Live Metal Detecting W Two Phil’s & Jeff

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that they have here like you set up the live stream and then there's a button you push blue it says go live and it's like okay you you have this set up now you can go live so let's let's introduce everybody over here we have the legend of jeff he could stand on one leg although he he could balance with the you know and not to confuse you we have two fills here so this is phil yeah yes yes we have jeff's brother-in-law phil and we have the most interesting man in metal detecting philip the knox who i have learned quite a bit from and he is uh sniffing out some silver right over here all right let's get this party started we got 14 people in the house good morning so let's get this party start head as they say in france zoom out there we go i zoomed out and i'm gonna pop in i don't know every 15 minutes or so answer questions and all that fun stuff what's up team clan bake how are you let me tighten this up there we go [Music] fire it up boom shakalaka wait i didn't push it yet boom shakalaka serious detecting let's go not using headphones today because i'm live streaming not deep enough it's not history yet i might have been doing too much cherry picking lately hey john what's up all right so let's see setting this up look at this in in automatic mode this is good ground so look at this it's uh it's on 24 auto sensitivity so we could jack that up later but i'm pretty happy with that so let's go auto mode and let's open it up and this might be a good good spot and let me turn the volume up because we have leaves oops we're good to go oh oh look at that oh i like that probably a dimmy but you don't know till you dig in the plug yeah it's uh not terribly deep but i like that high sound it is green honey 1970s looks like oh sorry 1970s oh joy okay let's go on to the next [Music] i have a feeling we got a quarter you leaving oh gotcha all right phil we're done to one fill i said we're down to one fill all right buddy yeah i'm the one late to the game here so oh i think i see it is that it nope it's probably in the plug oh meryl what did you just do you just lost it oh here we go that's a quarter that's a quarter okay we ain't here for no quarters though we're here for the skill skilva let's look for something scratchy [Music] hmm no it's got that iron skip i thought i had something i think we got another quarter [Music] don't think that's deep enough to be silver but i am willing to be pleasantly surprised did i even show that last quarter jeez i'm okay hold on let's just dig this one [Music] oh it's a dimmy okay joyful deep deep [Music] hmm [Music] is [Music] [Music] might be surface let's see [Music] all right we're skipping that one i think it's a spill all right quarter no quarter left behind but i'm after the older stuff we're on pace with the clad no yeah you know what this might be might be cans under the surface because that was showing shallow here we go well we found the dime oh must have popped out because it's uh you know that color let's see all right we got it i get haunted if i leave quarters behind you know yeah it's a quarter there we go it's a quarter all right that's weedy depth i'm calling weedy here and i like to find that because uh it's the same era as silver and it means you're in a good i know we're in a good spot but it's just a verification for those of us who have ocd yeah i like this dirt a lot and let's see if i am correct i think i am definitely a penny be good we are on the wheat none of them yep there we go we are on the wheat it's official all right let me turn the camera around say hi to everybody that's gonna go in the wedi collection which uh the other box i'm trying to fill good morning how's everybody doing today hope you get a chance to go out yes ocd is very dangerous i know shortcut to my homeboy willie shout out geez i can't read man i can't read get glasses merrill um we're in alley pond park um let's see looks cold yeah it's like 50 degrees today it's not terrible war nickels are 35 silver peter thank you whoa that's a great surprise you gave last time too thank you thank you so much david fraser i was talking to him before i was like i might take the day off but i knew myself i i put in that comment too i'm like we'll see how my brain feels in an hour or so but i woke up tired this morning john scamardo welcome hey new york state lotto scratcher how many silver war nickels could you be missing that's a good point that's a good point i kind of have it notched out that's a very good point what's up cz kid do you need a permit to hunt in new york skinned bones asks yes you do uh they're totally free to get all you have to do is um you go on the website you search metal detecting permit and uh you know it pops up you mail it in uh they get it back to you within a week or so they're pretty efficient with that hey matthew davidson wow we got 87 in here thank you for those 23 likes what's up steely dan are you off now for the holidays until uh not until january we have a pretty busy time of year uh going on right now in the schools um we have um oh what you call it zoom bombing every all the classes are being taught through zoom and sadly you know it's not the kids that are always doing it you get um you get people that maybe they're related to the kids or maybe the kid shares okay this is my schedule you get these people coming in like trying to there's youtube videos about it like do do it search for zoom bombing oh it's pain and i'm in charge of that we have the teachers basically if the kid doesn't have the camera on you know we don't let them into class which you know we it's tough to pull that off but um yeah wow we have somebody watching from uh slovenia welcome i'm gonna try to pronounce your name el hosa uh primalic that's so cool welcome thank you i'm uh honored and humbled to have you here yeah it's so cool that we're global wish i could get to the city to detect with you western new york area yeah if you're ever down here just email me or next time that you're down here tarmo blueberg i'm in estonia greetings so cool global mike house what's up all right let's get this party restarted um let's see if we can get some skilva and fill the box do you know if permission for metal detection is needed in all states i think it goes state by state new york you need it i've been asked like once or twice for it you know and uh i i do have a video where i got a ticket but um i fought that and i won because the lady didn't know the rules and i did so okay let's fix this we're on the board with one wheat so let's look let's scrutinize this area and i'm here with phil and jeff and i think it's a matter of time before those guys pull silver you know what let's live dangerously okay so we're gonna go pump this up to 12 let's do 27 let's not go too crazy and let's noise cancel hi kathy welcome midwest treasure and relic recovery what's up this is almost noise cancelled i should have done that before and what i'm looking for is i want it to be low you see the scale to the right over here i want that to be low just like it is down there that's what i'm looking for and i'm starting to get accustomed to the sound that it makes it's not a clear repeating signal [Music] and this might be it [Music] nope that sure is deep it is a very high iron number this number is iron this number is conductivity [Music] [Music] let's take a chance you watch it that long you gotta dig it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] still getting something let me turn down the volume a little that's getting [Music] annoying stop repeating not good oh here hold on [Music] let's see if we could get a signal when it's an automatic nope all right let's try nope now we're putting that back i think i would have dug a little bit deeper if i got a signal when it was automatic but no could i be wrong of course but you know this is a active triage you know we uh we have to go to the best signals that we could possibly get to [Music] not too high to the surface [Music] right at the surface now that could be good oh no i missed a super chat i'm sorry treasure outdoors thank you so much thank you for all your free content you provide no thank you for watching it's my joy to make it it really is it's kind of a lot of people are like is it intrusive to do that not really i'm in the habit of uh you know i could turn a video over in a very short period of time some people like them some people hate them but i have a lot of fun making those wraps too all right let's focus on this signal let's put this in automatic before we dig nothing oh yeah let's open it up basically what this stuff is this is the mask or what we notched out okay so nothing there oh that could be skilva numbers are a little bit low you kind of want 45. [Music] yeah i would say a penny it could be a wheat cent but i like the depth on that one i like the sound to it too now it's above get skilva come on yeah this is not terribly deep actually there we go it is a penny just a memorial penny 1964. here i'll stop blocking the camera all right silver era if i could see it correctly 1964. okay that was maybe about four inches to five inches down i mean it doesn't mean that it was dropped in 1964 but you know it wasn't dropped before 1964 thank you for those 39 likes truly appreciate it too high uh no quarter left behind after this signal i'm gonna answer some questions so if you have any questions just just shoot i see it that's a quarter all right let's hi i'm available for questions so if you really want to ask go for it team clambake hubby took over the knox i'm getting my knocks back this week can't wait when's the next brooklyn group hunt that's right we did the one in prospect park that's a good question yeah i kind of want to do that again this week yeah this is the week of uh thanksgiving i just i totally forgot that and i remember that now um let's see what we can do that sounds good what if haagen-dazs made sushi taco ice cream that's a good question i might have to skip that one as much as i love all of the ingredients i might have to skip that one what's up michael martin how are you ick brooklyn treasure hunter likes it uh may have missed it but how long is the metal detecting permit good for it's good until the end of the year so if you apply for one in january uh you have until uh the end of the year and then you have to reapply again old chief what's up hey why gold i know of a few club hunts coming up next week but i'm saving for an fh-7 is is that a fissure we were discussing earlier when you find silver we kind of expect the atomic bomb to go off so in live digs can you do a silver dance oh hell yeah i will you better believe it if we find silver today uh let me tell you something this guy over here he's gonna find silver um fill up the knox the legend and jeff jeff's only been doing this for where are you jeff i saw you a second ago where the hell are you jeff my screen is all scratched that doesn't help you could probably see better than me he's here somewhere geez when can i write lyrics for your next rap email him to me or or even even better i i do the only thing i can't take out like a song with copyright but uh there's jeff yeah there he is sorry adhd just uh take from the uh the youtube free section and uh i've been wanting to do a collab for a while so absolutely here not so much silver i have the same problem well i mean it's been a great silver year let me stop that that's nonsense but um you know it's you got a lot of good hunters with good machines and uh yeah it's it's becoming more challenging i'm thinking about the goals for next year if the cat's gods don't blow up the uh the sun you know michael swan 66 hey buddy thank you for uh all of your support um michael swan i want you to know before you know when i was doing my art channel i used to watch his channel back in the day so everybody check out michael swann's channel please all right here we go let's get back to this we need we need to stop the sun from blowing up and yes if i get silver you better believe i'm doing a silver dance [Music] that's deep enough that i can't ignore it i think it's gonna be a dimmy or a penny yeah that's gonna be a penny but it's deep enough that it could be wheat or a surprise piece of silver i just saw it oh here it is it is just a memorial penny okay go go go like the wind i have to talk myself down sometimes i'm my goal is to have fun today because it's that um it's like when you drive they have the odometer okay hear me out on this there's the odometer and then there's that red region of the odometer wait the odometer is the uh you know what the thing with revolutions per minute you have that you know where the car starts running hot that's where i gotta avoid you gotta stay in that healthy zone you gotta keep the speed you know because if you if you go at zero miles per hour you don't grow if you run it too hot that's not good and i tend to uh you know make goals and high goals got something hey phil ah phil's on the board i have a feeling you're gonna get a lot of questions well you in the videos you pulled the morgan and uh you know you don't have to answer any but i know a lot of people have been leaving comments asking questions i've been learning a lot from phil phil knows his stuff huh yep phil knows his stuff and you know a lot of the tips that he have has given me i've applied and they work so uh i don't know if you saw the videos let me see if any if anybody has questions yep wait what does that mean it's the tradition whoever get hit or something no like punch buggy no the the tradition whoever the first person exactly is the socket yep it's it's a carlos dog star blazer thing that was scratchy as hell so that was pretty down there too oh sorry about that that's all right there's like little it wasn't that far i just i had a hard time locating it wow beautiful welcome all aboard on the board rusty digger that guy is a machine yep listen people most important thing you have to be humble and if you see somebody being successful you ask them you know you don't oh tachometer that's what i was trying to say thanks amphibious archaeology uh 26 27 and then it went as low as 22.23 and that's because there's like little iron pieces yeah that's nice i'm getting my knocks back this week i cannot wait i cannot wait i love the silver slayer it's been it's pulled i would say about 100 pieces in uh two or three months so you know it's been great but yeah i can't wait to use the knocks again [Music] this could be a silver dance all right we need a silver dance [Music] it is a memorial what's the first syllable in memorial yeah all right here we go uh let's turn the volume back up you just can't do a live stream in headphones you can't and i think you know how i feel about headphones anyway i'll get to them me too i have to save the world also they're asking for a silver dance if i get silver uh i got to do a silver dance yep i'm like choreographing the moves in my head right now yeah this is great this is up at 25 so there's no need the auto sensitivity is at 25 there's no need whatsoever to go manual oh almost positive this is iron listen carefully you hear the blip in the threshold [Music] getting high iron numbers too [Music] oh let's dig it we gotta dig it it didn't look terribly deep either whoa and bloth thank you thank you so much whoa truly appreciated my friend thank you i mean it's it's a [Music] signal that repeats enough let's dig a little bit lower on this iron is so annoying all right let's go down a little more no what did i just miss oh my goodness uh delena oprea haagen-daz enjoy i enjoy and learned a lot from your videos you were great thank you oh you guys are spoiling me rotten thank you teachers have to teach you know becoming an administrator we teach less we teach the teachers but um this gives me an opportunity to teach and i truly appreciate people taking the time to watch and we try to make it fun try to make it fun club so thank you i'm honored truly honored so cool yes sir what okay phil just said there's a pile of silver hold on i think phil has made contact with the cat gods [Music] oh that has messed with me too look at this the confetti and these actually do you get you get like a one on it right i get absolutely i get nothing on a minute i get like a blurb if anything yeah they get something underneath this yeah but i've i've tried oh my god these drive me crazy it's a great cereal i was like it's a board of silver times you would find that phil you would oops sorry you guys were upside down for a second there we go all right well that sounds good sorry although you do have an amazing silver collection already of course i'm just trying to save the earth you know i think it's a little closer towards me yeah let me get out of your way so everybody's calling you philip the knox by the way there's he said he certainly would dig that philip the knox says that he would definitely dig this oh crap where was it i'll find it yeah i think i'm picking up your machine yeah i should have kept my eyes on it i know you will here we go yeah see i only had it at about five inches yeah yeah that sounds right and this dirt is soft so yeah this this is the dirt that they use for the field so i have a feeling that it's not it might be uh yeah but it did it did pop 32 there yeah that was deeper than what we thought yeah seem to have the right but here we go will i do a silver dance oh i think i see it what is it it's a quarter it's a quarter oh well check that hole see if there's another one there yeah definitely because it you know sometimes when it's 32 on the knocks it's a indication that there's something else yeah nope doesn't seem to be a bunch of coins on to the next [Music] here we go oh i like this worst comes to worst it's another quarter oh oh you know who's going to be able to do an epic break uh an epic dance some day danny deyes he's a break dancer yeah this is not that deep oh we have iron so that could mask it let's see hope that wasn't a signal it was a big ball of iron and that's what it was there seems to be something small in here so that plus the iron gave it that signal [Music] so is metal detecting hey guys thank you guys and girls thank you for the 70 likes i'm gonna do some face time in a little bit answer some questions too high oh that's a good one that's a good one oh you got something okay jeff thinks he's got silver i'll be right there i might have something too let me rush and pull this oh meryl okay so look at this this is higher than i thought i want to see so nobody pulls uh deeper signals that i know than than uh phil i want to see if i could get this hey jeff hey jeff before you dig can i see if i can get it thanks buddy i'm picking up your machine all right that's what we're looking for right here now something like that that's what i was seeing all yesterday oh my god if you didn't see yesterday yesterday's video last night's video with the minecr minecraft cover you gotta see it that was a fun video um i wasn't the one pulling the treasure my friends pulled more than me so spoiler alert but there's still lots of good treasure that was pulled a few teachable moments and i'm proud of the wrap at the end here we go [Music] uh all right we got it semi-deep jimmy all right joyful let's go on to the next and i'll check back on that signal to see what it was so don't worry i didn't forget about [Music] that ah fence post piece yeah me too [Music] this is probably going to be another dime but you got to pull it silver can come in at 44 on this machine borderline depth you know maybe six well four four to six inches all right let's measure this again oh [Music] all right it's in the plug i see it [Music] jimmy oh come on uh okay [Music] um whoa kelly o'brien aka skaden bones i hope this helps by the haagen-dazs when you find skilva thank you so much kelly so kelly is skin and bones am i right about that hi silvervac hey cynthia [Music] oh i'm skeptical of this signal see i turn and there's nothing it's really not that deep i would say that's a piece of iron i might be making a big mistake it did repeat but i think we can find better signals oh uh oh okay this does repeat notice the high yeah notice it goes away when i turn so let me turn back [Music] you got to dig that i'm digging this i'm calling iron on this i hope i'm [Music] wrong the reason why i could not get anything when i faced one direction let's see see it's gone this way you get a signal though i love the e-track i'm very happy that i got it i'm also dying to get the knocks back because there's a level of mastery that i did not unlock let's see let's go a little deeper notice the rocks in here this is dirt that was brought in also now pretty sure oh here it is it was in the plug yep there's our culprit isn't it ironic don't you think it's like cloud on your wedding day okay stop meryl you're gonna get the 173 people in here like oh god no don't sing and let me answer some questions i've been on a mission to get silver but my mission today have fun those darn cat gods they're just so annoying sometimes i mean we all have cat gods in our life that uh you know the goals that we have there are cat gods okay 174 people in here thank you i'm humbled to spend someday with you so thank you enough's enough what's up i used to wish i could sing now i wish you could sing that's a good one i like that zinger encore encore i don't know if anybody shares that sentiment treasure outdoors but thank you be right back dog needs out all those dogs my guys oh my goodness if i have food they're like i'm your best friend if i don't have food they're they're like woof woof stay away intruder intruder i'm like i live with you they're so mean to me hurts my feelings look at your screen when you get those high-pitched sounds if the cursor is down near the black line then 99 of the time it's iron thank you for the tip um and i i read your uh comment last night about the um the sun coil and i looked online i couldn't find that it seems to be uh a coil that uh um maybe was popular when the e-track first came out but yeah i i definitely want to look into that i want to optimize this detector here this is fun club yes kelly thanks again for the super chat truly appreciate it safari kitty what's up what's that's for you my friend the knox comes back this week hey deeper frequencies sun ray that's what it was old school 55 f-100 i think merrell narrated go baby my voice is similar thank you kelly hey jenny vince's adventures i got my nox 600 because of you meryl i'm at 94 rings for the year six to go that's awesome you go you made a good choice with detectors there you know how everybody has um i'll get back to hunting in a minute this is the last thought there's no person that is super good at everybody across the board i'm proud that i could like you know come up with creative stuff write a song super fast and stuff like that the left brain stuff like just making the time to ship out your favorite detector this doesn't hold on that no that's right brain this side does work this side it's always been a struggle anywho we're getting that back this week and it's go time with the um i want to finish the year off with so let's uh and david frazier if you're still out there um the the other detector that i cannot wait to try that thanks to david i have a mind lab sovereign now and you know that's his favorite detector he collects it and i'm just so honored and i did not you know i cannot put into words like what it means i have actually i i get it my cousins for instance i don't know you might have seen my cousin ori in um the metal detecting channels video we've been talking metal detecting for as long as i have been married to my wife which is his cousin and he needed a detector in his life i sent him a simplex and you know you did the same thing so i truly appreciate that uh david so i i just i hope you understand i'm trying to fill that box because these imaginary cat gods are just you know but i can't wait to use it and i thank you get this time [Music] oh oh [Music] too close to surface yes i know headphones it's tough to do a live stream with the headphones though interesting signal relatively deep i'm calling weedy [Applause] uh oh let's see what we got all right that might be a good sign that's down deeper oh they're having an intense softball game over there interesting okay we are about six inches down now i either miss dug my hole let's test that hold on no it seems to be the right spot so this is something that is deeper than what the screen told me so let's dig this out a little bit this is exciting oh geez all right we are nine inches down no sign of a signal which tells me it's to one of the sides or the other i think i solved it might be two signals all right seems to be right here sometimes there's a piece of iron that like extends the signal or a piece of metal doesn't have to be iron yep it's in here oh look at this i don't know why i'm excited about this what the hell is it what in the world what it's a fancy screw oh well oh well sweet mother of pearl and that is how you get your exercise metal detecting and let's make sure we cover that hole give the worms some nice new leaves that they can chew away on all right i'm noticing phil has not left the outside of this and i think i'm going to take that same philosophy [Music] because i'm seeing on the inside of this big field there's seems to be another layer of uh phil not the person phil but like dirt bill i'm ignoring that because look it's right up at the top threshold is skipping that's iron [Music] that's i will dig that [Music] yeah we're gonna dig it notice it skips in here but when you're right at the edge of the iron signal something big you can get these uh phantom great signals and it could be i mean we're in new york it could very well be iron and something good notice how high the iron number is and that's the number on the left this is nice compacted soil here all right let's see what we got despite how compacted this is uh i do see some filling in here uh there we go i could see some iron color in here yep look at this okay we got the iron now let's see if a signal remains oh nope like i said that's how you get your exercise metal detected oh [Music] this is also where the equinox has a huge advantage because it's so much faster this is definitely usable in parks it was top of the line in 2008 and it's still being sold the more that you use the machine the more that you see the possibilities and the strengths and the weaknesses this is at its best open field where there are spread out signals that's where you could kill it with this machine [Music] food okay [Music] another done [Music] hello oh i think he's got another one got one whoa he found the he found the hope diamond look at that that's amazing let me see what you stand over there okay [Music] i'm still getting possible iron it's saying that it's going to be a penny oh really yep oh that sucks it could be wrong hey man you got the hope diamond i i believe it's a silver dime okay i think you're wrong i i hope i'm wrong oh maybe because i was off a little bit all right fair enough i've i heard some iron over here yes no it's it's scratchy it's there's a lot of stuff with it now that i heard all right so one more in here and then let's see about that other one it's only a trime um yeah you just it's only a try here you go all right and something else here let's see oh you are correct sir there we go beast mode here you go no no no no take it take it take it no no i can't offer it to the cat gods i was correct all right all right i got to do a silver dance now correct all right you know what yeah i don't know what was it yep no it was a merc another mark yep i hope you got a big diamond all right you ready for this i i gotta do a silver dance all right so i'm gonna break out some uh some break dancing moves let me put the wires away so i don't really you want to film this uh yeah man all right ready even though i didn't pull this so i need music ah i can't help you there people will really get nervous oh shoot look at that man ymca so that's the silver dance so like the beatles say you get by with a little help from your friends so thanks legend [Music] a diamond you see the diamond oh wow blah blah blah blah blah blah blah a glad quarter a silver dime and he got a drawing piece all in the same freaking hole that is just crazy wow and i heard i heard he died i was only kidding about the triumph what is the truth you don't try okay legend does not know prime it's the three cent coin it's a silver though he has pulled morgan's he has not pulled a trim i guess that's all right i haven't either oh all right i didn't realize that i pulled the actual sides of it it's that small they're super rare yeah how the hell does anybody find that it's like half dime size yeah yeah actually i i've never found a half dime i gotta that's one of the things i want to yeah no in that case yes i figured you found like 50. see even phil has bucket listers that's refreshing to know shoot i'm gonna pocket the hope diamond if uh he doesn't want it i think uh gappy would have a lot of fun with this absolutely thanks buddy all right i'm hoping to do another silver dance but i want to be a big boy this time pull it all by myself i've been ice cold lately so let's uh let's see if we can get this party restarted i don't mind doing silver dances please note i beatboxed also so it was a silver dance complete with beatboxing okay go meryl go [Music] whoa look look this one i'm giving to phil it's the small baby diamond i found a baby diamond give it to your daughter bro wow we're doing good here yeah mud lurking look there's another one look at all this bling it's everywhere holy smokes you're right oh this is another one for you hold on i'll help you with this got a handful of diamonds not even muddy we're mud lurking blind blah blah blah blah blah thanks buddy oh jeez these are destined to be in the vacuum cleaner by the end of the week well gabby will have fun with this so there's another one too if you really want oh yeah all right yeah that's right we saw fake silver spill we saw a fake diamond spill we saw the hope diamond this is quite the live stream well i have them close does anybody have any questions for phil scott too uh the nope diamond yep nice silver dance thanks everybody haven't struck gold yet not yet that is true well rings yes deeper frequencies says teach me the ways phil um actually this is what i want to know how long have you been detecting metal detecting you know yeah six years i've been detecting longer i i but i've i take you know you we've all been doing it i don't know if you saw um carlos yesterday in the video he's bringing dimes with him jeff is bringing dimes with him you know doing the actual testing of the machine before so that's a good idea yeah but i mean how how controlled is the testing you're just like what exactly are you guys doing uh so he'll put it down six inches he'll put it down eight inches just to see the machine uh you know and get a read on the machine like you have like a perfect read on what a deep signal sounds like you know you were going down to half the way to china and uh and pulled in silver so um you know we're experimenting with that let's see we have somebody here larry who has been detecting since 1960. that's amazing that's awesome yeah no i i would love to interview you larry i'm here to learn believe me you know it's um yeah i know i have a lot to learn why gold been detecting since 2017. marilyn says you're right gabby will love them uh all girls love bling yep billy mcd what's up one beep at a time thank you meryl now i've got the beetle stuck in my head it's better than atlantis okay david frazier is asking what park mode do you use he uses park one deeper frequency says undisturbed ground sounds different than buried targets remember that good point what's up opportunity knox how you been yep get some silver we're gonna do that all right let's go [Music] yeah he had to go home he was here since like six in the morning this might be surface but no quarter left behind oh it's silver dying okay okay okay i told him that by that spot there i heard the beat you were right yep that's a quarter no quarter left behind what like the old style pop rock oh i remember pop rocks look at these things i i think that's like for a fish tank isn't it yeah somebody had quite the party here yeah diamonds and fish rocks and geez [Music] highly unlikely this is silver it doesn't have the depth but you can be surprised sometimes [Music] yep it's a quarter and the sooner i get to my clad goal the sooner that i can start the cherry picking [Music] for the sake of cherry picking i'm gonna skip that uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's dig this my hope is that this is an indian head punny it's it sounds uh smaller though um see not deep at all this is uh the machine is tailored to coins nah it's somewhere in here it's not deep nope nope oh [Music] scratchy it's got a very high iron number but despite that i think this is our best signal of the day all right here we go this is our shot oh [Music] this is a good chance nope we are about um six inches seven inches down right now okay all right let's see seems to be over on this side okay come on still nothing hey phil hey jeff can i get a second opinion calling dr jeff surely i'm serious let me get totally out of your way [Music] that's about the same that i'm getting do i have it centered right do you think interesting he can hear the iron grunt oh there you go gotcha okay i hear the iron grunt yep yeah i don't know iffy all right let's see [Music] [Music] okay all right we're going deeper on this great he got another one he's a beast hey phil can you check this one out when you get the chance phil just got silver again [Music] jeff here's a um what's one called iron grunt in there i'm hearing the same thing right in that hole i believe this is he thinks it's iron okay we move on so tell us about the um the pumping that you did over that tracy was telling me about that yesterday i saw you doing pumping over the signal what exactly was not always accurate it's uh hold on let me take my headphones yep i'm gonna leave this way you guys can hear what happens your machine let me turn it off yeah i turned mine off you ready yep iron grunt gotcha so what are you pressing when you're doing that we're just in all metal mode oh you're in all metal mode i see so you pump when it's in all metal mode all right so you guys just witnessed some uh teaching from the real dr phil and metal detecting your headphones as a ghost i got you okay okay but let's go over now to the plug this is where things get interesting okay i'll tell you what it's not always accurate but the one you were in it was like a huge like grunt it's like the same thing it's a different sound you're getting okay [Applause] by target oh jeff's on the board i'm the only non-sucker here he got a quarter all right buddy i'm the only non-sucker i can't wait to get my knocks back now according to tracy if you were gonna do that you hear the grunt right all day long you're thinking that yeah go ahead pop it out i'm not taking it though this one's all you okay that's why you don't always do that message this one is a penny i swear to god that ring up it is a penny made of wheat something else i suggest you try that again and i just dropped the damn penny no less so how do you know that it's uh silver with that i heard i heard the penny won't come up the way i got mine set up there you go like 23 26 30 26. 23 30. that's what the weed always triggers it is did you see my video where i uh tested it though what do you mean so there's a whole range like with um i mean it has to do with the thinness of the coin hold on pinpointer people can just understand what i'm listening to yep and that determines why i believe i find silverware now another trick that i like to also do is 50 tons right because if people like detect 50 tones there's a difference from the dime to the quarter on the knots like it sounds the same pretty much with 50 stones on silver so you're a believer that uh the silver this silver will come up higher then i believe so it makes a difference in my year for sure check out the um i'll i'll send you the link because i took my entire silver collection it was an air test it wasn't a ground test but i basically took a tally of what it rang up on on the knocks and some of them were as low as uh 24 25. yeah but i don't feel like i do right right right but you're stuck on that world i'm in you know gotcha so but but hold on if it's 50 tons wouldn't that give you a higher like a a lower tone if it was 24 25. i believe so yeah not often i usually do the five do it for at least like a week or so short term a little bit you know think about it we're looking for targets basically 25 and above when we're finding so right okay they're you know if we're doing a visual id so you take that sense with the 50 tones of what we're doing and that's the signatures that we'll listen for yep we want tones in the range from 25 to above okay if you get a clay diamond you put it in the ground okay and you listen to it in 50 tones you know with like the equivalent on the knox is like basically a steady 25. okay for 50 tons it's gonna sound like you know 27 28 the way you know what i'm saying yeah it's just it's it's hard for me to put into words it's just the difference of the tone is what i'm listening to i can't wait to learn this i can i find that advantage when you do it that way like for me personally okay 50 tones gives me an advantage as for over five times and that's you know also if i'm just strictly doing silver like with a park like this i'll notch out 0-20 on my machine interesting okay you know at prospect obviously i wouldn't because indians like you know are in the 18 range right if this i'll just knock out 0-20 so i'm not going to get like zinc right it's just the way i do it you know to increase my odds of finding silver i should have my knocks back on friday can't wait if you get it freddie we never took it back out of there oh shame on you for himself ladies and gentlemen oh the the gears have been turning so oh i see shiny silver let's take another look there we go there you go yeah no i i can't walk and chew gum at the same time so i was like oh lord you're right in another advantage like what jeff is doing too if you notice what i do this video ain't ending till i find some skilva yeah i did i was uh he wants you to check that spot man it's uh he's a little creepy for him man yeah i didn't know what the hell was going on he was like i look back at him like what the hell are you doing and i'm he's like doing that all right thank you sir all right oh yeah turn on your machine merrell great that's a great tip for you guys that i can offer turn on your machine there we go [Music] uh [Applause] penny oh and i saw something silver too nope okay let's go go go go like the wind oh another good signal 44 is usually dimmy and when you're in a slump it's usually not silver yep timmy goldman will go we are leaving with silver today uh oh uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh okay [Music] that might have spilled out and i missed it oh geez okay [Music] let's try this again shall we [Music] i think it's finally out of the hole [Music] i a rumba penny now why is that so high there has to be another thing that's bringing that up [Music] yeah that's what it was you too phil thank you hey jeff let's see that quarter i know he is oh oh great take care man all right buddy yeah that was a nice surprise how deep was it it was four inches wow man there you go 1940. i'm gonna clean it hey you know yep whoa we're looking for your gold chain next ah okay there's somebody telling us that he put a coin somewhere for us skip it so what i've been able to do this machine works the best when it uh when i am looking at the screen i know i'm trying to build the ear uh you know build my hearing to signals when it's above 45 good chance of it being silver and i don't claim to be you know an expert i've learned a lot from phil i think that uh his process uh is beating my process i pulled over i think almost 300 pieces of silver this year um coins so this has been my best year ever but i want to keep growing but i also don't want to ignore what works too and we've got to find that balance in between and i think we got some dirt on the lens that might help there we go all right let's do it [Music] this is right at the surface or an inch below this dirt is beautiful come on silver no all right it's a quarter man this is it looks like original dirt go go [Music] so jeff's quarter was not too deep okay here's what we do know we got tree roots here so you see that you have less of a chance of filler i think this is a good illustration of um the great target separation of the knox too because i've used the 600 and you know you see for instance right here you know you get stuff that is on the ground a layer of bottle caps it's not terrible it's not like ferrari point park but listen to the skip and the threshold thank you okay it's tough to pull these things so thanks my friend 41 skip yeah i'm a visual dominant detectorist looking to grow so another quarter okay keep going meryl [Music] all right let's venture out reason i'm choosing to go out here there is usually more separation in the signals and uh this is knoxville not tennessee but equinox bill [Music] [Music] [Music] deeper let's see dirt still looks very good here jeez am i missing okay pinpoint marrow [Music] pinpoint i might take this coil off and go with the standard coil [Music] just thinking out loud demi [Music] uh [Music] all right i'm calling witty [Music] what's up [Music] so really really come on merrell okay let's do a little facetime oh we've all been here right you know i i i'm pretty good at being happy for my friends but when you see other people pulling silver yeah you want silver so that's where i'm at but uh you know what it is what it is i'm out ding this is what i think about 24 7 so you know it it is what it is we make the most of it what's up henry how are you hey phil peter what's up the park is hunted out won't find many silvers there been going there for years um parts of this park i've been uh having a lot of luck with lately certainly not today but uh you know i'm hoping um this machine let me switch it this machine i have uh i've mastered getting down to like 10 11 inches and you know what my hope is is that out here you know there are signals that are out of reach but i'm i'm i could be wrong but you go with what you uh estimate to be correct and uh you know of course i'm not always correct no place is ever hunted out yep look for a video titled how not to dig trash with the minelab 800 mind opener i will check that out i might have to get a 800 i would thought that i was done for the time being um you know with uh buying detectors but uh i want to i want to obviously test it first opportunity knocks metal detecting nyc can you get phil to do a lesson with settings and techniques i put his settings into a recent video um so let me go down uh the list let me see what i remember um park one sensitivity is uh pretty much maxed out he's got the uh extra sized coil uses headphones and the difference that i'm really taking from him is the hearing he can hear the difference in the signals i'm horrendous at that let's see what else um the recovery speed that he uses is two so on on the 600 that would be the equivalent of one um on the 800 it's two let's see i agree michael that's what i'm trying to do we all get our competitive sides you know and you want to you want to fill a box but uh absolutely you know i i i definitely want to have the fun perspective hi jeremy love your videos um good stuff if you ever come out west gold country i would love to i love gold mining too i got two on my channel yep what michael said yeah we can uh we could continue to pick his brain fort totten park i was right i grew up right up the street from fort totten to 12th street yeah it's getting cold out here that's why we got to make this uh push with the silver right now i wish i was digging christmas decorations first oh i've been there it's not the machine it's how well you know yours yeah no i'm definitely going through the learning curve this year i have bought it was like six or seven machines and every time that i do that i i don't get me wrong that experience was an eye-opener but every time that i do that i'm cutting myself down from mastery i'm getting a more global perspective but i'm cutting down the ability to get to mastery and that's what i would really like to do next and i i think you know my uh perceptions have been right all along i've been saying that the equinox was the best i briefly said this one is the way to go um but again i'm not over there because i'm just i'm struggling hi kay how are you i'm struggling with the separation a bit it's not terrible it's not like the um the apex with separation which i wouldn't say terrible but uh you know it's better than like a toy detector but it's not the equinox is like a machine gun with separation and you can shimmy it um what i thought was it did not get the depth i was wrong about that but anywho let's get some silver this thing's gonna run out of batteries soon and uh more importantly let's have fun with this go go go oh [Music] oh [Music] i think that this is two separate signals believe it or not [Music] maybe one here it's at that magic 45 number oh i see it jimmy i carumba yeah what made that go so high hear that skip okay i tell you when the grass is higher this is the time of year where you want to do your silver hunting well that sure sounds good could be iron though getting a very high iron number [Music] the pinpoint is not very localized also i'm gonna guess that this is a piece of iron let's go oh all right we got something deep i still think iron though yep i was gonna say i would love to be wrong and you gotta you gotta dig that you hear something like that that's that's that is uh deep like that you gotta dig that okay yeah you know what this machine it's like a it's like a cannon you know you don't use that in hand-to-hand combat areas you use this where you want to go deep and you're kind of you don't worry about separation and knox can actually do both separation is not terrible on this but it's not not elite good sounding signal but i think it's just a modern quarter if i wasn't in such a slump it would be silver but yeah oh [Music] yeah it's a quarter hey thank you for the 135 likes by the way okay [Music] this yes oh [Music] [Music] deep and repeating let's dig i'm calling weedy [Music] oh oh got it below the plug lovely okay isn't it ironic let's see if we still have a signal [Music] might have a little something in here oh well on to the next more iron [Music] yep oh that is deep enough let's see i see it it's a quarter what why [Music] it's a quarter and a penny yeah there was a penny attached to this too okay all right so watch this this is a trick that you could do on this i already have it opened up let me open it some more see the high iron number that's a piece of iron it gets tricky because deep signals can get some interference from other mineralization or if there's a tiny piece of iron in the ground so i i make sure to open up uh what's called the mask on this but you really want to test it before you dig uh uh here we go let's open up the threshold very high iron numbers i think i'm still gonna dig this though all right let me put a mark all right so that's right here is where i was getting the strongest signal let's turn getting something let's dig it definitely not convinced on this but it's like looking at uh distant planets you know you're not gonna see them but you're gonna get data on them so no sign of it with the mask open let's open up the mask some more faint no for a depth like that it's not all the way down and it's not repeating enough so [Music] now hey this is a practice and persistence right you have to balance that with fun [Music] i'm not digging that that's a 43-44 which tells me it's probably penny [Music] 44 45 let's dig that uh [Music] uh jimmy hey yes yeah this is a metal detector so coins uh you know it's a fun way to get exercise you're welcome [Music] yes sir gotcha what do you know what time it is 210 gotcha all right i'll i'll follow you back there let me uh [Music] all right pressure's on oh very high iron number [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] up now skip it 43. this is our last chance right now 2 35 yeah it's getting late 12 47 yeah we dig that that's a quarter we could probably get that quick let me pinpoint [Music] [Music] it's the beauty of clad i once took a vacation to turks and caicos and obviously i didn't pay for the entire trip in clad but i paid for my airline ticket and my wife's airline ticket just with the clad quarters are magical it's a quarter [Music] [Music] yeah i can't wait to get my knocks back it's been so long since it's been a trustworthy machine because of the battery issues oh [Music] no oh [Music] all right it's crunch time people let's get this [Music] [Music] sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] know the silver dan's coming if if if this is legit well not silver but yeah it's a quarter oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh that's an orange one it's a quarter so what i'm gonna do so we have every second to hunt tonight i'm gonna put the wrap up on um on my facebook page because i want to go out looking for silver hold on yeah i got a lot of junk in this bag okay [Music] that's a quarter that i'm actually gonna skip i want that perfectly lined up signal maybe i'm being too picky i don't know [Music] um [Music] see how it's halfway down and it's not even halfway down uh [Music] [Music] [Music] there's something different sounding about this signal my guess is it's a dime [Music] but i'm really trying to tune into the [Music] sounds it is a penny uh [Music] okay okay [Music] okay here we go look at that look at that look at that solid 45. [Music] more than half a scale down the iron number is high [Music] what it could be is one item masking another that is a cherry-picking signal right there [Music] come on mama needs a new pair of shoes [Music] come on nope oh that sure looked good but it was a dimmy all right keep going don't go emo keep going man keep going [Music] this is like the same signal [Music] um [Music] probably same result but we gotta dig it 45 has work on this [Music] [Music] nope demi [Music] hello [Music] wow here we go again comes in much lower when i turned even a wedi i'll take at this point i got one today that's it [Music] giving me high numbers come on really caliente rock oh i found a meteorite jeff's laughing yep yeah it's from the uh the great meteor impact of uh 19 uh you know what everything bad happened either in 2001 or 2020 so great meteor impact of one of those years uh [Music] [Music] uh okay here we go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that sounds good [Music] yes uh [Music] oh caramba let's see can we get that to repeat again yo yep absolutely okay here we go huh all right right now we are 10 inches down let's look around but i don't think it's gonna be a go oh here we go oh i'm trying buddy make it skilva oh it is coin at least i think we're on the wheat okay well finally it flexed its muscles this is the type of uh signal that you can pull you know this was a wheat cent or i'm trying to see can you see a date on this oh boy oh yeah we're both we're both blind yeah the blind leading the blind oh i'll start putting this back and then i'm heading over to your signal yeah i want to see if i got mine too and similar to yours 1951 it looks like 1951 10 inches down so we actually would need to go even deeper than that it could be a 40 41 i'm sorry it's it's still within the last hundred years yeah 41 1941 i think okay cool that's something that's promising that's the silver error yeah okay let's stomp on this thanks buddy no problem i want to see if uh it's what i would think oh yep i got you [Music] i would say dime time no it's not deep [Music] this would be like four or five inches [Music] all right let's see if we can find another one of those super deep signals not deep enough no you know what all the power that's what we got to do let's jack this up and let's actually put the mask on [Music] yo it was a ring get out of here oh yeah you got tacos my friend you're a beast well there you go and you were right about the depth every once in a while right you know congratulations pound that there you go man here we go [Music] could be a weedy but no no [Music] [Music] oh you know that means that you're really starting to notice the difference in the [Music] sounds [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] three quarter then again when the sensitivity is jacked up it is not the most accurate target id [Music] i heard something in here okay we got a dimmy go go go go merry-go yeah that's what threw it off there's something else [Music] [Music] okay turn down the sensitivity to 26 open up the mask [Music] [Music] there we go that's deep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] and what you could do is you could flip it over let's flip it over to automatic oh nothing oh no there's something quick i might have something down here i heard something yep i have a feeling ancient aluminum foil oh yep look at this ancient aluminum foil great [Music] all right let's test the hole again [Music] um [Music] [Music] all right one more dig let's see [Music] i'm not hearing a strong enough signal yeah and a blip in the threshold being that we have minutes left let's call this signal dead deed it's a deed signal you ever see so i married an ex-murderer you kind of had to live the 90s to appreciate it i suppose it's a very nice movie but dude he says he'd forehead what
Channel: Metal Detecting NYC
Views: 22,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting new york city, metal detecting, learn to metal detect, coin shooting, metal detecting channels, metal detecting youtube, metal detecting nyc, lost vacation, detectorist, family friendly metal detecting, learn how to metal detect, live metal detecting, metal detector, equinox 800, minelab etrac, minelab e trac, e trac metal detector, detecting nyc, nyc metal detecting, metal detecting finds
Id: lASDmLk7hQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 38sec (12578 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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