Lisa Van Allen Speaks Out On 'Surviving R. Kelly', Dealing With Trauma And Protecting Future Victims

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I went and watched the video for Home Alone looking for this woman and while I didn't see her, I couldn't help see this girl around 3:22 in particular. She looks much younger than most of the women in the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tttruckit 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
Breakfast Club morning everybody is dej envy Angela ye Charlemagne the guy we are the breakfast club now we have a special guest on the phone line right now you might have seen her on surviving our Kelly we have Lisa Van Alen on the line good morning good morning hi Lisa how you feeling today hey how are you so let's talk about it I mean let's get right into it the surviving our Kelly docu-series what has happened in your life since then have you been on social media watching what's been going on yes I've been on social media I've seen everything that's going on and I mean it actually for me it's been a lot of positive feedback you know I mean it's been a lot of support and I really do appreciate it I mean I think at this point people are starting to see it for what it is see him for what it is what he is and I don't think they're a turn I don't think people want to turn a blind eye to it anymore I had some questions and um but let's identify who Lisa Van Alen was in the surviving are Kelly ducky series because you actually were the first person to come out over ten years ago and testify in the child pornography case you were the one that actually had gotten the sex tape and that's how the first sex tape of him got out there with the 14 year old girl allegedly yes I did testify against him back in 2008 and part of the reason why a lot of people don't really understand you know some of the reasoning behind you know becoming out and you know they they did threaten my life right yes maybe it's maybe a dumb question Lisa but why did you cut yourself out of the original sex tape with nine days yeah okay yeah because when a sex tape came out I know you were talking and maybe we don't know you said that you were involved with threesomes with the fourteen-year-old you didn't know she was 14 and then when the sex tape came out that part wasn't in it did you take your part out of it no that was not the tape that I was on there were multiple tapes I heard there were other tapes that will never see or that were never actually revealed besides this one exactly now what age were you when you were in indulging in the threesomes that he was you know forcing you guys to it was different if we were it was two different agents it was 17 and 18 but she was supposed to be 16 when I was 17 you get what I'm saying I told you she was 16 right right and of course he did that's either master manipulator so he did what he felt he needed to do to get what he needed done now when you found out she was 14 obviously you knew it was wrong because you you know you you didn't want to do it anymore and you took the two I didn't want to go in the beginning Ronnie I explained that I cried and he didn't care he said I what am I gonna do with this what am I gonna do with this now that you're crying right on the tape that's what he said you never wanted to tell or try to tell somebody at least at the 14 year old was underage or you never thought about it it wasn't that I didn't want to I don't know if you have ever been in love with someone and the first initial thing that I wanted to do was to help him get better I thought that it may be you know because I cared for him that maybe I could help him that's what was my initial reaction was that he was he was sick and that it wasn't right but you know I thought that I could help him and try to get you know I don't know I thought I could save him but you know once I saw that he didn't feel like he had a problem so that's the first step you have to admit that you have a problem right he doesn't own up to it he won't admit to it you ask him about it he'll tell you things like well my mom always told me if you love a man you'll accept him for who he is stuff like that what else probably girl you know I was manipulative I fell for it but as I got older I saw that you know that's not that's not something that I wanted for myself that's not something I was one except that's not something that I feel like any woman to be subjected to will be speaking out back then in 2008 even now it's not about me you know it's about young girls right girls matter and raising awareness and saving someone else's child because I mean it already happened to being her well you know I'll Kelly can never admit that he's wrong because he doesn't think what he's doing is wrong in his mind the behavior is normal people will take it so much better people just own up to it they have a problem all right you know you know he doesn't want to do that because he doesn't feel he has a problem now Lisa cannot can I ask you a question now everybody's watched the doc you series what are your thoughts on the people that were around him that actually helped forge documents that knew what was going on what are your thoughts about that yeah Demetrius is a security man and they're all they're all helping him Circle hurt these women and do these things I mean it goes back to people before that I mean I know people on his team Darrell McDavid is the one who threatened my life Jim Brown I'm putting names out there Jim Brown is the one who looks with books lights for girls Jim Brown took me to get the abortion by Robin said he was my uncle so these guys you know they do things for Rob and they make it to where he's able to do this because he doesn't eat Rob doesn't doesn't read well he doesn't he doesn't write he doesn't he's not good at math so these are the people that are doing these things for him you get what I'm saying got you and all of them are at fault and I mean they should be held accountable as well and not blaming you because I don't want a victim blame you but where were your parents during this time and I'm not blaming I'm just curious what like were your parents there or no no problem speaking on that as well he knew that I came from foster care he knew that I didn't have a father figure in my life he knew that my mother's brother had just been hospitalized for cancer and my mom was dealing with that I mean he do all of these things so I not the blame all of it on him but my mother was not fully focused on me at that time right they were very vulnerable like he when I first met him it's kind of like it was an interview I said I tell people he asked me specifically friend how old even I thought was 17 he said when your mother let you come to Chicago I didn't ask her what she liked me I could tell him yeah you get what I'm saying so you know he knows what he's doing he's been doing this for a long time it's pretty much standard procedure for him so where did y'all me because they always say he would park his tow boys at McDonald's in Chicago we met at his home alone video shoot actually with went with a friend of Mines girlfriend she was an aspiring singer not me and we were just extras in the video and he happened and I'm pretty sure I was the youngest one there you ever seen a home loan video it's a lot of strippers and girls who are older than I was there that would have been more than willing to do things with Rob but he picked out he had his cousin come and actually you know find me and say Rob wants to talk now he did target you now let's talk about meeting some of the other survivors from the docu-series because I know they said at the screening that was the first time a lot of people had actually each other in person yeah actually you know all of the girls are really nice you know I actually it's kind of funny because I mean we've all been through similar situations with him so when we get together it's kind of like a sisterhood and you know it's good to not have to convince someone of what you've been through so it's like we we call each other it's kind of like a little bit of therapy you know what I mean we talk about things and that we've been through and we don't have to convince each other of anything so I mean I really you know feel blessed to have them and I'm glad that they come out and I know it's more victims I even have women that have inbox me that know him and that don't want to come out but they say inbox me to talk about it because they know I know what they're talking about nobody gonna say ooh what kind of help have you got nobody is Lisa I haven't been to a sexual therapist and you know maybe that's something I should do I'm actually open to that but right now I'm just trying to help other abuse victims in the end to try to protect any other young girl from going through it and with that being said I would like to put out there that I do have a website called I'm Lisa Van Alen comm where young girls can go on there and they can blog go back and forth with me and talk about what they've been to I actually had a young girl do that the other day she contacted me about a relationship she's in she's 17 years old her boyfriend's 21 I'm not going to put her name up there and he's been abusive to her and she was saying you know I we talk back and forth she faints you want to end her life and I pretty much talked her out of that and we talked we text back and forth for a while so I actually do feel really good about this I feel like I'm really helping the youth and young girls and boys that are still locked up that are still you know that are Kelly still has and the parents are trying to get these girls and we're talking to Lisa Van Alen from surviving are Kelly the docu-series that was just towing what would you do to advise those parents how do those parents how can those parents get those kids out of there since you've been there since you know what got you to leave like how can they get their kids out of there honestly I mean it's only two ways one way is by force and you know the other way would be you just wait for her to get tired because ultimately that's what what it was for me I grew up I matured and I saw that he didn't want to change and I was tired of it yes you know what I mean like who wants to sit around watching him do these different things with these different girls and and you know being involved in Chile you know did you see that he doesn't want to do better he doesn't want better what one thing that really was a wake-up call for you was getting pregnant right yeah I got pregnant and when I got pregnant by him I had the full search on that because I loved him but I didn't love him enough to bring a daughter into the world knowing that he made you a molester because if you look at his background girls slept with were close to him you get what I'm saying like Rosanna excuse me the girl was supposedly a goddaughter you know Aliyah was his managers lease I mean you know it's always someone that's pretty close to him so I just didn't I didn't feel comfortable doing that can there still be charges brought against him now I feel like it is if they are underage yes and I'm really not sure about what's going on with the girls at the house you know specifically so I really cannot say but I mean me knowing the robbed I know I'm pretty sure someone underage it's you know something's happened with you I I do feel like at some point something can happen do you feel like you know the trauma that you went through and the other women went through is being exploited at all I mean I mean it kind of yeah but at the same time it's crazy because um a lot of people say you know whether it's positive or a good or pot or negative publicity of still publicity and at the end of the day we want to raise awareness so I whether people agree with me or not they're still listening you get what I mean and ultimate goal to raise awareness you cannot like me all you want you can say what you want about me but I came out with nobody else would there was a me before me too you get what I'm saying like I was coming out you know moment I was coming out with my life was threatened so at the end of the day and I didn't get paid to do any of that they wanted me to do some deals they wanted me to do different stuff this before anyone and I I just just testified and went home it really bothers me that people are saying oh these women are doing this for money they're doing this for attention and things like that and that's not at all the reason and people aren't understanding like they'll say well these girls made that you don't get paid for these photos to interview I don't get paid to cry on camera so no I don't get paid to belittle myself know what I don't think anyone wants to do that I wanted to ask two on two questions actually one the person that was talking with their face was blacked out who was that - all Kelly without saying the name there was that his assistant was that his sister Bravo who was that honestly I tried to figure that out myself who that was I'm really not sure they did a great job this guy's it was a female I was trying to figure it out - I didn't know and also and also um they are currently give everybody he had sex with an STD cuz I mean a lot of people are saying that they got herpes from him I did not catch herpes and I thank the Lord I actually called his old publicist to ask her did he have it back then because I was concerned and you know with how I didn't get it and you know others are saying they did and she said he did have it back then but I didn't get it so I guess I can say for myself they know he's not giving it to everyone you know I've got a couple more questions Lisa you know I've always is a charlemagne talking I've always been critical of our Kelly but I've also made a lot of jokes about our Kelly and what he's done to underage girls and you know how did the way to culture the coaches approach to the situation whether it was Dave Chappelle boondocks are rap lyrics how did the coaches response to our Kelly affect you back then because you know people it's like people knew but instead of taking it serious they would make jokes so that was kind of frustrating I would I would say that because I've been making jokes that kind of made it like it was okay and it's like it normalizes it today you know it's really not funny and there's nothing funny about him peeing on that girl he never peed on me but it's not funny about him peeing on her and belittling her like that there's nothing funny about you know girls speaking about what they've been through in ten years later you're still crying about it there's nothing funny about that well I apologize many jokes that I've made that may have upset you or any other victims because honestly none of us were thinking about that 10-15 years ago we was just thinking about clowning on Kelly but you don't think about the we weren't thinking about thank you yeah that are your cousin your daughter I get it I was gonna ask you how did you feel watching it and seeing like Demetrius Demetrius who was his role managing laughing and joking and security not taking it serious and even his brother they didn't seem like it was that serious to them I mean it's never seared that serious to the black community if you ask me and I probably get my head chopped off for this but it's never serious for the black community until it's like I said their sister their cousin their niece or their daughter and then you know everyone wants to say oh no we gotta stop him like that now Lisa what do you think about we should care about he said this is when I came out it wasn't about me it was about what he did to her that's what I was there for we were disgusted and how did you talk about it like you know I'm sitting there watching it and you're talking about you know a threesome with a fourteen-year-old what gave you the courage to be like I can talk about this and be free with it cuz I I just couldn't understand how stop being feeling being victimized somebody has to stop being concerned with what how it makes you look and talk about what they how they made you feel and what they did to you somebody has to do that every time I talk about it and I talk about specifics it upsets me it makes me want to cry but we have to do that you have to do that you have to be real and show people what it's done to you what is what he's doing to people you have to be willing to do that if we're not willing to do that there will never be any change I agree with you I think sometimes you know experience is happening to you so you know God can work do you - help help other people I feel like I'm a vessel now and I feel like I have to speak out even though the underage girl she won't speak out her family would paid up they won't speak out even though they will not speak out I feel like I have to speak out and I will say I don't think this is just a black community problem could you look at like you know what happens in Catholic churches you look at people like Woody Allen you know you can Kelly is like how Catholic churches the Catholic priests is is there I feel like there that's there are Kelly's honestly now what do you what do you think about the lawsuits that he's threatening for everybody who participated in this doctor is he also did a Facebook I feel like he's trying to deter the distract everyone from the real problem which is him he could do what he want he could talk about me going to jail whatever I fought some people in the past some females and with the gentle care they are gonna be what you peeing on a fourteen-year-old that's nothing would you be littering black women don't don't try to do that don't try to turn the fact don't allow him to do that yes yes take the conversation off what he's done yes all complex and when he went to jail for oh yeah I don't understand I don't understand what would be his point of suing the survivors I saw in John Legend of suing me like what would when I went to trial they didn't talk to me about anything about Rob for three hours I was six months pregnant for three hours they talked to me about who I was dating about my kids father had nothing to do with trial what do they have to do they should have been saying objection objective they didn't do that because they wanted the conversation to be about me to try and degrade with Mia what I was saying it makes me discredit discredit me but it's not about me nothing about about our Kelly now I know every time you hear a song play or a video it must it must put you in some type of mood that that's done concerning and scary every time you hear his music the crazy part about it is his music I think when it comes on at hypnotizes people but as as as a people we have to check ourselves is that is that song that sounds good you want to Bob to more important these young girl no no when it comes on I turn it off how did you feel when his you heard his uh his ex-wife I know you probably seen the video when she's bopping to the song and she's dancing to the song is how did that make you feel didn't happen but I mean she's human you know what I mean I personally talked to her and I I believe her and I think she's a great person and I know she's been through a lot you know she's cried to me about you know so I don't I don't you know I wish that they people would stop trying to try to discredit us because about to his song you know and and you know that I don't feel like what she's saying isn't any more valid from her doing that and people do deal with trauma differently you can't judge we don't know like she's in that's a years old but she also said you know people deal with trauma differently you don't you don't ever know you can't specifically what she should have done I shouldn't have done because because she's coming out now yeah you know so I don't I really don't feel any kind of way about it other than I wish you know people that wouldn't be on the internet right now because once again it's another thing to just deflect the conversation from being about what we all saw the sex tape we saw we saw the marriage certificate earlier we've heard the songs like aging then wooden number we've heard him call herself to pop Leibel even when you tell me things like he's threatened you I know that's true because he's threatened me over the years so it's just like I don't I don't know what more people need to believe you know our Kelly is what he says he is and then we see data Pinkett Smith talking about how the streams and sales from his music is going up still even after all that has happened what do you attribute that you're going up it's not because new people are listening Kenya Kenyatta broke it down to me the other day we did this we did like a hosting for the last episode of surviving our Kelly and she broke it down that all it takes is a few of his fans you know that he has to keep his songs on repeat and then his friends will go up so it doesn't necessarily mean you know he's got new people listening they just make me have it in heavy rotation you know his regular fan no this is what I think I'm gonna people that don't know who he is and my kids didn't know who he was they seen the memes and had to Google who he was yes it could be that rrf you know from I haven't seen the documentary yet but I heard that they said you are not alone is about a girl that he had an abortion from right you're gonna go listen to right about me so I mean I mean one would be that I don't need it after argument feeling on your booty was when you know I was actually there so I mean it he got that so his songs are about people was it was all Kelly into two young boys as well cuz we've seen him make that one girl cut a hair off and and you know wear clothes and made her kind of look like a but that was this guy was was he into that as well I can't speak for him actually messin with young boys but I will say that there have been times where he wanted penetration himself so you know but it was from a female but still you get what I mean penetration how like pegging are like a finger something not to be too many finger oh we like stuff in his butt right weird old videos that's the video indeed what do you what do you hope this documentary accomplishes Lisa I hope that the documentary raises more awareness because I mean obviously you know we've been doing this for a while remember why I hope that it raises more awareness it opens more eyes I hope that he eventually held accountable for something you know it seems like he's that people are getting it now I mean you know that the celebrities that have come out I mean I commend them you know they don't have to right they don't have to speak about it so I do commend the ones that have come forward I feel like more people should still because I know just like you said everybody pretty much knows like I mean I don't see any celebrities leaving their kids with him you know or telling him to help their kids what a record you as good of an artist as he is you know you know you know I just hope it raises awareness you know I hope people don't lose focus and start trying to make it about us when it's not about a women that have gone through it it's about him and stopping him from hurting young girl when was your mother's response when you came back home what was your mother's response when you came back home uh actually when I came back to Georgia you saying when I left him yeah when you left him and came back home well actually I was almost I was 21 years old when I left so my mom wasn't even in Georgia anymore when I came back but she was happy that she was able to be in contact with me you know on a daily basis at that point you know because she hadn't been able to be so if nothing happens from this documentary other than you know a bunch of social media noise and then next week everybody moves on to something else what what will you continue to do I'm gonna continue to raise awareness I help other abuse victims as well as not just our Kelly you know like people say well your life's all about our Kelly no that's what we're talking dealing with right now but you know I do help other abuse victims so I would hope from this it you know abuse victims gain strength and courage to come forward as well as the victims that he has and that he's had will gain strength and be able to come forward all right Lisa thank you so much for checking in with us we appreciate it and we appreciate the work that you're doing now so your website again if people want to contact you or have their own situations that they're dealing with yes I am Lisa Van Alen calm all right well thank you for you thank you for checking in we really appreciate it and of course she's from surviving our Kelly to docu-series Lisa Van Alen thank you very much bless us to you happy new year and all that good stuff thank you guys and I'd love to come into the show pull up whenever you whatever you into I already said all right thank you [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 867,031
Rating: 4.5246654 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, lisa van allen, surviving r. kelly, r. kelly
Id: NcTs_tqTqEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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