Tally Ho runs aground.

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hi my name is Leo and I'm a boat builder and a sailor a few years ago I bought a very old and quite famous wooden Sailing Boat for the price of $1 and since then I've been rebuilding that boat from the KE up with the help of a lot of amazing people now this video is about trying to resolve our propeller pitch issue uh by adjusting the propeller it's about going out for sea trials it's about running ground and it's also about finding out that we actually have a much bigger issue than we thought with uh the propeller situation so make sure to watch to the end of the video to find out what we discovered and Al I hate to say it if you do enjoy these videos please consider liking and subscribing it's a free way of actually helping us out thanks so in our last video we went out for our first sea trial and everything went really smoothly except we did notice we had a bit of an over propping issue and what that means is that the pitch of the propeller so the angle of the propeller blades isn't matched to how the system is designed in terms of how fast the engine turns how fast the gearbox turns and how fast the propshaft turns and the propeller itself now this is a relatively common problem and luckily with our style of propeller it's not too difficult to change the pitch to try and match the rest of the system what's happening right now is that the pitch of the propeller is too coarse so for every Revolution it's trying to move too much water and what that means is that the engine can't get up to its full Revolution so the engine is supposed to get up to 2,800 RPM uh but we're only able to get it up to 2,000 RPM uh and that's because there's too much strain on the prop for the engine to reach its full revolutions and until it does reach its full revolutions it's not operating at max power or Max efficiency now you might think that doesn't really matter as we were already achieving close to H speed over 8 knots with the current setup but it would invalidate the engine warranty and you can actually damage the engine like that if you're not careful about how you operate it so the first thing that we're going to try is we're going to send a diver down to ad the propeller pitch he's going to reduce the pitch so that the propeller is trying to move less water per Revolution that should put less strain on the engine and then hopefully when we go out to test it again the engine will be able to get up to its full RPM all right go in yeah so this is the forward Hub yeah yeah that moved so easily so go ahead and tighten back up the lock screw we're doing catch practice wait a little let's do a couple more maybe a little faster simulate uh simulate a Seaway yeah the Seaway okay oh [Laughter] okay so we're about to go out on our second sea trial and the purpose of today's sea trial is to uh check if the adjustments to the prop have made any difference uh in how our engine runs should be pretty relaxed it's a nice day it's just a little bit of wind out there uh there is a very low tide today um maybe the lowest I've ever seen it actually so I am a little bit nervous about potential for uh running ground uh which might happen uh just at the harbor mouth uh if it does on a day like today it's really not a big deal uh the tide will be rising and it's a soft bottom so uh I think I'm willing to take that risk in this case it might just be a little bit embarrassing if we get stuck there for hours uh but uh yeah I think worth it to get out there and um get some more testing done [Music] all right we ready all right let's do it let's get our lines uh singled up so we're ready to go okay it's all you yeah they're totally yeah as you can see the cor B was throwing up some mud when they were maneuvering around there might have Nick go call the call The Depths wow very we could wait if you go ground it's not any it's embarrassing that l Skipper there's a boat coming through I think you're golden buddy that was pretty tight though I think 7.5 yeah for real I heard that number was okay we're clearing it nice dude that was now you know you can go out on pretty much any time it's pretty Nar by like one in we must have been a CRA there was there's like 8 12 in of sled I think I felt some SL I think you're I it too yeah we only got 100 RPMs out of that so we I us to talk to somebody from Berry prop so they said you Ma you can do is a half a turn but there wasn't any c to stop or anything that ran felt so I don't know if it's the exact right prop or not talk to them standing by for further instruction [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and basically once we get in we'll do the same procedure as before okay so ships spring leading forwards 13 ft no traff 10 ft on it I got to bre all right well now we wait the key thing when going to ground it look like you meant to do it need to get some J tonics on De oh yeah we just this to land drone yeah exactly B I'm going to jump out and walk to the you can stand here I'm sure [Music] [Music] now we around that was just for drama know there two kind of sailors Those Who Running ground and Liars [Music] [Music] TOS Spenders Thunders [Music] [Music] [Music] so after our second sea trial which included the uh comedic event of going around for 5 minutes uh we actually haven't got any closer to figuring out what our FR problem is we were hoping that by adjusting the pitch we'd be able to get higher RPM on the engine and we got a little bit higher but nowhere near the 2800 RPM that we should be getting so something's not quite right we're not quite sure what it is we're talking to VAR prop because we may have just adjusted it wrong or not enough um so I'm sure we'll get it figured out uh we're going to move on to some other projects and come back to this when we got some more information [Music] so I am right now preparing to drill basically a series of larger and larger holes so that I can fit this vent in and get it installed nice very nice [Music] so on a wooden boat in fact on any boat ventilation is really really important having air move through the boat draws out moisture which is better for the wood it's better for the Furnishings it's better for the long-term maintenance it's better better for everything so to improve ventilation on talio we've added these two mushroom vents right at the bow of the boat as far forward as we can George did a great job of putting these in we had to move the B spread out of the way for this one but it's going to go back down and we've also got ventilation right at the stern of the boat having that ventilation either end helps allow air to move all the way through without leaving sort of stale stagnant pockets of air um and it should be really good for the boat overall in the long term [Music] sh [Music] so I'm sitting on the four deck right now on the port side and right below me is the head and right below this fitting is the holding tank the black water tank waste tank it's essentially where all the Poo goes and on this boat like many boats uh when we use the head which flushes with sea water we have the option of either pumping directly overboard which is uh what you can do when you're a certain distance offshore or you have the option of pumping into the holding tank to store the waste until you can pump it out at a facil fa or further offshore uh now I'm very excited to try out the head facilities on this boat but before I do so I want to calibrate the tank so that we know when it's full and so what I'm going to do is uh fill it up in 5 gallon increments and then make a note of the gauge reading at each increment that way when we're using the tank finally we'll be able to know when it's getting full and that's important because if you overfill it it all starts coming out a vent on the side of the boat and nobody wants that so now I'm down below in the head and the black water tank is just the other side of that bulk head but the gauge is up here and this is a pretty cool style of unit it's called a tank tender these are made locally and they've made like this for a long time they're very simple very low Tech and all it is is a little manual pump here and there's a very thin air line which goes from here into the top of the tank and then down to the bottom and when you pump it it just compresses the air that's in that small tube this meter just gives you a reading of that compression but it reads it off in inches of liquid I'm just doing a chart here with how many inches correlates to how many gallons because it's a irregularly shaped tank so that's the only way we can actually know truly how much is in there uh with each reading on the meter so I'm so far I'm 15 gallons in and uh I think this tank has a capacity of maybe 60 gallons Paddy do you remember we wrote it down somewhere yeah but uh well we'll find out soon there you go all right so now we're on 20 gallons I hold this button in and pump it 22 in it's right on 40 huh that's amazing the the gallons matches the inches exactly surprising so we've had a breakthrough and we've figured out what's going on with our propeller and why the boat is so over proed right now and um it's a bit of a a problem so basically due to a communication error several years ago we somehow ended up with a different gearbox on the engine to the one that we thought we had so we' done all of our planning uh when designing our system with a 2.5 to1 ratio gearbox so that means for every time the engine itself rotates 2 and 1 half times the propeller and the propshaft just rotates once and we designed our propeller spec our propeller to that speed now it turns out that the gearbox we actually have on the engine that actually arrived is not a 2 and a half to one it's a two to one so every time the engine spins two times the propeller spins once so the propeller because it was designed to spin slower is larger has more surface area uh and that's why the engine isn't able to reach its full RPM because uh there's more resistance in the water it's trying to move more water um than it's designed for and it can't reach that speed so we tried earlier on lowering the resistance of the prop by adjusting the pitch so it's not trying to move so much water but it's such a big difference that we can't uh adjust it enough to make up all those RPM so the long and short of it is that we basically either have to replace the gearbox and change it from a 2:1 to a 2.5 to1 a slower gearbox or we have to change the propeller and put a smaller prop on the boat now there's pros and cons to either option but basically either way uh it's going to be quite a bit of work and quite a bit of money um changing the gearbox is more work but potentially less cost changing the prop is potentially less work but more money uh and it also involves hauling the boat out um so I got some thinking to do uh to figure out which option we can do which option is going to be best overall longterm which is going to let us go sailing this summer if it's one or the other um and which we're going to go ahead with although this new development is a little bit frustrating uh I still feel really really good about having the boat in the water and how the project is going right now and I'm glad that we pushed ahead with our launch a little bit early because it let us find and uh work out this issue in time to get it sorted before the summer hopefully um and Meanwhile we're still finishing off lots and lots of other things on the boat so uh it's not the end of the world just uh got to make a decision and get the work done but for now thanks a lot for watching and a massive massive thank you to everyone who has donated or otherwise supported this project it does make a huge difference it means we're able to carry on doing this work and we're able to keep on making and editing these videos so I really really appreciate it and I'll see you next time cheers [Music] m [Music]
Channel: Sampson Boat Co
Views: 128,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8sNU6MmFB5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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