harry he uses what is it called Felix Felicis I don't know how to pronounce any of these things she's mad at Harry when he does it and Harry kind of points out her hypocrisy she's extremely jealous over this half-blood Prince stuff and I think that her concerns about the book and her concerns about Harry's infatuation with the book are really valid but the problem is that it all comes from place of extreme jealousy and she is so frustrated and all of her defenses and arguments aren't valid because it's all instead of coming from a place of genuine concern which makes sense it comes from a place of extreme jealousy and not being the top in her class Ron once again shows himself to be a good friend a lot of people hate on Ron because there are a couple of moments where he's not a good friend but the majority of the time he's an incredible friend and he is the opposite of Hermione where he's super happy for Harry that he's found help that's actually working that's actually teaching him potions more effectively these notes aren't exactly cheating the fact that Harry refuses to divulge the source of his notes isn't ideal but the notes aren't cheating it's just extra information on how to make potions better and it's teaching him more effective ways of becoming a good potions person none of it is a cheat none of it is wrong none of it is is somehow working around the system it's just it's just extra knowledge that makes the potions more effective and that's a good thing but Hermione's just mad because Harry is bypassing her and she wants to be the cleverest she also attacks Ron and Ron is he is very flawed when it comes to the way that he treats Hermione throughout these books but her sticking a bunch of birds on him to where he has a bunch of scratches and markings for a while just because she's jealous is less than ideal then we have Harry who he's this is as much as Harry had a lot of great moments in this book but man did he have a lot of bad ones too let's unpack that first of all the way he handled the Felix Felicis or however you say it I hate that Hermione was thrown under the bus with it Harry says he didn't see it coming but I mean he had to know that she was gonna get something some sort of negative reaction out of this he did it in a way so that he intentionally staged it so that Hermione specifically would see Harry supposedly dumping something into Ron's Cup he did it purposely knowing that Hermione would try to protect run or try to stop Ron from unknowingly drinks drinking something which is good and moral and then Ron would drink it anyway and then Ron would put two and two together and have confidence Harry intentionally made Hermione the bad guy there and then when Ron finally realized oh this was a placebo and he's happy about it and he's grateful for Harry he'd grateful to Harry for helping him feel confidence in himself and realizing that he had it in him the whole time Ron then turns on Hermione and he's like and you didn't think I had it in me did you Harry knew but you didn't you thought that it in the only way that this could work for me is if I took this potion and then Harry and Ron I mean Hermione and Ron don't get along for a minute and Harry says he can't have seen it Harry says he didn't see it coming that it would blow up this bad but he intentionally put Hermione in the position of being the bad guy here he maybe didn't think it would go this bad but he did purposefully put her in this position and that was really mean the other thing that really stood out to me in this reread that I've never I guess I've never picked up on before but Harry turns into a legitimate bully in this book and it's sad to see when he learns these spells from the half-blood Prince he starts using them on unwilling and unknowing victims there's that charm that makes your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth and then you can't speak and it's all for a laugh supposedly but there's a scene where where then the narration talks about how Harry has decided to start making a habit of doing that to Filch in the halls when he's not expecting it and he does it for the laughs and the cheers from his classmates so Harry is picking on a squib who can't defend himself and granted I know Filch is awful so don't get me wrong but someone being awful is not an excuse to bully them with their hands tied behind their back which is essentially what Filch is as he doesn't have magic - he's a squib and he's just walking in the corridors doing nothing and Harry for the laughs from his peers performs charms on him that are very uncomfortable and that are humiliating also when Harry reads the spell in the book that slashes open Malfoy face and chest that spell specifically says four enemies and what's harry's thought I know next time I see McClendon whatever his name is the terrible Quidditch guy who is pompous and rude and who broke Harry's skull open but by accident he was horrible but he didn't intentionally harm Harry Harry sees a spell a handwritten spell that he doesn't know what it does and specifically says four enemies and his first thought is I'm going to attack him in the hallway when his back is turned so James Potter gets a lot of hate for when he bullied Snape in school and rightfully so people would be bothered by that that is very wrong but this torments Harry this is actually something that that Harry can't get over and even in book 6 it's still brought up by Snape and it still bothers Harry so much he hates that James would attack people in the hallway or outside unprovoked and he did it for a laugh from his friends and then in book 6 that's exactly what he does he picks on people unprovoked to get a laugh from his friends he's doing exactly what James get so much hate over and it makes me really sad to see because this is something that genuinely torments him about his dad and then he doesn't even notice that he's started doing it - and I guess it's easier for us to look over this or forgive Harry of this because we know Harry so well and and we at least like him but with James we don't know him at all and this is almost the only context we have of James and so a lot of people hate James for this for this one instance that we see and yet with Harry we see him doing the same thing and it's glossed over and I just find it really interesting we all know that I have an extreme amount of love for Hagrid I loved the scene where after Katie Bell touches the necklace and then she's cursed and she's in horrible pain and it's a really dramatic scene and Harry runs into Hagrid and Hagrid comes running back and scoops up Katie Bell and runs her to the castle that was such a sweet scene for Hagrid Hagrid had several really really sweet scenes in this book the way he immediately reacted to in handle Katie's situation the devastation that he had the his his reluctance to believe that Dumbledore was dead and then the pain and Hagrid I just I loved him so much oh yeah I don't know if anybody else has ever I'm sure somebody's noticed this but Dumbledore has some psychic paper I don't know how many Doctor Who fans are here but I really liked the scene where Dumbledore uses his psychic paper in Tom's orphanage I just I've never really made that connection and I thought it was funny but there was a little bit of parallel there another great scene for Dumbledore is of course in that memory when he's with Tom the way he patiently explains to Tom Tom Riddle all about the Wizarding school and tries to get a little bit more knowledge about him he immediately detects that tom has a pretty twisted idea on life he's already discovered his magic and has some sort of control over it and he's using it to abuse other people he already sees the darkness inside of Tom and the way he processes that and is still extremely polite and kind and patient with him while also very firmly telling him you give those items back I found it I loved the way I love the way Dumbledore handles people he's so firm but polite and extremely patient and I just love scenes like this Ginny is also amazing in this book we see so much feistiness and fierceness out of her with the way she handles any sort of opposition with the way she deals with her brothers who are a little bit too involved in her personal life and the genuine friendship that we get to see develop between her and Harry from their little bit of time in the borough together to the little bit of time that they get in school together and they're eventually eventual budding romance and then up to the point where Harry breaks her at the end and she's like it's for some stupid noble reason isn't it I know that JK Rowling originally planned to have Harry and Hermione end up together and then later she decided to go with Ron and Hermione together and has said that she regrets that decision and doesn't think that Ron and Hermione would actually be a good couple together so she originally planned for Harry and Hermione to be together and then she ended up putting Harry and Ginny together later on and I think that that's evident because she's really good at foreshadowing and this is an instance where there wasn't we got a book of foreshadow foreshadowing but I really would have loved a little bit more I would have loved because I think this build-up between the two of them was done really well so I would have loved to have gotten maybe this stirred in in book 5 and building up their relationship and building up because up to this point Ginny has just been a character she's been an interesting character she's been a valuable character we've seen a lot of her strengths we've seen a decent amount from her but book 6 is when she really comes alive as a character that I love and I would have loved to get at least one more book of that before they come together so that it would have felt a little bit more earned and I think the fandom would have accepted them a little bit more because I actually think that they make a great couple oh I also love the scene when madam pence is really mad at Harry for the half-blood Prince's book because how dare he write in a book I'm really glad that she's never looked at my books oh yeah I also found it really interesting going backwards again my reviews are all over the place it's fine it's just a discussion right I found it really interesting when vol d went home to kill his dad first he saw his uncle and his uncle told him yeah you're Tom Riddle's down the way and so he went down the way and he killed his dad and his parents I mean his grandparents I found that so interesting because it implies that Tom Riddle never married again it's been at this point at least 17 or 16 years yeah because they say that Goldie was underage at the time that he killed his dad so it's been like 16 years since vol D was born so 16 or 17 years since he left his his abuser the woman who drugged him and forced him into marriage with her and he never remarry and I don't know what's he just visiting his parent why would Tom's uncle know that that Tom senior is in his parents house unless he was spying on him or Tom still lived with his parents so Tom it seems never married again and never moved out of his parents house after that and I find out really interesting and I want to know why I want to know more information about this - so the felix flex 'is it's gonna drive people crazy i don't know how to say that it really bothers people that i don't listen to the audio books for this series i don't know why i like physically reading this series but anyway i loved when harry took it and and they were like alright go talk to suck hard and he's like nah I'm going to Hagrid's hut and the way that all played out was so fun to watch unfold it's a great scene and then it kept bothering me throughout the rest of the book Harry kept saying oh man I'd like to take another swig of that and see if Ginny will kiss me I'd like to take another swig of that and see if I can catch Malfoy now and I just kept thinking why are you thinking so short-sighted Lee you're gonna face off you know at this point that you have to face off against Baldy and you want to use up this potion now why would you not keep it with you at all times and the next time you faced off against him then have a swig what are you thinking man and it kept bothering me and I kept just thinking I don't remember how he uses the rest of this potion and if he never uses it again I'm gonna be mad but then of course he gives it to Ron Hermione and Ginny when he knows that something is about to go down and he wants them to be safe but he knows that he'll be fine because he's with dumbbells and that is and then to when the battle was going down I remember be I remember being frustrated by the way the battle was portrayed because Ron was taking on a Death Eater all by himself and winning and Ginny was taking on a Death Eater all by herself and winning and I'm just thinking these are kids how are how am I supposed to believe that these adult Death Eaters who study under one of the most powerful wizards in the whole wide world how am I supposed to believe that they're that inept but of course they drink the potion and Ginny explained that spells just seemed to miss them and they probably wouldn't have made it out without that which actually I loved that I love to have that played out oh yeah there is a scene that I thought was really funny when Harry had taken the potion and he was trying to get Slughorn drunk so that he could get the memory from him and he kept performing a replenishing charm and this a really expensive alcoholic drink I can't remember what it was but this really expensive drink just kept refilling itself and I was just thinking if this is a spell why does anybody buy anything like Slughorn talks about saving a really nice drink for a special occasion and I'm just thinking why would you need to you have a replenishing charm drink it now and then drink it later and then drink it again later because you can just make it keep showing up how does how does the economy work in this world if everybody can just make drinks up here why would anybody go to a bar or why would it why wouldn't you just go to a bar and bring in your own drink I don't how does any business function win magic all right now we're down to the hard parts of buck oh it's hard so Harry and Dumbledore they they go to the cave this scene was so well done we already had to talked about Dumbledore and all that he had to go through to figure out the cave and I loved this scene so much I loved how we truly finally get to see how powerful and brilliant Dumbledore is and when Harry is like let me cut myself and Dumbledore just smiles at him and he goes I am much older much wiser and my blood is much less valuable and I just I love I love Dumbledore and Harry's interactions throughout this entire book I love the absolute terror that Harry feels when he realizes all the corpses that are underneath the water what I don't love is the scene with the basin and and the whatever drink was in there that Dumbledore had to drink I mean it was wonderfully done but it hurt a little bit too much of course I'm not gonna spoil anything but for book 7 but it's clear that Dumbledore was revisiting a very specific memory or something something was happening that he was seeing and watching him plead with Harry to to not make him keep drinking we watched we watched Dumbledore take his first three drinks and it was clearly very hard on him but he was fine and then we just watched him crumble as he was begging Harry don't make me drink anymore don't make me drink any more and Harry is hating himself while telling Dumbledore this will make it stop just one more and force-feeding Dumbledore this drink it was so hard to read and then it goes down to the point where Dumbledore's begging Harry to kill him it was a tough one and then Harry I felt so bad because Harry really tried to get water elsewhere but he couldn't so he finally gets it from the depths of the sea which of course then activates the in fury and fear I and then they started tacky and Harry can't remember that Dumbledore literally had just told him we're gonna use fire and heat against these guys and so Harry's like I'll try everything but that which we can't blame him he was panicking and then we see how unbelievably weak Dumbledore is and Harry is trying to get Dumbledore back to the castle or back to hugs me the dark mark is high in the sky they grab some brooms they go up there Dumbledore Nathalie comes out of the tower or comes up to the tower and Dumbledore uses the last second that he has to petrify petrify no immobilize Harry and then Dumbledore gets his wand exfolia expelliarmus towei because he chose to save Harry and sacrifice himself which to be fair if Dumbledore had a wand in his in his hands it's not like he would have tried to defend himself against Malfoy anyway and then we watched Dumbledore slowly sink down further and further against the wall he's propping himself up against because he is so incredibly weak while Malfoy is explaining his master plan and how he executed it and all that jazz and it just it it was such a beautiful scene when after everything that's happened and after after Dumbledore knows what Malfoy he's done and he even explains to Malfoy he's like I I knew the whole time what you were doing I knew that you were trying to kill me in these half-hearted really sloppy ways and I knew that you were attempting to bring the Death Eaters into the castle and when he said that I was like your students around you are nearly dying if you knew that why are you not doing something about it and then Dumbledore explains it he says I did I was trying to stop you I was sending Snape after you to try to help you and try to get you to stop and then he goes on to say I can't have let on that I knew that it was you the whole time I can't have let on that I knew what you were doing the whole time because if it was clear that I knew Baltimore would have killed you and your family and I didn't want that for you and then after that then he goes on to say please just just let's leave let's go I can hide you I can hide your mom and when your dad gets out of Azkaban I can hide him too I can protect you turn away from this evil thing you're doing and join me and that scene was so amazing because up to this point we know that Malfoy has had this unhealthy love and obsession with foldy and with the Death Eaters all throughout the entire series because his dad as a Death Eater and he's been brainwashed and he was so proud to be a Death Eater at the beginning of this book but we also see that when all this stuff becomes tangible and when he's actually in the thick of it he realizes how much he doesn't want it and how much he doesn't want to kill Dumbledore and he doesn't like that the way the Dark Lord handles his subjects is do what I want and do it correctly or I harm you and you can see that Malfoy doesn't like as much as he's idolized this position of a Death Eater up to this point you can see that he doesn't want to be here anymore and it's just a split second Dumbledore offers this to him Malfoy hesitates and then the Death Eaters come but that's what second would have been enough and I had to when this scene happened I had to put my book down and make up my own head Canon of where Malfoy says yes and then Dumbledore uses his last strength to operate to Malfoy grab his arm operate to Harry grab his arm and operate away and then they all live and everything's okay and then the three of them move forward to try to defeat voldie and Malfoy is a part of the of the force that kills Baldy and mouthful gets the rep Redemption arc that he deserves kids someone write that fanfiction I'm sure it already exists just point me to it please anyway that whole scene was really hard Snape comes out Snape sees the situation Snape kills Dumbledore Dumbledore actually shows some serious weakness and whimpers and begs for Snape well begs please and I won't say anything more about it just in case anybody is reading this with me and hasn't read book seven that was a hard hard hard scene and honestly these two chapters were so difficult way more difficult than I remember them being like I know that they're tough scenes but I do not remember it being this hard and while I was reading these these two chapters with the cave and then with Dumbledore's death and all that led up to it I was just thinking taking it too far man JK Rowling you're it's too much pain and I've read some really dark stuff but this one I was like it's too much and I love that I was so attached to Dumbledore that and I'm the type of reader that I'm like guess kill important characters make me hurt but with this one I'm like you're hurting me too much and then of course we get to the part that I really think is too cruel and that's that the I don't actually think it's you cruel that's what the Horcrux wasn't actually a Horcrux so Dumbledore died needlessly Dumbledore didn't need to be weakened he didn't need to have been defenseless in the last moment he didn't need to have died just yet I mean there would have had to be some sort of resolution because of Malfi if Malfoy was ineffective at killing Dumbledore that Malfoy would have died and Dumbledore wouldn't have wanted that but let's just go with my head Canon Dumbledore doesn't die and Malfoy and Harry and Dumbledore said to destroy voldie themselves but that's not what happens the Horcrux wasn't a Horcrux Dumbledore died over a non Horcrux which is the second time in a row Rowling has done this to us that's how serious died he ran off to the ministry to save Harry and it needn't have happened because the whole time Harry had a present from Sirius and for whatever reason Harry didn't open this present I don't know what what what he was thinking that his Godfather this person that he wanted to be a stand and dad for him this person that he valued more than anybody else in the world gave him a present and Harry Chuck's under this trunk and forgets about it what in what world does that happen but he does Harry doesn't know about the mirror Harry talks to Sirius in multiple very dangerous ways that could have easily got him caught and Sirius just has a chat with him instead of saying man just opened the gift I gave you this this conversation can be a whole lot easier as well as millions more if you just open that present instead Sirius is like yeah let's chat in the fireplace in the Headmaster's office that could get you killed and it's after Sirius dies that Harry opens the gift and seizes the two-way mirror that he could have talked to Sirius in this entire time and Sirius needlessly died now Rowling's doing it again in book six and and and Dumbledore needlessly died too and I just I feel I feel so many things and we will end this little discussion on the final things that we learn Snape's the half-blood Prince Snape is the one that delivered the prophecy to voldie in the first place therefore causing the death of or rather instigating I don't know being a part of the death of Harry's parents and now harry has a hatred for Snape even more than his hatred for faulty which frankly I don't blame him because Snape has also been a an abuser to Harry for six entire books and then he finds out it's your fault Baldy even when after my parents so I really don't blame him for hating him even a little bit more and we're set up with book 7 where Harry says I'm not coming back to Hogwarts I'm I'm gonna go hunt down the rest these Horcruxes and I'm I'm gonna finish this and Ron and Hermione say there was a point for us to leave you a long time ago and we decided a long time ago that we're with you no matter what where are we going what are we doing and the friendship between this three the loyalty the devotion between those three despite the spats that they have despite the moments of jealousy that they have despite the moments where they're not good friends in the end they are so good to each other every time they despite so many flaws within their friendship their loyalty to each other is beautiful and I love it so there we go there is our ridiculously long discussion about powder in the half-blood Prince also I like that the handwriting on the US version is in double-doors handwriting I think that's a beautiful touch I loved reading this book and it is now one of my favorites I don't know if it's my absolute favorite still need to read reread book 7 and the curse child but I have a really good feeling the curse child isn't gonna bump itself up on my list but this is now one of my favorites I enjoyed reading this book so much and I have there's another book that I need to pick up immediately after because it's one of my buddy reads that I'm doing over on patreon so it'll be a minute before I pick up book 7 I mean I'm gonna read it really soon so you know it's gonna be fine but it's kind of hard for me because I would love to just dive straight into books of it because book 6 was such an amazing experience I love this book I had so much fun reading it I'm so glad I read it and I can't wait to chat with you guys more about it so be sure to chat with me more in the comments I post videos every Sunday Tuesday Thursday Saturday I'll see you guys can see [Music] you
Channel: Merphy Napier
Views: 133,019
Rating: 4.9418974 out of 5
Keywords: harry, potter, and, the, half, blood, prince, review, harry potter, book, six, booktuber, booktube, read, reads, reading, reader, jk, rowling, 5 stars, five, stars, positive, negative, harry potter and the half blood prince, harry potter review
Id: lgj2rQTmymw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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