LIVE: Biden delivers commencement speech at US Military Academy

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] class Attention Center face take seats ladies and gentlemen today the West Point class of 1974 will present commemorative second Lieutenant bars to members of the class of 2024 as they take their place in the long Gray Line the class of 1974 which just celebrated its 50th class reunion here at West Point has developed a special relationship with the class of 2024 since June 2019 members of the class of 19 74 have engaged with and supported the class of 2024 every step of the way from our day to graduation the cadet phase of bonding and mentorship between these two classes culminates today when the class of 1974 presents a set of second Lieutenant bars engraved with 74- 24 the representatives of the class of 1974 presenting the bars have distinguished records of service to the armed forces and the nation during times of war and in peace I will introduce them to you now Seated on the north side of the de to your left Lieutenant General Gary J Anderson US Army retired and Colonel Gregory C Garder US Army retired Seated on the south side of the deis to your right Mr Steven D Marino and Colonel John R Martin US Army retired gentlemen we welcome you back to attend this special graduation ceremony it is a pleasure and honor to have you here with us today ladies and gentlemen how about a round of applause for the class of 1974 and their outstanding dedication to the class of [Applause] 2024 ladies and gentlemen and members of the class of 2024 just as the long Gray Line represents the connection of all graduates throughout the academy stored history today's faculty professional recognizes the dedication and academic Excellence of all United States Military Academy faculty both past and present please welcome representatives of the faculty of the United States Military Academy [Music] la the la have from here wait here just wait for oh ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the platform our distinguished guests United States congressman from the state of Arkansas and West Point Board of visitors chairman the honorable Steve wac United States Representative for New York 18th congressional district and West Point Class of 2004 The Honorable Pat Ryan the commandant of cadets Major General Lori L Robinson the dean of the academic board Brigadier General Shane R Reeves the deputy Athletics director military Colonel Gretchen Nunes the senior adviser for character integration Dr Jeff Peterson the West Point Chief of Staff Colonel KH deep the United States Corp of cadets command sergeant major Command Sergeant Major Robert T Craven members of the academic board and other senior Academy leaders [Music] e e e e yes for there for for e e e for e e h e e for for e e sound [Music] attention staff attention class attention Dan attention ladies and Gentlemen please rise for the entrance of the official party class present ORS sta ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the 25th Secretary of the army The Honorable Christine e wouth the 41st chief of staff of the army General Randy a George and the 61st superintendent of the United States Military Academy Lieutenant General Steph w gilland [Applause] la the [Music] ladies and gentlemen the 46th president of the United States of America Joe Biden [Applause] [Music] la la [Music] to S by the so [Music] and [Music] Christ mer [Music] through the night the still the star [Music] [Applause] staff order arms class order arms un cover D it order arm St it un cover staff on cover ladies and Gentlemen please remain standing for the invocation by father Matt kakowski almighty God we live in interesting times which we seem to have seen before 100 days ago General Martin Dempsey noted uncanny similar I ities between 1974 and 2024 tensions within our society threats from without and so prophetically declared that this class's motto like none before reverently dictates what we want them to be what they believe they can be what the world needs them to be so while this covid class came of age needing three r days to report to the cadet in the red sash taking classes on teams kidnapping goats and Screaming in the Night beyond the walls of West Point totalitarians invade their neighbors endanger peace and spew hatred here at home and yet God you are the light of the world and you make All Things New in this present Darkness we see glimmers of light but none so bright as this class you've collected for a Time such as this when bold and Brazen strength of character is needed to lead and Inspire our army and our nation and so almighty God this morning our prayers go up like none before that you grace these ceremonies of our class of 2024 amen [Applause] D take seats staff re cover please be seated class take seats staff dismissed please welcome the 61st superintendent of the United States Military Academy Lieutenant General Steven W gilland Mr President Congressman wac Congressman Ryan Secretary warmouth General George distinguished guests and alumni teammates family and friends good morning and welcome to West Point and your United States Military Academy U [Applause] on behalf of the entire West Point team we are honored to have you here today to celebrate these 1,036 outstanding Cadets of the class of 2024 as they graduate and commission as the newest officers and leaders of character in our army first a very special welcome to the parents grandparents siblings families and Friends of our graduates who are here today A Very Special welcome and thank you for the love support and encouragement you have given them along their Journey at the United States Military Academy I'd like to acknowledge the members of the 50-year affiliate class for our graduating class the pride of the core class of 197 4 thank you all for gripping hands with these new leaders over the past four years we are grateful for your support and mentorship to them and for showing them the connectivity and the strength of the long gry line developing leaders takes a village and we thank you all for being part of our village these past four years class of 2024 like none before congratulations and well done [Applause] today your Cadet experience may come to an end but it really marks a milestone in your personal Journey as you assume the mantle of leadership as officers in the United States Army we know you all are looking forward to what's ahead moving living on your own some of you are getting married in the next few days however I would ask you to take a moment to reflect on these last four years here think about all the opportunities and experiences you've had and the challenges you've overcome on the road to becoming a leader of character think about all the hard work maybe some blood a lot of sweat as well as grit toughness determination and a continual pursuit of Excellence think about the friends you've made and the relationships developed the camaraderie with teammates the tax instructors coaches maybe some old grads who encouraged and mened you and the families and the family members and the friends who supported you take a moment to appreciate thank all the people who have helped you get here to be grateful for those experiences and opportunities that have helped shaped you these past four years as you pursue this journey as a leader of character remember that this is about the responsibility of service both to Country and to others it is about challenging yourself and others to be better better teammates better officers better leaders of character it starts with you each and every day it's also about the responsibility of leadership as army officers your responsibility to support and defend the Constitution your responsibility to be standard bearers to lead by example to embody what right looks like and most importantly your responsibility your obligation to the citizens of our nation and to our soldiers America's Sons and Daughters your obligation to give them your very best leadership every day also take a moment to reflect and understand what it means to be a graduate of the United States Military Academy people expect more from you our nation expects more from you you represent this institution and the United States Army you will grip hands with Generations past and present leaders of character who have answered their nation's call to serve Guided by the Army values and the ideals duty honor country just as they as they have inspired in you you will now in turn inspire future Generations class of 2024 you are ready to face the challenges that await you I have no doubt prepared to live honorably lead honorably and demonstrate excellence in all you do con congratulations and godp speed to all of you Mr President Madame Secretary General George on behalf of all your teammates at the United States Military Academy it's an honor to present this outstanding class to you this morning as our nation's newest leaders of [Applause] character ladies and gentlemen is my honor to introduce this morning's commencement speaker the 46th president of the United States President Joe Biden [Applause] thank you thank you thank you General Galan Secretary warmouth General George members of Congress by the way one of the members of Congress up here I'm flying up with him he's bragging about being from this district and maybe graduated from this Academy stand up Ryan stand up fellow graduate right [Applause] there faculty staff soldiers officers family and friends most of all West Point class of 2024 in 1776 British forces had driven General Washington's Army out of New York City British Navy dominated the coast of New England if they could control the Hudson they could cut colonies half divide and conquer classic strategy but General Washington saw it coming he knew there was a place on the Hudson Where the River bent with a plateau overhead the Americans placed artillery batteries along the river stretch an iron chain across the water and build a fort on a plane called West Point West Point George Washington said [Applause] George Washington West Point was the key of America he was right the British never captured the Hudson they failed to divide and conquer us and a few years later they surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown you got it man most powerful Empire in the world defeated by an army of Ordinary People driven by the sacred cause of freedom and I might add you're about to become full-time members of the most honorable and the most consequential fighting force in the history of the world that's not hyperbole of the world that's the truth ever since men and women at West Point have stayed True to this Mission today 1,36 graduates of the class of 2024 will join the long gray line that has never failed us and never ever [Applause] will together you survive the Beast barracks and countless hours of PT you complete a rigorous academics at America's first toughest engineering school in the country you met the highest standards of discipline and of course no one's perfect even ulys S Grant Dwight D Eisenhower written up from time to time you know I'm not kidding when there were Cadets here at West Point that sounds familiar to you maybe I can help you today and keeping with a longstanding tradition as commanderin-chief I absolve all Cadets on restriction for minor conduct [Applause] offenses if you have any questions the superintendent can clarify what minor means of course your time here wasn't all difficult the class did plenty of celebrating every time you beat Navy now look lots of West Point classes have some winds over Navy but not every class over four years periods Beat Navy 51 times [Applause] as they say in Delaware You' done good few weeks ago I was honored to present the commander-in chief trophy to the Black Knights at the White House I told them I don't take sides but my son Bo was the decorated major in the United States Army spent a year in Iraq and he always made it clear who he expected the family to root for in the game in Philadelphia parenthetically I was appointed by my the fellow I ran against when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy I was one of 10 I wanted to play football and my the day I was supposed to go down for the interview a classmate of mine who was also one of the 10 appointed to be chosen from named Steve Dunning came to picked me up and I had found out two days earlier they had a quarterback named Roger stack and a halfback named Joe bino I said oh I'm not going there I went to [Laughter] Delaware not a joke and by the way that that same fellow who's a wonderful man in our last debate when I was 29 years old he the first question he was asked at the debate was you have any regrets Senator bogs he said no then we came the very end of the debate where I spoke and then he was to conclude he stood up and he said you know I was asked whether I had any regrets I said no but I have one that Joe Biden gone to the Naval Academy when I appointed him he still have seven months left on wouldn't be able to run Cadets as proud as your country is today your family is even prouder at our day four years ago because of the pandemic MC they could not spend the day on post it was a challenging way to begin the West Point experience so I'm thrilled today so many of your loved ones get to see you here to everyone who helped raise this remarkable young people this is your day as well because we know as the English poet John Milton wrote they also serve will only stand and wait Cadets it's time for you to stand up now and thank your parents stand up turn and thank [Applause] them you ow them [Applause] big the class of 24 this is extraordinary group you include the Army's alltime home run leader athletes swam laps around Manhattan Island which I could never quite figure out and the son of an Iraqi interpreter of American forces one of your class's two Road Scholars you hail from all 50 states and 12 countries some of you are third generation West pointers others are the first in your family to join the US Armed Forces at least one of you has a twin brother graduating from Annapolis this [Applause] year I tell you what I want to be at that family reunion every time you show up the Army Navy game I don't know how the hell you're going to do it but anyway look I wish I could praise every single Cadet one by one because you deserve it you you make our entire nation proud and that's not hyperbole you do as your commander-in Chief let me say again congratulations you've earned every bit of what you've going to get today look the motto of this class like none before was an appropriate choice for your class because you're graduating into a world as a student history I can tell you like none before I've been a senator since I was 29 years old never left government and Ladies and Gentlemen The World Is Not only changing rapidly it's also a pace of change is accelerating and the range of missions that our servicemen are carrying out are like none before as well there's never been a time in history when we've asked our military to do so many different things in so many different places around the world all at the same time right now American soldiers supporting Brave ukrainians in their Fight For Freedom our soldiers are working around the clock to keep Munitions and equipment moving by land sea and air they're training ukrainians on how to use Advanced weapon systems like himars Patriots and Abram tanks and they're sharing lessons in tactical combat casualty care with Ukrainian Medics and surgeons there are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine I'm determined to keep it that way but we we are standing strong with Ukraine and we will stand with [Applause] them we're standing against a man who I've known well for many years a brutal tiate we may not we and we will not we will not walk away Putin was certain that NATO would fracture I remember them right after being elected president before right after I sworn in and we talked about this very issue the fall he had tied that fall he decided to look I shouldn't get into this proba it gets me a little excited but Putin was certain that NATO would fracture I said to him in Switzerland that you want the finalization of Ukraine you're going to get the finalization you're going to get the NATO isation of Europe he had a Brazen Vision which we stepped up and stop instead today the greatest defense Alliance in the history of the world stronger than ever Finland and Sweden are our newest members and they're tough in the Middle East while we conduct urgent diplomacy to secure immediate ceasefire that brings hostages home our Army and Navy have deployed a temporary Pier in on the Mediterranean and record time to increase life-saving Aid to the Palestinians US Air Forces conducted food drops delivering tens of thousands of meals to the people of Gaza in the face of Iran's recent unprecedented attack on Israel we brought Partners together including Arab Nations to repel the sustained assault the man running the operation on the ground General Eric carilla head of us Central Command West Point 88 Killa did a superb job I was in a situation room with our national security team he was on the screen from the region he knew the attack was coming but we weren't sure precisely when it would begin then at 6:34 p.m. the general said to me Mr President we just got multiple ballistic missile launches from Iran toward Israel 6 minutes later he said there are 30 missiles in the air 4 minutes after that he said there's 75 missiles in the air then he said over 100 missiles in the air under incredible pressure General carilla and the combined Joint Task Force performed exceptionally from sea air and bases nearby thanks to the 99% of the missiles drones of Iran never reached their targets because of the quality of our forces we swiftly [Applause] ended we s end what could have been a devastating attack and we deescalate the conflict when Ley could have gone the other way on the other side of the world in the Endo Pacific we deepened our alliances we've created new ones like Aus our new strategic partnership with Australia and the United Kingdom for the trilateral cooperation we forged with Japan and the Republic of Korea that no one thought was possible two of our allies cooperating on Strategic Defense thanks to our leadership we be the new trilateral partnership with Japan and the Philippines as well we elevated the quad together with Japan India and Australia to advance free open secure and prosperous Indo Pacific we're standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits we depended on our strategic partnership with Vietnam I wonder if the classes of 74 here today could have imagined that they were sitting where you were were at the same time and during Vietnam the upshot of all this cross vastly different regions and very different challenges our women and men in uniform are hard at work strengthening our alliances because no country has allies like ours investing in deterence so anyone who thinks they can threaten US thinks again defending our values by standing up to Tyrant and safeguarding the peace are protecting freedom and openness thanks to the US Armed Forces we're doing what only America can do as the indispensable Nation the world's only superpower and the leading democracy in the world never forget America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example of our power but by the power of our example you can clap for that I want to mention one additional way we made progress every member of our Armed Forces must always be safe and respected in the ranks for the first time in nearly a decade rates of sexual assault and sexual harassment have gone down across the active duty forces it's long past time to end the scourge of sexual violence in the military once and for all and we can do this Cadets make no mistake there remains a hard power world you can't draw any other conclusion when powerful Nations try to coers their neighbors or terrorists attempt evil plots that's why I'm making historic investments in our military overhauling our defense industrial base for decades America has said the most powerful military in the world and that happens because we choose to make it happen happen I have always been willing to use Force when required to protect our nation our allies our core interest when anyone targets American troops we will deliver Justice to them that happened earlier this year when three heroic members of the US Army Reserve were killed in an unman drone attack near in Northeast Jordan in response we launched dozens of successful air strikes against Iran back militants and will never forget the honor the memory of those Warriors who gave their lives the fight against terrorism Cadets West Point had made you has made you leaders of character in minutes you'll be United States Army officers in time some of you will serve in powerful roles at headquarters the Pentagon even in the White House to confront challenges a previous generation of soldiers couldn't imagine when that happens hold fast to your Val values you learned here at West Point duty honor country hold fast to your honor code which says quote we will not lie steal or cheat nor tolerate those who do end of quote and above all hold fast to your oath on your very first day at West Point you raised your right hands and took an oath not to a political party not to a president but to the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] domestic members of the long Gray Line have given their lives for that Constitution they have fought to defend the freedoms that it protects the right to vote the right to worship the right to raise your voice and protest they have saved and sacrificed to ensure as President Lincoln said a government of the People by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth west pointers know better than anyone freedom is not free requires constant vigilance and for from the very beginning nothing is guaranteed about our Democracy in America every generation has an obligation to defend it to protect it to preserve it to choose it now is your turn remember what over a thousand graduates of West Point wrote to the class of 2020 four years ago the oath you've taken here quote has no expiration date they said not for you not for your country it's important to your nation now has ever been keep keep it honor it and live it cetes let me close with this in the early days of our nation as General Washington said West Point was the key of America today you're still the key because of your commitment to protect what makes America America we're unique in the world we're the only country in the world founded on an idea other countries are founded based on geography ethnicity religion or other attributes we're the only one founded on an idea not figuratively literally the ideas we're all created equal deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives but ideas need Defenders to make them real that's what you the class of 2024 are all about Defenders of Freedom free Freedom champions of Liberty Guardians and I mean this guardians of American democracy and just as this historic institution helped make America free over two centuries ago and just as generations of West Point graduates have kept us free through every Challenge and danger you must keep us free at this time like none before I know you can I know you will for we are the United States of America and there's no nothing nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together may God bless you all and may God protect our troops congratulations class of [Laughter] [Applause] 2024 ladies and gentlemen at this time please pleas remain standing for the presentation of the class gift the class president Cadet Gary Thomas Ward III from Jasper Alabama will present a panoramic photo of the class of 2024 to the president President Biden on behalf of the class of 2024 please accept this class picture as a token of our appreciation for your Commencement Address today thank you Mr President I will hang it proudly in the White House than [Applause] ladies and gentlemen at this time please remain standing for the singing of the core a cherished West Point song it is second in importance only to the alma mater the core was first sung at the graduation ceremony in 1911 class attention attention the [Music] the the [Music] thead [Music] Sal uping Our God that we of the are Tre where of the they are here in gly assem of the hearts are stand [Applause] ATT while we wait for the passing the [Music] of the earth salute we behind to where you have the way we salute [Applause] [Music] [Music] the to thep of your hands with us now though we see streng [Music] [Applause] and yours hands [Music] [Applause] sh for Liv for D to the and the and [Music] [Applause] the D take seats class take seats please be seated ladies and gentlemen the dean of the academic board Brigadier General Shane R [Applause] Reeves class of 2024 your education has prepared you to be a leader of character sworn to uphold the values embodied in our constitution so on behalf of the academic board I present these graduates and recommend each as worthy of The Bachelor of Science degree the president of United States will present diplomas to those Cadets awarded Summa cumladi designation class valad Victorian Cadet first Captain class president and the Army Athletic Association Trophy winners will the members of the class of 2024 now come forward to receive their diplomas congratulations [Applause] he sure Skyler a choff valedictorian and top [Applause] Cadet Martin J Vandal first captain and Brigade [Applause] Commander Gary Thomas Ward III class [Applause] president aurelli C Migo Army athletic Trophy winner [Applause] Benjamin K pizo Army athletic Trophy winner Daniel J vck Alec R Wells meline G lenart Aiden o hopping Calvin Lou Benjamin D timan Alexis H Brad street Andrew D [Applause] Madrono Elizabeth d a [Applause] Anusha s pacam gunar l Daniels Tobias s hild Jeremiah D Phillips Owen X Coster Katherine E abar Anna Hong Jacob H Felker Rachel l redensky Haley R pot Gavin J lius Trenton R dweight Eric J Le Christopher J White Carly a wolfel John E buers Levi H Bell UTA a given Jackson T wnc Charles V weaton Andrew Jong Brian C Lun Madison e kusano Cooper e kleene Michael P Rooney Jr Penny Zong Alexander R Roose kraton t Morgan Feld Phoebe [Music] sju Nathan a lucz [Applause] jacqu L SCH Jasmine S tally Daniel R Woolsey Ethan a [Applause] fley Isabella G Sullivan Carter J sample Jacob R quanbeck Fahad B Abdul razak Caroline T alt housee Hollis J Fitzgerald Robert J Murphy Jr Jacob V Woodruff Dylan K vanot [Applause] [Music] Samantha M Shepard Moore Michael J o' Conor Cameron J Hicks maximilan Renfro Aiden B Griggs Mr President sir [Applause] the first regiment Joshua D Osborne the third regiment Jer a Alford mava e btio Salem a Ali Bruce W Bannister Jr Charles J batkin Logan D Brown camer Cameron a Beckford Seth H Brown Bea Baya Isabelle C Crandle Porter J bookon David a escata David P cigan Brandon C Gibson Hollister C Chapman Luke P lusin Berkeley K Cohen Brennan J mallister Colin T doy Jackson P McDermot Gabrielle R fiser Matthew C mulling junor Brady P Foy maximilia J nppa Julia r g gak Maxwell C Onaga Abraham h Johnson Lucas wh Patterson Ethan h lovic rosalene a Petrella Rachel e mlar Matthew W Pitman John F Morocco natani P Randall Walter T Pac Jr Jake T Reva Jackson A POW Isaiah C Rodriguez Johan pretorius Dawson d St Joshua C ruy Tanner M thoron Aaron R saxs Curtis y Sai Sydney e shimak Kyle R Wallace Jack C Simpson Eric T Zoo Cameron A Smith MSO Yang Evan H signs Andrew F adinn Boaz F Turner samaj T antley Thomas T vo James R Baker Matthew D Williams James E bolat Joseph C Barnes Robert C Barry Daniel J Beck dayon M ball anuka M Benson Drew J Clement Ethan W Bremner Jordan D corpo Holden C Burns Matthew K defrates Madison J Cooper Ashton T Gaines Dylan J Dennis Ezra a Garris Jasper T Doyle thei an C Hayes Ian W enzer jangmin Wong Erica s esterly vessa Ibrahim Andrew a Fergus Cody J lamaack Jackson R philippo witz Morgan J mides McKenzie L Ireland Jody M McKenry Kaylee G leaport McKenzie n Muse Brandon a Lou Evan J holer Alexander M Meredith Nicholas m p Alexander s Meredith Lily J Sher Ryan s Mitchell Shane M Sunday Amon J M Daniel M tabaz Jaylen rainy Alexander n Tucker Douglas a Reynolds Christopher J Anderson Le s roier Joshua L Blackman Elijah I Ruiz Brandon a buckle Anthony s Seymour William D d c but the 10th Zachary C shaver Christopher W Chen Brook Brooke R stratman Katherine M cornette Nicholas P Vargas Adam a elat Zack a verer Kenneth R Gentry Rock Robert C Allen Melody L George muhamad shami B kumaden Luke R gelati Olivia a brown Hayward G Hudson ivth Keaton C Detweiler Jason D ingera Christina H Ellis Benjamin L Jackson Talon D Estus McKenzie M carig Joshua P Gillard reevley G kazy Eric C husa Taylor in Cracker Graham s Hendrickson Jack G May II Cameron D Harold Brock T McDade Austin W Hill Logan a Melendez Judah D Johnson Pierce e ma Eugene Lee Patrick Oglesby Alexander D leeb Bel Maya Z Payton Tristan L McKenzie Asia M Solas Martin oampo Nana o saong Victor I Ola aona Dylan P sheii Jordan t r Dylan R Sheriff Natalie a Russo Ian C Spencer Samuel J Ruda Jr Audrey n Spiker atiff sakaze Christopher R turo Nathaniel P Smith Brendan M Wright Michael C Tang Grady Janice en Zapata Dominic a tianga Benjamin e bomgardner Mario H Travino Avery I Bell Savannah C Weston Cole P Biggins Sebastian B Wilkinson Jared S cross Michael C kistra Alana M Cutler Katarina kuki Devin M darino Jasmine F Cole Abigail M gash Adam M Xin Adrien V enescu Samuel H Greenberg Rob Robert HB III Jong John Jackson s Everett Skyler M Johnston Nicholas M Frasier Joshua Co Jessica s Harvey kale J Layman Montrell e Jackson Nathaniel C lumpin rich R Jan devario J maretti menso J Lee Jonathan M Maguire Connor R Legette Enrique D Mendoza Cole E Mckenzie Isabella e pul Elizabeth Megan N kamwa River G Park Riley G parchment Garrett D ponco Augustine J premore Nicholas J Pearson zonel J prudom py Melissa C rankle David W Reagan IV Dylan M Robinson Preston T Randolph Justin a Rodarte Alexandra I rosewitz Michael H Sullivan Douglas C Smith II Sophie G Talkington Justin J torton ardan uch naftali M teron Liam P Waldren Daniel h z Mary M Warder William T balky Brady W weathers Tatiana C Brown Steven A Williams Henry [Applause] chin Dylan P amens Ryan R Crystal John a batty jacqu W coms Abraham W budge Jackson t d nikai g Butler Amy L elram Robert J clier Walter F Harris III Khloe M du braa arill D Hill Adam B onard Joseph C Jafari Leighton M Hall Croft Noah P Jagger DNE M carolus Thomas J coocher Benjamin y Lee Owen V Manley Ian L leak Marissa a Massie Aaron X Lee Michael R McFarland Parker r lantero roie j madaras Richard J L Jr daythan G mickum Jacob K McDonald Nile s Murphy Cody T Morris Kai B Nickerson sea T Murphy Solomon M scandin Serena or narwhal John W Sikowitz Jr Lucas K peraso ting tang Daniel R penny werin a Vestal Michael a a rouer Samuel J Wesley Joseph M Serrano Davis s wford Mark D shaton Kevin C USI Thomas H Tan artam in galabin TR a Thomas Jason Abbott Benjamin a Turner Wesley T Anderson hosana e Tyron William M bolt andren vuci Dominic a karon Carter l acock aava t danas Samuel G Baldwin Jack T Dinger Shayla M bosay Kyle a Elbert Colton J Craig George a geekus Tanner P Craig Jacob J Goldberg Jason e Darnell Shane R Hanner sha K Donnelly Joseph T Hixon Zachary a Elliott Ethan a Jennings John S Fargo II Alexander jolia Sarah L falari Evan R Lee Kevin p grabsky John B lipac II Samuel hiel Lauren M little Caitlyn M Holberg Dominic o Mel Trevor m Kelly Abigail a milanesa Isaiah lorando Mark L Miller the second Alysa K Lee Lance J pagley nowan Michael E lenhardt Paul T Roberts II David J libcom Samuel T rosin Justin i m David a sharp Evan m McGee John shumi Christian s muscone Trinity C Stinger Raphael W knockman Emmanuel J Rico Garcia Rihanna L peoples Melinda y z Tyson D Riley Andrew P Barlo Spencer J Roy Ryan a rockington Ryan J Schneider Torin R Christensen CL Claudia J seagull Carson s Cox Lindsey R Smith Margaret a Curran Browning L benan William a Drake Samuel A bism Charles J erinson Lindsay C Boris Anastasia a fieldings Tyler J Rie Brandon M Jones Casey L ketto Yang one Kim ludig a Emerich Christopher T Conan Robert D Feliz Kyle J CS Christian D fry Caleb J lagy Cameron V Garrison Augustine J Lopez John P gumo Alec s Mika tetin Tyler M Harris Tyler J Morris Daniel D Hoffman Gabriel X Neil k m home Samuel e Ryan Zoe EIP Michael J suu Caleb I Irwin Caleb T self Joseph l Kelly Nicole W Wanga Eric M Kim Sydney n Watson Dylan P lunberg Micah DW William G Martin McKenzie e West Benjamin m milikin Edward J wolf S L Moore Melanie in yel James C Morton IV James R young Francis C parin III Jacqueline a bishop Brandon L roie Noah B bright Gabrielle t roua Colin M Chapman Patrick J Ruther McKenzie a Courtright lazette M vanderwalt Joshua M sway Lydia RV Dean M Dennis ranan M Walton Israel k Dixon Caroline h on Cameron J Dyke sincere A bagot Andrew J Ellison Jacob a brma brayen j galinsky Caleb J Bitner John K Hugh Mitchell a burr Dante P Kelly Aiden B Carr Roto e Lopez Matthew T chess Jabari T Moore Carrie P kford Troy M Nagal Donald R Cravens III meline C Norris done Jackson A cerik jerck J AOA Shan M Deni Reagan L Overton Isaac M escapa John joh a Perry Stevie K Gary [Applause] conratulations what's your name St Con well done Dean William C Phillips Thomas E Healey Ryan J R Charles R Hill Jonathan s Ross Aaron D Hoff Harmon R Wamsley Patrick V junker Tristan G Weaver Alexander G McFarland William R Baker wae J magal Benjamin T Barry Steven J manolakis Jos s Blanco Conor J maoy Kyle J Bryce Tong M Ryan F Bryce Benjamin G Focus Enoch in Crow Crystal M picardo Amanda L dun Olivio R Pop Kaden M emman Samuel R Proctor Isaiah C felisi Daniel y song James B Flink Jesus teronis III Jared a go Barbara an N anwe Jonathan P Guthrie Hannah L ball Ashley L Hamilton Tron D Bartlett Joshua r h Haskins Reese D Burick Kyle J Lawrence Jacob jaob B Carswell Maximus a Mary Monty a Collins John R mckin Jr Dominic J denoto Travis D Norton Taylor a driver Francis a okonski cinia l Ferell Simeon o ala apampa Liam T Fleming Drake K Robert R Healey Caitlyn G paleen William R Kaiser Jackson J Pall Avery J Kimbro Sarah r Scott Timmy E kif Miller Tanner J trouet Elena R kispa Joshua D Van Wart Audrey R Landers Amaya a white Ryan D Lee saana K Lopes the second regiment Sean s altenberg John Quinn B McIntyre Nicholas e Atkinson James a Miller Luciano D boras Camden e ogara Conor s bman Colton D Snodgrass Simon D Dinger Ian J tanil Jacob R Faber Spencer T white Nathaniel D Gyer Joshua a Wong Jonathan t gulak the fourth regiment Diego a Andrade Char El Haron cydney I Bender Ethan D hessen Kaden M blust Janu D Jean bautist Abigail c yac Timothy G carer Nicholas J katano seon Kim Connor M Kavanaugh Ian C mckl Timothy f Clemens aan M Murphy Aran s Gotham Molly a merto Jonathan P Haley Hunter l puit Darby L horn jayen D ratan congratulations Samuel s hosbach lyel y Rober Alexander C imig Gideon s Rothchild Olivia F Johnson Riley D strand Eric B King II David K swen Ryan J Logan Emma C Taylor Quinn t moretzky rahil t thala Craig a Massie Peter J TOS Emily R Mossman Jerry d VC III KY L sarola Ryan y ye McKenzie M shtle Spencer T Barlo Luke n seagull oh Lacy H balam John M starky Bryce e Bower Gage W tares Andrew J Brewster young Tyler P Wilson Jared T Cordova rayon jxj Richard B jeromeo Jack C Abshire Holly F Jones Samuel T Andrews Spencer C Jones Adam W bailing Daniel W Lawrence Aria C Bradley Andre M Lopez Morgan m brown Ivy J mock Christopher M Doyle Samantha l mnon Graham n gist Jacob D Moren Jordan s Hackley Taylor C O'Brien qurin Q Hammond Richard A Atley Nicholas G Hughes Harley S Patel Haley E King Garrett D Phillips Zachary n Kirk Eric T Reinhardt Alexander k klepper Joshua D Santina Sophia R miklovic Nathan L sovia George L N Raymond a shatak Avery J Patel David S shillow ja L pen Nicholas K STL edmundo J porush Jr James R wizard hunt Chloe m price Daniel y ye Alexander s Redmond Charlie E Bennett suril L SAA II Jobe G buatan Jeffrey H Smith Lee C Cooper Cole D tally Kevin J Fernandez Elijah P Tucker Kira J Flanigan Laura Laura K Westwood Marsh Elijah s France Michael R willik Riley C Furlong Jasmine W Shin John C hammerdick Charles n barik Jake T Hu Shai E Bennett Alec J jacobe Luke G Brown Cameron R Jones Rebecca e cook Samuel I Jung Domino F CTI Bridget a canapa Thomas T deck Nathan lampshire Avery Bri erskin Mark J Leman aaria M FY Parker C Lord Connor T funk Donald H merer John G Gilder John C McDaniel Alexandria M Goss James W Pinter Carlos a Gutierrez Jack L rits LSC hat field Cameron D riddle Emma L Haynes Joel a Ruben Stephen M Keys jeie a Skidmore Samuel C Kim 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Channel: Reuters
Views: 6,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cHIsiPlCGDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 39sec (9159 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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