LIVE: Big Beast Computer Build PART 1

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[Music] so hello everybody welcome into the latest live broadcast today is the 23rd of july 2021 and this uh tall freak of nature this is mitch morrison biggest fan howdy hold on i mean is my hair okay mitch what's left of it all right here yeah i had just saying when when i first met you i had a lot more how's everybody doing on this friday i don't know you may hear some rumbling because we have got thunderstorms to boot here and um yeah i uh difficulty sleeping certainly this morning you know i was trying to get a tight 12 hours and that rumbling thunder yeah that's rumbling thunder i was like oh it'll go away and then two minutes later boom and i'm like i'll just get up so yeah i i got up for a while i'd never get up that early so i'll tell you what um and then i couldn't get back to sleep but we're in what we call monsoon season yeah by the way it's always monsoon season and it never rains in montana season it always but now we're actually getting rain it's up to 72 degrees or something like that outside it's very humid it's still raining yeah so first time i think we're broadcasting during a thunderstorm so yes if you hear uh booms that's thunder that's because kerry had chili for breakfast all right those are the booms so just for oh and while i'm thinking about a chat wednesday wednesday we did have some rain which cooled it down so then yesterday i got up at 6 00 and which is very unusual for me and i hadn't ridden a motorcycle i think in about three three and a half weeks and i saw that it was only like 79 out and i'm like i better go while it gets good so i mean i rode from i think 6 30 to 8 and you know it was nice i had a long sleeve shirt on and i wasn't sweating and you know i took a nice motorcycle ride and pulled it back in in the garage and so i like to run it but not when it's 102 out so that was a nice ride for 90 minutes and in three more weeks i'll try to time it again because that getting up at 6 30 for the birds for a guy like me yeah i normally go to bed about 3 a.m it's not fun no no and if i sleep for eight hours i get up at 11. i try to get up around 10 or 10 30. sometimes i go to bed a little earlier maybe 2 30 but here in the desert when the sun is down i like i had to go to my client's office the other day i went there at 10 30 at night freeway was beautiful still traffic but but nowhere near what it's like the air conditioning is not working as hard i'm much less stressed and then i have keys in the alarm code and go in and i'm not interrupting anybody's productivity i do what i need to do looks like i had that lock up problem fixed i uh ended up changing the power supply disconnecting the dvd reader uh reader writer disconnected it from both power and the sata connector on the board and i disconnected the internal memory card reader which had stopped working a long time ago i don't use those internal memory card readers folks just get a usb memory card reader then i had one here but you just plug it in when you need it it's just and if it breaks who cares you just go buy another one they're cheap now we got a couple contributions and i want to shout out because today is going to be a very expensive day peter laycock contributes 50 pounds he says good evening carrie and mitch and everyone in the chat room from bonnie scotland where the temperature in edinburgh is 60 degrees fahrenheit yeah lovely well we're not too far behind on our drive over be my drive over to studio b because it was raining my temperature gauge said it was 72 which we have to laugh because usually the end of july it would it would never be no that i couldn't recall in the school in july but outside it looks like it's seven o'clock at night it is dark dark which i love it love it love it love it and peter also sent a very generous contribution again today and gave me an update um about himself and his family and everything and thank you so much peter and today's video is being brought to you by peter laycock i can definitely say that there you go thank you so much for your support and more importantly your friendship randolph slavin contributes five pounds thank you randolph well do you hear it you know what the microphone filters might be they may not be able to hear that okay and then uh patrick russo with five dollars he says i solved the windows boot media problem it was the gigabyte b365m ds3h wi-fi bad bios i couldn't update it i can send the motherboard to you if you like yes i've never heard such a thing um explain to me what the boot problem was i don't remember so many people ask me questions every day i can't remember so remind me refresh me but i would love to see that board because i could until i see it um i i simply when somebody says this can't be fixed give it to me i love challenges like that i got a card in the mail the other day look at this card i got let me bring it up to the camera you can guess who it's from kerry it was very kind of you to show our cookbook on your channel you have an excellent channel providing honest realistic and very informative content about computers the tech industry and advice about life in general you've built a very special and unique channel although mama gina does not understand your technical world she has watched many of your videos as nick enjoys watching you and is always picking up tips and advice enclosed is a little contribution as an expression of thanks from the bon appetit team and especially from mama gina who always asks about you and how you are doing may god bless you and give you much peace happiness and success with love mama gina nick and maria so that's their youtube cheat team yeah nick's the guy who holds the camera and does the editing and i think maria does we're the administrator i don't know what maria does but it's easily a three person job i can tell you that and mama gina's channel she's got 10 videos that are a million or more views it's wonderful and deserved so if you enjoy eating and you like real italian food uh the link to her channel subscribe to her she's got over 800 000 subscribers she doesn't need my endorsement but i was endorsing her when she was her channel i think it was smaller than mine when i first started endorsing and i had sent them i had that old sony wireless mic pack before i switched over to these cyanizers and i said hey would you like this microphone because sometimes i have a hard time hearing mama gina and then i realized she's speaking italian sometimes but they were just using the in-camera microphone and i said they said sure we'll take it it's a 600 microphone but i had no more use for it and i really was doing it for myself so i could hear mama gina better and she uses that microphone to this day um anyway they they sent a check to me and i was like wow that's crazy such good people such and the food like i we should take a road trip to new jersey you and i and see if it tastes as good as it looks and i will tell you just reading that book you'll get fatter so now this book is nothing more than all the youtube videos that she's not all of them but some of them but there's nothing original in the book that's not already on youtube she sent me a copy of the book and each recipe is just like a page and it's kind of a summary of what already is in the youtube video so for people who perhaps aren't so comfortable using youtube or how to find things this is old school it's available on amazon and uh there's uh nick maria and mama gina right there in the photo that's the the youtube team there yep and she's just that whole family is so amazing um i just i i wasn't expecting that no like you know i didn't even tell him i promoted this book first of all i wasn't expecting the book i just just shows up one day and i go hey guys look mama jean has got a cookbook that's that's awesome and what a great idea and then i get this in the mail so i guess nick watches the channel hey nick you watching nick this is a test to see how you guys watch uh thank you so much you guys are uh do you want to adopt me i wasn't raised as that kind of supportive family i you want a bad seed in the family that's for sure all right we didn't have to agree so quickly um what else did i have to get some other do i have to get anything else done um i think that's it somebody said if i'm going bowling actually this is called the rock and bowl it's in new orleans and let me turn around new orleans new orleans um here wait let's get let's get a different angle stay awesome face me let's go to cameras no this way that's actually a pretty good shot let's try this camera though just to see you there there turn just a little bit towards me there is rock and bowl yeah how much they paying you to wear that shirt where you can bowl and then they're bowling and you can do concerts they do concerts there and trombone shorty and it was great it was great to be able to bowl and get liquored up and do this right yeah you're a little lower a little lower a little lower a little lower yeah i'm sorry i think you had a little chip crumb oh okay don't waste that yeah figures all right i don't know if they could see it but it was really bugging me okay like amazing jonathan yeah anybody here got a hanky for my next magic trick is anybody here sir sir do you have a handkerchief good go like this because you got a booger hanging it's bugging me so anyway today's build involves one of the most expensive intel cpus you can buy today and everything you're about to see is used product or returned these have less usually the return period is 30 days okay so what that means is if it's used it wasn't used very much but more than likely somebody ordered something by mistake or they changed their mind or uh they bought something incompatible the wife found out about it okay or maybe it's the other way around right this is our cpu today look at the size of this thing go ahead and hold that this is what a normal cpu looks like in a package um you know what i'm going to walk right up to the camera no you know what you you and i both will walk up to the camera we'll do this together i'll take this one out of the package and we'll compare them side by side here we go so these are the chips you normally see me install right here and if we put this one yeah there you can see the difference and if you kind of tilt that mitch so we can read with what the chip number what it says right on the face of the chip there but you got to hold it still and bring it a little closer to the camera and see if the camera will focus automatically there it goes hold it as still as you can just tilt it a little up there it is an i-99 let's say 9980 extreme edition all right that chip is what hundred dollars or something okay we're gonna go through the price list here but there is one item there is one item well there's there's a couple items i cannot get used so right now i'm i i can't find any of those eight terabyte nvme drives used and they're thirteen hundred dollars plus there's like 130 dollars in sales tax okay i cannot find the case i want used and of course we're not going to find a used graphics card not in this market the case we're using is the most expensive case as far as i know corsair makes and this thing is big and this thing is heavy um tell you what let's let's uh i didn't just to let you know i didn't bring my hernia belt you can use mine today i won't be using okay because i won't be doing any lifting okay that's what i pay you for yeah all right this is actually a a case that requires two people to lift it and i'm gonna tell you a little story about this pricing uh first a few more contributions so my thank you to or you can just leave it there it's fine my thank you to thomas bakkenstowe contributes 20 and he says i'm looking forward to another great show with you both well thanks thomas i hope we don't let you down you mean you mental photography contributes two dollars he says hello carrie maybe i will buy this if see the specs i don't think i can ship it this is gonna weigh it's already over 100 pounds empty and one this case will hold two motherboards you can do a standard full-size atx and then you can set a mini itx board and i think i will add to it i don't know why just because i can and then the fans it doesn't come with any fans i think it takes 15 fans and if we do all rgb those are about 20 bucks a piece yeah so this is going to go on for a couple of videos but david seymour contributes 10 pounds he says i can't stay tonight carrie but i love your channel david thank you well thank you for supporting the channel larry wood with 20 bucks hey larry thank you and there's rick lakes hi rick rick contributes the usual 10 bucks okay let's add up man thank you so much rick bob connors contributes twenty dollars he says i'm still waiting for an irs refund or this would be more i hear they're backlogged with 35 million refunds to process and hopefully i'll get it before christmas hopefully well it's nice when you get a refund coming uh thank you for your generosity your support rick hubbard watching us from england contributes as he normally does five pounds rick thank you so much for your continued support loyal berks contributes ten dollars elijah 52 dickens contributes ten dollars so i think i'm caught up so let me go now to just and just to let you know i mean certainly carrie could live inside this case not to do height jokes but as soon as you see the box you and i could live in there okay let's start a new life together all right oh wait i gotta turn the right camera on uh this camera right here ah there it is this is the case i don't think the picture does it justice that is a piano mover dolly underneath maybe you should stand in front of it we can we can get a scale oh come stand closer i zoomed all the way out i don't think this camera might be better uh-oh lost my signal something just happened there it goes it's back again there's the cooler all used this is a return product hold this cooler here i got this cooler as well which we'll we'll start with with look how big this cooler is and uh and then that's the ram right there 64 or 32 128 gigs and that's only going to fill half of the memory bank okay so i might buy another kit okay and it'll have 256 gigs of memory would it be an rgb boy that would really flash you know it's gonna yeah you know what's gonna flash is the alert on my credit card yeah okay all right so let me uh step back over here you can see our studio happening right here and then i will go to turn this camera off okay let me hand this over to you and when we're ready you'll just push this button right here and you'll hear it bling bling and then you can just view right there wait'll ch wait will you guys see this motherboard well when carrie handed me the box i'm like yeah yeah he's like steady now get a whole plant your feet i'm like it's that heavy he's like yeah and he handed it to me and i'm like so all right so check this out we're gonna uh first of all i just want to get back to mama gina for a second okay so i want to just grab a screen capture here or window capture which is not working so this one yeah okay so here's uh the bon appetit youtube channel you see she's got 808 000 subscribers and if we go to her videos and sort it by the number of views by the most popular videos her top 12 i'm saying 10 it's six across are 1.1 million and over look at this one's 5.3 million views i don't even have a video with 5.3 but on the other hand not everybody is into computers but everybody is into eating so anyway if you have not seen her videos uh check them out they're free like everything else here on youtube look at that minestrone soup looks delicious i want this tomato sauce yeah yeah look at that tomato puree look at how much she makes at a time she's a machine yeah anyway so i want to go over here to amazon okay and i want to show you some stuff now first of all let's look up this case this is a corsair 1000d and if you look here on amazon [Music] you'll see the price is 560 203. so why did i buy this case there's none available it'll say used and new from 56203 okay right so forget that so instead let's go to corsair i'm going to show you another buying secret we go to corsair and we look for 1000 d now corsair says this case should be 514.99 but amazon wants 564 50 over what the suggested retail okay now if we look to buy this we click uh the wrong button find retailer yeah find a retailer gotta go back where i was find a wreath i know retailer so we've already looked at amazon how about newegg what's new egg want 709.99 yeah right [Music] so let's go back and let's look at micro center i'll just put california in there 559.99 and sold out now mitch are you sitting down okay let's see what like how much walmart wants for this case oh they changed it it was two dollars and 36 cents the other day yeah yeah which which you showed me and i went yeah clearly yeah yeah clearly that's an it had two dollars and 36 cents i'll take the forum i was hoping they wouldn't have changed it before we went live yeah but everybody's more expensive than what corsair says it should sell for but what you can do is you can buy directly from corsair you see how it says add to cart okay and so that way i just save fifty dollars if you didn't know to do that all you did was shop around amazon new egg micro center walmart you would pretty much be hitting you know five 564 would seem cheap compared to the 709.99 okay or sold out right so that's another little money saving a tip from your uncle carrie now let's go back over to amazon i gotta find that screen capture of two dollars yeah sure i captured it let's go back to amazon i want you to look at this motherboard this motherboard is the rog rampage six extreme encore anybody want to guess how much this motherboard sells for so the motherboard is 749.99 but i bought it returned for 544.90 so that saved me 205 dollars and 50 cents you guys want to add up the savings i save 50 on the case okay i just saved 205.50 on the motherboard now about that cpu we're using the uh i9 what did i say was 9980xe that cpu is 1166. okay i bought it used or returned rather 699 699.99 plus 499 shipping really huh that's what it says right yeah i can't i can't read your that's a savings of 451.49 on the cpu loan so already we've saved 451 plus 50 plus 205 right yep the ram is the g skill trident you don't have to get a g skill trident i don't know it's 128 gigs whatever it is is it this one g scale trident z 128 gig quad channel kit the ram was sell selling for 7 19.99 720 new i got it for a hundred dollars off because it was returned and it has a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer how about the cooler that noctua cooler is knock d15 that's a 100 cooler and i picked it up for 96 and free shipping so it was only a 13 savings but it counts so so far in this list i've saved seven hundred and seventy dollars in these parts i'm going to turn the page on my notes uh this is my investment so far looks like 27 35 41 but i only paid 1965 23. then i decided i'd get an all-in-one cooler so the all-in-one cooler was what which model is that that is a corsair isn't it corsair iq h150i was 189.99 new and i paid it's not in my list darn it i think i paid 119 okay and everything is returnable within i think it's about 30 days if anything appears missing but i suspect most of the stuff is brand new the the case is obviously new yep but it counts and again there's no deal on video cards no deal on um go back to camera one no deal on video cards no deal on the ssd okay so we're gonna hold off we'll use some other stuff in the meantime okay all right but this will be a series of videos because of how large and complex and i will also add a mini itx motherboard we'll be running two motherboards in this system i need two power supplies and two operating systems so how about landings i mean you could absolutely you absolutely could do that no problem yeah no problem at all yeah so with that let me just close this there's an operating system in linux called react i think that really looks like windows it just has the feel no matter what it looks like the problem is whether or not you got software you need that right right yeah some of the best people that would be some of the people that would be best users for linux or older people who were you know are not going to get themselves in trouble like windows can get you in trouble real easy but they also like to go to aol or install their aol software they used to and then aol software doesn't run in linux so anyway chad let me see if i can lift this spread out i gotta i gotta bend with both knees this is actually quite this is the heaviest motherboard i've ever seen all right is that camera on you want to come up for close-ups okay [Laughter] you know remember move the please move the camera slowly there we go let's open it up yeah and that you're saying this was a return yeah you'll see it's they're thanking me for giving it now i've not opened any of this stuff up so we're gonna find out right a lot okay or for at least the the major all the contributors here basically pay for this here we go here we go oh here it is there's mitch with a knife stand clear oh good i got matching scars all right we're obviously because whoo because we don't know the status of any of these parts i've had really good luck you know i started small and they've been getting bigger and bigger in my purchases we don't know if any of this all is going to work oh power supply forgot about the power supply okay uh i got a c sonic 1300 watt power supply that was returned and i want to say that was like 60 or 70 off i will go through my notes and i'll i'll add it to the video notes but all the parts are listed uh in the notes below the video all the parts we're using for today's build and this will be the last expensive build we're doing can we can we can you see me see you this will be though thank you this will be the last build of this size uh for two reasons this is um this is a business investment gamble i am assuming that i'm going to make i'm going to get more views from a video like this because it's so extreme so i'm putting money into the channel with the hopes and the belief that i will make the money back and then some from video views or sales from amazon when people use my links um but even if i could afford to do another one i don't even know where i'm gonna put this monster it's so big i don't know what to do with it so i'm going to go all out on it this is my big as a business owner you've got to take risks and i'm i have no shortage for content like i've got a lot of content to make but no customers ordered this i don't think i could ship it i mean it would almost have to go on a pallet so shipping on this would probably be three hundred dollars four hundred dollars not to my house just kidding all right yeah we can load it in the van and take it over your place but uh boy sure would be nice if it had wheels on it yeah anyway um uh no customers ordered this this is strictly for the channel for my viewers and my audience that make this even possible because youtube revenue doesn't make this possible the contributions from the viewers like you allow me to make content like this but all i'm saying is i can't do another one like this because i don't even know what i'm going to do with this one so i'm going to try and get three or four videos out of it in the hopes that with all the views added tallied up and added together uh that it will at least break me even okay but i'm hoping it'll you know be my most successful video yet however this could all go sideways because we don't know why these products were returned if something's wrong with them or if there are pieces missing this looks brand new i mean let's take another look at it let's let's dive in and uncle kerry's tired of donating plasma to pay for these parts plasma tvs okay okay so let's that has a feeling like it's i don't know it's hard to tell okay so take that out and um go ahead and set it down so i can lift the board out and see what the condition of the packaging is you'll see there's a like it looks like an led screen or something right here nice and uh just take with this yeah so each one of these is a little compartment inside the box so let's take a look okay let me set this here um yeah that's been opened already okay so someone someone definitely uses we don't know why it was returned but it looks like they kept everything together i don't know what this is these little drawers well you can see why this board costs 750 dollars can't you so that's let's go ahead and close it up we'll place the motherboard on top oh my gosh this board i had to estimate this weighs about 12 pounds okay 12 pounds what do they make this from lead look at all the oh my gosh it's well i might have gotten one too deep on this one i've never seen so normally you get like sometimes you get a board that has two eight pin connectors for the cpu this one also has an additional six pin on top of that i don't know if our power supply is going to be you're going to need a bigger boat i mean a bigger yeah all right but the plastic is still on on it okay do the peel so and on this one too look hey look uh asus puts little green tabs on there instead of you know hiding it and then people don't know and they even have one on the oh on the i o shield look at the o look at all the ports we've got back here pretty nice 750 look at all those type-free usb swing yeah yeah and then right up here you'll see we've got a you know how i always hook up the power switch when i want to test these well i don't have to on this board it's got its own start button most of these x299s have a built-in very nice power switch and a built-in um reset switch you'll see we've got eight memory sockets instead of the standard four this is called quad channel most people hear a dual channel so we're gonna put two on this side and two on that side and then later um i'm considering bumping it to 256 just because i can no no good reason just this thing is going to be an over the top widowmaker and i think widowmaker meaning that i will spend so much time playing with it that um i will effectively be dead to people who know me because they just won't see me again yeah but it'll look you know like fully populated uh like i said it looks like there's a display here we'll find out when we turn it on but i think that's a display that's kind of nice do something when we power it up we've got a giant heat sink right here and uh what else do we have we've got usb here set it down i can't see um we've got a usb 3 port here two oh i've never seen a board that has two usb 3.2s i think these are called uh we've got another usb 3 that's turned this way along with eight sata ports right over here so there's your eight sata ports okay and it's probably uh i'm going to imagine a crap ton of fan headers on here i think let's see let's set it down we have another 4-pin molex voltage connector to give the board even more voltage this thing's going to cost money just to plug it in and turn it on oh jeez look at that look at all the voltages thing can take i'm not sure what that's for we'll have to actually read the manual this is not my normal wheelhouse this computer this computer is not ideal for home users or gamers you will have better game performance with the cheaper processors from intel that are designed for that if you're a game creator this is the board you want this is this board has so many channels of i o that it can do simultaneously that it's incredibly powerful for in dust we would call it industrial type work this is not a better computer than let's say an i uh 9900k or a 10900k and the sense that if you're using it for gaming those will actually run faster this will game don't get me wrong but the people who create the games the people who design buildings the people who design cars the people who design in general um would benefit from having this kind of input output so it's not about frequency it's about the amount of cash that we have it's about the amount of data that we can be moving through numerous pcie lanes simultaneously most home users wouldn't even scratch the surface of that and they would say wow i spent all this money it doesn't even run as fast or i can't tell the difference because it's not for you um and that's why you won't see me build stuff like this because i'm trying to appeal to the average ordinary user but at the same time i know videos like this get a lot of views have you got a 380 ti that you can put in this or you don't even have i don't know i have a 30 70 output in there okay yeah i know graphics cards are tough but yeah i do have a 37 um but it's it's the same 30 70 i've used in three builds so it's not like you're gonna right you guys go where's he's getting all these three no it's the same one i also have some older cards i brought back from studio a like i've got a 550 ti okay and we can just slap anything there's no built-in video on this chip so here's our chip one more time and it's just basically a regular intel chip that's been enlarged it's physically much larger yeah maybe silver dollar size i'll take a lesson it'll take a lot of compound oh you're right yeah you know a lot of those coolers don't give us enough compound we've we've dealt with several right especially the intermax ones that wouldn't cover half of the cpu that's a i'm glad you mentioned it because i wanted to bring that up you're going to slap that bad boy yeah let me show you how this socket opens mitch because i don't think you've seen one of these before have you no so this is identical in um what's the word i want to like thread ripper this is identical to um that level that category of machine okay so this is basically intel's counter to thread ripper okay so i need you to set the board down because what i'm going to do go ahead and film right straight down here you see there's two levers not just one gotcha and if i release i'm not sure which one goes first should be pretty obvious so let me release that one this one goes towards you uh oh that way yeah it goes towards the socket instead of away from the socket okay then they both have to go up together okay oh no i'm sorry this one do you see this little piece right here so that's holding down the lip ah gotcha yeah you notice when i push this down without this lever it that socket goes up it's the exact opposite then you need to grab it and pull it up very carefully don't touch any of the pins now with a board that's expensive let's take a real good look at those pins and let's make sure that we don't see anything damaged or bent because if if there was any pin there that that was damaged it will appear really obvious to the naked eye because that pattern will be interrupted by a bent pin okay so you want to do it or should i do it uh on this one you're already nervous about putting notes yeah yeah so now i'm not quite sure what direction this face is sometimes there's a little indicator on the chip but on this chip it's right in this corner right there there's a little tiny gold arrow in that corner right now here on the board there should be an arrow somewhere i better get my glasses okay because it might be you know how you normally do all the writing the same way yeah on this one there it is right there yeah right there yeah so we make sure that uh the writing goes the opposite way it's going to go towards the top of the chord instead of towards the bottom okay so we're going to just push the edge of the cpu against the edge of the frame without pushing it down we just want to align i'll hold the lazy jam yeah thank you and then i'm just going to lower it yeah there i heard it yep okay okay now we're going to lower this piece here and then i don't know one which one you start with but you'll know yeah well we have to um see that lid just popped off on its own push this one down and this one down it doesn't really i don't think it matters which well it says one you notice it says one right there and it says one right here i would say two why does it say one on both so i guess it doesn't doesn't matter there's a lot of tension on this one bring it down now look this piece can't lock in because the lever is in the way so this one has to go take that out we'll put this one in first ah see that piece gotcha now we can put that one down can you breathe so let me tell you something and we'll put this in the mother box motherboard box butterball boxing just set it over there yeah now obviously you know you don't hear me talk a lot about worrying about health and temperature you know when i'm doing a build but this bill has got me concerned so my concern about health and temperature are uh they're up there so i bought something that i wouldn't normally use to deal with it so i've got it right here okay i just want to make sure i monitor my health and temperature just just to let you know i'm not giving you mouth-to-mouth i mean i like you i'm gonna die doctor says you're gonna yeah yeah i like you but yeah so how am i am i alive barely all right i'm going to is it this way yeah that's your blood pressure in it or is that your pulse 90s well listen i you're not long for this world son see you everybody thought i was talking about health no no it's a health and temperature of me all right so i bought that just for that job okay is it worth it uh well there you go all right hey i'll put that on your tombstone i bought this for the joke hey i have a good idea yeah of having a tombstone okay so yeah that's uh my pulse was it an oximeter or oxymeter whatever but you've got plenty of compound here in this yeah in this drawer so you know it's not like oh no we've got yeah yeah yeah i'd be curious though if compound came in the box and how much they supply oh with the noctua right because usually on those water blocks they're already pre-applied ah right gotcha nacho and maybe pre-applied it i don't know so all right we'll go back to camera one here because it looks like somebody's getting it's kind of top in there but whoops whoops okay all right so um tech said my my 9702 level is good you know so yeah i'm gonna just keep an eye on my health and temperature because this has got me quite nervous i i don't need to be nervous it's just because i don't if this doesn't turn on and because all the products are returned products i don't know where to start the diagnosis it could be ram it could be the cpu it could be the board yeah no i don't know board looks you know unused to me so no it's been used it's clearly been used like i said we saw those packages right open uh and that memory for 100 bucks off that's a lifetime warranty in memory so even if the memory is bad i won't send it back to amazon for a refund i'll send it back i'll get an rma oh that'll look so that'll look so nice with eight sticks of rgb i'm not an rgb guy but you know like it lights up in here with eight sticks yeah completely filled it's gonna be sweet yeah 256 gigs of ram yeah perfect for my 4k video editing so all right that's more like 8k video okay so i guess we can try installing this cooler i want to put the air cooler on first that's why you'll see there's two coolers that's the excuse i'm going with i have never seen a cooler this big before that's an air cooler hey five bucks just came in from bruce hilton he says always a pleasure carrie thank you bruce did i miss any others well we were and did you say the the regular retail price of this is a hundred seems like it would be more expensive to me but uh how much did i say it was yeah where's your pad i thought i thought you looked at it i didn't write yeah i thought oh yeah i did write it down what did i do with the oats right here um noxua 109.95 i knew okay and i paid 96.76 so i only saved 13 dollars but uh look that's the size of that box can i open up your dinner tonight can i open it can i can i not get a name yes please here we go remember this is returned so we don't know what condition i had one of these one time where the fins were bent jason willis contributes five bucks says what's this builds name beast mode hey we're open to suggestions guys if uh you guys want to offer up some uh titles um let me just look and see if i can have other contributions here richard angeline with five dollars says five bucks for mitch's hernia bill thanks richard yeah thank you blackwatch contributes to canadian dollars thank you blackwatch and i think that catches us up yeah catches us up here okay all right so now oh wait concordia's technology with five bucks so kerry it will work on the first boot no problems at all we will not speak out loudly anything bad it will work there's positivity yeah too bad that doesn't actually happen yeah well you know what it doesn't hurt let me take a look at this box all right i want to see if everything's in there everything is in there and this does appear no you know what that's sealed we've got thermal compound and a metal case badge in there and that's sealed got a bunch of different little parts in here um yeah it looks a little shuffled but it otherwise the cardboard isn't bent or no um creased so that looks like it hasn't been used where i'm a little nervous is in the radiator i want to make sure that there's no fins that have any damage on this because this does have a glass window on the case so that's going to be one of the two fans is there another one in there which that's a it's probably installed already so that's all the rest of what's in that box here she is how do you know it's a she i'll tell you later all right come on fingers crossed that looks it's uh it's packaged too right no one could put it knock in the box like this unless you work at the factory it looks brand new oh but you know what there's no cover on the bottom that it's not uh there was oh it's stuck yeah it's stuck sorry why don't you go ahead well i've already touched it so i'm gonna have to clean it yeah and then they put some cardboard in between the fan and the heatsink it just slides down but there's a um was it a 120 and a 140 fans are two different sizes they're going to blow in the same direction this has 12 heat pipes on it and it's got a monster so on top of that 12 or 13 pound motherboard we're gonna add another that's about four to six pounds this has never been used that i kind of had a feeling because i was only saving 13 bucks you can kind of tell by the discount you know if it was half price probably wouldn't be in this good of condition so i'm totally cool with that now installing a heatsink on a socket 2066 motherboard is it 2066 or is it 2011. it's 20 20 66 i think god that's heavy anyway on these intel kind of xeon like processors these extreme editions they already have the mounting points built into the cpu socket so you don't have to put a back plate oh nice yeah so you're just gonna screw it down it's really that easy now when we do that we may end up um let me just take a look we may end up covering some of the ram so you might want to put the ram in first but i think we're okay and you'll see how it's cut out there's little cutouts here so i think we're okay yeah yeah famous last words okay yeah we're okay i'm gonna set this down for right now and i'm just i'm just guessing chat but i don't believe you could get that in a mid-tower case tall is it it's big but it's not tall well i mean compared to one moog and five i don't think that's really any taller i bet that could fit in a corsair 200. okay yeah that would be an interesting course okay boy you're going to get cooling power yeah concordia's technology with five dollars here's a little something to help reinforce that bench i hope that bench can support the combined weight of the components in the case this bench is solid it is solid wood um it's actually a much nicer bench than i went to the store to buy but because of the pandemic it was the closest thing that they had everything else they said you know we'll get it at some point again but we're out and i was like well i need it now so this bench cost me three three times more than i wanted to spend and it's a little bit higher up which means we have to lift things up i prefer this more at my belt line so another maybe four or five inches lower would be more like what the kitchen counter is over its uh studio a so it is kind of a hassle when things are heavy i've got to bring it up a little more but that's how you get so you get guns like that come on look at that all right mr atlas okay oh listen you're girly man yeah yeah time to pump you up all right hear me now believe me later so we don't need the brackets all right well no we shouldn't need any brackets and these there's three different sets of instructions when actual coolers where is that there's only two cents this is a apparently intel only there's no amd install for this okay so if it supports amd then they didn't put the directions back for amd so i'm guessing this is an intel cooler only because we have lga 20xx which is what we need and lga115x so that means it covers lg 8.5 0 1 1 5 1 1 5 5 1 one five six so that's the traditional like um builds i do okay and then this is oh are you filming you're gonna turn that on all right we'll go back to the wireless camera and give it just a second here to initiate it there we are and uh okay documentation says so you've never installed one uh i think on the um digital audio workstation built i installed them on each there was there was a master and slave computer okay and we did the dh15 in those it was a long time ago okay many many years ago and it wasn't black it's nice that they made it black now um this says step one here's step one first page and of course you can pull up the documentation an actually you could pull the pdf but it tells us install the mounting bars first screw the nm ibt g2 bolts do you have the uh nm ibt two bolts mitch he does and these bolts have never been taken out of the package that means this cooler was never installed which is kind of how it looks let's just come over here so get a nice look at what's in this bag okay so every time i say so you take a drink okay all right now you'll notice we've got standoffs that look like this and we have these spacers we should have four of everything and then we have the thumb screws i just two two one way into the other okay what it wants us to do first um so we are going to put brackets on this we will use brackets but what it wants us to do first is to take what it's calling the nm ibt2 bolts and it wants us to place them into the socket frame so let's move the cooler out of the way for a moment you want to take one it doesn't matter both sides are the same no they're not well they're not the same look thick and thin so well that one's tapered one end is tapered so thick or thin oh i see what you're saying one's got coarse threads and one's got fine threads is that what you're trying to say yeah this is thinner than this side so well but if you also look it's tapered okay and it wants the tapered side down so but you're right there two different thread types you're in the wrong mitch you're in the wrong hole oh yeah i was just testing you this one that was not yeah that was inappropriate raising do we have any kids watching not anymore okay your camera operator is doing a great job right on maybe uh now you don't want to you don't need to get hired full time you don't want to cinch that down too much yeah i do yeah okay uh what does it say about about tightening it down they don't give us a tool for that so i'm going to just grab my it's a company called engineer out of japan they make these amazing tools and what i like about these is the grip they have they're specifically made for like if you break a screw tip off or anything and i don't want to scratch them because you know i'm an anally retentive neurotic you didn't have to say that along with me you said it i didn't okay so there you go that's good look i have to put it back i can't just put it in the drawer mitch no and this has to go with the whole lining though here so live dangerously all right there you go now what's my oximeter yeah now what brackets were you talking about because we've got four here that's right let's take a look at them we're going to use either here i'll put it over here either that bracket or these see there's two different here i suspect we're going to use one or the other but i'm not certain it says choose the alignment of the mounting bars according to the desired for final orientation of the cooler so of course we want the cooler in the traditional sense where the fans are going to blow air towards the back but you can also put it in an up and down orientation so it almost looks like using a parenthesis right yes i'm not sure what those other brackets are for what are those little brackets for oh their first socket one one gotcha gotcha yeah okay yeah see it because the chip is so much smaller right these these chips here right their sockets smaller so this would be too big to fit over the socket and these will be too small and what it's telling us is where these brackets that you see the screw here at the end of the bracket that's what this the cooler is going to bolt down on top of this okay so if i look and see where the bolts are on the cooler you can see there's there's one here and there's one there you see them yep so this for this cooler to go on i'm going to put it on this way because i want this fan that's pre-installed it's i want it to blow air out so it's going to go in like this and that means that i have to align the brackets in the exact opposite orientation oh i'm so used to going to that end you see all the hole there right i can't use that one i got to go all the way to the far one that looks like for this to fit there's one okay and then we face the other one the exact opposite like it's symmetrical and look it says this side up it even says nmid2 right on the bracket it's really nice that noxua does that now we grab the thumb screws and we just tighten those brackets down still a pretty easy cooler to install any cooler is easy to install on a socket 2066 or 2011. that was kind of the point i was trying to make anytime you have to even if this was a scythe mugen 5 or even a heck if we were using a hyper 212 evo it's a dream to put a third party cooler on a socket 2066 or 2011 chip because you're going right into the cpu socket frame so you're not messing around with back plates now you don't have to make this super tight until it stops well you want to go a little so let's say like right there it's stopping i want to just see how much further i can turn it it doesn't go much further and you don't want to turn it so much that you break the screw you just want to make sure it's secure okay okay now in this bag right here we've got our thermal compound extra brackets for adding even more fans you can put a third fan on this so we're going to put one [Music] so this is going to go on here like this okay and we're going to put the fan the extra fan is going to go here but if we want to we can optionally add a third fan on this side okay but you don't add that one unless you've got two to here already all right okay and so with the words noctua facing the bottom of the board although it doesn't really matter the fan is appears to be equal on both sides but this would be the proper orientation the preferred orientation it will work either way but if we want it to look good if we want it to look right that will be the way that we do it now to get to the screws can you see down here where the screws are they're underneath the current installed fan so the current install fan has to come out for the screwdriver to go down there and tighten that down okay so to do that do me a favor just brace the uh well you can't cover the bracket so i'm gonna pull can you see this right here i'm going to pull this back and away i'm going to do the same thing on the other side i'm kind of taking a mental note how high this sticks up not that it's that important but i'm going to try and put it back about that same distance okay it looks like the top of the fan is almost in line with the top of these heat pipes okay so we pull back pull back and away and that should slide straight up and out so the fans are two different sizes we want to make sure that to avoid any confusion i think the fans are two different sizes let me just verify my it could be wrong they used to be two different sides i take it back they're both 140s nice all right so it doesn't matter the one that's got the brackets on it we're going to put back in the middle because that's the way we got it okay so for right now take this and we're going to clean everything with rubbing off well the sopperville isopropyl alcohol you want the highest alcohol content that you can get i sell this at the drugstore in the department stores thank you man you know what you call a pony with a sore throat no a little horse oh so now you're gonna do the corny joke of the day on the show yeah i've got one all right i can't beat them join them i've got one all set to go what do you got oh you're ready for it no okay but that is true okay let me think i got one okay what do you call time for the corny joke of the day all right what do you call a sleepy woodsman sleepy woodsman a slumber jack [Laughter] pretty bad there he goes 200 viewers okay all right now i hope the seller you should have seen the way the seller packaged this chip they put this chip in a motherboard anti-static bag that was all folded up they put the motherboard static bag into like a ups usps um envelope like the can can i ask you a question yeah yeah why does the chip have a birthmark that's uh is that a venting a whole hole of some kind i've never seen that i've never seen that oh yes uh all of these intel chips that are 2066 were 2011. i thought it was out of that i thought it was a little schmutz no that's a that's a venting that's a hole in fact the thermal compound gets down into that hole okay clean them you can't you got to get like a toothpick and then what's the point you're just going to fill it right back up with thermal compound again and because the q-tip came out so dirty i'm just going to keep doing that run it across again and because this is the alcohol content is so high this just evaporates on its own i don't have to dry it off but the reason i am is i'm trying to make sure i get everything off of here anyway so they packaged this in one of those tyveks envelopes yep then they put that envelope into another envelope and that envelope into another envelope and that envelope into another envelope and then that whole thing went into a little box then they took a giant box the size that like a top hat would come in okay and they put this really weird heavy wrapping paper and filled the box with it and then put the little box into that box and then ship me that giant box with this little tiny cpu that is not fragile did you imagine imagine i'm like this like russian nesting dolls i'm taking this box out of a box when i open the box there's an envelope my open envelope is another envelope i open that envelope it's another envelope and now another envelope and then there's the motherboard static bag and all these things are you know the envelopes are like this big so they're folded and folded and folded and i'm like am i being had am i going to open this up and find there's just a piece of lead in there so anyway that was way overkill on the packing and i was worried this wasn't going to arrive in time well no wonder it took so long could you repeat that i wasn't paying attention yeah i said it was it was boxed oh okay that's pretty much it okay too long didn't we yeah tldr it was way over packed thermal compound okay remember when you were putting this screw in the wrong place and i told you wrong hole yeah steady now it is friday are we going to use are we going to use their compound might as well huh yes and and this has not been opened so you know how i know this glove is clean because you say so yeah all right no no no no we're not going to use that combo no we're not going to use the scissors oh put your finger in that hole oh ah that could have been open and we wouldn't know i don't know that could have been yeah how'd you get so smart don't answer them all right how's this chat for somebody well the way it happened was okay this guy mitch taught me everything he knows that was just in 30 hours remember that age over beauty all right so now for this you're going to put more than your typical pea rice size pea size is what they say a green pea let me rephrase that a green pea what are you eating yeah all right is it the gatorade yeah i need to put enough down to cover in the same way i cover all the views but this is a larger cpu so it's going to require more okay your ice cream is ready ah i might have put too much down now we do a little thing you know i was watching your show yesterday because because i've got that kind of time and yeah i like somebody in chat said you can save on gloves by just cutting cutting each finger off of my glove but i need to use brush and i thought that too yeah this is actually a little thick but you know what she thick need another glove no it's a bit much but again when i think so as long as i keep using a different finger yeah it's instead of wiping it right i just tap on it and of course it's going to come off onto the gloves it's not adding anymore i'm only taking away well and what you paid for that cpu i would want maximum protection absolutely anyway so what do you think mitch we're ready okay so you remember which orientation that goes on i remember what i said uh it goes this way yeah with the noctua facing down is what you said that is correct sir i love it he's he's getting it by joe boy i think he's golden the drugs are kicking in okay did you bring enough for everybody no i've if i taught you nothing well go ahead set it down i i can't take this kind of pressure beautifully clean yeah we just cleaned it i got it i got it i ain't got it all right uh yeah right yeah yeah sorry yeah do it okay too bad the camera was on close-up okay kind of grab mitch just trying to scare him so we don't want to we only want to just start this because if we put this one down gotcha too much it'll then the other one tilts yeah it'll be on there yeah it's really it'll be on the caddy wampus you don't want that exactly can you get the camera lower ah see that's not started and this would be even harder to start if i tighten the other side anymore than i already have so i've got to push down on it while i turn a little force now okay and then we'll just kind of give them each a few turns and we'll just keep going back and forth and try and make sure it's just how about getting a top down shot can you do that see if you can hold the camera completely vertical and you can turn that like that is that any better i would want three fans i would want you to get one more fan but that's you know what's just me talking something i'm probably going to max this thing out i mean once you go in so far what difference does another 20 bucks need 20 bucks is 20 bucks what air flow three three 140 fans all blue blowing through those fins yeah and you can watch your power meter start ticking up as soon as you turn it that's true yeah but the good news is in the winter time you probably don't need to burn the heater in that room right i really don't know how hot these run now i can take the fan that has the brackets on it with the side here that doesn't spin see when i spin the fan that doesn't spin but on this side it does spin so this is the side that pulls air in and the air is getting pushed out this side since i want the airflow to go this way we'll just drop this in like this and i want to estimate about where it was this was over here though yeah i don't want it over there okay well you know what i'm just saying where's the fan heading you know cheerfully over here need a light no um i need a new set of eyeballs okay yeah you know what mitch the fan header is on this it looks like they're both right down here i'm guessing that's for the cpu fan right down there okay so you don't want the cable on that side well maybe i do because it gives me a room to take up the slack oh okay i like that i can run it right through the middle hey so it avoids distracting from our ram rgb ram shazam ram shazam ram shazam shazam ram just plug it in easy peasy so what about the height does that that look remember use your finger that was about that about right i'd probably take it up a little tiny bit this doesn't really make it feel like it was about there wasn't yeah there's probably somebody who's going to like make the video full screen freeze frame and count yeah why it doesn't have to be perfect no the top of the fan sticks out and the bottom of the fan sticks out so if you take a look if you bring the camera right here back up a little bit lower you can see the top of the fan sticking out here and the bottom of the fan sticking down there so yeah that's probably where it was now before i put the other fan on the other side it's going to you know might get a little bit of the ram appearance of the ram so i want to know which sockets to use we're going to use one socket skip a socket and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side will you grab the ram for me mitch yep are you going to need the motherboard i mean not the motherboard yeah i'm going to yeah no uh uh the um the instructions to know which one are you going to gamble and just put i'm going to um here we go i'm going to look up the instructions online okay for that motherboard gotcha [Music] so this is an rog rampage six extreme encore it takes us to the asus website and then i'm gonna click on okay the site just went black i wonder if i have i wonder if malwarebytes or something is blocking them something on that website let me try it in microsoft edge see it just goes black ah those gremlins again something's wrong with rampage you know what i'm not running malwarebytes on this machine hmm that is odd very odd square which what is it uh which browsers yeah i tried two different browsers let's try a new incognito window okay do it that way and it goes black just completely i don't understand this at all you mean you're speechless i don't believe it oh no i got plenty to say uh let me show the audience okay it's obviously something not good with asus's website make sure i got the right window here okay so now we're in incognito mode that should disable all the plugins and stuff okay and i'll just copy and paste the link and hit enter site loads and then it goes blank chat anybody yeah maybe somebody in the chat knows what this is bueller bueller because i don't know you're stumped all right luke greenia says he just tried it with firefox and got the same thing ah patrick russo says poor camera person's arms must be fired will they ramble on we don't ramble this is all critical vital information that cooler is mega says sarchtech carrie it will come back just wait says marco i've been waiting nothing's happening yeah i've left both edge and chrome open on the page and they just stay black the instructions would probably be here yeah i guess we could just use the instructions um stan ristof says contributes two pounds he goes where's the neon sign it's amazing well we didn't have time to uh to hang it yet tony wallow looks like he did the research for us he's saying a1b1c1 d one that makes sense yeah right okay so on the board it should be labeled somewhere on the board which one's a1 and which one's b1 take a quick look here this slot right here is not a ram slot this one that's separated this allows you to add a card that will hold another i think it'll hold an m2 or something it's in the documentation it's one of the things that was in the box i've never used one um there's a fan header so i see all the fan headers here close together this chassis one header and then these two so this would have super easy to put three fans on this cooler okay maybe we'll do that cool good idea who knew mitch could have a good idea glad i thought of it all right good thing we recorded this so we can verify that it happened wait mitch come back where you going tired of your all right if you look if if you look right in between the sockets do you see where it says what each socket is it's written on the circuit board probably need your flashlight you're going to have to go in a more vertical or here you gotta see can you read in between can you read the circuit board aziz light hold on i gotta i gotta do the camera man oh no you don't um it's really really tiny it's a hard thing to get boy it's motherboard voice and done if you can read this you're too close no so you see it says dim d1 right there and then in between and the way we have to shoot this is i have to kind of get up a bit higher and then i got to use the zoom on the camera to bring it in i'll take your word for it yeah you know what let's try the other side so we might have a better angle on it here so right there it's very faint in between the sockets okay you see it anyway so if we're doing all of the a1b1 okay did you hurt yourself that board weighs a ton seriously where do we put it in the case yeah then i'll have you hold it yeah all right okay are you ram ready uh i ram all right what we got in here so i wanted to see this again just one more time to figure out which sockets we're using so we're using so back on the board we're going to use all the ones a1 b1 c1 and d1 then we start at the very end and we skip one and then we go to this one next and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side where we start at the very end on this side and skip one so the the two the the socket closest to the cpu we are not using and then of course uh since we're going to use the next one we skip that one so that's the order installation this does look like it's been opened yeah you can it's okay i don't care yeah it's a hundred bucks off yeah do you know what i do for a hundred bucks well never yeah what do you mean yeah yeah you've told me so but the court by the way but decorum prevents me from telling you still owe me a hundred bucks okay ah go fast sticker okay that makes it go faster here's the ram we're using if you want to see the numbers on it always work towards the inside out so we're going to open up all these retention levers only one side opens this side doesn't open on this board okay and we'll do the same on the other side okay and since i know i'm going to start here i don't want to put one here first i want to put the one on the end last so that it can you imagine if i put this one in then i have to somehow squeeze the other one in between so just following simple logic we'll start here we align it with the groove okay can we um let's try this we bring that camera perfect perfect and then thumbs one side then the other then we'll grab the next module now this is all a matching kick if any one of these is bad all four go back very nice that they had that included the notch yeah do you notice that the cutout right here very nice got we're able to get your thumbs up for taller ram right there so once again make sure we orient this in the right direction set it gently in its track oops i'm going to give you guys a better view here in just a second i'll turn this towards camera and again with thumbs one side other side check make sure that's fully seated it hasn't budged so we're in uh d1 and uh the other one all right so same thing now here on the other side of the board thank you mitchell you got another joke um not really that's good corny jokes are tough to come by all right no they're not no they're not oh i've got would you like some no let me know if you change your mind okay so everything's going to go symmetrically opposite so you'll notice apart from looking at the notch on the ram look at the design of the ram look at how it says in the orientation on this board it says trident z right the other side has the sticker so just using that logic it's gonna also face the same way the other side so the trident z will face outwards we'll start on that inside a little hard for me to see it here if i'm putting the ram in the wrong sockets we'll blame tony okay appreciate it tony oh you know what i'm wrong this has to go the album so it's going to face the same interesting okay so notice this side the ram all faces the same direction apparently all right so that's actually a good thing for the rgb now that i think about it because if the rgb is moving up to down and we flip the ram 180 then one side's going to go up and one side's going to go down it'll be doing the exact opposite so now that i've realized the error in my logic don't make the same assumption i just did when you're live with 800 people yeah and you think you can get another set of these ram well i can definitely get another set the question is can i get it at a good price didn't have it all the way in there am i putting this in backwards again of course i am did it twice mitch even after i corrected myself i still did it what does that tell you pay attention would some stubborn pig-headed okay at least that's what my third grade teacher used to say at reform school yeah i don't think i'm in that sense okay i can't do it like this it's it's the camera's okay i'm trying to do it for the camera and in doing so i can't right and this io shield being in the way means i can only get an angle okay right here so i apologize i can show you better but so that's 64 gigs right current no no 128 yeah so it's 32 each okay so 32 64 96 120 okay doing the math right yeah 96 128 yeah now we have not yet put an m.2 drive in here but we have enough going on we should be able to test boot this and we can add this other fan um you know what did they only give us one set of brackets or two now that they think about it no no they if they only gave us one set then there isn't room for no is there four brackets or two there's only two in there right so guess what they did not give us an extra set for a third fan after all i assumed the brackets were attached to this fan already that's twice i've assumed incorrectly folks so how do you like them apples from my assumptions that your assumptions will be incorrect as much so where are we going to get two more brackets for the third fan well we can buy them separately however i thought it was in the box of course we don't need a third fan but i wanted how was that bracket put on i wasn't paying close enough attention looks like it goes this one goes here like this it has to go underneath this lip yeah it's yeah it's got to go under wow that doesn't seem right that's a really the way they're fixing these brackets it's interesting that it goes underneath this lip and then bends up over the lip into the hole in the fan that's really secure you know i'm constantly fighting with b quiets and size brackets falling off until you get it on you know they just they usually just push right off this won't push off that's a really good design from noctua little details like that people may not realize the benefit of it until you've had to do it without that and then you go hey that's like a way better design way better once again we'll put this on exactly the same way it's going to go this orientation now look at we're covering up our beautiful ram is that a shame you know there's no rule that says i have to have the fan on that side and we could put the fan on this side of course we'd have to turn it the other way but either way we're blocking the ram i am well that's a bummer no it is what it is now it may not fit in a corsair 200r because look how much taller i just got yeah and then i'll take this cable and run it through the middle of the heatsink to hide it oh that's going to be a tight fit oh it's just too short to run that way is that right missed it by that yeah don adams and i want to close these other little memory brackets up here close that one probably should have did that before i put the fan on it's too good i just want to close those it's bugging me you know i have a tool for this so i was just closing those brackets up right there and i'll do the same on the other side keeps my ocd happy that is you know for as big as this is it's got an awful lot of cramped quarters okay all right so the last thing i have to do is get this fan cabled up here correctly oh it's okay now it was kind of stuck around the rim yeah let me step around see this on camera we're going to plug this one in right there i hope that's where the cpu fan goes i don't even know how i'm going to secure the motherboard now i just realized the motherboard mounting hole in the middle is in the heatsinks in a way so you know what this heatsink is coming off anyway when we use the liquid cooler but that's important to note and i think there's another mounting hole look at this mounting hole right here okay so in order to get to that you've got to remove these two screws and there's two little tiny fans in here that are blowing on the vrms and we're going to lift that off so we can put that one screw in there you see we have open access to all the other mounting points except for the the middle at the top and the middle in the middle where the heatsink is going to get in the way but when i put the liquid cooler on we'll have full access to that but no but you've got plenty of yeah all the other ones are fine and don't move any of these switches the way it comes out of the box now because this board was returned it's possible that somebody moved these switches from the default positions okay and that caused the board to not work so i'm going to make an assumption that these switches have been left alone okay but we can always refer back to the manual if we have a problem i'll look at it because i'm not going to bother looking at it now let me grab power supply so i found this used keep saying used it's a returned c sonic 1300 watt 80 plus platinum 80 plus did you say 1300 doing a little housekeeping here chad all right look at that bad boy you want to open that up i do man look at the size of that monster ah i hear thunder thunder all the parts for today's build are in the video notes below the video as a reminder okay we got our zip ties and our straps christopher g contributes three dollars thank you christopher documentation our cables and a nice velvet bag hold that wood does it look used i don't think so you got we got a bottle of crown royal in there i quit playing with your sack all right don't don't be graphic what kids what do you call it the kids are watching it's a bag okay now wait a minute you say that's a bag yeah let me i got a question hold on good he's in a different room ah okay very nice oh i had it upside down what is in what's in here a bag okay what's in it's a sack yeah what's in it ah boy folks nuts that's that's how you know this is a sack yeah it's got hot nuts in it yeah i'm just saying i don't make this stuff up it's not a bag it's a sack guy's as funny as a cry for help all right so all right so yeah this certainly will power this monster fully modular of course how's the bottom look at the bottom of it yeah oh my gosh look at all the connectors on it yeah holy macaroni yeah i said it i'm afraid if i get demonetized all right and then here's all our doodads here cables you've seen them you've been there okay yeah something they've been used i don't see anything somebody put the connector see this piece here yeah this powers the power supply on without uh having to turn the motherboard on now if you were like priming a an all-in-one okay if you were priming a custom closed-loop cooler so what we're going to do first and foremost okay so i'm going to go ahead and plug this here like that and then in here we have a couple of um so you see how that split with just one see that so that's going to be for a graphics card sometimes people confuse that for the cpu power okay but these that have the single split where there's only two pins that's all for graphics cards now this one also is for a graphics card um this one's for a graphics card that's just sata that's just sata another graphics i guess you can put a lot of graphics cards in with this power supply sata i need cpu power guys okay this says cpu on it on one side the side that splits goes to the board and the side that doesn't split goes to the power supply so we'll attach one of those here hopefully i have an another one more sata there's another split connector i just don't i don't know if this one's optional or required i just don't know mitch what do you think yeah somebody in chat will be able to get on that website sounds like it stopped raining outside yeah it's still dark though no wind yeah so that's a weird one that's a six pin they don't even make a six pin so i wonder if it's in the box because asus would have to provide that because that's not you'd have to use a graphics card connector for that generally these added connectors are for overclocking when you need to draw more power this should be i think all we need okay so now looking at the back of the power supply can you see what we're doing this is only going to plug in one place and you can tell which direction it goes because of where the hole is for the clip or more thunder oh yeah dark chili now for one of the motherboard power connectors that's going to be labeled on the back as cpu or pcie graphics card see how there's a line drawn around them so you can use any of those i'm going to keep all of our connectors at the top see that so we've got all the connectors under here still available to us lots and lots of connectors there okay so let's go ahead and set this down just put it on its yeah whatever yeah don't put it face down because then it won't breathe we have some logos that are covered in plastic because it's really important that the whole power supply can be damaged but not that logo for crying out loud that would be a travesty a little something for you okay so we'll set that on its side now we're gonna need a graphics card so i'm just gonna grab something i got laying around uh let me find something we can use preferably i'll use something that doesn't require any power because that's just one less cable i'm gonna have to deal with i just need a temporary this is gonna be just a monster build just oh i want it i must have it oh this will be perfect will be mine so this is a a gigabyte graphics card it's a geforce gtx so 1650 or 1660. let me get this out of the way i'll put it yeah we can put those back in the box please this is a 1650 and it does not require power so i'm going to do let's plug it in right to here let's make sure that that this little connector right here can you can you bring this around a little bit we want to make sure that that's in an open position which means pushing it open or down and then i'll align the card boy it goes right up against that heatsink i mean noxual just put it right it is just can you see that can you see that you come around this way and bring it down lower look at the edge here right there to bring this a little bit towards the edge of the board and that should that should be seated now and we don't need any power to this okay i didn't hear the click no it's it's sketchy you see these this raised area here is kind of preventing the board but i can see the latches up it just may not be uh it may be 90 of the way there it's not coming out okay uh but yeah good catch now we need our you've got a big big uh electrical three-prong yeah here's power you guys think this is gonna boot this is everything here is used no the video card works it's the only thing i know for sure and i know i've had a wonderful success rate of buying used equipment and i like i said i don't even like to call it used it's returned it's purchases that were returned so that kind of eases the you know how much was it used how badly was it abused kind of concerned hdmi out yeah we're going to need a keyboard and a mouse so we'll use these dongle in here keyboard on green light okay just turn the mouse up plug the keyboard mouse dongle in mousey on switches in the off position hdmi is hooked up keyboard mouse is hooked up i don't need to hook up a power switch because as i mentioned we can use this power switch so when i turn this power supply on look right over here i'm going to turn this power supply on and in doing so assuming the power supply works look at what's happening up here yeah board see this is all lit up now and then there's a switch lit up right individually reset and power light up on the board why don't you switch the camera or something right yeah we'll go back to camera one and i think uh somebody's gonna give me a little break here oh they turned it off before i switched cameras that's never a good idea always wait thank you all right sorry for that little confusion we're good now are we ready to turn this on and see what happens well do you want to put us in the corner and uh so that they can see the bios that's a good idea isn't that right smedley all right all right and hdmi inputs on that's why it says no signal right over there what do you think chad huh do you think it's gonna work huh huh are we ready obviously this is not this has nothing to boot to right did you notice there's like a rainbow of colors on the other side yeah the bottom of the board it's changing colors okay so that power button right there it says start it doesn't say power it says start i'll do like a car i'll do the drum roll you're not gonna hit the button i will yeah did you hear that got fan spin on the graphics card ram is lit up we've got fan spin on the cooler ram is lit up oh very nice all very nice and and will we will we and don't panic it takes a while right because it's thinking it's thinking it's it's training the ram and cpu right now it's figuring out what's yeah what's been done to it well it's been sleeping okay so don't don't be impatient let it do its thing somebody said we missed some super chat so why don't you go back while i go get a nice cool drink alrighty oh there we go oh i saw it i missed it somebody said we've missed super chats i don't see any super chats i missed okay so i don't know what they're referring to now the system just turned itself off sound effects chat turn itself off it's miller time is it going to turn back on again or well that's weird why'd it do that turn this back on i want to go full screen so i can see what's happening okay i also want to check your bios version on here but that should not have turned off i'm a little puzzled here we go i told you you put too much compound yeah that's what that is um there you go okay so it says it's an i9 9980xe with 131 system 1000 megabytes no current press enter why is it why didn't i wait i'm gonna do it again well at least it's telling me it's shutting off so i guess it was supposed to but it's saying it didn't detect a keyboard it's all right keyboard installed maybe i'll plug it into a black usb board here it's actually bios flashback and i want to use that let's see what it says um press enter to recover biosite usb over current status detected oh that's concerning keyboard and we don't have anything plugged in but the usb keyboard so we're shutting off because it's claiming there's voltage coming in from the usbs but uh you know what if any of the pins on the board are bent and touching each other that could cause that error for the usb 2 but the pins all look straight and happy unless it's a usb 3 pin i better get my glasses and take a look very closely to see if any of these pins are touching no those look good these are all straight nothing touching here touching there no everything looks good so i'm gonna unplug oh i already unplugged the keyboard mouse let me turn it on again without the keyboard and mouse and see if it you get the same yeah there we go that's pretty interesting yeah that was interesting if any of these switches are in the wrong position that might also be a problem but i see that they're all in the off positions there's also another one is it there no all three are in the off is there only three no there's another switch oh so there's four is that in the off or on we have a retry button a safe boot and a bio switch button here here's our bios press delete we can't because we don't have a keyboard usb device over current status detected usb device no keyboard detected we're running uh version zero two two four on the bios so we can look and see if we have a newer version right now so let me go back to my main obs page here so we can see what's going on and we'll go full screen back on camera one chat anybody anyway thoughts someone said try receding the motherboard battery wherever that is it's probably underneath this big plate here well well buried i can say that um i wonder if i can load that asus website yet it's still going to give us a blank still a blank screen see if i search for a bios maybe i could go to a different page bios well this is an extreme but not the extreme encore tools bios and firmware did we see as uh what it was at two to four i want extreme encore these details are important when you're looking for the bios if they have an extreme and they have an encore it's a good way to get the wrong bios and this says extreme encore rampage oops but at least this page is loading very rampage extreme encore bios and firmware it's saying one zero zero four back in april and what did it say we had i thought it started with a 2. let's take another look let's go back turn this back on again let's give it a second again i don't have the keyboard or mouse plugged in here revision zero two two four four zero two two four all right so that explains why the they're seeing a number one okay so if we look in that list if i go back up to let's see if i can capture the window here for everybody so if we look here bios one zero zero four and then if i see all downloads there should be a zero two two four in here wow oh how many bios's are we behind one two three four five six seven so we can do bios flashback i never really show people how to do that because i don't have boards often that support it okay so what we're going to do is we're going to grab that file right there and we're going to extract it click extract all and we're going to copy this file oh i guess people can't see that because we're just capturing the the one page there and i'll go back to camera one and what we're going to do is we need we need a an empty flash drive this one i'll be doing just just fine we have to go to a working computer to grab the latest bios and i'm going to then copy that file over to the flash drive okay now we have to rename this file for flashback to work if we want to do it in the bios which i can't do because i can't seem to get in there then we don't have to rename it we shouldn't have to but if we want to use bios flashback we need to rename this file and we need to rename it as just told me r6ee dot cap it's telling me to use the bios renamer which i you know i think we have to do that so the bios renamer is just renaming it for us oh so i will now copy the renamed file and put it on the flash drive and that'll be the only thing on this flash drive so there's no concern about the thing not working right and oh i want to make sure this flash drive is formatted in like fat32 and not ntfs okay so that could be a problem so i'll right click on the flash drive and go to format switch and i'll switch it to fat32 because the bios may not see antioxidants okay it might it might not i'm sure the instructions probably tell you if that's important and now with the bios renamed and the flash drive formatted his fat30 tattoo it has to be a 32 gig or smaller flash drive so this is a 16 gig flash drive okay and it's a 16 meg bios file pretty big box now to use this bios flashback what we do is on the back of the motherboard here there's a usb port back here and it's a little different than all the others it's got a little it's highlighted right right in here and it says bios right here on the edge of it so i'm going to plug this in and then there's usually a button you press so right here there's another square and there's a clear cmos button back here which an ordinary board doesn't have should we go to the wireless camera and we'll see if we can get some close-ups of this is it turned on there it is not all boards have this usually the higher end boards and so if you look real closely on the back of the board right here see how that one usb port right there says bios only one you see how it's got a square around it yep so we're going to plug the flash drive in here but if you look over on this side of the board we've got a bios reset button okay and then it's this right here also has the white square and it says bios flashback okay the way this works is you hold this button in okay and it starts to blink this could take up to 10 minutes it's excruciatingly long now if you look up here at the top of the flash drive you may start seeing the read write light indicator on the flash drive that's why i like flash drives that have the light gotcha you see this an indicator just went solid and you'll see the board's not powered on at all nope now look up here ah update did not complete so we'll just take that in this that's not good so i'm going to reset the bios and i'll push this in again it may be that the fat32 isn't uh compatible in the end whoops i want to do this one more time because i want to show everybody what it's doing so i hit the reset then i hold this button in and then over here it won't get past stage one so that indicates to me it can't read the flash drive yeah see that's happening way too quickly okay let me give you that back and so i'm gonna go ahead and take the flash drive and we'll reset the bios again and i'm gonna step around here and i'm gonna try just for giggles we will go back to the flash drive there it is and i'm going to format it what are the choices besides fat we've got xfat and ntfs i'll try ntfs i suspect it's not going to work so we format that and then i'll once again copy the bios file that's been renamed back onto the flasher okay so same flash drive different format come back around here pull this out plug it in over here that's why it's important you only have one file on the flash drive it has to go into this slot and then i hold this button in and it lights up and it says up usb bios flashback stage one see if it goes any further i've never seen this before this is a nice touch so we're still not able to read that's essentially what it's telling us okay so there's only one other format left to try which is xfat i'll give that a shot let's see if that makes any difference i'm just guessing i could just read the directions you know where's the fun in that and the odds of it being a bum flash driver flash drive's working that doesn't mean it's compatible right there could be a compatibility issue as well that can happen so let's do this as uh fat seal xfat exfat yeah external i think it's external so that's very quick it's done paste uh then we'll copy the renamed bios file back onto the flash drive again it could even be a size problem it could be the flash drives too big ah we're going to try one this is the last time i can try with this flash drive because there's no other right so buy us there hold the button in there it goes it's on stage one and i suspect it's still going to fail yeah so reset again when this happens the next thing i would do is find just the cheapest flash drive i've got so before i confuse myself i'm going to erase this flash drive and reformat it again flash drive's not even appearing in my box anymore where'd it go well that's not good it's not even there anymore i was right it's a bad pleasure maybe i mean yeah i hear the um the the little there it is it just took a while to initiate yeah okay so let's format this again i'll put it back the way it was so we're formatting that flash drive so i don't there's nothing on it yeah it'll go back in the drawer for future projects okay i don't have to go what's this am i saving this and i'm going to grab a little guy i'll use my old traditional biosphere right here and it's got some biosis on it so i'm going to go ahead and erase those and then we'll put the uh renamed bios we need over here perfect so this is good and back around one more time see if we have better luck here into us into the bios usb port hold this button in now this one will be really obvious when it starts to read because that light is going to blink we should see that light blinking it didn't even start it never even began no if there are cables inside of the usb ports if there are metals touching inside that could cause a short circuit and could result in that error so if you bring the camera way down in here and look inside and see if you see anything damaged or broken in any of the usb ports because that could cause that error message thank you to look good let's go a little to the right hmm what do you think i know why somebody returned it so the the pins we're looking at are at the top they're facing down and if if they stuck something in there if they jam something in there and it bent those pins and they're touching up here on the top that would create a short circuit and it would result in a similar symptom but then would that make all the usbs not function one bad one well the only other thing i can think of is that we have to update this bios to a previous one flashlight so let me look at the documentation see if we get any hints or clues that's here in the box may have to no i mean here online and let's do um let's see where's my right here so here's the website for bios one zero zero four and then there's zero nine zero one i don't see any warnings to use in earlier we've got a number of updates here it went from two to four to zero four zero one so let's just grab zero four zero one for the heck of it okay and then try it yeah let's just try it so i've downloaded the file going to extract it run the bios renamer file program so it again renames it the same way as what we've already done previously and then we'll put that one on top of what's in the flash drive now which i have to plug in so then this one's the next one after the one that's currently on the board correct you're not i'm going as though it should have been right that somebody would have got each bios one by one now you shouldn't have to do that however um let's try it usually the motherboard manufacturer will alert you that um if there's a prerequisite requirement right of an earlier bios so this time i've turned power off to the power supply just to reset everything can i can i see that or are you still on the full screen uh no we're still on the word so we're gonna hit this let's start the blink i want to see this red light come on on the flash drive um it's not even trying right not even trying let's try one other thing here i'm gonna reset i'm gonna hold this in and now i'll let it go i don't think that's gonna make any difference the fact that it doesn't even try this would be a similar symptom if we plug this into the wrong usb port so uh there's another thing we can try and that's to just do a regular flash on it and see if we might have any luck or if we're going to continue to get uh usb voltage errors because we've reset the bios now a few times who knows maybe that'll help i don't know so let's turn this back on and we'll go back to this screen here and uh you can you can go ahead and thank you and hopefully we'll get a boot up here in a minute but because i reset the bios it has to restrain everything again and uh this is what happens when you get used parts by the way this is the risk you take and if you're a technical person and you enjoy enjoy challenges understand that that you're increasing your odds with each returned product we don't know what the cause of it is here and we're getting a no signal on this because it's still as i mentioned training everything all over again we basically reset the bios each time i hit that button on the back so we will patiently wait for it to come up there it goes i'll start hitting delete it all says it yeah interesting isn't that fascinating so here's my dilemma because we have this problem now i don't know if it's because of the ram or the cpu or the board i mean i know it's not the cooler but the usb over voltage error could also be a result of any of those little switches being in the wrong position so while i've got the web page up and running i'm going to go to the manual for this motherboard and find the english edition of the user's manual we're going to grab that real quick because i made sure i bought everything from amazon warehouse there's no risk so i can return things and i want to see what the default position of these switches are oh more thunder and we can show everybody this screen okay should be able to go to that so this is the uh manual and what i'm interested in are those little switches this is all the features parts here we go all right so we have all these so there's these little push switches here but i'm interested in the the uh sliding switches little on and off see which the uh the default setting is so it does say just as tony said to use b1 a1 c1 and d1 and that's exactly what we did okay and it shows it with six modules or eight modules so that's why there's a couple different layouts there and expansion slots and all of the bandwidth and lanes available onboard buttons and switches here we go start button flex key but to reboot the system you can also configure and assign the button oh that's interesting such as safe boot or to turn the motherboard lighting on and off there's a safe boot option safeboot temporarily applies safe settings to the bios interesting the retry button is specifically designed for overclockers we're not going to use that the bio switch comes with two bios chips press the bio switch button to switch the bios and load different bios settings that's interesting we could try that and then we've got the slow mode which is off used to be real off right correct so it is off by default the pause switch allows you to freeze the system at a hardware level thus allowing you to adjust your settings or heavy overclocking default is off off and then there's the rsvd switch which is reserved for authorized technicians of asus that is also off then there's a full speed mode that's the one that's a little uh located away from the other ones a bit over here and the default on that is also off off full speed mode allows you to set all connected fans to run at 100 pwm when enabled so that doesn't really help us then there's jumpers so there's an ln2 jumper and that helps optimize this motherboard to remedy the cold boot bug during post and help the system boot sucks so ln2 should be on pins one and two must be this yeah and does it have pin numbers pens one and two are to your left yeah it's on it's on pins one and two the motherboard to remedy the cold boot bug it doesn't really explain what the cold boot bug is so i suppose we could move it just to see it's not gonna hurt it can't make it any worse okay let's go ahead and hit that start button go ahead yeah it could be an issue with um you know what i just realized i just saw something here where's my switch can i can i see this camera please thank you you saw us on i see something that might be the cause of the problem if i'm lucky this is all it is and there's a lesson to be learned here you see these two connectors can you move this out of the camera do you notice anything yeah once not seated or they're not even which it's not going in we yank it out and try to ah what do you think even steven does it look good now yeah go ahead and hit the yeah hit the button for me see if we have any better luck this time here we go nothing oh i i steady now all right i was already switching over that camera i have to put the switch back on all right now now dink that's not stressful okay all right so once again we're back at the no signal page that's the full output of the uh this is to keep hitting delete or you don't i'll get ready to hit delete i can't believe that would be it do you you think that was it i'm hoping okay there's always hope there's time that please like was it wasn't that shawshank redemption hope is a terrible that's a four-letter word just like work um which i don't do all right what are you doing now nothing well then i don't have to pay you okay now that should take a moment like i said yeah because it's got to rethink right and here we go hit delete come on baby we're not having any luck here press f1 to run setup we're not getting the usb or no we're not did i not plug the keyboard back in yes you did is it turned on i turned it on yeah yeah well it's not working but this poses the next question which is can i use the bios flashback now ah so you can put that down thanks yeah we're not on that camera yeah so i'll go ahead and uh i've left the bios flash drive in there okay so we'll hit the button this time whoa can i um students let's go back and have you here right there push this turn this back on hold this in now see if we get flashy flashy let's see if we can i want to see this light blinking on and off nope it's not solving our problem there's one other possibility that could be happening here okay we're good you can so what may be happening is i don't know if this power connector is required this could be the issue but it didn't come with uh would it would it be in the box here maybe maybe let me let's take a look at the manual and see what it says about it chat little help assistant well they might be talking to us we can't see them right now michael dain contributed 10 bucks he goes to that machine and the mitch so that machine you and the mitch are building is wow what a machine according to the specs hey thanks michael and who's michael the man and mario l with twenty dollars says hey carrying mitch hello to the chat hey money thanks guys let's just rechat whether somebody has a suggestion asus is flaky i wouldn't you know let's take a look here they're suggesting we try a wired keyboard that's a really good idea yeah i'm glad i'm glad i thought of it just kidding you know i bought this keyboard on amazon for 16 brand new ah and it's just look how cute this is yeah and it lights up right uh-huh you don't but this one's i'm lit up right okay all right yeah red red for livid why is it doesn't work i'm actually i'm actually kind of enjoying this yes it's not going to a customer and i kind of like that things aren't going well because it makes the video more interesting it's almost as though we're next page scripted scripted yeah it's totally unscripted one take who would do this to themselves i mean seriously so you don't want the the bios in there you just want to see whether this keyboard works there you go okay so i want to step around this side make sure the switch is on and um you want to hit the power button for me yep you ready yep here we go okay we're going to get that no signal screen where's the delete button on this keyboard oh can't find it where's f1 on this keyboard oh that's me my glasses my glasses i can't see my glasses without my glasses still thinking boy it's taken a while still taking a while here we go nope it's just not doing a thing oh keyboard detected yeah so even though we have a keyboard plugged in and it's got voltage it's working the system's not acknowledging it's there update memory or the raid configuration after setting up intel okay so a couple of things let me switch this back off and one here so i want to move that little bios jumper that i had moved earlier i'm going to put it back because that obviously hasn't made any difference at all and i'm wondering if that six pin connector is necessary so i wanted to refer back to the motherboard manual see what it says about that power connector up there it might be required it's like on the thready threading needed three of those and anthony was like carrie that ain't gonna work without the third one oh and on these lower end boards that i'm used to working on like the consumer boards those are optional so what i'm curious about is when we get to the power connectors part of this manual and i'll i'll let everybody kind of look at join us what we're looking at here what i'm looking for is eventually we're going to get to the power connectors there's a lot of connectors on this board these are not only expensive boards they're com complicated rgb headers of course and that's 750 bucks this should do everything with yodel and i would expect i would expect it should you power connectors allow you to connect your motherboard powerpoint fit one orientation now there's the one i'm talking about e atx 12 volt dash three and there's one and two and i've already so i've got all three but i don't have the fourth one do not connect the six pin plug only the motherboard may overheat ensure the eight pin power plug or connect both the eight pin and six pin both we recommend power supply unit of a minimum 350 watts so what am i supposed to use well i guess it doesn't matter according to what i'm reading according to what i'm reading it we need to use that so in the motherboard box let's see if they gave us an adapter otherwise since the output on the power supply for the cpu power and pci express power are the same then it looks like we can use a graphics card power connector but i just want to make sure i don't have the pin outs wrong i mean theoretically it shouldn't even do you do you you lift the motherboard now can i slip the box out and you just set the motherboard down sure that's a great idea tell me when you got it i got it okay set that down and we'll open this up look for the so i'm looking in here for a power connector our adapter what is this right here whoa what does that do i don't even know what that's for it's funky oh there's comes a little screwdriver kit in here oh wi-fi antenna these are the quick connects usb with utilities and drivers inside it's got a little flash drive instead of coming with a cd look it's got a little tiny asus branded flash drive with all your drivers and utilities on it pretty sweet that's what's in that little package right there okay see get a three a free three dollar flash drive when you spend 750 on your motherboard okay but that's nothing we need yeah where's the manual well i don't care about the manual i care about the power connector yeah so this is that remember i said it wasn't a ram socket in this bag is i believe this holds another m2 drive um there's no manual oh wait here it is it's just black matches the color of the box there you go wow that's what you call a manual it's like it's like when you get a new car ooh there are other go faster stickers very snuffy i don't need any of this crap okay but it is in there being the guy at amazon that takes this back and has to make sure everything's in the box to resell it how do you know okay so you know what this tells me mitch tells me that a pci motherboard um a gpu power connector is going to be what we need so over here you put our extra power cables right yes sir make sure as hell gave us enough of them but we're going to want to put that motherboard back on the box yeah i don't want to don't want to scratch that lazy suspect yeah this board's heavy and if it drags across this lazy season it's going to leave a mark tell me when you guys got to leave skid marks tell me when you got it got it this is kind of a learning experience i gotta give you that so yeah there's only four thousand dollars in play yeah it's not like there's any big deal yeah my baby now i'm paranoid of all those connectors oh i can see now thank you we don't need no stinking lights i just don't think this is going to be it i mean not the not the rain and you're not the rain on your parade again you don't believe in me breaking my heart man okay if i had one all right all right so now you've got we're plugged into the wired keyboard go ahead and hit the start button for me stan wrist off with two pounds says plug a card reader with usb to the pin header why would i do that let's go back to hdmi one input and let's see if we get any better joy with the extra power waiting now we're back to the usb over current issue what if it's the power supply what if this power supply is bad i mean we are having a power related issue here okay you gotta you got a 750 laying around you must have us yeah of course i do so that definitely didn't help things geez that's a lot of power connectors you know it could be a good power supply but they could be damaged in the connector itself too that's what happens when you get used parts was that power supply new or was that no a return that's a return everything was returned except the video card we're using is what's stock i've got and of course the case which i save fifty dollars on new okay so here's a 750 can you open that up for me yeah let me let me show you this i'll comment come around here sure you know how uh see how that's lifting the card yeah normally to go to the edge yeah so well that could have created the last error that could have so the cardboard had been lifted up right with these out of the socket that's a good catch but we're going to still try a different power supply you sure yep okay yep i'm on a roll now i can't stop teamwork chat that's what we're talking about does it make the dream work uh oh yeah i don't know what the dream is though for a system to boot i need another gatorade mitch do you need anything no maybe a blue moon no let's start drinking on this broadcast hey i was just thinking you next week you get the second jab right next week any time now oh ever since tuesday i was oh four weeks so you're since the first injection but you got to make it no you don't have to make it no you just yeah you just walk in yeah it's tough to do that and be here and do this that's true you know if we want to test usb voltages mitch okay on amazon they sell they sell these things for about 10 bucks and you plug it into your usb port and it'll give you all the voltage information and temperature coming off the usb port on an lcd screen or an led screen right here and i'll talk more about this in a future video it's just coincidence i have it i haven't made the video yet so this may maybe something i'm going to use today brand new in a box go in a box i love them all right here you go karen these are these these power supplies were 135 each at amazon brand new they have a 10-year warranty on them thank you i'll take that you get it you get a free shaving kit a nice nice stop kit as we say to take on the road very nice yeah i'm gonna keep this in the car in case i get a i need a quick voltage boost well are we tallying up how much all these parts are gonna keep opening up but if you if you use the next one i call dibs on the next dopp kit you know we call dibs on what the next one if you use that another that power supply in a different build with the another one i i want i want one of these nice kits oh you want the bag i like the bag yeah oh you just want the bag yeah oh okay how many do you want the next one oh there's no shortage okay yeah is it you like that color i do yeah purple rain all right it's a sacha all right but it's not that bag but like you said stuff for the car do dance in there very nice yeah now seat them in hear the click little tug like you always do okay i plugged the wrong end in thought that went into easy no rushy all right okay it's seating better than the seasonic one for sure the sonic one was really tight you understand this board's a complex board why somebody might return it because they don't they got it over their head they just think more power oh you know more is better but it's much more complicated of a bill you know and i thought i was shooting the lock off when my last motherboard my mother my last motherboard i think was 350. that's a lot for a motherboard compared to seven videos no not the 750 here so i heard the click would you call me so let's be like deja vu to u2 keep all that together so we don't you don't want to mix your modular cables up between power supply manufacturers because they might look the same and click the same but it could actually not be the same and then that would be bad okay all right so power time power power voltage voltage yeah you actually hit that power button for me there mitchell all right here we go all right what do you guys think any difference i'm crossing my fingers and all 12 toes all right here we go okay we'll go back to let's see let's put us in the corner again wishful thinking that will actually need to be there for a while what do you feel like eating tonight you know it's a good question again i want to go back to uh the wings place again maybe my guy's working there he took care of us really good last time come on come on come on come on you can do it come on fresh power you know we still have a usb device over current so there's a voltage related issue here and of course the system's going to shut itself off and there's another thing we can try i keep coming up with different ideas the more i look at it the more i think about it so we'll shut that off and let me go back to full screen on us and let's get rid of this keyboard do me a favor grab that here hold the keyboard sixteen dollar keyboard sixteen dollars nice it was this or eating at subway with their fake tuna oh no they got new tuning that's always just a bad press tuna needs a better pr agent all right what's your idea because this video card's not sitting well in this socket [Music] i'm going to remove it and the latch was slashed well that's tight use your tool yeah you're right ah harry holman's there gpu removal tool shazam everybody should have at least three of these that way when you can actually afford to buy a gpu you'll be ready to remove it when it breaks like how it made that are you going to try a different graphics card yes i am because you know i'm swimming in graphics cards over here ooh the perfect backstrap it's still raining outside as a feather i'll see if it's properly tuned it's all crappy's car do i want to use almost tuna that's good uncle carrie somebody says remove the cmos for 10 seconds what's that the battery i don't even see yeah i'm i don't even see a battery on this it's underneath we talked about that already it's nice when people jump in here's an old gtx 550 ti it's got a little dust on it okay and we'll plug that in now this does need a six pin power connector you better get my glasses on let me have a flashlight i'll give you some lights light come on need any light i work in the dark crack sometimes i do my best work crack yeah and you're alone too this won't seat because you see this hook yeah nope there it goes so i need a 610 cpu power i mean graphics card power no hdmi oh i'm going to need a what's it got dvi bag how old is supercard it's pretty old okay pretty old they don't make them like they used to match your people that would kill for that yeah those are sad people if they'd want to they've killed for that oh that has a micro hdmi up there go all right let's try that one anki mitch all right all right you want to hit the power cable on that okay i mean the power button not the barcode power to but call you ready sure sure why not all right i got fan spin on the graphics card i don't think this is going to do it not to be a negative nelly yeah you've been yeah you were right last time so why don't you just you know be on my side it's gonna work probably should plug your keyboard and mouse and do it though huh uh yeah let's give it a second i just heard the fans slow down i can't stand the tension ooh just shut off what was that all about and that's turned back on that's a good sign right that's different isn't it that's different yeah and turn back on so it might be thinking thinking let's see cpu codes yeah it's just going through its diagnosis there we go here we go come on come on no usb no usb it's doing something okay vga card is not supported by uefi driver settings have been changed for better compatibility no keyboard system will shut down after 15 seconds well there's a lot of message there okay so i'll plug the keyboard and mouse in this time i'm kind of curious about this buying splashback now nope still no joy on that one that's okay at least it's consistent consistence is inconsistency is important when we're diagnosing the problem we want to make sure that we're able to reproduce the problem so we know when we fixed it so you got a keyboard in so now we're back to the original wi-fi wireless keyboard mouse and i missed this one not that one this one yeah this one's on the stream okay so you'll get ready to hit the lead on that no well actually yeah i should perota has contributed 9.99 he says i'm coming in late and paying my dues hey dom thank you thank you thank you and also for joining us what's up so it's shut off again because we reset the bios it's going to do that whole thing again with the uh turning off csm come on you work work oh now you feeling it's gonna work yeah where was that feeling an hour and a half ago yeah confidence well you should see a doctor all right all right vga card is not supported if no adjustments are needed press f2 i don't think it's going to accept f2 no keyboard detected system will shut down so still not detecting um sorry not detecting our usb port over there detect the usb port over here in other words is it a bank of usbs that might be bad try that let's try again gary did you try the renamer file yeah we we've already been there done that i don't know why people keep mentioning it's almost like they're not watching i appreciate the suggestions guys but i appreciate it more if you saw what we've already tried but yeah it's been renamed in fact we named two different bios's two different flash drives it's consistent nope yeah so we're still back to square one on this um and it's still not going to allow any keyboard input here you want you want to try the wired one just for grants no no um there is potentially you know going back to that whole six pin power connector again we still may need to revisit that so i'm going to just try it okay because before we could have had the voltage error from the you when you noticed that the video card was seated straight so when things like that happen it can throw off diagnostics you kill the power directly turn it off and yeah you're gonna good catch let's plug that in and then right over here to uh back of the power supply so this all these cables just to power the motherboard by the way okay and back on go ahead and hit the switch for me we'll see if we get that usb over current again because that's what did it before and i don't know if it was because the graphics card kind of got pulled up a little bit but now you've got power in all three doodads over there all three due dates yeah well technically there's four due dates okay did you say didn't you earlier earlier you showed a usb thingy can we test that or no to see whether you're getting what do you get out of one of those slots five volts the three and a half what do you get out of well i'm sure it'll tell us let's take a look just to see what this added power connector does it does because i have you know extra power see what it says usb device over current status right back to that again interesting interesting or not so what kind of power are we getting out of this usb port so again we've got this little device here that we can try and see what it says i'm going to unplug this 6 pin power because it certainly appears that it's not happy put it back in the bag and let me get the wire tie on it there's that and i'll plug this in we should already get voltage um let me grab this camera here i'll take it let's go to see here we're gonna go to the wireless camera make sure they're fully seated here so when i plug this device in it's going to give us information about the usb can you see that okay on the screen yep looks like we're getting five volts out seems like it's happy the idea is that you plug another usb and hit on this side of things i didn't realize there's plastic on there oh so you can plug in your keyboard so you can see how much voltage something's pulling okay these are like 10 bucks on amazon 12 bucks i'm happy with all that yeah it seems like it's happy doesn't it mm-hmm putting out five volts like there should 5 volts there's a lot of usb ports to check on this five volts five volts so the bios the one that we plugged the bios chip in you know for the the price flashback you notice there's no voltage to that when it's off okay and i think i missed one of these so there's one two three like if any of these were shorted out we'd see that you know 5 volts would be 5 volts it'd be something else so the usb issue seems to be internal to something else i just noticed the different audio ports on this i have lights in them very strange do me a favor turn that machine on we'll watch the diagnostics go ahead and hit start yeah here we go see where we're getting hung up code e b deal changed code 32 22. i mean obviously it's getting through all this because it does post yep well it hangs around that vga one for a while didn't it it does not like that graphics card one bit no yeah and it shut itself off okay let's go back over to camera one you hit control f on that oh wait wait wait wait now ctrl f ctrl f okay hmm all right well i'm about out of ideas at this point and i'm kind of stuck i need to maybe do a little research on this my basic diagnostic skills at the top of my head are uh exhausted and i'm getting hungry what about you oh yeah jeet no jew did you call me yeah so the uh the board is sort of working you know a bad memory module could cause this by the way it's possible we've tried two different video cards two different power supplies i'm pretty confident the power supply is fine and the video cards i know the video card's fine but as far as any and i wanted and i watched you see all the so it's not like you've got one ram that's maybe half seated i watched it click them all in and they all but any sort of flaky electronic module could cause a short circuit that would result in bizarre errors like this and uh we'll just take a quick look in the chat room and see what folks in the chat room got to say john paul bacon recommends we try the other pcie slot yeah that's not a bad idea see please drone shots is writing please note you may still encounter the postcode error if you do not properly disconnect the ac adapter from your pc before updating the bios by usb function what ac adapter there's no ac adapter i'm not sure what that's a reference looking through the comments you look while i take a peek so it's still raining let me take a look see here just a little look it's weird the whole day it's like not gotten any brighter or darker but no no it's still raining it's just tittling down is it spitting uh no it's pretty steady good for the desert though rain one full contributes to canadian dollars he says good day carrie mitch toto still rules oh yes if you go to youtube i'm smiling maybe smiling in such a expensive build isn't working i it's it's interesting you know and it is very interesting and again like kerry said the worst you send it back they're going to send you another one well that's true like i can i can either send this back to amazon for a refund and then pay full price for another one or i can do an rma with asus and only pay for the shipping to asus it's pretty heavy board but still i'm still getting the deal but that's assuming like i'm not convinced yet i have a motherboard problem i'm convinced this is more of a user related problem and it's such a high-end board um i think this is um user created i don't recall ever seeing a board do this that i've always been able to correct this if you look at my past videos we've seen this error message before on other boards yeah and i've always corrected it i've never sent a board back for that um so i'm not going to give up just that easy and i've got the whole warranty period of time to deal with it i wish i had a spare cpu i could slap in there just to see oh i was going to tell you just yesterday i went online and we have a in phoenix we have a concert place called celebrity theater and i think on september 25th uh burton cummings who's the lead singer of the guess who and randy bachman was the lead guitarist of bachmann turner overdrive and the guess who they now tour together so i got a front row seat for bachmann cummings there and so you know they it says in the blurb that they'll play stuff from bto and obviously stuff from the guess who and so uh was the guess who's singing i always confuse them no sugar tonight oh and um yeah american woman and bachmann turner overdrive is let it ride and taking care of business so they'll of course do those two big hits so i went on i haven't seen nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet so the theater is in the round so there are plenty of front row seats so i got myself a seat that's saturday september 25th and then sunday the 26th is um get the let out the greatest oh of a led zeppelin tribute so and if you want to go chuckles i have two front row seats oh really dead center so i know you're not big on crowds where they're going to be nobody it's it's us fans don't like me it's let me tell you why it's awesome they're like jamming out and i just sit so they look at me like you know yeah so you're having a good time so two front row two front two front row tickets dead center i've got my get the let out t-shirt the drummer knows me um so yeah again the drummer knows you yeah it's a friend of a friend so they're you know no one what is this that's sunday september twenties it will be in michigan sixth okay thank you though yeah yeah oh i just i closed my eyes and i would gamble my life that i'm actually seeing the four original led zeppelin guys it is so dead on precise and they take pride in that that boom um it sounds that great and so i have to bring my earplugs on uncle kerry i don't want to make my tinnitus any worse getting old or i have to bring my tonight my own that's the officially how you say it tinnitus what would you what would you what's the main concert arena in arizona that's what kevin smith wants to know i would have six of them yeah i mean you got the celebrity theater and then you have no small you've got um down football stadium the hockey stadium downtown there's that uh yeah concert venue yeah and then out by arizona state university you have a thing called the herberger theater they can damage and gamut sun devil stadium so there's um and there's a lot of them yeah yeah yeah the nice thing about the celebrity in the round is that no seat is further than 75 feet from the states so people and they just spent two years ago eight hundred thousand dollars upgrading the inside right inside the sound system yeah sound system so before i used to go there there i would wince because they're yeah their indoor sound was horrible but they fixed that so well i think we're gonna you know take this as far as we can go because i'm getting a little hungry and i think it's affecting my ability to think straight now but i'll work on it offline my main concern is updating the bios there's a number of new bios's this board is quite old okay for the board to have that bios version on it this this means this is old inventory it might have been sitting around for a while and um you know i'll try pulling the maybe i'll pull a couple sticks around just use two sticks around if those two sticks don't make a difference i'll pull those two and replace them with the two i pulled try it that way see if i get any different behavior output i've got a bunch of other cpus i bought returned because i'm a glutton for punishment okay what did i get here i've got um but of course those won't fit in the socks no no no this is these are yeah these are like for the eight year build these are i7 8700s i've got okay three of them they were like 100 off i7 yeah yeah just an 8th gen i've got a 9700k that was like 50 bucks off and another 9700k so there's five of them and i have to test them these are all untested and i think somebody sent me five b460 hd3 motherboards who who did that i'm pretty sure i didn't send them they're 120 piece that's 600 worth of motherboards yeah no note nothing i got no gift receipt geez i look through cause sometimes i order stuff and i can't remember like because i order i have so many things going on but you would have gone through that and seen five or six yeah so um so i don't know who sent that to me but uh yeah five brent not returned these are brand new really hard to get what do you call it hens teeth yeah yeah it's rare as hens teeth they're really hard to get these boards they're in stock right now you can get them okay and the price has been fluctuating some days it's 119 some days it's 135 but at least they're in stock so i've got five of those brand new on top of the return boards i bought on top of the cases sent by intermax and silverstone and the power supply sent by intermax and silverstone to do some more builds and more giveaways and the folks at cdk deals said they will provide me the windows 10 professional licenses for those giveaways nice courtesy of them and if you guys want real legit legal windows 10 keys or office keys at a a fraction of the price like newegg was just advertising windows 10 home for 119 and getting windows 10 pro for 17 and it's the same thing it's it's it's all legal it's not pirated this company's i think they've got 72 employees and they've done they do about 16 million dollars a year in business and they've been around for years and obviously if it was a problem by now microsoft would have shut them down but all the the keys are all legal they're all legit you just save a lot of money and i if you've got windows home and you want to upgrade to pro i do not advise it i'm good most most of the people that complain are trying to upgrade their home to pro there's really no reason for anybody to do that unless you're suddenly signing into a domain somewhere i don't understand why anybody would do that but it would require you to reformat the entire computer by using these keys the way they are but you can you know if you insist if you're stubborn and you want to do it just because with no good reason um you can just google you know how to upgrade windows 10 home to pro and there's like three different steps if this one doesn't work try that that's why it's such a pain and it's all for nothing in other words once you're done the only thing you're going to notice is the difference that says home or pro instead of home and that's only if you go looking for it so if you're running windows 10 home now you're not missing out on anything with windows 10 pro i i still don't understand why people do this i always install windows 10 pro because when a system is brand new it costs me two dollars difference so i just give all my customers pro but if you've already got home i'd say leave it alone yep save your money and save your aggravation but somebody mentions a remote desktop in windows 10 pro it's one of the most unsecured most foolish things you could enable turning that remote desktop on if you want remote access you should use something like log me in or team viewer instant house call use something that's encrypted and use something that automatically does uh dns resolution because when you turn remote desktop on you have to do port forwarding on your router and if your isp changes your ip address at any given moment to your modem you will no longer be able to connect unless you set up something uh dns wise to automate that process it is extraordinarily complex overly complicated and it's one of those things where if you've got more time than money and you've got nothing else better to do it's a great exercise in practicing your technical ability because it's extraordinarily complex and it it can shift and change as i mentioned in your ip address changes and again there's ways around that but it just something as simple as teamviewer hack you can even use the free completely for free and you have better security you've got the dns management so if your ip address changes it's encrypted which the other one is not and you don't have to do any uh router programming then you know your router gets reset guess what your remote stops working or you replace the router your remote stops working so for the technical people who like to get into all that waste of time because they think they're getting away with something is free and it'll cover all of that and more than you get from remote desktop i don't understand why people will invest 10 hours to save nothing other than they're just bored and if you're bored that's fine but you know recommending it to others like oh you should upgrade from 10 home to 10 pro so you can use remote management you know what is free and that it's not complex it's simple you're going to be paying to upgrade to windows 10 pro so that it's a lot of money and a lot of aggravation for something that's just going to lead to more aggravation that's my opinion on that that's all i have to say about i hear somebody oh yay it's friday i want chicken wings chicken wings you're a squirrel very nice what's up yeah get lost did you make a new friend i did yeah nutty there you go you you wanted to pick up chicks in the bar oh you wanted it favor wingman no i don't yeah what a wingman hey lady yeah get lost i don't think that's going to work as a pickup line no no there you go pretty sure at least not he made an appearance oh he's giving me a little kiss what are you saying oh he's saying mitch you're also you have a front row seats my second favorite guy alan parsons at the celebrity theater on september something around but front row i've met alan twice very nice man and he's my second next to toto so there you go he's playing ellen parsons in his head right oh games people play his biggest hit i thought he was yeah i thought he was doing don't forget chat plug toto live cd brand new just out with a little help from my friends or cd blu-ray dvd you go on youtube not now while you're watching us you type in toto pamela with a little help from my friends you'll see a clip of their live show and after 42 years you show me a band that sounds that great and that tight nutty just told me how to fix the computer get out the shotgun that he's so violent yeah i chopped down his tree yeah he's not happy yeah so chop down your head he was like no okay okay well listen this has been an interesting video i told you this was going to be a series this was going to go on more than one video yeah michael m contributes five new zealand dollars says hey carrie just purchased office 2019 using your cdk deals link and it works perfectly did you get commission regardless of which country i met as long as you used my link and my coupon code i make the commission yeah so i appreciate that and hopefully save you some money and like i said there's no funny business involved in this i've encountered some people on the internet that just are boldly making lies and accusations with no evidence and uh i'm going to highly encourage folks to do your own research if you're skeptical don't believe anybody don't even believe me don't believe anybody do your own research there's some people out there online whose job they're just dead set out on trying to shut my youtube channel down they you know they've swatted me they some really nasty people even other content creators have come after me and that's that's pretty unprofessional and and sad so um they're just lonely i don't know i don't know why they do it but um and if anybody in chat you know you must have a password manager you need it you have to have it so yeah we always have 30 percent off robo form yep those windows and office keys will be around for at least a year so don't buy them in advance wait till you need it when you get it you know use it within a couple weeks would you yeah that way if there is a problem customer service won't think you're trying to pull a uh yeah stunt yeah and then um of course the my computer works folks for technical support i get a lot of emails lots and lots of emails from people i've never heard of they've never contributed how do i fix that how do i do that to help me uncle carrie yeah and it's always the ones who don't give anything that are the the the neediest yep so look my computer works will help you if your mom and dad are driving you insane well help me by the phone i don't know that or maybe maybe you're on that one tech and you don't anymore and it's kind of gotten by you a little bit you just need a little booster here and there those guys over at my computer works are great and i do appreciate if you use my if you don't use my links i don't get any credit for it right even just clicking the link and going to the site i get a little credit for it but they're a wonderful service wonderful service i don't know how much of my audience would really need a service like that but you might know somebody who does all the feedback i've gotten from everyone uh whether it's regarding roboform or cdk deals or even the um my computer works has all been positive except for people with cdk deals who made mistakes or misjudgments and once we got them straightened out everything's happy okay so nobody's been burned and um are we forgetting one i feel like well no amazon of course anything on the amazon likes so i've got my amazon sites everything you see uh here is all linked in the notes i'm trying not to be a shill i'm trying you know i think dignity is important i think integrity technical integrity is important but this is all stuff i buy for myself and my customers there's nothing here i'm telling you i don't tell my customers who pay me i'm giving it to you for free so obviously when you give something away for free more often than not it has zero value when you charge for that free thing it has value it's a strange world and then maybe you can help me next week and we'll hang that uh absolutely yeah sign up what do you think yeah we found a stud one right here and right there yeah so i don't know if we're gonna it might have to be off center a little bit i really want to get it into this and there's three hooks yeah and so we really want the middle the middle one in a stud right so that's why it might be a little off center but then maybe i could move the desk or something yeah or something like that but it's gonna it's gonna look great we're gonna have to kind of fuss with the cameras because it is pretty bright yeah it still looks good off yeah yeah i mean with that black background it still pops yeah so yeah so some more projects going on yeah and uh we'll be back next friday i want to show you something okay i ordered do you know what the very first home computer was uh commodore 64. that's what i remember so well back in the 70s you could buy the kit and you would solder it together yourself here we hold that oh my god this is even before yeah this is even before i got into computers this was the 1970s okay and this is an a replica of an altar 8800 and it's a fascinating history wikipedia this or look it up and there's no keyboard well this is modified because you you have ports now you can plug a keyboard and monitor into it but back in the day there was no keyboard there was no monitor and what you would do is for you know each binary bit you wanted to set you would move the switch whereas normally today you push a key on your keyboard if you wanted the letter a if you wanted the letter a on this you'd have to set like eight of these to whatever that bit you know on off on off on off and then there is um like an enter button that you press and release and that is okay and it lights up to tell you that accepted that one code then you do the next one imagine every letter you have to set and then enter and then move to the next one so this was you know this is what we had and then when you wanted to run it you would hit the run button right here the run toggle so this is a replica uses an arduino board but it works exactly the same as an actual 8800 now on ebay a real 8 800 goes for about 3 000. this was 300 out so um they're in limited supply you can also still build it yourself they sell the kits just like old school okay but back in the day you start to solder it you used to solder yourself now you're just you know assembling so anyway um so you're saying this was about 10 years before the commodores 64. oh yeah yeah yeah this is this is in the 70s yeah yeah yeah and these were sold in america and canada and england yeah and it was pretty popular for you know the hardcore nerds back in the day that wanted a home computer this is what you got so my goal is i'll get this up and running in programs so the lights will like blink back like star trek you know nice that i don't know they won't do anything like they'll just i'll program it to like look like it's busy working thinking it'll be a piece uh in the background when i get some shelves back here and it's very important to the history of the home computer for most people you know this was like ham radio run in fact ham radio was way more popular than this but there was a certain breed of person that would buy something like this in the 70s that other people thought was kooky didn't understand what the appeal was okay but this has evolved to this in what we're doing today with that home computer right here this is i want to say one of the first ones if not the first one that you could buy and if you watch the show the it crowd they have one of these in the background i think leo laporte has one of these in the background on his show too and um again it's before my time i never used one i was a kid in the 70s i was two well between two and twelve yeah so uh i didn't get into computers until i was 12. and even then that's by then trs-80 model one and then atari 400 atari 800 and commodore vic-20 commodore 64. which make this look like a rock right but uh it's really cool it's a really inventive way to replicate and honor the original yep at a fraction of the price using modern technology like you say there's a vga port there's a two different usb ports here vga out there's a small sd micro uh so you could save your programs you couldn't save for and then it looks like there's a speaker output here and then uh power in so that's just a little piece of computing history there you go yeah so yeah you'll see this set piece in the background in the future i want to thank you guys for hanging out with me today uh unfortunately we we don't end it on a upbeat note but uh we we've made some progress at least no you know things are powering on um uh we perhaps haven't reached our destination but we're on the journey and i'll work a bit off with it offline just to see if i can at least get it to properly post and get the bios updated and then i'll try and do most of it on camera but i'll at least try and get that done off camera because i think that's going to be quite tedious yeah and uh yeah that's gonna do it do it everyone have a great weekend wherever you are in the world be safe absolutely and you can be sick if you can't be safe be good or at least be careful or be careful i guess that means be safe yeah anyway uh all the links to everything we talked about in today's video are in the notes i'll i'll try to remind myself to add links for the this usb voltage reader and this uh site that does these alt hairs i was on a waiting list for this for like six weeks if you want it pre-assembled ah and you gotta pay more yeah and um but once i ordered it it shipped right away i can't wait to plug it in and play with it just as soon as i get to that free time it's coming up right around the corner thanks to everybody for joining thanks for all the contributions i hope i caught everybody here ron s had contributed 10 and james duffy contributed 20 australian dollars says thank you everyone for a fantastic community keep well and stay safe and uh diane northwest chicago burbs contributed five dollars michael m contributed five new zealand dollars russ martin the pc doctor with ten dollars standard stock with two dollars matty uel with ten dollars ryan with two canadian dollars don peratta with nine ninety nine stan aristotle with two pounds marty with twenty dollars michael dane he's the man with ten dollars and just now paul carroll says hi carrie chris garrett in chat says the man who made that was from the town i lived in in georgia the altar 8800 ed roberts was born september 13th 1941 in miami florida and he died april 1st 2010 in cochrane georgia look at that yeah well my dad was born at 43 so yeah did it say what year this came out and uh paul submitted ten dollars thank you paul yeah absolutely thank you so much and i hope i will see you all again very very soon until then bye for now you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 17,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holzman, motherboard, cooler, small, how-to, DIY, build a computer, build a pc, build, assemble, create, computers, windows, microsoft, samsung, ssd, storage, install
Id: ovABzD0vwCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 43sec (12523 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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