Listening B1 - 1º Examen PET | Listening Inglés B1

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[Music] there are four parts to the test you will hear each part twice for each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers write your answers on the question paper you will have six minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet the recording will now be stopped please ask any questions now because you must not speak during the test now open your question paper and look at part 1 there are seven questions in this part for each question there are three pictures and a short recording for each question choose the correct answer a B or C before we start here is an example where is the girl's hat where's your new hat Sally I hope you haven't left it on the school bus don't worry mum I put it in my school bag because I was too hot are you sure I can't see it there you probably dropped it in the road somewhere oh here it is hanging in the hall I forgot to take it this morning the answer is a look at the three pictures for question one now now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear each recording twice one which dish did Mark cook in the competition so you've won the teammates chef competition mark congratulations Thanks in the competition you choose whether to cook a meat fish or vegetarian dish then you're judged on the taste and how attractive it looks I couldn't decide between fish and vegetables I've never been brilliant at meat dishes then I found that judge was an expert in cooking fish which worried me so I went from my other choice and one no listen again so you've won the teenage chef competition mark congratulations Thanks in the competition you choose whether to cook a meat fish or vegetarian dish then you're judged on the taste and how attractive it looks I couldn't decide between fish and vegetables I've never been brilliant at meat dishes then I found the judge was an expert in cooking fish which worried me so I went from my other choice and one - where is the girls book now excuse me I think I left my book on this table have you seen it oh yes I took it inside with the empty glass when I cleared the table I gave it to the manager who put it with the other lost property he keeps it all in the drawer of his desk I see where is he now he's on the phone inside the cafe why don't you go inside he'll be finished in a minute no listen again excuse me I think I left my book on this table have you seen it oh yes I took it inside with the empty glass when I cleared the table I gave it to the manager who put it with the other lost property he keeps it all in the drawer of his desk I see where is he now he's on the phone inside the cafe why don't you go inside he'll be finished in a minute three who lives with Josh in his house does your house seem empty now your sisters left home Josh not really my grandmother's moved into her room and she doesn't go out much it's really nice having her there because my dad never comes home until later and if my mum's out for the evening grandma cooks supper for me no listen again does your house seem empty now your sisters left home Josh not really my grandmother's moved into her room and she doesn't go out much it's really nice having her there because my dad never comes home until later and if my mum's out for the evening grandma cooks supper for me for what will the girl take with her on holiday have you parked for your holiday no I need to go shopping before I can do that last holiday my suitcase handle got broken so I need something new to put on my stuffing but suitcases are so heavy to carry I always take a backpack you can carry more that way yes I thought about one of those but dude quality ones are expensive I'll get one of those big sports bags you know one you can pull along they don't cost much so it doesn't matter if it gets torn now listen again have you parked for your holiday no I need to go shopping before I can do that last holiday my suitcase handle got broken so I need something new to put on my stuffing but suitcases are so heavy to carry I always take a backpack you can carry more that way yes I thought about one of those but dude quality ones are expensive I'll get one of those big sports bags you know one you can pull along they don't cost much so it doesn't matter if it gets torn five what time will the train to Manchester leave the train arriving at platform 6 is the 11:45 from Manchester the train due to arrive at platform 4 in approximately five minutes is the delayed 11:30 train to Manchester the train will now depart at 11:50 and travel non-stop we apologize to passengers for the delay refreshments will not be available on this train now listen again the trainer finger platform 6 is the 11:45 from Manchester the Train due to arrive at platform 4 in approximately 5 minutes is the delayed 11:30 train to Manchester the train will now depart at 11:50 and travel non-stop we apologize to passengers for the delay refreshments will not be available on this train 6 where will the friends meet hi it's Kimberley I got your message and I'd love to go to the movies there's a film called spy game or comedy I don't mind which shall we meet outside the cinema or I know at the burger bar on the corner we could have a snack before we go in or we could meet at the bus station mum's driving me into town this afternoon to buy some trainers so I won't be near the station but something to eat first is a good idea shall we say 6 o'clock okay no listen again hi it's Kimberly I got your message and I'd love to go to the movies there's a film called spy game or comedy I don't mind which shall we meet outside the cinema or I know at the burger bar on the corner we could have a snack before we go in or we could meet at the bus station mum's driving me into town this afternoon to buy some trainers so I won't be near the station but something to eat first is a good idea shall we say 6 o'clock ok 7 which spa well the boy due soon at the center have you been to the new watersports center yet oh yes it's brilliant there are two indoor pools one for underwater diving and one for swimming and you can also have sailing lessons on the lake that's what I'm doing there next weekend actually I was hoping to take water skiing lessons but the leaflet says they're not starting those until next year now listen again have you been to the new watersports center yet oh yes it's brilliant there are two indoor pools one for underwater diving and one for swimming and you can also have sailing lessons on the lake that's what I'm doing there next weekend actually I was hoping to take water skiing lessons but the leaflet says they're not starting those until next year that is the end of part 1 now turn to part 2 questions 8 to 13 you will hear an interview with a singer called Nick Parker who plays in a band called crispy with his sister Mel for each question choose the correct answer a B or C you now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part two you now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice I'm talking to Nick Parker the singer with the band called crispy Nick your sister Mel plays guitar in the band too doesn't she yeah Mel's a year younger than me we've been playing and singing together since we were eight nine dad is a guitarist and took us to hear the great bands playing live Mel and I put on shows at school which was a lot of fun mum thought we were good but she didn't want us to get too serious about our music because of the hard lives professional musicians have when did you start writing music I've been writing since I was 10 and later Mel started working with me we didn't have the same influences I liked rock music and she loved world music especially bands from Africa but we found good ways of mixing the styles your band krispy has two guys and two girls in it how was it formed Mel and I were playing in a concert at our College and there were two students from music school in the audience they came to see us after the show and asked if we'd like to form a band with them we weren't sure at first because we were much younger than them but we agreed to try it out and it was brilliant was the band an immediate success well we spent the first year practising and writing music during that time we all had studying to do we played in local concerts and the audience's enjoyed what we did then during one holiday we recorded two songs and sent them to a music company they offered us a contract but our parents said we had to finish college first you've been together a few years now and you're one of the top bands what's that like hard work we travel to concerts all around the world and are never in one place for more than a few nights the other so like an older brother and sister to me and Mel which is good they help us relax on our days off and make sure we eat well they're strict about practicing - have you had any disappointments everything we've recorded has done well three singles have gone to number one and our first album has sold over a million copies our second album was due out this winter but I've been ill recently so we've started recording late which is a pity but for the rest everything's fine no listen again I'm talking to Nick Parker the singer with the band called crispy Nick your sister Mel plays guitar in the band too doesn't she yeah Mel's a year younger than me we've been playing and singing together since we were eight nine dad is a guitarist and took us to hear the great bands playing live Mel and I put on shows at school which was a lot of fun mum thought we were good but she didn't want us to get too serious about our music because of the hard lives professional musicians have when did you start writing music I've been writing since I was 10 and later Mel started working with me we didn't have the same influences I liked rock music and she loved world music especially bands from Africa but we found good ways of mixing the styles your band krispy has two guys and two girls in it how was it formed Mel and I were playing in a concert at our college and there were two students from music school in the audience they came to see us after the show and asked if we'd like to form a band with them we weren't sure at first because we were much younger than them but we agreed to try it out and it was brilliant was the band an immediate success well we spent the first year practicing and writing music during that time we all had studying to do we played in local concerts and the audience's enjoyed what we did then during one holiday we recorded two songs and sent them to a music company they offered us a contract but our parents said we had to finish college first you've been together a few years now and you're one of the top bands what's that like hard work we travel to concerts all around the world and are never in one place for more than a few nights the others are like an older brother and sister to me and Mel which is good they help us relax on our days off and make sure we eat well they're strict about practicing - have you had any disappointments everything we've recorded has done well three singles have come - number one and our first album has sold over a million copies our second album was due out this winter but I've been ill recently so we've started recording late which is a pity but for the rest everything's fine that is the end of part 2 you now turn to part three questions 14 to 19 you will hear a man called Ben from a young people's organization telling a youth group about a course they can do on Saturdays for each question fill in the missing information in the numbered space you now have 20 seconds to look at part three now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice hello everyone let me introduce myself my name's Ben and I'd like to tell you about a course you can do on Saturday mornings I'm from an organization called Nature and we run courses for young people like you to do during the weekends now we know that at school you'll learn a lot about things like science and maths but this course is really about giving your youth group the chance to come and find out about wildlife it's an area that tends to get forgotten we usually take groups like yours to a wild place that's near their home sometimes we go to a beach or a lake but we've planned for your group to go to a forest that's the closest place for you and the easiest to get to now we'd like you to come and do some activities with us you spend 6 hours each week with us and the course lasts for 12 weeks depending on the weather that might sound like a long time but we think you'll be sorry when it's over taking part in our activities means you get to do all sorts of things that you wouldn't normally be allowed to do at home that includes how to safely climb trees cut wood and build a fire while you with us we'll also show you how to make things out of different materials on the last course everyone designed backpacks which they were very pleased with this time we thought we'd get you to design and make a birdhouse when it's finished you can take it home and show your family we think you'll enjoy doing this now any questions now listen again hello everyone let me introduce myself my name's Ben and I'd like to tell you about a course you can do on Saturday mornings I'm from an organization called nature and we run courses for young people like you to do during the weekends now we know that at school you'll learn a lot about things like science and maths but this course is really about giving your youth group the chance to come and find out about wildlife it's an area that tends to get forgotten we usually take groups like yours to a wild place that's near their home sometimes we go to a beach or a lake but we've planned for your group to go to a forest that's the closest place for you and the easiest to get to now we'd like you to come and do some activities with us you spend six hours each week with us and the course lasts for 12 weeks depending on the weather that might sound like a long time but we think you'll be sorry when it's over taking part in our activities means you get to do all sorts of things that you wouldn't normally be allowed to do at home that includes how to safely climb trees cut wood and build a fire while you with us we'll also show you how to make things out of different materials on the last course everyone designed backpacks which they were very pleased with this time we thought we'd get you to design and make a birdhouse when it's finished you can take it home and show your family we think you'll enjoy doing this now any questions that is the end of part three you now turn to part four questions twenty to twenty five look at the six sentences for this part you will hear a boy called Thomas and a girl called Ruby talking about a poster for their school sports day decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect if it is correct choose the letter A for yes if it is not correct choose the letter B for No you now have 20 seconds to look at the questions for part four now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice so Ruby what about this poster for the school sports day how shall we start hmm well Thomas I think we should draw a rough copy on this paper first and then do a final copy when we've got everything right good idea well let's get a bigger piece of paper that paper is too small hmm I think last year's poster was 40 centimeters by 60 centimeters that was a good size so there's no reason to change it and we'll make it black and white again I think that looks best but wouldn't it be a good idea to show that our new sports colors a purple and yellow that's a good point but think of the cost we need to do at least 20 photocopies oh I forgot about the money of course so what shall we put at the top of the poster do you think we should have our school name there I'd prefer it in the center so that it's the first thing people notice that's where the photograph should go I think and then we can put the date and the time underneath it okay which picture are we going to use well there are three here this one of the football team isn't very good and this one's too dark I prefer this photo taken last week of the baseball game it's a very popular new sport at our school fine so that just leaves how to write the words do you think we should use all capital letters let's see if we put the school name and address here they should be in capitals but there isn't room for everything so big but people need to see the date and time clearly I know everybody knows the school address so that can be tiny okay let's try it that way I think it's going to be a really good poster now listen again so Ruby what about this poster for the school sports day how shall we start hmm well Thomas I think we should draw a rough copy on this paper first and then do a final copy when we've got everything right good idea well let's get a bigger piece of paper that papers too small hmm I think last year's poster was 40 centimeters by sixty centimeters that was a good size so there's no reason to change it and we'll make it black and white again I think that looks best but wouldn't it be a good idea to show that our new sports colors a purple and yellow that's a good point but think of the cost we need to do at least 20 photocopies oh I forgot about the money of course so what shall we put at the top of the poster do you think we should have our school name there I'd prefer it in the center so that it's the first thing people notice that's where the photograph should go I think and then we can put the date and the time underneath it okay which picture are we going to use well there are three here this one of the football team isn't very good and this one's too dark I prefer this photo taken last week of the baseball game it's a very popular new sport at our school fine so that just leaves how to write the words do you think we should use all capital letters let's see if we put the school name and address here they should be in capitals but there isn't room for everything so big but people need to see the date and time clearly I know everybody knows the school address so that can be tiny okay let's try it that way I think it's going to be a really good poster that is the end of part 4
Channel: Listening Inglés
Views: 890,043
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Keywords: examen de ingles, examen PET, examen de ingles b1, examen de listening, examen de ingles PET, audios ingles b1, listening, English Listening, listening english exercises, listening b1, listening pet, pet listening, listening b1 cambridge, b1 listening, ingles b1, listening b1 cambridge with answers, listening english practice, pet listening part 1, listening ingles, pet exam listening, pet, b1 ingles, b1 listening test, aprender ingles b1, aprender ingles, ingles basico
Id: N1mJ2I68ElA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
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