Linux Tutorial For Beginners - 1 | Linux Administration Tutorial | Linux Commands | Edureka

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This belongs in linux, not linux_programming.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/lrochfort 📅︎︎ May 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pooja_edureka 📅︎︎ May 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks from a beginner... wow tab.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/historycommenter 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys my name is Vardhan and I'll be your instructor for today so on Bradford rekha I welcome you all to this webinar on Linux tutorial and in today's session I'm going to give you a complete overview of flux okay so it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or if you have good knowledge about your nuts but I'm going to teach you concepts that you can take away home and you can execute for yourself so guys before I get started let me just take up with confirmation from you people I hope you can hear my voice and see my screen if that's the case please put that in the chat box and I'll get started ok so I'm getting a couple of acknowledgement here where we said you can hear my voice and see my screen and so does our cache I'm the same can be said for even now a month alright so guys it seems like it's all fine let's get started with the session all right now before I er get start with the first topic let me just show you the agenda and tell you what we're going to cover trip okay so this is the agenda and I'll be covering the topics in this flow okay first I'll talk about the birth of Linux and tell you why they became popular all right and then I talked with Willie's distributions of Linux okay so Linux is basically a kernel most of the people think that next is an operating system in itself well that's not the case so I'll talk about the various versions of Linux okay the way the operating systems of fallenness I will talk about those things and then we'll get started with the hands-on right after that topic okay so in the hands-on we have I've categorized this into different tough phases where you know I will talk about the basic Linux commands first and then I will show you how to work with files and directories and then I will show you how to add and delete users you know you will learn all those administration aspects and finally there will be one networking aspect which I will cover in Linux okay so there is something called as SSH okay SSH stands for secure shell and this is used for communication supposing you want to communicate with the remote host right when I say remote host it means a system that's located remotely which you don't have the physical access to so that can run between how will you access that machine with an SSH so I will talk about all these things and yes so if you guys have any doubt or any problems during the session please put that in the chat box and I'll answer them right away all right guys cool Robbie is it fine all right great Robbie says that he's neutral nuts or greater be no problem that's exactly the target audience for this webinar right so you know this is going to be a complete basic tutorial and you know for anyone that's going to get start with the nuts for little bit college students or professionals who are absolutely new right so we're all used to using Windows or Mac right so most of the people in here would have just use Windows because it's cheaper and it's better but Linux is something that is a software developers favorite operating system right so that's why you know there is so much hype and so much demand for inerts professionals and Linux administrators and if you want in order to get started with a career in that domain then we can get started from this tutorial from today all right guys okay so without wasting much time let's go to the first topic and that is why the deluxe becomes popular well before I talk about you know where is it became popular let's look at the birth of nuts how things start off okay so back in 1969 there was this person called you know in fact they were two people dentistry and Ken Thompson right so they're working in the AT&T Bell Labs and what they did was they created this C programming right so we're all aware of programming right so we are all aware of these basic programming languages right so C is one of the most basic and one of the most effective and the root of all the other programming languages so that is C and it was them that developed C and the UNIX operating system so that was what happened in 1969 okay and then in the decade that followed okay so basically in the 1970s people started developing or contributing to the development of these two things it's okay so they started contributing to the development of the C programming language and the UNIX operating system so in our session we'll discuss more on UNIX operating system and since it's about Linux right so UNIX is basically the mother of pearl Linux because Linux is based on UNIX operating system okay I'll tell you how that's the case in some more time but that's why they are starting off with your operating system okay so I am NOT going to cover about C and getting back to our slides so it says growth of X because of open source collaboration and there was commercial sale of Unix now what this meant is that you know the product that Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson created right that those were you know something really attractive they were some amazing software and operating systems that would you know power machines and Computers now what this meant was you know they had to be developed to become even better right so they made it open-source it was when we say open so that means I was freely available to use by anyone so anybody any person any scientist or any engineer or anybody could just get access to the source code and start improving that source code and if they feel that they have improved the software in any way then they can just you know give that code back to the developers so basically it was all about collaborated development so that's what happened with UNIX operating systems in the 70s many hippies the scientists they all collaborated together wrote their own code their own version of UNIX operating system and contributed to the development of UNIX operating system and since AT&T they were the ones who built UNIX or the ones they were responsible for founding UNIX they were the ones that again out of benefit they got help from other people for you know developing the operating system and what they didn't own was they made it a business right so they made money of that by you know sodding commercial sale of UNIX and this was something that did not go down well with many people and this did not go down well with the other developers and scientists because it was their effort which contributed to the growth of UNIX but however they are not getting any benefit so you know UNIX because ideally there was making money out of somebody else's work so that's what happened in the 1970s okay and then came the 1980s which was it is more different so instead of you know buying you know UNIX on AT&T and you know having two different versions of Unix one was the FreeBSD and the other one was the PDA TNT version of UNIX so enough for you to go for them company started developing their own UNIX so IBM came up with their own UNIX version called the AIX Solaris came up with their own version called the Sun operating system and HP came up with their own version of Ewing scoring hp-ux so there are other versions also like POSIX and all these things now since there are many versions right many flavors and many dialects of the same UNIX operating system it was becoming a little problematic because each of the dialects would be a little different so the IBM's UNIX would be different from HP's UNIX and Solaris UNIX or it would be different from POSIX okay so each of them would be different but however they're all based on the same thing so it was unnecessary or you know confusion there with so many versions of Unix so that is when this person called Richard Stallman came up with something called as the GNU project okay so I told you earlier that the nurse is just a colonel and not an operating system on its own so what this person did was you know he came up with something called as a free software movement so he wanted something like you know back in families when everyone could collaborate and work on the same one single operating system like that he tried to bring back that era and this free software movement office this idea led to the GNU project so the GNU project was all about people being able to access an operating system for free and you know developing the operating system so that's what this led to and that's what we call even today right so GNU is basically the operating system and the deluxe is the kernel that powers the operating system so a combination of these two is what results in one of the distributions of Linux so we have multiple distributions like Ubuntu cent OS read at debian fedora all these things so all these things are flavors a combination of one of the operating systems and B you know a Linux kernel okay so that's what they are so this is what happened in the 1980s and then you know mid to late nineteen eighties was when research solvent came into the picture and he came up with the junior project where people could develop and use three operating system so that's what happened here and the event that happened after this is wrote as a result of today's world ok so after that then in the 1990s so probably 1991 or 1992 that was when this person caught in a store was was still back in college at that time he put the next kernel source code online so he was trying to used the POSIX version with one hardware called 386 and he thought that it's compatible only with that hardware and so he put the source code online for anyone to use and later they found out that it could be used with the GNU and that's when the whole thing gained popularity so that's when we you know came up with something called as the Linux plus GNU this whole term of having a kernel plus this operating system and you have to work together so that's what happened here all right so guys are that's how Linux was born okay now without wasting any more time let me go to the next slide and talk about the various distributions of Linux so I told you that there are many versions like Ubuntu Centaurus also let's talk about those and when we talk about distributions the most important and the most famous ones are those of red hat enterprise linux fedora and debian okay so these three are primarily different companies and on the prices well debian is basically not one company it's kind of you know let's say a group of developers developing this version of Linux okay this version of Linux and the Ubuntu version so that is what Debian is and the Red Hat has basically an author prize it's a company that is commercially selling the Linux distribution okay and it's probably the most used and most popular of them all why because they are very stable they are very reliable and as it's written your servers and workstations right so it's the preferred Linux distribution for servers and workstations there at that Enterprise Linux so they have a free version so that's called the Centaurs and today's demonstration I'll be showing it to you on send to SMB ok so they have that and they have various other distributions in fact even fedora right that which we are going to talk about next even in Federer is a company that's funded by e Red Hat itself so it's again one of the variations of Red Hat and Federer has its own set of you know distributions around it and that's about the federal distribution then comes the Debian so this again I spoke about Debian so Debian is you know the Linux distribution that is developed with the help of many developers so this is not developed for commercial purpose it's basically free and open source software and anybody with the skills can start contributing to this software and you have many other distributions okay so these are among the important and the commercial ones and if you are talking about some of the free distribution which people can use then they are able to linux mint sent OS open SUSE gen 2 and many more okay so there are almost hundred Linux distributions today and you can use any of them you know if you're getting start with the nuts then I would suggest you to either start off with Ubuntu or CentOS because CentOS is you know something that's really reliable and that's really fast ok and Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution out there ok and so I read somewhere that you bulldoze a third most used operating system okay so that's what we'll two is all about of course it's not as fast as sent to us but still able to is you know a very popular and very handy tool and the Knox mint is the other version which can be used for playing movies and listening to music because this gives you more of Windows like interface so that's what Linux Mint is so we have various distributions like this and yeah so guys are any doubts I mean some of you told me that they know you people are newcomers and haven't started with Alena so you can start off with one of these distributions mention your you can either go for the Red Hat Enterprise nuts or the fedora or the Debian or the other operating systems which are based on them ok so the center is here it is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux okay so the red right we call them red so they have the free version that they provide for enterprise users or is that of centaurs and fedora again for that matter of fact you know they have multiple distributions under them under their name and Debian other people who are the founders of opal - ok so open to is a distribution that is based on Debian and since open - is so popular there are different versions of Google - itself right there are other distributions like X equal to or add one to all these things and they are the other versions of Ubuntu so that's about the different Linux distributions and you guys can probably you know if you're newcomers then I would suggest you to go for a 0.2% OS like I said earlier so it seems like people are all good okay so I'm getting a couple of four comments from people all right great so let me go to the next slide then ok so now we are in this light and let's talk about the features of Lenexa okay so the linux features you know when we say features it's basically those compared to the other operating systems compared to Windows and compared to Mac okay so compare to them how does the next perform and you know what are the benefits with Linux and first of all we have this feature of you know the updates being very easy to be performed if you have any software in your operating system or if it's the operating system itself which you want to update then it's really easier than us it's just going to be one command that you need to run and you know you can run that command from the terminal okay for those guys who don't know what a terminal is so let me just open my Linux version for you what a terminal is okay so this is my Centaurs version of linux alright and then you have different options here right so the terminal that you see at this is what I was talking about so when you open the terminal there is no other window that opens okay now this is the command-line interface so when I say command-line interface this is where I cannot put in my commands and I can get my software or my kernel to listen to those commands and perform actions by creating a process for those commands so the whole benefit of Linux is this CLI because the CLI is really helpful if you are going for Windows or something you have a very good GUI all right so even in deluxe you have a GUI so let me show you the GUI aspect so similar to Windows you can just go to the computer and you can go to file system you can open various other folders and directories so you have multiple directories and folders you are right so I mean that trees are basically folders folders is what you call in Windows and here you call them directories so I can go into any of these you know directories and I can close them like this I can access any of these directories I can access any software or anything that's installed anywhere so the not basically provides a GUI - ok but the thing with Linux is that you also have a terminal right this terminal is basically a command and interface where you can you know put in your commands and you can get the software to behave the way you want to you can run certain commands you can install software you can run programs you can run codes so that's what we advantage with the CLI is and this base the reason why it's very popular among all these software developers ok so I told you earlier that software developers the favorite tool right on us so that's because Linux is the free version of UNIX and it's also you know possible to develop and create so many programs so that's the thing with the nuts so that's why it's so popular so back in the flight I told you that it was very easy to perform updates right so those updates can be you know easily performed by just running a few commands here you know by writing one single command I can update a particular software supposing I have Java installed in my system then I can just write a command for updating that I can just say sudo yum update and the package negative Java I can just put the Java version if it's any other language or if it's any other software then I can put that software name over here and update the application so that's how simple and that's how easy you know it is to update software's over here so I was talking about this aspect so let me go back to the slides and talk about the other features okay so that was how updates can be easily performed and then another feature is that the software is free you don't have to pay for Linux so because Windows of course you all know that Windows is paid you can't you know have a pirated version if you're caught having a pirate version you will be fined of course home you know desktop users and home users don't really have that problem because there are no routine checks but companies cannot use a pirated version of Windows because if there are audits they can come and seize the computers and put our heavy fine on the company so that's what we save and the free software licensing is there and then ask because you don't have to have any license you can just you know get all the folks in your company to work on Linux for free so that's the free software licensing aspect and then you have the access to source code right so when we say access to source code I told you that back in the seventies people could just collaborate together and develop the operating system so that is what I am talking about here so then at the source code for running this OS the basically the Ubuntu or the Centaurs the source code is available to you and you can customize it and you can you know change it the way you want you can make it behave the way you want to and if it's really good be sure that you've added then you can also share your discoveries and your you know features with other people with other fellow developers you can do all these things so you have complete you know access to the source code and you have complete freedom with what your OS can do and how it behaves but the same thing cannot be set for Windows right so Windows you cannot change it completely you don't get access to the source code at all and you can't change all the features the way you want to because that's proprietary tool and though it's a program to behave in one way and if you try changing too many things then your you know windows will report so that's what is going to happen so that's about the access to source code feature and then we have another feature that has multiple distributions so I spoke about the different distribution in the previous slide the basic distributions are those of Red Hat Debian or Fedora right so you have various versions of them itself you have different flavors in the Red Hat and we have different ones in the Debian and again Fedora has a lot of other distributions further many distributions are based on them so you have so many options and if you don't like we want B distributions then you can work on another distribution right so if you don't like Center is because you know you don't get support for everything then you can use Ubuntu okay it is the most popular operating system and it has support for almost every application and every software so you can use that but if you are unhappy with the speed of Ubuntu then you can probably switch to send to s so you have all that flexibility and all this flexibly without any cost okay no cost with respect to energy or having to learn something new because all these are the nuts at the end of the day the commands will be the same almost 98% of commands will be the same there are just going to be minor differences in the commands that will be executed in the different distributions but yeah 98% of them would be the same you want our tough for transition time also you will have you know you can gain so many benefits by using Linux and the last but not the least right so this feature is probably the highlight of Linux so it is better malware protection so when we say better malla protection we say that it's the ultimate okay in Windows if you people would have noticed that you need an anti-virus because it's prone to viruses and attacks and bugs and all these things so people can easily hack in your system right so the same thing cannot you know happen within the nuts you don't need an anti-virus at all Genesis completely antivirus free okay 100 persons you don't need an anti-virus and in fact you don't even have an anti-virus but of course it doesn't mean that you know it's completely secure also security something that's really good but it's developing in Linux but it's definitely better than Windows right so you can be sure that no one's going to hack your system so easily so that's what Linux is all about so guys that brings us to the end of this light of nice features okay and if you guys have you know any doubts even now about Linux and how good Knox is then that should have been clarified and put to rest by now okay so I am NOT got any question from Department and if you get have any doubts please put them in the chat box and I'll answer them all right okay so moving on so enough with the theory now let's read a big let's start with our hands on okay so I'm going to show you how to run commands and how to do various other things with the send to its operating system okay so first of all the first part of this hands-on session is going to be about you know an introduction to the terminal and the various commands and the basic commands and how to browse through the different directories okay so we use come on like PWD clear LS and CD commands okay now let me go to my sent OS okay in case I forgot to mention it earlier then guys I am using a VM here okay so I'm running my Windows operating system on my laptop and I have a ghost box installed and in the VirtualBox have instantiated my Linux virtual machine okay so my Linux distribution here is centaurs let me just show you another thing okay so this is the VirtualBox that I was talking about this is what I'm running in my Windows and I have you know multiple options so I can choose any VM that I want to so this is the VirtualBox and all these are the different VMs that we have in my ghost box so currently I'm running this VM called master ok and later on I'll be running on even this VM called sleep now I'll be doing these two for showing you how SSH works so I told you in the agenda slide that I'll you know get to remote machines to access each other right so for that purpose I need these two beams and of course both are sent to us and yeah as you can see the information it says that it a little bit sent over system I've called it or named it master and this one is named it as safe so similarly I have the Ubuntu also so the window 64-bit is this so let me just turn on Ubuntu and show you how cool to looks like okay so let this wait for some time okay so let me just enter the past for the user and here we are this is my boon to OS right so even this is being hosted on the same VirtualBox so I am kind of running to different virtual machines at the same time okay so we have options to browse the Internet and I can open the terminal or the terminal option is right here in my to operating system okay so I just want to show you the Ubuntu operating system so let me just quickly turn it off and go back to my centaurs and start running a couple of commands okay so I was showing you the Centaurs right so Logan okay so this is my terminal and first of all the main difference that you people need to understand between Windows and Linux is that in Windows because you know the storing files or folders it was all in drives okay so we had C Drive we had a D Drive we had many more drives like that and we could store our documents all in those folders okay but in Linux it's a little different from how Windows works in Linux we have something called as the root directory okay so we have file system here right so basically whatever folders or documents or directories you have everything can be accessed from the filesystem when I click go on a filesystem then you have notice that I got a /ur okay so this forward slash basically means root okay this means I am in the root directory and in the root directory every document and every folder is present in this root directory okay now whether it is mean storing some kind of you know important files or mp3s or videos then everything can be accessed from the root so you can think of this something like a tree hierarchical structure okay so you have one root and all the other branches and all the leaves and all those things you can convert them to be the different directories and the files inside so they can all be accessed from the root and if you want me to show you where one not okay so now this is your desktop right so you have the different icons here on each of these icon are four different operation so you have it records home and then you have a terminal and you have an LMS so this is a folder and this is a document okay so reading is a document so what I'm going to do is I'm going to browse to the desktop folder so from root directory if you go to this folder called our home right so under home directory you have other option you have a trick on using okay so now if I go to the add record directory then you have other options of desktop documents downloads music and all these things so if I go to desktop then in this directory you have the files and the different things are apparent on my desktop so LMS was a folder that was present readme this is a file that was present the terminal was present my desktop so that is available here so Eclipse IDE is present here so all this was present on my desktop so I get the same thing accessed from here and similarly if you are downloading something from the internet then that can get downloaded to this folder the Downloads folder right so we have a Documents folder similarly you have a videos folder music folder so all these files or folders will be stored in some place right so they will be stored in your slash home slash ed Rekha okay if you are downloading them and if not if it's going to be soft as what you're gonna install then you can install them in any other dietary or in fact most of the software's are you install they'll be by default that get installed in this directory in the bin directory right so you have the bin directory you have the Lib directory which lab will list of all the different libraries that the OS would use and then you have the s then we have all these things right so they can all be accessed from here and that's about accessing them from the GUI aspect okay in the same thing can be done through the terminal okay now let me go to my terminal and show you how that is done so this is my terminal okay this is a command-line interface where I cannot put in my commands and when those commands are executed by the kernel or by the shell then program will get a Twitter and some kind of features will run all right okay guys so before I get started let me go back to my slides and show you what are the different basic commands that I want to run first of all okay so as you can see it has nice provides the C alight to communicate with the operating system right so that is a terminal that I showed you the CLI is called the terminal and the CLI is basically it's better for tasks which cannot be performed with the GUI you know I showed you the concept of for going to different directories and different folders right so it was little stuff I had to go to go through multiple directories so through the GUI that's one kind of drawback you will have to spend a lot of time uh navigating but with the CLI if you it's just one command and you can access the directory that you want to that's the advantage with the CLI okay and this is just one basic example that I am giving you there are many more advanced concepts and topics which is not very easy to perform with the help of a GUI so in those places you can just use the CLI to perform those tasks and the CI is also much faster in quite a few ways okay so that's the advantage with the CLI and running the commands basically the first and foremost you have the PWD okay now this stands for print working directory okay and what it does is it displays the current working directory of the terminal okay then there is this forward slash and I told you that the four slash represents the root directory okay now let me go to the terminal and show you these two things so right now we are in the home directory okay now let me just type it down let me just put PWD and when I put PW it prints the current working directory okay the presently working directory so that is home slash ed Rekha now if I go to the computer and the file system and home and inside this ed Rekha then what you see here right so this is the folder that are mastering through my terminal because the present working directory is set to this folder okay now if I want to we know say I want to change the directory it means I want to change from this particular folder to a different folder so there are other options like desktop folder and Documents folder right if I want to move to one of these folders then how will I do it using the terminal so I'm just going to show you how that is done you want to minimize this a little bit yeah the command for that is CD space the name of the folder supposing I want to go to the desktop folder then I can just put the SK t.o.p alright and when I put enter then I'm inside this folder so earlier you had you saw this option right so this represent the directory Amin okay I was in fact in the home directory and right now amoled desktop directory so desktop is the directory inside bomb and if I want to you know let's down the contents in the desktop then I can run the LS command okay so when I put LS it basically lists down the different folders and the different files are appended and that directory okay so we have the eclipse we have LMS which is a folder we have grid me which is another file we have all these things okay so let me just go to the Desktop folder and show you the same okay we have the terminal we have the LMS which is a folder and similarly going back to the terminal if I want to enter this Linux folder then I can again you know just say CD and space LMS okay when I do the Sam inside this folder okay now if I put LS then I have the list of the folders or documents are present in this LMS folder okay so LS is basically the command to list down the folders or files in that directory and yeah CD space the file name or the directory name would move you to that particular directory now that is the same thing that I have discussed in this slide here also okay so I spoke about the present working directory which displays the current directory that your terminal is in and then you have the root directory from where all your directories or folders are marked right so everything can be accessed from the root directory so that is this and then you have something called as the echo command you have the su and the sudo commands okay Adi does something a little advanced so before I show this let me show you the clear command let me explain the clear command okay now getting back to my terminal when I type clear the whole CLI is cleared right my terminal is clear so whatever command around previously those are not present anymore but what happens is those commands they don't get deleted or something they are just cool down so as you can see they are still present here so when I scroll down what happens is I know it just makes sure that the other documents or the other Commander specified earlier those are all hidden and showed something new so that's what happens here okay so that is this now I told you that you know by giving CD you can go to the directory or the photo that's the present working directory right but how about going back to the previous directory so basically from arica folder to go desktop we click on this and then we entered this folder right so from this directory by clicking on my lms you go to a different directory right so you go in here but using the gy you can just click on the cross mark here and you can exit that directory but how about you're doing that with help of the terminal how do you do it here so to do that we have the option called CD space to period marks period marks for a full stop so that's what we call it right dot so if you have two dots after CD this means you want to navigate to the previous directory so we are currently in the LMS and when I have enter and back to the desktop folder right the desktop directory now again if I give the same command again then from a desktop I need to go back to this at the record directory correct so there we go tilde symbol here it represents that we are in the your home directory okay so the home directory is basically I can also access the home directory by just giving a ceiling and enter okay that I can do it from any other directory so let's say I am just doing an LS and I'm saying directory to downloads ok do WN l o 80s ok so just you gotta remember to give the exact name of the folder or the directory that you want to travel to so only then it will work otherwise we just give do W it won't really work ok so after this if you give enter then you go to the Downloads folder and do we have anything inside downloads no we don't have any other folder or directory under download so now let's try going to the home directory from here straight away ok so I initially told you that by having two period Damas after you know CD you go to the previous directory in that path right so ended of that if I just give a CD ok and if I go Banta then I will straight away go to the home directory and this with respect to any directory no matter in which I am in so if I just give CD then we go to the home directory okay so that's what the benefit with CD commander's you can give Siri to move to any directory okay so I have a question here from Shashikant and Sasha kaun is asking me should be absolute CD and LS every time it seems really complicated so sure she can't you don't need to really do that because I was just about to get to that point okay if you want to go to a different directory or a different folder you don't need to give CD and LS every time okay so L is basically only for you to figure out or understand what are the different directories inside a particular directory okay so if I know the path then I can just feed it right away in one command and enter that directory now let's say I am currently in the CD directory so this is CD so this is my home directory okay now if I click on desktop and if I click on LMS and then you have another folder here okay you have HBase okay now supposing I want to go to any of these directories from my terminal then I don't have to put CD three different times and followed by LS and then go to those directories I can just specify this thing in this one command so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say CD space or since right now we are in the home directory I need to give desktop ok now one more thing which I want to show your people is there is this option of a tab on your keyboard right when you give tap then the command here will be auto filled right the option will be auto filled so let me explain that again so I'm just going to go back so in the your home directory right so you have got different options you have desktop and documents so what I'm going to show you is by clicking on Siri and space and then if I just type three or four characters of desc okay I want to go to this directory but I've just typed the SK okay now if I click on tab then the remaining characters of that particular option is already filled okay it gets Auto filled so that is what the tap would do budgeting on tap will get out of it so similarly under desktop you have the option of elements right so I'll just put L and if I press tab the remaining will get out of it correct and inside the elements you have different that we saw that the average base we have hive and all these things so let me go there and show you what are the different directories are there so we have HBase hive MapReduce and Uzi okay now let's go the terminal again suppose you want to go to Uzis directory okay now when I just click on capital oh and if I click on tab then it kind of auto fills the directory okay but in case let's take the example of hi our HBase over here okay now since both start with hedge I'm going to type hedge and if I click on tab that doesn't work okay it gives me further options of HBase and I so that is because there are more than one options for you know starting with heads right the more than one folders or directories that start with it so that's why you're getting further options that's why it's on auto-filling but if you see the second title here is sub B and the second tackle here is I so if you either give B and now if you press tab then HBase is what is going to be picked up okay because after H and B there's only the only option is off edge base there is no other folder that has H B as the first letters of the name so similarly if i just type IV and if I do tab then I get out of it so things like that so since our drum machine moves towards the HBase directory I'm just going to say HBase okay now inside the HBase I want to go to one of the deities in here so let's say we go to advantage based practice okay now for that if you want to go there then you just go to give this okay so this is your complete path to access that particular folder I'm gonna go enter then I am in the advanced HBase practicals module nine okay so I'm in this particular folder or this particular directory so that is what you can do with the help of feeding of path after see so she can't this was your doubt right so is it clear okay so she can says yes all right so see this was the issue that you had right you had concerns that you had to put in commands multiple times multiple times you have to put CD and LS so that's not needed right so you can just feed the path if you know what you can just feed the path in just one command and you can execute that so similar to this you have software's and other you know other things which can be installed other programs so they can be executed and run with just one skill command and it eliminates a lot of confusion you eye is really complicated in that way try to take sort of time and lot of sexuality and permission is needed but with the help of the CLI and be terminal then this job is simpler okay so now if I want to go back to my home directory I'm just going to click on CD and put enter okay so that is this now let me go back to my slides you just want to close all these folders okay now going back to my slides I showed you the print working directory command and I show you the route directory and actually the clear okay so the echo and the pseudo commands is something that I do not show you but I also spoke about the LS and the CD commands right so what I'm going to do is before I go into details of CD and LS right I'm going to show you the echo command and the pseudo user okay now going back to my terminal the echo command right so what is the echo command so what is the echo command echo command is something that writes its arguments to standard output so when we say arguments it means whatever we type after echo we'll type echo space and forward by that whatever we write so that will be specified to standard output and when you say standard output it is the output will be displayed by the CLI so in your terminal whatever output you get so we'll get specified to that particular output okay now let me show you a practical example only then you will be able to understand that so let's just clear the screen so another shortcut to clear the screen is ctrl L okay if not you can just give the clear command like this okay this will show your screen otherwise you can just give ctrl + L which will again and I'll just clear the screen keep the keyboard shortcut okay so I told you that I was talking about the echo command so when I say echo and if I go enter then there is nothing that is displayed but if I say echo and say hi see what the output talking so when we execute this command this was the output that came back it is high and if I say echo hi my name is bargain when I say this then whatever was specified as arguments right so this was basically specified as arguments to this come so the argument is specified as the output this is a takeaway from the definition definition was basically that whatever the argument is that is a specified to standard output so that's what it happens so that's what comes here so this is one thing and in fact there is another functionality also now we were all aware of the concept of four variables right so we can assign some kind of value to a variable and we can also print that without the echo command now let's say that we have a variable X okay and let's give it a value 100 okay so now if I just say echo dollar X then the value that is stored in this variable right that we printed because echo something that is going to print the argument to standard output okay it will display the value that is present over here so if it's just a string then that will be printed and if it's a variable that I am specifying then even that we printed so the difference between the variable and the string is this dollar okay now if I just give echo dollar X then I've set 100 value to X right so that 100 would be printed here so I can audio hundred is printed but the same thing if I give echo X without the dollar then see what's printed it is X which is predicted so that is the difference between the string and a variable okay so you can now have again a variable called name or you can have a variable called garden and you can store the value of 10 okay but if you want the batter to be displayed then you go to append dollar before the variable name okay so that is about the echo command and in fact there are lot of advantages with this command and I will talk about the other features and the other places where this is used later during the session but till then this kind of introduction is enough for now okay so going back to the slides what else do I have okay so we have the su command correct so as a test su it is used to switch to the root user okay so that use Super User permissions can be used to execute commands all right and then you have su username used to switch to a different user and then you have sudo command which excuse only that particular command with the root or superuser privileges now what these three what they essentially mean is that you get what permissions so if I go back to my terminal so if you guys remember then I logged into ascend doors with the adraka user right so that is displayed here also so it has the edrick act localhost right so as is the user name of this account and similarly you have something called as the root user okay this is my user and then you have the root user and what the root user is is the root user gives you a lot of permissions so that's like the ultimate super user of this particular system so basically if there is any folder that cannot be accessed by my user ok my user name is Ed Rekha and if I do not have the pump shion's to access that particular directory or that particular folder then we can use the root user because root has the ultimate privileges so any command that is executed with the root user then that will be executed ok so because root has all the privileges it has all the permissions so that's what the root user is and you know there are certain functionalities which need the su user or the root users or Commission and I will show you all those things later but for now what we need to understand is by just giving su then you can switch to the root user okay and it ask you the password of course you want to know what is the password for your root user and when you give the password you will be logged in as a root user so you are not at Eureka anymore okay and as you can see here you are root at the rate low close so this is the hostname and this is my username okay root so earlier you may notice that there was a dollar symbol okay but now it is the hash so this basically this hash tag represents that we are inside the root user and we are accessing they are you know executing commands as a root user so that's what it means and if you want to get out or exit the root user then you can just type exit and give enter so now we are back as yourself now we are going to be executing commands as a trigger user okay and another thing that you can do is if you have multiple users again if you want to switch to one on the other users then you can also give the su command and bor switch to the user supposing the user name is let's say ABC is the user name then I can just give su space ABC okay now since I don't have any user you know a user account called ABC it will probably throw me an error or tell me that it does not exist okay but the point that you need to notice that if you have any user then you can just switch to that user from the terminal by using the s you cannot okay s your space the name of the user out so again later during the section there is a topic about creating and deleting user so at that time I will show you how you can switch to another user from the terminal okay so let's park the personal for later because it's a little complicated if I tell you that right now so I think I've covered pretty much everything about su and there is one other command called pseudo okay so sudo basically lets you execute a particular command as a root user so when I give a sudo and LS then what happens is this particular command LS command which will list down all the other directories or folders in the current working directory right so this will be executed as a root user okay so similarly so earlier I excluded the su command and I give a password for that the difference between the two is that with the help of sudo then only that particular command will be executed as a root user but whereas with su then the entire set of commands after that will be executed as the root user as you will be logged in as root user itself so let me just show to you again so this was the LS command which are executed as a pseudo user okay as a pseudo user or as a root user but if I just give su and if I give the password then I enter and I can enter the same details okay I can put the same command LS as a root user so basically the kind of result I get will be the same okay but it's just the difference is that the user that will be executing that particular command so I hope this clears your doubt okay so I'm just going to say exit and knock cure the screen and if I go back to my slides I have this read out the definition so sudo basically execute only that particular command with the root or the superuser privileges okay and when you give photo user name you can switch to a different user and when you give su you can switch to the root user so that's what I showed you the differences between the three you first give su and then it'll ask you for the password you specify the password and then you'll be logged in as root user and then you can execute your commands you can dispute any numbers come as you want to and then you can exit that particular root access and then come come out of it and if you want to execute another command with the root permission okay and if it's just one comment which you want execute then you can just give sudo and then you can put your command that right so I will talk about these things later but for now going into understand is the basics and these are the basics okay the pvw d the echo the su commands because all these things come in handy when you go to the advanced concepts so going on to the next slide we have the LS commands here okay I showed you one command that is what happens when you just put the LS command so now there are different options that you can use along with the LS right so basically a let's stand for listing all the contents in the current working directory okay and if I go back to my slides right now we are in the home directory and if I give Alice here it lists down all the directories that are present in my home directory okay so let me scroll the screen and execute that again LS so right now we have desktop downloads and music so these three are some folders we have document with another folder all these things are folders and these are documents okay documents and files so these are the directories or folders these are the document or files so this is what you get when you execute the LS command now if you go to the slides then you will notice that you have certain options that you can type along with the LS so when you say LS path then you can now you know probably list down the list of contents that is there in that particular path okay let me go back to the terminal if I say LS and if I say the path where I want to listen the contents okay right now I might be in the home directory okay but what if I want to list down the contents that are present in the here desktop directory then at that time I can use LS path so what I'll do is I can just put desktop okay and inside desktop there are many other photos if you remember there was one folder called LM s so if I put LM s okay this is the path right so I have given LS followed by the path desktop slash LMS now if I go and talk then the folders or the directories are to be present in the particular directory or this folder will be displayed to me that is the HBase hive Map Reduce you see and ping so that is what LS and path does now if you go to the slides there are other options right so these options they can be also referred to as Flags so there is a - followed by one letter character okay there's one character here that is L there is a quatre called a there is another set of scatters your author so all these are called options or they are also called as flag we refer to them as L flag or a flag or author flag all these things okay now if you give the L slag what happens is it lists down all the contents similar to just giving LS but along with its owner settings its permissions and the timestamp so when we say owner settings permissions and time stamp it is with respect to the particular folder inside that directory so let me show you an example of that so by your giving LS you have all the different folders that are present in this root directory okay now if I give LS - L through the same directories or same documents are listed down here but we have additional options right so we have additional information so these are the set of permissions that a particular user has we have different we have user name and we have the host name we have the memory size we have the date the timestamp and all these things followed by the name of the file so if you see desktop desktop or something it was created on this day and this is the size of it and all these things okay so it is called the long format I will explain each of these permissions and what each of these stands for what one stands for what is a Drakkar here and what is it Rekha here I'll explain the all these things in some more time because before I explain those things there are other commands which I want to show with respect to LS right so in LS other than LS minus L you have the LS minus a you have LS also okay so let's see what happens when we give the a flag it should ideally show you the list of all the hidden contents in the specified directory okay and then if it saw if you're using the author flag then it will list down all the contents in that directory along with its owner correct so let's try executing LS - a first so when we give a all the hidden directories also should be displayed so as you can see these were the other folders which were not visible when I gave this LS because LS this shows the list of contents that are available in the GUI right so in the GUI if you go to network and if you go to desktop from the GUI aspect you only get to see these okay so these are the regular files are not hidden but of course there are going to be many hidden and those can be accessed by the terminal by giving the LS - a command okay so that is what this help in doing now if I girls LS and if I use the author flag now see what happens you have the author also so instead of having the user name and the host name here you have the author of that particular document so if this is the particular folder or file order document then who is the author for that it is a Drake up because I am the user right so the author name will be present over here followed by the size and the timestamp it was created and all these things and we get the list of contents for all the directories or folders which are present in that particular directory so that's what LS does okay so guys that is about the author flag and in case we want to use a compilation of these flags and even that as possible so I showed you earlier that there is this LS - L flag and then there is the LS - a flag right so - a displays all the hidden contents in that directory so I let me use a combination of them so let me say LS - L and a since there are two flags which I want to use then I am just going to use one - symbol for - two flags so when I do this then all the hidden contents will also be displayed along with their extended long format okay so those are the different folders or directories happens in this home directory of mine okay so that is the compilation of LS - Ln LS - a so we saw a combination and again so similarly if either of those flags if I use the hyphen s flag then it will sort that entire list by the size okay and let me show you an example of that so we use the LS - la right now if I use s over here it will sort this entire list of for directories with the size the higher the the follow the larger size will be on top and the one the smallest size will be at the bottom so as you can see here it was all jumbled with this is basically the size lock right so this is basically for this size block you are if you see the previous M and I just ran LS - la then it was in a different order but since I ran LS - la and capital S this has sorted the result in as per the size of the blocks of the folders the folder is size is a displayed first and one with the lowest is a spread last so that about the LS - s so there is one more command that I want to show you which can be executed with the help of CLS command okay we executed the LS - L a and s flags right so we executed this one previously now what if you want to store these details so whatever the output here was if you want to store it into another file how will you do that we have an option for that okay and that is this symbol greater than symbol okay it's called the Direction flag input output Direction flag and by using this flag whatever the result or the output of the command that comes right prior to this symbol those will be stored in the file that precedes this symbol so let's say that you know I want to create a new file I'm going to create that okay I am currently in the home directory right so let's not execute it here what I'm going to say is that means first change directory to documents okay now in here of course I don't think there are any hidden document 0 so there are no photos or so what I'm going to do is LS minus l KS ok and I'm going to run the this command at the home slash ed rekha directory ok I'm going to basically run the same LS so basically the same results I will run them by you're specifying this directory and I will be storing this file inside my new file ok now let me name that file file1 dot txt okay now the reason I moved to this directory is because I can store the files in this directory okay had I not moved to the veteran her I guess executed this LS minor delay s followed by this direction then what would have happened is it has created this new file in my home directory itself okay so if I give an enter here there is a new file that would have been created under my your documents directly okay now when I run LS inside documents there was no folder but now let's run LS so now you can see that there's a new file is created and that is called file one dot txt now that is because I used this direction symbol nothing but the greater than symbol and when I do this whatever result that gets generated from this command right from these options on these flags those will be stored in a new file and the file a needs to be specified over here okay so that was a wrong commander I used it's not LS so what I'm going to do is let me just view that file okay so to view this particular file or any file we have to use the VI editor or we have to use a G edit editor or we can use the cat command okay now the most common one is the VI editor so let's just execute the VI and open this file from here okay and the reason that this LS what file did not execute us because it lists down the files right and this is a wrong dosage PI did a mistake by saying LS and by not doing a directory so I have used VI instead that's why I did not come but anyways if I give VI and file name then that file opens right so the files are created and this file has the output that was displayed earlier okay so basically whatever was generated by the LS and a Flags of LS so that result instead of coming in the terminal it got stored in a different file okay now let's just exit this VI file and explain the same thing so what you saw inside this file file1 dot exe the content is the same as this one okay so we're on the same command LS - LS but it is that instead of getting the output in the terminal we gave a direction command over here to save it in a different file and we stored this file in the home slash at a record directory okay now supposing if I want to store this file in the same directory then even that can be done okay it's not a big deal so this is the command right so if I remove the path over here then what happens is what are the output gets that gets generated from this option and this command that will be sued in the file on dot txt inside my home directory okay if I am inside the documents directory right so let me just go back one part so right now I am inside the home directory right so here if I execute that command okay then a new file will be created with the name file 1 dot exe and it will have the same details so I've done that and let's see what are the contents of that file ok so it's nice right so you can now bow in this way whatever output that you have that you can directly store it into another file so it's very handy your command anybody and the option and I'll talk about more such advantages like this later okay so for now I just wanted to show you how the direction works so getting back to my slides I think I've shown you how to work with the LS command and in the previous slide I showed you the basic commands with respect to present working directory and clear directory and the sudo and the echo commands so I've done with LS also and now I'm going to show you how to work with the CD directory so some of the city directories I showed you earlier also I showed you how to switch to a new directory so when you type CD it will just change the directory to the home directory okay so the slash home slash a Drakkar okay note that is my home directory my home directory is set to that path so if I go free it will go to that particular home directory and similarly if I you know give even CD and space tilde symbol as you can see your there even this command will change the directory to the home directory okay but however if you give CD space this slash this will change it to the root directory so change the current directly to the root directory that is because the forward slash here it represents the route I told you this number of times earlier okay and if there's any other path or any other folder which you want to move to then you start from the root so you specify the absolute address right you start from the root you say slash and then you put the folder name you again say slash and then you put the next folder name so it is similar to that the first four slash represents the root directory and the subsequent slashes are to differentiate between the different parent and the subdirectories so that's what they are so this will change you to the root directory and then you have the CD - double period marks okay - period symbols and when you give the CD space dot right if you give two dots CD space dot dot then will change to parent directory so supposing I'm inside the desktop directory so desktops parent is home directory right so it will change me to the home directory but supposing if I was inside let's say the family site or that record or that receipt and if c-span was B then by running see space dot dot from the C directory then it will switch me to the pan directory which is B so that's what this does and then we have one row command here that is CD within me quotation marks we have some kind of path now this is the useful at times when your folder name or your dietary name has two words okay so if you have towards then if you have a space in between then the space will be considered as an argument okay so terminal reconsider that has an argument so if you want to switch to a document in that kind of situation you know or if you want to switch to a directory which has a space or a document which has a space in the middle so in that situation you can use a single quotation mark or double quotation mark okay so it's you know you also have to comfort to switch to double quotation marks so I'll explore all these things and show you okay so first I will show you the the series tilde then with the forward slash then with the dot mark this of course I showed you earlier also and then I'll show you how to switch to another folder with gnome it is having two different names with a space in the middle so going back to my route so right now we are inside the home directory itself so if I give CD - desktop okay now when here we have my other directories and if I do CD and LMS I am inside the LMS directory okay now from here if I go CD and if I use the tilde option right then it will switch me to the root directory so C so the tilde symbol earlier okay so the circle a symbol represents a root and since I set the change directory to traditional this which implies a root it basically decodes it as a change directory to the root directory so when I did that I have automatically switched to root directory while over here it was LMS so similarly if you are in the elements directory and if you also just press serine right if you just give this command even this will switch you to the root directory so basically CD and CD space tilde they are both the same but however if you give CD with the forward slash then it will switch you to the root directory so when I just enter as you can see I am in the root directory so if I go LS over here I have a list of directories which I showed you earlier so in India file system right so yeah and so inside your file system if you open this folder then you have the root directory so inside this directory you have a home monitor icon this is where desktop and documents are all pressed as a subdirectory of for this parent directory okay so this is the root directory where everything is stored so any document or any folder in your in operating system they can be referred or they can be accessed from this root directory okay now going back to the terminal let me show you an example of that I've already moved to the root directory now let me say CD then and okay we have this so now when I give CD space belt then it moved me to the bin folder inside my root directory so I ran the root directory edit an LS which listed down the list of folders inside my root directory these were the options been boot depth these are all the different folders and when I said to change directory to build it shifted me or it moved me to this particular folder okay inside the root directory so right now I am in the bin directory and inside the bin directory I ran the LS command which basically means listening down all the contents whether its documents or whether it's folders or directories all those would be listed down ok so these are the list of all those contents in the bin directory okay now that we're in bin let me go back to my root directory by giving double dot okay so from bin it again I go back to my root directory okay so this four slash represents root directory like I told you earlier and if I two LS then I am back to this directory where we have been boot dev and EDC home and all these things so now what I'm going to do is so now that I'm in the root directory now let me say change directory to home and inside home there is a trick I want to go to add record and edit record let's go to desktop and then there is LMS okay and in here if I do LS then lead up the list of folders here okay now I am going to change directory to HBase and if I do an LS over here then you can see that there one particular folder called advantage based practicals module nine okay if I now just say Siri and if I put adv space HBase then I will not be able to autofill the option okay that's because the terminal or the CLI is not able to recognize this particular command because it is a space over here okay so it treats adv as a separate folder but since it's not able to find any folder here as a TV that is the problem okay let me show you where the GUI what it looks like so we are in the desktop and inside LMS we have HBase internet HBase we have advanced database practical so this was what I was talking about this particular folder correct so let me minimize this for you okay now this is a classic situation of when you need to use the double quotation mark or single quotation mark okay now if I just put the same name like say adv and edge base then it can auto filter automatically right so even the addition mark ends over here so that indicates that this is another folder that's present so if I you know just put enter then it will change my directory to this particular folder so that is what the quotation mark does so when I do enter then I am inside this folder and 2ls I have the list of photos and directories inside this are ones edgeways practicals photo alright guys so now I'm just going to do a CD to my home directory and I'm here and that was about the different CD commands that are available which I want to show you okay so let me just go back to my slides now and go to the next slide I showed you all the different commands here okay so the next set of commands I'm going to talk about are those of for cat grep sort and pipe commands okay so let's first go to the next slide and start off with chat command okay so when would we use the cat command nice so it's pretty obvious right from what it's written here it says when you are working with files that time you can use the cat command so the cat command it is basically used to display the content of the text files and net several files into one so what this means is if I have a particular you know I our text file so earlier we created one text file having all the file permissions right so if I have that kind of a text file and if I want to display the content of that extra and then I can use the cat command I can say cat and if I give the file name then that content would be displayed so when I use only the cat command with one file name it's very similar to how the VI command works or how the Nano command books right so it will display the content in the terminal itself correct but the difference with cat command is that with cat I can listen the content of multiple files so it's not just one okay I can have I can even display I can specify your three different file names and if I put enter then the content of falls three five to be displayed in my terminal the same thing won't happen with VI so if I say VI then only that particular files kourin will be displayed so same thing with our nano right so let me just go to the terminal and show you an example of the cat command so right now we are in the CD directory let me just maximize this okay now clear the screen present working directory is the home slash head record directory this is the rome directory and from here let me go to documents okay if I do an LS there is this file one dot txt which I created earlier correct so this was where the different file permissions were present right so if I do cat - file name and if I could enter then I get the list of the contents of that particular file so in that file there are only these three rows because it was the latest updated the functions that I specified in the file one dot exe okay so guys I told you that you can enter details were filed by using the direction command right so that is the greater than symbol so I'm going to use that kind of a symbol over here and I'll create a new file by adding details by using that command okay so initially it was I use the SS - L but the same I'll use the chat command itself and say I'm going to give the direction symbol here and I've done with that let me give the remember new file let's save file - dot txt now when I hit enter the command is not executed completely okay so I'm inside this place where I can enter the text so it's basically going to create a new file okay now whatever text I enter here that will be sold inside this file so let's say hi my name is warden and if I can't I can go to the next line and here let's say welcome to the next tutorial by Rekha okay now if I want to you know just add these two lines to this particular file called file 2 or txt then I can press control D now okay by pressing ctrl D I come back to my command line so what this command basically does is in this cat command would Allah created a new file file dot txt and the text that we entered below it right this will be entered inside this text so if I do that file - dot txt then whatever I typed earlier that got saved in this file now similarly if you see the file 1 dot txt the contents are these ok so this is the content of for this one and this is the content of this file now I told you that with the help of cat command you can display the content of two different files so let me show you that option ok I'm going to say file owned or txt and then I'm going to say it twice - dot txt so in this way I am going to basically display two files cat I am going to display file1 and file2 when I go enter first the file to content will be displayed and then the file to contents or the lines and file to dot txt will be displayed right so first these are the permission that are there in the first file and then this was what was there in the second file alright guys now this brings us to another important concept of how to append files so c80 basically stands for concatenated right so that's the most important option so if you want to concatenate a particular file with you know some kind of lines then I show you how that is done by creating a new file what I did was I I create a new file file - dot exe and I concatenated these lines they took this particular file so if I just give cat and if I give file 1 dot txt and if I give double marks okay so double direction marks which is nothing but the greater than symbol okay we also call it direction knots so if you give 500 T X Y and followed by this if you give file to dot txt then what's going to happen is whatever contents are there and file one those will get appended or can cata needed to this file to dot txt okay so in my file dot txt we have these two lines okay hi my name is Relkin and welcome to nut stroll by Erica and file one has these three lines so basically when I enter now there will be a file to in which there will be extra lines okay so let me do a cat file to rot txt so as you can see initially when I ran my cat five who got txt over here I had only these two lines right but now after using the bi-directional symbol okay the direction symbol what has happened is I have three extra lines so it says hi my name is Wharton welcome to Linux tutorial by Rekha after that I have the permissions which was present in the previous file okay so that's what happens here okay in fact exactly four other nice thanks for pointing that out human so Haman you know who's another person or section he said that there are four lines in the 500x see actually he is correct so total eight so this is the first line and these are the other three lines so you can also see that from here okay so the first time when I ran cat 500 txt right I first got total eight this was the first line and after that I got the functions okay so this is the first line and then you have the list of the other content so when we ran the LS minus L the total number of entries were right so that was what the total eight stands for so these are the four lines I've got appended to my file - dot txt okay but however there won't be any changes to my file one dot txt because I don't make any changes there so let me anyway show you that also if you see here again the contents here are the same it's only that the file - has got these four lines extra so that is what the direction symbol does so these are the advantages with the cat command alright so what I'm going to do now is let me go back to my slides and show you some more options okay so we have flags like we have the B flag the N flag s flag and if I let's see what each of those stand for okay so when we use the B flag it's going to add line numbers to the non blank lines okay so whichever line there is some X so those lines are going to be numbered and when you say minus n then it is used to add the line numbers to all lines it doesn't matter with black lines or non black lines it's just going to add numbers everywhere line numbers okay and when you give the s like it is basically to squeeze all the black lines supposing you have three blank lines one after the other then it will squeeze all those blank lines and it will reduce it okay so that's what the S does and then the e flag is going to show you a dollar at the end of each line so let me go back to my terminal and show you this option so first of all let's see the cat file - dot txt and let me use the flag - n so this will list the number of lines right so there are basically four lines from file 1 and these were the two I had earlier present so these are the six lines and total we have in this file - dot txt okay let me just clear the screen because it's a little tough to see everything right so yeah so when I ran the - n command the file - dot txt the lines and they're well numbered okay 106 and then we have another black cord - B flag right - B flag we'll add numbers to also the non blank lines so but for that we need to first have glance lines over here so what we will do is I'm going to do a chat and do this and file - dot txt so when I do this I will be adding lines to this file - dot txt okay I'll be appending lines over here so let me just give one blank line enter some random text and then under no blank line and then random text okay so this is what I am going to just enter or append to my file - got txt okay you press ctrl D to exit this and now these would have been saved to my file - dot txt so let me just run the same command again oh sorry I should have ran this cat file do dot txt okay when I do this as you can see it starts from here and these are the other lines that were appended okay and now if I use the chat - B flags okay see what happens only the non blank lines are numbered right so these lines are not numbered but if I use the minus end which are used earlier what it would do is it will number in every line so that's the difference between minus B and the minus n flat case so n numbers all the lines with respect to of it being empty or not but whereas minus B numbers only lines which are non blank ok so that is this one and there is another flag which is the - s flag okay so it's not capital S it is small s right so when I say minus s then you get the list of the documents so as you can see here all the spaces are squeezed into one seems like there are no multiple spaces right no multiple blank lines so what we'll do is let's edit the file to dot DX C again ok or in fact let me open it why are the editor VI editor ok so when I do this these are the existing ones so when you press insert or when you press a button or insert button you can start entering text details inside this file ok now right now I'm here let me add multiple blank lines here ok so as you can see there are around three blank lines here one two three four there are four lands lines and here there are three blank lines ok now let me press escape ok now if I go escape ok so now we are an insert mode so what I do is I'm going to press escape and then followed by that if you give : + WQ this would save this file ok so i have matron is write a valid line here so it would save that changes and it would quit the VI editor mode so if I go vendor so I'm outside that file so now if you see the cat file - dot txt then it has additional lines right so now I'm going to run the command that I ran earlier cat - a flag s and then file name so when I do this all the multiple plans lines are squeezed into one so as you can see here there are there have been multiple lines when I ran the file - dot txt but here when I ran the cat - not with the S flag then there are all these multiple lancing the squeezed into one again so that is the the with the cat command okay so I think with that I think I've covered all the different options okay there is one left there is no - the option right so okay now let me show you what that does so when you use the capital e flag okay there's a dollar sign that is appended after every line so the first line is total eight or let's say the first line is this one so there's a dollar sign here and after this line there's a dollar sign after this there's a dollar sign and still you have land lines you'll only find the dollar sign here and again after this one you have a dollar sign and you know blank lines have dollar signs and yeah so that's how the 'flag works okay so every at the end of the line is appended with the dollar symbol okay so with this I'm done with all the chat commands so going back to my slides now let's go to the next command that is grip okay so grep command working with grep command so what does the grep command do you guys have any idea okay well I don't expect you people do but yeah so if people if any of you know if you have an interruption to Linux then you can answer it but it's fine if you don't because I'm going to explain that it's my duty and the grip command is basically used to search for a particular string or a word in a text file right we have a file document like the one which we created now like we have two documents like file 1 dot txt and fire - row txt and what if you want to search for a particular string right or a particular board so in this case it's pretty simple because you can easily find them but what if you want to do it to you know a very big file documents curve which has like millions of lines right so supposing you have any document then you will have multiple lines right and if you want to find one particular word or if you want to go to one particular string then how will it do it so in Windows you have the control left option right but via a CLI if you can't use it writes over a CLI you use the grep command ok and the format for executing the command is this so you specify grep and then you specify the string that you want to search for so option is the string that I have surged in this command and then the file name ok and this is written the result of the matching string options so similarly if you use the I flag then it will return the results for even case instead strings so basically if you do not use the I flag then it is it's case sensitive right so it will only search for options with these letters but if there is a word called options with a capital o where the first letter is capitalized then in that case only when you use ie will even that particular result be shown okay so that is the advantage with the I flag and then you have the N flag which is the grep - n which will again return the matching strings along with that line number in which line was that praying or that word found so that's what end us and when you give - V flag then what happens is you will not be shown the list of lines where the results were present but instead you will be shown the list of four lines where the results were not found where there was no matching string right so those lines will be printed with the help of V flag and then with the C flag it returns the number of lines in which the results match the search ring so supposing you have like four words okay you have a big document and your reward your string mult four times then if you use a minus C flag then it will display the number four instead of four displaying the search string okay so let me go to the VM let me go to my centers and show you how to execute these commands okay so right now we are in the Documents folder if I want to execute that then we need to edit this in a different way okay we need to have a different text and this directory has these documents right so let me just quickly go to the Documents folder and here are if I do an LS we have the two files which we created we have file dot txt and file one dot txt so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna see what's there in file one dot txt okay so let me edit this file okay or let's say let us create a new file what you say we can create a new file by doing this right by giving the direction symbol followed by the name of the file let's say automobiles Auto Mobile's this is the name of my file automobile dot txt and I can start listing down the automobiles that I want so let's say car or let's say motorbikes okay we can say trained well trained staff in order automobiles but still or let's go into details of the companies okay let's say multi let's say Ferrari Lamborghini these are some of the most famous companies right so when it comes to by triopia maja then you have Honda right you have Sasaki you have the Korea and name a few more we can add some older companies like BMW you can add already we can add Fox Rogen to this list okay now if I do ctrl D then this will be the list of content in my automobile dot txt okay I'll let me a more clear the screen now and if I do cat command here then it displays the list of contents here right okay now let's use the grep command to search the content that is present in this text so i'm going to do a grep and the string that i want to search for is let's say 'i am because in lamborghini we have the search ring GN and even in yamaha we have the e/m right we are supposed to get two results for this so in this case so if I just say grep JM and if I specify the file name automobiles or DXE and if I go enter then I get the two different words right the two names where this was parent where am was present okay now if I use the same thing with the I flag then it will display the list of files in a case insensitive fashion but in my file there is no upper case file I'm going to say so your thumb will rot dot exe I'm going to append I'm going to append this word called amber okay so amber is another automobile company and when I do this and if I run the chat command now okay you will see that along with these names were there initially there is Amber has been appended okay and this time when I search for JM right so it should not show me this because even though there is am here the a is capital here but I am searching for small it so it's not show me this result okay I should get the same result that I got previously so if I do a grip in like earlier I got the Lamborghini and Yamaha theory options okay but now if I upend this with - I or the I flag so what happens is I'll get the option of even amber along with this because it would search for the string in a case insensitive fashion okay so this time as you can see amber is added to this list because you did not consider case insensitive words letters okay so that is about the I fly and there is another N flag right so let's see what the N flag does so every time you use the - n flag then it will list down the line in which the word was the present so that's what I mentioned earlier so over here in line number 6 and 9 number 7 we have Lamborghini and Yamaha right so the line number is measured okay now so that's what the N flag does ok so we have the V flag and the C flag left so let's execute them and see what happens so when I remove N and when I execute V as you can see all the results except for Yamaha and for Lamborghini would be present here ok but if I give - I be ok which indicates IV flag then even amber would not be present in the output I will get now ok when I go to enter as you can see amber is not present because amber is part of the case-insensitive option right Wendy included right this would be chosen either the source result and since it's conjured as a search result we will display only the result the set of results which were not found so the other lines which Tex was not found where these and that's why we got these options ok now we have one more flag between you to see and that is the C flag and when you enter the sea flag then it displays the list of the number of times that string was found so a.m. was found two times in one sandal a bogey in one cinema so that's why we got the answer as to now if I use C with the combination of I all right I'm going to get three that's because even Amber will be considered in this case okay guys so this is what is there with respect to the grep command okay so guys do you all have any doubts okay and if you do have any doubts please put them in the chat box because I'll be going to the next slide then alright and I don't think you should be having any because of explain each and every outcome each and every flag that can be used with grip okay so if you do have any any other confusion please put them in the chat box in the meanwhile let me get back to my presentation and continue with my next slide okay so I spoke about the grep command okay and now in the next slide let me talk about the sort command okay so we use the sort command to sort the results of a search either alphabetically or numerically all right and we can sort either files or file contents or directories so what this means is whatever results you get right or I mean not just results or even if it's the list of items that is present in particular electrum when you run an LS command right you will have a list of files and the list of folders are there in that particular directory so we can sort even those things okay now that result can be sorted and also we can sort anything else we can sort the contents of a file right we can sort the contents of the file or you know all these things so that's what this means so without wasting much time let me just show you how that is done so you can just sort and the file that you want to search alternatively you can also search two files at the same time by doing 500 txc and Phi 2 dot txt okay so under under syntax for that is the sort and the file name okay when you say sort on the file name then the contents of this file will be returned in the alphabetical order okay if you want to sort two files at the same time then you can in argument you can just give both the file names and we'll sort the contents for both file one tour txt and 500 th see okay and again if you want to display them in the reverse order then you can specify the our flag and for case-insensitive sorting you can do the - f flag and then if you want to sort the results based on the number in a numerical order then you can now use the n flag okay guys so let me first for go to my terminal and start executing them okay so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna clear my screen and currently let me just return the contents of this directory so we have automobiles file we have file 1 and we have file - when I just give the sword and press ENTER then I enter the interactive mode ok so here I can type all the second type random words ok I can say JB CD or I can say BC da or I can say e f e d FG all these things ok and then when I press control D it gets me out of the interactive mode I'm going to exit the interactive mode the texture I tagged and write the input that has been sorted so this up till this line was what I entered as input if you remember and up till EDF G right so basically this text has been ordered as per Raj medical order and since a comes first natural particular ecology this is first the BCD a is second and then you have the other lines ok this happens all in alphabetical order now if I give salt with the file name ok that is a automobiles not exe and if I go enter then this particular file will be ordered in the alphabetical order ok the contents will be listed down in an alphabetical order let me clear the screen and show that again so let me first just do a chat and show you how the order is ok now let me run the sort with the filename okay so now if you see it was in this order initially right so car was the first option motorbike was the second train was the next marthy and then came Ferrari and Lamborghini but if you look at the sorted result then it's in the sorted manner right so first con number then comes April yeah then comes Rory and then the others so that's what sorting does okay and the same thing can be done for two different files at the same time so this was the automobiles or txt pulling I want to list down even my files to contents then I can just type file to dot txt here and the results of both the files will be in my terminal okay but before that let me just clear the screen so that could be easier for you to view the results okay so now clear the screen let me sort these two files okay so let's the commander sort and this is what I add previously and let me add file two to it okay fire two dot txt now what this would do is the results of both these files right automobiles and the file to the results of those would be sorted in the a spectacle Nano okay now if I give an enter as you can see here first initially you have blank space okay now what that is because blanks are a head of sea capital a right this is the as medical order correct so first comes blank space then comes a white space and then come to the characters so once we are done with those things then we have amber April yeah already this is the order in which the files were listed in the automobiles and right after C D comes okay now this line is part of the file one well these are part of automobiles this was part of file two dot txt so yeah these results were a part of the automobiles or txt file the blank lines here these are part of the file dot txt and again these two lines right these are part of file two dot txt okay so this is what happens when you give two files as arguments now there are other options that I want to show you though so I they were flag like our flag right so our flag lifts the results in the reverse order okay and we want to clear the screen and yeah for clearly the screen the shortcut is ctrl L alright guys so let's say sort automobiles dot txt okay it's cat right I don't want to do cat I want to do sort automobile dot txt and I want to use the flag minus R so when you use my nail art it will display the result in the reverse order so we have the reverse order in which Emma comes first and the amber comes last so that is the year reverse order and we have another flag here the other flag is the F flag which will return the results in the case insensitive fashion okay so that is the minors s and then if you go back to the slides there is a n option right so n will return the results in the numerical order now let me go to my terminal and let me use the N flag now but of course I don't think it will sort anything because there are no numerical jur so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the file to dot txt here okay file to dot txt okay so there are no numerical here either what I can do is I can edit these details so let me go VI and save file - dot exe and I'm going to enter the insert mode I'm going to remove all these unwanted lines okay so I promote all the black lines now I'm going to put one here and I'm going to put two here I'm going to add three to this line I'm going to add four to this line okay all right guys or let's say let's give the order seven here okay you have two here okay so there are some kind of numericals ahead of you know it before every line starts right so when we run the - n command now the sort command with the N flag now then it would sort these lines with respect to the lines with the numerical order okay so first this line would be shown the black line okay then you would be shown the you know the total line then you would be shown the third line and like that so let me just escape : and save and quit okay now let me run that same sort command sort - and five - dot txt so as you can see the alphabets are first sorted okay so the lines where there are text characters or alphabetical letters so those are displayed and after that the lines that are formatted after that are in numerological fashion okay so if I don't give the N it would be a different fashion altogether so earlier the file was just displayed in the regular numerical order okay so where one two three four five the numbers came first and then came the text but since we ran the - and the vertical letters or the characters came first okay after that it was sorted by or numerical letters so that's what the ends lock does and that brings us to the end of the short commands okay so after the sort command the next one that we have in line is that of pipe command okay so this is referred to as the pipe so you will find this in your rock in your keyboards right above the enter button okay where you have the backward slash so in that button if you press shift and if you press a button you will get this pipe command and what the pipe command helps you does is it lets you perform two operations in the same command like it'll let me search let's take the example that's specified you're okay we are using the grip to search for a particular string from a file and we are using that and then we are sorting that result okay so since there are two operations involved okay one is the sort and one is the ER search since there are two operators involved in the same command we separate the two operations with the help of the pipe command so that's what Todd is and as the definition says the pipe command is used to output the result of one command as input to another command okay the same thing can be said over here also so we'll first search the file for a particular string and whatever result you get that would be given as input to the sort command over here right so this saves us time in are not having to mention the file name after sort again so we will just be performing one grep search and then we just whatever result comes that result will go to the operation that's performed over here right so let me just go to the terminal and show you an example of this I am going to clear the screen and let's run the grep command to search for JM from the automobiles dot txt okay I'm going to use the pipe command and sort this so these were the two results right so when you do a cat command or when you do when you just run the grep command with a.m. right so what would happen as we get these two results because these two lines or these two words have the a.m. characters inside right now when you give the sort it would sort it alphabetically right and if I if I want to sort on the other way then I can just run the same command with the ArcLight so when I do R then this result will be sorted in the reverse fashion so iam how comes first and Lamborghini comes first so that's how the five command can be used to get the output from one operation and read that output as the input to the next operation so this is relatively smaller topic okay and we quite often we be using the pipe command when you want to use multiple operations in the same command so that's about the pipe command okay so let me just clear the screen and get back to my presentation and see what's my next layer all about okay so now that I've shown you how to sort the content of the file let's go to the next slide right so the next section of this tutorial is going to be about the copy move make directory remove remove directory and the user permissions alright so let's get started with this section okay CP stands for copy that will be the first slide that we're gonna talk a lot okay so as you know copy is basically used to copy files or directories okay the point notice files and directories so in Windows you have the option of right-clicking on any file or any folder and you know saying copy or copy paste or cut paste right that's in Windows and you can do that even for the GUI in Linux but how will you do it through the CLI right to the terminal you specify this command you specify CP and if you have any flag you enter the flag and then you specify the source and the destination okay so the source is basically this will be the path of the folder that you want to copy and this is the place where you want to copy it to all right so let's get back to executing and ensuring your demonstration of this so I'm going to go back to my terminal so first of all we're in the documents directory and let's see what is there in this directory okay there are the three files that we created right there is automobiles or txt there is a file 1 dot txt and file who got txt now what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy the automobile dot txt and paste it in my desktop ok so let me just minimize this so this is my desktop right so right now I don't have the automobiles or txt but to the terminal I'm going to run a command which will copy the automobiles or txt to this folder ok so I'm just going to minimize the terminal now or to show you that it happens ok real time so what I'm going to do is LS I'm gonna say copy automobiles what txt this is the source and the nationís route home ed Rekha and Enid Rekha it's the desk of folder right when I hit the enter there will be a new automobiles dot txt file that we traded over here so as you can see the new file got created over here and yeah so it's a very simple command that you can now execute so you can do the same thing to even directories and files alright so what I'm going to do is I'll go to the home directory and from the home directory I'm going to go to the desktop directory and copy the LNS folder right so the LMS folder is again you know it's it's a folder this time it's not a file so last time we copy a file this time I want to show you how to copy the folder itself ok I'm going to copy this folder and paste it somewhere else so let me go to the terminal CD and I'm going to go to the desktop here alright so we have for LMS here so I'm going to say copy LMS alright so I'm going to remove the slash from here because I'm going to copy this folder now and this would make it the source that would make element the source and the destination is we have to put the absolute path you're right so we got to start from the root directory and go to Home ed Rekha and let's say I want to put it in the documents directory okay so something that is present in the desktop directory that is being copied and pasted inside the documents directory ok so when we go enter so guys are we are getting an error here right so it says copy CP omitting directory LMS can you only guess why that is the case can all like understand the meaning of this error omitting directory don't break a sweat too much because the meaning is simple your exists it has is omitted the directory ok not the reason is so that is because the CP command it by default it copies only files ok if you want to copy directories also then you go to add another flag called our flag so let me just quickly go to the slides and show you the functionality there ok as you can see here we have the our flag right so CP minus R it is for recursive copy and that's for copying directories also okay and it copies also hidden files if there are any hidden files or if you have directories which you want to copy inside that directory then it'll it will copy that data itself so that is the thing because you cannot copy your directories without the are flag you can only copy files so that is the meaning here and we have another flag called the V flag and that is verbose well what verbose means is it print informaiton messages supposing you're executing a command ok and supposing the command is going to take times like it's going to take a good 5 10 seconds then during that time it would print the status of the system like supposing it has completed like step one to step three ok and it's stuck except for then it would print that message and as in when staffers completed you will get a message saying that's completed and yeah similarly it's like progress wise it tells you what is the progress and what are the action that some is taking and what step is performing so it just prints such information messages - we ok ok let's first start off with the I flag ok so we have something called as a CP flag I okay so when you give the I slag it enters the interactive mode so when you say interactive mode it is because at times you might have the files which will all be already be present in a particular directory ok you saw me copy automobiles dot txt once from documents to desktop ok now if I do the same operation again if I run the same command again at that time it will automatically overwrite the file right because the file name is the same the automobiles or TX C's was the one that is there in My Documents folder and again even over here on my desktop it is documents sorry it's automobiles when I copy then what would happen is that file would be replaced ok now in that kind of situation when you're copying multiple files you might want to be notified before something happens right so if you specify something like the I flag then you will get an interactive mode so the system will not take the decision on its own but instead it will not use any defaults ok that's what we mean by your on its own ok so it would you know ask you it would prompt you for an answer it will tell you that ok this file already exists in this directory and do you want to replace it and then it will give you an option Y or n Y stands for s en stands for No so that's what the CPF and I flagged us and when you give the N flag it will not overwrite the file okay because by default it overrides the file and if you specify the N flag it will not overwrite the file but the whole concept here is it is based on the file name what do the file name is the same and the file contents are different okay at that situation you might want something like the flag you okay now what the flag do does is it will update the destination file only when the source file is different from the destination file so by using the n flag you will make sure that the file is not overwritten okay but then if you use the u flag you will have another benefit okay what will happen when you use the u flag is so first it would check the file name if the file names are different then it would create a new file if in case there is another file by the same name then it will check the contents of that file if the contents of that file and the files are being copied if they are the same then it would not get copied and it would only get copied when the content is different so at that time we'll have got two different files with the same name so that we advantage with the CP and u flag okay so let's try executing these options all right so I'm just going to go back to my terminal here so first and foremost let's execute the our flag its capital R so do note that and then you say enter so the item is copied so if you go back to your Documents folder you can see that as a new folder called elements has been created so this was initially not present and it's present now okay now what we'll do is I will delete this okay I'm going to minimize this execute the same command along with the virgo is slide alright so as you can see the status of the system was also displayed in the meanwhile even though I entered my your text somewhere here yup it's right here correct so this was the earlier command that I executed without the verbose okay here at this traitor it copied the file ok the LMS sorry the LMS folder to My Documents folder modern angles be the information message also came right so it the step-by-step process of what all is being copied can so first this was the first photo this was the first subfolder being copied and after that all the other files that are being copied each and every document step by step it is all let's sit down and we get all those details here if you give a minus V in your command so that's what the minus V does okay so I'm left to show you the I and ru flags right so what I'm going to do is let's say I didn't want to clear the screen now okay I'm gonna remove this command here and go back to the Documents folder and show you that the LMS has been copied okay with the verbose when I created this folder okay now what I want to show you is I'm going to show you copy with the interactive mode so earlier if you see the desktop there's already an automobile dot txt right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy automobiles or txt I'm going to copy this one again to the desktop at this time it would you know I'm going to use an AI flag and it will not overwrite the existing flag so now I'm going to say CP automobiles dot txt to destination is home slash ed rekha slash all right now I think I'm in the wrong directories right now okay so I need to go one path back switch to documents all right now here I need to copy the automobiles from here right and put it in the desktop so home slash a breakup slash Desktop okay so I'm going to copy the automobiles or TXE over here so when I go enter the automobiles or taxi has been copied your again so let me just go back to my desktop and see that even though I've run the round this comment two times one now one one earlier and one now just a couple of seconds back there has been no duplicate has been created that's because this file has been overwritten okay but the one with the name automobiles has been overwritten with the latest command so what I'm going to show you now is I'm gonna use a nice flag here like I told you I flag is what gets you into interactive mode so you will start interacting with the Linux kernel or the UNIX shell over here so as it says the home a Drake our desktop automobile dot txt it says overwrite do you want to overwrite this particular file this is already present if you want to overwrite if you say why and if you enter then the file would be overwritten okay but if you give N and enter then that file would not be overwritten so if I say and no and if I enter then that copy would have failed okay but if I do the same thing again and if I press Y it would have over it and the file robin overwritten so that is what the I flag is and then you have another option okay off the ends lag so the N flag what it does is it does not overwrite the file by default so for that option I told you that by default it overrides right so I also showed you earlier that no duplicate was created and the existing file is overwritten supposing you don't want to do that then you can just use the N flag which would automatically indicate and tell the deluxe runtime engine that not to overwrite this particular file ok so you can have any number of files there so even if the contents are different here ok so even in case the new file that's being copied has a different content ok but it has the same name then even in that case by specifying the N file it will not be overwritten because there is a good chance that you might have made changes to the latest file and by copying another file with the same name to that same directory then there's a good chance that you'll be losing out on the changes that you made right so at that time you can use the N flag so in fact let me show you that with an example what I'm going to do is right now we are in the documents directory so I'm going to do a chat and automobiles ok so these are the contents here and let me update this ok what I'm going to add is I'm going to add another company of another Rob Pike ok let's say we are adding KTM to that list ok so when I do ctrl D and exit the interactive mode and if I do chat automobiles txt then KTM would be added over here okay now this automobiles files in the documents right now this is the updated one ok but in the desktop the updated file is not present ok in the desktop the file with only this much of content is there now I'm going to execute the command with the N flag ok so with the N flag it's basically indicating that you're not supposed to overwrite the file ok so when it says that when it finds out that automobiles dot txt is a present over there also in the desktop also it would turn not copy the file at all ok so when I go enter and of course so there is nothing here now if I go to the desktop ok if I click on automobiles or txt or you can see that I am KDM is not present all right but however when I close it and if I er remove the N flag right so I remove the slag and execute it and if I go back to the automobiles or TX you will find that km is updated awesome right so that's the power of this n slide ok so that is the end of for all the different flags that I was about to show you from my DVD ok so additionally there is one other thing that I want to show you ok now I show you how to copy from source to destination okay now you know whatever you know the path or something and you want to copy it to your present directory to where you are currently so this is basically I'm just teaching you this option to you know say sometime you know at times you might want some shortcuts or some hacks I do not want to provide the complete path everywhere so at that situations at that scenarios you can use this hack and let me explain that before I ER execute it in my ear terminal so what I'm saying is right now I'm in my desktop and I have only my automobiles and my readme text files ok now but in My Documents folder I have got three other Tech's a 500 X C and Phi - dot txt okay let's say I just want to copy the file to a txt what will I do if I want to copy my file dot txt into my desktop I'll have to go through my documents folder then put the CP command and then enter the file name and then copy it to this folder right I have to specify the path of this desktop so instead of that there is under hike over there okay now instead of doing that what I can do is I can just go to my terminal I need a first go to the desktop folder but okay so I'm going to go and step back I'm going to say it change to desktop and here yes there is only automobiles or TXE and there is readme dot txt now what I'm going to do is I'm going to run the CP command such that I copy file from this particular directory to the current directory okay so the file - tor txt if you remember that is present in my document directory right so I'm going to specify the path to the document directory and the path to documents a curious / boom Arica and documents okay and the file name is r5 - dot txt okay I want to copy this file which is under this path to my current directory okay in Java having to specify my complete current directory I can just give one dot so this one dot represents the current working directory okay I'm currently in my desktop and what this command would do is it would copy this file into this current directory okay now when I give enter and if I go back to my desktop you'll see that the file - dot txt has been created okay that's what is it it went to this path picked up this file and pasted it in my current director so that's what this is about alright so this is what I want to show you guys this was something additional which was not there on the slides so I'm done with that so moving on to the next slide okay so next up we have is the move command okay so the MV like CP stands for copy the MDEs and so moved okay and this is the user times when you want to cut paste something okay this would when we use copy then the original copy of that file was also present in the existing directory and it was created in another directory right but if you use the MV command then so I'm going to basically work like cut phase where it will remove the content from the so directory and the only copy would be present in that destination directory alright so that means straight away get started it's not too much of an explanation needed over here because it's self-explanatory if you use the I flag it basically enters into interactive mode again like before so the u flag is again the same as what it was in the copy command it updates the destination file only when the source file is different from the destination file and the mb- V again it would you know move it would print the system state ok print the source and the destination files gets into the interactive mode where the ok not in track remote it basically means the system status will be displayed over here ok that's what the verbose is all about so let me go back to my terminal and show you how this copy is done alright so let me clear the screen and currently I'm in my your desktop folder ok and here I have these files I have automobiles or txt and read me and file2 ok now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna use the Move command to move file to dot txt to another destination I'm going to move it to the LMS right so when I give the LMS ok this means that this move command will work such that this file will be moved to LMS folder ok let me go enter and go back to my desktop and find that it's not missing that's because I run a command over there if I go to LMS however I will find the file to dot txt over here all right awesome right so that's what the MV file does and supposing I want to you know similar to copy yeah you can move multiple files at the same time alright so I can move you know supposing I go back to my desktop ok and I will find that there is automobiles and really suppose I want to move both of these to the LMS directory then I can do that also I can just simply go move I can give automobiles or TFC and read me dot txt and specify the destination I can move any other folder or I can move to any folder is are moving into LMS folder then I just need to give okay but however if I am moving to another folder then I got to start from the root say home a Drakkar and from your let's see I want to go to downloads okay so downloads if I want to go I'll give this path algorithm enter and if you notice both are missing from my desktop and if I go to my a trake and if I go to downloads I can find the two files over here so that's how Simulator guys so that's the move command and if you want to see the system status then you can use the V flag like we use for CP so a similar log will be generated and shown if you want to enter interactive mode then you can use the I flag alright if you're moving like two files right at that time you might need the interactive interactive fight so similar to copy where if we are moving to the destinations folder where there's an already another file with the same name then at that time you might want to use the I flag it would ask you whether you want to override it or not if you don't want to override it at all then you can just give the N slack but there again if you don't want to use the N flag either then you can use the minus u flag which would update the destination file only when the source and the destination files are different okay so these are the different flags that can be used with mV so the basically the flags that can we use your are the same as the flag that can be used with the copy command so guys that's it with the move command and we can go to the next slide ok we can go to the next topic but before that there is one more functionality that I want to show you with respect to both copy and move I actually forgot to show you this aspect okay now for this let me first show you the GUI aspect okay all right I go to my edge Rekha and if you were by documents you'll find all these three text files and also my LMS folder right now whether beat copy or whether beat move commands I'll show you how to copy like one file or two files or three files okay but what do we have like 25 files right so what we have like I mean just think about this what if you're a proper Linux user and you and you want to just transfer all your files of some particular format right you want to just transfer it to another folder you want to take a backup or something of that what would you do in so if you know you can do a ctrl K over here and - is all the files okay or you can choose one off the other like this but to the CLI how we do it correct so you have such problems right so for that you know we have options also for CLI and those booked with both CP and move commands so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how that is done so for that purpose I'm going to first go to my documents directory I want to make that my PWD so I just go one back and Here I am good documents okay now I'm here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to clear the screen so of course for clearing the screen the shortcut is ctrl L okay if you guys are forgotten that and I also mentioned that earlier so ctrl L is the shortcut for that so yeah we have automobiles or TX say file1 and file2 and LMS so we have these four files and one folder there okay now if I want to move this one of the directory then there is another option so what I can do is I can use something for as regular expressions okay regular expressions is one topic which I'm going to cover in detail later during the session but just because we're in the CP or in the Move command stage of this demonstration I wanna continue now I want to show you this also okay I want to just get finished with this part so you will get an idea of what I'm saying when you see me do this so here we have these four files so first let's use the copy command so if I want to copy all the files you extend the form of a file okay so they are all in the dot txt format right so what I can do is I can just do a CP I can click on dot or rather astrick dot txt now what this essentially does is instead of searching for the txt file by its name this is fantastic it searches for all the files with the dot txt okay which is ending with a dot txt so that's what this would do and when we say CP followed by asterisk dot txt it means copy all the files that are ending with dot txt so in our case we have automobiles or txt file 1 dot txt and file 2 dot txt right so what this command would do is it would copy these things and put it in the path where I suggest you so let's say I want to put it in another folder ok let me start up from the root home Arica then here i think we have you know we have these options right ok this is the documents so in the ED rekha we have ok we have the music folder we have downloads pictures ok downloads of course I've already copied something in there so what I'll do is I'll move that to the music folder ok so the music directory so I'm going to say this and give enter so you're copying has been successful so if you go back to the music directory you see that there are three new files - automobiles the other one is file1 and the other one is five - okay now the same thing can be done for even move right the same way we execute a copy we can also execute the move command move is going to completely move it it's more like cut pacing okay similar to how you remember from Windows let's move it to pictures okay so currently in pictures there is nothing and then music we have these three so when I execute the move command this photo should become empty and they should all go to the pictures folder all right so move okay but we have a problem for that what we need to do is we go to move to our music folder right so it would this would probably show an error so I'm going to first go back or rather go to music folder okay we are in documents right so what we're going to do is a CD music alright and I have my commands here right so here I'll execute that move command so it was this one I'm just going to replace CB with mV okay so from my music directory if you want to move all the folders or files which will have the dot txt format okay all the files not folders it'll move all the files with the dot txt format and it will move it to home slash ed rekha slash let's move it to pictures what do you say okay so when I give enter that would have moved so let's go back to our folders music there's nothing here this has been cut pasted to the pictures directory alright this is what I'm going to show you okay this is what I missed showing you earlier while executing the CD command but yeah here we are I have done this and similarly if you want to go also you know if you are from the music director and if you want to move something to the current working directory even that is possible okay so another possibility which I would like to show you is that of going back going to pictures and then we have all this year and I'm gonna clear the screen LS again we have automobiles file one dot txt and file two dot txt right so we can do a move command and so right now we are in the so let me clear the screen again so I'm going to do a CD I'm going to clear the screen and currently I'm going to do an LS so some of our items are present in pictures so what I'm going to do is I'm going to move back to music if I do an LS there's nothing over here so what I'll do is I say move slash home slash ed rekha slash pictures dot okay a strike first dot txt and I want to move it to the current directory so when I do this again from the pictures everything we have moved back to music alright so that is the other thing that I want to show you okay so similarly it works for even the copy command I'm pretty sure you will understand how it works so I'm not gonna waste too much time on that okay I've cured my screen and now let's start with the next topic okay I'm going to go back to my slides and yeah the next topic is make directory commands okay so the next topic is make directory okay that's what mkdir stands for make directory alright so it's simple again if it's all about creating a new directory or creating a new folder okay so to create a new directory you just specify mkdir and the path ok the directory path ok that would create a new subdirectory in that path ok guys so currently we are in the documents right so I'm going to do an LS I have these many things so I'm going to do a mkdir and create a new folder over here so that folder name is going to be lets say folder 1 ok when I do this on your folders created so when I do the LS command again so you can see that the folder 1 is extra ok it was not there the previous end that we executed the LS command ok so that's how you create a new folder so it's pretty simple now comes the other question ok I can go into the folder 1 ok of course it be nothing inside now what if I want to create multiple folders ok and parent directories let's say something like I want to create folder one instead which I want to create a folder to and Peter for the three is that possible okay so I'm going to try doing that and show you if it's possible or not okay so I'm going to say make directory folder 1 slash folder - ok this would be folder because I'm already inside folder 1 this will be 4 2 3 and 4.4 okay so this basically will run the military command inside folder one and it will make a retrieve two three and four now when I give enter these folder should be created ideally they should be created okay ideally speaking so let me just verify everything once and showed you so it was documents this is a new folder I created folder one there is nothing inside okay now from the terminal if I click enter it says make directory cannot create dietary folder two three and four okay because there is no such file or directory okay do you all know why that is areas or specifically can we do it that is because when we try to enter one directory it's possible okay then like in this case we specify just one one directly right this folder one so it created the directory once but in this case there are too many directories that we need to create okay it's like two three and four how can make the rhetoric create so many folders because this is going to be in the form of a parent child or a subdirectory right we are creating 402 inside which there's a folder three inside which there's a folder for so in this case mkdir is not enough so this is when we need to use another flag called V - V flag that stands for parent okay let me go to my slides and discover that aspect once so as you can see here let's flag called - P ok and what it does is it creates both a new parent directory and a subdirectory and it's essentially used only when you're creating like two three territories and I mean you're creating one directory and a couple of subdirectories under that directory okay so that's when you use this alternatively you can also use this - - patterns all right and if you want to create one parent directory and multiple subdirectories inside that directory then you can use these flower brackets okay inside the flower brackets you can have the different folder names okay so let me just quickly go to the terminal and show you that aspect so make directory these were there and now I'm going to give - P and when I execute this everything would have been created so let me do a CD folder - now do an LS there is a folder three now let me do this and enter and let me do an LS again there's a folder for of course here there would be nothing right so let me enter this for the four and here there will be nothing for the four so that's what I was talking about okay let me also verify that once from the download for the one we created a folder to inside which is a folder three and there's a folder for okay guys so this is what we just created so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna just go back to my folder one here okay in fact yeah okay folder one should be good now I want to show you executing the same command with the flower bracket right I told you that creating a flower bracket will let you create multiple directories inside that directory so if I am going to say make directory folder because it's inside folder one I can create one here folder too I can say comma four to three coma folder for okay and if I close this flower bracket then these three sub directories or folders would be created inside my folder one alright so give an enter here so I go back to my Gy so I go inside folder one so initially there was one folder - okay that was the photo to which I created earlier okay now I created photo - all in small smallest smaller and smaller here so 4 - 4 - 3 photo was created now folder this one was created earlier ok guys so that's how you know you make directories in fact you can even append this with a parent say you are supposing you're now in folder one right you can say make directory you can say s to put a slash and then inside this sq folder these subtitles will be created okay now if I give enter I know what the problem here is it is because F 2 is not created right now correct this is the time when you go to use the - P command parents command right so which I showed you earlier so now that I've used of minus P so the parent is created and the children are also created so if I go back to folder 1 this was F 2 is what I created recently alright so inside F - there's be for the twofold threefold for alright so this is what we can do with respect to make directory commands alright so let me close this and go back to my slides ok and go to the next topic ok so next up is the rmdir and the RM commands ok so this is the remove and this stands for remove directory now there is a subtle difference between the two ok now when you say ok the basic difference between the two is that when you say remove directory it you only remove that particular directory but when you say remove it can also remove the sub directories or the child directories inside that one so let me just go to my terminal and show you how these are executed ok yep I'm on over my terminal so currently I am in my folder one right so let's go to folder 2 and then the one LS CD folder 3 LS CD folder folder for okay of course is nothing here so what I can do is come in for the 3 now okay let's again yes I'm in folder 3 and like if I want to remove this folder then I can do a remove directory folder for all right so when I do this this particular folder would have been deleted now from folder to I can again remove photo 3 ok similar to Hawaii our remote folder for but how about I go one more path back ok so right now I'm an LS ok so if I drop PWD you'll find an amen' folder 1 ok and when I do an LS I have f2 photo to have a capital folder - this is where my photo 3 and folder or 4 is pressed ok so I have that and then I have 4 - 3 and I have 4 and 4 now however if I try doing a remove directory and if I try to remove folder - right it will not work it fails because the folder to which were trying to delete right from inside folder 1 we are trying to delete the folder - this is that photo - and inside this folder - there is another folder that is folder 3 let me just show it to you once so that I can remove your confusion so inside this folder - I have photo 3 ok and because I am trying to delete this folder - its own able to delete because there is already a folder 3 inside this folder that is the problem with remove directory so guys I just clear the screen and now let me just do an LS again so now I'm going to show you how to remove these folders I showed you removing folder for ok so inside this folder 3 I meant and I removed folder for ok now I'm going to show you how to remove multiple folders ok at the same time now let's say I'm running the same remove that tree again so I'm going to say remove folder 2 and when I just enter it failed to remove folder 2 because the directory is not empty ok do you know what the problem is it's telling right because the data tree is not empty not able to delete so because folder 3 is contained inside folder - it's not able to delete this folder so if I want to delete a folder to also then what I gotta do is you know I got to first delete the folder 3 and then delete the folder for so I have to provide the absolute path of the child directory ok so I'm going to say remove directory ok same like before I'm going to say it folder 2 / 4 - 3 when I run this command then my folder 3 will get deleted okay the child will get deleted but the parent will still be active folder 2 will be active ok because when I use the rmdir with folder 2 and photo 3 only for the 3 will get deleted let me show you why that's the case now you have enter when I do an LS for the 2 should be available see it's photo tool available but when I do a folder - there is nothing in here ok there's nothing in here so if you want to do that if you want to delete both the parent and the tiles at the same time you got to use a - P flag so let me show you to use a - free PFLAG ok so I'm just going to make the photo 3 now and I'm going to show you how to use a P flag so similar to how we use while creating a folder we got to use the same remove directory ok rmdir with the - P and photo - and folder 3 folder 2/3 so in this case both the folder 2 and the parent and the child will get deleted ok enter when I do an LS I don't have a folder - here ok this one is also deleted so that's what a - P flag does now let me just create make a new directory and what I want to show you is the verbose okay so I'm going to make directory so again the the ones which I deleted to have come up again would have been created again so I want to show you the usage of the verbose directory when I had of be here as for the slides it said write the verbose so when I add a we here and when I hit enter okay awkward and immediately again so as to actually remove the directory now ok now when I say removed Factory and when I try to print the verbose - PD so it says first it's deleted the folder 3 okay which is answer and inside folder - after deleting that it has come and deleted folder - ok so that's what this is all about this is what you know you need to know about the remove directory commands now let me just clear the screen so guys are now let's see how the RM command works ok now your arm command here and it says from the slides it can be used to remove even non empty directories ok if you use the RM with dr slack and if we use the R and P flags together then it removes the non empty you're decreased including the parent and the sub directories okay so the one limitation that we had with the rmdir command was that we could not remove non HEPA directories we at first empty them and then only delete them ok otherwise we had to specify the entire path and then you know use the b-flat to remove all the parents and all the child subdirectories in that path right that was the limitation that we had with remove directory button RM we don't have a problem because uh let's see ok in LS we have so many folders ok so if I try going to f2 ok and I do an LS your than app three different photos photo 2 4 3 4 4 ok now if it's an rmdir command it cannot technically delete this folder called f2 f2 is basically a non empty directory inside f2 there are other directories like folder 2 3 and 4 so let me just show to you once so inside f2 we have 3 folders folder 2 4 2 3 & 4 4 so with the are dir command we cannot definitely remove but with f2 we have a chance removing it ok that's because we can make use of the our flag here okay but however this will also it would read f2 and its subfolders ok so let me do an LS and if you can see your initially under photo 1 we had F 2 and these 3 okay but now we don't have that under F 2 because that will F 2 photo is missing if I go back to my folder 1 here you will see that the F 2 is missing over here - that's because in the remove right it removed the whole F 2 folder in spite of it containing some folders okay and that's what the our flag does that's the advantage of using the our flag okay so if the same thing is we use the art slack with the V flag then it will print the status also it's like the verb was ready to print it will tell you what all as will delete it and how it has been deleted so that's the advantage with using RM / rmdir okay at times this is more beneficial so I'm going to clear the screen and getting back to my presentation I'm done with all the concepts in this light so let me go on to the next topic okay so the next topic is going to be that of working with user permissions okay it's very important for a Linux administrator to know what these user permissions are okay because the different files will be their different directories will be there and he has to determine what kind of access will be available for which user right so that's what is the control here so the different permissions are basically read write and execute okay R stands for read W stands for write and execute is X okay so initially you get this kind of an output okay you know what let me go to my terminal and show you what happens when you run an LS LS LS minus L command because user permissions is something which will appear in which you can control via the LS - L command right because when you do that all the different file contents whether it's a directory or whether it's another file all those things along with their permissions will be visible and long format right so let me go to my terminal first and go to CD alright now when I do an LS I have a list of all these documents okay but however when I do an LS - L I get it in long format okay so I get it something like this so for each folder I have the permission set so for desktop I have the permission sets and then I have the other components okay I'm going to explain what this entire component what the entire row means so do not let you get too complicated first I'm going to explain only this part okay the first 10 characters if you see here the first 10 chapters of these and I will explain this part first and then I will explain this set these three blocks and then Alex the remaining blocks okay so getting back to this first block in my slides you can see that the first block it determines what is the file type okay it is a file or directory type in fact if that is a directory then it would be represented by the okay if you have a D as the first character over here then that's a directory okay as it says but it can also be any other thing such a - like this then it means that it's a normal file okay but in the first letter if it's a C then it means that's the character special file and if there is B over here in this part of the first letter and then it's a binary special file so basically there can be four different letters over here it can be either a - or D B or C representing four different aspects okay so that is the first information that you have about that particular file and then you have three different blocks okay so the next nine letters I want to determine the user permissions okay and those nine are divided into three three three okay so the first three represent the user permissions okay the second block having three rwx representatives are those of group permissions and the final block represents other permissions okay this means other users now this user is the actual user who is logged into the system okay that particular user so this is the user permissions this is the group permissions which the user belong to and what the other group can view and this is with respect to the other users okay that's what is meant by this others so if we have the and the order always goes by RW x + RW X and here also it BR W and X okay so that is the order read write and execute so if the first three blocks are all our W and X then it means that the user has all the three permissions or the owner of the file or the user as the read/write and the execute permissions okay and in this place if there are three characters right RW and X in this order it means that the owner or the user has the permissions to read write and execute that particular file okay and if there is RW and X in the next block then it means that the group has the read write and execute permissions on that particular raw file so every file that's created write it will have a and it will also have a default group that it will be assigned to so all the users a part of that group will have that read write and execute functions okay but whereas the last three here it stands for other user sumption so they can be multiple users right the same system can have multiple users one of course will be the root user the other will be the owner or you and besides you there can be any number of future it can be your friends your colleagues or you know other people so this others represents that and if you have a blank in any place okay so in this case there is a blank over here in state of W there's a blank it means that this others they don't have the right access they only add the read access and the execute access all right and similarly if you go back to the terminal okay and if you see your take the example of this particular file desktop okay Desktop folder is where we were executing a lot of commands right it is under the editorial folder so yeah this was the folder that we are talking about the desktop right now it's our directory basically okay that you all agree with then these three characters represent that the person who's using it okay right now the person who is using it because I am logged in right now and I've logged in with this username right sorry for that guys yeah and have logged in with this username right at raiga so me being the owner and me being the user I have the read write and execute permissions okay but the group that I belong to okay that group does not have the read write and execute functions and the group that this file belongs to now because this file is either owned or used by me okay now because I am the user I have this access and then this file will also belong to a group right so whenever you create this file it will be assigned to that particular user creating it and it will be assigned to a default group so we are talking about that group here okay and that particular group does not have all three right it has only the read function and the execute function it doesn't have the write permission okay and the same thing can be said for even the other users so the other users in that system will be using that system they will only have the read and execute access on the desktop okay but whereas if you take the example of this file one dot txt right which I created sometime back during this session this one if you see the functions are such that the first one is a - okay what - technically means is it's a normal file okay I explained that - is normal B stands for binary special file and T stands for character special file so of course we don't have those options here we don't have the BNC options but what you go to understand this is that this is a normal file and this is a directory okay whether there is D so since this is a file the access for the user is such that I have the read and write access okay but I can't execute it the user can't execute it and when it comes to the group even the group has the read and write access but it cannot execute it the other users however they have only the real axis and they cannot execute this particular file right so they cannot execute or they cannot write this particular file so that's what these group permissions me and if you go forward from group permissions there are more other blocks right so let's go back to the slides and see what they stand for so in this slide let's talk about the next three blocks okay so the next block is data phone number okay you have a number over here and that represents a symbolic links all right the block after that is the one that represents the owner name and the 1 followed by that represents the group name okay so that is with respect to D 3 blocks all right and then after that comes the file size of the particular file and then you have the timestamp the time when the file was created the file or the folder was created this is the actual file size of the blocks okay now that's what the user permissions here represent so if I quickly go back to the terminal and show you this is basic the symbolic link this is the owner name this is the group name of the file this is the block size okay and this is all in kilobytes okay and this is the timestamp and this is of course the name of the file right so we have the name of the file and that file will have first with the file type then user permissions then symbolic links then the owner name then group name then the file size then comes the timestamp at the end so that's what the difference file permissions are the read write and execute and if you want to modify any of these file functions then it's also possible okay now let me go to my slides and show you how that's possible let me show you some theory for okay so first of all if you want to train the permissions then you can use the chmod command okay you can use the chmod command as shown over here and in order to change the access permission of both the files and the directories if you want to change the owner of the particular file okay since the owner of that particular file or directory then you can use the CH own command and then if you want to change the group ownership of that file there you can use the chgrp okay so when you use the chmod command you got to specify whom are you referring to are you referring to the the user are you referring for the group or are you referring to the other people okay the other users you got to say that and then you got to use either a plus symbol or a minus symbol okay when you use plus it means that you are adding these two rights so in this case when you're saying g plus WX so G stands for group right so as you can see from this particular slide G stands for group u stands for users and others stands for oh okay and all stands for a okay so ask for this if you're using G over here then it means that you're talking about the group and you are adding the W that is a right and the execute function you know that means you're giving them the W and the right and the extra functions okay and after you are specify the file name so this means it will modify the functions to this for this particular file and similarly you can use the equal to symbol and also the minus symbol so when you use the equal to symbol then whatever rights you have industry that will be overwritten so when you say chmod u is equal to r WX and then it doesn't matter what the previous set of functions we're then the the previous of afformations will be replaced by whatever you specify here so you will be setting that particular user to have the read write and execute access for that file okay and then you can in fact specify if you know you can set access control for multiple people you can set it for groups users all at the same time so in this place this command will set it for the usual here we are setting it read write and execute for users and then after that we are setting it for the other people okay for the other users we are removing the right and the execute axis okay there are execute permissions so let me just quickly go to my terminal and show you that so currently let's take the example of pictures okay let's take an example of this particular folder the user that is me I have the read write and execute functions the group has read and execute only okay and they of course the other users they also have only the read and execute now what I'm going to do is I'm going to say chmod I don't want to change my permissions okay so I would rather change the permissions that my group has so I would say it g is equal to read and W okay so if you see here right now the group has read and execute okay I don't want to give them execute so if I want to remove X it would have to do G minus R and then have to give comma G plus W okay but those are two different arguments right so integers using two different arguments I can just give an equal to which would replace this entire list with the current arguments so instead of having our own X and replace ad with R and W read and write okay I'll give a command and then now we have others here the other users they have read and execute again so what I'll do is I will say Oh - execute because I want to give others only the read access okay so in this case when I do this the X over here that will become - and the - will become W okay I'll be enabling the W for them and removing the execute and for these people I will be removing the execute and now that I've specified what are the permissions and what the your recipients Amaral give the file name so let's say pictures okay so I'm going to group the LS minus del command again and now you can see that if you go to pictures it's been reset so the others have only the read access the others are blank okay and the group have the read and write access and this execute has been taken away from them so that is with respect to the read write and execute permissions that users can have all right so I'm just going to clear the screen and go back to my slides so similarly you can change you in the ownership of certain files and certain groups okay so if you use a CH own okay CH change ownership with that's what it stands for and when I followed that with the username and the file name then this particular file will have a new user or will have a new and this would be the username okay and similarly even the group command works in the same fashion so this is something that you can always work on and you can figure it out alright guys so that brings us to the end of the third part of our demonstration okay so we still have a couple of more topics left but unfortunately I don't think we'll be able to cover it today because we've already exceeded the time limit so what we do is we'll continue the remaining topics in tomorrow's session okay so in tomorrow's session we'll talk about Linux repositories tar files and Raman variables regular expressions processes adding users and networking ok management working it's about SSH so these will be the topic that I will be covering in tomorrow's session ok so guys on that note let me come to today's session alright and I'll meet you all tomorrow same time all right guys ok a month great as you tomorrow ok good night folks see y'all I hope you enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply to them at the earliest to look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to our Eddie Rica channel to learn more happy learning
Channel: edureka!
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, linux tutorial, linux tutorial for beginners, linux training, linux commands, linux administration tutorial, linux training videos, linux training for beginners, linux training course, linux command line tutorial, ssh tutorial linux, linux file permissions, linux course for beginners, linux course videos, linux course online, linux commands with examples, linux commands for beginners, linux distro, linux edureka, edureka, linux administration edureka
Id: v_1zB2WNN14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 10sec (9250 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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