LIVE A320 TUTORIAL - Detailed Lesson in the A320NX (Beginners & Intermediate Pilots)

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um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so good evening friends subscribers and channel members so tonight we're doing another one of our airbus a320 tutorial flights and the idea is of course if you can get yourself in the simulator and we're going to do a flight together you and me hopefully we'll have some learning along the way and we'll have a a nice short flight hopping across the the irish sea between belfast and manchester so it is only a short hop but we're going to spend a bit of time on the ground getting everything ready and of course make sure that we do everything that we need to do to get you guys familiar with any procedures or and ask any questions that you've got so that's the idea behind this flight as you can see i've not even set up yet because i'm going to go through absolutely everything with you uh tonight in in the stream so let me just get rid of the little timer there now that's done and i'm all set up so if you've not yet launched the simulator get the simulator launched you're certainly not too late um what we're going to do is we're going to get set up on the ground at belfast airport you don't need to create a flight plan or anything like that i've gone ahead done everything like that for you uh the only thing you will need is the abus a320 mod it doesn't matter which version it is as long as it has some brief integration the reason for that is because i'm going to allow you to obviously come in and use my username so that we're all flying the same flight plan together and it'll all work hopefully seamlessly so go and get the uh go and get your simulator fired up and then we're going to get on the ground at uh as i say at belfast christian good evening give you an hour to start the sim in that case my friend you've got far too much junk in that community folder of yours so i'm going to go to the world map we're also we'll fly in real live weather but we'll we'll change the time so we can fly during our daylight hours so here it is belfast aldegrove that we're uh that we're after so pick yourself a parking stand we're going to be taking off from runway zero seven uh what i'm going to do now is also just show you that we've also got the navigraph charts to have a look at as well if you don't have navigraft charts that doesn't matter but what you will see is the benefit of having them and it'll also show you where it is i'm getting my information from and it may hopefully help to understand how the charts are used as well so if you do have those charts available to hand then you can bring those up and hopefully this will help you guys as as well so here's the parking stands as you can see in accordance with the navagraph charts so which one should i pick uh let's pick uh let's pick number 29 uh or 29a which is in the corner uh oh 29 appears to be missing uh tell you what let's go with 28 then so we'll set that as our departure set that going up uh emil 69 can i show you how to program a holding pattern into the computer sadly it's not yet available as soon as it is i promise i'll do a little tutorial on that it's actually quite straightforward once it is working but alas sadly not yet so all i want you guys to do is get yourself sat on the ground pick a parking stand i've just picked pakistan 28 oh no i haven't i've just deleted it again there we go pakistan 28 i'm on live weather um i'll jump into the simulator just the time once where once we're in there i'm not flying on vat sim we've got no air traffic control no other aircraft to worry about so i suggest you guys do the same turn off all ai aircraft so you can just concentrate on the stream and yourself in flying the uh flying the aircraft so let me click fly and now we just have to look at this splash screen for two or three minutes while that loads up but if you do have any questions then i don't want to rush tonight i want to be able to take as much time as we need and you guys can obviously ask questions as we uh as we go along what i'm also going to do just once that loads up is i'm going to give you a pdf copy of the flight plan so that is now available in the chat if you click on that link that will take you take you to there so there's the flight plan which i'll show you in a minute if you link my sim brief username into the aircraft you'll be able to you'll be able to use that and also have it on the flypad which is really really nice nice new feature that fly by wise recently introduced uh john your sound pack is not working self-loading cargo can i make a video for it um do you know a lot of people have asked me about this i may even do i may do uh but south africa is quite nice and straightforward that's one of the reasons i like it we're going to use it tonight actually we'll have some virtual virtual passengers on online so here we go here's belfast just loading in and there we are nice easyjet the custom delivery for the channel these jet sim pilot livery looking very nice this evening uh crystal i'm not going to try out the crj 700 i don't if you were in the stream earlier today um i am going to be giving a free copy of that away in a stream later on this week um as for actually flying it myself i'm not the only reason i'm not flying it myself is because you know that this channel is dedicated to doing everything as close to reality and as possible uh and i just don't have the time to learn uh all the new features and i don't want to do airsoft a a disservice by just jumping in and flying it any old way if i was going to do it i would do it 100 buy the book and uh i just haven't got the time at the moment sadly to be able to do that but i will be giving a free copy away aerosoft have donated a copy to the channel which we will be giving away so if this is your first time on the channel then make sure you uh hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell so you know when that's happening uh christian no no multiplayer on as i say just gonna concentrate on ourselves this evening so as i say i'm not rushing this through just for anyone that does want to fly along with me i'm just going to let you guys get uh the simulator all set up and then what i will do now is i'll head into the head into the flight deck and i'm just going to adjust the time because i don't like flying at night that's not true i actually really quite like flying at night in this simulator but uh on a tutorial let's pop some daylight in so i'll just roll the clock back uh 12 hours so what time is it 8 42 if we go back exactly 12 hours it just makes the time a little easier to a little easier to comprehend so um that looks interesting it's part of that building missing or is that how it's meant to be how strange is that what uh is that what belfast aldergrove really looks like off the building missy uh right so i want to have a look outside now and see that's interesting uh this is a modded airport as well this is a free mod from flightsim.t.o so go and grab yourselves that that is the wrong way we shall be departing from runway zero seven so let's now slowly start getting in getting on board and and setting up so first thing i want you to do is get the fly pad turned on whilst that's turning on we're going to turn on those batteries one and two there we go once that flypad is on then we can go to our ground services page and we can call our external power uh merger blues good evening you had to walk around manchester airport today oh you mean in real life fair enough i forgot what real life was there for a moment uh yeah there's some great spotting areas there's loads of mud uh but very very worth it particularly when of course we've got more aircraft that are actually coming into land uh right so our ground power unit is now there as you can see with the amber lights flashing through the flight deck i wishes oba would fix fix that but never mind so now the ground power unit is hooked up we can actually connect that and start drawing the external power into into the aircraft so let's go ahead and turn on external power and there we go and now what i'm going to do is we're going to start our flows for the overhead panel so the first thing we're going to do is turn on the crew oxygen supply come all the way up and then turn on the the ideas number one first number two followed by the backup which is number three number one for uh pilot number two for the first officer's side and number three as a backup so the next thing we can do we can turn on the navigation and logo lights let the people on the ground know that there are people here and we can turn on our seat belt signs we can turn on the no smoking signs and we can arm the emergency lights as well once we've done that we're going to work our way up and turn on the fuel pumps now i do this quite a little bit differently in the real ops streams just because at the moment we've not technically got the fuel loaded on uh which we're going to do in a moment through the through the mcdo and sim brief integration you would not turn the fuel pumps on until your fuel had been loaded and you would not turn the seatbelt signs on either until all your fuel had been loaded the last thing you want is a fire starting as they're refueling and all your passengers strapped in so we wait until refueling is done before uh turn the fuel pumps on and and the seatbelt signs okay so all of those are done one last thing then before starting before starting the apu is you can do an engine fire test so engine test one engine 2 and of course the apu and i'm not sure if i've shown you this before actually but you do actually get if i just bring that out so you can see there's the rpe cam if we do have an engine fight and we test it you'll see the uh you'll see the alerts coming as well on the ecam there we go so they do work on there as well let me just close that down then so now we can start to get the the apu running as well again something else i wouldn't normally do until we've done refueling but for this tutorial tonight we'll turn on the apu wait three seconds before hitting the start button so that's enough time and the apu is now starting so the apu is a little jet engine in the back of the aircraft which if we sat here for long enough you would be able to hear it because the fly-by-wire guys have done a fantastic job at adding all these sounds in you can hear that just starting now and of course the warning lights run as well uh lewis how do i pull out the display great question okay well the first thing uh next thing i'm going to do actually you can do that with any of the displays and quite importantly you can do it with your fly pad so if you press on your keyboard the right alt key you'll see it turns into a little magnifying glass with a plus icon in there so if you press press that and then you can see we've got that's just opened on my second monitor so i've just dragged that across for you but there it is and this is really useful actually when typing away on the on the flypad because if i now go to the company page i can type in and i want you guys to do the same as well you can use my username easy jet sim pilot uh if i spell correctly try again sim pilot there we go and you're not then actually sending any commands to the aircraft through the simulator so uh it's better to be typing stuff in on the flypad when it's in a window rather than in the simulator itself that is one of the causes that some people have got sending their aircraft doing deaf things banking hard left hard right because you're actually sending controls as they're key binded in the simulator to some of the control surfaces which means you start to steer the aircraft unknowingly while typing away so now we've got easyjet sim pilot in there i can just close that down i can go back to the dashboard and we can press from sim brief and that should load in oh actually no it won't loading because i've not loaded it in on the mcdo yet but we're going to do that in a moment um sir gosh why can't we hear the engines barking in the a320 nx we can in the vanilla version in the a320 you can't actually hear it in the flight deck that well you can in the a321 but not in the a320 if you want to bring that back you can actually hear it if you start we can do it actually but if you can hear it when you're in the cabin so if we've got a wing view like this or sat in the cabin you will hear that but one of the things you can do in this version is if you go to the settings you can actually turn it on ptu audible in the cockpit and then in brackets unrealistic so you can turn that on or off if you want to hear that there you are so just go back to the go back to the dashboard all right i'm going to come down here and start pulling information in from sim brief now this is where i said you guys don't need a uh don't need a flight plan all set up for this because i'm going to let you use mine good evening hd go easy on us tonight we're uh low-level tutorialing so hey if we if you want to use mine no problem using that go to the mcdo menu then go to the options page go to uh aoc then to sim brief and just type in this username here easyjet sim pilot so if you guys want to go ahead and do that i'll just give you a 30 seconds or so uh john i'm using the i'm actually using the custom the custom build just because uh i find it a lot nicer to fly i've recently done a video on that actually explaining the difference between the custom the developer and the and the stable build so go and check that out on the channel if you want any of those questions answered regarding the difference but the custom build is much nicer to fly and and much easier uh um off why do i call it the mcdo because it's easy to say in the multifunctional computer display unit control display unit that's a mouthful that and i like mcdonald's uh hd you can answer low level fair point adjusting autopilot help would be good one of the different setting squeeze no problem stick with us justin we're going to go through go through all of those okay so if you've got easy jets in pilot now to typed in to typed into that let's come out of there and just press the do menu and go back to the atsu and we're going to pull information in from sim brief now so aoc menu and init press so this way we download the information from sim brief server into the simulator not into the aircraft so in it data request let's pull that in there we go 38 minute flight belfast to manchester fuel on board at the moment nine and a half tons well that's crazy we don't need that much especially this aircraft as it doesn't burn fuel correctly at the moment so that is the actual fuel on board the aircraft at the moment that is not how much we will uh we will be taking uh christian yeah there's now a mcdo at the mcdonald's in in hanover that was great spotting that wasn't it okay so now uh the information has been downloaded from the sim brief server what we need to put in is our uh passenger weights and the fuel that is required so aoc menu we're going to go to our performance weights and balance page so this is the fuel that our operational flight plan is telling us that it thinks we need to be able to complete this flight as you can see those figures match up three one one two down here three one one two it is not the fuel up here okay you need to plan block fuel that's just the fuel uh for that's just the fuel for the trip and taxi things like that it hasn't got your final reserves in fuel for your contingency so this is the planned block fuel that we need to have a look at three one one two make sure that matches up it does if it uh if we're happy with that we then press the reload sorry refuel and the load button so we press that we can confirm that the fuel is actually entering the aircraft by watching the gross weight just here so the gross weight at the moment is five nine six hundred i expect that to go down in a minute because we're technically going to take fuel off so let's pop that in there we go it's now 53 253.2 tons we're now going to check out the weights of our passengers so let's uh scroll over to page two of two using the arrow keys here we go so the payload for the passengers sim brief tells us it's 151 passengers and a payload of 15.7 tons 15704 and again you can match that up just there 15704 that all looks good we can also check out the zero fuel weight so that's the weight of the aircraft with all the passengers on board all the luggage but no fuel and that's 56.7 so your fuel weight 56.7 that matches up nicely as well so we can go ahead and press the payload load button select that again just watch the gross weight of the aircraft change when we load that in that's now done and now the gross weight is 59.7 tons let's have a look at our estimated takeoff weight so 59 six so it's estimating that we're going to use about uh about 100 tons sorry about 100 kilograms of fuel in in the taxi which is probably a little on the optimistic side but for the simulator that's absolutely fine okay one of the other things we need to do then is just check this out we've got the zero fuel weight center of gravity well since the last sim update we now need to pop that in this bar here so this is the empty center of gravity position so let's set that to 30. so that matches up there we go and we can also take note of the center of gravity just here so the actual center of gravity now with the fuel passengers everything on board will be 32.5 rounded up and that's important for our trim setting in a little bit uh so christian am i on the custom build yes uh yes i am uh christian we did the fire test warning um and the master warning button it worked ah it depends my custom build is from yesterday so they may have added something that uh that has broken it that's why i always like to be a day behind uh just do i round up the zero fuel weight etc when going to the decimal yeah always round up so let's close that close that down now then that's all done i'm going to uh let our self-loading cargo passengers start boarding just add a little bit of realism to this sorry my self-loading cargo's just dinging away at me there we go so let's get that started they're all going to be angry because they're quite late but we're ready for boarding agent smith when you install custom build many app buttons we're in up well that's interesting cabin crew we can open the doors thanks very much okay no problem all right so everything now in terms of the fuel and the passenger weights are all into and are all entered down here let's come and just check have we got any stairs to to play with i think we have excellent let's now press the information from sim brief here on the flypad now we've actually linked it in to into the mcdo and that should now populate there we go okay back to the ground page and we should be able to call our passenger services if that works try that again oh there we go and the doors opened lovely so the passengers are going to start boarding once we let them on board we're going to do a couple more things then so the weather here in belfast we are on live weather just not on live time we can get the weather using the dashboard as well which is really nice now so the current q a here in belfast is one zero three seven so we can come along here set up the uh the center instrument panel so let's turn up the standby instrument one zero three seven i think load sheet functions hd come with really advanced aircraft which like you say would be nice nice to see at some point one zero three seven was that right let me double check that that's high that's very high one zero three seven okay uh check the clock yep about an hour 12 hours behind normal time as we wanted to fly in daylight uh agent smith i'm using self-loading cargo we also want to check that the ant skid is turned on come down to the pedestal now check that none of the flat levers are in the wrong place all the spoilers the thrust levers are also at idle happy with that we also need to turn on the transponder soon this should never actually be touched this should always be turned on this uh this bottom one and fly by wire are actually uh looking at that at the moment they've got a little update which is always going to leave this turned on so that'll be quite nice to see when when that happens so just turn that on for now there we go so up to the glare shield then or the flight control unit fcu also known as the auto panel uh autopilot unit we're going to set the standard pressure up here one zero three seven it really is highlight one zero three seven millibars okay one zero three seven we're going to turn flat directors on one and two turn the constraints on as well and i've just extended the range rings on there just so we can have a look out the window anymore out a little further on the plan once i import the flight plan in so now that's done irs is already aligned that's all done let's turn up the brightness of these displays now and the ecam displays i'm going to turn off the first offices displays to save frame rate apu is now available so we can start pumping in some bleed air keep the cabin nice and fresh so now we're going to come and set up the actual uh flight computer for uh for the flight and this is where the um the flypad comes into its own now that we've actually got the dispatch operational flight plan here on on the flight pad and we can move it up and down freely with the latest update and of course zoom in so that's good okay so the first thing we're going to do is come now to our in its page and it's the in a page gps primary showing there in the scratch pad that's just let us know the ideas are aligned so we can press clear to clear that what we want to do now is press enter request and this uplinks everything from the simulator now into the aircraft's actual navigation computer so select that upload uplink insert in progress so there we are there's the alternate birmingham flight number cost index of eight and a cruise flight level two five zero and a temperature of minus 34 now we can obviously check all this so let's just check cost index is eight and two five zero minus 34. cost index there has eight flight level two five zero and the cruise temperature here is actually showing -41 so we can go ahead and change that to do that uh we just pop a slash as it comes after that and pop eight oh not 41 minus 41 there we go we can also have a look at the tropical side the simulator is showing three four nine fifty if we come back over here drop fours three four nine six nine so realistically there's not much difference i'm happy to leave that sometimes they are well out so go with the operational flight plan and and change that so uh there we go uh james i thought mda or dh is for autopilot uh right okay so we can talk about this a little bit in the cruise if you wish but the minimum descent altitude is not for auto lands minimum send altitude is what uh what you'd normally do decision height is only when you're doing an auto land uh okay so that's our init a page all sorted we're now going to come and have a look at our flight plan so our flight plan today as you can see uh from belfast the first waypoint is lisboa now again if we double check that there is the first waypoint at lisbon strangely enough belfast doesn't have any standard instrument departures and we can check that on on our charts if we these are the charts for belfast aldegrove standard instrument departures it just has a departure routing which is here and all it tells us is that by the time we get to lisbon we need to be above 4 000 feet which should be very doable particularly as if we also have a look at one of the departure briefings uh noise abatement if we're going to be specific with those climb on runway track to 2000 feet before commencing any turns so essentially what we will do is we will take off runway 7 and then we'll get to 2000 feet before turning direct towards uh lisboa we could in fact uh just come direct to ringa at that point if if we so wished so let me just clear that for you all right let's we do need to tell the aircraft however which room where we're departing from so departing from runway07 to do that we just select belfast at the top departure runway zero seven and there we go we're going via lizbo uh do we have a transition on our flight route uh i did to do pebbart guitar mersey this is sometimes where the charts are important it will be peppered i don't think actually we're flying so we're flying past any of those i've got none of those strangely enough we're certainly not going by nimat and we're not going by the the isle of man as we're taking the lima 603 so unless the lima 603 actually goes via the isle of man which it doesn't so we're going to have to just leave that because we can't we can't delete that we'll leave the isle of manning insert that okay now let's have a look at our arrival so our arrival in manchester is runway two three right just by the airport pub and it's the mersey two delta arrival so click on manchester arrival ils two three right the mersey two alpha was it the mersey two alpha oh sorry mercy two delta mercy two delta one more mersey two delta uh i'll go back and have a look at that hd i don't think it was going to let me do it but so mersey 2 delta let's just get the arrival in and for some reason manchester is a bit of a bugged airport here in the simulator it will always want us to go via the mike charlie tango vor which is basically a voir at the airport itself i don't want to do that because if we have a look at what the chart shows us for this arrival basically it should take us in to wallacy and then stops at mersey after mersey we would get vectors from air traffic control what the simulator wants us to do is to come from mersey and then just go straight towards the manchester vor instead what we will do because we can't get rid of it is we will vector ourselves in so we're going to show you how to vector ourselves in on on this approach when when we get to it there should be an option or rather there is an option it says no vias if i select that however so we've got no vias in there no transitions and insert that we'll see that it actually will still let me just scroll down it's still got the mic charlie tango in there which is a pain also scrolling through this i see that we've got lizbo now in there twice due to the isle of man uh waypoint being popped in so let me try and uh do that again so runway zero seven uh via elizabeth in fact you know what standard instrument departure maybe this is where it's confusing it let me pop in none there's no standard instrument departure uh insert ah there we go that's better so i think the confusion was the simulator was asking for a standard instrument departure there isn't one just uh say no no standards from departure it's not in the the flight routing and we've got now our waypoints that we needed lisbo uh lisboa peppad backpoe is on the q38 airway and there we are much better so a distance of 179 miles sorry 197 miles and a distance of 208 that is probably because of the messing about with our arrival into manchester but that's okay uh buster no you're not the only one having issues with manchester so this will be a great little tutorial on how to actually land in manchester and ignore what they uh ignore what the simulator wants you to do all right so that's all programmed in happy with our uh our flight plan now the other thing that we can do is if we just have a look at our departure we can pop in the belfast vor in there into our radnev page and the only reason i do this is because if something went wrong um and i needed raw data you know i had to go back into cessna mode um i like to have a vor there i like to be able to flick that button know how i can get back to that airport in in the event of an emergency so belfast vor b e l we can go to the rad nav page pop that in bravo echo lima and there we go zero nautical miles so it's obviously the the top one there we are so that's redna page all populated so the init b page then we're going to have a look at now so init page and then the arrow this is our fuel planning page i'm going to stop in a little bit just to let anyone catch up or ask questions but hd is there in the chat as well so very grateful to him any questions you've got uh if i've missed them i'm sure hd is picking those up for me so the zero fuel weight again we can get off the operational flight plan so our zero fuel weight is 56.7 let's pop that in 56.7 and we had a standard center of gravity zero fuel weight is 30. so the last thing we need to enter then is our tripwind now the tripwind can be found just here we've got a tailwind of 36 so that's going to help on our short trip to manchester tailwind of 36 if it was a headwind it would be a h so h 36 or t 36 so tail wind of 36 and we literally just type in t 3 6 or h 3 6 if it was a headwind and pop that in just there we're now going to press the fuel planning button what will this will do is the aircraft will tell us how much fuel it thinks it needs to make that journey with the alternate as as well so we have loaded in already three tons which seems rather low actually but it'll be fine for this aircraft so let's type in let's hit the fuel planning button and see what this suggests so it's saying 2.4 we've got three tons 3000 kilograms on board that's fine what we're going to do now is we're going to change that block fuel figure we're not going to confirm it because we're actually taking a little bit more so let me pop 3.0 in three tons and pop that in there and in a second all these weights will populate there we are so what things i i check now is the alternate it's telling me i needed 300 kilograms 0.3 tons to get to our alternate if we come over here it tells me actually the alternate we're going to need closer to 800 kilograms so 0.8 so i can now go in type in 0.8 and that will also increase the time to 90 minutes as well our takeoff weight is 59.6 let's have a look 59.6 spot on um and our landing weight now this is where the sim will differ from the flight plan because the sim doesn't burn fuel correctly so the landing weight is suggesting is 58.5 58.5 tons landing weight 58.3 so slightly heavier it is a short route so that's that's probably why that's actually quite close okay so i can also now just press the fuel prediction page it tells me i should have land at manchester with 1.8 tons of fuel remaining so that's uh that's good all right just before we go into our takeoff performance uh page and calculations i'm just going to wait a second for anyone that is flying along with me tonight just to catch up or pop any questions in into the chat uh buster the only question you have is that simreef doesn't give you an approach or runway in the flight plan don't know if you're doing it wrong or you need to leave steroids out of it to work okay so it could be the air act cycle but even then the air exci without uh the most up-to-date air accidentally should still give you a runway now if i just bring in my operational flight plan here then i have got i have got this set up to use the easyjet operational operational flight plan layout the reason i use that is obviously i'm more familiar with the easyjet way of working and i also just like the format in general so for instance the arrival runway is shown here manchester and it's runway two three right and the preceding waypoint if you like instruction is the actual arrival it's the mersey two delta arrival that uh that we're using today so that's where you get your arrival and that's where you get your arrival arrival runway so if we're happy with that then we shall continue in fact i'm just going to bring that back in because we're now going to use our takeoff performance calculator which is a website uh that i've just inadvertently closed down i think let me open that back up again uh there we go so take a note down of that website great little website free to use of course and we can just use our a3 1920 takeoff performance calculator obviously make sure this is set to the a320 it's not the a320 neo but for the simulator it's certainly close enough so we're going to type in here then we're departing from echo golf alpha alpha which is belfast hit the metal button we shall get the latest weather so 360 at seven so if i actually have a look here at the charts for belfast there is another runway we could use runway three five which may be better for the winds it's a very short runway so we'd have to use flaps three for uh for that take off flaps three toga uh i'm going to continue for now just for the tutorial anyway and continue to use runway zero seven but we need to be aware of that that we may have a little crosswind on departure of seven knots so the wind is three six zero at seven so it's coming from the north three six zero and it will be blowing us from the left over towards the right as we depart so we need to be alright we need to be aware of that aware of that uh on cabin badger when you set up your flight plans how do i know which arrival transition to use uh for any given runway uh right okay so the arrival i think i've just gone gone over that that is shown on the operational flight plan so that is the arrival that is the runway in terms of which um transition you're using so transitions aren't always used usually at bigger airports but certainly the initial approach fix is used and strangely enough i'm not sure manchester here on this particular approach has the initial approach fix basically you just get vectored in by air traffic control but the last approach fix on this approach is the mersey waypoint just there so if it was an option in the in the flight plan mersey will be the last waypoint if i come to the ils you can see here there are no waypoints to speak of just just distances from the mike charlie tango vor which is probably why the simulator just wants us to go straight to the mic charlie tango vor fly out do a little horseshoe loop and then and then come back in so let me just get rid of that and let's have a look at continuing to do our performance calculations for takeoff so we've got the weather so our takeoff weights then let's have a look take off weight 59.6 oh so 59616 we can actually then pop that in exactly five nine six one six five nine six one six of course in the real world you'd have to do more calculations because the chances are that that might not be exact you may be burning more fuel on the ground you may have passengers offloading etc etc but certainly for a simulator that's good enough okay so we've already said we're going to depart from runway zero seven now the next question is are we using the full runway or are we using an intersection of the runway and just to show you what i mean if i come back here you can see that the taxiway where so we're parked over here and we're going to taxi all the way down here down taxiway charlie across this runway then we're going on delta to hold here at delta one if we want to use the full length of the runway we'd have to obviously enter the active runway turn right back track and then turn around to use the full length of the runway well we don't need to do that it's a long enough runway we should be able to take off here right from this intersection of delta one in that case what i'm going to do now is tell it that's where we're going to depart from so we're going to take off from taxiway delta so we've got our weight it's got the weather we've told it which one we're using whereabouts we're taking off from taxiway delta i'm now going to hit calculate and see what it says there we go there's the flex temp so our flex temp for our takeoff today is 68 degrees so i'm going to pop that in in a moment and that's how we do our takeoff calculations so to pop those in we go to the performance page and let's fill these out so the transition altitude here is uh we need to find those on the charts or atis would tell us standard instrument departure charts usually uh have that information on there so there we go the transition attitude is six thousand feet i'll come to that in a moment hd uh so transition up to six thousand feet which i've now just put in the thrust reduction that's a pain i'll go back and edit that in a moment flaps one for departure don't worry about filling out the trimmable horizontal stabilizer we can leave that and our flex temp of 68 that we have just calculated so hd asks does the takeoff runway available in the performance calculation match the charts that'll crosscheck so in order to find that uh is it on here yes it is so let's uh have a look so if we are using runway07 taxiway delta we should have 2 654 meters of runway to use and if we cross check that 2 654 meters so it works vital cross-check as hd suggests so happy with that the thrust reduction and acceleration altitude are all the same for this airport i'm not going to go into too much detail regarding that this evening uh let's calculate our v speeds now so v2 click it once we get 131 click it again it inserts it rotate 127 and v1 one two six so there are these speeds for uh for the departure all right so we've said we know what's happening on our departure we're gonna take off climb on room we're heading to 2000 feet before initiating a turn and it's easy for me to show you on the vfr map just uh just here so we will climb out to 2000 feet before turning to to lisbon realistically we could probably go direct to a peppered by by that point so with all of those now completed we would run the before start checklist but we've got a couple of things left to do our main door is still open as we can see down here and we also want to get rid of that external power so we can close that down we can close the main door actually we can't i've got 17 passengers still waiting to board come on get on board there we go they're now on board now we can close the door external power is disconnected we can tell him to uh well to go away politely off he goes thank you all right so now they've gone let's do our cockpit preparation checklist check that everything is as it should be so cotton preparation is now complete i'm going to lock the flight deck door as well our signs are on or auto if i can turn that one all the way on is that one all the way on yes it just didn't look like it so those signs are on the emergency signs are armed uh ideas we need to check have aligned and we've got three now green in order to do that we come to the data page and check the irs monitor three nav green that means the computer gyroscopes are all uh happy and working fuel quantity is loaded we're just burning fuel because of the ap running at the moment so about three tons we can check its balance by checking the fuel page and turn that off once we've done uh john where can we find the q a so you can either request the weather through them at do now or much easier you can go to the dashboard and as long as you've linked it with sim brief we've got the qnh there one zero three eight which is now changed one zero three eight so now that's changed final check we need to do that we need to do that change the q h on there and the other thing we need to do is we need to come back to our performance calculations because if we get that latest meta again has it changed there it is one zero three eight nothing else has changed everything else is uh the same hit calculate and just see if we're still showing uh oh right okay hang on runway zero seven there's our takeoff weight one zero three eight uh oh it's taken from away available appears to be uh blank why is that let me just reset that zero seven taxiway delta there we go two six five four calculate flex temp is till still 68 but as the qnh changed we needed to check that wasn't going to affect uh affect anything okay so that's uh that's all sorted flight management guidance computer is all programmed we've done that altimeter set and double checked as you've just seen so we've done the departure briefing we know what we're going to do take off hold the runway altitude at room we're heading until 2000 feet then we'll start banking right so i push back then get the push back clearance turn on the rotating beacon light and call our tug i'm using the pushback helper as well for that i'm not using it yet just on here i still prefer the pushback helper but you can use the ground feature this now works calling the tub driver just there uh michael i do i use a very recommended checklist if you get yourself into our discord server if someone could just bring that up in the chat for me then uh there is the pilot's briefing room on there that is full of fantastic manuals information checklists as written by our very own hd so get yourself in our discord server and everything you need will be in there as well as a lot of the information i'm providing you now on this stream and that's a lot of that is where that comes from so final thing to do before we push back is set the transponder to auto and now let's run the before start checklist below the line so windows and doors are closed and armed in fact they're closed are they armed i'm not sure i've asked the cabin crew to do that yet there we go so they're closing the doors making sure they're armed rotating beacon light is on parking brake is on we're gonna release that in a moment as we start our uh our push back and the parking brake is obviously shown there on the ecam to make sure that that's working properly so now it's time to start pushing back the tub driver is connected uh one thing i actually didn't mention one thing i didn't mention is our stop climb altitude for this departure it does uh show that really we just need to be above flight level uh above four thousand feet by by lizbo i don't think other than that it says anything else we'd normally be giving it here by air traffic control but there isn't any air traffic control online so we'll leave we'll set a stop climb altitude of 6000 feet for for now all right let's start pushing back so parking brake can come off back we go and now we can look to start the engine so engine mode selector to ignition and check that apu bleed is on which it is starting engine one ladies and gentlemen and channel members on behalf of the crew i ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors as we review the emergency procedures there are six emergency exits on this 320 meter please take a minute to locate the one closest to your envelope that it may be behind you count the number of rows to the exit should the cabin experience pressure lots stay calm and listen for instructions from the cabin crew oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat place the mask over your mouth and nose like this and pull the strap to tighten it if you are traveling with children make sure you put your own mask on first before helping others in the unlikely event of an emergency landing and evacuation leave your carry-on luggage and items behind liver rafts are located below your seats and emergency lighting in the floors will lead you to the closest exit we ask that you make sure that all carry-on luggage is stowed away safely during the flight while we wait for takeoff please take a moment to review the safety procedures on the card in the pocket in front of you electronic device must now be switched off or turned to airplane mode until we instruct you that it is again safe to use them our cabin service will commence once we are in flight if you are a frequent flyer with us you can now join the channel as a member and obtain extra perks to make your journey with us more enjoyable thank you for your attention and we hope you enjoy the flight [Music] that pushback driver is going to chop my wing off okay so now the push back is complete let's set the parking brakes and we'll also start engine two engine one is stabilized parking brakes on starting engine two um i believe for the neo it's an engine engine number one started first in in the neo the older aircraft was engine two something to do with the hydraulics i think okay so just reading the chat i think my mic was muted for a second there um yeah engine two started first in uh the older aircraft engine one in in the neo something to do with the the hydraulics so i just wait for engine 2 to stabilize uh captain b well done well done on the landing uh so if you're on the discord channel captain b then it is in the pilot briefing room for uh information regarding all the documentation that we have so engine two is now now available so engine mode select can come back to norm apu bleed can come off and actually looking at the skies that we've got i'm going to pop anti-ice on which means i need to just check one more thing so on these calculations we did you can see here that the packs we calculated to be off i also had anti-ice off i'm now going to go anti-ice all and just recalculate that see if we're still using the flex temp of 68 i see there we go so flex temp of 65 so there's a little change just there which i can now go and pop in so change that to 65 there we go apu coming off ground spoilers now armed flaps one the next thing we're going to do then is have a look at the pitch trim a lot of people ask me about this it's definitely something that's easier to show than it is to explain so if we come to the fuel page here you can see the center of gravity of the aircraft now is 32.5 all we need to do then is come down to the trim wheel uh which was control 6 as well just to get this view and then the arrows just have a look so 32.5 we could see the little white arrow or triangle there that we're trying to line it up to so look at the center of gravity there's 25 there's 30 there's 35 so 32.5 is almost bang between 30 and 35 isn't it so as long as you get that roughly between the two then that's now set up in in the correct place no b can i actually explain flex temp a little more yes after doing a lot of reading about it um but not tonight basically you're tricking the engines so the engines are going to work with uh what it believes is the power it needs to to get us off the uh get us off the ground uh we basically lie to the engines and tell them that the temperature outside the aircraft is a lot hotter than it actually is clearly it's not 65 degrees here in belfast uh but it means that the aircraft don't either the engines don't work to their full capacity because they don't need to and it saves wear and tear on the engines it's also a lot quieter saves a little bit of fuel too all right the next thing i'm going to do is run the after start checklist so anti-isis on eco status is checked nothing showing on there pitch stream we've just set 32.5 and check that the rudder is showing as zero we can now send that tug driver away off he goes we don't want to run him over so we'll just give him a second to get out of the way whilst he's doing that i'm going to check that my flight controls are working so down on the lower e cam so i'm going to move our side sticks full left full right neutral full up full down neutral and then the rudder full right full left neutral so they're working happy about that we're now ready to taxi the pushback is uh pushback took is clear he's going for a sandwich we now want to turn on our taxi lights we can now remove the parking brakes and let's just double check our taxi route so we are now here we're going to taxi out down there across the runway and line up oh well that's the whole short at delta one so just from an outside view it's down here across there cross that runway and hold short here let's go so how many guys are you uh actually flying this flight live now along with me and how many are sat enjoying a beer and a packet of crisps no i didn't know you could actually drag the tug around in the simulator that sounds like fun i love these upgraded little airports that people have done uh particularly these the the freeware ones as well where we've got taxi signs and uh pakistan numbers on on the taxiways great when flying online with fatso and things like that uh is the discord link not working all right i'll have a look at that in the cruise not sure what's happening happening with that i'll try and get that sorted for you guys so that was holding point charlie two we've just passed as you can see here so there was charlie two and i'm gonna pass charlie one in a moment across the runway no you can also open the doors while in flight yeah that probably would cause a bit of a problem i have seen people do that actually and on the lower ecam they get the depressurization warning which is nice so this is holding point delta two we'll hold a delta delta one in a moment and then we'll run through the rest of the checks that we that we need to do before we actually get airborne so here's holding point delta one all right so what we need to do now we've now we've stopped we're going to turn on the weather radar and the predictive wind shear that should also be at wx plus t which is basically weather showing weather and turbulence we're going to turn the transponder on in a moment we can leave it there for now but we're also going to turn on the auto brake we're going to ding the cabin tell them it's time they took their seats we can put the terrain raider on as well if we wished and we're going to uh press the to config button no i know we're not on batson not unboxing while doing a tutorial flight okay so the cabins are now ready as it is showing let's run our before takeoff checklist to the line so we've checked our flight controls we're familiar with the departure briefings when we're heading till 2000 feet then we'll make that right hand turn to flight on course initial stop climb is 6000 feet with no air traffic control online so uh it wouldn't matter too much for this if we actually went past that um the ecam memo is set to config no blue and the electronic flat back is uh all stowed we can also check these numbers as well so 126 blue which is v one one three one magenta which is v two climb and nav is armed and showing blue we've got six thousand feet there which matches six thousand feet here and we've got flight directors one and two turned on and we're doing a flex temp takeoff okay we're now ready to enter the active runway but before we can do that we need to check that the brake temperatures are fine which they are our brake fans are turned off if you happen to have them turned on check there's no aircraft on the approach path now we're going to turn the lights on so strobe lights runway turn off lights landing lights and the nose lights to take off we're going to turn packs one and two off and we'll pop those back on shortly after the departure and now the final checklist came in secured for takeoff engine mode select is norm tcas to t a r a and tilt above i'll just zoom in there so you can see that so t gas all the way over and then to tilt abv tilt above and turn on the transponder so now we're connecting to the active runway hd has that ever happened to you that's when they call the tug driver to come and get you off the runway so in a minute we'll commence the take off roll side stick half forward until passing 80 knots and then we start to release the side stick back to its neutral position so half forward back to normal by 100 knots so we're ready to go so this is the takeoff we start the chrono so we've got a timer there we go side stick forward advance the thrust levers to 50 and one as shown on the upper ecam display and then we set our flex temp take off thrust so that now shows man flex srs and runway auto thrust blue we're now at 100 knots side stick to neutral v1 which means we can now pull back and rotate and a bit of gusty wind just for good measure pulling the nose up then to 15 degrees gear up interesting we appear to be blown over from the right when the wind's coming from the left so in a minute this will flash climb thrust and we'll pull the thrust levers back so lower the nose now to 10 degrees to start accelerating away thrust levers to the climb detent we can now turn packs one and two back on we've passed two thousand feet we've also just passed s speed so flap zero ground spoil is disarmed and we can start that turn towards our first waypoint thrust climb power and climb and nav green so the aircraft will now target 250 knots below 10 000 feet and there is the engines rolling back as we've hit 250 knots so the autopilot isn't on yet no need to know to pilot on quite so soon let's get it on track and then we'll turn it on the simulator prefers it that way as well oh hd i was about 10 seconds behind you so if we stop our climb at 6000 feet we just lower that nose you can see the engine is rolling back to hold 250 knots there's no air traffic control line so we can go ahead and uh climb to our cruising flight level which today is flight level 240 so engage that two four zero blue and correction we need to set standard pressure then flight level two four zero blue the aircraft is still climbing at 1 400 feet per minute that's absolutely fine christians you know i didn't really notice any problems with the flat drag just then so it may be it may be so we're now going direct to that first waypoint which is lisbo i'm going to tell you that actually do you know what we can just clear that enter destination data we can go direct to the next one which was peppered so let's pop that in temporary we can confirm direct so now if we turn on autopilot one we should bank left as it takes us to peppard uh hd was it because i'd not actually got autopilot engaged at that point ladies and gentlemen you may now use your electronic devices rechargeable battery packs are available for your smartphones and tablets please use leave the strobe lights on and the aircraft should now look to just follow the the flight plan hopefully oh okay fair enough hd maybe that's something that's to fly by guys we'll let fix at the subpoint so the fly by guys as well are also wanting to very soon release the custom autopilot build but before they do that they want to fix fuel burn and things like that so i believe that's actually next on the agenda looking forward to that uh well that's strange particularly as i uh had just briefed that we needed anti-ice on that's my bad we actually planned for that we even did a uh performance calculation didn't we slapping across the knuckles for me or around the back of the head we said we'd need anti-ice on for this and the aircraft just confirmed that so we're going to be at our cruise altitude very soon buster will we be doing an ils landing yes we shall yes uh so the outer tank fuel is probably easy to show a little bit on on here isn't it so if i bring up the fuel page so we've got five tanks in the a320 the two outer tanks which are at the ends of the wings so obviously the left outer tank the right outer tank you've then got the two inner tanks and then when they drop below kilograms of fuel fuel is pumped from the outer tanks to the inner tanks and that's what that little message on there means so very very short flight we can start looking at our approach very soon realistically we would uh we did briefly approach a little bit whilst we were on the ground which we would do because we're just not in the air long enough to plan it nicely i'm glad you missed it as well hd so we passed ten thousand feet as well the other thing we can do is we can turn on airports on the navigation display also check the progress page uh not sure why the cruise appears to be uh blank it's keyed in there flat little two five zeros bit strange i've set two four zero there as well so let's correct that fly level two five zero and confirm two five zero blue just there it definitely wasn't wet on the ground in belfast uh werner miller will will what video be on youtube we're on youtube aren't we okay so you may have seen a notification pop-up just down here enter destination data well that is because we're uh we're close enough to the airport now that the aircraft's getting ready to land so it needs some information to facilitate that so if we go to our make do menu go to the atsu menu go to the aoc menu and get a weather report for manchester so weather request manchester's already keyed in there let's send that send that off and as you can see we're only 120 miles away from manchester if you want to know exactly how far we are away from manchester i go to the red nav page type in the mike charlie tango vor mike charlie tango which is based at manchester airport or when will it yeah this will be available after the stream is finished so you can come back and replay it anytime you wish and obviously fly alongside it so mike charlie tango vor we are 117 miles away and we can also turn that on just here and you'll see that now displays 150 miles away so we're now approaching our cruise altitude fight level 250 speed alt star and nav uh luca pavan is tcas working on this aircraft i believe it does but not if you're on vatsim okay so we've got a company message that company message is uh that company message is the weather report we've just requested so go to our aoc menu messages received i'm going to collect that and i'm going to print it off and that's not just a gimmick i'll show you why that's quite useful in a moment so let's plan our arrival just while that's printing off shall we so we're doing the mersey two charlie alright sorry mercedes 2 delta arrival which begins here at a gig 2 and then we come in here at mersey now the maximum hold we're not going to do a hold but maximum flight level there is five level one four zero then from mercy we're going to vector ourselves in so we're basically going to fly along here around in a big arc and come line up with the ils at manchester now the manchester platform altitude is 3500 feet so when we are at uh mersey then i'm quite happy to be at an altitude of uh around well flat final one four zero is absolutely fine we can leave mercedes one four zero get down and come in insert the the ils maximum speed however of 230 knots yeah anti-ice is staying on for the duration as it's not quite sat saturated air temperature if it's minus 40 or below minus 41 minus 42 then anti-ice can come off hd i'm a big fan of situational awareness and i've been grown up in cessna's i like my vors okay so let's just plan this then and we're going to plan this using the top of the descent calculator on on here so if we go to the performance and our top descent calculator so if i sync that there we go altitude 2500 feet or flight level two five zero if i want to be at uh let me just bring this out so i can type into it without affecting the aircraft so if i want to be at flight level one four zero and i'm going to start i want a nice gentle descent of 1500 feet per minute i need to start that descent 54 miles away from that mercy waypoint now the way to work that out at the moment is we have to use the range rings on on here so the mersey waypoint is even actually showing it might not be sure you know because the uh so it should come after wallacey do we have it in no we don't can i pop that in manually so after wallace here which might be able to type this in m i r s i enter that there does it come in no it doesn't so that's a bit of a pain and to be fair i don't mind showing that all that happening on a tutorial video because i know a lot of people get frustrated when the sim doesn't do as we expect it to so we're going to vector ourselves in basically we can also use the charts so from wallacy if we fly a track heading of 061 that's going to take us close enough to where the mersey waypoint would be so we'll do it the old-fashioned way thank you i think we've just got time for the uh cabbie crew to delay out a drink or two we are about to serve a selection of alcoholic drinks please make sure your tray table is in the down position and clear any items from the island if you would like to upgrade to premium brands super stickers and super chats are available if you are a frequent flyer with us you can now join the channel as a member and get extra perks to make your journey with us more enjoyable thank you uh carson the giveaway for the crj shall be later this week make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn on the notification bell for uh for that uh so captain b you bring up a good point well let's have a look if i had to do a go-around we find the information just here if i had to do a go around we would do exactly as we were told to do at the top so i missed approach we climbed to 3500 feet straight ahead until we passed 700 750 feet uh or a distance of zero from the uh from the localizer or 0.3 miles from the mike charlotte tango another reason to have it in and then we would let air traffic control tell us what they wanted to do so eventually we'd just have to vector ourselves in so currently 68 miles away from manchester i'm actually going to turn off that airport display just so we can see exactly what's happening there so from wallacy that is where i'm going to fly a heading of 061 degrees good evening willie good to see you captain b no problem also note hd we're at um we're at alt another alt cruise we're not high enough for all crews is that correct there's another general uh general question for him so this is the nice bit of the flight let's have a look at that weather printout now shall we so let's rip that off collect it and this is where it becomes really useful so we want to come to our performance page onto the approach part the approach phase and we click next phase and here's where we're going to pop this information into the q h at manchester is one zero three three the temperature is eight degrees uh hd yeah i'll go back and do that in a sec and the wind is three two zero at six three two zero at six transition altitude at manchester is normally found on here if not it will be on here 5 000 feet the minimum descent altitude as we're not doing an auto land we don't need to the weather's good enough minimum altitude for a cat c aircraft is four four nine four hundred and forty nine feet and we pop that in the mda decision night is only used if you're doing a full ils auto land approach uh so how far away we do we need to start that descent uh 50 miles away so we're gonna start that descent to flight level one four zero so i'm going to select that i'm going to pull which pops us into open descent sadly doesn't work too well yet in in the sim so i'm then going to engage vertical speed as well and we're going to descend at 1700 feet per minute i'm also going to pull the speed bug as i want to hold uh well that was interesting might you're not high enough for mike are we uh in that case let's leave manage mode engaged shall we so thrust idle vertical speed and 1700 feet per minute and we've got flight level 140 programmed in let me have a look uh yeah because cruz i don't know why that was blank that would normally show our cruise attitude which was not that it matters now it was 2-5-0 can i actually put in i don't know i don't know if i can enter that no i can't enter that never mind it doesn't matter so normally you'd be descending with max speed but we're not high enough for max speed to be relevant so we're just holding 250 knots at the moment and that's fine coming up on wallace in about 10 miles good evening nick hope you're well have you you guys just come over from the crj how is it so we've got a wind as well pushing us from the left be aware of that look at all those channel members nothing else to do on a tuesday evening which is fine by me glad you're all here looking forward to landing in manchester i've not flown in the uk for a long time uh keeping it real we don't want the uh don't want those covered bugs spreading about do we okay so we've got the uh do you know what was very strange then i saw mersey flip up just then and where is that aircraft taking us to now okay so if a bug like this happens i'm just gonna let this run something strange just happened now it's taking us right to the threshold of the runway i do not want to go to the threshold of the runway because i can't land on it like that so if we pull the heading bug we're now going to fly parallel to the runway and come in and back around because we can't come can't come straight in level welcome to the first officers club my friend great to have you on board look forward to seeing you in many more streams to come so heading zero six one and if anyone's wondering where that zero six one came from i've just got that from the charts but essentially it's almost the opposite direction to the runway that we're landing on in manchester so i'm going to start slowing the aircraft down as well now as by mersey actually had a maximum speed of was it 230 knots again we can get that from the charts wrong chart yep so mersey which for some reason is not there but strangely enough if you rewind the stream as soon as we passed over wallacy mersey appeared on the top right of the navigation display up there which was a little a little naughty how strange that is that was the waypoint that i was looking for so now if i just bring up the vfr map you can see manchester airport here you can see the route that we're going to be taking and flying in however the simulator actually messes it up because it takes you to the mic charlie tango vor that's what it wants me to do and then fly all the way to how he out here back to this usr point which is a load of nonsense and then back in that's why we're vectoring ourselves in which basically means we're just flying our own way so now we're flying almost parallel with the runway and then we're going to come in and come around back on this track to bring ourselves in and as hd's pointed out we just need to be aware of that track because the wind is pushing us over from the left so we've actually set a heading of zero six one but we're actually flying a track of uh about zero seven two degrees and that's because the wind is pushing us over there this is sometimes where track fda comes in quite handy so if you want to uh make sure you are finding a track heading of zero six one press the track fba button and you can see there we go it's changed to zero seven two let's turn that to zero six one so speed alt star and track uh willy no you can't delete the deft waypoints that's why we just have to ignore them okay so we're going to continue now down to 3 000 feet so just before i confirm that flight level sorry altitude 3000 feet and our q h is one zero three three we'll set local pressure and we'll descend now not using feet per minute because we're in that track mode so we're descending at a glide path angle of three and a half degrees and as we're getting closer to the airport now we can start to really slow that aircraft down and to do that we can hit the performance page activate the approach phase confirm the approach phase once it turns out by pressing it again and enter manage mode for the speed and the speed should now start to roll back to this green dot speed here to slow us down a little bit as well we can get some speed breaks out and manchester has got the pennine hills to the east and north east of it so we'll leave the terrain radar turned you may notice we on our descent into our destination we're not expecting any further delays or traffic in front of us next few days so if you do access the canopy by tidying your crate on the back and putting influence provided i also want to start descending a little bit faster than what we are doing so i'm just going to pull and go back to uh heading mode and just to send two and a half thousand feet per minute now let's get down and if we just have a look at the platform altitude which that you'd want to set the ils at if we're intercepting it at 10 miles is 3500 feet so the airport is a background is over here somewhere we're about to pass ten thousand feet so we can turn the lights on seatbelt signs never came off so approach checklist our minimums are set minimum 449. engine mode select is norm and the electronic flat bag is stowed and let's just confirm it's actually 3500 feet that that we want 3500 feet and let's start rolling that heading bug around now to start to prepare and bring us in so so i also want to check that we have got the ils frequency populated in the rad nav page uh 109 decimal five that is correct if you have charts you can also check that 109 decimal five there it is in the identifier india november november which is there now that's there we can turn on the landing system and start to bring the aircraft again back around as we've got no air traffic control as well we also want to be sure that we're not uh going lower than we're allowed to so the minimum safe altitude is 3500 feet we don't want to be descending any lower than that altitude uh buster would we be allowed to vector ourselves in vatsim yes absolutely and of course if you've got air traffic control online then you can request vectors from air traffic control and that'll be absolutely fine so you can just see the glideslope now is coming beneath us going above us rather which is what we want as we descend beneath it now we can start to slow down that descent rate i'm just going to turn the brightness down of the never of the terrain radar oops scroll wheel having a moment hd i think i just beat you to that okay so we're now going to turn over uh to right heading 160 just to line up with the runway centerline and we can start to set the the ils approach as we've reduced that speed of descent then the speed is rolling back quite nicely so we're now going to go flaps one speed check flaps one and you can confirm those with the vfe speeds just here so flaps one and i'm going to go flaps one make sure that holds flaps one radial alternator is alive as we can hear that calling out because we've got the penins beneath us and it's great when you're driving over the wood head pass which is one of the roads that weaves in between these hills you see the aircraft coming and flying over what looks to be quite low down so we're now just turning this around to intercept this as to a nice angle so localizer is coming across we turn on the localizer there confirm lock green cat three single you can just see that starting to line as the aircraft aligns up with this approach and we're 40 miles from the airport glide slope is now active so we can turn on the approach mode and glideslope blue what were the winds winds were three one zero at three so i expect those winds to drop as we do i'm gonna turn the terrain radar off now as we shouldn't need that any longer we should capture the glideslope in in a moment glideslope captured mr protocode 3500 feet is already set as it happened to be the same as the platform altitude that's twice in a week hd we've seen the wind do that so now descending on on the ils we've captured the glide slope we've captured the localizer is that a random bit of cloud of pollution over manchester how random so radio altimeter is now back alive at 2500 feet so let's go flaps two speed check flaps two so the aircraft will now start to slow down to f speed and just passing six miles then let's get the landing gear down auto brake not required that's long runway manchester ground spoilers are now armed we can turn on the nose wheel lights runway turn off lights ding the cabin crew up there as well five miles to run i believe we do have the bump as well here at manchester the bumps modeled well okay flaps three speed check flaps three followed now by flaps full landing checklist so kevin is secured for landing auto thrust speed go around altitude is set ecam memo landing no blue position so after landing guys if you could do me a favor hit that like button for me on the stream that would be great i'm now going to disconnect the autopilot and i shall see you on the other side so autopilot one disconnected i have control the wind is blowing from the right a little bit pushing is obviously to the left so now just holding the center line looking at pappy's and the glide slope they don't always agree in the simulator sadly 500 feet our approach is stable we shall continue land is now showing on the fma there's that bump you can see it thrust to idle flare and the reverses are now on as well 70 knots reverses off and we shall vacate the runway and the runway visitors center is straight ahead that aircraft is actually there as well although i believe it's not the right aircraft that's modeled unfortunately there's the hangar bang in front of us which concord is in 32 heights so if you have a jacket or coat you might want to put it on before exiting the aircraft please remain seated until the aircraft arrives at the gate ground spoil is now disarmed the flaps can come back up if you enjoyed your flight you can now join the channel as a member and receive extra perks to make your future flights with us more enjoyable thank you for to start flying with apu turn off the strobes turn off the runway turn off lights turn off the landing lights leave the taxi lights on we can get rid of the de-ice don't need that anymore apu now starting and we'll also turn off the weather radar so we don't fry the ground crew transponder to auto and tcas off as well and now the taxi to our stand of choice i uh i'm gonna hold up there we've actually got an instant replay so i'm gonna show you the instant replay as well uh in a moment so let me just hold that but just before we do show the internet replay if you've got any questions then now is a great time to ask them we shall uh watch a couple of replays and answer any questions that that you may have if you're on your way out please do hit that like button for me that would be really appreciated as well so let's have a look at letting this instant replay load shall we so i'm using flight control replay for the instant replay and i actually have two versions of this to give away in a uh in future streams so i'll look forward to uh look forward to doing that for you make sure that you are subscribed and have turned the notifications on let me get rid of self-loading cargo passengers because they're going to scream all the way down as we've just teleported them back to the start of the approach also doing this changes the time of day as well i don't know why but we could have a nice evening landing if we wished none of the instruments show the correct information on uh on the replay but it does mean that we do get to sit and enjoy the view coming in of manchester now this is a view i've seen several times and i have to say it looks really really realistic cd55 why does it say 100 above so that is 100 feet above your minimum descent altitude so you know if you can't see the runway at that call out you've only got 100 feet to go if you still can't see the runway when you get to minimums you need to go around willie is a star trek transporter accident indeed christian you'd like to enjoy a thunderstorm landing do you know i think we can do that uh bradley the voice has come from an app called self-loading self-loading cargo mad pilot what's the difference between flex and toga so toga just stands for take off and go around thrust which is basically maximum thrust um which puts a lot of wear and tear on the engines it's also very noisy burns fuel if you can use a flex temp it's basically a reduced thrust takeoff so the aircraft will still get airborne with the amount of runway that it has available but it won't run at full power airlines like that airports like that residents around the airport like that and the airlines like it because it saves them money uh alex where did you find the flyby version where autoland is available it's not yet available that's why you're not able to find it just yet but the fly-by-wire mod is free self-loading cargo is not i think i've parked in that car park oh no that's the car parks i've parked in 50 40 30 20 10. and there was that little hump at manchester i can't believe that we can get things like that model now in the simulator it really is good so i'll rewind that and we'll have a look what uh see how it looked from the right hand side and the right hand side coming in is actually my preferred seating if i get a choice because it means you get to see the airport pub my uh mine and my son's favorite place to uh to sit especially when the a380 comes and that blasts you away at the fence uh so mad pilot is flex temperature connected with the outside air temperatures it just determined needs to be worked out it's you're basically lying to the engines and telling the engines what the outside what the outside air temperature is and when it's higher it will not work quite as hard which sounds a bit backwards i know but it works but basically it all depends on the current air temperature the runway length that you've got to play around with so that's why software calculates it and we don't so that airport probably coming into sight anymore now god i can't wait to go back there so this side will see the airport pub the perimeter fence and terminal three there's the airport pub and the perimeter fence where a lot of two 787 maxes were stored christian i see what you're saying now you thought there was a fire in the background but it's just dirt on the windows yeah i could see how that looked like a tough smoke okay guys i'm gonna call it and i thank you very much i hope you found that tutorial and uh enjoyable that fly plan as well will be available to download for i think about 12 hours or so that it's held on on the server so you can download that keep that and if you wish then you can play along and fly along with this tutorial again at a later date hopefully it's it's been useful and will help you understand and get a few questions answered a little more about how the uh how the simulator and the aircraft work together and particularly those of you that have landed at manchester to find the approach just doesn't work as you'd expect it to that's how we get around it we have to program that ourselves i'm gonna leave you with a final replay from an outside point of view so thank you very much guys i shall be back tomorrow with another live stream although the time for that is to be confirmed so make sure the subscribe button is hit turn on the notification bell a big thank you to all the subscribers subscribers and those that donate and contribute to the channel and of course a huge thank you to all the channel members as well great to see you all i look forward to seeing you again soon i'm gonna leave you with this uh final replay good night so so one size five foreign 100 50 40 30 20 10 5. is
Channel: Easyjetsimpilot
Views: 8,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs2020, MSFS2020, msfs 2020, MSFS 2020, A320, A320N, msfs2020 A320, MSFS2020 A320, msfs 2020 A320, MSFS 2020 A320, A320NX, Landing, tutorial, approach, A320 mod, ILS, ILS approach, A320 ILS, a320, a320 ils, mcdu, flybywire, simbrief, fmc, a320 simbrief, flight plan, a320nx, flybywire a320, stable, sensitivity, settings, printer
Id: 7gM0xV90eMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 45sec (8205 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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