15 Things To Track In Your Planner | At Home With Quita

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so here is my new planner but what do i write it in [Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to my channel it's marquita from at home with kita thank you so much for stopping by i am so glad that you are here y'all this video has been in the words for so long i actually filmed it some time ago but i didn't complete all the footage and so since it's in my old room i said let me just go ahead and recreate the video in my new space and make sure that i completed this time so i can share with you guys 15 things to track in your planner but first if you're new to my channel i really hope that you'll stick around and consider subscribing and that you will also give me a thumbs up if you enjoy this video so let's jump right on in so that i can share those things with you i think this is going to be a part of a series every so often i'll share with you guys things that you can track in your planner so if you want to see the first things then make sure to keep watching so for some of you you have gone out you have bought a planner at the beginning of the year you sit it in front of you on your desk and you just look at it and you're like what do i write in this planner i have no idea some things that i can track i'm really at a loss and so hopefully this video will share with you some things that you can track in the planner so that it can be useful to you and help you to be productive that is what a planner is made for the first thing that you can track in your planner is your daily schedule so you want to sit down on a sunday or monday or a saturday whatever that day is for you develop a day if you don't have one where you can sit down and you can write down all of your to-do list items to make sure that you have a productive week and so this is what my daily schedule looks like you guys have seen this so many times so you really know and i think at this point you have a sense of kind of how i plan but i do these videos for newbies and just if you want a deeper look and a deeper explanation of how i do things and how my brain works and how i process things and get them all out on paper so daily schedules are so important to me so you can do one of two things you can do i kind of do a hybrid so what i typically do is i'll come here and i'll sit and i'll write in all of my appointments all of my spiritual things anything that i know i need to do on that day i use the dashboard layout which works very well for me so as you see here i have all of my appointments if i want to do a family game night if i have someone i need to pay again that's going to fall into another category that we're going to discuss later but i write everything out here appointments to do's and everything now i do have a master to-do list on this side and i do use this also if there are some items that i know i need to do but they don't have a date and time assigned to them i'll still write them in here and then once i figure out the date and time then i'll go ahead and transfer them over to my daily schedule or they may stay here and i'll just check them off as i do them you can also implement an hourly schedule so i do have an hourly schedule as well and i typically use that for reference because i want to know how a typical day should flow for me so i have a daily schedule here that shows me by time everything that i want to do for that day and then i have a detail section over here that kind of gives me a little bit more insight in terms of what i want to do during that time so as you can see at 7 it says daily text i also want to pray during that window i want to take my vitamins well kind of around that time frame and then when it comes to eating you can write in what you want to eat for working out what workout are you going to do for my shop my business here i have some tasks here that you i want to do within that window so i really love this daily schedule and that it has the time the activity and the details i know a lot of there are a lot of the daily schedules out there but some of them don't include the details section and for me that is beneficial so again choose what works best for you you can also implement a daily block schedule and you can use that for reference so that way you know what to write in for your daily schedule so this is also for reference for me because there are some things here that i know i want to do within that window but they're general and so you can take this as a guide and use that on your regular weekly calendar to go ahead and write in those things that you want to do on a daily basis you'll also do the same thing for work i do have a business and social media separate planner if you have a separate work planner you want to really sit down either on a sunday and write out your whole week or you can do it day by day which is sometimes what i'll do i'll go ahead and just write in and decorate my spread as you can see here this is the current week then i'll go ahead and day by day i'll write in what i want to do the day before so you can do that as well i find that it works best for me when i do it ahead of time and so that's why i'm a little bit of a slacker for this week but i like to do it ahead of time so when i'm sitting here decorating my spread i'll also go ahead and write in everything that i know i need to do and then i'll make my to-do list so i would recommend doing it that way that way you just get it all done and you know exactly how your week is going to go so implement a daily schedule that is something that is the basics of planning and so if you're unsure of what to add to your planner or what to track in your planner start there with a daily schedule and different things will start to spark within you and you'll start to develop sections in your planner or you'll just get your mojo and you'll really figure out some other things that you can add to your planner to make it more useful for you so the second thing that you can track in your planner is your meal planning or menu planning you guys know menu planning is so near and dear to me i really enjoy the process of that some of you may not meal or menu plan but i highly recommend it because it just helps for a lot of reasons saving money on groceries knowing what your family or yourself are going to have during the week it just sets your week up for success so menu planning is definitely something that you want to add to the mix so again you guys know menu planning meal planning recipe keeping i hate to keep saying it but i guess when you love something so much it's only natural that you keep repeating it right so menu planning i have a whole section dedicated to it i also have a whole separate menu planner which i use to add things to as i'm purging them out of this planner you guys know i'm working on sample meals but i definitely would start meal planning i know it seems complicated but it's really not i'm also sidebar i am working on a revamping our menu planner system which has a whole bunch of inserts in it that you can use from um pulling your pantry to see what you have there pulling your refrigerator freezer writing those items in so you can plan meals around that it also has a calendar in it it has a lot of different things in it that you can use that may be a helpful starting point for you to be able to use that to start your menu planning journey if it's something that you want to implement but you haven't quite figured that out yet but i feel like i have a good system for me and i've talked about this before you guys know it all starts with my at a glance so i'll come here and write out my monthly meal plans or i'll plan for the whole year or do it week by week but this um allows you to do that since it is for the whole entire year um and so i'll come here and i'll write out my menu plan you guys already seen my process for this but this is the section just in case you haven't seen it before i don't want to be redundant you can always go back and watch those videos but that is something that you can track in your planner and you can also add that if you use the dashboard layout or some of the other layouts that have a menu planning section included on the weekly spread which mine does so i like to write the menu here as well so i can just see it right in front of me i know what we're having during the week and it's another thing you can track in your planner so as you can see without the menu here i mean it's just one less thing on the planner if you're trying to figure out some ways to fill up your planner but you want to be doing these things as well it's not just about filling up a planner and so that is another thing that you can use so that is another thing that you can track in your planner it helps you to be more productive it helps you to be able to know what your family is having for dinner and by writing it here you can see it in front of you and it's more likely that you'll do it so start menu planning if you don't mean you plan already i guarantee you will enjoy the process you may not like cooking but you'll just feel more organized and that's what it's all about so that is another thing that you can track in your planner the third thing that you want to track in your planner is your cleaning schedule so we all have to clean it's just a part of life we don't want to do it but we have to do it and so develop a cleaning schedule that works for you now i happen to prefer zone cleaning because i feel like it kind of breaks things up so that you're doing something different on a day-to-day basis but the whole house still ends up being clean and so i did tell you guys before that i'm doing a whole zone cleaning video these are zone cleaning inserts for from our shop i think it's about maybe 10 pages there's several pages here and so it comes with a whole set and so i'm gonna do that on camera for you guys i do have one that's already completed because as you guys know i did a zone cleaning uh video for gold wild which is wall university uh go wild online platform so i am just waiting a little bit for that and then i'm going to share that process with you guys so i keep track of my weekly cleaning i also love to do a challenge from time to time so i have these inserts in here in here from clean mama and so in terms of tracking it you can have a whole section in your planner dedicated to your home or dedicated to cleaning like i have here or you can just simply write it on your weekly spread and that's what i tend to do as well i'll come here and i'll write zone one zone two zone three zone four and so forth or i'll come and write it if i'm not doing zone cleaning that week i'll write exactly what those tasks are that i want to make sure that i'm completing in terms of keeping the house clean so that is something else that you can write on your planner spread you can write it in your monthly spread or you can have a whole section for home or you could just pop in a half sheet and you can write in all of those tasks there as well so there's so many ways that you can track it but that's something that you'll definitely want to track in your planner so that you can keep a tidy home the fourth thing that you can track in your planner are your bills again another thing that we don't want to have to do but we all have to do it and so find a space in your planner maybe on your monthly or have a dedicated budget planning system that you can use to track those bills so i'm hiding this because of course it has my address on it but this is the bill so i like to pop in bills in my financial section i do have a dedicated budget planner which is so helpful for me you guys have seen that before typically we do budget online but i also love to write in the bills in my planner and then i like to come in this section if it's something important and i really need to make sure that it gets my attention immediately i'll pin it up to the top there so that way i see it and then throughout my planner i just have different trackers order trackers i have trackers to track what i'm spending so that is all a part of budgeting in terms of the bills you want to write them somewhere so i typically write them on my monthly calendar so i'll come here and i'll write in what bill i want to pay as you see i want to do my amex payment i have auto pay but i also want to throw more into that so i know my auto payment is coming out on this day so i would definitely write your auto payments if you just want to make sure that you're on track with that i like to write it both in my catch-all planner and in my budget planner i know it seems redundant but this is the planner that i reach for most often but when i'm sitting down to do my budget planning i still want to have it in that planner as well and again we have a whole online system to really dig deep with our bills and making sure they're getting paid on time and so come to your monthly write out on whatever those dates are whatever bills you have to pay i also like to write down when i'm receiving a paycheck so that way i'll know and i can strategize on the best way and to make sure that those bills are paid so bill payment tracking is definitely essential and i from here will come to my weekly spread and i'll write in whatever that bill is on whatever day it goes to so track those bills y'all okay so we can stay on top of our adulting okay so the fifth thing that you want to track in your planner is your bible study plan so for me that is near and dear to my heart my faith is very important to me and so it would only be natural for me to have a dedicated fate planner which i do but i do also have a faith section of my catch-all planner where i can write some things out especially if i'm on the go but since it's so important to me i have a plan for that you know for some that may not be a thing for them but for me it is so i definitely want to include that in my planner system so when it comes to faith planning you guys know i have a completely separate faith planner which i have flipped through on instagram a couple of times for you guys and maybe i'll do more videos on faith planning because i know some of you guys are curious as to how i do that but most of what i do is digital but i do for some reason just love a good writing writing out plan you know what i mean so in my faith section i have a lot of inspiration here but i love to also write a daily scripture so these are the inserts that i use for that i pop one in my weekly spread so that way i can write out what that scripture was for the day and a little blurb about how i can apply that and i find that when you write it out it sticks a little bit more i don't know if you guys feel the same way but i feel like not only just reading it and meditating on it is beneficial but also writing it out for me is just a part of my process to make sure that it seeps in and so i typically just pop one of these in the weekly or one of these in the weekly and then everything else is pretty much done digitally so find the plan that works best for you whether it's digital whether it's writing it in here but if you're looking again for things to track in your planner you'll definitely want to have a section for it if possible if not you can also go to your monthly spread and just write in a scripture a day so if you're looking for something to write on your monthly planner because i know sometimes this layout is difficult for people the monthly you can do a scripture plan here so you can write all of those scriptures there that maybe you want to memorize or you want to apply or that are beneficial to you in your life do it on the monthly and then you can carry that over to your weekly if you want to get deeper and write the scripture here there's so many ways of doing that but if you're looking again for things to track in your planner and studying the bible and your faith is very important to you track it in your planner so that it's beneficial for multiple reasons and so i find again that putting it in my planner just helps me to be able to make application and that's what we want to do when we are bible students and so the sixth thing that you can track in your planner is your water intake and so if you are on a healthy lifestyle journey or you just want to increase your water intake and you want to have a place to see that you'll want to grab some stickers or grab a water intake tracker so that you can use that to be able to track how much water you're taking in on a day-to-day basis and then of course reflect back on that so you can see how you're doing so when it comes to water intake what i will typically do is come and just use our our fitness planner the fitness planner already has a watered intake bar at the bottom and so you can just literally come here and check off however many water glasses of water you're drinking per day you guys know i have my big jug of water and i'm really trying to drink the whole thing within a day and i have not hit that market but i know i will and so what i'll do is every single time i'll hit a milestone the bottle that i have has times on it and it'll say at seven a.m drink from this amount to this amount then i'll come and i'll check it off so that way i know i'm on track and i know by midday i should be at a certain point and i know again the water bottle shows that but if you just want to wait to be able to see it because i what i like to do also especially when it comes to faith planning or fitness planning things like that is that it kind of serves as a memory keeping system for me and so i want to reflect back on this and especially when i do lose the weight which i know i will people are going to start to ask how did you do it and i feel like if you're tracking everything in your planner then you'll be able to show them or you'll be able to talk them through the process of some things that helped you some things that didn't help you and so that's why i think it's so beneficial to have a planner system because it again serves as a memory keeper so that way you can reflect back on different things whether it's in your monthly or weekly you can see milestones of things if you're tracking like you know important dates you can see you know it's just so beneficial to pour things out here to be able to look back on them in the future and so for water intake again the planner systems some of the planner systems already have it built in there also our stickers you guys know we love stickers so you can grab a sticker book and just lay a sticker in your regular weekly spread your monthly spread or you can get a dedicated fitness planner and use those stickers to track your water intake so the next thing that you can track in your planner are anniversaries so anniversaries are a special day for people and it really means a lot to them when you know their anniversary at least that's what i've found so i typically when i run across a new friend or even old friends i'll ask them what their anniversary date is i'll go ahead and put it in my calendar i did used to use an app called anniversaries which was awesome because you can kind of see everything all in front of you i'm not sure what happened to that on my ipad so i fortunately as a backup have them on my calendar as well and so that way it gives me a reminder a week out or a day out or what have you and then i can go ahead and write those in on my monthly calendar so that way i can see it in front of me when i'm referencing my month i can reach out to that person say happy anniversary i can also send them a card and i'm telling you it means a lot to people that you know that date and so i would definitely recommend tracking those important dates on your calendar for me it would be anniversaries i think anniversaries are just so special especially when they've been married for a long period of time it means a lot to them for you to know hey happy 30th or happy 20th or happy fifth or happy first and so i would definitely recommend tracking those types of things in your calendar and so when it comes to anniversaries i go into my calendar to see what that date is and then i'll come with a little heart sticker or i'll draw a little heart here or i'll put it on my sidebar that so-and-so's anniversary is on this date and what i would like to do more consistently is send out cards especially since we can't see people in person as much because what i would do normally is i would just see that person in person and i would just say happy anniversary and it would just be so special to them and so i really enjoy doing that and the only way that you're going to be able to remember it is by scheduling an alert in your phone or writing it on your calendar i like to do both because i want to see my monthly spread here and i want to know when i'm planning out my week whose anniversary is coming up so try that you can also just do this with any special event date you can write it here on the calendar shout out to that person and i'm sure it will really make their day the eighth thing that you can track in your planner are things to do in your area so i love this and i actually have a whole list of things that i want to do in the city in well outside of the city as well because there's so much to do here in my area which i am about 30 minutes outside of atlanta so there's so much to do in the city so much to do outside of the city and sometimes it's hard to find out how to find those events and so what i would recommend is doing a search there's several different ways you can do that several different apps that you can utilize for that some of my favorites are i love to go into facebook and i'll type in events or whatever type of event i'm trying to go to i'll type that in and it'll give you everything the date you can select if you're going or not and of course if you do that your people are going to see who follow you that you're going to that event of course we're not doing much of that right now but there's still little things that you can do with your family or with your friends that require social distancing of course but that you can still enjoy i am always trying to figure out things that i can do with my family to make life more enjoyable i know things are really hard right now because we can't really go out and do things but i like to have an idea section in my planner something that maybe we could do that week we try to implement a game night every week i just got a couple of new games we love games we're a game family and so in addition to that we try to try really hard to see what things outside of that we can do that allow us to be safe and also allow us to enjoy ourselves and so i like to brainstorm down here so i wanted to take addison to zoo atlanta didn't quite feel like i was ready for that it was an idea that i wanted to write down and then do my research on to see if it's something that we could do so in the future since she hasn't been there yet i definitely want to take her there so i just like to write in some things as you can see it transferred to the next week so that's what i typically put down here it's just things that i want to do in our area again there's so many ways that you can find those things there's also a really good app in addition to facebook called eventbrite you can install that and it will give you alerts on different events in your area so that is a good option as well and then come and write it in your monthly even if it's just an idea put a question mark next to it or pop a list in that monthly of some ideas and then transfer them out into your weekly schedule as you want to do them and that'll just help make life fun especially right now because we're just going through so much still and we need some joy in her life and getting out there and seeing what's available again safely is going to help you to just feel more joyous and more happy so try to implement that if possible brainstorm some ideas of places that you can go within your area and then even branch out a little bit you may even want to consider traveling just a little bit outside of where you may live because i'm sure there's lots of things that you can do that are not necessarily right immediately in your area the ninth thing that you can do in your planner or tracking your planner are books to read so i am by no means a book connoisseur i am really just kind of getting into reading more i love audible so i love a good audiobook i'm right now reading or listening to how to win friends and influence people which i think is a read that everyone should read it is an older book i'm sure they have newer books that are kind of similar to that book but definitely get yourself a book tracker or some sort of tracker that you can use even if it's on your phone but this is all about writing in your planner so you can do both or you can write it in your planner or on your phone but i like to see it in my planner because i want to see a list of books that i have an idea that i want to read as well as books that i have read or am in the process of reading so i have recently implemented a reading log so these are available in our shop all of this is that i've discussed so far fancyplanscode.com and so i come here and i start writing in books that i want to read and most of the time i'll go ahead and buy that book i don't want to overwhelm myself because i'm not super huge book reader if i'm being honest i enjoy a good audible um i like listening to it more so than reading sometimes i also feel like sometimes i don't have time and then i also have so much to read spiritually i don't always have the time to read anything outside of that and so i have michelle obama's book i gifted my husband with barack obama's book and then i told you guys on audible that i'm reading how to win friends and influence people and so what i'll do sometimes is i'll go and i will just do a search in amazon or i'll do a search on the internet to see like what are the top books of 2021 and then i'll figure out if i actually want to read that book and when i figure out that that is a book i want to read then i'll write it down so this work this so this list is a work in progress as you guys can see it has a spot for the title the author from and two and then with a little check mark there i also have a blank section here and that is what i use to write audio so that i know it's an audiobook and i also love a good podcast y'all i know we're not talking about podcasts right now but i love a good podcast so if reading a book is not necessarily your thing then try that i also surround myself in my office with books in terms of whether it be organization books i have the michelle obama book here then i have some social media books i surround it in my office so that way i can see it every day and i think by doing that it you know we all know that saying you keep it in front of you it's more likely you'll do it and so that's what i try to do so that way it'll spark something within me to want to pick that book up and that has proved to be helpful so far uh by the way i did start the michelle obama book i just haven't finished it there are also some other books here that i started that i haven't finished and i am probably i'm i just started this maybe about a month ago the audiobook so i'm trying to do too much you also don't want to do that just focus on maybe one i'm all over the place sometime and so just start brainstorming some ideas of some books you want to listen to or read and of course reading is fundamental so it makes us more balanced more well-rounded people it feeds our brain and we all need to make sure that we're doing that so i like to track reading and then if you want to take it a step further also you can go to your monthly or weekly spread and you can write in that book that you're reading so that you can remember you can see it in front of you because we don't always remember to come into these sections so you want to make sure that maybe in your sidebar here in your monthly just write in the book that you're going to read for that week if you're a fast reader or that month and so that way you'll see it right in front of you and you know that that is what you're doing so definitely track your reading if you're a huge reader that is going to look a lot different for you and just track it here so that way you can see it and you can make sure that you're reading those books that you want to read and this one kind of goes hand in hand with that because it's all a part of entertainment and that is shows to binge watch so i have been binge watching grey's anatomy for the second time i watched almost every episode with the exception of like the last two seasons so i am still i think on season eight and i have a long way to go but again i had already watched it but things are coming back to me as i watch it again i'm like oh i didn't realize this happened with cali or with george i remember i mean it's just so much okay i love grey's anatomy i'm a huge fan so i am re-watching that again there are also so many other series on netflix and hulu and different places so you want to start to brainstorm ideas you can also type in on the internet you can do a search for series to try best series of 2020 best series of 2021 things like that there are so many good series out there and so make a list of those once you run across them so you can just start you know one by one and of course be balanced okay let me just say that binge watch with moderation in mind okay so don't go ham and take a week and binge watch and don't get anything else done okay because this is a planner video and you guys know that i love using my planner for productivity so that is not helping you to be productive then you just want to be mindful of that not overdo it but there's so many series out there that you will enjoy based on your personality and the things you like so make a list of those series ask friends what a good series and write them all down so when it comes to series there's only a few that i really have time to watch i really do just enjoy binge watching those ones that i mentioned to you and then also i love like this is us is a big one for me so i will come in on my weekly or my monthly rather and i'll write in that day that that comes on so i don't forget and then i'll also go to my weekly and i'll write that in as well so track the shows that you enjoy watching so that way you can remember especially if you like watching several shows if it comes on regular tv you'll want to write that in so that way you know when it's coming on and if you're binging you know you can just turn it on whenever but you still may want to write it so that you are balanced again and you kind of schedule it out so that you are reasonable with not overdoing it so again there are so many awesome shows out there comment below and let me know if you know some good ones that are wholesome that i may enjoy watching the 11th thing that you can track in your planner are recipes to try you guys know i love meal planning i love recipe keeping i love all of that stuff because i just really enjoy cooking and so i do have a list in my planner of recipes that i want to try and what i typically do is i'll go onto pinterest i'll type in a recipe i want to try or i'll just do a search for dinner recipes or breakfast recipes and then i'll pin it and then i'll go ahead and write that recipe out on a recipe card and i'll keep it logged in my recipes to try list there are so many good things out there so many yummy recipes that are not that complicated that you can add to your list and then what i do is i typically transfer that to my family favorites list once i know that my family enjoys that particular recipe so get a little sheet of paper out doesn't have to be anything complicated and write some recipes out there that you want to try cooking so y'all pinterest has been my best friend when it comes to figuring out some new things that i can try now i really love keeping it fresh in terms of recipes i do cook a lot of the same things over and over again but i am always on the hunt to try to see if i can find a good recipe so recently we tried ramen i had never cooked ramen before so doesn't that look super yummy i actually have a keto cookbook that i kind of did a hybrid of from that book and then i tried the spicy pork ramen we have a really good place here called umaido that makes the best ramen oh my goodness it's so good and so what i'll do is i'll just come here and i'll do a quick search for maybe dinner recipes or keto recipes or breakfast recipes or whatever type of recipe you're looking for so i'll look in healthy dinners or just regular dinners and then i'll just start scrolling now a lot of things i do have pinned to my board and i typically only pin those items to my yummle board which by the way you can follow if you'd like it is linked below i typically only pin there recipes that i know i'm going to cook and so if it's in there we've probably tried it and so i just scroll down and i say you know what this looks good you know that looks good or that looks good and so i'll go ahead and write it on recipes to try so this is our grayish header note sticky notes from the shop these are probably one of our most popular sticky notes i love these because you can use let me show you the jelly roll pen so let's use the jelly roll pink sometimes it just adds a little depth to your planner and so i'll just come here and i'll do recipes to try again i have a whole recipe and meal planner over there i just don't feel like getting it but this is how i would do that process so as you see there i really love how that looks and again you're gonna pop this in your planner and if you're a neutral minimalist sort of girl like me it's gonna look really good i'm just saying and so then i would come because of course the jelly roll is not gonna work on the white part of these pages or the sticky note and then i'll just start writing them in i'm writing i'm not writing in the whole recipe all i'm writing in is that item and um and sometimes i'll write in where i found it if it's a website i'll write it in if it's a cookbook i'll write it in and i'll write in whatever that item is now i am eventually going to write out the recipe um if i know i'm cooking it for that week i'll go ahead and put it on a recipe card that way i can pop it in my planner for that week and then we can cook it and so again i'll just come here and then i'll say oh those keto meatballs look good and i also categorize things in my meal planner i categorize it by healthy by keto by dinner buy chicken but you know there's different things that you can organize your meal planner by i know this isn't a whole full dedicated menu planner video but i i tend to spend more time on these types of things because these are the topics that i really enjoy discussing so i would just come here and write pinterest or write pen and then i'll write keto meatballs so this is cool because on those weeks that you're really not sure what to cook and you just need an idea of something that you can prepare you can come here to your recipes to try because you've already vetted them you've already looked into them you know you want to try it based on what you like you saw the picture it looks yummy and so you know you want to try this recipe and so it's great to just have a list of those things for that reason again if you're just unsure of what to cook you can always reference this list to get ideas so sometimes this takes a little bit of time for me because again you guys know i'm a visual person and so i really look at the picture and then i'll click on the actual thing so that i can see what it is that the recipe calls for all the ingredients and that makes it you know i don't know i just i just really enjoy this process the next thing that you definitely want to be tracking in your planner or putting in your planner is a brain dump so have a section in your planner that you can just dump out all your ideas if you're like me you have a ton of things brewing in here and you need a place to get it out you want to be able to just get it all out on paper so that you can start categorizing things and implementing things and so you'll definitely want to have some sort of list where you can just brain dump i'm telling you get it all out of your head get it onto paper so you can start doing all of that fabulous stuff and so the next thing that you can track in your planner are home projects so this isn't only for homeowners this can be for those who live in an apartment or who rent their projects okay let's just be honest there's so many things that you have to do to make a home a home make a space your own whether it be painting or for big projects write it all down get it on paper start brainstorming start looking at pinterest to get ideas as far as what projects that you can take on that are reasonable projects that you know you can do and you can complete otherwise please outsource it please just hire someone to do it if you think it's above you and you just can't figure it out then i'm all about a good project but i'm all about outsourcing those things and delegating whenever necessary so only take on projects that you know you can do okay so again we have a whole entire section dedicated to home so it's only natural that i'm going to have a place to write in all of my projects so you guys know i love a good project we are constantly doing things around the house to make sure that the house looks really good and we make it our own and so i have a list of projects that i want to do you know some of these things are checked off you guys have seen my instagram and you've seen some of the projects that we've been doing you know we're always looking for the next project so write in those projects that you want to tackle i also have a list of items that i need from lowe's and then i break it down even further on our project pages or our cornell notes so as you see some of this stuff has been done and then i just you know i have it for reference and so i can see what the plan is i can see what i want to do to make sure that i'm on track with those things that i want to accomplish around the house you can also take it a step further you guys know all of this stuff can be written on your monthly spreads or your weekly spreads i'm just showing you how i do it and this way seems um more functional for me because i can really dig deeper and write in the cost right in the materials and all of that good stuff so write those projects down i know we're not always up for a good project some of us are better than others i don't feel like i'm the best i feel like i'm always looking on instagram and different social media outlets to see what i can do next to see how i can make it better i'm inspired by so many people but just start to write those things down and then just tackle it little by little the next thing and i am really just getting into this i usually do it on my phone and my apple watch is a steps tracker so i know a lot of you out there love tracking your steps and i have synced up with a couple of friends on my apple watch so that i can see what they're doing i can see when they get medals and different things based on their steps and their achievements and so it might be a good idea if you're of course trying to get into health and fitness for you to track your steps and so you can do that in many different ways the last thing that you can track in your planner for now because again this is going to be a part of a series i think this is going to be good because this is probably the top thing that i get asked is that you know i got this new beautiful planner that i love but i don't know what to write in it so the last thing on the list for today is school and test dates so if you have school aged children like i do i have a high schooler and i have an elementary school student they have tests all the time and i know school looks a little bit different right now but that doesn't mean that they don't have test dates and important information and important things that they have going on remotely or in person so track those things i have a dedicated school planner because addison was doing homeschool at the beginning of the year she is back in person and so i had a dedicated player where i would write everything out and i still have that planner and i do use it from time to time but i have since implemented a section in my catch-all planner and that is where i write important things and then i also write it on the monthly so when it comes to tests i am always on the school calendar so that i can stay in tune with what's going on any dates that they have off all of that stuff i track all of that in my planner so that way i am in the loop i look like a i'm in the no mom and that's very important and so i'll write test dates i'll write anything that has to do with their schooling any extracurricular activities which most of us aren't doing right now but i write all of that in in this section and then also transfer that over to my monthly spread so that way i can see it in front of me and then i'll break it down day by day so i have a little section in your planner have a whole dedicated planner if you would like because i have that as well but right now since she is going into in person i find that just having this little section of my planner still helps me to stay informed and then writing it in my monthly helps me to track it and i want to be able to track that stuff because i want to know what's going on with her schooling and malachi schooling and so write it all down so that way you know what's going on and it's just helpful to track it in either just on those spreads or have a dedicated section so just do what works best for you but track those things so that way you can make sure you're in tune with what's going on with their education so that is it guys those are some things that you can track in your planner i hope this has been helpful for you i'm really looking forward to this series comment below and let me know if you two are looking forward to this series i think it's going to be great i think it's going to help a lot of people to really figure out some things that they can write so that they don't feel like they never have anything to do because that's why i think some people don't plan is that they feel like they have no plans so why do i need this planner if i really i'm not doing anything but if you really sit down and think about it and you really kind of reflect on the ways that i shared with you today i'm sure you can find at least five ways or five things that you can track in your planner based on things that you're already doing and by writing them down they can really help you to kind of amp up your productivity and so i really appreciate you guys for being here today and for watching this video stay tuned for more i hope you guys will enjoy the whole entire series so if you enjoyed this video i hope that you will give me a thumbs up if you're new here i hope you will consider subscribing to my channel and i also hope that you will come back by and you'll catch another video in which case i'll see you guys then [Music]
Channel: AtHomeWithQuita
Views: 34,782
Rating: 4.9630198 out of 5
Keywords: Planning, PlanWithMe, Planning101, PlannerHacks, Happy Planner Planner Advice, Productivity, How to be more productive, Home management, planner decoration, planner, planner organization, big happy, happy planner, stickers lifestyle, tips, planners and organizers, how to video, planner ideas, organization, DIY Planner Supplies, mini Happy Planner, Happy Notes, diy planner, diy planner on budget, diy notebook planner, how to personalize a notebook, diy custom planner, belinda selene
Id: CwnrOtP1mnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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