Little Women - Are you Jo, Amy, Beth or Meg?

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I intend to make my own way in the world no no one makes their own way least of all a woman if you've read the Ouisa May Alcott's Little Women or seen one of the adaptations no doubt you wondered at some point which March sister you'd be until recently audiences would have overwhelmingly wanted to be jo scorched my dress see there I have an idea of how we can manage she's been far and away the most popular March sister since the story was written cast in a favorable light in both the novel and the 1994 film but Greta Gerwig 2019 adaptation Little Women makes a conscious effort to do justice to all four of the March sisters personalities and choices just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant according to Saoirse Ronan who plays Joe these four very different characters all allow a young girl to see themselves so there's no better time to look at how each of these four impressive little women represents a path in life that modern audiences can still take inspiration from here's our take on which March sister you'd be this is Megan Amy Beth angel [Music] this video is sponsored by audible the largest selection of audiobooks on the planet follow our link slash the tape or text the take - 500 500 to start listening with a 30 day audible trial we know you came to find out whether you're still a Joe right don't worry we've got you covered you're a Joe if you're a nonconformist I want to do something different I don't know what it is you might be a tomboy and are probably not interested in presenting a traditionally feminine appearance as Gerwig told Vanity Fair Joe is a girl with a boys name Laurie is a boy with a girl's name in some ways they are each other's twins they find each other before they've committed to a gender and it wouldn't be wrong to call Saoirse handsome and Timothy beautiful both have a slightly androgynous quality that makes them perfect for these characters that's my grandfather are you scared of him no I'm not scared of anyone he looks Stern but my grandfather was much more handsome Joe we do not compare grandfathers whether you're a writer or another creative of some kind you're consumed with a desire to express yourself and have a voice I'm working on a novel it is a story of my life and my sister's your hard-working ambitious and willing to give up everything else for your dreams Joe wants to be a writer more than anything in the world even if that means sacrificing a good deal of other happiness you want to be the happiest boy in the world fella can't live on books alone I could you have a temper and might say things you regret when you're mad I get a new passion you're a feminist women they have Minds and they have souls as well as just hearts and they've got ambition and they've got talent as well as just beauty your ambitions aren't just for yourself it matters to you that other women also get the chance to live out their full potential I'm so sick of people saying that that love just all a woman is fitful I'm so sick of it you're determined to the point of appearing fearless to others but privately you sometimes have doubts I'm so lonely you might not be interested in getting married at all I must we marry it all louisa may alcott never married herself but became a rich and famous author who didn't need a man to support her this is also the fate Olcott wanted for the character who stands in for her in this semi autobiographical story and that's why she refused to marry Joe to fan-favorite Laurie I'd hate elegant society you'd hate my scribbling and we would be unhappy and we'd wish we hadn't done it and everything will be horrid but Alcott's publisher pressured Alcott to give Joe a husband and the author compromised with a less conventional match the older professor bare her wigs movie nods to this meta story by having Joe faced the same pressure for her fictional alter ego and if the main character is a girl make sure she's married by the end Alcott later regretted her ending she wrote Joe should have remained a literary spinster it's the book the happy ending is the book I think there aren't enough movie romances between women in their books if you're a Joe today you might be queer some believe Alcott herself was gay being born a girl is the most disappointing thing that ever happened to me she once said in an interview I am more than half persuaded that I am a man's soul put by some freak of nature into a woman's body I have fallen in love in my life with so many pretty girls and never once the least bit with any man you'll need to marry well you are not married out well that's because I'm rich so you're a Joe if you're willing to totally flout convention to prioritize what you want to achieve there are some natures as compelling as we might find little women's heroine most of us don't fit that description of the totally uncompromising rebel who doesn't care what society thinks of her so now let's talk about Amy little women fans through the years have traditionally looked down on the youngest March sister Amy writing her off as a vain shallow little brat I remember my grand for the book and going what a wicked wicked girl and I just remember thinking how excited she was I was like well clearly Amy's the one to get behind in the book and the 1994 film beginning the story when amy is a young immature girl biases many people against her you're too little to be Lady violet but girl wigs film undoes this partiality by starting with these women as adults and intercutting with flashbacks to their childhood identities so even though we do see Florence pews a me acting self-indulgent as a girl we get more time with developed adult Amy and this helps us respect and relate more to the characters point of view I want to be great or nothing Amy is actually a lot like Jo in keyways both are assertive and uncompromising both can be impulsive and hot-headed much both are very ambitious artists I want to be an artist in Rome and be the best in the world what you want to isn't a Joe to be famous right yes but it sounds so crass when she says and both are seriously talented apparently the Alcott sister Amy was based on even exhibited her paintings in Paris and London the main thing that truly distinguishes these two sisters is that Amy is pragmatic well I believe we have some power over who we love it isn't something that just happens to a person after beginning as a dreamy romantic Amy grows up into a realist well I'm not a poet I'm just a woman Joe and Amy want the same thing to make art and live a beautiful stimulating life the key difference is how they go after this goal Joe is determined to make her living as a writer while Amy plans to make a life through marrying someone with money I'm going to be in Amy's eyes this practical strategy is a far more effective way to provide for her family and continue her art and as a woman there's no way for me to make my own money not enough to earn a living or to support my family so whereas Joe willfully ignores her society's rules Amy believes it's smarter to play within them so don't sit there and tell me that marriage isn't an economic proposition because it is a slither into Joe's gryffindor she does what it takes to get the things that were initially promised to Joe the trip to Europe a life with Lori and the audience's wish fulfillment Joe is a lost cause so you are your family's hope she's the only March sister to end up rich happily in love and practicing her art frankly many of us might readily choose Amy's life over Jo's so to sum up you're an ami if you're successful and always knew you would be I've always known I would marry rich why should I be ashamed of that you enjoy girly stuff like dressing up lovely it isn't what it should be but you haven't proved it you're more traditionally feminine than your sister and there's nothing wrong with that jo may not care about the perfect wedding with the perfect guy but Amy does want that just like countless readers and viewers what doesn't lawyer just seem so romantic he's half Italian as a young person you might be a little spoiled I wish all the girls would leave his horrible school and that he would die you mean you did wrong and there will be consequences I didn't I didn't even do anything I just did a drawing but for the most part you grow out of this you're moved by aesthetics Amy's most typically maligned qualities her vanity and desire for nice things I would have never have sprained my ankle I have lovely small feet the best in the family come from her artists love of beauty has all caught wrote of her real-life sister in 1854 she is so graceful and pretty and loves beauty so much it is hard for her to be poor and wear other people's ugly things your cosmopolitan cultured and you take pleasure in the luxuries your lifestyle has to offer you tell the servants I want this painting purchased for me immediately you understand how the world works and make the most of it you know what you want and demand a life that lives up to your dreams is Amy once said when she was still a little girl we'll all grow up someday we might as well know what we want true most women can't have it all but you see yourself as the exception I do not wish to be courted by someone who is still in love with my sister you're a Beth if you're a total sweetheart than this you're a good citizen you get your life purpose from giving help to those who need it your job probably involves caring for people and maybe a modern death would even embrace activism but nothing too confrontational your selfless Beth what's your Christmas wish I'd like the war ends her father can confirm this is Beth's greatest strength and her fatal flaw she always puts others needs first as we see when she goes to help the poor family that has scarlet fever but Beth's altruism gets her sick and when this happens she doesn't even want to bother Amy for fear her sister would come home to see her I was never like the rest appear making plans great things to this extreme self-sacrifice can be detrimental even in little woman's time this character took submissiveness a little too far and so if you're a Beth it's important to make things about yourself every once in a while that would adore the piano is she there quietly yes you're the Peacekeeper you don't care about being right or winning an argument you stay out of the spotlight and you're shy with people you don't know this is a shy girl you sometimes wish you were braver would scare me big old house scares me but you have a close-knit group of loved ones you open up to all you need is your family I wish this to having us all to be together and your piano your content without pushing for a lot more than you have maybe you should be more assertive and ask for more but this total inner peace is also what makes you an angel on earth you're a Meg if you feel your life's purpose is to be a wife and mother I want a home and a family the ideal little woman of her times meg dreams of being a homemaker which is exactly what her society encourages but for Meg getting married and being a mom is being true to her authentic self you should be an actress and you should have a life on the stage just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant many women to this day feel exactly the same and Gerwig film sends the message that even if the popular narrative has shifted towards glorifying Joe's independence over Meg's family life don't mean you'll be bored of him in two years and we're gonna be interesting forever neither choice is better than the other the point is about owning whatever you really want you're pretty and this may have gone to your head a little meg is vain you don't have the backbone of a Joe or an ami meg can be too easily swayed by others opinions or external pressures I was home there playing a part to see how it felt to be Belle Gardner with more proposals and 20 pairs of gloves you long for a materially comfortable lifestyle like ami meg is attracted to luxury and elite circumstances this is partly because as the eldest sister she can remember a time when the family wasn't poor and has seen the difference money makes I shouldn't mind living in such a fine house and having nice things seem like Christmas issue that presents but unlike a me meg still puts her heart above these concerns when she falls for a man who's not rich he's a good man he's kind in our modern times meg would probably want to be a stay-at-home mom but she might have to work to bring in enough income so if you're a Meg you might sometimes crave more excitement and money in the bank but overall you're fulfilled by being a domestic goddess Gerwig has said she wanted to emphasize that all of the March sisters are very impressive so really being like any of the characters is a worthy goal I have always known I should be part of the March family all four are staunchly feminists loved each other dearly and complement each other to create a harmonious family my girls have a way of getting into mischief the world needs Jose Amy's Meg's and Beth's and more no matter who you are little women teaches you to love yourself live your truth and follow whichever dream is yours I think what's really special about this is that everyone has their moment to go like this is who I am this is why I am the way I am I am this March sister this video is brought to you by audible the best audio book service out there with the widest selection of audiobooks period one great audio book you can check out right now on audible is three women by Lisa Tadeo the New York Times best seller condenses eight years of reporting and six cross country drives to which Lisa embeds herself with ordinary women from different regions and backgrounds three women is heralded as the deepest nonfiction portrait of desire ever written audible members get to choose three titles every month one audiobook and two audible 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Channel: The Take
Views: 559,772
Rating: 4.9542184 out of 5
Keywords: little women, little women meg, little women jo, little women amy, little women beth, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, Laura Dern, Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep, little women 2019, little women 1994, Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, Kirsten Dunst, little women 1949
Id: AqaNyefJMtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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