Liquid rocket slow-mo adventure

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I hate these okay first of all Disney lab coat just sucks in general but I specifically hate this this is so bad for free so what are we doing uh I'm gonna attempt to uh to shoot some rockets in high speed [Music] foreign [Music] we have to make the little rocket tubes what's the purpose of making it into shape it just makes the rocket go off a little bit more violently okay it makes the gas coming at it go faster basically after uranium glass you're like a glass expert now never mind yep so here you just gotta let them cool down so it created not one not two but four different chances on this one [Applause] as a little bit worse than I thought it would be okay clean it up the only thing I'm missing now is the nitric acid which I didn't even check if I had or not so we're looking for nitric acid right well not just regular nitric acid you need 100 nitric acid and it's a pain to store so you don't really want to have very much of it at a time this is just regular concentrated which won't work um yeah so you want the 100 and I don't like storing very much and it looks like we have like maybe enough for one look at the lid so it's all corroded yeah if you have more it builds up pressure and you have to remember to vent it like once a week or else your bottle can pop really yeah so it says fuming nitric acid yeah so now look yeah oh yeah okay so it's not that bad there's not very much in here when I first made it and it was like up to here when you opened it it would release pressure I did it once a day just to make sure the bottle wouldn't pop to be fair the bottle probably won't pop you just are never supposed to feel it above like a third but this is kind of like a pathetic amount it might be enough for one so we got one shot one opportunity look at that what is that well this is this is the acid cover or the acid cabinet so uh that's what acids do everyone needs an acid cabinet one two three power on that's gonna scare you yeah that's nice and bright it didn't scare you at all okay ah what color background's the best I don't remember if it's dark or white I think it's dark yeah okay so we need a black background okay so we tape this background up normally I would take down the other papers but uh I'm lazy aluminum tape and Bristol board the highest of quality here then we just hold this how did I do it last time how did I hold it last time I used the smaller uh clamp and there we go I mean I think that should be okay yeah we only have we only have one shot so one potentially yeah that's all we got we have to make this we have one chunk this would count who do we contact for more nitric acid uh nobody because nobody will sell it to us uh last time Corey made it well contact Corey core core can you make us some nitric acid no we need we need more what happened I don't know my pets have weird stuff it's only in them too it's not on there [Applause] the entire thing of what we're doing here is trying to mix something with nitric acid so it basically lights on fire and kind of explodes so if you have an unknown thing in your pipette you probably don't want to just mix it Safety First oh no it's just stupidity last so so turn on the fume Hood so I guess the first thing we need to do is just load up the tube but because it's fuming nitric acid we cannot wear these gloves because guys they light on fire so either I have to use my bare hands or vinyl gloves I normally don't have vinyl gloves but I just bought some it doesn't really matter like you get the acid on your hands you just wash it off it doesn't really yeah you've spilled tested no no I poured the nitric acid this nitric acid on my hand and I held it there for like I don't remember how many seconds it's fine okay let's get I'll just get I'll just get them uh I don't want to leave the room with the coat Corey can you turn me those logs on the table there that's right these are vinyl gloves and I tested them before in general and they didn't light a fire but I've never tested these okay so you know what trusted we don't have enough to test it you're right I don't trust it all right okay so bare hands okay so what we're gonna do here is just add everything that we have uh it's oh it's about a pipette hole we have to the test tube probably could have done two runs with that I think I regret adding that much uh I'm gonna take some out so I think that's how much we need I need a new Beaker now uh we know what's going to happen to that Beaker core do you want to see his fire Rockets we're not we're not ready yet though I just realized I hate firing Rockets So the solvent we're using it's nitric acid and aniline okay adeline's gross I don't like working with it where's the atom aniline's here in this crusty container what's covered in foil because it uh it's sensitive to light you're gonna see though it's yellow like the nitric acid oh so pure nitric acid is colorless but it's yellow because then nitric acid is also degrading this is I'm assuming gonna be yellow it might even be red if it's degraded a lot so again another thing I don't wanna I don't want to yeah pipette directly from this and put it in the Rockets that's just kind of again foolish you have fire flying everywhere with your solvent here [Music] and that is Emily yeah so I'm gonna just add a bit to this so this is more than we'll use probably a little bit more okay so now we have just a little vial of aniline in the corner chilling this glove they probably both got aniline on them core I hate this park we're ready to go all right guys let's get going nice one here this one says Corey on the tide here all right I'm doing it kind of hate this one dude I actually like it well I mean I bought them thinking that they'd be like cool but it kind of annoys me it looked like I don't know you know how to use this do you know how to use this yes I think I think I just pulled the pin right like and then spray the sh stop yeah that's okay you passed the training all right so we're good to go yeah we're good to go uh the only part that I hate about this yes is almost everything I don't like things that go pop but remember we only have one no we have two we have two we have two yes yes okay so Step One is turn the fume head up a bit more because aniline is toxic and it's gonna just spray Adeline Vapor everywhere if the test tube doesn't explode well this is just gonna make me feel it's it's a pretty thing that's bigger than the video yeah it's thick it's a thick one but you fool it's a little too far what are you afraid safety first okay [Music] I guess we'll just go one two oops dude that was the most I didn't I didn't afraid it was that was just the most depressing that was just as it hits it makes like a little uh Puff best description ever like the moment it hits it immediately just shoots I think it's a bunch of vapor and it's a mixture between the Nitric and the aniline in normal speed I was kind of hating on it yeah that was that wasn't as cool at normal speed but I was a big hater in normal speed but look at this but yeah definitely slowed down it's a lot it's actually interesting but this is relatively mild compared to what it could be yeah yeah let's blast the rest of the nitric acid okay what do you think okay so I'm not going to be afraid this time I'm gonna shoot in a bunch foreign I think there actually might be enough for a third round to be oh or do we want this one just to be the zestiest this is the zestiest let's make it disaster uh-oh what happened uh oh I touched acid on the neck so it's gonna maybe I don't think it's enough but sometimes it lights on fire before it hits the bottom that's dangerous it's dangerous it's just not scary it's not scary it's just what it is it's kind of scary so I was gonna say look at the back there the that it's not completely splattered with Johnny look how clean it is yeah it was a bad run oh really yeah okay I guess let's go round two I guess this is as ready as I'll ever be [Music] oh that's now that was a much cooler it still didn't like snap I can't even snap my fingers it still didn't snap there they still didn't snap usually like if you get it right yeah I think it's because my uh the neck was not narrow enough or something no it's cool when you hit the acid you can see it makes like a an initial Splash it kind of shoots a bunch of stuff out of the tube ooh nice spillage nudge but it does seem to ignite at the top and the bottom at the same time whoa it's still really fast I actually think the other one was cooler I disagree what well this one has more epic flames shooting from the top look at the top look at how the dirt or whatever it is keeps trying to fall back down and then gets launched back up but I think the other one in real time it was a bit lame but in slow-mo the fire looked cooler the question is what what did we learn from this we learned that with enough animalied and nitric acid you could power your car no no incorrect well you know what that was a that was quite that was rather satisfying it was everything we had so it doesn't matter if it was good or not because that's it
Channel: NileBlue
Views: 1,102,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nile, red, science, blue, rockets, experiment, chemistry, nilered, nileblue, liquid, slow, motion, mo
Id: SRj7GpL3Reo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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