Listening to BTS | MAP OF THE SOUL 7 for The First Time | Album Reaction

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what's going on everybody we are back for more of bcs the engagement and positive feedback on the last well the only bts reaction i did uh for b was just so humbling overwhelming um thank you all so much for being so kind and informative i love that so much particularly for something that i was kind of nervous to do just more than anything for the fact that that's a different language and i'd have to read some translations which is fine but sometimes translations can be wrong and sometimes it can be hard to read words while you're trying to focus on like productions and intricacies and certain vocal deliveries and stuff and i like to focus on everything as much as i can without being distracted everything about bee was just so pleasant there were so many different things that i was impressed by that it made everything worth it um not to mention like i said just the overwhelming support so thank all of you so much like so much a special shout out to um i don't know how to say your name how to pronounce it but i'm to try it's either g or g or jewi those could all be wrong please correct me but you've been a patreon supporter of mine for a long time now and i know you're a big bts fan um and thank you for all the great information for me about diving into the map of the soul and all the feedback as well on the b reaction letting me know about the whole concept of map of the soul as we dive into it talking about explorers concepts of how one soul can be divided and it's like a trilogy um which which is why i just chose to do the longest version of it seems like everything's kind of combined here rather than do them all separately and try and connect the trilogy in that way so we just knock it all out so again thank you so much for that comment and like everyone else this this whole video had incredible support and speaking of uh i really really am so curious about all these sugar delivery um all these comments on sugar's delivery not being aggressive which is what i was saying as i was going through b and then apparently there's this alter ego called august e i really look forward to finding out about whatever that is i don't know if that's going to pop up during map of the cell or if that's like something i'll find out later on i have no idea so with that being said this is a long album this is probably gonna be a really long video if you want to see the full completely uncut version that's on my patreon the links down below that's probably also the place that i'll be doing music videos i don't typically like to do the music videos while i do the albums because it can be a little distracting for me i just like to listen to every song as it's meant to be within an album and then we do the music videos it's like a separate video so if you want to check that out with me go check out the patreon all right so i've got all these lyric videos pulled up here i got a lot of comments again between patreon and youtube about uh finding the lyric videos that are the best for the bts albums and i found one that seemed to be one that people really like to go to also i did my research on dual set people have also told me about that and it was really cool to go in there and see how everything is broken down so much it's like a um genius lyrics but for just for bts which is crazy it was so cool to see and i did do like a lot of dives on the lyrics and b that i was just personally curious about i love the fact that they speaking on sub uniting as well i didn't realize that was something that they like specifically embraced which i think is so awesome first of all again thank you for all the comments about the sub uniting and now i specifically know that that's something they do intentionally i think that's fantastic because you have all these like boy bands girl bands um that over time uh you will have like several vocalists but there's songs where only maybe a couple of the vocalists sing and then other songs a couple other ones sing but it's never like acknowledged you know like you still have the group as a group that has their name on the song and bts says the same thing but it's so cool for them to just like embrace the fact like hey this song just says this person this song just has these two people um because it really like bands boy bands like girl bands girl groups boy groups whatever the hell you want to call it doesn't even matter are like one of my favorite things musically speaking because you get so much diversity and sound and different personalities and different vocal styles and techniques so when you have seven to change it up and then you have them doing like separate songs and stuff that's the coolest thing ever to me and i think that was one of the coolest things about b for me along with some other stuff but anyways let's do it guys this is persona this is the intro track i'm excited let's do this okay so i already have persona of the first track pulled up and i'm already seeing it's rm four times rms himself rm the idol i am the rapper arm i get i have a lot to learn let's do it [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh this is what are we in for it's just like this is this is hip hop this is hip hop that's what this is and rm was going hard and b so i'm not surprised by that it's just like i went into this not knowing what to expect especially after reading like the trilogy and the three different sounds comments and and to open it up let's just go first of all this is lyrically insane he's this is like discovering herself trying to figure out why you even exist and what you're meant to be here what you're meant to be here for and then you have everyone trying to tell you what to do or what you're supposed to be and it's funny that he references god in the beginning of the song and then he starts going into some somewhat biblical references but also just like life references as far as what am i supposed to be here for and he's talking about this person's saying oh look at the forest the other one's saying go look at the wildflower and then there's a lot of like just self uh reflection in this song like as far as your existence goes and i just love not only the lyrical content of that so far but i love the way he just goes about it so aggressively because there's so much passion in that [Music] the pauses that lead into that guitar and then the way it just stops and pulls back is so sick the regrets that i don't even get sick of anymore i tumble with them every night until i'm and twist the irreversible time habitually twist the irreversible time habitually time is literally irreversible which is literally saying that so he's still battling with that because he knows it's irreversible yeah he's trying to twist it and saying habitually it means he just says he does it every single time there's something that raised me up again every time like there's so much going on in his head in this song and like the dealing with having regrets and how to go about dealing with the emotion that is regretting [Music] do you want to [Music] this is going to die a long video oh no that is such a nice strong way to open this up talking about like having all these different versions of yourself and like literally saying who the hell am i but yet knowing like what i just i just want to fly which is kind of general but you can be general in a chorus like that when you're being so specific in verses um i have so many thoughts about that and i kind of want to do that again but actually pay attention to when it's himself him the idol him the rapper him the leader which is like four different things i guess um and like here how he breaks it down each time and match each one like what he's saying because there's like confusion in one statement and there's like a lot of vulnerability in like another verse and then there's like confidence in another verse and it's so interesting hearing about all those different versions of himself that's a hell of a way to start all right let's go to track two boy with love featuring halsey [Music] uh [Music] i really like um going from jungkook to ximen because they're the two voices that really like bounce they offset each other the best i felt like on b anyway specifically beaks that's what i've heard obviously but when you went from like jungkook to jimin they're probably the two that i might have mixed up the most in permission to dance when i didn't know who was who um so going from one to one in a chorus because their vocals are both so strong and they can both do a lot of the same things which are both great things uh is really smart [Music] [Music] okay this is a bit more aggressive than what i got on b okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] it's really interesting to hear them touching on this kind of topic when i didn't really get that on b b was first of all i love what they were touching on and b because it was so focused on um you know coming back together and recovering from like the thoughts that were going on in all our heads during that pandemic it was so focused on that it was so healing in that way that i really really appreciated getting all that on one album um so to get them on an album where it wasn't you know they were writing it when we weren't dealing with those things and those thoughts um more in like the romantic you know section of music writing is really interesting to me [Music] foreign [Music] okay another hey i'm wearing i'm literally wearing an icarus falls video right now so that's perfect that's perfect we can't not touch on that in this case um with the wings of icarus you gave me but not towards the sun but toward you you let me fly like obviously the story of icarus is you flew too close to the sun and the sun burned the wings and you ended up falling and in this case the person that um this is rm here that he was involved with gave him the wings um but had them fly towards them as opposed to the sun so that way arm wasn't hurt which is nice [Music] it's so interesting how they have these the four vocalists in this song really shared a lot of the same time um and really you like this you have so many options when you have that and i just like i said it's my favorite thing about them so far along with the fact that you also have the three rappers who do such different things as well okay um let's go to track three let's make it right i can make it better [Music] so they're doing the the konglish i was told is how you say it congress is what they're doing because i'm he pretty sure he said the korean um language of on that long road and then slid into wait let me just recheck this [Music] yeah before all you're the light um said in korean on that long road but the the way that he's in that tight falsetto that whole time but he goes even higher for on that long we're just a little bit like a little bit a little bit higher and tighter with it but then softens it up for oh you're that light it's just so nice [Music] this is exactly what i was talking about what i was trying to say with a boy with love that i feel like i didn't quite get off the way i wanted to get it off um you see how they go from jungkook to v and it's such a night like it's high up there but it's like he's in his halt his falsetto and his head voice but so soft like so so soft and then you go from that v [Music] when you have like several members that can do that kind of vocal it is so nice to go back and forth from one to the other when they can both do it um i just and it's not just the both of them because we know jimin can do it as well like it's such such a rare ability to have within a group [Music] and what's really cool about that too is v was giving me a lot of like the deeper more soulful vocals but look at look at what he's able to do in this song i'm assuming that the lyric video has it right as far as telling me who's singing [Music] back [Music] [Music] if you know don't hesitate please save my life i'm thirsty for the desert desert or dessert desert please save my life i'm thirsty for the desert i've been through without you that's kind of dark is he saying like i'm thirsty for like what i been through without you which is hurt or despair or just negative feelings um and because i'm thirsty for that i'm asking you to come save me because i don't really want that but for whatever reason i'm longing for that i know if she had so at [Music] without you what the [ __ ] that's so deep [Music] i've yet to get a verse when one of the rappers come in that's just like empty lyrics and empty bars like every single verse that involves a rap a rapper coming in has really deep context to it i can make it right all right uh that's is that my favorite so far we're only three tracks in so let's just keep it going and we'll decide later on all right uh next track is i don't know how to pronounce this it's track four i'm not going to even try and offend people because i would hate to do that track four j a.m [Music] oh great start and we only we have three of the members in here okay interesting [Music] i guess i gotta deal with it [Music] please give me a remedy foreign [Music] [Music] a remedy [Music] um this is my favorite song so far number one if you couldn't tell by the fact that i couldn't stop it uh if i stop at this point if i just turn it off everything will be more comfortable that's very dark and i don't know if that's referencing because this the song's touching on just more life things more questioning um existence like it's kind of an extra extra stencil crisis going on in this song so far and you just need a memory to to give you some sort of feeling i thought it was interesting for j-hope referencing the idea that he's a star and how that makes it harder to deal with or like this like it's almost as if um because you're a star you're made to seem like you're not a person which adds a lot more complexity to that lyrics as well um but the the first of all drunk vocals on this i like when jin and jungkook were going back and forth but he is blowing the song away from me i'm gonna have to look it up because he referenced it too specifically my song lyrics my time about like 50 000 things are painting me and it starts naming some things like my song layers my one body gesture all of my words become afraid of my and again i'm not going to try and say this word but now i got to know what they're saying here someone who doesn't recognize quite ordinary or familiar things people who suffer from a sense of never seen it means never seen a disorder a memory oh a disorder of memory okay okay characterized by the illusion that the familiar is being encountered for the first time that's such a cool concept for a song all my words become afraid of my like as if they'll forget it if i was a good editor i would insert like my brain exploding right now [Applause] [Music] please [Music] it's cool to have junk through the first remedy too and then jin comes in with the next one [Music] it's so clever because you had the um uh uh please give me please give me and then i do it with i won't give up so if you do give it to me like i promise you i won't give up that is my favorite song so far um i really really enjoyed like there's this deep and dark tone to it as far as what they're talking about once again which is a theme so far by the way um and i'm trying to because it's going to be hard to compare on this song as far as what my favorite songs are because for me right now it's between this one and persona but the thing is like persona is just a straight hip hop track it's so i can't compare this to persona because they're literally completely different genres of music and that's a good thing like the fact that i can get that on one album from the same group of musicians is [ __ ] such a blessing uh so let's keep it going guys let's go to another word that i don't want to try and pronounce and offend people um track five dion something let's do it uh here we go [Music] there's a really boy with love and now this is a really cool use of guitars in this album so far we got all the members man [Music] again we have a direct reference to the title tracks now i got to look it up i have to uh so let's see i assume it's a drink and a nature god or fruitfulness and vegetation especially known as a god of wine and ecstasy so it's a god of things you would partake in that you may enjoy um being what i just said okay interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um cheers link so it's either i mean they're either having a i want to say they're having a good time but like it's a very aggressive instrumental that makes it seem like i don't know if they're because they said be reborn too and that could just be referencing like they just get really drunk and like wake up or they just turn into a different person when they're drunk or it could be like a dark thing again where they are like looking into their own existence and like what that even means which map of the soul like that perfectly represents that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] vocal back there holy [ __ ] who is that please tell me who that was it's like a scream but like it's a it's a it's an entomb screen [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] um this song must be crazy to see them perform live i bet like if there's a song i want to see them perform live it's this one so far um out of all the ones i've heard because just also the background like that song was easily the heart aside from the couple rap verses um from arm and suga that song was the hardest to keep up with the singing parts because it was cut as far as what my screen is telling me anyway it's constantly changing it's constantly altering between like one artist would be lit up another one be lit up literally one second later two of them at the same time three of them at the same time all over um which again just goes to show like how well they can organize their vocals on the song also so that they produce their own music um so that is an even bigger like indicator and complement of just dumb as a group once again so okay let's keep this going guys now we have interlude shadow [Music] i wanna be wrapped i wanna be the top i [Music] they censored that i want to be what would that be i want to be rich i want to be the king i want to go win i want to be what's a curse word that would fit there i don't know i want to be [Music] they grow even bigger i bound my head because he's probably on stage right so if he has the shadows beneath his feet and he bows his head like as he's you know bowing his head to the crowd as he bows his head the shadows grow even bigger yet the irony is he still he wants to be all these things he wants to be a king a rockstar a rap star um even if i run away my shadow which depends on that light follows me oh [ __ ] which depends on wow that's a crazy double because the your shadow literally is dependent on light like the reflection of light is what creates your shadow like if there's no light if you're in a dark room there's no shadow like it's just pitch black right but also your shadow depends on the light could just be like the light of the audience as well um like that shadow which is being created i'm guessing because as he's bowing he sees that shadow and he sees all these fans looking at him which is what he wanted in the first place yet he's looking yet that shadow's growing bigger because there's some kind of darkness that's attached to that then maybe we'll find out as the song goes but that audience is the light that makes that shadow bigger yet literally the light makes the shadow bigger i can't i can't say enough how impressed i've been lyrically i like i'm a huge rap fan guys and i don't really cover a lot of rap on the channel um and something i want to do more of but uh like i've when i say i'm a rap fan i'm a fan of like lyrical rap uh and i didn't expect i'll just be honest i didn't expect like lyrical rap when i didn't even expect rap at all when it came to bts i didn't know they had rappers and stuff um so there was no expectation so as soon as i started listening to them and i started hearing rappers i knew that they had a rapper because sugar was on the halsey album and he had a verse on there but like to to have like a really seriously lyrical rappers within their group is such like a pleasant just uh breath of fresh air uh for me especially within a group because that's not a thing like there aren't groups with rappers and singers that can make these great pop songs great r b songs great lo-fi music great hip-hop and r b music great like k-pop music it's like this is just great music and to get like great rap within that is wild to me [Music] so that darkness he's referring to i'm terrified of flying high which is literally everything he wanted he asked for all that this is going to be i don't even care how long this video is he asks for all that yeah he's terrified of it because how lonely ends up being so that light like all the people in the crowd that are the ones that like are giving him everything he wants they're the light in that regard yet they cast like an even bigger shadow which is that darkness that like he's actually like lonely because of all that [Music] it's so nice to hear someone who's on as big a plot like someone like sugar who's obviously got like billions of fans um and and to hear someone like that talk about this kind of stuff like the dark side of being that uh famous unpopular and that biggest star while still wanting that success ironically um like that inner struggle is so nice to hear like an actual honest representation of that lyrically [Music] [Music] sometimes your break can turn into a fall but like the break like if you fall you'd break something so there's a play on words again but your break is like you becoming famous which is what you asked for and that is what turned into your fault um despite all these things that come with it the house the car is like all the fame that every very best is the trend i don't want this to be over i don't want this to be over it's over but i don't want it to be over sadly um this is my favorite song this is my favorite song on the album so far and i it's so cool that we're getting like solo uh rap um performances from uh um suga and rm now like we're like i'm getting exactly i'm getting more than i could have ever asked for or anticipated and it's also interesting those are my favorite songs on the album so far that the the opportu like the songs where the individual rappers got their opportunity to shine because i'm also getting like the crazy vocals from like you know v and jin and jungkook and jimin but there's so much to take away from this guys i'm my mind is just kind of i'm very impressed right now to say the least all right let's let's keep it going somehow after my favorite song uh let's go to black swan track seven alright we got everybody back together for this one [Music] oh [Music] damn that's so like you're feeling nothing at that point like if this can no longer make me cry if this can no longer make my heart flutter which are two different two opposite feelings of emotion like if something can no longer make you cry you're talking about you can't be effective negatively but if something can no longer make your heart flutter that's a positive feeling like emotion um it's so clever to touch on both aspects of that um and it's cool because like they went from j uh j hope having some deep lyrics right before that so then rm following him up with some deep [Music] lyrics that is sad oh my god like if um also i hear like jimin and jimin and jungkook harmonizing is just like if you just make me the best cake ever put the best frosting on it like just the most delicious cake ever and just feed that to me and just keep giving it to me that's what jimin and jungkook are harmonizing together just give me more and more and more of that please um but noah song no song affecting me anymore that's like the saddest thing that's death like i might as well just die if songs don't affect me anymore like that's that's life [Music] yeah right there on that yeah yeah there's a third voice that comes in i'm pretty sure it's jungkook v and jimin all together at that point unless jungkook backs out no i think it's all three of them together yeah [Music] the third voice comes in on the yeah yeah but then stays in for the harmonies [Music] interesting bringing that sea reference back when it was earlier said that i feel like i'm at the bottom of the scene earlier on if they lost this certain someone then that c might as well be like a desert so though i love that so like it has this really relaxed instrumental um it's like picking an acoustic guitar really lightly but then it goes into like a it drop like it drops into a there's a heavier bass that drops in and you get much more of that kind of classic bts sort of hip-hop sound um but i love this is my favorite song as far as how they orchestrated the verses and the chorus and how like each member sort of got a part um like the rappers did their thing on this song like they always do but i really like the harmonies is what i'm really trying to say on this song where like it's my favorite harmonies from all the songs so far um i like that you can distinct very distinctly hear all like two voices and then you can hear that third voice come in every time and like yeah yeah and they stick around for it um and you can like really pick apart each voice and that harmony too which is so nice um and it's not like it's not yeah yes just for the sake of like creating a melody it's yeah yes but then it goes into like that that nice melodic harmony as well okay let's keep it going guys the next track is and that was one of my favorite songs by the way the next track is filter and oh i found it yeah jimin solo a jim and solo yes yes okay all right i've dialed it i'm dialed in [Music] okay [Music] [Music] it's interesting um i will become anything for you can pick you can pick and use one of me and like when you talk about a filter that's like a very new age thing obviously with instagram and it's pretty much instagram um but there's like so many different filters you can use there's so many options and he's saying like i have so many whatever you need i'll be basically that's what he's saying whatever it is earlier he said something about a palette and with a palette like there's so many different colors again like i'll be whatever you need genie or aladdin those are two incredibly different things like aladdin like needed genie to help him along his journey in that movie um and they obviously were both so different like literally jeannie is like not even like a real being in that sense and aladdin is aladdin um so again he's just referencing how he can be so many different things and i love how we had all the solo rap songs being so deep like so deep and now that we have jimin on his own song it's equally as deep lyrically like that's so important to me [Music] because it's you who made me that's so clever cause it's you pick all these filters over time i just become that same person like you'll look at me as the same person no matter what because i i've just been the one that's been there all this time um and you're the one that that's made me because i've allowed you to create this version of me by picking all these filters but he's really into this person [Music] i said i'd like to strip it all back and just go nice and softly into that void [Music] oh okay this this is getting stronger these last three tracks for me are just getting better and better um okay all right let's keep going uh next track is my time my time yes my time [Music] we have a junk hook solo we have a jungle solo the jungkook solo i have been secretly wanting this so bad yes i gravitated towards him immediately can't help myself i'm sorry it happened gotta be honest about it ever since permission to dance he grabbed me and pulled me in and kept me there right here um i'm like i have goosebumps and he hasn't even started singing yet [Music] i was hoping [Music] this is so cool because in all their solo songs they really get to touch on their own individual like perspective like in in the interlude shadow um uh uh j like j-hope was really really getting into some real we talked about a lot in that song but just like that was very personal stuff very specific to him so now we have junk and same thing with the opening track persona same thing with jimmy on that last track like i love that we're getting dumb singing songs from their own perspective that you can tell like they wrote themselves and this is really personal to them uh because talking what he just said here like i feel like i've become an adult quicker than anyone because of obviously what they've you know the spotlight that's been on them for so long that makes perfect sense that you'd say that my life [Music] [Music] friends riding subway i've been in airplane mode like the friends are on the subway up in airplane mode which is like kind of saying i've missed a lot of time with my friends also when you're in airplane mode like you can't get texts or calls um so like it's a play on being in airplanes by like being far from everyone also you can't get phone calls when you're in airplane mode which again says that there's been a separation from you and your friends because you haven't really had the time to probably build those relationships like you'd like to do [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i like how we go from i can't so now i will yes yes [Music] and i love that because can somebody can somebody find my time earlier in the sun talking about how like he's living in other people's tomorrows because of how fast he's moving but then later on the sun somehow he's living in yesterday's because everyone else is moving past him now like this you're you're so lost and there's been so much of that throughout this album talking about that concept of finding yourself and where you are in this moment like i feel like they've been lost a lot throughout this album but they're like really addressing what they're like how to approach that and how to deal with that and i find that so interesting and and like there's so much to these lyrics that that is open to interpretation as as opposed to like a lot of lyricism that could just be like super you know just kind of straightforward and blank where it's just kind of like there's nothing to take from there there's no emotions behind that but that's not what they give you at all in their music yes yes please yes please thank you for that give me more of that please um we are four songs in a row now that i absolutely love love let's keep it going because there's a lot of album left louder than bombs track 10. [Music] oh that that run right there [Music] are they all are they all on this harmony who's on this harmony is it all of them is it or is it just v is it v in jimin oh it's kind of confusing what i'm looking at it doesn't even matter it's so nice [Music] interesting as i fall over on my own mute louder than bombs like that that grounded shaking and you felt like the the the sound of you falling over because you're looking for your way like that where's my way well quickly like the sound of you falling over is louder than bombs and bombs are like the loudest thing ever that you could imagine right um so to say that the noise of that is louder than a bomb but trying to say like we're saying like where is my way that's been a theme throughout this whole album from start to finish so far which again goes directly into that map of the soul like you're literally in your soul trying to maneuver your way through your own soul like trying to figure out who you are as a person where's my weight directly says that um and i love following that lyric with a with um such descriptive lyricism talking about falling over and the sound of that because not only are you referencing a visual you're referencing a sound as well so you have a double visual in your head um it makes it that much more like uh animated in your head because you're picturing it happening but you're also hearing it like the sound of that falling over and you're picturing a bomb noise and how this is louder than that and that's so deep once again to me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay no matter what kind of wave strike we will endlessly sing towards you and they've touched on again seeing waves and and and sing and loss of sound and and oh there's there's so much cohesion in this album [Music] what's interesting to me is that first of all this is five straight songs that i am obsessed with and what's interesting to me is that um i got so many comments on that b album reaction i went through every single one just like almost three three thousand and on my patreon she was like another hundred and i went through everything and uh there's a lot of people that like really really love is it love yourself the album's called i think it's the one before this which we'll do obviously after this one um but that seems to be a favorite um but then again there's also a lot of people that obviously love beer and love this so for me to like picture an album being because i'm liking oh i can't say if i like this more than b yet because we still gotta finish but it's just so interesting for them to have b which i love this were nine tracks in and i'm completely like so in on all of this um i'm just now all of a sudden i'm curious to hear the next one even though we still have half the album to go all right uh let's keep it going everybody the next track is one [Music] [Music] the beautiful prison i walked into on my own this is and they're like that's kind of touching on the mind i like this song a lot because they're embracing the darkness in the song they're embracing like you to be saying you have to go insane um there's a and you've gone throughout that a lot of this album trying to figure out how to maneuver a lot of this lifestyle of theirs and how to deal with a lot of the feelings that they're they're getting just dealing with as growing men um so to really touch on embracing all that is beautiful to me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that note is so high that my blood and tears my everything was already so high but he went even higher [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um i love this song and the main reason is because like how epic sounding it is how this is the biggest most epic sounding song they have and it had to be because it's like really inspirational in the sense of they've been so vulnerable throughout this whole album so vulnerable and you get to this track where they're embracing that vulnerability and saying that am i you know what you know what no matter how no matter what hurt comes our way we're gonna get through it even though we've been like battling the concept of that throughout this whole album we will get through it no matter what we're gonna get back up and i love that it's almost like a closing track which is interesting because we still have so many tracks left okay i love that um let's go to uh ugh track uh 12. his cadence on this is just so nasty [Music] foreign [Music] now i don't know what goes on in their country um but i feel like they are speaking for a group of people in this song and i am incredibly interested to know more about what the song is about because there's a lot of emotion i mean there's a lot every time these guys rap they put so much emotion into the vocal of the rap um so it's in older songs but in this there's a particular like extra level of aggression it's interesting i just said they're putting an extra amount of emotion and anger in here and if i'm about losing your temper [Music] this world is ruled by anger it seems that no one can live without anger and you have jehovah i like how jehovah transitioned from having the vocal in that chorus to now getting his part after the course that's really cool um but yeah like saying this world is ruled by anger and how there's so much maliciousness like i'm really curious to know what the song is about in that sense embrace those emotions you can be angry all you want just don't let it bother some like don't don't let that into someone else's energy because now like you're it's uh [Music] [Music] must go so hard sugar is going nuts on this song i'm sorry [Music] day day we're not playing any games with that song as you can tell by that super hard base at the end then you have the gun come out which is basically the lyrics of the song where like guns being fired um it's so interesting like embracing anger but also talking about like how angry it makes thumb to see other people who get angry and how their anger affects other other people because that's not fair like if you get angry you just keep that [ __ ] to yourself like get angry you're allowed to feel things they are completely understanding of that but just don't take it out on other people because that's going to make them angry that's just such an interesting um a concept there once i saw the three rappers pop up on my screen when i clicked the song i knew it was gonna be fire i knew it was gonna be okay um let's keep going guys zero o'clock track thirteen [Music] happy [Music] okay as someone who struggles with depression and anxiety of myself as so many of us do it is so [ __ ] awesome to have it first of all to have a song with not just four incredible vocalists um but have it from four vocalists who've already been talking about such deep and relatable things throughout this album so it makes the song hit that much more when we get to this point in the in the album but also to be talking about literally addressing depression anxiety how hard it is just to get out of bed sometimes and how it literally feels like you can't like move your legs and then talking about getting through the day somehow and then before you know it eventually you hit night time and it's like you've you've had such a bad day because you've gone through everything you've gone through in your own head like you know it happens it happens so often and there's no explanation for it but the beauty of life and why life is beautiful uh despite like these really dark emotions that a lot of us go through um is that you get to start again the next day and that's like zero o'clock that's zero clock is the restart of the day and it's like fresh snow falling like there's a there's a there's a beauty to that um and yeah it might happen to you again the next day but like you're gonna reach zero clock again where you get to restart um and not like just that opportunity to me is such a beautiful sentiment to touch on [Music] [Music] happy [Music] that's gonna keep happening i see this is such a comfort song i got like three things going on here guys and along with my emotions of how comforting this song is [Music] [Music] this song reminds me a bunch of um to begin again by zayn shout out to zayn my fave and ingrid michaelson the song that he released that they released not that long ago actually um just that concept of having getting after this just the heavy day getting an opportunity to begin again and start again with a new day i love that kind of concept i love it i love like how it opens up so there's an acoustic guitar in that chorus it feels very open and very like inviting and just very healing very therapeutic which is how i feel with this song it feels very therapeutic okay uh let's keep it going guys track 14 inner child wait now we get a v solo this album is everything it's everything we're really gonna get a v solo [Music] i would say v so far is the one that i've really wanted to dive more into his voice on so let's just get it let's get it [Music] we can't change [Music] first of all his he's got like he's definitely got this deeper tone than all the other singers in the group he's got this um yeah he can go he can still go up there that's what's so impressive is that he can still like match some of the other vocalists but with what they can do as far as range goes but as far as like a naturally more lower register he just really has a lot more of that and it's like this soulful voice got like the most soulful voice to me [Music] wanna give the thorns [Music] [Music] i like to play on the word galaxies bringing it back after talking about dumb not believing in that milky way um and then bringing it back to like i'll like you can look at my galaxies greet the stars give you my world which like galaxy would be a part of that just a way to make the world sound that much bigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what's interesting about this song first of all i'm so happy like i said to have started the song that i got more v and more of like his naturally low register and um wow i can i'm starting to lose my voice that's how long this video is going that's how long i've been that's how much i've been talking i've been talking a lot and i can feel it starting to go actually um which is a good thing it's not a good thing that i might lose my voice by the end of this video but it's a good thing that i've been talking a lot because it means that i'm really feeling something from this um but about this song first of all v's low register in his ability to also go up in his range as well but this song was the most like movie soundtrack sounding like i had like that epic sort of emotional build up where you feel like something like the emotional peak of a film when you have a score come in a certain song comes in it matches that perfectly that's what this song made me think of more so than any other song throughout the album which speaks to v's ability to get to like emote himself in that sort of way which is important for an artist singing these kinds of songs all right track 15 friends which i had to like it wasn't a part of this lyric playlist for map of the soul 7 i don't know if it's not supposed to be on the album or not i don't know but it's on the album that i'm looking at so uh we're not going to skip it so let's do it and this is going to be jimin and v what a treat foreign [Music] also the fact that v was saying boy boy boy in the end and the end of um and her child makes me think he's either talking to himself as a boy or his band mates and here i'm wondering if they're talking to each other here because now they're saying bff's one day enemies on another i just want to understand like i'm interested in a lot of this lyrical content see these last two songs especially are the types of songs that i'm going to go check out um as a duel set after i'm done with this video to understand more and also i'm obviously going to be reading comments and looking forward to seeing everyone else's interpretations [Music] there's some inside stories being told here now [Music] history [Music] i really like that lyric because first of all i like that it's the two of them going back and forth and saying when the cheer dies down what used to be by my side which is like the definition of true friendship like will you still be here when things aren't going so well like are you still gonna be by my side and be there for me and there's a lot of like specific references like the dumpling reference and the dream catcher reference in the room for seven years i feel like it's some specific stuff that if like you were a huge fan of the group you would know more about what they're talking about like i said i will dual set to see what that was and i'll look at obviously comments as well um but i love how i love that lyric a lot just talking about will you still be here for me when things aren't so cheery longer than seven summers and cold winter so again with that seven summers uncle that'd be referencing seven years which goes back to having the dream catcher for seven years so that have they been friends for seven years [Applause] [Music] i love this song for so many reasons not just again it had another kind of movie track sound to it that's two straight songs now but also um getting jimin and v is like a unique combination like because i already got the jungkook combo and i got the v solo and i got the gym and solo like now to bring them together is we're here for that um also i'm just someone that believes that friends can be soul mates so to get a song about that it's just super special to me personally um and hang a song like this makes me more interested in knowing more about them personally usually when i get really into artists i do want to get more into the artist personally anyway and i'm starting to get to that point because i'm enjoying their music so much but i already spoke about liking they did skit and b which made me real like extremely interested in their relationships not throughout this album talking about so many vulnerable things and then um addressing some i'm really losing my voice guys uh this might be a problem for the last few tracks uh uh yeah like i know that there's like introduction to bts type type stuff there's certain things that i know i can watch to understand their relationships more and that's could be stuff i might do on patreon let me know what makes the most sense to do if there's like one video that kind of like captures everything like an introduction to them or something i saw a couple comments about that actually but there was a couple different um things that were referenced okay uh let's go to moon track 16 and let's probably maybe talk less that's that's my fault just bear with me guys thank you for being so patient [Music] we flipped it back to the other person talking about his like the blackness that's inside of him despite what you see on the outside there's like these dark dark things the way he flipped the lyrics to the other person is just so beautiful this is so deep so far [Music] and i will just um um no not like an earth but you you guys know what i'm saying yeah whole planet scheme [Music] so him as a moon would be doing the orbiting around this other person was the earth [Music] if this has done anything for me it's made me want to learn the language so bad because there's so many songs that like i just want to sing along to as they go on and on and become so catchy and like have these really resonating deep lyrics i just want to sing along i love it with all the solo songs for everyone that they've done we've gotten all the singers with a solo song now and i love that um they are uh um showing off the range of every artist getting that solo opportunity i'm just so here for this whole project so far okay uh let's go to respect track seventeen all right respect and it's rm and suga another treat [Music] [Music] breaking down the whole concept of rm just went off on the whole concept of respect [Music] let's take him [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] another song for me that's going to require some um duel set because number one they didn't translate that little conversation for me at the end between um rm and suga also it's interesting because i'm trying to grasp if they're talking about like the medias or the fans not the they're not the fans because we know they love their fans so like the media's view of like if like they the media probably says they respect them but they're saying you don't know what respect is um which makes me think that there's something much deeper that's being taught and i feel like they were saying also like we respect each other but we like have figured out what respect is at this point um so yeah that's another song that i have to like learn more about i feel like but it's so cool to hear uh our image going back and forth when i feel like they really just like they're both so good at it getting their emotions across in their in their rap so to be rapping about respect you need that and they do that so well okay uh before again i lose my voice let's keep it going we are bulletproof track 18. pretty [Music] [Music] it's nice [Music] i'm really falling in love with v's tone in this album [Music] too much [Music] [Music] okay after the seven winters in spring they literally referenced this in the previous song talking about the summer the seven summers passing by like seven years and again we have that exact reference again but there's also seven of them so now you're talking about seven years but you're also talking about having seven but they're also is this for the fans because saying that we were only seven but now we have you so it's not just the seven of us anymore we have we have all our fans now but here they're referencing time once again which has been a theme throughout the album referencing time [Music] [Applause] [Music] that long winter is what they went through and they got since they ended up they got to spring [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] this has to be a song for the fans it has to be right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah we are not seven with you it's gotta be the fans [Music] this song makes me think of um history the one direction song history like though if you know the song you know the song you know what it's about reminds me of that a lot except this has a way different sound than history like way different sound but i really like enjoy like the epicness of it and the emotions of it like they're so it's so emotional like with one direction in history they approached more of a satirical kind of uh it's like emotional and satirical because they're talking um they're trying to like put a positive spin on it but with this is just like straight emotional i'm so here for that in this song um v stone i am obsessed with also jimin was going crazy at the end of the song and then also i love that last vocal he gave us too and it's interesting because they could have ended the album with this song but there's still one more song i also thought they could have ended the album with was it uh i think it was zero o'clock actually um but this one would have been the perfect closer but they went with outro ego so let's get this last song and wrap up this incredible album um let's do it guys outro here you go [Music] he's got this like grungier delivery with his raps like much more so than sure like suga is actually showing me a whole different side of himself like this aggression in this album the august d i guess but i didn't see that name anywhere so i guess we'll have to see when we do the future projects um um and yeah j-hope's just got this like grungier sort of delivery with things [Music] not trusting yourself and not relying on your own ego and that's what ends up happening so i'm that's like the fourth time that they've referenced seven years i've assumed they've been around for seven years to this point keep going [Music] i love that ready so much positivity [Music] okay first of all there's a female vocalist at the very end there that was unrecognizable to me that's the first time i heard that on this album um this is actually the perfect closer because there's been so much vulnerability and like not like there's been so much that they touched on throughout this album it's a 19 track album right there's a lot to talk about um but to end the album to say that that map of the soul is my ego like wondering what i should trust throughout this whole like trying to find myself concepts of time vulnerability friendship love despair like depression and anxiety they touched on so much so to come to an outro where you talk about like because the map of the soul is the concept like finding yourself in that way in your soul and directing yourself throughout your own so and to come to a close by saying it's my ego and it's not even like in a bad way where it an egotistical sort of thing usually when you hear the term egotistical or ego you think bad but it's not it's more so like just trusting yourself like your ego is you so just trust yourself right as long as you're well-intentioned you trust yourself you're going to be fine so if you just trust this like that's that is just such a smart way to end this album um and and i said a lot throughout the album and i'm literally going to lose my voice so i'm going to end the video here guys thank you so much if you're still watching this at the end this is going to be like a two hour video um so you're a real trooper for sticking around for that um let me give me your thoughts in the comments i had a bunch of questions throughout this album um answer whatever you can for me obviously i'm going to do my own dual set research on a couple of these tracks here but seriously you guys are so supportive for someone that went into this not knowing what to expect and that is really um again just very humbling i'm very grateful for that so love you all bye
Channel: Michael Beveraggi
Views: 64,944
Rating: 4.9900532 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 43sec (5023 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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