Lithium Batteries Dropped in Water

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Hey guys, I'm Nate welcome back to the king of random today We're going to be trying out something a little bit different in that this whole video is going to be one Take. We're going to show you an experiment from start to finish, without cutting the camera to several different angles We wanted to try this because, it gives you a better sense of what it's like to really do an experiment in real time Unfortunately, that does mean that when I garbled my words our trip over something We're gonna leave that video footage in hopefully there won't be too much of that Not too long ago, we had a video where we showed you taking lithium batteries and lighting them on fire They kind of exploded and then burned with a really bright magenta flame And it looked really cool a few people commented pointing out that we should try taking that same lithium and dropping it into some water That's what we're gonna try today because lithium should react with water and Hopefully we'll get that same bright pink flame Now as a first test. I have a strip of lithium that I've already taken out of a battery And I'm just gonna try lighting it on fire with a blowtorch Check out our setup, we've got here, we're gonna take one battery will show you taking the lithium out of that one We've got these three batteries. Which are already partially open, but not completely and We'll be removing the lithium from those Have here some lithium that I've already taken out of one of the batteries and now we're gonna try lighting that on fire with a Blowtorch and see if we can get that pink flame. We're looking for Let's come over to a slightly drier spot I don't want to put it down on the water because as this experiment may indicate it should react with water Here's a dry spot Get the blowtorch working Glasses on Wow! There we have it a fairly exciting and almost violent reaction. That may have even put a little divot in the concrete pad. That's pretty exciting So now let's look at how we get that lithium. I have here a an ultimate lithium battery, and you have to have the ultimate lithium kind Or it's something else entirely different inside, so let's take a look at opening one of these up It's just a piece of plastic sheeting around the outside I'm using our wire cutters to undo the crimped metal holding the top of this battery on There we go this little top piece pops right off Now we kind of need to peel this Kind of like we're opening a weird-shaped tiny little metal pan Now we can see what's inside of our lithium battery here, it's a roll of Some plastic a couple kinds of metal and some chemicals But different parts of metal or attach to the positive and negative ends of the battery Let's see if we can pull this whole roll out Not really sure what the best way to do this is Open up the casing a little more still This is the part we usually just edit right out of the videos Because it's not very exciting to watch But as I said the point is to really see what it's like to do an experiment in real time Sometimes it's not super smooth there we go So now we have a Tab that's part of what connects the metal strips inside to the housing We can set down my tools here Now we can start to unroll this and just trying to make sure my hands are dry so I don't start Setting anything off as I unroll it We've got two strips in here This one back here is our lithium and I'm not 100% sure what this one is honestly, but it smells kind of like rotten eggs So it might have sulfur on it or something All right now the whole video is going to be one take until after I've said my finished closing bit And then we're going to show you some other Slow-mo behind-the-scenes footage kind of so our cameraman is going to get those cameras started now And then I'm going to drop this lithium strip into our bowl of water Alright here goes Lithium in a bowl of water Boom pink flame and orange flame and lots of smoke Beautiful that reacted so quickly - ooh, and then it popped Wow I think that actually started melting the glass on my bowl holy cow Check this out like there is a rough patch here, and I it it could just be something built up on the surface But I'm pretty sure That started etching down into the glass That's crazy. Well. I've got some other batteries already torn open. Oh that broke the glass Well that's exciting That's not even the part where oh there. We go it started over here. Where it had heated it up and Then it just cracked all the way along here and opened that up down there Well, that's the kind of thing that would usually be thrown into random happens at the end of the video Well the bowls already broken But I've still got a couple of batteries Probably don't want to let those get wet Actually, let's uh try tossing one of those in See what happens this could be stupid to me Well it's in the bowl it's gonna try and unwrap one more and throw it into what's left of my bowl most of my bowl is gone, but It's still holding some water There it is There's the edge gloves are all wet so I'm a little nervous about touching this All right, there's our lithium bundling it up. You don't wanna start those cameras again, or should I just throw it in All right, I'm just gonna throw it in here we go And it ignites again whoo There's a bright little burning ball of metal in the water Very cool well our battery that I just threw in there seems to be corroding a little bit But it doesn't look like it's actually going to go very far. It is wrapped up in other pieces of metal and in some paper and whatever the other chemicals are in there, but There's a chunk of our reactive lithium, you know are still very much broken and ruined bolt these things happen Bowls aren't too expensive for you, but there you go lithium torn out of a lithium battery Stripped of its other wrappings and whatever else is around it crumpled up a little bit and then drop into water It ignites beautifully it has that super bright pink and orange glow to it. It's really cool it's a very fun color and Overall this is a pretty fun and easy experiment and you can see exactly how long it took you know It's not that easy to open the batteries That was the biggest delay is watching you slowly peel back the metal shell of the battery not exciting I know But hopefully we made up for it by showing you how it's saying how exciting it is to drop our lithium right into water that really burst into flames very entertaining Lee and Obviously gets really hot hot enough that it melted the side of the bowl which thing cracked and is now worthless next it's run away, but it's a cool experiment, and I'm glad that some people commented in the other video that we should try this out and It way it was fun. It's really fun to do I'm not saying that you should do this at home But if you do do at home you know try to be very careful very well ventilated area a little too much ventilation today Honestly wearing gloves is wearing long sleeves as wearing glasses. Just be extremely careful. If you do anything like this Thank you for joining us for this video today Remember to come gear yourself up with products and merch at the king of random column. See you there Less crumpled-up, let's see if it still lights on fire Hmm not so much this random happens, it's a different cut I know
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 1,452,185
Rating: 4.7645211 out of 5
Keywords: lithium battery, lithium, battery, batteries, fire, flames, water, chemistry, chemical reaction, reaction, explode, explosion, one take, metal, experiment, science, how to, cool, danger, burning, explosive, lithium metal, lithium (chemical element), boom, experiments, king of random, grant thompson, the king of random, grant thompson king of random, dangerous, ion, thekingofrandom, random happens, tkor, weekend project, random, lithium batteries vs water, what happens
Id: cTJh_bzI0QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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