How To Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator To Generate Leads - Features You Aren’t Using (But Need To Be)

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what is going on everyone rub the above Allah here founder of scaling with systems comm where we help entrepreneurs put their business on autopilot through automation elimination and delegation and in this video I'm gonna show you exactly how you can leverage sales navigator like nobody else has talked to you before to create a list of thousands if not tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of your ideal prospects that are experienced that have the budget to pay you and then are ready to buy now look this video is gonna be perfect if you've never heard of sales navigator before maybe you've heard of it and you've never used it and it's also going to be perfect for people that have been using sales navigator they are experienced inside of it but I'm going to show you a few tricks in there that I have literally scoured YouTube and I have not seen another video cover what I'm exactly gonna show you in this video here so let's get right into it now before I go right into this let me say this guys it's very important I am NOT in my usual content room here okay as you can see this is a different background I'm literally in my bedroom of my house right now I literally Atmos like day 21 of the quarantine I haven't slept in weeks I haven't showered in an even longer period of time so my hair is crazy these are my pajamas I have on and this isn't gonna be your typical video my other videos I'm much more scripted and it's more of like you know an overarching view with specific points this one I'm gonna literally dive in and walk you through a step-by-step of how to set up the perfect LinkedIn sales navigator campaign with specific examples of some incredibly hard to find prospects that I've done running literally thousands of LinkedIn campaigns for my clients okay so just do me a quick favor if you don't mind the bad background if you don't mind the bad hair the bed hair you don't mind the PJs and you just want to see more value driven videos like this do me a quick favor please and just give me a like a thumbs up please just give me a thumbs up here gonna take two second to your time click the subscribe button as well I run ads not a crazy amount of ads but I run a small amount of ads some people that subscribe to my channel only people that subscribe to my channel where you can get free courses and free trainings that I do not give anywhere else okay so make sure you click the like button you click subscribe and let's dive right into it okay so as you can see right here we're actually on the LinkedIn home page I'm assuming if you're watching this video you probably know how to get to to homepage here and obviously this is the newsfeed etc etc but what you want to do is you're gonna click this little button up here in the top right that says sales navigator now if you don't have sales navigator yet it might just say like LinkedIn pro or something like that but it's not really important you want to click this little button that says sales navigator right here and if you haven't purchased sales navigator yet it's going to take you to a screen that looks very similar to this ok and I'm gonna spend ten seconds talking about the plan right so if 99.9% of the people watching this video right now are just gonna need this professional plan it's seventy $9.99 a month and I know what you're thinking like Ravi that's a good bit of money and it kind of is honestly for a software seventy nine eighty dollars a month for a software however in this video I'm literally gonna show you how you can make ten to a hundred to a thousand times that every single month by leveraging the sales navigator search correctly looking for leads so don't worry about it and even better yet you can sign up for free LinkedIn gives I think about a thirty day free trial inside sales navigator so you can sign up for free so I would definitely recommend trying it out the only time you never use team or enterprise is if you have like obviously if your company is paying forward if you're the CEO but honestly even as a CEO of my company we've 25 employees I five people that use sales navigator they each have just a professional version it's easier that way it's a little less headache so like I said 99.9% of people are just going to do the professional version and you can see here it says free trial there and you can literally get started right away and I'll walk you through that immediately right now okay so let's hop into the actual sales navigator button once you actually click inside sales navigator you're gonna get into a screen like this now once again if you were signing up for the first time sales navigator make sure you answer all these silly questions like you know pick five of your favorite companies and who are you going after look all you have to do is just skip through all those things pick whatever it is some people I was watching other YouTube videos where people like spend a lot of time and think about who this it doesn't matter because we're gonna show you inside of LinkedIn how to curate the best search possible so they're gonna try to auto populate a search based on what you think you want but it's gonna be like trying to search with one hand behind your back okay it's not gonna make any sense so skip right do that you want to essentially get to this page right here so once you're on this page here the only thing that really matters to us is if you click this advanced search over here you're gonna click this button that says search for leads click on it right here and this is where the magic of sales navigator ok so sales navigator is one of the most powerful tools out there for business-to-business lead generation and most people use it and they use it like 10 percent to its efficiency and I've been using sales navigator for two years straight for both myself my client decided scaling with systems my clients inside a prospect social when we do visit a business lead generation campaign for them and I have done some insane lead generation campaigns within I'm talking about hyper targeting you know fortune 500 CEOs that were also immigrants from other countries that have also graduated from the top 25 business schools in the nation like we get that granular and that was a wildly profitable campaign for us and I'm gonna actually use that an example at the end of this video so stick around for that okay so once we're looking inside of the lead search here you have kind of at a higher level view of what you can look at I'm gonna run through this very quickly okay so essentially what you're about what we're about to create here is a list okay it's a lead list of who you want to go after and obviously just like anything else in life the more quality the original source is the better whatever you pull from it is so whatever however quality your lead list is the better lead you're sending messages to the better leaves that you're actually hopping on the phone with and the better leads that you're actually closing okay so it all starts from right here so I can't I can't stress how important this part is enough okay so before I go into these little search things all right here I want to show you something very interesting that this is the little secret sauce this is why you guys like my videos and click the subscribe button right here that's because nobody shows this or if they show it it's in like a very dimly lit dark basement and nobody wants anybody you know and I'll be honest with you this is something that I've actually saved for just my scaling with systems clients but I decided you know what it's about time everyone's sitting inside for the past 21 days we need to make it happen and I need to help other people out so this what we're gonna do here I'm gonna show you I open up this Google Doc here and it's something called a boo lean search now whenever I say boo lean people instantly think of either New Orleans don't ask me why or they think of ghosts don't ask me why I guess the boo part of the boo lean but I've literally had people tell me that what I've been in meetings with them so boolean searches is essentially it's like a combination of the words and or or knots inside of a LinkedIn sales navigator campaign that lets you curate a hyper targeted list of hungry experienced prospects and this is going to be worth the salt alone for this video this is gonna be worth the time that you spent watching this video and that's why you gave it a thumbs up so it's gonna prevent you from having to create like millions of different campaigns from people that are this one and this one and this one and this one certain keywords certain titles whatever it is and it's also going to prevent you from having to send messages to people that aren't your target client right so for example real estate agents might be your target client but those are residential real estate agents what's not your target client is commercial real estate agents and for an example on LinkedIn you can only send a maximum amount of messages every single day and you don't want ten twenty thirty percent of those messages to be filled up with people that aren't even your target clients because even if they respond to you you're just wasting time going back and forth with them and over time that adds up and you're compounding in the wrong direction so we want to make sure once again that the source is very very smart so a boolean search is just a commit combination of and or not inside one of these little text box inside sales navigator and it prevents you from messaging the wrong type of leads right so I'm gonna unfortunately guys I look I'm gonna tell you something right now I am not great at math you can go back and see some of my other youtube videos where I literally do math live on the screen and it's embarrassing to be honest with you but in this one you do have to do it just a tidbit a tidbit of algebra okay so the idea behind it here is you do something like this right you so you open a parenthesis up and let's say we're targeting that by the titles which I'll get to in a second real estate agents but we don't want commercial real estate agents so what we're gonna do here is type in something like and use quotations real estate agent right and then you could say something like or you know I spelled agent wrong see I can't do math or type or you could do something like you know real estate broker or you could do something like real estate associate okay great now this alone is already more advanced than I see most people doing most people just type it in individually and that's okay but I'm gonna show you something this is the secret sauce right here okay so right now we're talking real estate agent real estate broker real estate associate now the issue when you type this in the sales navigator is you're gonna get a whole lot of people that are in real estate commercial right they do they do commercial real estate not residential real estate so what you want to do is a little bit of algebra but I'm going to walk you this right here so we're gonna add something here so first we add another parenthesis here and then we're gonna say a closed parenthesis here so now we're saying hey this is who we want and then we'll say something like not so all on capital letters and then we're going to use the word commercial closed parenthesis so right now what we have here is hey the sales navigator I want you to search the titles for people that are real estate agents or real estate brokers or real estate associates but I don't want the word commercial in the title at all so they're not a commercial real estate agent but not a commercial real estate broker they're not a commercial real estate associate just that little thing right there just adding that not and that little commercial thing right there can save you on depending on how large your market is hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of wrong messages that you could be sending out over your lifetime okay very very simple but very very powerful okay and you can also make that even longer right so not let me maybe we notice that whenever we type this in we get a lot of law real estate law people so we could say not law either right so it's saying hey I want real estate agents or real estate brokers or real estate associates but I don't want anyone that's in real estate commercial or real estate law right are you guys starting to see kind of how this works here and then you essentially close this bracket here and now you have your little algebra equation that's gonna give you except for in this version of algebra you're not you know listening to some teacher out there while you're sleeping at your desk cheating on your friend's homework that this is one's gonna make you millions of dollars so a little bit more fun math in my opinion so if you see this exactly and then the other thing you can do is and right so let's say you want someone that's a real estate broker but maybe you commercial maybe that's what you do well maybe you're targeting just commercial agents so we're gonna do instead here let's go here so bracket and then we're gonna say something like real estate broker and then we're gonna say and commercial right and then close brackets and so now what we're telling LinkedIn sales navigators hey I want you to find everyone that's a real estate broker and they have the word commercial in their title so now you can start to see how these kind of combinations can work together where you can really start getting specific with who you're going after and this works for keywords this works for titles as work for geography that's work for industries this works for anything out there I just like to use it for titles let's do another example for you real quick I know people go after a medical field all the time doctors chiropractors whatever it is what I've noticed is that a lot of people just say doctor or chiropractor and what they don't understand is you are limiting so much what you're going after inside of your sales and users so let's say we're going after doctors okay so what I would do is I'll go in the title box which I'll show you in one second here and I would type in something like parentheses like this and then I would say you know PhD and then I would say or doctor then I would say something like or doctor and then I would say something like or you know medical doctor and then I would say something like or I don't know what's another name for a doctor doc right I don't know don't say or whatever else I want say you guys kind of get the idea here so now sales navigator is like hey look for someone that calls himself a PhD or they call themselves a doctor or they have the words Dr or the letters D are in their thing or they say medical doctor or they say doc you know etc etc right or you could say chiropractor right and then let's say when you do that you type it in the you realize you're getting a lot of psychologists right because psychologists have the words PhD a lot of another thing so what we can do instead is we can come in here a little bit of algebra that's algebra for sure and you can come here and say not right and then you can say psychologists and don't judge my spelling well that's not often that I get it right the first time so not psychologists or maybe we notice that not only the psychologist maybe maybe it's like psychotherapist I don't know why I'm using the hardest words to spell and I don't know how to spell here psychotherapists cool I don't know does this spell check automatically you know what it doesn't spell check automatically that's why I'm getting every word right because it's not telling me that I'm getting it wrong so this might not be how you spell psychotherapist but let's just go with it anyway so so I'm saying hey LinkedIn find me PhD doctors or doctor or medical doctor or doc or chiropractor but I want you to not put anybody in the sales navigator search that has the word psychologist or psychotherapist in their title so I hope this is enough of an example here for you guys of exactly how to use the boolean search this is incredible for you this is worth a comment down below this is worth a like or subscribe if you guys want to do that okay I'll stop asking for likes and subscribes but I'm just saying that was pretty cool right okay so we're back inside of sales navigator here I'm gonna run you through a very high level keywords are essentially pieces of content that your lead has created or on their bio or their profile they have this word inside of it and this is another mistake I see people make all the time they use the keyword they use whatever they want the title to be so let's say once again let's go back to the doctor example they want the doctor example or they want doctors and so instead of putting doctor under title which means that they're actually doctor they go ahead and put doctor and keyword and that can be great about sixty percent of the time but once again if you look at the forty percent of people you're getting and their messaging you're gonna be sending to people that have the word doctor anywhere in their profile or in any activity or any post they've ever made so if they say hey you know due to everything going on right now I've had to see my doctor more recently than usual that's a post like what I'm linked to they show up in your sales navigator search if someone says in there you're their profile and their summary I absolutely hate doctors all never go to a doctor ever in my life that's gonna show up in your sales I'm gonna be trying to reach out to doctors so keywords is not really great for like targeting by someone's job profession or title a lot of people in the BW space I honestly rarely use the keyword and if I do use keyword it could be something I'll give you an example I don't incredibly successful cannabis are not canvas but CBD campaign for one of my clients and one of the things we did was we targeted doctors under the title search using the boolean that I literally just showed you inside of here but for keywords we typed in stuff like homeopathic or non homeopathic but natural right and because he was looking for more natural remedy doctors so we use the titles in order to get it filtered down to just doctors and then we use the keywords to do almost like a sub sector of those doctors and industry within those doctors a theme if you will of those doctors that kind of a follow so that's when I would use the keyword side of it but 70% of the time I never use keywords the only time I would ever go into keywords would be like if there was something that I wanted that person to be interested in right I wanted them to be interested in something I want to be a doctor but I also want them to be interested in something else right so that's an example of what keywords are for custom lists don't really worry about it you don't have to we're not gonna go too far in depth in that past lead and account activity you know if you're if you're doing a whole lot of this stuff it does sometimes make sense to say you know remove view leads from search to recontact and leads from search so you can just make sure you're always dealing with a very fresh essentially pool of people so you've never message these people before that's a good filter to have on there now geography is interesting it depends on what you want to do you know we even certain businesses have certain states or territories they can stay inside of you know obviously the larger the territory or country or region or city that you can deal with the more likely you're gonna have criteria that fit your results so you know I wouldn't ever limit this unless you absolutely have to you can say the United States inside of here but you know you might know that hey if I'm looking for real estate agents well maybe I know that Beverly Hills is a really hot real estate market right now so we're gonna only focus on Beverly Hills right so those are ideas that you can do or maybe if you're in the CVD industry like I told you before then you could know that you know some states allow it some states don't allow it so maybe we'll only do the states that allow it okay another exemplar here is relation shaf I don't really ever touch any of the relationship stuff not important to me industry once again some people like to put industries on here but once again this I don't love to put industry here and let me tell you why because when you put industries on here you are essentially limiting the search results if that person has said that they work within that industry when a lot of people actually don't say that they work within an industry and sometimes some of their titles they're not auto-populated in some one of these industries so we use titles is the number one way we use to look for people in an industry using that kind of boolean search that I was showing you earlier so I honestly would not mess with the industry type I don't really recommend it once again school is not something that I would recommend doing there is a specific instance which I'll go to here in a moment what am i do my kind of breakdown the case study of what I would recommend doing but profile language you know if you wanted to do you could do English on here we don't ever limit this either first name last day and once again it doesn't make a whole lot of sense now this is when stuff gets a little more exciting okay so if you're a business to business person and you're selling something to another business then more likely than not you want to deal with the decision maker right and in case you don't know what the decision maker is I have a quick little lesson for you on vocabulary it's the person that makes the decisions shocker and so for this you can actually create assuming it's this your target client business is structured like most of the businesses you really want to reach the CEO you know another c-level executive or the founder or the owner so you can go into the seniority level here and you can say owner partner and then cxo is essentially a c-level executive and that stuff like chief operating officer chief technology officer stuff like that and you can do vice-president or director whatever it is and you can kind of see it goes down an order as far as important so I would really and a lot of our stuff we really pretty much keep it like that that's pretty much the four things that we look at c-level executive director owner or partner now yours in current position this is another really interesting one you can do as well once again we are really looking to so you can't say hey I want to make sure my business is really the businesses were going after I want to make sure they can afford our services well unfortunately there's not a magical button you can click inside LinkedIn where you can click that hey these guys can afford our services but I will tell you luckily you're watching this video right now and there are ways you can get around that actually you can essentially say who is my client avatar so if someone successful in business it's not always a hundred percent the case but they're probably around for a few years if this is not your this is your first year in business there's a good chance you don't know what to do when you're just starting out or you probably aren't making a whole lot of money yet so we really look for one to two years three to five years six to ten years I mean if you're really looking for experience and people that have larger budgets you can say stuff like they've been in the current position for six to ten years more than ten years those are gonna bring there's gonna yield better quality leads then maybe a if you get a founder let's say an owner for less than one year you might get you know a lot of people that call themselves CEOs of their company and they're the only you know person working inside of their company so we kind of stay away from that we usually try to do three to five years plus years that current company once again we don't really look too much at this one as well especially if you're targeting owners because that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense but you can if it makes sense sure so how many years are they working at your current company function I don't really care about either the title I'll get into in one second here we're going to skip that because it can take a little longer years of experience once again so like instead of the years in current position you could say hey maybe this is a specific role that we know that hops around a lot so let's say maybe waiters for just an example here maybe you are targeting waiters on here everyone knows that the average lifespan of a waiter in a restaurant is very short so you don't really want to say years in current position because it's always gonna be less than one year but what if you could say I want them to have three to five years in the waiting industry in the waiting business that's when this would come more into play than years in current position right and you can mix and match all these certain things together if you're caring about a specific company you want to go after you can type in the company name there and you can see they say boo lean that's what I was talking about earlier you know maybe you once again only want to deal with c-level executives you know that have you know ten years of experience with two hundred plus employees those are gonna be some bigger companies with some large budgets right so like you can start curating who you want to go after based on these little things here and once again it's not always a surefire shot but you can imagine that if there are c-level executive and they've been doing this for more than ten years and they have a company with 200 plus people inside of it they probably know a thing or two and they're probably making a little bit of right unless they're just you know scams which is not going to be the case most of the time so that's how you can start designing the company headcount and once again sometimes you might not maybe people always think that they just want the biggest and largest companies but in reality when you get to these 200 to 500 a thousand to five thousand person companies which we work with all the time there is layers and layers of red tape and bureaucracy and things you got to go through so we actually the our sweet spot is really one 250 if we can get one 250 and even honestly at the point that we're at right now is 11 250 because there's a lot less your bureaucracy the sales cycle is a lot shorter than there are for a lot of these larger companies but they definitely have more budgets than this self-employed people right and you can go down here as well and add like you know they're parts of certain groups they have content keywords specific to what you're looking for etc etc hey they've been in LinkedIn for you know 14 days maybe they just became LinkedIn a day ago and you want to get them right away before anybody else tons of a message we've done that before we have campaigns running just like that that's a really that's a little nugget for you guys so let's come back up the title here so title you can do current past current or past current past not current once again if we're doing a business a business thing or we're trying to how fast our services or somebody else we want to keep it current almost always and this is when you would start typing that boolean search guys so before I just wanna give you guys an example of what 99% of people do right so either they type in real estate here okay so we'll just say real estate here and then they say we'll say remove from that will just say Florida for example right and then we'll say you know the senior level when you come to a real estate doesn't actually matter if you know enough about real estate so we're kind of going to clear that out you know years of experience I'd probably say more than 10 years of experience so that way we know that they've been around long enough they're not just like some fly-by-night person that's just doing this on the side and they probably care a little bit more about it and they don't really type in real estate here most people put real estate just right here right and that's probably good enough right here so you click search here and you're gonna go to hundred thousand people in Florida once again you think that two hundred thousand people is great really it's not so this is a real estate appraiser first person I'll be a real estate appraiser he is not a real estate agent so he's not the person we want to be target after this is a business broker okay this is not somebody willing to be targeting after either commercial real estate not somebody wanna target after either and so these people just have the word real estate somewhere in their keyword or in their profile here so if we exit out of the keywords one and instead we went down to title here and let's say we just did real estate here right okay let's do the next best thing revi real estate estate agent don't make fun of you guys I know I can't spell okay now we're getting better stuff oh but wait this guy's a recruiter not a real estate agent only right so this one's a real estate agent this is a real estate agent slash consultants oh don't know if I'd go after them you know most of these don't look bad military let's see here you kind of get the idea here right so some of them are real estate some of the commercial real estate agent there's a perfect example commercial real estate agent and we also saw a recruiter so this is when you start they type it in here and you're going Rubby you know thank thank gosh for Rubby Rubby is so helpful so maybe instead we do something like this we take that boolean's thing and I always recommend typing it in a separate sheet because if you do it inside of here and there's some kind of error in the algebra it'll just delete the whole thing so it's nice to have especially when you get like I've had like some of these that are 30 to 50 words long so you really want to tailor it in here and then let's say we already said we saw there was recruiter Oh put that thing just go oh look at that exactly like it just said just disappear just like that so we also already said that the saw that was a recruiter and it was commercial so we will say not commercial not law and maybe now we're gonna say not and then recruiter right and then closed brackets I'm gonna copy dad just so in case we lose it again boom and that person is now disappeared they're not a part of it and now we're getting to a hundred we went from two hundred twenty thousand to a hundred or fourteen thousand results two hundred thousand to fourteen thousand results so you could have been sending now this isn't always a case but you could have been sending like two hundred thousand more messages we're talking two hundred thousand of the wrong type of people so that's where that's that's why the boolean search is so so powerful I cannot I cannot harp that enough for you guys here and then one little additional thing I'm gonna give you guys you know I think we said let me see that the filters here okay so another thing that we like to do one time of here as well is posted on LinkedIn in the past 30 days so instead of 14,000 people we've really brought it down to three thousand people but these three thousand people we know are working on LinkedIn they are on LinkedIn constantly because they've all posted within the past 30 days and these are the people I'm gonna start to do research on these are the people I'm going to start messaging these the people I'm gonna start connecting with starting to get to know a little better et cetera et cetera you can even see people that have mentioned in the news in the past 30 days and you can send them a message hey I saw your mention in the news you know blah blah blah let's do some business together you guys gonna get the idea here right and you can filter this all you can just do the United States if you wanted to just do a really high-level view of it etcetera etcetera so now you guys are starting to get a better idea of how I do this how the correct way to do this is and how we're able to just hyper target people that have money they're hungry they're ready to buy out maybe you were working with just luxury real estate agents so then I would come in here and I would put in the keyword luxury so now I think I went from like what was it before luxury so one hundred and fifty thousand results but you only work with just luxury real estate in twenty one thousand so now you're working with people have the word luxury in their profile here so these are all more likely to be luxury real estate agents so you guys are to get out I hope like your wheels are turning right now I hope you're getting kind of excited maybe we just go to the ones that are post on LinkedIn the past 30 days etc etc maybe this is sorted if this is helpful for you guys please please please leave a comment down below let me know that this is helpful I want to do more walkthroughs like this but obviously this is going to be a longer video and maybe nobody likes it so I'm not sure so I'd recommend kind of going a little bit deeper into into the keyword search as well as spend a few a little bit of time learning that and then finally I promised you guys a really unique case study so I'm gonna deliver it for you okay so when I on one of my business to business lead generation campaigns and I run for one of my company's prospects social we were running for a client who wanted only he wanted he was essentially a financial advisory company and what they wanted was only essentially like this is the trick they want people that are working and high-paying jobs they want people that have been in the industry long enough they want people that make a lot of money because they easier to manage those kinds of people money and you make more money doing that and they want people that have graduated from the top schools in the country and they want people that are immigrants he specialized in working with immigrants and so that's when you know the usual person would be like I don't know how to do it maybe I just type in all this stuff in the keyword bar but because I'm able I'm able to look at this and I know the training that I have on LinkedIn the same stuff you guys hear we were able to say stuff like you know maybe only target people inside of New York City right because more likely New York has people with more money in New York City or even if we didn't wanna do that let's just say United States right for him specifically he was in New York somewhere to keep in New York that's why I said that and then I'd come down here and I'd probably say schools so then I went to Google when I typed in you know top 50 business schools in the United States and then I would take all 50 of those business schools and I copy and pasted them all inside of the school thing here and then I would add all them there so if they graduated from the top 50 Business School there's a good chance we're probably making some good money right and then you come down here and you also want he wanted owners and c-level executives because they wanted them to be able to make decisions any one of the new VA having a high net worth we wanted them to be experienced and that have been around the block a few times and this isn't just like some kind of fluke so we only did more than three years right on top of that we did a company headcount of 200 people plus right and then and that was essentially it for most of the stuff year so now we're saying hey show is people in the United States who are a top level executive in their company they've been there for three plus years they have 200 people plus inside of their company and I didn't put it in here but you guys can imagine and then you went to the top 25 business schools in the nation you can imagine unless those people really fell off the wagon like if they didn't subscribe to run these YouTube channel then they probably aren't making a lot of money but if they did subscribe and they did all these other things as well well then they're probably making a lot of money right now but the real tricky part here guys was he said hey I want them to be immigrants I want them to be not Native Americans because that's who he works with and so what we did there instead was we took these profile language and we did everything but English so Spanish Arabic Portuguese Chinese French but we said that they're living in the United States so we went from a million down to three thousand people but these 3,000 people are his absolute ideal customers or his absolute ideal clients and you could even do something like this instead I think what we ended up doing cuz that wasn't the best thing what I'm doing was English here but we also put stuff in here like Spanish inside of the keywords and so now we're working with once again let's see what this is without it 1 million results 120,000 people so you can actually click search here and what you can do is see so this is Christopher Farhad c-level executive he he monitors all of our things let's see where the word Spanish comes in here I'm not sure so he's a Spanish translator so you know there's a good example of somebody who might be speaking Spanish right and you can maybe say you know Spanish not translator maybe you knows a lot of people having translator there because you guys are really smart boom and now we're coming in here as well this guy you know you can start trying to find people that actually match the you know Luis Diaz Valdez that's a Spanish name I believe so you guys gonna get the idea here is super super unique and kind of almost crazy people to target and and he wanted to run ads on Facebook and he wanted to run ad on YouTube and LinkedIn you want to run ads on those platforms I said no no we can do this organically it doesn't have to cost you a dime and we can get more targeted and more specific than we could on any other channel ok so that is essentially the power of it and then once you get the ideal thing maybe you have a hundred thousand two hundred thousand a million you can actually save the search at some point right so we'll just go back here and type in Spanish you actually save the search right here so you don't have to load this the time you come back in here and then you can start messaging or connecting with the people one on one so there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is an entire walk through a sales navigator from A to Z an exact examples of how you can set up your lead generation searches inside of there to be targeting people that a nobody else is targeting that B are highly experienced and have money and si are ready to buy that are in your industry and better yet you can make sure you're not sending messages that don't fall to people that don't fall in those categories now you know how to set up a hyper targeted LinkedIn sales navigator campaign but I have a question for you do you know about other lead generation sources or what happens whenever you actually do get a lead do you know how to get on the phone with them what to say what kind of pitch steps you should use what kind of offer you should even have what the backend looks like look oh I get that question all the time in the comments down below what do I do next rubbish so I actually created an entire course called 3 steps of scale where I walk through the exact steps I took to grow two companies to seven figures in under two years their cover stuffs like automation elimination delegation other lead generation strategies messaging scripts and a bunch of other goodies so you can click the link below and get access to that right now also if you want to join an online community of really similar growth oriented entrepreneurs if you want to get a little bit closer with me if you want to see a little bit more about some of the stuff that we're doing inside of our companies I created an online community totally for free it's a Facebook group called scaling with systems it's gonna be a link down below and I do weekly Q&A calls in there three to four times a week we do giveaways we also do interviews with 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs and you can ask your questions directly inside there and get answered by myself one of my coaches or some of the other community members if you got some value out of this video if you like kind of the more in-depth walkthrough technical things please please please give me a thumbs up could the subscribe button right there and also comment down below and let me know what you liked about it most and if you want to see more videos like this so I know but you continue down this route thank you guys so much and I look forward to speaking with you in the comments [Music]
Channel: Ravi Abuvala
Views: 114,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator To Generate Leads - Features You Aren’t Using (But Need To Be), sales navigator, B2B Linkedin leads, how to use linkedin sales navigator to generate leads, linkedin sales navigator lead generation, linkedin, linkedin sales navigator, linkedin sales navigator review, linkedin lead builder tutorial, generating leads with linkedin, linkedin sales navigator tutorial, leads from linkedin, best lead generation tools, scaling with systems, ravi abuvala
Id: LIf3xD0mlQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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