Limitless Unfiltered

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oh gee you are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest let me blow my strength into your body [Music] people see your deeds but god sees your heart because he will go tail up this morning and as long as you've got a pulse god's got a plan he's waiting on you to get out of your feelings and get into some healing [Music] hello everybody in limitless nation we are so excited i am pastor kim and i have brought along some incredible people in my church this is my family of choice and we all month long in at limitless we're talking about church hurt we're talking about getting free from church hurt we're talking about things that have held us bound forever and then all of a sudden we decided to get up and walk out of it and so i've invited some incredible friends with me today i have invited beautiful eliza say hello to the people baby hi everybody and you work in our children's i do yep she serves in our children's department and she is awesome then we got beautiful leticia say hi to the people hello everybody and we're going to need y'all to talk in your mics yeah make sure you're talking to mike's like you this is your practice session for preaching okay and this is she works on our children's you do several things in the church like i feel like you're pretty active yeah i definitely um i'm a part of the children's yes helping the kids awesome awesome and then we got tariq how are you doing tariq i'm good how are you i'm up on first impressions and also help with the kids ministry man it is so exciting you know so all month long we're talking about uh church hurt i got some notes for us today and i want as you all are sharing this broadcast right now make sure you go and share share share share your news feed because there's somebody that just needs to feel uh like they're not alone i think that's what the enemy does don't y'all think the enemy uh makes us feel like we're the only ones feeling that way and then we end up going and we hibernate or we isolate we never talk about it and so make sure today that you are reaching out to someone and letting them know that limitless nation has it going on limitless church right here in fayetteville georgia has it going on and we've been there we can talk about it we bought the t-shirt right and so let's set this up a little bit eliza so let's talk about your experience with church hurt my experience with church hurt is when people see that you are a light and when you're coming in and you're walking into your anointing and people can't handle that because they think that you're trying to take their position or you're trying to outshine them it's like a competition and it's very sad that you get more love from people in the world than you do with people that's inside of the church and one thing about those demons is they're always on one accord but i never understood why the people in the church building always attack one another so that's been my experience with the church hurt that i've experienced and it's sadly some of the leaders yeah that have had a problem i say that a lot i say we're the only tribe of people that uh hurt our own that literally when when our own is down and out uh we hurt them but i want to make sure that we get something clear during this whole church hurt is that we're not bashing the church because we i believe that you three sitting up here on this on this stage are proof that you can walk through something and come out of it and then be pulling other people out of where you've been and so this is making you be more what better yeah fire yeah hill shaker game changer it's making you and i remember when you came into our church uh you said that you were never gonna serve in a church again how did you find limitless for starters well the holy spirit led me to limitless because i was asking god i'm like okay you keep calling me to the building to the church but when i'm walking in this church i keep experiencing all of this hate so you want me to love like you love so how do i love the hell out of people come on and that's all you stand for that's it we all will love the hell out of it so i just like you said about the camera i'm not bashing the church because it's not the church it's some people that are in the building hurt people hurt me yeah and a lot of times people don't know that that they're bitter or they're hurting until you get into a situation and you're like okay wait a minute i need to kind of check myself but it also allows you to become a better person as well because it's like well how could i have made a difference in this situation and i truly believe the difference that i could have been is i could have communicated and you talked about that last week catfish communication is very important because it does kill assumptions yeah because how many of us go through life and we leave churches and we leave family gatherings and we never tell the person you hurt me right but i also believe that whenever you uh meet someone and you tell them man you hurt me you've also got to be open to hear their side right and so leticia your story tell a little bit about your story so my church hurt was um i would say i missed the mark what most people say i missed the mark i've done something that was not the right thing to do in the eyes of the church world and they made me feel like that like i really felt every bit of you done something wrong um i was actually pulled to the front of the church hands in the air repent get up you know get on your knees repent and in that moment i just felt i felt terrible i felt low really really low and when i left church on that day i said i don't know when i'll go back to church because i felt so low you know i think there's times that we're all going to miss the mark and as church people we shouldn't make people feel like you've missed the mark was hey you missed it get up let's go that's what we stand for here yes and that's what i love so much i've since i walked through the door i've never felt anything but love the love that i have felt in this place has resurrected my life in a way that i just cannot thank god enough for it has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me the greatest how many times is it it almost reminds me uh your story reminds me a little bit of the woman uh with the issue of blood you know that was told don't go out in public because you've sinned yes and i think that it's so important for all of you to understand today that god got off of that throne and onto that cross and he would do it again just for you yes and so i'm just so thankful listening because i think your story even they were trying to change you and trying to take your personality away you're sitting here with purple lipstick on i bet they were like girl take that lipstick off and put put some pink on or something but that's the cam they tried to like completely change my wardrobe i love praise and worship because he inhabits the praises of his people yeah so of course i was drawn to being in a choir and they wanted me to put on the pantyhose and the slip and the long sleeve shirts because i have tattoos and they didn't want me to show that because it was not a good look to them being in their choir but i felt like david i'm like how you how can i put on this wardrobe and truly worship god in my essence and i have on this armor that is not mines so like i even been taking on shopping trips yeah but even when i changed the wardrobe past to come that still didn't change the bullying and the shunning and so i had to realize it wasn't really my wardrobe it was my spirit that was irritating their uh demons you know maybe sometimes i was talking to a couple today that literally are so they're almost ptsd they they just feel like they never can do anything right and sometimes i think my question is i believe truly that the the the the spirit of the church goes from the pastor down yes i believe that if your church is messy the pastor's messy because it starts from the top and goes down and i was talking to this couple today that uh are are like so afraid of doing anything wrong and you know i think sometimes we we wait until we wait until uh god gives us a release but i don't think that god wants you to be in a place where they're sucking the life out of you and chaos and confusion and i just don't think that and sometimes it just means a season's over do you think that could be you know because y'all come to this church and you're the same person you were at that church and if you would have listened to the voices back then then you wouldn't have ever walked back in church again and y'all are huge leaders in this church now and so i'm gonna come back to you tariq tariq so tell us a little bit about your story well my church actually started with my dad um i would go to church with him what really started to hurt was the fact of there was personal things i was struggling with behind closed doors mainly just porn addiction and sexuality that was and just identity confusion overall um but instead of it being treated as something that was just like you know it's okay you know eventually you'll figure it out you know or something that i could go to god about it was kind of treated in a way where it's like a you know what no like that that's it for you you know what i'm saying like hell is written all over you right now it's no way to come out of that and you know it was it really made me feel bad you know how bashed i was because of those struggles i was going through you know mainly just being groomed through you know the world overall i had no idea that i was even you know walking in hell i just thought it was kind of you know like well maybe i'm just you know figuring myself out or you know but instead you know my dad especially he just made it seem like you know hey this is not what it is and then going to church i i went i had a preacher he didn't really speak to me or anything i it wasn't anything like that but it was kind of one of those feelings where you know if you kind of walked past him the dude was like super holy so it's like god speaks to him like 24 7. you know and there was times where church is about to start and he's about to give a word and before he would just be like you know what you know what's kind of weird you know and then he would start talking about homosexuality you know that's kind of weird you know and then i'm sitting there by my dad you know just kind of like butterflies just like anxiety you know overall because i'm like oh my god please don't talk about it because i already know i'm gonna have to hear about it when i get home you know especially when my dad found out about you know the porn addiction you know because my mom gave him the call and um you know it was just a whole you know i actually got abused you know beaten many times for that so um it kind of just put me in a place where i didn't want to talk about it i didn't want to say anything and i just i felt ashamed i felt super unclean to even step out and face anybody you know so that's where it mainly started with me and um yeah ever since then i had no idea how to even open up about i didn't even think i would do this you know but doing this it definitely i wanted to do this mainly because of the fact of the six-year-old me you know inside i want to show him that this is not just for us it is definitely for other people and it's definitely something that will push me to make peace with my past and know that it is more than okay and god is not what other people have painted him to be for my eyes he's definitely something so much beautiful than what i thought he was so that's why man and you know what i think that we lose sight of the fact that church is a hospital yes you know what i'm saying like this church is a place where people can be vulnerable and that's what you didn't feel you felt like that you were downcast you felt like th you felt like that person that didn't even wasn't even worthy of being in the presence of god and i i want to stand sit right here in front of you three and tell you three just from the church that i'm sorry i'm sorry that you had to walk through what you've walked through i'm sure i've hurt people and and i'm sorry i'm sorry for those people and uh god accepts you god honors you and i'm so proud of you hey tariq have you have you do you have a relationship with your father i do yeah we're cordial now you know what i'm saying um but it got to the point where there was a after coming to limitless you know i'm saying i i um there was moments when i felt that god was definitely speaking to me and uh it was weird because it's one of those moments when you know you always wonder is this really him or is it just you know my thoughts so i kind of just put it to the test one night when i just you know i said you know god speak to me you know you know tell me whatever it is you want me to know you know and um i kept hearing jeremiah and before that i never read the bible i had no idea what it even was about and so i remember um i went to the first chapter and it said uh you know before you were born i knew you you know and so moments like that it was kind of uh it was so it was so crazy to me because i'm like you know had i was you know had i been taught this before you know what i'm saying and it took me to really really go to him myself for the first time you know and really because you know i always knew what praying was um i would always pray you know growing up but i never really knew him you know and to the fact that i read that and i i knew for a fact that he was telling me that like look i already knew what you were going to do you know i already knew what was in your heart i already knew it was what you were going through so you know i'm saying it's it's okay it's fine you know like um and that made me feel more than you know okay i'm trying not to cry i was like i did not expect this but um it's healing yeah you know what i'm saying it was definitely something that i needed you know and um that alone you know especially with the relationships that i went through i was definitely familiar with the same type of you know people even you know me not even being perfect you know i'm saying when i would get unfamiliar type of environments you know i wasn't the best because you know i'm questioning it i'm trying to find something wrong because i'm like you know what hey y'all are too good for me you know i'm saying like this is not cool you know but then when i would get around the toxic everything you know it would be like okay yeah this this feels right but you know learning that confusion and chaos is not god it was definitely something that was an eye-opener for me so i definitely wanted to do my best to push myself you know i talked to my sister you know my sister she told me about pastor kim you know and she's in new jersey so shout out to my sister chanel um hey chanel yeah she had told me about pastor kim and so the first thing i did was go on instagram and i found you and so i started watching your videos i was like okay you know you know it seems cool you know i don't know what this is but hey you know i'll watch you know this i noticed that you started doing uh prayers you know in the morning so i remember i would watch it and then the first sunday i came to limitless was on the easter sunday and so after that it was definitely a game changer for me i was like this is definitely where i need to be not just because of pastor kim and not just it's more just because of the fact of feeling god's presence through other people is so beautiful you know and even the people that walk through here there's so many different types of people that would come to church you know and it's like i was just you know i used to beat myself up because i'm like to the fact that i didn't find this earlier you know it's somebody you know it's like you know god told me in jeremiah it's like you know i already knew you know but timing is everything yes you know what and i think that all of you had to walk through what you've walked through for where god's taken you because i believe that limitless is a place of evangelist we have an evangelist anointing and all of you had to walk through that because tariq we don't talk about porn in the church because it's it's oh we don't you know we just act like we're all perfect but man like 85 90 of the world struggles with porn and so now you're gonna understand what these people are going through that feel like they can't walk in the church because the preacher is holier than that is gonna see it in you and call it out of you and you're gonna be able to wrap your arms around somebody and say man listen i was there but god said he knew you before you were even in your mother's womb this thing set me free and so i believe that you guys had to walk through what you walked through for such a time as this so that you could sit here what you got leditia yeah so when i was i said when i was going through the refiners fire when god was working on me uh he revealed to me he revealed to me that um because of where i'm taking you exactly what you said because of where i'm taking you you must have compassion for people yeah so what i experienced and with the church hurt it just it gave me something that says okay no we're not gonna do people like that we're going to love on people because i have really gotten to a place where i look down on people like i realized that it's like god showed me that that i had gotten to a place where i'm holier than dao now i'm the person who's missed the mark and i'm feeling all of the pressure and uh but he told me he's like yeah this is this is because of where you're going you must have compassion what i have called you to you must be able to be able to love people man i love you guys now i'm going to ask you through a question how do you forgive a person in a situation like yours eliza if you met them in the grocery store [Music] it's funny that you you asked me that pastor kim because when i was in the store buying my shirt sunday a lady that looked like the old mentor that hurt me was in the store and i was like oh okay what do i do lord if this is her at that moment i felt at peace good so that that was the confirmation that i healed from the situation but just like letitia said god will put you in a situation where you're humbled you know what i mean where you like look i miss the mark i've done things that he didn't forgive me for so how do i expect him to continue to forgive me for my sins and my transgressions if i'm holding this bitterness and this grudge on someone that hurt me and potentially like at the end of the day she was hurt yes her people hurt people but heal people come on heal people they do uh-huh and i have to thank you for that because when leticia and tyrique was talking about not being worthy and being um out of god's grace you know what i mean like because i was upset and i was mad at god because of what people did to me i went out in the world trying to do things my way and i end up getting into a broken relationship and he was not a believer and i was like lord i'm getting treated better by him than the people that's in the church but you say all the time if you dance with the devil you don't change the devil you don't change the devil he will change you so when i came to limitless when the holy spirit led me here i was like i don't even feel like worthy of being in here like at all but um i remember pastor lee was sinking in and worship was on an all-time high and she said it's a hunger for god in this place and if you have some burdens that you need to let down come to the altar and i was like everybody's watching me god i don't he was like how bad do you want it and i fell at that altar and i have not been the same since i let it i've been you love people for who they are and i appreciate that and a lot of churches that i would that i have been to they defended the money and you defend the spirit because you're like look i got my own when this church paid for it so i appreciate you because you are a great leader and you lead by example yeah thank you and even if this church wasn't paid for i'm fighting for souls i have discovered that god takes care of those who take care of his kids and that's what he's doing here and so i'm honored that you fell at that altar that day i'm honored that you came even when you didn't want to and i'm thankful that you are serving and i'm thankful that you forgave and understand that hurt people hurt people so how do you forgive how did you choose to forgive how would you tell somebody that's in a situation like yours that maybe got pregnant uh out don't out of uh 16 or 17 or 18 the preacher's kid uh or maybe the the one that was the black sheep of the family the family treated them some sort of way how would you tell them to forgive that person so that when you sit down you're not looking for their accolades but you know jesus is already approving of you um for me it was i need i took a lot of prayer i had to pray a lot because of the situation because of who the church hurt come from it took a lot of prayer because i couldn't just stop talking to people because they were part of my life they were part of my daily life so i couldn't just stop you couldn't put them in the balcony i couldn't put them in the balcony because they were they were there so it just took a lot of a lot of prayer god just please clean my heart help me to forgive this person because again i know that it wasn't intentional a lot of times you know when we are hurt by people it's not always intentional they don't always do it intentionally um and i know that it wasn't intentional so i just had to position myself to um to understand that it was an intentional and allow god to work work it out of me so basically what all of y'all are saying i'm coming to you terry is that you were the victim but yet you had to take the high road yes because one thing that i've discovered is a lot of times people are not going to apologize to you because they don't think they did anything wrong or they owe you an apology and they got too much pride to say they're sorry and so basically what you two have just stated is you took the high road of the high road of the high road and you decided to put it under the blood because jesus's anointing on your life was more important than someone's brokenness man that's powerful what about you tyreek how do you forgive a person in a situation like yours so um back to the bible i remember again i asked god you know speak to me because i was struggling with forgiveness especially when it came to my dad i remember i did have a phone conversation with him in regards to what happened the day he found out about my porn addiction and everything and so i remember i brought it up to him and you know he was just all you know like hey i don't know what you're talking about you're lying i didn't do that i was like you know what i'm saying as if you know but i remember going to god and i asked him you know okay you know speak to me and then i was brought to even this morning i think i was reminded of it in uh ephesians uh chapter six um so it brought up uh honor thy mother and my father and uh i remember reading that and at first i was just kind of confused because i'm like you know why are you telling me this you know and so i remember the day i read that my dad had pulled up to the house and he was picking up my brother and uh my brother i was taking a nap and he randomly just knocked on my door and was like dad wants to see you and i was just like what like you know i was kind of annoyed i was irritated because one of them sleep two i'm like i don't want to talk to him but you know then i got out you know i got up and i put my clothes on i got i went out the house i spoke to my dad i shook his hand he was it was a cool conversation it was nothing hateful or anything like that um and then it brought me back to why i read that you know because god was definitely reminding me you know he you know doesn't understand you know he was definitely brought up a different way than i was brought up you know i'm saying he there's things about him that he's he's groomed too you know i'm saying so in order for me to forgive him i have to understand that on his part you know it's the fact of because he knows you know what went down he knows how it was between me and him but at the same time he feels guilty he feels bad so at the same time instead of me holding on to that grudge understanding that you know on his part and that's what was opening my heart to where i could finally let that go you know to where i could start talking to my dad again and have conversations you know that aren't you know toxic revolving around what happened before you know and so um that was definitely the start to you know god really letting me know like hey it's okay you know and it's best to forgive because that will start my healing process on everything you know covering the trauma and you know just the the conversation of what went down because i had to really really make peace with my past especially coming into here you know i didn't carry that baggage in here because you know feeling god's presence feeling god's love through everybody else you know i'm staying with all that i definitely needed and submit for me to really spread that light it start with me letting that go yeah so basically what we've what we've discovered in this um session of um man recharge refuel uh unlimited limitless i mean is that it's taught us all how to love a little bit deeper it's taught us how to i look even guys at my life and you know i think about the the times because i was raised in a real strict religion that said you know if you get divorced you're going to hell on slip and slide everything you're going to hell over to slip aside and i think that's what makes me love even harder now because i believe that when i see somebody sitting by themselves i'm gonna make sure they don't feel alone because i remember all those times in my life that i felt alone so what would you only take one quick word from each of you just just one word that comes to your mind if i said what can the church do better what can we do better what can pastors do better what can leaders do better y'all are all in leadership here so i'm proud of that because i know for a fact y'all gonna make sure people feel welcome and not to walk in your shoes but what what would you tell somebody watching today that maybe they're in a cycle they're in a cycle and the cycle is repeating the same cycles they're they're getting in relationships with the same kind of people with different faces they're walking through life angry at an ant that they've been holding onto or a father that that has not has not accepted who they really are and and not helped you through the process but what's one word that you would say to somebody out there that we could do better as the church love without condition come on love because because that's the way christ loves us he loves us unconditional so we have to be just like you say all the time jesus with skin on it and he loves us despite our flaws he don't even remember once it's for forgiveness it's almost like he he wants us to look that's why our church is accepting people like you accept everybody i'm like yes because our job is to love them like christ and then let god work on their hearts and so you're saying love unconditionally love unconditionally what if they're like i don't know how to do that well keep coming and get on your knees and find out and he will definitely set you free you have to be persistent that's right and intentional about whatever it is because you're going to always be challenged with your flesh yes because the flesh wants to be satisfied the question is like no she did me wrong and i'm going to show her i can get her back better we can't be like that nope at all and that's what the enemy tries to do he tries to divide us because he knows that there how much power it is in unity man so yeah love without control eliza i love you and i'm so proud of you man so thankful for you all right leticia what would you tell somebody how to do it better how to love better um i would say first we must acknowledge that um that we have been hurt that we have issues and or problems and we must be intentional about getting and receiving the help that we need concerning the hurt that we have experienced as for me that's what i done i had to really face myself and say you know what you have got to deal with you come on and when i decided to deal with me then i realized that god began to do a work in my heart and when i encountered you pastor kim and when you hugged me for the first time i said god i need that i need that because it was a love it was it was i mean it i just really can't explain it that's how deep that it was whenever you wrapped your arms around me and i remember looking at um looking at a picture when we had baptism and you had your arms around me and it took me to my mom and said every time you see your mom you need to hug her like that because she needs that and again just like eliza said love without reason there should we should not have if a person's got to give you a reason why they love you then you need to question that jesus because if we love god commissions us to love so no one should have to say i love you because it's just i love you period period what about you tree okay so i would say to listen um i used to be very stubborn and so i i with that you know you can't learn anything you know and so with me finally opening my mind and just really listening and understanding how i affected other people in the past it really helped me to take accountability for my actions and learn how to change it you know one way that i definitely got into christ was actually through social media which is you know the weirdest thing because i never even thought that god could talk to you through social media and so um with just listening to that and listening to the different scriptures that you know preachers would you know display and everything like that it really got me thinking you know okay so how can i project that onto you know not just the up to the world but to myself you know i'm saying how can i take in what they're saying and make me you know a new person than i was yesterday or last year you know so definitely listening would definitely be one of the first steps because also you know other people come into church wanting to change you know you don't come to church unless you want to change yeah yeah you know and so we're just being broken and you know you know with preachers just being like you know well no no this is it and you know i know i'm doing this so if you're not doing what i'm doing then you don't want to be here you don't you don't want to do what i'm doing you know which is kind of just weird which is like you know nobody nobody's perfect you know what i'm saying but the greatest blessing that we have is you know the bible you know because god is letting us know how we could be more like him and that is why it is there and that's definitely something that i learned and that's that's definitely what i needed you know to know so that's how come you guys are so awesome and i'm just so thankful for you three and i love you and i love getting to be your pastor and i'm super proud of y'all i'm super proud of the comeback spirit that you are that you carry that you walk in and the servant spirit man that's on you guys to just y'all don't quit y'all just don't quit and i am thankful and i am proud of all of you for coming back out of this thing and being jesus let's get on it and i just want to close today with just i feel like that somebody out there needs to hear this today give god another chance give god another chance i don't care if your dad walked out out on you and you're angry at god because he didn't fix your dad give god another chance god will be your dad god would be your husband god will be your your mama your daddy he's just a comforter you can't walk around being mad at god because he's not changing someone you to just love jesus and let jesus fill the voids on the inside of you and so i want to pray over you today and you've got three anointed vessels sitting up here that's going to pray with me and we're going to stretch our arms out to this camera right here and i want you to because maybe you're desperate tonight maybe you feel like you're lost tonight maybe you feel like you're in the fight of your life tonight maybe you feel invisible maybe you feel overlooked maybe your sin seems bigger than your future maybe the sin has taken you further than you want to go cost you more than you wanted to pay and it's got you feeling stuck i'm telling you tonight you are not stuck i love the scripture that says that god will stick close to you he sticks close to the brokenhearted and he binds up your wounds and that's what he wants to do tonight he wants you to give him another chance tonight won't you do it why don't you do it right now sitting wherever you're sitting maybe you're in a hotel room about to get high to fill the voids i want to tell you today just receive jesus in as your personal savior just repeat this after me say father forgive me for getting ahead of you come on just repeat this after me father forgive me i receive your love to fill my body from the top of my head to the souls of my feet father i'm struggling maybe with forgiveness but help me forgive help me see a future beyond where i am right now and lord make my home make your home right inside of me in jesus name welcome to the family and if you are far away and you don't have a church we've got a church for you we've got a limitless family we've got connect groups that you can be a part of you can go to go under that connect button get connected we believe in relationships we believe don't do life alone and so today give god another chance i dare you maybe you're the one that needs to ask someone to forgive you maybe you're someone today that just needs to own something maybe you need to own your own maybe you've gotten in an event spirit because you've been so broken maybe you have allowed yourself to just kind of just just it become a catastrophic cycle today get up it is not over it's not over right it's not over until god says it's over listen as long as you have a pulse god's got a plan and he loves you does he love them y'all he loves you and he's got he's got a destiny written for you today and so whatever it is that you've been holding on to whatever unforgiveness maybe it's an x you need to forgive maybe it's a mama you need to forgive or a daddy you need to forgive y'all hurt people hurt people but heal people heal people today lay it at the feet of jesus and just say i'm not picking it back up again i'm gonna get up and i'm gonna choose to forgive and tomorrow if i get mad again i'm gonna lay it at the feet again that's how cool god is you can just keep on going to him you don't wait and come to jesus when you get it right you come to jesus so he'll help you get it right all right man limitless love y'all so much we love you and we thank you for joining us today and we can't wait to see you next wednesday every wednesday of this month we are talking we're sharing real life issues that they've overcome these are overcomers these are overcomers we are overcomers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony so i'm pulling y'all back like a slingshot and let you three fly baby i love you guys we'll see you sunday limitless church 10 and 11. [Music] i know a [Music] be place there is a light shining for you guys [Music]
Channel: Limitless Church Fayetteville
Views: 391
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ScyRnwJqnjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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