Listening B1 - 2º Test PET | English Listening

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[Music] now open your question paper and look at part 1 there are seven questions in this part for each question there are three pictures and a short recording for each question choose the correct answer a B or C before we start here is an example where is the girl's hat where's your new hat Sally I hope you haven't left it on the school bus don't worry mum I put it in my school bag because I was too hot are you sure I can't see it there you probably dropped it in the road somewhere oh here it is hanging in the hall I forgot to take it this morning the answer is a look at the three pictures for question one now now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear each recording twice one what can't the woman find [Music] I'm going to mend and paint the cupboard in your bedroom today great mom anything I can do to help yes can you go to the shop and get me a new hammer this one's broken but before you do that ask your dad what he's done with the paintbrush I've looked everywhere for it there weren't any in the garage all I could find was this knife which I lost months ago no listen again I'm going to mend and paint the cupboard in your bedroom today great mom anything I can do to help yes can you go to the shop and get me a new hammer this one's broken but before you do that ask your dad what you've done with the paintbrush I've looked everywhere for it there weren't any in the garage all I can find with this knife which I lost months ago - what is the weather forecast for tomorrow and now for those of you planning to go to the rock festival tomorrow you'll want to know what the weather is going to be like as we go through today the heavy rain will gradually disappear by the end of the afternoon tomorrow we can expect some sunshine with just a few light showers and then some very hot and dry weather is likely by the weekend now listen again and now for those of you planning to go to the rock festival tomorrow you'll want to know what the weather is going to be like as we go through today the heavy rain will gradually disappear by the end of the afternoon tomorrow we can expect some sunshine with just a few light showers and then some very hot and dry weather is likely by the weekend 3 what did the boy buy I got most of shopping you asked for mom I got the last of the bread and some orange juice but sorry there weren't any newspapers left oh never mind I need to remember to go in the morning but what about the tomatoes for the salad oh I forgot I'll go back for them oh don't worry I'll stop and pick some up when I go out to collect your sister now listen again I got most of the shopping you asked for mum I got the last of the bread and some orange juice but sorry there weren't any newspapers left oh never mind I need to remember to go in the morning but what about the tomatoes for the salad oh I forgot I'll go back for them oh don't worry I'll stop and pick some up when I go out to collect your sister for which present of the girl bought her mother hi it's me Jane I've got mum's birthday present I think she'll like it yes that's right a gold coloured one she's always writing letters so she'll find it useful mmm I talked about a CD but I'm never really sure what music she likes and dad's bought her a new pair of earrings for her birthday anyway I'm sure she'll like what I've got her no listen again hi it's me Jane I've got mum's birthday present I think she'll like it yes that's right a gold coloured one she's always writing letters so she'll find it useful mmm I talked about a CD but I never really sure what music she likes and dad's bought her a new pair of earring for her birthday anyway I'm sure she'll like what I've got her 5 which TV program will they watch together hasn't that basketball match finished yet you know I want to watch the wildlife program at 9 o'clock it's cancelled and everything is running late because the rock concerts finished later than expected sit down and watch this much with me it's really exciting and more interesting than looking at animals oh okay then no listen again hasn't that basketball match finished yet you know I want to watch the wildlife program at 9 o'clock it's canceled and everything's running late because the rock concerts finished later than expected sit down and watch this much with me it's really exciting and more interesting than looking at animals all ok and 6 what time is a swimming lesson today hi Gigi do you want to play tennis after school say about 4:30 hmm that would be fun but I've got a swimming lesson it's usually at a quarter past five but it's half an hour earlier this evening at a quarter to five it takes me ages to cycle to the swimming pool so I really don't think I'll have time today let's try tomorrow okay no listen again hi Gigi do you want to play tennis after school say about 4:30 hmm that would be fun but I've got a swimming lesson it's usually at a quarter past five but it's half an hour earlier this evening at a quarter to five it takes me ages to cycle to the swimming pool so I really don't think I'll have time today next tomorrow okay seven which subject is the boy like best I really like the new IT teacher our project for this term is to design a new website I've always wanted to know how to do that the sports teacher is much more serious but that's still my favorite subject last year I used to really like geography but the teacher we have now gives us so much homework now listen again I really like the new IT teacher our project for this term is to design a new website I've always wanted to know how to do that the sports teacher is much more serious but that's still my favorite subject last year I used to really like geography but the teacher we have now gives us so much homework that is the end of part one now turn to part 2 questions 8 to 13 you will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor climbing center that has a climbing wall for each question choose the correct answer a B or C you now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part two you now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice hello everyone today we're discussing adventure activities and I'm talking to Simon bonito who recently went with his mum to an indoor climbing Center Simon what gave you a mum the idea to take you there well last year my school had a trip to the centre but I missed it because I was sick then recently she went with a friend and tried it herself and she loved it so after that she wanted to take me - and what did you think when your mum suggested going to the centre well I knew I was okay at climbing we've been climbing on holidays and I thought we'd do something similar at the centre I was really looking forward to it but then my mum explained that the wall was inside I wasn't so interested when I heard that I prefer being outside but did you meet lots of people there well yes that was great it was early morning when we arrived and the centre had just opened so it was quiet but lots of people came later in the morning and for once I wasn't the youngest I'd expected it being mainly young people there but there were people of all ages serious climbers mums with five-year-olds and teenagers like me so what was the climbing wall like well luckily it had rocks of different sizes to help you climb so there was little chance of falling off and I'd imagined it would look high before you started to climb but actually it didn't seem that far to the top there were lots of really useful holes all over it - to put your feet in green ones for an easy climb red for more difficult so what was your first climb like was it easy no the instructor showed us what to do and I thought I'd soon get to the top but I was the last to get there so I was annoyed with myself the instructor warned us it can be painful for your arms too but I didn't notice and I did improve so what did you learn from your visit well it was great to be with other people who all liked doing the same thing and when I was climbing I had to think carefully where to put my feet before I moved so that's helped me to think first before I do things it showed me that I'm fitter than my friends who spend too much time on their computers well thanks Simon now listen again hello everyone today we're discussing adventure activities and I'm talking to Simon bonito who recently went with his mum to an indoor climbing Center Simon what gave your mum the idea to take you there well last year my school had a trip to the centre but I missed it because I was sick then recently she went with a friend and tried it herself and she loved it so after that she wanted to take me - and what did you think when your mum suggested going to the centre well I knew I was okay at climbing we've been climbing on holidays and I thought we'd do something similar at the centre I was really looking forward to it but then my mum explained that the wall was inside I wasn't so interested when I heard that I prefer being outside but did you meet lots of people there well yes that was great it was early morning when we arrived and the center had just opened so it was quiet but lots of people came later in the morning and for once I wasn't the youngest I'd expected it being mainly young people there but there were people of all ages serious climbers mums with five-year-olds and teenagers like me so what was the climbing wall like well luckily it had rocks of different sizes to help you climb so there was little chance of falling off and I'd imagined it would look high before you started to climb but actually it didn't seem that far to the top there were lots of really useful holes all over it too to put your feet in green ones for an easy climb read for more difficult so what was your first climb like was it easy no the instructor showed us what to do and I thought I'd soon get to the top but I was the last to get there so I was annoyed with myself the instructor warned us it can be painful for your arms too but I didn't notice and I did improve so what did you learn from your visit well it was great to be with other people who all liked doing the same thing and when I was climbing I had to think carefully where to put my feet before I moved so that's helped me to think first before I do things it showed me that I'm fitter than my friends who spend too much time on their computers well thanks Simon that is the end of part 2 now turn to part three questions 14 to 19 you will hear a girl called Hannah talking about her family's champion horse called Griffon for each question fill in the missing information in the numbered space you now have 20 seconds to look at art three now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice hi my name's Hannah I come from a family that trains horses and we have a champion horse called Griffon he is black with an incredibly shiny coat he was born two years ago in December and we're taking him to compete in his first international show in March next year just after my 15th birthday the whole family is going me my sister and our parents we live in Poland and we're going to drive through Germany and a Netherlands to the show in England so it'll be a long journey for us the event lasts for three days and we'll be staying with friends who also have horses my sister wanted to ride Griffin in front of the judges but she's too young the rules are that the person riding the horse has to be over 18 so my father will do it Griffin has been to other shows in several European countries he's got dozens of cups but at an event a couple of weeks ago he got some money as a prize which was a change it suited us because his expensive taking part in horse shows horses have to learn what to do in front of the judges how to walk and jump i watch my parents working with Griffin and my dream is to be a trainer to getting horses ready for shows my parents want me to study to be a doctor but I'm not sure about that when Griffin comes first in a competition Jesus pleased as we are lots of people give their horses sweets when they win that we give Griffin apples I also think he likes to be this of attention no listen again hi my name's Hannah I come from a family that trained horses and we have a champion horse called Griffon he is black with an incredibly shiny coat he was born two years ago in December and we're taking him to compete in his first international show in March next year just after my 15th birthday the whole family is going me my sister and our parents we live in Poland and we're going to drive through Germany and the Netherlands to the show in England so it'll be a long journey for us the event lasts for three days and we'll be staying with friends who also have horses my sister wanted to ride Griffon in front of the judges but she's too young the rules are that the person riding the horse has to be over 18 so my father will do it Griffin has been to other shows in several European countries he's got dozens of cups but at an event a couple of weeks ago he got some money as a prize which was a change it suited us because is expensive taking part in horse shows horses have to learn what to do in front of the judges how to walk and jump i watch my parents working with Griffin and my dream is to be a trainer to getting horses ready for shows my parents want me to study to be a doctor but I'm not sure about that when Griffin comes first in a competition Kees is pleased as we are lots of people give their horses sweets when they win that we give Griffin apples I also think he likes to be the same to have attention that is the end of part 3 you now turn to part four questions twenty to twenty five look at the six sentences for this part you will hear a conversation between a boy called Jamie and a girl called Miranda about sharing a bedroom with a brother or sister decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect if it is correct choose the letter a so yes if it is not correct choose the letter B for no you now have 20 seconds to look at the questions for part 4 now we are ready to start listen carefully you will hear the recording twice hi Miranda how are you hi Jamie I'm fine I'm helping mum paint my bedroom at home the one I share with my younger sister Oh how's it going not well we can't agree my sister and I both have got our own side of the room and they're completely different I mean my sides blue with pop posters all over the wall but her sides pink with goals and stuff not my thing at all really because I said she is younger than me and it looks okay I guess mmm well I share with my brother max but as he's older than me I get to use lots of things that my parents don't really want me to have because they say I'm not old enough but he lets me use his laptop music player everything Wow now if that was my little sister she'd probably go and report it to our mum and I'd get into trouble that happens sometimes then my sister and I have an argument oh that doesn't happen with Max and me no well apart from that I get on okay with my sister really to be honest she went camping with her school last week and I really missed her I found it wasn't so nice being in our room on my own I hadn't expected that I know what you mean my brother's going to university soon and the room will seem really empty still at least I'll be able to get on with my homework in peace it's hard at the moment as he's often in the room too well my sister likes playing outside so it's okay but then when she's not there there's no one to talk to about my problems she's really good at listening in knows I'm worried about something even though she can't help hmm my brother's the same we wouldn't do that if we didn't share rooms No so sharing does have good points now listen again hi Miranda how are you hi Jamie I'm fine I'm helping mum paint my bedroom at home the one I share with my younger sister Oh how's it going not well we can't agree my sister and I both have got our own side of the room and they're completely different I mean my sides blue with pop posters all over the wall but her sides pink with dolls and stuff not my thing at all really but as I said she is younger than me and it looks okay I guess mmm well I share with my brother max but as he's older than me I get to use lots of things that my parents don't really want me to have because they say I'm not old enough but he lets me use his laptop music player everything Wow now if that was my little sister she'd probably go and report it to our mum and I'd get into trouble that happens sometimes then my sister and I have an argument oh that doesn't happen with Max and me no well apart from that I get on OK with my sister really to be honest she went camping with her school last week and I really missed her I found it wasn't so nice being in our room on my own I hadn't expected that I know what you mean my brother's going to university soon and the room will seem really empty still at least I'll be able to get on with my homework in peace it's hard at the moment as he's often in the room - well my my sister likes playing outside so it's okay but then when she's not there there's no one to talk to about my problems she's really good at listening if she knows I'm worried about something even though she can't help hmm my brother's the same we wouldn't do that if we didn't share rooms No so sharing does have good points that is the end of part 4 I'll have six minutes to check and copy your answers onto the answer sheet that is the end of the test
Channel: Listening Inglés
Views: 258,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aprender ingles, examen de ingles, aprender ingles b1, examen de ingles b1, listening b1, aprender listening, b1 listening test, b1 listening, b1 listening english, b1 english, english exam, english pet exam, ENGLISH B1, english pet listening, cambridge b1 listening, listening b1 cambridge, pet practice test listening, pet exam listening, b1 cambridge listening, English Listening, listening english exercises, listening english practice, listening exercises b1
Id: ZFfAc2UE6uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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