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wow this is halloween we're really scared guys are you feeling scared i'm just kidding we've got our feet all in our own pumpkins we've all done our feet safely big buckets of water with apple apples we're gonna do apple bobby later inside the foot water uh we're gonna watch the halloween tree the halloween uh tree too hey editor can you pause this video just place they're playing the halloween tree movie the whole thing what was that thing where you were screaming about the halloween tree unironically this is the real thing that happened this isn't the best zach was like screaming that we had to watch the halloween tree did you watch it no i didn't i did yeah you were there and everyone else did they know something everyone else regrets he doesn't regret it chris what do you think about it the halloween tree mm-hmm he like we all watched it on a call one night yeah it was at the start of kova and we were all like really scared it's incredible right uh i was more scared of covid than i was at the halloween trip well the kid in the whole entry gets copied [Music] remember mike judge goodbye you guys in the hey what do you think of this look your little raincoat with legs oh do you like that that's how lyle really dresses those little things with the pointy hands what were they i thought you might like these little things scuttling away zach reveal yourself [ __ ] reveal yourself um i know this game is supposed to be scary but i can't see isn't that the most scary experience wait a minute if this is scary we gotta turn it up oh holy [ __ ] cannoli holy gun only can you open that yes there we go you duck uh there is a way for me to duck if i only could remember oh i love how this looks this looks beautiful yeah i love this so what's the lure of rain child um it was really rainy one day and then this child got super small really crawled through the vents oh this is the taco bell will be through lyle's [ __ ] right now the taco bell movie this is the taco bell moving through your [ __ ] oh i would watch a taco ball movie a taco bell movie there's probably there were those weird like ronald mcdonald like straight to vhs movies you remember those i remember that yeah was there anything like that with the taco bell dog or the taco bell hooligan or the taco murderer i'm sure it was done once it had like a 75 000 budget and it came out like 2007. it was probably great oh there's a little guy in there what is that why you killed someone's urn he evaporated someone buried their dead there don't worry i got a can you gonna play kick the can gonna play something dude this looks beautiful holy [ __ ] the couch looks comfortable it's got maggots on it where's those cigarettes i think that's like a cigarette ashtray it's a magnet trick nothing goes quite together like maggots on the couch the classic combination oh that looks so satisfying wow i remember seeing uh seeing like trailers for this this looks way better than i remember no it's a cool little game i i think it's like three hours or something it's not that long what year did it come out uh within the last couple of years i think it's like maybe like 2017. daddy no this guy this guy's got long-ass legs i'm gonna swing on his feet he's clipping through the roof like robin williams and jumanji does that happen yeah and then he ended up like robin oh yeah i was waiting for somebody oh my god oh my god delete that i was waiting for chris to do a lot of [ __ ] things i was on edge i was like what is what are we going to say no it's it's when he because that really is what happened in jumanji he starts sinking like quicksand no holy [ __ ] there's a [ __ ] like this completely just oh my god i brought you this because everyone needs it when they die goodbye my friend everyone does actually i mean you do [ __ ] yourself when you die right i mean i didn't but even if you get blown to a thousand pieces everything that's a little the fact is somebody please put this on the only place wiki that chris has actually died like seven times yeah then probably back he keeps getting brought back i don't want them to but no he's got to do that resuscitate order tattoo dogs flown to sweden to get legally put down well you dragged that little clear liquid that old woman did this [ __ ] stalker fan always runs in last second gives you a speech don't you see you bring so many people so much joy i feel like i'm evil okay [Laughter] i'm bad don't you get it i'm just kind of bad to my core there's that man right there standing there it's a canister the thought of the wall you're gonna crawl up that fridge bruh there's like a statue of a person oh oh never mind there's a little thing that's scattered away when i open that that's one of those little like mushroom deities yeah a little skitter scamp yeah yeah okay i don't want to be mean i really don't go on who look at that design this place that is a vegan yeah that's something we design this place look go back and eat the maggot please or be friends with you yeah what does that do to you yeah oh [ __ ] oh my god it's like a leech that's cool i'm glad they put leech physics in physics what a terrible dream about a leech no your voice doesn't suit her at all i'm sorry zack you be her oh he just fell behind me oh dear is that good yeah i'll be the leech oh get away get away it sounds like that i don't think leeches would actually survive in this kind of environment i don't think you're really well i don't leeches cover little damp environments they usually come when the rain comes out the leeches come in all shapes and sizes they live in stevo's eyes [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] you landed in the slop you know what lyle's voice did suit her right there oh my god that's scary it's leech time that's scary oh come on oh my god i don't like you know oh my god who the [ __ ] out of here i hate it get out get out get out get up there's another big ladies and gentlemen of leeches a legion of bleach the leech legion that's such a cool name for a movie the legion of leech is yeah all right baby i have to go back this way i think you do got to go left to right that's i mean that door i couldn't get through it oh no oh [ __ ] there's nothing back here okay there's maybe a way to get through that door i think you just got to push it oh that would have been a smart thing to do shove it and lila mcdouche bag acts like his name yet again do i need this oh doesn't help i hate the way those things [ __ ] move yeah they're crazy [Music] [Music] okay lyle leech linguistics yay or nay leech linguistics ten seconds no i don't want these things to be able to [ __ ] leech linguistics uh linguistics ten response ten second response rebuttal go don't allow it they're not allowed to communicate if they get smarter they'll be bigger than us all right chris rebuttal uh they they need they i'm not really bad at debating no let's fight you you have to take it this way ten seconds says hey you get to do it four seconds or ten more seconds who starts you're good okay uh leeches make screeches okay three two one okay that was good okay uh just because they make screeches doesn't mean that these creatures are cognizant uh leeches eat peaches uh i believe that was uh referenced in that last response my name was my neighbors my name was i'm not gonna get the response every debate has somebody saying that every of god's creature deserves to grow [Laughter] the lighting in this game is [ __ ] nuts i can't believe how far your game ram has progressed is there something i can jam in there i think i think it's might be over there maybe yeah maybe i mean try to go as high as you can on this jam my thumb in your mouth yeah okay so this is as far as i can go maybe i can make that jump i bet there's a oh yeah no yeah yeah yeah really yeah ah you're still you can't run oh maybe i can uh is that [Music] he's really giving it to you a lot are you just gonna stand there and go crosstalk [Music] i love that movie i've never seen it i still need to walk it's so [ __ ] fun i'll do her voice from now on that's not even good oh my god i don't like him at all hey hey hey you hey quiet have you quiet quiet up down oh dude that's uh that's someone's tampon that's what's bob dude someone's beautiful mother that's someone's [ __ ] family dude you keep her name out of your mouth you keep my beautiful grandma out of your mouth you keep my beautiful grandma off cooking or [ __ ] this game already has four points and toilets another two points and physics another one point what does that bring us up to and physics and minus three points oh yeah those physics yeah you're right and yellow rain cup minus 10 points you know there you do have to have exactly the right amount of ragdoll or else it feels a little [ __ ] okay nothing rolled by itself oh [ __ ] i think this thing is moving we're on a boat yeah ah that's pretty amazing okay look it's rolling there's like a fuse box up there that's cool i like the little physics of the of the [ __ ] you know what yeah let's bring it back up another four points all right you got to uh you got to wipe your ass and then uh ask for help from one of the the the air attendees then you have to go take a shower and spread your ass in the shower did you hear about that guy well what fat nasty repulsive [ __ ] this fat disgusting creep got on a plane and and he convinced the the air hostess that he needed assistance in wiping his ass oh dude and she had to do it and while she was doing it he was going oh yeah is there a video of this no but it was in the news did the woman have to complain yes i i can't believe they made someone do that i can't believe she even said yes to them no you know there has to be a point where you're like if you don't i'm not swiping your shitty fat disgusting you can't wipe your ass you shouldn't travel like that and force other people that have no relation to you yeah no it's just you know he was just a creep of course he was yeah either have somebody with you to get like a nurse or something or uh or do it yourself see that guy's going to he double hockey sticks it's your little pixie stick yeah yeah spell out something spell out i i i i i love e oh many me runs in oh [Music] he runs the powers runs in yeah yeah the fat bastard comes in i need to attack us i need to take a [ __ ] uh dr evil walks in scotty walks in people get to see something he opens his mouth oh gold member walks in scotty says i love you dad kanye more like yawn eh what did he do that you yawn uh he started crying while he was wearing a bulletproof vest and you should not do both at the same time yeah cause who's gonna shoot you you've got nothing to cry about what if his tears dissolved through his vest and made him shootable once more you're talking about killing cardiology no i'm talking i'm talking about vulnerability i'm saying what if his tears had enough acid uh volume in them oh my god if he cried on you would like burn through your skin yeah it's like the eye of sorrow look at that i'm sure nobody's ever made that comparison before in any video about this game a lot of uh youtube video game people are always like i freaking hate the sections where people are looking at you and you have to just wait and i agree i agree to a point but this is so short that it doesn't matter it's just it's honestly more of a cool visual than anything i like this good sound design too yeah yeah it really makes you feel like if that thing looks at you something bad will happen and it will uh i bow so what is this is this like a little prison area it's a little something is this the living quarters you'll see yanks a quarter out of lyle's pocket doesn't tell him until years later so sorry i did that would you tell me if you [ __ ] stole a quarter from me like five years ago chris and i pickpocketed like six hundred dollars off you since we've known you whenever you're on this couch dude been telling my little uh mole rats sneak up chris whatever chris goes uh whatever he says i would like a pepsi whatever he says that which she says a lot that's the signal and the little more rats right out of the couch and they pull your wallet and they pull the twenty dollars by the way to have more fingers than usual yeah they have twelve fingers each and they pull out the ten dollar bill and they fold it and they put it back in the couch yeah and then i just reap my rewards when you leave you [ __ ] mad man well i i here's the thing i know you're you don't care about like like you learned your lesson like like money is not everything that's how you think i don't [ __ ] think that that's how you think and you know family and friends is most important but i haven't gotten to that point yet not either of us i still need to learn my lessons i need to hit rock bottom first yeah we need to hold a bunch of money so we become depressed and need people yeah okay no what do you mean no no i mean oh god it's that's kind of cool you think [ __ ] money matters to this guy this is what family men turn into i'm sure this guy has a great 401k i'm not even kidding he used it to and elongate his arms in china through surgery he spent like two thousand dollars sort of like thirty thousand whatever it costs for the us he went to turkey to get it done yeah china used to break their legs to become longer whoa there's other things up there there's babingis they're huge they're huge ones too if you had a baby would you call it babingo depends if you deserve the name um if he's constantly crying and sputtering and yeah then he would never be that oh so bingo is a good name yeah i'd call him the dingo or dobingo or something if he was big man i want to have a baby and call him like wrath and then see how [ __ ] up he turns out just from that like make him an evil character just call him wrath or look something like scorn or uh demise just see what happens my son's name is devise rose o'neil [Laughter] you would end up such a piece of [ __ ] people draw send in your drawings of devise rosalie i really do think that you're 20 names kind of make half their personality i agree i think it definitely like it impacts your life if you have kids gurgles he would grow up [ __ ] up he grew up in shame yeah probably that's why people have such average boring names yeah i i think i think really like whatever whatever your name is you'll you'll kind of have like an adverse reaction to it yeah don't let that thing see you man don't let that thing see you bro it's throwing [ __ ] and sees you oh god loves you oh my god that horrible creature from the darkness fed me what do you mean i am indebted to it bro oh it's all sleepy since he gave you that thing sings lila lullaby lyle's eyelashes curl inward he's just a heavy passes into the next round it happens my lids are getting so heavy guys what's going on this isn't right what's going on it's almost like it's okay your eyes are getting heavier you're feeling more tired your brow is becoming more meander it is it is oh yeah i don't understand lyle's fat flap covers his eyes [Laughter] i want to insert cooking oil's forehead cook cooking oil and vaseline delilah's lips and his face with his eyelashes what are we talking about i fell asleep for a second there sorry we uh oh we'll tell you that later okay a little ritual just don't oh just a little something let's just say we took uh seven pints of blood from you seven pipes well do an impression of zoidberg uh [ __ ] i'm a doctor and such i don't think it's pretty good actually it's like it's not even funny because it's actually good i haven't seen futurama in a long time do professor farron's worth good news you did this to just humiliate lyle and now he's just i'll be batting two for two i just wanted to hear my favorite old characters from childhood i remember i was so excited the first time that i saw that yeah i thought that was like the funniest show in the world for a bit season one to four still awesome yeah the new seasons actually had a couple episodes that were good ideas and then other ones that were real stinkers yeah they had the susan boyle one is [ __ ] really bad uh but it's okay it's literally a boil on the ass of leela it sings to her they did the iphone where it's spelled e y e phone oh yeah it's in your eye dude it's in your eye how long do you do you think until uh until the [ __ ] idea of oh i'm know that would dead uh how how long do you think until the idea of implanting a thing implanting the phone how long do you think well yeah yeah didn't elon let's just [ __ ] like put put electrodes in a pig's brain yeah but everyone's stuffing brains everyone was like i'm not doing that how long until loads of people will do that until people go i'm doing that it depends it depends what it's going to give you that's all it comes down how much does it cost and what is what here's the three things how much does it cost what's the potential downside like what would happen and uh and what is it going to do for you dude how often does your [ __ ] iphone go absolutely i wouldn't trust anything like that that i would have to upgrade that needs a surgery did you ever hear of the uh it reminds me did you ever maybe we talked about this but the shark tank guy that pitched the bluetooth that was built into your head like a surgery yeah yeah he's like the the surgery is very quick and we don't have to do much and they're like they're like you have to go through anesthesia for this dude to get like get a bluetooth attached to your head i mean it's really stupid but also i mean it is going to happen he's a little bit ahead of his time yeah it's just nobody wants to get a bluetooth stuck to your head nobody also wants like the gen 1 bluetooth head implant because you know it's going to be [ __ ] obsolete we're not going to get a blackberry [ __ ] installed in your head but do people trust elon musk so much they will do it for sure isn't that that could be wrong but isn't that more for like people with like perkins or alzheimer's or something uh like they're really that could work yeah i think the point of it is to send electricity the parts of the brain that are that lack it i think i'm pretty sure they're really close to like visualizing thoughts and stuff i think i heard that somewhere yeah they are because all you have to do is it's really it's not easy but i mean it's easy for me because like like i'm an expert in these fields but for a lot of people not so much yeah i've been able to do that well you built that nuclear reactor with your with your mechanical arms yeah i had an old ps3 i wasn't using so gotta reuse some old stuff and then the government said this was the best nuclear reactor we've ever seen we'll buy it for a million dollars and you're like nah i should board it i'm not a sellout whatever dude nobody knew that that was a reference to spider-man 2. wait what was it i said you built the nuclear reactor with the robotic arms it's stupid but dr octopus yeah i love that movie i think two is an amazing film yeah oh i think you have to no i just missed it last time oh i was like too far in the foreground i know he looks stupid but he he actually tried reliable yeah i don't think he looks stupid he's milo he's fine you can't take him away he can't take him from me but don't up up you went to the left yeah oh god oh here we go another antic i suppose uh well well well looking through files again lyle i thought you were past this face i love shreddy i'm just saying like if they can't find the evidence and never existed walks in the own home sorting through my filing cabinet social security i mean hey chris well what hey uh do you i was looking for um i love brews and beers and alcohol oh you can light your little match yeah a guy have like a lighter or something no wait oh look at look at the camera cloud that's the worst song is in my opinion no it's beautiful i think you just hate it because children have annoying shrieking voices yeah that is why like imagine if javier was saying that hiding in a castle on the cloud if anybody if literally anybody else except for a child was singing that i'm gonna you dick oh well i i guess i'm so rude i know i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that it's not okay i don't forgive you oh god okay i'm sorry i would leave oh there's a leech on my beach lyle would you ever if if all you did would suck your [ __ ] really nicely like better than a woman would you let it do it uh would it still stay there for the time that a leech would normally stay there no it's just sucking your [ __ ] passionately and the second you come it goes away oh so it's basically a sentient fleshlight yeah do i have to feed it anything other than cub yeah the lyle's gravy uh no you don't have to wait wait did you go like really far back i so what i just did what turned off the power hey you guys oh yeah you know when you die and you meet god uh you can ask him literally anything yeah you can ask why you didn't make that the cockslock you can ask him literally anything he'll say he'll literally say like is there anything you want to know that you were kind of wondering about so right now uh we can say uh or we can guess how many people like make your guess right now how many people do you think actually got horny to that scene in king kong where the big worms come out and suck on the guy's head then we can ask god how many people it actually was and i would say like 17 people in the whole us domestically really seventeen in the world maybe like 390. that's a really good number that sounds real 391 is my guess that's like that's like singapore and like it like i would guess more i'd say like ten thousand the ten thousand people got worried to the worm stuck in the guy's head in the world maybe do you wanna see if there's like a weird forum of people and just count the users yeah you know what you're probably right because there's like there's like there's billions of people you're probably right they're probably it's like probably like 10 000. yeah i think so and i don't even mean like jerk off i mean it's just for a split second just like the penis moved a little bit yeah you know when a girl gets really horny and her vagina like falls out yeah the prolapse of the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah you ever have it where like you're doing something you have to push it back in the vag laps yeah usually usually you can't put it back there usually once it falls out it's permanent no you have to use hedge clippers on it no that's what i do or you can use nail clippers if you've got enough time or no gun yeah i know gun nails it but just put her on the wall for a while until she calms down you can actually you can acid attack it and then fuse it back glue no the acid fuses the skin what is that i don't know that's just a default [ __ ] cone and blender is it really just a cone i thought that was something like an animal no it's just literally default gray claw cone is that called oh my god i'm going impression i'm getting like oh don't you don't you love me you don't exercise for a while you run and you get like a stitch at your side i literally have never been able to run in my life i literally can't run for more than like 30 seconds and never could you really can if you just believe no i can't my shins hurt some fat you gotta do [ __ ] duck walks my man like hitler no that's a goose step different bird but hitler did duck face different birds save feather pick up the plunger plunger plunger plunger please lyle please i want this little girl to touch that guy's [ __ ] particles i can't pick it up it's too big they definitely [ __ ] they knew what the [ __ ] they were doing they knew the [ __ ] they're like something perfect it's gonna make her touch his [ __ ] particles and we went all that way the big jingly set of keys that they were dangling in front of your face i love that you actually hold the key usually when you run over a key in the game it goes and then it's in your inventory yeah no you gotta hold it this one she's so cute she's so small she holds a key like a gun she shakes an excitement is this this is like some 60 year old father fighting this game so six year old the immigrant singing oh i said monkey and a monkey up here that's [ __ ] you [ __ ] brilliant genius what do you call it's called like positive thinking whatever you you you identify manifesting yeah yeah if you're negative negative things will happen to you but you just said monkey and lucky uh appeared right video [ __ ] what's gonna happen she's gonna [ __ ] oh my god do you hear the baby i can see like that if i really wanted to do the meat i could see like that if i really wanted to [Music] don't close the door what are you eating oh lord it was meat it was just flat out meat why did you she's a carnivore there's a little rat trap she went into it oh my god that's so cool looks like someone was abusing the scale tool oh no can you go up and for your little friends i don't know these folk yeah but wouldn't that be the right thing to do push it over push it over yeah yeah oh you're like uh woody and toy story i always just think of that yeah damn give me the [ __ ] out of here it was pretty loud honestly later do you even try you're an [ __ ] i could try yeah what if you can concoct a little army all right let's see okay well if you could have an rv of any animal what would it be any animal yeah and i i get to have an army of them yeah do they listen to me yeah yeah yeah you're the general of the rv yeah oh dude [ __ ] i i would i would go like playing into the apes army for sure i was gonna say the same [ __ ] because they're they're you they have thumbs you would do like sharks yeah you're probably right they're probably the best thing you could do is like like a chimp or like a bonobo what do you call those inside out babies harlequin babies yeah i wanted harlequin apes hulk would ape like an army of harlequin apes yeah look at though that'd be really scary that would be the scariest sight and they're all like charging over the horizon and they still have the muscle of like a chimp yeah that's really scary and they've got the ears that's the closest thing to a demon that is pretty close i wonder did like in old and old times anyone ever like accidentally stumble upon like a wild monkey and be like a demon i'm sure because it looks like a person i mean that's like seed uh sea serpents and [ __ ] they used to think were real because of dolphins i wonder has there ever been like a chimp or a baboon or something that looked really really like a human like overly like a human like due to deformities yeah i'm sure yeah yeah i mean over millions of millions of years yeah people used to think [ __ ] was other [ __ ] all the time what do you mean like they just they just think like [ __ ] oh there's dolphins in the water that's a sea serpent or don't you think life was a little more interesting back then well try to hide hide behind something he smells yeah oh [ __ ] oh wow oh my god oh he's still coming he's still coming this is scary you have to open that the crank is to the left the crank is to the left it's to the left the crank yeah touch sneak you gotta sneak oh my god oh no it's right there it's right there oh god you got it oh my god oh no oh it cracks his neck like i would dude that's so creepy i'll do it right now oh this is a little nightmare okay let's see that's so cool i bet that feels really good too yeah yeah all right go on the other side and sneak sneak sneak and sneak back in yes oh no oh god oh [ __ ] dude nice get it get it get it get it get the [ __ ] there you go there you go you did it i knew my little was smart okay yeah he's back there all right that was stressful good job figuring that one out oh yeah they'll purposely show you that these other little boys have died down there boys and girls or they just like threw their shoes down [Music] oh [ __ ] a little clown died down here a sweet little clown dude that looks amazing holy [ __ ] what are you are you swimming through shoes sorry we have to cut out stuff i said something very obvious but stupid okay here we go all right let the shoe shark [ __ ] get us that's dan schneider coming from my feet oh my god yeah you're uh you're miranda cosgrove that's dan schneider this is nicole this is the nickelodeon headquarters in 2003 just a little tickle miranda you'll be a star certainly one picture with a sharpie on your foot one little massage oh dude dan likes the frying pan because he can schneider what does that mean [Laughter] [Music] hide in the box in the box right there you fool remember he's blind oh god oh oh god this sucks he knows you're in here oh [ __ ] he's coming for you dude oh god he's coming right for you i think he should have stayed in the box man i could be wrong oh you can climb oh that's a great idea oh oh no there's all your little shield [ __ ] what would you do if uh if your best friend became an elvis impersonator uh i would i would hang out with them all the time you have to admit that would be really like that would make you kind of go like oh my god okay i guess how good is the impression like it's like eighty percent it's still pretty impressive eighty percent who cares about it it's the most overly impersonated person in the world i'd probably say like i don't know if this is like the best career opportunity what do you mean [Laughter] tell me what you're talking about so you're a good 70 one so that's a good 71 that's a 71. so it's a little bit if it's a little bit better than that yeah so it's like it's so it's largely better than what i just did [ __ ] you very much all right yours is funny though it's so that's like a stupid [ __ ] and that's a shitty animation version or something it's not a good real you do your elvis i wonder what the oh oh it's like hank hill you know going back and re-watching on a maniacs it made me kind of go like uh it's not actually very funny at all you're not the first person i've heard somebody else say yeah they said they went back and re-watched the animated accent didn't h2 great it's it's just it's like really like it's i feel like it's jokes anyone could write some of the characters are fun i like blended buttons i literally haven't seen it in so long i don't know you know what i like wacko but only because he's kind of wacko i know a girl who speaks like a beetle like wacko liverpool right yeah i guess i think so actually nobody from liverpool who's watching this has ever heard anyone do an impression like that before no they're floored they're like that's exactly how i talk nobody's ever done an impression of where i live oh i've never had someone that's just an impression of a beetle that's so hacky that's a weird we became what we were making fun of with all of us yeah everyone god almighty please everyone just like this video turn on ad blocker you have our full permission now after that i totally have it you totally have our blessing to turn our head blocker our manager dies of a heart attack our manager did i have a heart attack last week you guys please send us donations for pity thoughts prayers donations buy our pins uh we should make an apology video just for the views it's all three at the same time say guys we're sorry you ready okay one two three guys we're sorry would that be awesome if we all if we did an apology video we all three were talking to you this is the whole time obviously obviously cut this out you know put this in for the audience i mean but let's you know we're all kind of like we're all diagnosed sociopaths so let's do we do best as youtubers and like uh like you'll put on fake emotions yeah yeah yeah okay you ready okay okay so one two three guys we're so sorry let's see let's see so cut out the first thing be explaining it would you show that part and now i'll say yep we [ __ ] up and we're taking full action to uh to do what we did we're not gonna rest until this is fixed we're not gonna make excuses until except for that we didn't mean to do it yeah it wasn't our fault it was all i'll say i was not apologizing no i apologize first i apologize before he did he apologized you know what i'm taking full responsibility for all communication with zach i've been i've involved the audio editor a thousand dollars so they could put me saying a second before you zach sure we're making an apology yeah and every time we say a sentence lyle says you're you're i love his little oh wow no that is like really good i love the little cloth movement yeah that's really shovel's really beautiful yeah he's creepy as [ __ ] why did he build peeps small people-sized trapdoors get out of there oh my god [Applause] [Laughter] actual thing this guy would be the kind of guy that talks to a [ __ ] all day it's so true because he only talks to a [ __ ] like coming in let's go score some [ __ ] guys it's friday you want to go score some [ __ ] reggie feel some a scores [ __ ] who's reggie feels a man you heard it here folks who is that climb up that staircase oh he's the nintendo guy because my body is ready oh [ __ ] oh wow is he going to reach up he's going to give it the old reggie reed he's coming jump on the lamp oh jesus oh i thought you were supposed to jump on the lamp no no i would never do something so foolish wait go back stand right there uh look right uh no no no turn your character right okay now print screen uh and now put blur on it and make it black and white and then say it's a real photo put it on twitter yeah say my three-year-old daughter was just rescued for bait for being in the ventilators the vents i mean not the ventilator the vents i honestly think the graphics there looked real enough i actually think that looks photoreal yeah let's let's hoax the internet let's see if you put enough blur on it my three-year-old daughter put that on reddit that'll get on the front page my three-year-old daughter was stuck in this shaft is that a guy right that's a guy she looks like eight she's so skinny yeah but she's tiny oh yeah [ __ ] the hell is she i think she's 18. is she really don't say that oh god sorry that can you smell the shoes he's pretty good foot aficionado or a foot chianada oh god oh my god oh you can't hear with all this [ __ ] going on go jesus get out get out of here go no go go that way never stop somewhere are you going to the clock oh my god i thought you could hide the clock keep going keep going oh [ __ ] look at those books he's gonna kick down the door dude this is a bookworm's dream if only this were real boy i'd love to go in there with my glasses and my number two pencil and read uh i love at least i love going to the library with a huge ass sharpie and just like blacking out all the pages it's [ __ ] cool how many books did you do that too like all of them he burned the library down if they're caught on fire because of the gases and the ink there was a nuclear war and you found the last standing library no no but what what if what you were stuck in the enemy country and you found the last library and all you had was like paint and sharpies would you block out all the books so they're like what i would read them first then block it out so i'd be the smartest that everyone else could not and then you'd have the leverage i have the only knowledge every book is in my head every book you have to get it out of me first before you yeah that is leverage nobody ever kill you i know every book call me the book man they call me the book i have every book stored right in here go on quiz me uh what was page 45 of catcher of the mug yeah um i don't know why are you [ __ ] badgering me i just remember the plot synopsis really really i can tell you i can tell you what the background i can tell you the author i think i remember the cover had looked kind of cool the cover the cover had like a like okay i can't remember it was actually minimalistic it had no cover did you know that um oh get it out did you know that j or or tolkien the lord of the rings you know what it's inspired by what like do you know what the shire is based on no total [ __ ] that's what you tell me that's not a real place i could go to i mean it is in new zealand and he stole the idea from the real shire that they used to film the movie on what is he gonna read right there this guy this is all these guys right these are his books this [ __ ] idiot can't read i hope their books are braille because he's like blindman tony hawk's braille reader after he falls on a skateboard and his eyes pop out yeah he lands on his eyes his skateboard shatters in the splendors impaling both eyes you can read braille in different uh that's all you could do watch out lyle it's pretty smart please loyal please be careful oh my god oh no you're getting that he almost [ __ ] got you dude doesn't deal in almost chris also i hope this is where i'm supposed to go because if not i'm [ __ ] deals in absolutes oh my god he's gonna crank in the crack of the crank [ __ ] that take the cranks you need it you two [Music] [Music] lyle you ultimate [ __ ] no no i didn't do it do you smell the mr peep on your brother run [Music] corner huh god oh my god oh get out of it [Music] okay yeah what are you supposed to do is he still following me yes no yes he is he's right there my god god i knew you were [ __ ] good but not nowhere near this lyle i'm salivating that was amazing oh he's coming dude he's coming lolly's coming the [ __ ] he is what what i think it's cut yeah all right it's up uh never gonna give you up never gonna let you down i'm gonna roll around dessert you and that's what you get for passing it you gotta start with it [Music] [Applause] we're really good actually guys we should quit this [ __ ] [ __ ] and become become professional street rick rollers yeah the the dynamic trio of street rippers i think you can get it good do you think you get any tips at all as a [ __ ] like rick roll busker yeah i think there are certain songs where if you play on the street you'll get a [ __ ] ton of money i think it's one of them yeah i bet i've never heard a street buster do like bohemian rhapsody because it's a [ __ ] 19 minutes but they get so much money no one would sit through that i would i'd stand up and start tapping my feet how would you do it that's perfectly on tempo this is real life boring [ __ ] fantasy you know he played that at live aid you know that right 8-bit fantasy yeah or nintendo rhapsody yeah that's what i'm saying it was nice but then i died and i can't find the strategy guide and i was there and i was there in the front crowd quick swim into the crowd as [ __ ] that got me that was good i'll give him that okay now's over to the crowd that's me oh i really want to take a nail clipper to our shins that's the second time tonight you've talked about taking a nail clip with somebody but i never thought i'd say it about her shins he's got a real like corpsey freaking hand it's because he said this bubble bat for too long why is he so mean why can't he just be nice zoinks wrecking oh please dear god please just open some please let those smash his arms let no bad happen remember we're back oh yeah oh no with the little daughter who's like parents forever he almost [ __ ] got you there holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] leave me alone can i go up there do something go back up there now holy [ __ ] what are you supposed to do here you're supposed to jump on that thing and pull it down uh i think he's gonna wait oh no never mind i got an idea all right can i that's cool [Music] he's gonna do it again i assume you have to do that again oh yeah i might have to do that a few times yeah this is a good idea for a little boss yeah this rocks oh my god oh my god oh okay maybe i have to grab the other uh the other beam no maybe like i have to grab this yeah yeah you [ __ ] oh my god his arms [ __ ] he's so [ __ ] mad at you i'd be kind of pissed if both my arms got ripped off no you'd be fine you'd get over it you'd learn to forgive you have to forgive the most important thing is that you forgive well there's a 3d a 3d like age on your shoulder right now where's this black angel with red eyes and then i come i come on the other shoulder yeah and he says no i just i just do it you just calm and the good angel says see i told you this guy was no good you say your collarbones are so perfect this guy is nothing but trouble what are you gonna do swap me off with your no arms you [ __ ] idiot i said where did you come from see that interdimensional split the dimensional murder if i told you you'd freak out you just absolutely flip regular human ears cannot comprehend that's what the angel shoulder system yeah did you know hp lovecraft god was kind of mean to who to everyone they said lovecraft you're your last name you're not crafting much love for me you should have been hatecraft and then he would there can't possibly be that many dead bodies yeah lovecraft writes book it and hate craft tickles [Laughter] not not a completely even power dynamic but they're opposing forces though regardless yeah that's that's just how that shakes out that's the underlying thing that's what's most interesting do you hear about that guy who like some girl when i read it and she was like i really like my boyfriend but he sleeps in a nest of his own clothes and refuses to get a bed held then he walks into this and goes like our age oh boy yeah that's bad she even says i tried being understanding and i tried sleeping in it with him but i just couldn't do it poor girl wait she tried being understanding and sleeping in the clothes that's more patience than most people think she said he didn't wash it so it's just a nest of dirty clothes yeah honestly that [ __ ] is a trooper for even trying i know this is funny this is you every morning zack what did i do to get a text i don't like it when people call you a rat dude it's not okay guys this is the music i hear in my head when i get called it [Laughter] let's just say i feel a little [ __ ] demented dude you're kind of like johnny the homicidal maniac what is that it was uh it was the guy who made invader zim he had a comic called johnny the homicidal maniac i do feel like the other one's a little like i am very itchy that was a lot that was a lot of early 2000 stuff i mean i did [ __ ] like that i even ripped them off i mean i literally made a thing called disturb johnny oh yeah it was the one with the kid with the so bad so awful i'm gonna delete that before this video goes up so no one can see it copyright strike everybody who uploads it i forgot i even made that until just now oh he is so [ __ ] nasty this is this is lyle cookies after working out meal i was creating creatine shaking like raw steak i just need to lose my water this is a lot of the end of quarantine no i'm not one of those learns to cook and quarantine people i've i've been quarantined i've basically been living this lifestyle that you've all been living for like the last 12 years i absolutely love how they animated his face this game is great so far his face is amazing there's so many iconic little uh characters he's wearing my face yeah i was gonna say it looks like it's a it's like a mask on his head yeah what's under there like a piggy you see a piggy a piggy oh they couldn't figure there look look what's in the oven this is [ __ ] scary can i help oh god that was stupid this is like uh jurassic park when there's like ladles hanging everywhere oh yeah when the raptors are pushing their noses through the their mouths this is a unix system i know this [ __ ] hats stupid girl you don't know how jurassic park was coated oh [ __ ] little brat your little breath she saved jurassic park chris did you call your bread she saved your ass you're right that was uncalled for oh [ __ ] hell help there's a repulsive [ __ ] pig man who did they cut the head off of them why i hate that guy god he looks nasty [ __ ] i would not trust him to make my meal yeah he'd [ __ ] choke his goop into i think he's a great cook actually you think you think he's bad but he subverts your expectation yeah but you'd be you're eating his germs you never coughed in the soup you just coughed in the air yeah that's true look i think this guy's got good hygiene he's salting his bloody fish oh that fish looks delicious who's he making food for what do you look at him himself yeah no a chef wouldn't be that rude i'm surprised that gordon ramsay's not like a fat repulsive [ __ ] you're surprised that gordon ramsay is exactly that guy yeah exactly that yeah gordon ramsay should look like that aunt zelda if you're good enough at cooking shouldn't you look like that you put up a picture of good ramsey next to the three model of this character why did that set him off holy [ __ ] i saw you that was gordon ramsay has big lines in his head i think what ribs he does that noise when somebody pisses him off in a restaurant yeah when he hears someone rustling around in his food yeah he runs as fast as he can into the kitchen grabs a compulsively grabbed seasoning yeah you know what i realized just now what angry gordon ramsay sounds like angry christian bale like what is christian bill saying that batman tape he's like you [ __ ] yeah oh god no i didn't say that it's [ __ ] distracting yeah it's distracting watching you go ah in the background what was he screaming do you want me to trash your lights the guy was just like walking through the set while he was doing a really hard take he was like it was during like rehearsal like he wasn't even it wasn't no apparently he was like he had to do this like really strenuous take over and over and then that guy just walked in through the background and ruined it it wasn't during filming it was like a test like it was he was rehearsing it wasn't even i bet it still like [ __ ] him up though you still have yeah it probably did but still like even at one point he's like i like you man i like you but you're pissing me off dude he was so [ __ ] jacked for batman that he had to lose weight they were like you're just like you're basically like double superman right now we need you to be batman like imagine him screaming at you i would i would probably piss myself yeah yeah i'd piss actual like pee pee just running down your leg yeah hard like no you know like pissing hard you have to do it against something more more toilet humor okay look dude i know you've pointed at the turtle humor we're not gonna stop that's a toilet toilet or something no what do you know oh i get it it's like one of those like gamer chairs that that's like have you seen those yeah ninja sits on that no no no no no i'm talking about like you know the reclining computer chairs because of like people get so fat people have to have like custom computer chairs made that are like three chairs wide and they're like reinforced steel yeah they've got two of the like body you know the bottom part with the three wheels there's two of those on the bottom because of how big aircraft material yeah have you seen the video of that guy walking down the stairs and he's got like a huge penis he's so fat have i seen the video where the guy's walking the stairs he's got a huge penis what do you mean no he's like one of those morbidly like he's like three of this guy but he's got a huge [ __ ] his his dick is like swollen like a tumor and it's like it's touching the the floor as he walks why would i watch this and it's it's got the diameter of like two normal people i'm not kidding i'm fine you're saying it's like a functional [ __ ] or it's too big i don't know it might not even be a [ __ ] it might be like his uh what do you call that that fat above your [ __ ] the flappis the pubic region the [ __ ] no i know what you're talking about i just don't it's the fat right above your [ __ ] so and fat people it builds up there a little fat pack [ __ ] fupa that's your favorite is that really what that is yeah it's your food i didn't know that so it might be his like gigantic tumor fupa it's disgusting i know i'm gonna find a video and show it to you and i want you to remember it till the day you die my mommy gives me compliments on the cool videos [Laughter] she loves me more than my mommy told me i've always said she was getting a favorite person did you ever have that like back and forth with your mama's kids like i love you more your mom's like i love you more yeah that's probably happened everybody at least once but i think my mom was lying is she easy she had she knew i loved her more she just didn't [ __ ] accept it she actually loves you a little bit less than you might expect she would get angry when i confront her on the fact my beautiful mother loves me very much i don't think i can pull this out [Music] that's where we got that from my friends [Music] we suck yep yep we're canceling future uploads yeah i'll never find it i give up the fat man with the huge [ __ ] remains a mystery people out there know what i'm talking about people out there he's got a big bandage wrapped around his [ __ ] like the tissue paper on cloud sword and kingdom hearts what you know kingdom hearts cloud has a sword wrapped up in bandages yeah he's got his huge [ __ ] wrapped up like that and he smashes things in anger oh oh you hugged it it's my friend is it really i think so you've made friends holy [ __ ] it oh no leave alone oh man that fish looks so good is it really i think so do you salivate when you see just like a fish uh no i didn't mean like that i meant like how they made it yeah i think it looks really good i was like that's a kind of a strange thing to no i don't think it looks delicious it looks kind of like gross i don't actually like fish that much yeah i'm not i mean there's a lot of different kinds of fish but it's not my favorite man do you like crab though i do like crab though in burbank the boiling crab dude [ __ ] yes oh yeah did you get that sauce what's it called uh just the the whole shebang [ __ ] like everything it's like that orange sauce it's so [ __ ] good yeah now they have that place in anaheim for a while good too it's always packed with people yeah that's where it started with oh he's like lifting his face what's he doing oh i kind of wish he was looking at the camera for that but then that would have like ruined the mystique huh yeah it's it's probably better like not to see it they probably even coated it on purpose so he doesn't look at the camera when he does it but maybe i don't know oh god oh god you're doing great yeah it seems like he's kind of far away so i should have time to uh yeah to do this you could do without him noticing i really [ __ ] hope oh okay yes oh no it's starting to sound scary man i'm really glad there's all these like little windows for you to crawl through yeah that is convenient uh oh god those machines are so weird the sausage machines yeah dude i i follow this [ __ ] account on twitter called bad deviantart and one of the worst ones i think i've ever seen was like it was like some anime girl in one of those making herself into sausage and like and she was like eating it from the other side that's so funny is that like a fetish yeah yeah oh look at that it's like the best worst twitter accounts on the planet did you turn on the hyper rap mod dude look at that hyper red it's one of those uh he's eating it yeah no it's a dead one of those uh gnomes i completely ignored that there was a [ __ ] gnome for a second it being eaten by the mouse what are you gonna do with that holiday ham that big where's my hand i left it right here you have we talked about felway before uh have we i don't think so chris maybe we catch to the audience if you will film wave just like break it down yeah yeah just really quickly sell people on film with okay so it used to be the best youtube channel ever where it was this really big fat guy well they might hear this so think about that well i want him to hear this okay it was this big fat guy and he had another big fat friend and they used to make videos where they they thought they were pranking like they were making prank videos where they were pranking each other but they were so horrendously badly acted that it like it was just amazing it was so funny just how badly acted they were where he'd be like like i'm gonna prank my friend by taking his easter or his holiday and i'm gonna hide it from him and then like he gives a fake thumbs up and he he's coming home and then the guy walks he's like where's my hand i put it right here what's going on and then they just have a horrible back and forth it's so badly it was so unbelievably entertaining but they had they had hundreds of these and they were like it was my favorite channel they were all rock they were the best yeah they were like they were their biggest fans and then they had to just go and [ __ ] delete everything if this ever gets to them please re-upload all of this please do please we're not saying this in an ironic way we really love the videos i have two of them saved but that's what do you have i've got the grenade prank and the holiday ham present you don't have the the poison peanut butter and jelly no but the one we really wish we had saved was where uh he practiced his friend into going to hell he's going to hell he wakes up he's like he puts he puts a [ __ ] filter like a color correction filter so it looks red so like the guy wouldn't even be able to see the guy himself wouldn't be experiencing and also he said where am i is everything right he's in a rocking chair so he's like i'll be rocking back and forth and uh also they still have like they left the tv on yeah so you could hear the tv the background so and he's and the friend does he like has a disembodied voice and he's like you're in hell yeah i'm the devil the best part is you can tell exactly what their kind of relationship was one was the brains and the other was just doing it because his friend really wanted to do you have to be in these yeah and i hope they didn't like fall out to the drama or something but god i wish you'd re-upload those videos they were so good and if anybody actually has an archive or something please like contact one of us yeah please dear god i want that i want that i want that you sounded like a scaryly mason character i want i want it oh lordy i don't think you should talk to him oh my god recorded ramsay sound again every time i put things in places they should not be a great sadness washes over me my friend la when you die i'm going to make a video on youtube of uh [Music] every step that one yeah can you can you record yourself in black and white crying yes can you sigh can you say hey guys this is the video i never wanted to make god damn it that's loud i'll be watching you little lil bird well when you die i promise we will bury you with all your highlanders uh amiibos skylines try it out no keep it in that's a joke uh floppo physics back again yes this is like a weird metaphor for like [ __ ] trying to throw it into a grey door that's feminism am i right yes queen y'all squeed every time i see a queen yazzing i always want to [ __ ] kill men it sucks when you run into horrible [ __ ] that you only find online in the real world like that guy that was at the avengers saying yes queen what i told you that there's a guy at the avengers saying yeah oh no it wasn't the avengers it was the freddie mercury movie see the odds queens rhapsody when the movie started me and veronica were sitting there and then the movie started and then it showed freddie mercury walking on strange or whatever and the guy in front of me went yass queen i think if somebody open hand smack that guy and tell his ears rang i think he would have never done that again you should have stood up and spat on the back of his head and then before he turned around just sat down in your seat and acted like nothing happened well he he did it that time and then he did it a second time and the second time i kicked his chair and then he looked around and then he did one more thing and then i lent forward and i was like you need to stop and then he stopped see i wouldn't have done it if it was a big scary dude luckily he was a porky little [ __ ] wow look at that big piece of meat that's funny you should deal grandpa a piece of meat over a an openable hole now that's something i can get down with huh i've never met a hole that wasn't openable oh with enough persistence well that was a great huck you just oh oh lyle was known for his expertise with hook go on lil tell us a hook face well give us a good hook a good hook effect the people that craft hooks are called hookers okay well it's a good hook fact number two uh that the hooker is the world's oldest profession oh and i'm going to get bold now to get asked hook fact number three i just want to make sure i want to clarify this isn't a funny bit no this is true the the first thing people needed before fire was hooks i want to make sure that everyone listening knows we do not make fun of women like that what are you talking about i'm talking about people that that forge hooks dude i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just making sure that you weren't making fun of hookers yeah no they they did that before they had like shopping or uh or gathering look if you're gonna call me a white knight i don't even care no i could happily be a wife i called you a white [ __ ] i just want to run up to her and snip her legs off you could if you were fast enough if she ever came with the voice swap i definitely picked her legs off like a ladybug's legs or like an insect or like a centipede me the musical mate the musical me the more you put inside of you the more you are big when i'm on websites like vice and buzzfeed and they tell me to eat bugs i just get really excited for the future i can't wait no i love i love when i read something and it says uh the few in the future's gonna be eating rats and bugs and they say and here's why that's a good thing you know i love being too stupid to figure out whether something's good or bad and here's why that's a good thing because bugs are yummy that's why yeah oh no i think i put the appropriate amount of meat i can't believe someone made a video game about mate swinging i can't believe someone made a video game about meat swings so we live eat let's make the video here we go oh my god you're good now i'm a little meat meister now you're the sperm play the pink panther theme that looks [ __ ] perfect [Music] [Laughter] i remember one time i put on the tv and i saw the pink panther movie was on and i watched it i see button i didn't see any cartoon pink panther and i turned it off i saw steve martin i saw some [ __ ] old idiots i saw old steve boy disgusting white hair no color i [ __ ] turned it off in disgust did you say more like the stink panther you know what you know what's really the stinky oh my god dude you scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me he's gonna lift that off lyle no the [ __ ] he is his head is pulsating he doesn't know where oh he's just wants the stinky cheese oh he's just a little hungry i don't know how they [ __ ] made these guys so repulsive but they did a great job oh god wait how do i yeah see ya [ __ ] you did it no he's mad though he's really big yep huh oh is it coming up i want to see him come up is that a good thing can he like oh and that's a good thing and that's a good thing this guy's about to kill you and that's here's why that's a good thing ho ho [ __ ] sucker he's gonna put his ass up against that vet and spray diarrhea drive you to death make your little feet wear away with his acidic shits i like how his music is like terrifying tuba music yes those big blasts if only chris griffin for family guy would follow him around with a tuba it's basically what it is it's like it's like that but horror i thought stewie did that oh it is still you're right he's crazy chris yeah chris griffin's not me like that stewie follows chris no he follows a random fat guy it wasn't chris look at the end of the episode he does fall across stop you're stopped uh hey peter remember the time what the [ __ ] did you just say remember this is the worst [ __ ] content possible it's why did i choose to do that he's mad at you he's better that's gonna be bad oh that's bad oh it's bad oh that's bad yeah all right so that was a distraction but i don't know why i do it i think you did it for fun well i think you distract me every time you flaunt yourself in the room every time you whip your locks around and look good every time lyle whips his locks around he's got beautiful bluish black locks you know you know what i mean i don't know what you mean when your hair's so black it has that blue highlight in it it's pretty cool it's cute flip have little pink eyeballs at the end of them yeah lyle's dreads whispered is that a human suit yeah i think that guy is like wearing that that that's a little bit excessive it makes me kind of angry honestly tbh a little gross well that looks like the surgery you got yeah but that makes me look cool it makes him look like a totally different oh yeah every one of his ribs removed except for two yeah well that's not what i meant go right go right go right go right quick quick quick real quick go right go right right right right right right right no i don't want to do that you ruined the joke you dick no give me some beetles trivia uh the beatles were all just one guy and every time they needed a different beetle he'd go oh one second i'll get the other beetle and then he'd go into the other room and then a different beetle would come out really isn't there really a conspiracy that one of the beatles died in the car accident like 1965 and they just replaced it i believe it i think i know that's the thing with avril lavigne i think they said like uh paul mccartney yeah yeah he's a two part well he's a clone right well two packs not dead one pack is yeah everyone thinks elvis is is dead but really king dude the king is returning soon dude i don't know how you could not think elvis is dead like even if you didn't think he died back he looked dead when he was alive yeah all right he's like do a cool elvis impression to make my dad laugh oh boy i love eating chili i love eating chili and bread together am i supposed to be on oh this is what i'm doing get the key you got the key hell you got the key when i'm out of here my uncle does a shitty elvis impression oh oh you stupid [ __ ] oh you stupid son of a [ __ ] oh i got a [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's coming dude he's coming he's not gonna find me you [ __ ] angry tuba [ __ ] this is more like a huge nightmare honestly that's a cool little life hack actually and most people don't know about considerate your enemies no if you ever have like a lot of trash just like throw it in a big fire heap and burn it yeah that's really the perfect plan does does it doesn't the government recommend you burn all your plastic if you don't if you're not using it um you can burn it or you can just throw it in the ocean yeah they i think i think i think the dolphins can just digest it they have like acid that digests in their stomach yeah they're like uh it's like when you compost you're you feed it to the dolphins yeah you feel like the nails and like the plastic and stuff they just they they have things just sucking right now some really famous european scientists actually discovered that that's why they're so smart it's because they're digesting like this kind of mutating stuff that makes their brains bigger no i'm not going to where's that guy's name again that's what it was i saw his interview with uh with charlie rhodes ew there's suds but yeah no doctor schmiebelwitz i thought it was evil i'm just stupid i can't pronounce big words but so what did that do evil do he was the guy who discovered [ __ ] oh that's right so we're just talking about of course he was the guy who made the dolphin smart oh my god why is there two of them because they're stupid hey [ __ ] head did they commit to mitosis yeah oh boy yeah they're not going to fire oh man he saw you oh no he didn't well there was this fella who was a chef and he wears somebody else's skin and well there's a story about this fella who oh he totally saw me oh my god whoa that's honestly kind of [ __ ] scary he could see you but he could oh my god no i moved he didn't see you walking away from his sight no well i i was i was to his side he looked uh oh yeah that's terrifying why would you hide in such a stupid area please say dude yeah that's how you remain conspicuous i want to hide in plain shite oh [ __ ] that's the crazy septic tank descending down you can't see them remember that video of the guy just sitting in a septic tank this is just thinking oh it's so cute it's kind of uh you know it's actually not cute never mind what the guy in the septic tank oh [ __ ] oh you're making you get a little kind of see ya [ __ ] heads that's awesome [ __ ] oh no that's so cool oh he's [ __ ] chasing this is horrible [ __ ] oh god is he gonna get out of the ladder or something he better not what an idiot just turn it off oh [ __ ] he's gonna grab you drop oh [ __ ] ah no oh god you're all right oh my god [ __ ] that she's good this is the opposite of all right table table table oh my god oh my god dude that was so perfectly timed can you get back on it oh he's throwing paws what a dick get it that was so [ __ ] scary that's amazing what a perfectly set up thing oh [ __ ] god lyle if you got caught there i don't know what i would have done dude i was genuinely clenched up there i've played this game before and that was still like ew a shiny pipe oh [ __ ] imagine if you wear this shiny pipe imagine if you really shitty babe they would absolutely hate kings of the sky are running down upon your mellow brow this episode of the twilight zone is called the triplets triplets your flip-flops pitter-patter against the shiny pipe as the triplets flip around crystal deal age [Laughter] his flip-flops hit the droplets those are the passengers you finally got off i see oh yeah you finally got off the ship is this the end wow did we really beat it no you'll see so are those all the chef basically is that the people oh there's two boats yeah they're boarding from one boat onto the other boat you're just a small yellow woman in a big great world that's a really cool yeah it's real neat i like this video let's be honest we knew it was a boat from the start i actually forgot that you were on a boat imagine if you will forgetting you're on a boat imagine if you will you're in a boat but you forgot that you had a boat that's so scary that is actually still pretty scary that would be weird if you just walked too far and then you're just like whoa what the [ __ ] oh this is like weird religious [ __ ] isn't it no damn look at these [ __ ] so a bunch of fats decide to get on board the party really heats up when a bunch of fats get on board would one of the fats see that little yellow woman right there no the fat chocolate let's just kidding it rolls over the fats the skinny is the ultimate rules rules are the fastest she's just some [ __ ] [ __ ] this music's terrifying also they're shaking the whole camera these fats yeah it almost it almost has like a weird like womb sound kind of like this is a [ __ ] nightmare i i would hate it if everyone looked like that was this made what country is this game developed developed in like what afghanistan is if this is i feel like this is like a do you think this is cutting edge commentary about how fat americans are i'm saying this feels like a french company made i think about fat americans i could be wrong about that it's like when you watch the triplets of belleville and every american's like fat and ugly and it's like come on you guys i'll give you a little bit you can do a little bit but it just becomes are they too concerned with eating they notice me okay yeah they made literally every american a big fat monster yeah yeah which is kind of i love the designs i really do like the designs i i feel like that [ __ ] should be allowed if everything else is allowed otherwise don't bother oh my oh god hold on oh my goodness oh god that is so [ __ ] scary oh my god oh my god it's [ __ ] terrifying i don't like him this game is [ __ ] crazy not to be controversial but i really don't like it i don't want to dig up old things or something i don't want to open all the worlds oh [ __ ] he sees you no matter what okay oh my god you can do this jesus law you laughed a little too hard i just wasn't expecting that you shouldn't laugh so hard at death dude it's not funny dying is final and there's nothing funny about things that are finally dying is the final result you know what i'm saying let's see can i oh [ __ ] yeah i always knock that over you can't avoid that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god oh my god oh god oh god he's on the table look at the table he's coming oh yeah he's just getting ready oh that guy's reaching these people are [ __ ] nasty oh god he's still coming i think he's stuck this is [ __ ] scary dude look at these big fatties okay they're not noticing me something is that thing still coming no get on the table get out of the dishes yeah yeah he'll start coming now or these people oh god oh my god okay why would it let you do that i don't know i alright you have to jump on the light i think you're really pissing her off yeah oh this is [ __ ] so stressful oh her noises are scary oh yeah you fat [ __ ] my god why would you want to live after seeing all this yeah i would just even if i could live i wouldn't want to imagine being a little tiny lady in this world it would just suck oh my god oh you little [ __ ] you imagine playing this as a kid oh this would this would [ __ ] i don't think i would i think this is like rated for not kids i'm pretty sure kids will still play it wow aren't you the nice little mover what's up buddy oh i love ooh oh what is that oh it's a little pen head he's stolen socks okay there were dead versions of those things everywhere yeah there was a dead one earlier with the rat oh he's following you he's your friend all right don't follow me too far because i'm about to put my [ __ ] very life at risk what's the objective at this point i mean the same as the objective's always been just kind of proceed get out of this place you've never really been like where do you go from do you have to go back in here uh well this is gonna be an experience um hello fats oh my god oh god this is so oh my god that looks so good [ __ ] oh the way it spills this game is great at like get obviously you have to do like one thing but it's gonna make you feel like it's just like you're you're yeah it's pressing but it's like it's good at making it feel like they just missed you yeah yeah yeah yeah it's great at that like this game probably isn't really that hard but that's what i mean it seems harder the fact that the tension's there at all like that you're looking to fall anyways but that's still a great like oh yeah this game is a good [ __ ] culture god their faces make me sick yeah they are pretty disgusting i have a little bit of a tummy right now looking at that just makes me feel so much pain looking at it i've got like a pain in my back right now i'm not even that fat imagine those guys oh yeah they're miserable whatever pain you have these guys feel times like a thousand i always do wonder about that if you get that [ __ ] like mobility mary is she just in a horrible thing yeah she would be in constant pay like they're so [ __ ] but also could you argue if you felt that much pain would you just like uh like eat yeah eat more yeah that's all you got really i mean when you start intermittent fasting or something you [ __ ] you were that kind of pain how how why he sucked you back yeah that was [ __ ] ew he he he got you all right maybe okay wait hold on i got a plan well i was a man with a plan i'm a man with a plan that might have might not work live yep see see you make the fat come this way you lure the fed yeah you lower the fat is he gonna get stuck yeah there we go come on man come on see you [ __ ] you bounced on the fad oh my god slide yes [ __ ] bloated monopoly man looking ass don't be mean the monopoly come on oh [ __ ] that's the little lady that we saw earlier oh [ __ ] oh my god you get out of here run dude oh you're not my friend you've never been my friend oh [ __ ] [ __ ] how do you get away from him i suppose i mean i mean i think you're going to this room you got under that table thing maybe maybe down the toilet i i i don't know if he was supposed to find me i might have just waited around there for too long you know you were just being stupid obviously maybe maybe okay maybe maybe the [ __ ] little table maybe damn [ __ ] stupid maybe maybe oh he saw it he saw yep how did he see wait you're hiding behind shitty baby paper i don't like it oh don't make me watch that's a real thing i for i forgot there's a thing there used to be called the poopinator really i don't you know what i laughed when i was 15. maybe it's still funny can i look at it real quick the poopinator now's as good a time as any look it's the poopinator 13 years ago yeah take my messages i have to make a poo it's not even good i have to make it this way it looks sounds nothing like him what do you think lau i mean it delivers what it promises it really does that's a sickening shot holy [ __ ] look how aggressive that guy is he's mad he's mad that a little thing has been skittering around in his peripheral all day i literally have done nothing to him i didn't cut his arms off you are being kind of what's the principle of it all i think you have to go that i never mind you're supposed to go on this thing grab that you're supposed to go in the light like but i guess that doesn't do anything i i might well i i had to get out of that room i was trapped in it oh dude do you go to the room to the left now you go back down the elevator yeah now i can escape in his elevator whoa wow wow all right let's make up a new kids show uh well we're gonna pitch okay okay donnie the oh sakura vegas psycho cigar uh the the corpse that was in donnie is removed for uh excavation for cleaning yeah they open it up wait i think there's someone in here donnie feels sad oh my god there's like an avalanche of fat right now donnie is saying he's an avalanche of fat yeah oh my god dude [ __ ] donny is greeted by a talking scarab who doesn't like who does what he's wacky he's a character you're talking scaram what the [ __ ] you talking about the sarcophagus then oh my god so what's a regular episode like um sarcophagus has a problem he needs to be embalmed with one of his possessions and he needs to get it back he gets involved every episode yeah they forget they forget the serious psychographic it's the thing that holds the mummy yeah so he needs he the mummy he's not the mummy he's the sarcastic that's what i'm saying so he's getting polished in fact the mummy inside this workout again gets taken out that's not even part of the story it's really the sarcophagus and he never comes back and he feels empty without him yeah yeah so he's just trying to chase this guy down and [ __ ] look man put him under a pyramid yeah man things haven't been the same since uh we parted ways i'm just looking for my friend king tut i don't know maybe you call me stupid or laugh for me or whatever but it's just how i really feel is he feeding you a wiener that's inappropriate what what don't eat him why is she being like this [Music] you were the little nightmare all along oh what the [ __ ] what what why i really killed him i can't do it anymore i can't do this anymore i can't go on i just can't keep doing this how am i supposed to connect with her now oh my god there she goes it's so scary that controls the fats they're being very illuminati right now illumination wait a minute illumination [Music] minions wait wait a minute little illuminati despicable me wait a minute despicable just watchable me it's all connected those despicable illuminatis those despicable bees are making the grinch [Laughter] um [ __ ] learn how to play the game i would [ __ ] love to i would absolutely pick that up and hit the button oh yeah can i not uh throw that at yeah yeah baby remember how this works wait is there something baby chris right oh okay there's nothing in there was it you thought it was like we re-watched the third austin powers like his teeth are all like they're both adorable they're normal at the start and then they get more 15 minutes yeah yeah it's going to go back and rewatch oscar powers 3 for the first like 15 minutes of the movie they didn't put his nasty teeth on he just has mike myers like regular teeth he's going yeah baby but if it goes into the movie they just forgot like they just forgot to shoot it with that on yeah that's weird gorilla baby groovy baby it's me austin powers [ __ ] one of my teachers [ __ ] fell out your teeth one of your teachers fell off did you hear that are you liking one of those teeth dreams no this is chris chris let me see open your chris up with your mouth it really is his tooth he's chewing on it this is a toothed reality not a tooth dream do you think i can break it down and swallow it yeah try it try it just take a bite of it oh you actually did a dude there's goo gone what is that stuff on the inside dude that's the tooth oil the tooth oil yeah the most pressure he swallowed valuable tooth oil he swallowed valuable tooth oil we've got to pump his stomach together dude wait a second oh all right hey chris can you give me one of your teeth i see another one's kind of loose can you give me give me one uh oh my god what are you doing i don't know i think i'm i might have to sneak faster i don't think you're supposed to i just tried i'm trying to pull them out there's gonna be one i can't that's what while you're being selfish give me one oh okay cool thank you i caught people now too oh oh so god damn that's good dude right chris you should sell this man oh my god it's because i've been uh chewing on like sugar cubes all my life oh my god what's this sound it's singzo abbey [Music] so this is supposed to be good huh i can see better than that what's your favorite song to sing in the shower probably that you know it's not my favorite song but damn if it doesn't get stuck in your head if i'm not tap my foot then this song isn't good and i am tapping my foot [Music] [Laughter] that's never going to get old until i die does this bed not have sheets on it or does it just have white shirts you're supposed to you know you're supposed to wash your bed sheets every day no you're not yeah otherwise you get bad biscuits bad biscuits yep scrapes right off your back yep and they're little it's like they cause scabies they make your flesh right yep it it basically doing crocody you basically have crocodile level necrosis if you don't wash your bed sheets every day well that's if one of the bed biscuits gets big enough yeah the baby if the bed basically gets big enough then that'll happen don't climb that you stupid [ __ ] she coming in here oh yeah you just broke something i'd come in she's not coming go grab the key and see if you can escape this okay stop singing because you broke that don't walk in broken glass wait a minute that's you in the picture what what see yellow dress little girl no no alan you do that might be you when you walk across that little [ __ ] uh carpet it sounds like spongebob's oh yeah it sounds like all right steve hiddenberg made that sound effect by plucking on his eye strings he pulled every aisle i shot to get those sound effects yeah that's how he got the ukulele strings to compose his greatest hits that's the coolest song ever there's like a trap remix of it on youtube [Music] i guarantee you at this point in time if you played that [ __ ] in duck club all the honeys would get going well the honey's [ __ ] get runny baby is your [ __ ] there's a black shadow demon just uh following you oh [ __ ] that's good there's no way she can't just crawl beneath that yeah come on women are small you can put them in suitcases and jars and stuff woman in the jar cases i just i understand now you're getting it cut over the little pieces throw over the lake well there's better methods there's the pinhole method where you prick their body like thousands of times with a pen and they'll slowly bleed out and you just cover them in like toilet paper so it absorbs it and then and then they just people say oh there's a lot of toilet paper right there on the ground yeah it just looks like a silly mummy outfit people go oh there's a mummy here is it halloween walk away is it halloween there's a mummy right there it must be anyways bye and then by the time the toilet paper absorbs it all you can cut them up and nothing spills out yeah because all the blood is in the toilet paper mm-hmm at that point it just looks like something i think bill and i did an episode about this uh my sex junk and then he followed it up did that whoa she disappeared my sex junk is so uh oh the feeling about that song is hello look my [ __ ] has a voice does anyone else ever have a [ __ ] voice i wanna what a studio audience of live show kids whoa look at that this is ridiculous i don't even think this would happen in real life uh try rapulis okay all right one more shameful glance at your visage oh that's really cool oh you've been in quarantine a while you're growing a bunch of body hair you're wearing sweatpants get the [ __ ] out of here i don't think that would deter her that badly look at her oh no she's still feeling confident this is really cool she still has some kind of self sense of self-worth all right i'm gonna put it into that while you're gonna take it well you have to say the meanest thing you could ever say to a woman right about now wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no your sister's prettier oh no she continues it only made her angrier how did you know to use the mirror like that uh i don't know just a hunch no in the in the last room she's like brushing her hair looking at a broken mirror oh so she's a [ __ ] typical woman basically yeah brushing your stringy hair instead of a broken creepy room your typical stinky nine foot eight woman don't walk up to her she was being mean you and your stupid log neck oh come on you ate the baba no now i will become long self-fulfilled prophecy i guess oh wait wait is that really what is happening it's like the santa claus right yep if he bites across his neck yeah the santa claus with tim allen he bites santa clause's neck and he becomes the santa claus in fact this exactly happens in the movie that's how he transforms he gets surrounded by black goo and by black mr goo and then he becomes the new santa claus let's see what new santa like powers i'm granted isn't this santa claus 3 doesn't he fight like an ice demon or something yeah there's a there's like a devil there's a devil or yeah he fights isis because isis tries to cancel christmas yeah and they start by uh saying happy holidays at starbucks yes that'd be the cool opening for a movie isis is like invading but they accidentally invade the antarctica and become ice demons so i don't understand so the fat leagues that you were ready for earlier you [ __ ] fatling shut up now you're just killing the fat ladies yeah now the fatlings respect me you're on a crusade against these feelings oh my god it's so scary [ __ ] off i wish i got to play this as a little kid why so you could just walk past fatlings slowly is he wearing a mask i think yeah i think so i don't know i think that one was oh you're like you're like sucking their essence out yeah i'm like force choking them and [ __ ] well yeah there i guess there's like bugs coming out of me or something i don't know that's what that is i i actually don't know i think that's just like debris floating you've become the founder of mcdonald's and you're killing fat people yeah and harvesting their essence this is commentary and that's the illuminati beckoning you yeah that's that's the ancient demon ronaldis ronaldo mcdonald's yeah you've ascended i have ascended to a level three illuminato now i get to meet he's always dropping the number 33 of these videos as a little dog whistle to his freemason friends and you know what we don't [ __ ] we don't we [ __ ] notice it is that is that a 30 yeah the number 33 truly is something from freemasonry that that uh that's my jim carrey number remember that jim carrey was it jim carrey he's the number 27 27 number yeah i think it was 27 it was some number that doesn't matter yeah it was and he was like i see the number everywhere yeah basically that's what that is also i thought that i thought the door was gonna close on that little guy and like smash it smash his legs yeah i thought it was looks like you're off the ship at least yeah that's one problem solved well done and then we have the other problem of the credits oh god i don't want to pay attention to this i feel like credits suck you out of the world of the movie so you might as well just like act like no one made it yeah it's like why do you want me to just believe that a bunch of names came after every main character finished doing their thing yeah no i don't believe this i just say that i made this so that i feel better and i because i don't even have to look at the credits right yeah you say that you made this you apply for jobs and cite this as one of your works and that makes you feel like it was a complete experience yeah andreas carl said he didn't do additional artists and animators look if you're a true artist right like you guys are we're all true artists right right you're not gonna put your name at the end of your art nope that just sucks you out of the art all these people should be blacklisted you guys don't even care about the [ __ ] sanctity of marriage i'm sick of it every one of these people has married each other at least once and i've i for one have had it especially audio with no credibility audio design i saw the sounds coming out of the [ __ ] character the characters were doing that yeah we watched them do it and you're here telling me that you made the sound of the vase falling boy this makes me so angry i could just start and two qa interns named giuseppe what are the actual chances of that insane yeah they're making me go eat a mom someone called that it's a foreign fat okay do you think we've slandered enough to stretch this episode out i want to slander one more person okay okay take one more shot i want to find someone that i really just yeah yeah i cannot stand the look of their spelling name what about pierre twardowski look at that romanian oh and he's a crm project manager romain chantellot are you a wine or a crm project manager and i want you to think about that for the rest of your [ __ ] life have you heard that yeah [ __ ] someone supplied chains it's a lawyer swirl that around and smell it you [ __ ] yeah these people clearly sold out they don't care about her who the [ __ ] is a coo someone was nordic apparently this one was at denmark apparently somebody managed marketing what do you think the pr stands for like penis related manager yeah peter yeah penis penis red manager and vp of northern europe president of northern europe wow i can't believe you worked on this i'm actually i take everything i sit back i can't believe all of france and belgium worked on this it's the most this is the biggest collaborative thing since world war ii this is what the yellow jacket protests are about stop working on that game that's why the character in this game has a little yellow jacket oh my god oh my god [Applause] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 463,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, Little Nightmares, Little Nightmares Gameplay, Little Nightmares Walkthrough, Little Nightmares Part 1, Little Nightmares Gameplay Part 1, Little Nightmares Game, Little Nightmares Oneyplays, Little Nightmares PC, Little Nightmares PC Gameplay, Little Nightmares Steam, Little Nightmares Steam Gameplay, Little Nightmares scary, little nightmares scary moments, Little Nightmares boney plays, Little Nightmares Steam Scary, Little Nightmares PC scary
Id: 9ZsxaqnojH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 56sec (6476 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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