Finding SECRET ROOMS! The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Tips and Tricks!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2017 🗫︎ replies
I always get asked how do you find secret room so easily so in this video I'm gonna show you the best methods of finding secret rooms so there's two types of secret rooms I refer to them as the secret room and a second secret room others may call the second secret room the super secret room or a top secret room but for normal secret rooms the first rule of thumb is that the room is most likely to be boarded by three other rooms I've already cleared this floor so we can look at the full map and see where the possible spots for secret rooms are in this case we only have one possibility where a room would border three others and that's this square right here so let's take a look at those three sides and make sure that it's possible there's a secret room there so the first entrance would be right here the second entrance would be to the side here and the third entrance would be up top now there's rocks here which means that it's not possible for a secret room to be in that location oftentimes you'll find on early floors that the secret room does not border three rooms because the floors are smaller and there's not always the opportunity so now we have to look at places where the secret room would touch two rooms there's a possibility here there's a possibility here this was not a possibility for three rooms because it never touches a skinny room on the side so I didn't even consider this a possibility and there's a possibility here there's not a possibility here because it cannot border a bathroom so let's check this area this area and this area look at the walls and see if there's anything that would block a secret room we're clear on this side and we're clear on this side so this could be a secret room we are clear here and we're clear here so that could also be the secret room let's go ahead and check this one it is this one so there's no secret room now for second secret rooms the first rule of thumb is that it is typically but not always close to the boss room so you usually want to start at the room before the boss and look for possibilities there and then move your way backwards through the floor now with second secret rooms they only border one room they will never touch two rooms in this room it cannot be here but it can be here since this is the closest room to the boss and there's the possibility of it being here I'm gonna go ahead and check it's not there so I will move back one room in this room we have a possibility at the top cannot be at the side so we'll check the top here and there it is all right so we full cleared our second floor in we're gonna look for our first seeker roof there is no spot for a secret room to touch three rooms there is this spot here that touches four which is okay except that it touches the boss room again it cannot touch a boss room so we have to look for possibilities worth such in two rooms we're looking here here here we're not looking here because it's a small room next to it here and here so we have a lot of possibilities this floor let's try and rule some out we know it can't be here there's rocks so we have ruled out this spot here it could be here let's go ahead and check we got it for our second secret room again we start at the room closest to the boss and go from there so it could exist here we'll check it's not there so the next closest possibility is at the bottom here though I typically find it's not close to the starting room the second secret room cannot exist off of a shop or a special room so if it's not close to the boss the next place I typically check is any dead ends on the floor so there's a dead end on the far right side I'm gonna check the top and the bottom of that room so floors do have a maximum size and depends on which level you're on I believe that this is the widest that a basement floor can be so I don't think it's possible that the secret room is on the right so we're gonna check the top and the bottom here and there's our second secret room again if it's not close to the boss check one of the dead ends on the floor all right our next floor is clear so we're gonna look for our regular secret room there's a possibility here there's possibility here and a possibility here let's see if we can rule one out so it cannot be here because there's spikes can be there can be on either side there yes and yes and I believe this is a yes as well yep so it can be either one now I do believe it's this one there are what I call secret room archetype rooms that is when you see this room layout there is almost always a door here and a door here if you come into this room and there's not a door here that means there actually is a door it's just a secret room door there are several rooms like this throughout the game and you start to learn them the more you play and the more you apply these secret room tricks and know where they are so the more you find secret rooms the more you recognize the type of rooms that they're in our second secret room we'll start at the boss I do believe this is the top of the map I don't think there's a secret room here but we can check I do think it's there because you know a lot of times rooms like to have symmetry it wasn't there I could have been wrong it's neither one so we're gonna go to the next possible spot so it's not on either side here it could be to the left here yeah I think this is gonna be it because that gives the room symmetry again there would normally be three doors here but since it wasn't a door here there actually is this the secret room all right our next floor is clear and we're gonna look for our secret room we have a possibility here possibility here and a possibility here cannot be here because it touches the boss room so we already can rule out this one right here since there's a gap it has to be accessible on all sides this is actually going to be the secret again we're talking about room layouts and there is always gonna be three doors in this room there's rare exceptions but I find for the most part it holds true I didn't go to our curse room because I thought that that would give us access for free and it did so for our second secret room again we'll start from the boss and work our way through there is no possibility of a secret room here nor here there could be one here that would give the room symmetry it did there's our second secret room now as the floors get bigger there's more possibilities for rooms so we have here here here and here I believe we can rule out one of them already yep there's a gap to the left there so it can't be to the left and I actually believe it's right above us as this makes this room symmetrical it's one of those room layouts that you always see and there's always gonna be a door there back towards the boss to find our second secret room we're gonna check below it's not there I think this might actually be the bottom of the floor we can check here well there it is it's not the bottom of the floor second secret room found alright we've cleared our floor out of the mob and I only see two possibilities for a regular secret room here and here so let's go ahead just check both of them out there we go first try and as always we'll start at the bus door for our second secret room it's not possible for it to be here can't be on a skinny room it could be to the right of this room it is not now this is where things get complicated because obviously you can be anywhere upside the left side here and the room above but like I said if it's not close to the boss room sometimes you got to check a dead end and this looks like the room archetype that would contain another room up here it is not I'm surprised let's check down here hmm all right so let's go back to the boss room and start checking the sides closest to there it could also be to the left of the treasure room and shop right down here because that's a dead end as well there it is I hope you guys are finding this helpful so far if you are make sure you leave a like on the video so now that this floor is clear we have a lot of possibilities for seeker rooms so we have here here both of these spots both of these spots here and here as the floors get bigger typically the possibilities get larger so I'm gonna start checking all these out first try secret room luck so let's go towards the boss room and we can try and find our second secret room this is the closest possibility to the left side here it is not there and check to the left here and down there it is alright next floor is clear we have possibilities for regular secret room here here here here here here lots of choices we could go around and check the size of each one but we're just gonna start bombing not there not there not there so we've eliminated three of them pretty quickly number four there it is it'll give us a nice little shortcut to the boss so we can check for our second secret room first possibly it would be here but there's gaps so it can't be here or here check up top this is probably it there we go easy-peasy now on this Cathedral we have a couple possibilities for our regular secret room here there it is first try and I've already identified where I think the second seeker room is again just based on a floor layout room layout is it's close to the boss and this room typically has three doors on it the second secret room hey if you have any questions about what we covered today go ahead and leave it in the comments down below I do my best to respond to all the comments on my channel and if you are enjoying this video you're not subscribe to the channel feel free to do so I do post a lot of issac content typically every other day at this point in time so check out the channel see if there's stuff that interest you and make sure you're subscribed and notified so you can see when I post new stuff now on the chests all the same rules apply except the secret room cannot be where the mega Satan door is so it couldn't be between these three rooms but there are no blocks or spikes or gaps to block the way of rooms say first try so you don't have to worry about that I do typically find that the secret room is very close to the star room on the chest could be confirmation bias or maybe that's just how it is and again our secret room was second secret room was right next to the boss so we found all our secret rooms this run pretty easily and got pretty powerful in the process I'll finish off blue baby hope you found this video useful and enjoyed it again you know make sure you click like and you're subscribed to the channel if you're not already thanks for watching we'll see you next time peace out
Channel: EpochMatt
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Keywords: epochmatt, the binding of isaac: afterbirth+, boi afterbirth, afterbirth+, isaac afterbirth, the binding of isaac: afterbirth+ let's play, the binding of isaac: afterbirth+ switch, isaac secret rooms, how to find secret rooms isaac, binding of isaac how to find secret rooms, finding secret rooms isaac rebirth, find secret rooms isaac afterbirth, secret room tricks, secret room tips, isaac tips and tricks, Finding SECRET ROOMS! The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Tips and Tricks!
Id: BPkwZGwBIhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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