Linda McCartney interview, December 10th 1992 (Part Two)

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right no I understand that but how do you explain that to a little kid who hates lima beans well I don't think along the beans are that great myself no I think people think vegetarian food is bland and boring well all I do is make great I love cooking you know find it very sensual but I don't like handling flesh so I don't do meat so I just make great tasty food and I said to the kids that we said to the kids because really what happened was we're up in our farm in Scotland and we're eating leg of lamb admiring our sheep in the field in Poland we're eating one of their legs for eating binky I always thought what are we doing so we stopped eating now when was this this was earlier than 20 years ago and then we were behind a truck packed with beautiful chickens and it turned into a chicken processing plant and we said they're gonna be dead in a minute yeah we're not eating chicken and then every says oh fish have no feelings well we drowned them in the air and they're gasping for breath but they have no feelings hey thanks for drowning me thanks for letting me die so we thought oh we're not eating anything it's like us cuz we are on your back of the lima beans come back no but this cookbook is is really for me eaters who don't particularly want to eat meat but they love food how did it get let me see how did the kids adapt to all this when they were young well we just said look we're not gonna eat meat I said I'm not gonna cook it if you want it you cooking it you can have it but they love animals too and they said no way we don't want it so everybody's still a vegetarian your mother brought out mi-jung this is 15 like it was what did you feed him when they were babies great food just know me oh so much but like what do you do to it that the kids love it where are the green beans okay is that a good one what are you doing things not just vegetables there's pastas there's eyes that's what I call festive roast and it's in place of that poor old Turkey that gets to die every Thanksgiving and every Christmas now what do you put in a festive rose it's mainly that's meatless it's Sawyer and wheat protein and it's textured so it chews like me uh-huh but it's not me has no crystal there you go you don't eat a breast or thigh or rib and it's great and it's stuffing and it's gravy and it slices like turkey and it's healthy yeah so you great if you raise the kids with no help no I mean really a low profile low budget lifestyle yeah I like that I like simplicity and I like closeness I like one thing but two bedrooms well that would I happen to fall in love with a little 1930s round house it looked like a little lantern and it was so beautiful that that's where we live had three of the girls next to us he'd bang your head on these little dormer things and after a while people said no we gotta get something a bit big so you got something a little bit better just moved up the road of it still not that big actually but your is this because you wanted them to be perfectly normal oh really because I don't like big houses where if you have an argument the kids are over there or you're there and everybody's sort of rambling around I like being close has that been good I mean cuz everybody knows everything that's going on with everybody we are close don't they sure simplicity yeah public schools I went to one did you go to one puppy well yeah but they were good then Linda well without them now no it's true it's changed a lot but in England we were living in London and the schools were getting pretty bad and we moved to the country and the local schools were so nice I mean why not also our kids are really nice people and I think it's important that people should get along with each other and not be privileged so I mean we aren't we want our kids at least to have what everybody else has which is normality all right they've really benefited from it I didn't want them to go get water and she's absolutely at all yeah she's a she's got a big heart yes what it's about yeah all right let's take a little break and when we come back we'll talk about this we'll bring a little break we'll talk more as Linda McCartney and we'll meet former wives of singers Jerry Lee Lewis and Jim Croce we'll be back a minute I'm tipping there are the top two stars of today and they're driving your kids while right now stars from twice it's a bel air blossom light goes on step by step ends Saved by the Bell lady with clinica I got like a girl with a little mysterious to you shops about the juicy pan letter sheet down only on my next video [Music] you know the kids the kids are all grown up now yeah do they understand when people like mine your age go berserk over dad yeah I think so because they love the music - do they yeah do they have favorite Beatle songs do you feel my love let me think I'll finally some of mine are obscure ones like baby or Richmond did anybody know yeah yes here's not an obscure Beatle song yeah I love ya good music you guys are going on tour oh yeah what does that like well we have such a good band right now we just got a new drummer who's so good it's fun now that's great I mean Paul is such a great performer would be terrible not to do it or as they say in England rude not to and now what exactly do you do what is your job um cookies no you go on stage yeah I do a bit of keyboard a few harmonies bit of that do you love it I like it I don't love it but I like it you know I'm not a natural I don't think like he is but I do know you know like it but he likes to have you there yeah oh yeah well we're such good friends was we'll be together yeah and now are you turning around with the book now yeah it's just out yeah and we just finished a new album which is coming out so that's really what we're going on to which will be called what the ground is what it's called Oh like all of us who had a question yes stand up Linda um I think being married to Paul McCartney wow what an artist and what an ego perhaps you're an artist - how does that fit in and does he support you and what you do yeah he does and I haven't got a big ego so I'm alright you know you don't got a big you don't have a big ego at all no I really lost my ego a few years ago not really I think life isn't about egos it's about living and kindness and you know just experiencing is it because you had to because today I think I just grew and the more I think I became more spiritual I think going vegetarian makes you more spiritual all happen we need to stop it if I start eating my lima beans I won't care what it is about me anymore at all is that what you're telling me I became more spiritual really and I you know I serve on the lima beans from the Longview yeah I'm the cult religious movement kids yeah stand up what is your question hey um what ever happened to Susie in the red stripes well I love you you don't even know about Susie they don't know Susie and the red stripes oh I'm so stupid well I wrote I was so inspired by Jamaican reggae music I start writing reggae songs and when we were in Jamaica or used to call me hey Susie you know I guess blonde they just call me Susie I don't know why and red striped beer so I thought Susie in the restaurant so I made a record but it just got so hectic and again I thought what am I gonna do be Susie in the red stripes no I just stopped doing it I've made a record actually we made a animated film to it call it the song was called see sad woman and this really you know anyway make a long story short a long story very short we did an animated film to the music and it won it can Film Festival so really something yeah when did you do this what was in the seven days wasn't it 70 77 he knows the year you know the lyrics did you have a question yeah wondering besides Paul McCartney and John Lennon who are your favorite songwriters um I love Otis Redding and I love Neil Young a lot I think he's really great is it is it true what we hear all the time that John was sort of the intellectual one and always sorted though they're both very similar and very this I think is cuz Paul every throw he's the cute one so that's sort of hindered everybody saying even a deep one believe me he's very artistic and very deep well he's incredibly artistic I just wondered although here that John wrote a lot of beautiful music as well as roughage and Paul wrote a lot of roughage as well as beautiful they were partners you all keep in touch with each other yeah Beatles yeah I much more now than ever I think you suppose they'll ever get together again well how can they if Joan's not around it's not the same actually I heard a rumor just the other day that the three of them are gonna get together for Clinton's inauguration do you hear this well I voted for doing sort of they're working together on the whole sort of history of the Beatles and they have talked about maybe doing some more music together which is nice because there was a time there where they really sort of bring it out on each other didn't they him well I think they've been together so long and they've grown up and and again a lot of whispering and ears against each other I think it's you know it's life isn't hard life in the past yeah stand up what is your question yeah I'd like to know Linda if you keep in touch with Yoko Ono at all not really no I'm I keep more in touch with Barbara and Olivia I think probably cuz we have a bit more in common you know but you know we we yell Kenai we sort of send Christmas cards and stuff but I think living in England and her living over here we don't really very politically correct answer I have a feeling now I know you must scoot because you have a book opening tonight at a gallery yes we really it's happening as we speak because that fact it's all now I'm sitting here there are you scoot I'm gonna come down and get a hug and I hope I'm gonna get over there - thanks so much for coming and really happy to be here yes you wanted to take to be the wife of a rock star we'll find out from the women who inspired some of rock's greatest hits when we come back video that you would like to share
Channel: promosounds
Views: 143,085
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: Linda McCartney, Wings, Paul McCartney, The Beatles
Id: uNgeINp4P9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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