Little Richard 1985 hospital interview

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and i do have that you had god before the accident yes i did that's the reason i didn't die but if i hadn't had him before i'll be gone now by me having him before he saved me when i had the accident but suppose i had he was a pillar to that and a cushion to me because i could have been gone there are times when people have had severe accidents and they say they they feel as though they face death yes and then suddenly they feel as though they faced god yes what about you i well i faced god before i faced the accident i was with him i've been with god all my life i was with him this just makes me want to be more with him i like to be in his arms around his neck i like to just hold his legs i i don't want to be without him no more did you think you took a look at that i didn't only look at death i tasted it because i didn't think i was going to make it by having doctors that loved me as a person and was interested in seeing me make it they did extra you know you can be paid to tie this little nut but but if the if the person is interested in you like you you're tired better you do a little extra these doctors went these doctors reached down and got some wisdom and knowledge they haven't been using now you mentioned that no one is addressing yeah yeah talk to little richard tell him about that richard is an excellent patient he is a pleasure to to treat to talk to to discuss his condition and he's responded very nicely to treatment and has responded very nicely to medications and i expect he'll do very well in the non-medical world doctor we throw the word miracle get his name so know who he is what do you think that's dr robert romas rose g-r-o-m-i-s we use the word miracle rather loosely especially these days is was there something miraculous attached it from a medical standpoint attached to russia's recovery um i think that richard's injuries were were major and from a technical standpoint his orthopedist dr edwin graham has addressed that issue but i do think that that it was a that he is very lucky to survive such a major accident isn't that beautiful i know it was a miracle because i mean i'm here i'm the one you know when you think the cake is good when you're the cake you know he's good yeah i know it's good are you still in pain oh yes i am in pain uh but i tell you something about uh uh god has something to do with this hospital too you know it's god has something to do with this hospital yeah i know he does uh you know it's very strange this is not a hospital that gives you a whole lot of drugs and and just basically it's not that type of hospital i have learned things how to think on other things and how to you know over things you understand but they make you comfortable and they're concerned about your well-being and and uh uh uh they're having me big as a house of property because you eat more i've never seen a hospital ephesians like these people region in my life i didn't have this much food when i was down to walt disney's farm what have you been doing to try to get over the pain try to think through it what have you been doing screaming as loud as i can i got a new song called hollering what are your plans after the four or five month period um well i just finished a new movie for disney with me and richard dreyfuss and nick nolton bet miller nicole down and out in beverly hills and uh yeah i don't know what you all saw me uh last friday night on miami vice 8 the a-team i have another new movie that's coming out and i have a movie of my stories coming out and then i have another new movie that i'm doing i'm doing quite a few things that i will be doing dreyfus had a turnaround accident did you and he talk about that um no but he he helped me a lot because he's a great actor my name is office good night in the movie i'm glad they didn't call me mr you midnight what i mean he was he was using drugs he got an automobile accident and it changed his life no i didn't know i never knew that he didn't know okay he looks so good now did it last a long time he's he's great i met he and his mother she's beautiful yeah beautiful people i would like to tell all of my friends uh wherever you might be that to know that god loves you and don't forget about god please don't forget about him and that the grass may look greener on the other side but it's just as hard to cut you know is this little lorraine this doctor's is that lorraine how you pronounce her name lorraine mintz lorraine mintz was the doctor lorraine meant she's the one that you know my lip was bit out dr mitch this this young lady dog is so kind to me and thanks here to sign out for lying a a a a big head guy from macon georgia to come in this hospital oh and by the way the doctor said they never seen a body like mine i told him i had
Channel: LA News Archive
Views: 17,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: la news service, la news, archive, video, aerial, little, richard, interview, hospital, news, famous, music, accident
Id: JPN8sJEugf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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