Lists That I Keep In My Planner

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if this is your first video hi i'm elena and this is the organized money where we talk about planning life and managing money in today's video i wanted to share with you the list that i keep within my planner in order to help me stay organized now these lists are always a work in progress i'm always sharing with you my monthly setup because i switch things in and out of my planner a lot and that's mainly because i always want to make sure that my planner is working for me but lately i have been sticking to these particular lists in my planner they have been working well for me so i wanted to share them with you so we're going to start in my catch-all planner my catch-all planner is where i will keep track of my overall schedule and different things that are happening throughout the course of my day the main list that you will see in here is my planning routine i switched my workouts to the evening time so the main two things that i'm doing during the morning now is my cleaning routine and my planning routine and this is my planning routine this is a list of all of my planners and i will check each one of these in my morning routine i like to keep it here because it's a constant reminder of all of the planners i need to check and i will just move it from week to week the next list that i have in here is my weekly meal plan my weekly meal plan is basically a list of all of the different things that we like to eat what i like to do though is create a couple of these under my family favorites so currently we have about four of these that i will rotate throughout the course of the week but basically each one of these meal plans have a list of all of our favorite meals and the days that we basically eat them this makes it really easy because to be honest we mainly rotate the same type of meals over and over again my family is a creature of habit and we basically like the same things i will just flip through these or i'll pull them out during our family meeting i will let my family look at them and then we'll decide on the spot which meal plan we like for that particular week i pop it out and i put it in my planner and these two are the main lists that i will keep in my catch-all planner the next planner that i keep lists in is my business planner for my business planner the main list that i am keeping here is a list of video ideas this one is super simple it's just basically one plain insert sheet and i will jot down all of the video ideas that i have throughout the course of the month and then i use this list in order to plan out all of my videos for the month now you guys know lately i have been posting monday through friday and i always post my weekly schedule to youtube and to instagram so that you know all of the videos that are coming up but this list helps me to stay ahead because i'm able to kind of jot down all of my ideas and i always have something kind of in the bank instead of having to constantly think of what i'm going to film next so i will keep this in my monthly spread and then sometimes i will think of different ideas throughout the course of the week whenever that happens i will jot it down somewhere in my planner just so that i don't lose the idea or i will flip back to my monthly spread and make sure that i add it to this sheet here and that's the only list i will keep in my business planner the next section of list i have i actually have a tab of that's called lists i created this section a couple of weeks ago and it's called list basically to help me get rid of one of my planners i'm going to talk about this more in next week's video when i share with you the changes that i have made to my planner setup as a whole but i realized that i was repeating a lot of the same information in my personal planner so i was trying to figure out a way to reduce the amount of writing that i had to do continuously with that planner so i decided to get rid of it and actually add this section since it was mainly routines and lists that i was keeping in that planner so basically if it's health related like what i'm eating or watching my weight or working out i will add that now into my catch-all planner but with this section this is mainly like my home section now so that i can stay on top of all of the routines that i need for my home and i don't have to have an entire dedicated planner for it now out of all of my planners my personal one definitely fluctuates in and out because sometimes i feel like i need it because of the house renovations or different things that we're doing and then other times i feel like i don't need it as much because things have kind of calmed down so currently i'm in the place where i don't feel like i need it as much so this is the section that i am currently using let me share what's in here the very first one is my cleaning list this is my daily cleaning list this is the things that i do on a daily basis i mainly try and dedicate 20 minutes in the morning 20 minutes in the evening i know it says 30 but i reduced it a little bit just to make sure that i can kind of get to my day as quickly as possible so i'll do 20 minutes in the morning 20 minutes in the evening and these are the different things that i'm doing within that time then i also have a section down here for my weekend planning and this is just a reminder of all the different things that i want to do on the weekend and on the back i do have monthly cleaning chores and that's just different things that i want to make sure it gets done at the end of every month so these were the things that i was writing my planner every single day so what i decided to do instead is just create this list and then add to my catch-all planner to make sure that i completed my am routine which included this and then if i needed to refer to it or i forgot what i was supposed to be doing i could just flip to this section in my planner and see everything so this list is dedicated to everything that i'm planning daily then you have weekend and monthly and then this list is dedicated to what i am doing on a weekly basis in each different zone of my house so this list is my zone cleaning areas it's breaking down every room in my house and putting a dedicated day for me to actually clean that room once again this helps me not to have to repeat myself in my planner over and over and just write these things down again and again just having this list here it's pretty repetitive i already know what i'm supposed to be doing and i can just refer to this list whenever i need it the next list is my home project list for 2021 as you guys know i have been sharing with you that we have been renovating different areas in our house well at the beginning of january we wrote down a master list everything that we wanted to complete in the house and i just keep that in here so that i can keep track of where we are the different things that we have completed and i will usually just check it off so as you can see every area that was actually completed i check it off with a red check and also along with this list i will keep track of how much these different projects cost us so the main reason why i am keeping track of the cost of the different projects that we have done is for sinking fund purposes so a lot of times you will ask me how do i know how much to save for maintenance or for different things that are coming up with my home and this sheet is how i am able to do that i will see how much things have cost me in the past i will keep track of just different things that we have purchased for our home anytime we need to replace an appliance anytime any type of repair come up i will write it down write down the date and see if i can kind of keep track of how much we may need consistently throughout the course of the year to stay on top of repairs and maintenance so then the next time if we need to do anything in our house i'm able to refer to this sheet and see how much it cost us last time so we have our list of projects then we have the home projects cost and the date that it was done then i have my when did i last list i shared this one before but this list is basically all of the things that you don't do all the time but you may want to remember the last time that you actually did it so that you can make sure that you actually stay on top of when you need to do it next so i have things like change your toothbrush got an oil change check the smoke alarms the air filters clean the fridge back up my computer just random things that i may forget about and every now and then i will look at this list i will see the last time i did something if it has been a while then i will make sure that i do it and add the date on this sheet and once again these are sheets that i could have added into a specific planner but i don't need to write down this information over and over again so it's best that i just have a section in my planner that's just dedicated to it and then i can refer and come back here whenever i need it the next list is my family appointments this is another one that i have shared before but it's basically just a list of who what and when who went to an appointment in my family what did they do what did they get and when did they go so we have a bunch of family appointments coming up and as they come up i will jot them down on this sheet the next sheet in here is our family meeting structure we meet weekly monthly quarterly and annually and i do have a list of different things that we need to keep and stay on top of for our family meetings so this is a great reference for me anytime i need to just check it and make sure that we have talked about everything on here especially for the quarterly and annual section because we don't do those as often it helps so much to just have something to refer to the next list in here is our places to go list so in our places to go list we're basically listing out all of the different things we would like to do between this year and next year so this is just basically for me to kind of keep track of the different places that we want to go as a family and on this side i have the bigger places like the bigger vacations that we want to do on the back i have like this spring bucket list that we created of just different things that we wanted to do in our city we currently live in new orleans i have a list of all the different places we wanted to visit within new orleans and then i will check it off and then add the date that we actually went or completed that particular thing it makes it really really fun with the kids every time we have a family day every single saturday we'll look at this list we'll pick something out and then we'll do it the next list in here is my packing list and this one i shared before as well but i keep it in here to just prepare for any time we are taking a big trip i have a list of different things that i need to pack and usually i will check them off make sure it's packed and then i will take this list with me so that i can check it off again once we are about to return this is a great list to keep in your planner i love that it's sectioned off and that i'm easily able to check off what i have in the quantity that i currently have it is a really great list it's absolutely free so i will link it in my description box after this page i do have a printout of some of our upcoming travel so we have a couple of trips coming up in june and july and so i wanted to keep track of the airport printouts with the confirmation number and all of that so that's the great thing about having an eight and a half by 11 size planner i just printed out my confirmation punched holes and added it behind here so whenever i am ready to pack i can follow this list check everything off and then right behind it i will have my confirmation and everything that i need for our trip and the next thing that i have in here is my book tracker with my book tracker i am basically keeping track of all of the books that i have read for this year and it's just the title the author the genre the type of book it was the date i started and the date i finished i love this book tracker because it helps me keep track of how much i'm actually reading and the genre that i'm reading i like to read a variety of different things and a lot of times i will get stuck in one genre or another if i'm not actually paying attention so with this tracker i'm able to kind of keep track of the different things that i'm reading and how long it takes me to read that thing and lately i have been listening to a lot of books instead of physically reading i do love to physically read however i don't have time to always do it so i love this because it kind of really helps me stay on top of my reading if i look at this and see it's been too long since i have picked up a book or listened to a book then i will really try and put it back into my routine to make sure i'm listening to something at least 20 minutes out of the day so those are all of the lists that i currently have in my planner however i do have a bunch of ideas of different things that i want to do so i'm definitely going to be sharing more in the future i hope that you guys have enjoyed this video and i will see you in the next one make sure that you tell me in the comments below if you have any lists in your planner that i didn't mention because of course i'm always looking for ideas of different things that i can share in my planner and i will see you in the next one until then keep organizing your life so that you can achieve your dreams bye guys
Channel: The Organized Money
Views: 56,628
Rating: 4.9639215 out of 5
Keywords: the organized money, organized money, planner lists, planner ideas, how to use happy planner, how to use planner, planner organization, ideas for using planner, ideas for using planners, how to use your planner, how to use a planner, actually use your planner, lists to keep in your planner, lists to keep you organized in your planner, how I use my planner, happy planner, the happy planner, things to track in your planner, functional planning, functional planner
Id: U4s2e-CzXOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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