How To Create Your Ideal Daily Schedule

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if this is your first video hi i'm elena and this is the organized money where we talk about planning life and managing money in today's video we are diving into how to create a daily routine i wanted to give you some tips on how you can create a daily routine or create a template for your day in order to help you be more productive and get more things done now if you have been around my channel for any amount of time then you know that i love routines and habits they help you stay on track and they really do help you to have more structure to your day this is why i have a planning routine a cleaning routine a hair routine a skin routine and the list goes on and on but one of the best routines that i have ever created is my daily routine and today i wanted to walk you through how i created my daily routine because this one like i said has probably been the most helpful to my overall productivity so first let's get into the mechanics of where i am setting this up i do have a disbound notebook where i keep all of my notes i gave you guys a flip through of this notebook in my planner and notebook setup video and i will link that one above in case you missed it but in this section of my notebook it's where i keep my bullet journal slash reference section it's where i keep all of my notes that i want to keep for more than a year that way i am able to look back on these notes for as long as i need them the first part of my daily routine is my morning schedule morning time is when i am the most energetic so i will usually schedule the things that require the most movement during this time of the day now usually there are several tasks that are happening at the exact same time but i only need to mark down the ones that i really want to complete during my morning that i may not complete unless i write them down so for instance i am also getting my kids prepared for their day during this time but i don't need my morning routine to tell me to get the kids ready because it's just going to happen no matter what but i do write down six tasks that may not happen unless i am actually conscious of them these include prayer reading cleaning working out getting dressed and completing my planner routine my tasks are usually 30 minutes or less unless it's my planning routine because i dedicate an hour to that task to make sure that i am ready for the rest of my day so just to give you some tips as you plan your morning routine be realistic on the time that you will actually wake up i have created many 4 30 a.m morning routines only to be disappointed in myself because i was not a morning person i decided to get realistic and know that i just can't function before 6am so i decided that it was best to do a little bit of everything that i wanted to do instead of trying to wake up earlier it's better for me to read for 20 minutes than to be upset with myself because i couldn't complete an hour of reading before 5 a.m so just make sure that you give yourself grace and be realistic with your time frames and also make sure that you are including tasks that are important to you i would look at other youtube videos of morning routines and feel as though i needed to complete those routines as well and in the end i realized that it was best for me to just keep it simple and only do the tasks that were important to me the next part of my daily routine is my work schedule this is during the time frame of 9 am and 5 pm and it is very similar to my morning schedule as it doesn't have every single thing that i do for my business but it does have the main things that i would like to complete during my work day this list keeps me on top of the main sections of my business and it includes once again six tasks these are email patreon etsy my clients social media and classes now i might not be able to complete all of these things every single day but having this list means that i won't forget to do the main parts of my business for no more than two or three days my main tip for planning this part of your day is to think about all the things that are important to you for achieving your overall business goals for instance social media is a big part of my work because i am preparing consistent content for this channel and for my classes and it is something that's a priority to me because i love love love sharing content with you guys so i've added it as a part of my schedule and it is something that i try to complete at least two hours every single day so make sure that you are thinking about all the things that you want to accomplish with your business with your work any projects that you would like to complete and make sure that you add those to your daily schedules so that you know you are working on them every single day and the last part of my schedule is from 5 pm until 8 pm and it is my home slash evening schedule these are the main tasks that i like to complete on a daily basis in our home there are some things that are happening at the exact same time like helping the kids with their homework and bath time so those things aren't on this list but once again i've added the things that i may skip if i don't pay attention to them so most of these items on the list are around my daily cleaning and chores things that i like to complete to make our home manageable throughout the course of the week and this is mainly because if i don't do these things on a consistent basis then usually our home will get out of hand very very quickly so i much rather clean a little bit every single day than to do a big cleanup on the weekend that's really just my preference so that's why i've added these items here and i do try to complete them every single day between the time of 5 pm and 8 pm and with these i don't have set times dedicated to them like like the other routines as you can see is 10 minutes and two hours for certain things that i wanted to do between the morning and the business routine but i don't do that for my home routine because it's mainly just quick clean up things that i like to complete during this time frame and usually i am making dinner and we may stop and eat together as a family so it isn't a set time frame and if i don't complete every single thing on this list that's okay too it's just to kind of give myself a guideline to give myself a goal to try and complete on a daily basis so guys that is it for my daily routine my daily schedule this is the ideal schedule that i love to complete every single day like i said i don't do it every single day but this is the goal and having this list does make me more productive because i'm more likely to look at this list and try and stick to it y'all let me know if this video has helped you and if you want to see more like it please leave it in the comments below and i will see you in monday's video until then keep organizing your life so that you can achieve your dreams bye guys [Music] you
Channel: The Organized Money
Views: 70,203
Rating: 4.9662733 out of 5
Keywords: the organized money, organized money, how to create your daily routine, daily routine, morning routine, how to plan your week, time management, productivity tips, productivity hacks, how to manage your time, morning routines for school, how to plan your week ahead, how to plan your week as a mom, how to plan your week to be productive, how to plan your day to be productive, how to plan your day, how to get things done, time strategies, how to create your ideal daily schedule
Id: TieJ7FChhrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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