Making a GIANT Flint Bomb

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What's up guys welcome back, it's a new day a new experiment and for this video today I wanted to try and supersize a project that I did in the past making homemade lighter bombs Now by now you're probably familiar with the concept of flint bombs You take off the little of covering on your lighter you pull out The Flint wrap it up and spring and hold it under a flame until it starts blowing orange hot At which point you can take that smash on the ground and it explodes into a wonderful display of sparks in every different direction But rather than using one of these wimpy little lighters for today's project I wonder What would happen if we super-sized it with one of these? So obviously the small Flint from the regular igniters are a lot of fun, so it's making me wonder What would happen if we use something bigger? I just went down to Walmart and pick this thing up It's a giant size lighter But if we tear the sheathing off and take a look inside Do the bigger lighters actually have bigger Flints This is where we're gonna have to break inside and actually find out Okay, so I just ripped open the sheathing I'm looking down inside I can see the Flint right here and looking up close, You can tell that compared to the regular lighters It is substantially bigger So we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna pull that out Use the spring on the inside to create some kind of a holding mechanism. We're gonna light that up Smash it on the ground and see if it has any more epic effect. Oh You got to be kidding me Rip off it looked like a big flint, but it's not it's just got this little one in the middle Oh Disappointment Alright guys. That's a real disappointment. I busted to open this giant lighter It looked like we're gonna have a bigger flint, but when I actually took the wheel off We ended up with this little thing which is about the same size as a regular barbecue tonight Or this one is a little bit shorter because I've actually used this lighter quite a bit So I just absolutely destroyed this thing in the pursuit of this tiny little Flint which is very discouraging We can light this thing up and light it off, but it's not gonna do anything cool But don't be discouraged cuz I'm not gonna leave you hanging rather than using one of these wimpy little things I went out and got One of these giant pair of stream rods which are basically the same thing just a lot bigger I'm about to show you what they do next a Ferro steering rod is commonly used in a survival kit use it with flint and steel If you use some kind of a steel object and strike down the side of it it produces very hot sparks that you can put Into a tinder bundle and use it to ignite your fire These are essentially those tiny little Flint's in your lighter Super size to become something like this so my question for this video is what would happen if we took a map gas torch wrap This thing up an electrical wire and superheat it at the same Is it gonna look any cooler? Let's go find out? Alright here. We go. I'm won't of truth. Let's go ahead and light this thing up. I'm gonna try and heat this evenly much as possible Wow look at the copper wire every time I run the flame over. It makes some cool cool colors metallic rainbow It's starting to glow there Here we go Yeah, oh my goodness, that's awesome look at this this things are still hot and I kick them with my foot They're still ridiculously hot Just when you think the show's over There's a whole lot more That was pretty cool guys. I was a little bit nervous so like when I was taking it over my head And I thought maybe it would explode or fall off the wire and land on me So I was just very gingerly bringing it over and then letting it drop in the ground But did you see what happened when it hit it exploded in every different direction and the cool temperature of the concrete? Instantly took half of it and solidified it the rest of it went off in every different direction And if you look really closely you can see a lot of red glowing embers Which when I took my foot and slid over top of them. They sparked out again allowing the show to continue That's pretty interesting I mean theoretically to probably heat this up So that was pretty cool, but I'm thinking for this next one Let's light up another ferrocerium rod on the ground until it's glowing red hot and for this one Let's go ahead and kick it with our foot to begin with see what damage we can cause with that method By the way, I ran out of map gas, so I'm switching to propane Let's get Vandy Oh, it's cut in half. Oh my gosh she melted Watch out it's exploding falling oh My goodness, haha what's this ready? Oh? Wow that stuff's got a mind of its own That's crazy, that's cool, okay, so there are a couple of things that just happen here I think we should talk about the first thing that really surprised me about this It was one the rod got hot enough my pliers actually bit straight through it those rods fell down to the ground where I just Perceived to heat them up with the blowtorch itself until they're going red one thing I didn't expect was for these things to spontaneously explode Which they absolutely did sending sparks in every different direction? When you're heating up concrete with a propane torch? Apparently it can spa you see bits of my RV pads Falling up and breaking loose and just exploding in every different direction, so this is obviously a lot of fun one thing I'm noticing is very consistent is with these giant rods. They'd all spark off at once They send remnants everywhere which then can be kicked played with throwing in different directions and each of them have their own little Personalities, and I do have one more of these rods, so just for fun Let's light it up as hot as we can get it and then slam it against a cinder brick wall It's ready get too hot for me to hold on I got to throw it here. We go three two one oh Wow That's gonna. Leave a mark in the grass. We have another piece. This is the middle piece I'm gonna heat that up and throw it as well Wow sorry clay I almost took out clay there, sorry, buddy I kind of want to try one more whoops. Those are still ready to go dang look at that little That's pretty cool I Almost prefer hitting these things with my feet and they're a little more predictable when they go off oh But look at the mess we made Look at this mess We've got yellow scorch marks in every different direction here. We've got all kinds of metal residue Let's take a look at the damage on the wall You can actually see the impact zone here as soon as it made contact There was this metal that just stuck to the wall. It's amazing How quickly that cools down just like oh wow and look at that I? Wonder if you can melt this stuff down and cast it into different shapes Because now we actually have a survival cinder block Let's come out here and use your foot and steel to start a fire Over here, you can see how it's splattered off the walls stuck to this wall with it down here as well And then kind of sprayed off in this direction that was fantastic and worth a slow-motion replay So there you have a guy's giant lighter bomb experiment, here's what we learned today We start off with one of the little flickable vic lighters And we found the same results we did in our earlier experiment We heated up that little Flint we threw down the ground I made cool little sparks which are very fun and relatively harmless so for the next experiment we scaled up to a giant lighter that I got from Walmart to see if we could make a bigger Flint explosion the interesting thing about that is when we Crack the casing open we found that the Flint was no bigger Than the small letters themselves it just looked like it was so for one final experiment We got some giant Ferro cerium rods that I picked up at a prepper con we superheated those with map gas and propane and we threw them down at the concrete now what we learned about ferrocerium on a Giant scale was threefold the first thing we learned about ferrous cerium is it's very very difficult to heat up evenly we saw the edges of the rod puffing up and turning into a bloom long before the center's did we also saw that when we Threw them down the pavement Half of the metal stuck right to the concrete while the rest of it went shooting out in Sparks now one of the side benefits To using a large rod that doesn't break up all at once is that you can kick it with your shoe and send sparks flying In a direction you want that was pretty cool the next thing we found out about ferrous cerium is if you heat it up for Too long it can spontaneously explode sometimes right in your face, which is not necessarily a good thing We tried throwing the rods off a cinder block wall to see how it would react with a vertical surface And we saw that even in a fraction of a second There's still enough cooling energy to get some of it to solidify to the brick and catch the splatters on the bricks beside it So there you have it guys now you've seen what happens when we superheat large sticks of flint and steel and smash it into the ground kick it with our feet or Throw it into the cinderblock wall. Thanks for joining me for this experiment. I'll be looking for you the next one. Talk to you then Yeehaw good stuff good stuff That's tough to get off now Okay, let's good enough you get it Okay a few random factoids for you My favorite color is red my favorite movies are matrix and Iron Man and making videos for the last seven years have been one of the most challenging But most rewarding things that are done with my life There are a lot of ups and downs in a youtuber journey But you you've stuck with me through them all that's why you're the best
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 1,837,538
Rating: 4.878314 out of 5
Keywords: Flint Rod, Ferrocerium Rod, Lighter, TKOR, The King of Random, Grant Thompson, Explosion, Bomb, Homemade, DIY, Super Sized, fire, sparks, fireworks, flame, science, boom, explode, experiment, king of random, random happens, how to make, don't try this at home, Super heat, Propane Torch, slomo, slow motion, slow, motion, giant, tricks, lighter tricks, life hacks for lighter, lighter hack, BIG lighters, BIC Lighters, large, how to, do it yourself, spontaneous combustion, enormous, throw explosive
Id: UZMKgIx6cTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
Reddit Comments

Where is his...anything!?! I'd hope that he would be wearing at the very least something non-synthetic for his shirt and some boots, but he's literally just wearing gloves for PPE?

Good lord how has he survived this long

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/be_an_adult 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy is such a tool. He presents his show as if he's knowledgable about the subject and doing it to be educational, but he hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/I_Bin_Painting 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Pyrophoric means literally catching fire in air. Butyllithium is pyrophoric. Flint is not.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/JmamAnamamamal 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm most upset by all the damage he's doing to his driveway? Like, there wasn't anywhere better to do this?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jaamfan 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was wondering how long it would take The King of Random to get here. Took longer than I expected.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Am_Navi_Seel_Mann 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

The thing that exploded was the concrete under the metal, not the metal...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Khatib 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Based OP respecting everyone's time by linking right to the action.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NOSHAME-NUMBER1 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
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