[LIVE] Beatrice Chestnut Answers Enneagram Questions on Facebook Live

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I knew it Desai Antonio dodge with Beatrice chestnut and we have been hard at work I think we've probably recorded approximately I don't know anywhere between 15 and 20 hours of content last few days which is insane by the way you can kind of get a sneak peek at our our little makeshift kind of see like the lights and our sort of makeshift there's Joel productions studio anyway so as promised and the reason why we haven't done it sooner is because we've as mentioned been hard at work in creating the content but I did mention that we would be answering a few of the questions that you guys wrote in and you wrote most of them in the intuitive wakening closed Facebook group and not in the personality hacker open page so I'm going to the Institute of Awakening Facebook group to answer the questions and then I'll cross post this over into Intuit awakening alright so by the way Beatriz hasn't been going it's been going great I love being here with Antonia and Joel it's been really really fun they've been amazing in terms of just inviting me into their home and into into what all the incredible work they're doing so it's been a really amazing experience being here with them and talking about personality with them and doing creating this new program that we're really excited about all right so I'll give you the twenty bucks later they're saying such nice things and in the meantime what we're gonna do is answer some of these questions actually it's been four super awesome it's been great I'm very impressed with these guys amazing work yeah there you go there's an extra five okay all right so um so basically people say they have tons of questions but let's just start from the top um one person Tammy asks how would a sexual social differ from social sexual so that's a good question but I really want to say first and foremost that it depends on what type we're talking about because the sequence of social sexual or sexual social it really depends on how how it will show up will depend a lot on what type you are so overall we can say some things but I don't think we can say too much and we know what type we're talking about overall in general but we need to be careful not to be too general I think social first the person's going to have much more of a sense of the group of causes of being oriented toward having what their reputation is in groups there'll be more politically savvy whereas sexual first is someone who's really more interested in one-on-one relationships who has more energy and intensity around interpersonal bonding and is you know can be more angry depending on what what type we're talking about but overall has kind of some more intensity that goes often into relationship but again I want to really really emphasize that the subtype sequences can really shift and change depending the way they show up can shift and change depending on what type we're talking about so that always needs to be taken into account which is why I'm so interested in the subtypes because it talks about the alchemy between these sequences and particular types and I think that's what's even more interesting than what happens when one is the dominant and one is repressed although that's also really interesting to me as well yeah I think that that's probably the number one bombs shifting arms because my arm got tired um I think that's one of the number one I'm gonna scoot a little closer to you I'm sorry my arm is like super tired just holding this so I'm gonna go like this this will be easier that is one of the number one things that I have learned listening in on these many many hours of content is that it's I used to think that it was finding your type right of the nine and then discovering your instinctive well I'm not sure if you call them instinctive variant but your instinct and then going one plus one equals two but now that I've been listening in to all of this content it doesn't work like that at all it's actually the passion of your dominant type alkalis like you mentioned with the instinct and then that creates a completely new subtype meaning that it's actually the relationship the alchemical relationship between those two components that create the subtypes which is why you it's almost you can't separate them right there they'll be like a little bit of characteristics that will you know come through each of the instincts but the reality is that like I mean especially as I was listening in on six it actually goes in the reverse for six it's like because six is all about fear then what ends up happening is it actually ends up being your going away from the passion of fear goes away from the sexual or the social or the self-preservation so you actually almost like it's almost like that's a counter type with all three even though I know that that's not accurate but that's what it feels like to me so one of the major a house that has come out of this for me listening in on this content is that it's not a one plus one it's not find your type and then find your instincts it's actually like multiply the passion with the instinct and then that creates a whole new subtype which is why the subtypes are so fascinating right yeah so like I understand when you're like what's the difference between SOS X versus SX SSO and it's like it kind of depends on the type you have to know the type in order to know the answer to that question which is like a really brand new AHA for me in in anagram so thank you by the way for that massive aha thanks for being so clear about that AHA I think that's I think that's exactly the feeling I had when I learned this approach to the subtypes mm-hmm so Justin asked like a whole bunch of questions unfortunately we only have time to answer one and the top one is why does society blame anger users so eight nine ones but feel sorry for the two three fours and actively protects the five six and seven s more to the point why is it okay to expect angry users to get self-control when I don't see or feel that for the other types so I really like this question of Justin's because I do think that there's a way that we have kind of a cultural idea that anger is bad when really angers not any worse or better than any of the other emotions like grief or shame or fear and so I'm really I really get what he's saying I think that often people do have some sort of negative projection on to someone has anger as one of their central personality traits and really I think it's important to notice that bias and recognize that there's nothing essentially wrong with anger especially in the India Graham system it's just important to know what feeling is has a big part a lot to do with shaping how your patterns show up and so it's really important for us to recognize our own biases around anger and not say that okay angry people need to control themselves well maybe sometimes they do but maybe sometimes fearful people also need to manage their fear as well as people who can get stuck or over identified with their grief might need to work on and moderate that so I'm really I really like the essence of Justin's question and the point that he's making about how sometimes in just because of cultural things or personal things we kind of tend to see certain emotions and certain people who you know have that emotion display that emotion more than others as somehow bad or wrong or in need and needed controlling themselves because I don't think that's true and by the way I think this is why some eights really get stereotyped in negative ways or sexual force types that tend to display more anger a lot of negative stuff gets projected on to them that's sort of not fair because these are all just personality patterns and defensive structures and none of them is any worse or better than any of the others and so I like that question because I think it like gives me an opportunity to say all that yeah well and I wonder if there's like a gender split here too because it almost feels like anger is unacceptable for women but totally acceptable for men it feels like anger is one of the few emotions that men will allow themselves to feel so I think that's that's now getting I mean that didn't answer the question but it's now getting my wheels spinning around what is acceptable emotional displays and what's not that is a really good question though so one person mentioned anything you can say about about fours and growth now I just sat through a whole session that we just recorded on fours and four subtypes and the growth for them but is there like maybe just one nugget that you could give about I I'm also letting you know that this entire program is gonna be available in October so if you want to deep dive into this it will be available then but in the meantime let's give them like a nugget of growth for four so my favorite new insight that I've really had about fours and their growth and by the way this comes from my good friend and and teaching partner Donny o pious he pointed out recently that fours have a real problem sometimes when they're happy and then a big growth edge for fours can be actually letting in happiness and letting in the good stuff and there can be habitual ways that they get over identified with sadness or having things be difficult or their own sense of lack and it can be kind of a problem for them if they're actually happy and really good things are happening and it's actually been kind of funny when we've had experiences and workshops where we talk about this and when we're working with fours in their growth and and they're doing the inner work and they get to this point where they have to cut it take in the fact that actually things are going really well and Irani know at one point said you know wow it's a real problem for you that you're so happy and I that was really a beautiful new learning for me that it's really true and and that I think it can be a wonderful thing to see a for doing the work of actually letting themselves be happy and own good things that are happening to them so another person asked about instinctive blindness and once again in the question frame I asked it and the question I just want to reiterate it's not about taking the instincts and looking at them separately all of the instincts all like their relationship to the passion of the type is super important so when you ask about she's talking about instinctive very variant blindness so I would imagine that be like the third on your stack so like press to the room to the repressed instinct she said you don't really talk about that that much in your book but we have talked a little bit about it in this course I've been listening to you talk about that and what I've picked up and I want you to take the ball but what I picked up is that it's generally the thing that you need to integrate but again it's not just the instinct it's the specific instinct associated with your type so for me I'm a three sexual with self-preservation is my auxilary or my secondary and my social is my inferior and it's not social that I need to integrate it's three social that I need to integrate is that accurate that's true that's true and and again it's you can think of it both ways it's just important not to overdo doing too much instinctual work without taking into account your type so the the the main thing here is that yes I didn't write it much about it much in my book but I'm definitely talking about it a lot more and there's a lot about it in this program that we need to think about our instinctual what I'm calling the instinctual sequence what's dominant what do we tend to overdo in other words of mine is self pres you know I overdo self pres I'm kind of thinking more over doing self president really need to you know be self presence oriented social second for me and then sexual is third for me and so yes the repressed instinct and I say repressed very intentionally because these are biological energies and if it's a blind-spot it's not that we just don't see it it's that we're pushing it away but usually that's something we kind of gave up on it's just territory we don't really under and so all three are important and the sequence are important and I think it's a dynamic energetic connection between the three of them and I think it's important to work on all three but in my view the first thing we need to do is get a real handle on the dominant one because then because we are overdoing and it often takes such a big amount of space in our experience so that I think is really important but of course as we work on the first one the second one will come up and issues around that will come up and then absolutely we also need to work on what we sort of don't look at and what gets left out which is our repressed or a third mm-hmm somebody asked what's the best way to leverage any gram for personal growth and that is a can of worms my friend because I just sat through many hours of content and I don't know if I could give you just one buuuut hrus in her program goes through not just the in like how the instincts you know influence type and the subtypes and she gives best tips for every single subtype in their growth she also talks about the wings and how the wings show up and growth and the arrow lines and how they show up in growth and like it's an enormous topic so I don't know if I could just give one but I will say intagram is incredibly powerful for growth so is there if there's one you can think of one Oh awareness sorry it's really all about growth I mean the Enneagram it the whole point of the any gram is about growth and development it's not just about finding your type and talking about what type you are it's about how do you use knowledge of your type as a jumping-off point for growth and I think certainly getting in touch with your tight patterns and you know the blind spots associated with your type that's like the number one key piece and you can spend years just on that but there's other things too like subtype patterns again which are more specific more nuanced more more you know unique things that you do that maybe other people of your same type don't do and then they're also using the arrow lines for movement and as developmental opportunities and using your wing points as developmental opportunities and by the way I think wings are more than anything else developmental opportunities they're not so much subtypes in and of themselves the way we often talk about it so I think well wings flavor our main type I don't think there's like a static list of traits that's true for everyone so not every two has the same influence of one and three I think we have both and I think they're both available to us as ways of stretching ourselves that was one of the most interesting things that have come out has come out of this for me is recognizing that the wings are not subtypes I'm not like a three wing four or three wing two and those two are different subtypes the subtypes are that I'm in three I'm a sexual subtype and that the wings both like you said influence me and that they're developmental opportunities not part of the personality characteristics which was a big AHA for me or at least in the methodology that you use I know other people have different methodology but right having talked to Beatrice for the last four days and knowing she's a psychoanalyst and has like doing coaching and not just coaching but like actual therapy using this for like many many years I have a tendency to trust with future says default to Beatrice's opinions because she knows her um alright so another person asked how you know the difference between an eight if I'm an 8 or a 1 hmm if you're an 8 or 1 well there's a few things one thing is one's tend to follow the rules and eights tend to break them so ones are sort of over social they're very concerned about social convention eighths kind of go against social convention another thing is they both have they both have access to anger but they experience it differently eighths tend to feel a little bit more free with their anger the experience that is energy and they're usually you know some I wouldn't say eighths are always angry at all sometimes they get stereotyped that way but they're a little bit easier with anger they can share it and they don't necessarily feel bad about it ones tend to think anger is bad and so tend to control it or over control it unless they're a sexual one in which case they are more free with it but they also tend to get angry about different things so it kind of depends on where your anger goes and what it's about I think those are sort of different things but especially the ones there's a difference between being over social and under social following the rules and breaking the rules well and if you want to know what the subtypes look like the 3 8 subtypes and the 3 1 subtypes which actually look very I mean like I'm starting to recognize just how differently people look if depending upon their subtype right I mean in the same type people can like show up and radically different ways depending upon what their subtype is so I recommend grabbing Beatrice's book and um if you haven't gotten a copy so far she also has a really cool small book that doesn't go into as much of depth but doesn't highlight overview so either one of those is great but her book the complete intagram is amazing and go read the subtypes and determine which one and sounds the most like you oh it looks like disease this which is probably gonna be backwards but yeah oh absolutely I always bought your book your book is amazing um and then the last the last question is a controversial question but we won't make a controversial controversial because she's a too and I'm a three so we need people like us so we won't be super controversial but what is your opinion of tri types Beatrice okay I know that tri types or a big topic and this is just my opinion it's just my sense of it I learned try fix from a cha so and so I think there's something in it however I find that at least for me it serves as a bit of a distraction I think you could spend your whole life working on your type and your subtype and I think sometimes what I see people do is outsourcing what really belongs to their main type and their ego inner work about their main type they outsource it to one of their other try type types so in other words you know I'm a - but oh I did that because I've got seven in my try type well maybe that's actually a two thing that you don't want to fully own so I'm I find that for myself and again this is based on my own experience and the people I've worked with as a therapist I find that there's just so much to work with in terms of type and subtype and the airlines those are the things I use most around growth and development and I find that try type well well there's something in it I'm sure from me ends up being kind of a distraction from doing the real inner work the depth work with the main type and I see people tossing it around a lot and it just seems like there's so many numbers there's so many things to think about that I think for me that makes it hard to really dig into what do I really need to face in terms of being a - what do I really need to face and it's just too tempting for me to outsource something that I might want to see as a different type and so for me I don't tend to work with try type I tend to prefer really digging and deeply into the type and all the things that says about type and the subtype which i think is really really important and the most important way of understanding why two people of the same type differ I think more than wings yeah well and I was sorry I didn't mean it are you complete because you're the person needs to be talking right now on but I am always talking so I'm probably just gonna jump anyway um so one of the things that I picked up and just with this concept that the tri type could be distracting is that first of all when we get into typology and this is one of the reasons why we love Beatrice and so much wanted her to be the person who taught our first any gram course because she's super into personal development this is not about just diving deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into some sort of model that you can perpetually impact and perpetually go down the rabbit hole of its it's specifically using it as a tool for development and growth so it's not just like making love to a model it's actually utilizing the model and the best way possible which is for development and becoming the best version of yourself and one of the things that I really picked up from observing all of this content that she's been teaching is that when you become the best version of your type you actually transcend it and then now you're free to move around the entire Enneagram so you're try type almost kind of doesn't matter because eventually once you do the ego work of your of your subtype of your type and subtype once you actually master the ego work there you are now way more free to fluidly move around the anagram itself it's like you done you did your ego transcendence work and now you've got access to all of the nine types which is effectively sort of the goal if I'm not mistaken is that accurate I think so I think I think once you really loosen your own ego structures which by the way it can take a long time I think yeah the whole point is that the Enneagram is a model of wholeness and that we want to borrow and and adopt and integrate strategies of different types so again I think when people do that that's fine I just think that there's so much work to be done on our egos and our egos are kind of tricky in the ways that they try to get away from really doing the work that we need to do and I'm so dedicated to using the Enneagram in the ways I think really help people and then really help me and so I just find that really focusing in on the main type and the and again the subtype which I think adds that instinctual focus which is all important that's what's really really opened up my work and that's what's been beneficial for me and my clients and so I just I get a little bit worried when we're throwing out so many numbers you know it's like I find a 2 7 1 how do I know if it's my 2 or my 7 or my 1 how do I know if it's my one wing or my 1 try it I mean again to me it clouds the picture that should be clear enough to really allow us to use the Enneagram to really really do the deep work that we need to do to to get where we want to go I think I feel really smoothly in myers-briggs where people want to talk about the shadow functions the four cognitive functions that are in your stack and that's a super interesting if there's totally something there John B B's model is amazing there's totally something there like you talk about the trifecta there's something there and also most of us aren't ready to dive in there most of us still have work to do in our type dynamics within our function stack so it's not like it's wrong to go there but it's not like there isn't really cool stuff there I'm sure there is yeah it's just a question of like when you're using it for development and growth the number one question you should be asking yourself I think at this stage is is it is it helping your development and growth are you ready for that phase or is a distraction because the model is so fascinating that you're it's it's almost like it's no longer becoming a tool for development which it doesn't have to be not everybody has to use these models for development absolutely but our will the the the schools that we come from is that why why wouldn't you use them that way so for us in the myers-briggs level with the shadow processes and for you and the try facts or the try types it's kind of like well you might be ready for that and if you are you're probably pretty transcended person so this might not be the place to get your information I don't know so anyway one more thing that somebody mentioned and I just want to hint at it is that yes there has been an interesting conversation going on between us and Beatrice about the possibility of a merger between Enneagram and myers-briggs which I don't think has been done very well yet so she's got that deep dive on the subtypes we've got the deep dive on the cognitive function so we're talking about doing a Vulcan mind-meld at some point and coming up with of course of course a growth oriented model that would merge the two the two models and see what we can come up with you know I'm very excited about that and just I've been learning so much from you guys and much about you know I I don't I'm not an expert in myers-briggs but I really really want to learn about it and I think there are some really interesting connections and overlaps and I'm very I'm thrilled to be exploring that with you do you see like this like absolute flood of like thumbs up and heart signs that just went by when we talked about the possibility of merging these two I think the type communities like super hungry for it so and I think we could do it okay oh yeah I think there's some really interesting work to be done there yeah all right okay thanks guys for joining us on the live look out for all the marketing materials we'll be letting you know what's going on with what we're looking at is a tentative October's second release for the anagram program that's called an EA gram roadmap and it's gonna be amazing and I know that because I just listened to the entire thing be recorded and it was amazed balls and I got all these AHA so thank you so much for joining us look out for all that content and information and we will talk to you another time
Channel: Enneagram Roadmap — by Personality Hacker
Views: 3,371
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: bea chestnut, wisdom of the enneagram, Claudio Naranjo, David Daniels, Don Richard Riso, russ hudson, Helen Palmer, riso hudson, The Complete Enneagram, Understanding the Enneagram, Enneagram Subtypes, Enneagram Instincts, Enneagram Instinctive Variants, enneagram
Id: fovYW6XkW2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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