How To Chia GPU Plotting and Farming Guide for WINDOWS UPDATED - Gigahorse Start to Finish - 2023

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today we're going over our Windows build and this is going to be what we're using to get up and running with gigahorse this is a new build guide if you followed along with the old one this one is probably a little bit more accurate it's going to take you step by step through every single part of the process things are easier now because there's been new software written by Mad Max for this on the gigahertz platform let's dive in and start looking at some of this software and Hardware that we're going to be using today so the workstation that we're going to be using is the HP z440 these are available used locally or on eBay for birdie darn cheap these allow us to get a good amount of ram in here if you look here we've got some high capacity ddr46 these are ECC but they're also a really good value and this will allow us to get to 256 gigabytes inside this system very cheaply if you know I've got a 700 watt power supply on this if you're buying an HP z44 40 make sure you get the 700 watt power supply the next things that we're going to look at are our graphics card so you can see here I've got an Nvidia A4000 and this is a really good card this is probably a better card than you actually need for here we're going to use it just because I've got it and I want to test it out you could certainly use a 3060 in here if you see here I've got some six pin to eight pin adapters from cable matters all of this stuff can be found on the build guide at forward slash Chia for the windows guide if you look here we've got a couple of cards also we've got our SAS HBA this is going to connect up to our disc shelf which we're going to be using and this will allow us to easily grow and expand our Chia Farm in a great cost effective manner we're going to look at all the numbers behind that also and if you see here we've got a GT 1030. we're going to use this for doing our decompression of our C7 plots that we're going to be creating if you wanted to go with a C8 get a little bit better card than this you need more than two gigabytes Ram if you see here I've got our plot buffer which is just going to be two one terabyte Samsung Evo 870s I would actually recommend using what's in the plot guide which is going to be some Enterprise ssds and they are going to do a lot better than these I just have so many of these lying around that I figured why not use them all right so let's get this underway here we're going to go ahead and start by flipping this over now this HP z440 if you remember the prior videos that we've done we've talked about the plan for the farm and so the HP z440 is what we're doing now we've got the HP z420 the t7910 the AMD epics also that we'll be doing we've already done the t620 there it's cranking at about 750 plots per day on that one machine which is amazing we've got our get 40 gigabit switch up here and we've got our full node and Harvester up here running on the proxmox r720 XD with our true Nas storage head end unit okay so this is one of my first times with HP gear on anything here and it looks like there is a card that's installed here also it just came this way but I'm going to remove this I'm guessing this is like a little nvme or something like that so I'm going to pull this guy out and let's go ahead and clear up some of the brackets that will have the full height cards in here so our top card slot that we've got here looks like that's a very nice fit okay and I'm gonna grab one of the six pin connectors down here and plug this up okay and our GPU that we're gonna put down here again I would recommend probably not buying a GT 1030 I just have this one laying around I think a Tesla P4 would be a significantly better card to choose for this and that would allow you to go to a C8 level for instance and still hit almost a petabyte of space and our final card going in the slot down here our HBA all right I think that's it I'm going to go ahead and close up this last slot here [Music] thing looks like it's good and firm in place and see if I can get this uh bar bracket thing here to lock down all right let's get our two ssds in here so I'm probably just going to pop these up here there's one there we go [Music] as you can see this comes with two six pins here so if you did get the adapter wow this is a dirty dirty uh workstation you should definitely be sure that you clean your Bark Station up a little bit more and I have our Windows disk and we've got ddr4 dimms these are 2400 speed these are also ECC very good prices on these right now so let's get these inserted into this system here [Music] and there we go we've got our 256 gigabytes of RAM installed so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to toss this over on the workbench foreign I do like having a workbench and let's get tucked up in there another thing you want to keep in mind when you're plotting is that there's a very good chance with these systems that you want to have a dedicated fan blowing on them it's going to complain about not having a fan module and this one has almost all of a fan module but it's actually missing the fans and I guess this would go up here or something like that um not sure where the fans for that fan module are I could buy some on eBay but make sure that you get that if you're looking for it because it'll actually put up a like alert screen that you need to bypass each time you boot which is kind of annoying now I was told actually the best thing to do for the z440 z420 if they are plotting and you are using a lot of bandwidth between the RAM and the GPU is to get a external fan open it up point it at there just set it even to like low that'll move a ton of air over this something cool that I didn't quite think about when I started this whole installation Pro process that is a Windows 10 Pro sticker I've asked around a couple people said there's a possibility that the keys could be just stored on the motherboard and so when we actually go ahead and install our Windows 10 Pro here I'm guessing later on I could upgrade to Windows 11 Pro if I wanted to but we do have the windows disk inserted here it's doing its uh startup thing and we should be able to get this hopefully even registered and activated as a registered licensed Windows 10 Pro kind of being tied to the motherboard is what most of the OEM stuff is so it should be living most likely in the bio somewhere that key that will register it probably does it automatically is what I'm hoping for I don't know exactly how long Windows 10 is going to be around but Windows 10 Pro does also support 256 gigabytes of RAM as well so that is good news that makes all of this still very possible so let me introduce you to my little friend NetApp DS four two four six these are great units now let's go over a couple of the things that you'll get whenever you get a NetApp or one of these type of units it's going to come with psus you need at least two sometimes they come with four I would recommend just selling the other two if you get four and they need to have at least one but up to two iom three or six units so if you get an iom3 that's going to be connecting at three gigabits per second per each one of these controllers if you get an iom six that's going to be up to six gigabits per second now since we have so much performance now in the plotting process having the iom 6 is actually for riding the plots actually a little bit more beneficial than having the io M3 I wouldn't let it deter you either Which Way But do keep in mind it will be able to push a little bit more plots onto the discs as well we've got our cables here that we're going to be using now these plug directly into the NetApp these are the correct cables to get they are qsfp Plus on one side on the other side they are 80 88 and you can use the little rings to pull them use the exact links in the description below to get the right ones these are tingy Tech they are the right ones there are some other ones out there that are the same type of cables but they do not work so be very mindful of that use the links to ensure you get the right one also check this out on forward slash Chia and this will be part of the guide for Windows and I might even have some separate Hardware build guides that are just for each one of these pieces of Hardware now let's take a look at each one of these trays so you can see you're going to need to order some screws each tray needs four screws 24 of these so make sure that you get like a 100 pack of screws or something like that whenever you order this and these guys just slide in nicely like this once we have the hard drives in there and then lock into place very positively now you may not get kind of like the cover caps for these edges I wouldn't let that bother you they function perfectly fine this is purely decorative over here this is going to just tell you whether you've got connectivity uh it's not going to give you any sort of like actionable anything that you're able to do but you can press the button here to change some of the numbering on here now let's take a look at putting this together and I'm going to go ahead and assemble this for us so on this you need to have your psus in the following locations and if you note they've got kind of a lever here that you can pull out open up and then slide it easily into place and then lock it firmly you need one in the lower right and the upper left and this one goes in like that now you'll note that I've got the two blanks here if you don't have these blanks you need to cover up these areas with something to keep the airflow from getting bad if you do have four psus you could just kind of open pop pull one out and just leave it in place to kind of block the airflow from getting in there if you don't have the coverage you could also cut a piece of cardboard and tape it in there something like that if these are open you'll have bad airflow as well you'll see that I've got blanks here for these two ioms the lower ioms here are definitely not needed technically you only need one iom unit in your NetApp and that is the top one here this one is mandatory and you're going to connect in from here from your computer out from here into the next jbod that you would have if you had multiple of these jbods again very easy to Cable these up one and done now let's go ahead and get some discs in here and I got some plugs here this does run off of 120 volt AC so you don't have to have like a 240 kind of setup or anything like that this will just be able to run off this I would recommend people get a UPS that prevents if you've got power dips or something like that if you're in an area where you get a lot of brownouts a lot of power spikes and surges that kind of damage can definitely travel down the wire to your hard drives hard drives are expensive so you want to preserve them as long as possible I'm going to go ahead and start pulling these trays out and then we're going to caddy them up do try to make sure that you get the caddies with your unit or that you factor in the cost of the caddies with the unit because if you get a blank unit with no caddies in it buying the caddies can add up to be quite a bit of extra expense so usually it's better to just get these all in one if you check back on this channel there are tons of guides on tricks and tips that can help you get this racked up if you're putting it on a rack you can set this on the floor put a piece of uh yoga mat in between them and stack them up that way as well I wouldn't go too high because that could become a tip Hazard and certainly don't have that around any small children or animals so we've got our 24 18 terabyte drives here that we're going to be putting Into the j-bod Now an important consideration is after you're done plotting you can take and put the j-bod on a more appropriate computer than necessarily what your actual machine is for plotting so maybe a lower energy you do need to still have a GPU for decompressing but the Tesla P4 is a great option for that and that can fit in a lot of small form factor not 256 gigabytes of RAM packages as well do know if you are plotting in Windows like we're going to be doing it's going to cut your RAM in half so do keep that in mind you're going to be surprised because you're only going to get about half of the ram we're also going to be checking out some of the things that you can do make sure you subscribe to this channel as far as where you join a pool how you join a pool and some of the things that you might want to keep your eye on as we're growing and learning about the gigahorse compressed plotting package for Chia alright so as we take our drives here and make sure you check out where you can get great deals on hard drives and if you're a channel subscribing member you can get a three percent or five percent discount based on your membership level that applies to every order that you make no matter how many orders you make throughout the month there we go all right now let's get the rest of these caddied up and there we go we've got our drives ready let's go ahead put this all together into the jbod and that way we can get up and running with our Windows setup because and there we go we've got all of our discs in let's go ahead and plug in the cables here on the back all right so I'm going to show you how to Cable this up so we've got our qsfp cables here we're going to put the first one in the top there and the second one in the bottom here the second one in the bottom totally optional you can get by with just one on the top Okay so we've got our 8088 SAS cable here we're going to go ahead and plug this in to the HBA here and our other one also we're going to plug this into the back let's go ahead and get our power supplies plugged in here let's go ahead and Power It Up some little switches there that'll turn it on [Applause] and after it's done with its boot process the noise level goes down substantially if you have all the fronts loaded up and you have your back plugs here again these things that allow leaking air to come into it will definitely cause the fans to ramp up as they're not able to keep the drives as cool and it detects the airflows wrong so it will ramp the fans up if you don't have this filled up in the front and it should go without saying that this is not the direction you want to be placing your airflow so you might put your actual server on top here I'm just doing this so that everybody can really clearly see everything that's going on you should arrange things so that you have front to back airflow that's the same for your plotting computer for your desktop computer if you're using that for plotting or for your server if you're using that for a headed known and plotting and your desk shelves so that the air flows in a similar Direction I just did this so everybody can see really clearly everything that's going on go ahead and boot this up okay so you'll get this uh warning if you don't have the fan detected for the memory module so we're just going to hit enter to bypass that and we want to go into the boot menu so we can select the boot options that are proper for this so the Escape key should get us in there I hope okay so let's go to the uh bios setup real quick and take a look at how this is configured it is registering the 256 gigabytes of ECC rdr4 at 21.33 back here really quick and go to Advanced and let's click on boot options so I'm going to disable the pxe here and if we scroll down a little bit more let's see if we've got UEFI okay that's disabled good and I think that should be it let's go back to our boot device configuration Achi that looks good check the slots here okay so we've got the first slot and that is enabled we can actually disable that because we don't need that slot running we got the second slot the x16 slot here that is enabled and that is actually negotiating it looks like at gen 3 pcie slot three is also able to be disabled here this is the 4X so we can disable that and the rest we will leave enable the performance options enabled pcie performance mode I guess I'll go ahead and enable that not really sure 100 what that's going to do here all right and let's see if we can find where we select our this is the one thing I'm not saying okay boot order okay so let's click this and we want to move this one up there we go and that should be it the rest looks like it's fine so I think we can just uh enter or escape to exit okay let's go to the main menu here and see if we can save changes and exit and yes that should be all the configuration we need to do on this but I'm not sure if you are an HP person sound up below I'm mainly a Dell dude as you might be able to tell but this is a HP workstation that I've never configured before so maybe I said something wrong there but if you see that sign off let me know in the comments below also check out forward slash Chia and the windows workstation guide will be in there for the HP z440 all the parts all the steps all screenshots everything in there and that should get you up and running if this video left you confused at any point in time foreign Pro to install on this older system we're going to have to go ahead and make a couple of changes here so hit shift F10 okay and then type in reg edit and we're gonna go to hkey local machine system and set up and here we're gonna add a new key and we're going to call this lab config and inside here we're going to create some d words and the first one we're going to name bypass TPM check the next one after that we're going to go ahead and name bypass secure boot I guess we'll name this one bypass secure boot and bypass Ram check and we're going to do one more here we're going to add a key that is a d word 32 this is in local machine system and we're going to call this one allow upgrades with unsupported TPM or CPU and we're going to set its value to 1 also so go back double check everything's right because you need to set all of these to one one and make sure you've spelled that right allow upgrades with unsupported TPM or CPU correct bypass Ram check bypass secure Boot and this one here actually is bypass secure boot check okay so that was something that was wrong in the directions I was reading off my phone let's hope this works well what do you know just delete all that crap all right now your Windows installation will continue all right so roll through your setup routine here that you're probably familiar with if you've ever dealt with windows before and we're in all right that took quite some time but we have gotten into the system now the first thing I'm going to do is pull up my IP address here and I'm going to do that by going to the terminal and typing ipconfig and Dot six nine and then I'm going to close this out if you are using Windows 10 or 11 Pro you will have remote desktop as a capability that you should definitely take advantage of so you can actually be wherever you're at using you know your remote desktop and I'm going to go to the settings here just make sure it's enabled which isn't so turn this on confirm and z440 will start showing up on my network and I can just use that to log in now from my desktop where we're going to continue on the rest of this so you don't have to just watch through the camera here all right so we're going to bring up remote desktop here all right and we're logged in now so we're first going to go ahead and set up the Mad Max node in Windows then we're going to go ahead and use the stotics this is a popular Windows build of the plot manager I've actually used this it's a pretty darn nice we're going to look at some of the calculations that you might set for difficulty also we're going to look at our farm that we've got growing over here on we're going to talk about a couple other pool options and while we're not going to be using true Nas I just wanted to show you guys really quick how close I've got this on this end here there was about 30 gigabytes left and the space utilization on the first two trays is at a hundred percent I'm going to let this rest for 24 hours just keep checking back this weekend we should have another video out we should see the number that I've got here be the number by that time that everything else is grown to and we're just going to be observing the partials for 24 hours as they come in and we're going to compare that to the actual size because this is way over the actual size that we've got over here that is what compressed plotting is all about this is why you do not want to sleep on this for sure all right so let's start here with mad Max's uh Chia plotter so if you go over to the Giga horse node and this has got the farmer and everything in it here as well we're gonna grab the windows build here this is the Giga 7 and so we'll download this to the desktop we're just going to go ahead and extract that there now when we open this up got our Chia client right here so we're going to go ahead right click open a terminal in this location and in here we're going to go ahead and type dot forward slash Shia and you're going to get a message like this if you don't install the latest visual C plus plus redistributable so we're going to grab this one here this is the x64 package here and as we save this and then install it next time we run that we should be good and while this is installing we're going to go ahead and go to our power management here we're going to edit our power plan and we're gonna change these settings to the display is fine to have turn off after you know five minutes the computer itself we need to set that to never and save those changes and then if we go to update we're going to change some of the Windows settings for the update and do know that like you really do want to pause this for five weeks at a time you want to be behind it and control it uh the Tuesday Patch Tuesday thing is very real with windows so that will catch you off guard and you can see here we'll be okay until like 4 6 23. okay so that's finished installing there now let's go ahead and do the same and you can see that we're greeted with the typical command line that you would get from Chia and so now that we've got this we can actually go ahead and init and create our first key set so the first thing we're going to do is just and remember that's dot forward slash I think it would work with DOT backslash also yeah either one of those will work uh and we'll do init and since this is a clean computer there's no keys on it it's going to go ahead and generate the TLs certificates for us now no keys are present and we can generate a new keychain set like this I'm gonna go ahead walk you through these steps we'll go ahead and run Kia Chia Keys generate out and we're going to go ahead and just uh win giga and so now we can see that we've got our first destination address steal these all you want but if we go Chia Keys show mnemonic and then show mnemonic seed go ahead and write down your mnemonic seed on a piece of paper now and so if you look here this is your mnemonic phrase and I'm going to take this and you should actually probably consider just writing this down on a piece of paper and not saving it to your desktop farmer public key which is right here we're going to take this and this is our farmer key now if anybody else has access to this computer they can rug you real quick and we're also going to grab our pool contract now we have to actually join a pool to do that we have to do one of two things you either have to hit the faucet or a faucet out there or you have to send yourself a little bit of Mojo takes a Mojo to join a pool so I'm just going to go ahead and send myself some Mojo if I look here our first wallet address is this so I'm going to actually copy this and put this over in our keys also and I'll put this as first xch address so you would use this for sending and receiving this computer you want to make sure that your PC has enough space on it for the blockchain database and you can see here that we've got 67.7 gigabytes free on this particular computer so that's not going to work out and if we look at where the hell is all of this space being eaten up okay so we have 102 gigabyte hibernation file I I don't think that we need the 102 gigabytes utilized for a hibernation file so we'll just go to our terminal here and click on Terminal and run as administrator and that's power CFG hyphen H off oh there was a lot of space that it was using up okay there we go now we've got 170 gigabytes free so that's back in business the next thing since this is an SSD drive that we have here is we're going to go to optimize for this ss3 D drive and we're going to go ahead and click optimize and let it run its trim on it and we're also going to change the settings on this so that it can run the optimization I think you know daily isn't that bad and I'm going to choose the drives here and I'm going to just click the C drive there and click OK and so every day it should run a trim on it and we will go ahead and do an update even though I hate doing updates and if we look at our driver updates we have more than a few driver updates here yeah that is a lot of updates okay so the Nvidia display we're going to actually skip that one for now but boy I guess I'm gonna have to actually go through and select each one of these and so next we're going to download the latest GeForce driver and so if we load up our Nvidia control panel real quick we can see that we have both the GT 1030 and the RTX A4000 recognized as devices by this driver version and so if you're new to Chia you're going to go ahead and just start the synchronization process and let the blockchain sync up it will take some time to synchronize I'm going to show you how to start it up here really quick so you can always check in your Explorer or task manager here the running processes and see if there is a Chia process running we see that we didn't have one here so we're going to go ahead and I'll show you what that looks like when you start running to your processes so dot backslash Chia and we're going to go ahead and start and if you do an H you can see the different options for what you can start but we're going to go ahead and start farmer and this will start the needed things to get you up with what you need for farming there's certain things you don't want to run uh don't do chia start all for instance because that'll run too many things that you don't want to have happening all at once and so now that we've got that running let's take a look over here and so if we go to terminal we can see that we've got some Chia processes running here and one of the things that's going to be happening is the blockchain is going to start syncing in the background you do need at this current time I'd say 110 to 120 uh gigabytes of space for the blockchain file however I think it's wise to just get a one terabyte SSD that allows you to have a lot of growth and do make sure that you have backups of your database that's an important thing to do make sure you store those someplace that is not active so you can take that and put them on maybe a backup USB hard drive or something okay so we're going to go here and we're going to do a Chia show and H and we can see the state by doing hyphen s and you can see that it's searching for an initial chain if we do a GI show s we might see that it is yep starting to sync and we can see that the estimated Network space is only 116 pippy bytes this is pretty much right at the Inception of the blockchain the height is 384 there so it would take a while to synchronize like this so I'm going to actually go ahead and stop all hyphen d and this will stop the Chia services from running and as we see in the terminal over here those shut down so next we're going to go ahead and copy over and I'm going to show you guys how to I do that I got a lot of questions last time about how to so here's how to so when SCP is a great program it'll allow us to connect over uh the internal Network and it can also be used for external networks but it allows to connect over the internal Network and download our blockchain database so I'm going to go ahead and save this to the desktop and then go ahead and run it and so the next thing that we're going to do is run when SCP and it's going to ask us for our initial connection here and you do want to have your full node stopped while you do this process so go ahead and do a from wherever your full node is running at Chia stop all hyphen d and we're going to go ahead and connect to giganode over here and so we actually want to click on the open directory and then type forward slash dot Chia here and you'll see that you are inside the Chia folder again that was this icon right there and we're going to go to DB and our blockchain database which is right here and since we are over here in Windows we're going to go up to our directory here and go to Chia and mainnet and database there will be the start of your blockchain database file over there go ahead and delete that and then we're going to go ahead and download and there's no need to mess with the transfer settings at all just click OK and while we're letting this 30-ish 32-ish minutes we're going to send ourselves enough Mojo to join a pool okay so now that we've got the blockchain file copied ever here go ahead restart your process on your other machine so that you don't miss out on any of those earnings and now the next thing that we're going to do is go ahead and start the farmer again and when we do our Chia show as now and now we can see we're already synced up so excellent the next thing that we're going to do is go ahead and show see if we've got that xc8 showing up yet the wallet might still be syncing but this will tell us uh yeah it is synced up there and it does look like we've got our 10 Mojo So the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and join this to a pool now I've already got myself a account over here but what we're going to do is look at how you would join the pool if you were new to it and so another Pool opportunity here would be Flex pool and you can see they do have their Flex farmer capability for GPU farming only in Nvidia so we're going to leave that out of this video but there it does look like there possibly could be whistle that you would be able to utilize for this uh I'm not going to dive deep into it for this video but do keep in mind there are other options out there as well your other pools out there reach out to them ask them if there's been some questions that uh have popped up and I don't actually know the answer to them so I can tell you one thing for sure the folks at definitely for sure do have this working because I'm seeing it work as it would be expected to work and so joining as a new user here we're going to go ahead and well they've got a GUI method there we're going to actually go ahead and use this method here so we're going to take just this part which is plot nft create you we're going to grab this and there we go this is all we actually have to do and so we do need to put in our Chia at the front of that so dot backslash Chia and it's going to ask us if we want to go ahead and join the pool and you have to do this to get the contract if you don't get the contract you can't create plots so that's the final step of this that we will be going through in this tutorial video is creating plots and looking at some plotting things and so if we run this transaction check here and we're going to need to type dot backslash first and then we can run this we'll be able to see uh when this transaction okay so it's in the mempool that means it's not quite there yet okay so now that we've got this as confirmed status Chia plot nft and show this right here is your contract address so we're going to copy that word and we're also going to grab our launcher ID here and we're going to use that to generate a login link and so we'll do chia Keys really quick here and show and we're gonna grab our farmer public key okay before we can get to GPU plotting there's a couple of things that we need to do so let's go to computer management really quick and then we're going to go to storage and we're going to set up our storage that we're going to be saving these plots to as well we're going to be configuring our plot Landing buffer and so first we're going to go ahead and create a small striped volume on these two disks these are our one terabyters here and so we're going to create a new striped volume click next on that and we're going to scroll down here and add our second one terabyte disk if you see there we've got quite a few disks showing up here I'm going to click on next and we're going to give this the P designation for our Drive letter since it will be for plotting as far as the default allocation units go ahead and use two Megs for that and for this we can go ahead and call it plot temp and we're gonna perform a click format and finish so we've created seven discs here I'm gonna let you go ahead and do the remainder of your disks and so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to download the stodix uh Chia plot manager here and you can see this was the seven release that was yesterday and we're gonna download this to the desktop and this actually is a really good GUI for No Frills but getting you everything you need to get yourself plotted and we're gonna extract this here and install the plot manager and now we can go to plot and run the plot manager cool so it's going to give you a couple options here and the CPU with compression so it gives you all of those options and we're just going to leave this at negative one right now for this and we're going to look at the final directory to copy plots in parallel gonna hit this really quick here and we're gonna put them inside here and we're gonna also put them inside each one of these folders so d e f G h I and J cool so we've got our final last resting spot for all of these next we're going to go to keys and we're going to just leave this selected as Chia you can see that there are some other options there from MMX and chives but this is going to just be for Chia so we're going to leave it like that now we're going to click on create nft plot and that's going to be the pool contract address which we just got and also our farmer public key so let's go ahead and grab those from our notepad here real quick and there's our pool contract and our public firework key and the size that we're going to use is just k32 which is the default and the compression level since we're going to be using the GPU for creating these is going to be set at 7. we're going to allow it to use the Nvidia A4000 here for this uh if you drop down from the list here you might see our second one that's not going to be capable of plotting you need to have at least eight gigabytes of vram the Tesla P4 looks like one of the smaller cards even a 1070 is able to plot quite a nice amount of things are able to plot now if we scroll down a little bit more we can see the Mac shared pinned Gibby bytes memory and this right here kind of stinks uh let me show you why so if we go over here and we hit this this is our shared GPU memory that we have maximally available which is 128 gigabytes not enough to fit a full Chia plot and RAM and so if that upsets you I urge you come on over to the wonderful world of Linux where you can plot with significantly faster lesser resources than this and you can still have your farmer and stuff running in Windows if you wanted to if you really felt like you needed to but on that that guide is up for getting started with that everything you would need in Linux we're going to leave that just like that right there however and we're going to go to directories our temp directory is going to be where we will be landing the plots and that's really it this is all we've got so we've got our command line that's generated for us here and then we can just hit start and so the next thing that we need to come back and do is go ahead and add in our directories here so we're going to do chia plots and if we do an H here we can get the information for this again and so we are going to add the directory uh for our plots here so we're going to do a Chia plots add and then we're going to do hyphen D for directory and then we're going to actually put in the just uh Mount points that we have which if we pull this up d e f g h i j okay and to verify that we're going to show the directories that we have so we're going to just take this here and do show and it'll tell us the directories that we have here now if we did a Chia Farm summary we're going to be greeted with some information about the actual status of our farming operations and as you can see we don't have any plots yet see Zero but we will soon have some plots and as we have plots it will start populating other things like the estimated time to win and giving us information about the total size of everything so the next thing that we're going to do is generate the login link and after we get a couple of these things actually go in here and plots generated we're going to create that login to our account on and check the progress we should see partials being submitted and so our first plot looks like it's pretty close here and I'm excited to see what kind of time we get in Windows I've been mainly doing everything in Linux and certainly this is the right channel if you're looking for information on Linux so phase three took 187 seconds and that is not bad given that the first plot and windows I was actually expecting something possibly a little bit slower than that so if we look at what our total plot creation time was here that was 392 seconds so six and a half minutes for that first plot it's going to start writing over to one of the other disks here and we should see one of these hard drives has activity and so we can see being written too now this is one of the cool things as we watch multiple plots start to Pile in here we'll see that it orchestrates and Spins them off to all of these different directories at the same time so if you see this flushing to disk 32 seconds that is the right to the ssds that happened there and our second plot time was 365 seconds there six minutes ish and if we look at that compared to our first plot time six and a half minutes that's you know a little bit faster uh not dramatically faster but every little bit counts and so if you come back and you hit your Chia Farm summary you might see that you don't have any plots yet recognized and that's because there's a fairly long time out on the pickup of new plots here so that it doesn't Hammer your uh your your Harvester and this is important as you grow a bigger and bigger Chia Farm of course so what we're going to actually do here is stop and restart and then we should actually see it pick up those plots and now if we hit Chia Farm summary we can see that we've got two plots that are being recognized here so we are actually probably at this point with our 90-year window there uh starting to actually Farm some Chia so the next thing that we're going to do is go ahead and generate that login link and when you hit login and you go to the CLI method here you can get your login link by copying this here and copy that we'll toss this down here and slash I was paste in that launcher ID here real quick again these Keys should not be used by you they won't be used by me and they will essentially be useless as a result of that so we've got our login here let's go ahead grab this and paste it into our browser and we're going to use the V2 dashboard but oh man the farm has to be active for us to do that so we'll just go to the current dashboard for the moment and if you had partials submitted then you would be able to hit the V2 one and at six minutes per plot and on these 18 terabyte hard drives which are from where you can get great deals on hard drives and stuff like that but uh for what I'm seeing as far as the uh write speed here of these it's going to be just a little bit of overlap if any overlap at all six minutes probably being about the time if you look here 275 megabytes per second and these plot files so we'll take a look at one of these plot files over here and you can see the plot file drastically smaller than what you may think or remember it as oh this is actually 78 that's right we're doing c7s here C8 71.3 roughly and if we check our Harvester we can see that we have 12 plots about 900 gigabytes of size there and we can even see over here our difficulty is set at one static and we have partials coming in so this is what you would be expecting to happen if you were setting up a farm end to end we have validated this configuration on the guide so this will get you up and running and so let's take a look at why I don't think that this is something to sleep on so if you check out the number of Tibi bites that you get out of just 24 18 terabyte hard drives that's 432 raw terabytes ish and you're looking at 393 I rounded that up a little bit there just to make it easier on the math here let's take a look at a C7 and so at a C7 level we're going to go ahead and that's 36 in your effective net space increase and we can just go ahead and take 1.36 times 393 and that's going to give us 534.5 Tippy bytes of effective space a lot right now let's go ahead and do a C8 and that's 393 times 1.42 and you can see that is 558.06 so we'll just call that 558. these are huge Deltas from 393. I mean that's not a small Delta that is a huge Delta what does that look like as far as profitability and what does that look like as far as the actual cost that you would incur to do that so if we look at a farm size that is 393 and we've got 24 drives we've got 135 uh additional Watts that's not counting the drives the drives are counted up by multiplying this in this year so that's automatically happening this is for your Harvester to actually be harvesting them with a GPU and also the j-bod just operating Watts added together easily fit inside 135 watt envelope probably actually a good bit smaller than that you're looking at 5.25 as far as your earnings now let's take a look at the 534.5 number that we just came up with and you'll see that 7 37. that is a big difference right there that is actually not small at all and so if we look at what we're going to be at if you look at 558 again that's the C8 level seven dollars and seventy three cents per day these are Big deltas and you're looking at the addition of what a Tesla P4 to your farming operations that is a probably gonna run around 50 Watts most of the time that's what I'm seeing on mine while it's doing its decompression and that is good up to petabyte and you're looking at a huge increase in your actual overall effective earnings and that is something that is why I am not sleeping on it none of this is financial advice of course and I hope this Windows guide has got you up and running consider hitting that like subscribe and ringing that Bell down below while you're signing off leaving me comments about what your plans are are you re-plotting are you not repotting why are you not replying or why are you replying myself I'm replying the reason why I did the math and that is all that it takes for me because I'm kind of a simple person when it comes down to it I do like the complex things but I Tesla P4 being a really easy to utilize form factor card full height or half height capable bus powered so you don't need extra pins for it and running probably about 50 watts does make it also a very interesting and this is one of the reasons I gravitated towards that for months now that card in particular has me just uh believing it has me believing that a lot is possible very low power also very powerful and when you look at the bottom line impact that is something that's tremendous you can catch if you notice the version number down in the lower corner here this will read version one you can check you should check forward slash Chia this will be in the gigahorse windows farming guide section my guess is this is probably six-ish or so uh actual pages of written content and each one of those can be broken apart and segmented and updated independently and if you reference them there and you see an updated version number then you'll know that and it will be linked to the most recent video will be an updated part of the content and that way I don't have to reshoot the entire video If there is an update to one part of the video this nice modular way of approaching content allows me to keep the videos fresh for the topics without having to reshoot the entire thing because long videos like this take a tremendous amount of time to produce alright everybody make sure you're also checking out where you can get great deals on hard drives and this next week we've got 18s 20s and 16s and SATA and SAS SATA and SAS I believe people have been asking for SATA and SATA is coming in but you can also get a three percent or five percent discount by being a channel member at a dollar ninety nine or a 7.99 membership level and you can do that by joining with the button below and that also gets you access to the Discord alright everybody have a great rest of your day have a great rest of your weekend let me know what your weekend plans are mine plotting and probably doing some more plotting and at the end of it all I will be most likely plotting maybe a live stream also check you guys next time
Channel: Digital Spaceport
Views: 15,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chia, chia plotting, chia gpu, chia gpu plotting, chia gpu farming, chia madmax, madmax, chia gigahorse, chia farming, gigahorse chia farm, madmax chia farm, chia mining, how to chia mine, how to chia farm, how to gpu plot chia, chia farming windows, chia farming madmax 2023, chia farming 2023, how to farm chia gpu, how to gigahorse, windows chia farm, gpu plotting hardware, chia hardware, windows chia, xch, chia price, crypto, chia coin, hdd mining 2023, hard drive mining
Id: r40-rObsoos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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