Limecrete demonstration 2011

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well doing a hospital just very very Bora particularly in your eyes once you've had it in your eye you will know your eye please say so hopefully we'll have a first aid kit somewhere with aliens with an eyewash in it because you need to get it out sooner talk about a compacted surface well you shouldn't really want a compacted service you want to as Doug then it's solid isn't it if you go be compacting it means it's loose well you don't tick you want it loose because it's a chance it can settle so if you're digging out then you have a clean bottom and it should be a hard hard basically working on - so you've got it at our mini room if you like we've dressed that now with the Hessian instead of geotextile heston can be a bit more environmentally friendly if I want to go down that route and it's optional doesn't necessarily have to have it so that's it that we've got our mini floor's ready this is this blue or is if it's not we're going to pretend it is 20 mil coated coated aggregate can say this could be equivalent to 300 mils thick which is complying with the node local building regs but it may be to get to give you the new values all we're saying it's suiting our floor that's as much as we can dig down we're going to go for a breathable floor rather than a fully efficient warm floor okay okay yep tell you either tipping it up to the in it's going to be done into a wheelbarrow and then tipped up on your floor spiced up frog legs are useful I seek materials are good to get your hands and good to be hands-on I can have a walk walking it yeah and then start saying there's I saved out our broken ankle so that's probably one the major problems you have with the material that we said before not really if you're not really achieving anything and also you're closing up the particles where you want to make having them open and with the slow consolidating it a little bit just probably a couple inches in that one no more than that whatever we try to do the three things yeah I think it's at the moment anyway I think it's a well-rehearsed but it's not now the Hessian to go on top of that so this is the break again all this is effectively doing is stopping the lime creeks going into there but I think what it can be optional as well you don't have to put this on eco friendly be - yeah Dahlia laxatives disintegrate rather than the artificial fiber geotextile I think so I think it's more yeah a bit more nicer to use and yeah probably probably more a more economical as well yeah yeah and that wasn't going as well if want to stick that one in now little is stopping the lime Creek mixing with the - you're actually separating it as such but there's an argument to say you don't do have to do that you know if anybody in the mixer but I need to blend the aggregates because an aggregate is not blended together you couldn't just put all the other it very well is this the on corded yes I'm coaching yeah count is only purely for that the aggregate underneath for the heat for the instant for the anger the under the floor yeah and it's normally in 20 ml just no more than you can go to Luke we just cool and have a step into the room if you're not bridging your your ground overnight over the L so over a stable or the ground level and your finished floor is what it's all about is we finished or what and then it's not a bad idea to have some mast as well if it comes to when when you're finishing to the obvious reasons all things are benign when you you're planning your timing and everything else so like any job it needs a bit of thought I've got enough ingredients there to adapt it to put some fines in to make it a bit more and more pride wonderful thank you okay well we're silver is like with the is ever mix then if them will make that do so we're it runs out it runs out right I've always waited for I've always liked foot lips and swing it up till sage and then we'll take it to another let's still have a little comparison between the silver work to it but nevertheless it's a consistency I'm happy with or happier within that yeah so we've had to adapt Liz what we're using again here I repeat what was said you can have these instructions from whoever some of you will picked up off the table it stays you can use that for your screen and everything else but that's sort of texture going to get I like to see that because I know the lines around there and only aggregates of together the aggregates are binding together large medium and small making that well grading I'm happy with that so with Rico watts though mr. sundean will submits good job you will actually now simplified the whole thing really because that would put one sharps and two four to ten and ten to twenty that sort of now gotten to have we've got to find we've been got a degree yeah yeah you've honored about quantities measuring quantities has in three two one yeah I think it's been mentioned again it three-two-one measures and it's read ask the question what is the line measure and any builders in here how many builders have we got yeah yeah if I ask you the mecca filter1 mix how would you make it accurately so through booklet Falls of Sun one book upon alive all right can you can we just do a measure of line then in each book I just want to show you the difference between different types around would you save those really cool measures turn off Hayden are so is that equal to that yeah no there is or not I mean the roost that's right that's right that's the difference between the manufacturers the process introduces air so it Banksy dope is the same equivalent of weight in each bag but you would rarely mix four bags and even if you're really to go to mix a full bag how would you work out the amount of aggregate that equals it yeah but people get confused only as to what is the actual mix what's the actual mix is well this is it's made of pure light with him that's the insulation mix yeah yeah right but their lights a bit like you were doing with that well it comes in various grills so it's just made up of basically like that except we've got hand Buddhists yes you have the best yeah again it's good area just like us Marie is just where to put it our missteps in theater no plans to hold it so does the hem you shouldn't need to intern with I dumped the wall initially yeah and there was a certain amount of surface dryness in there so you need to I mean I would read it mail it's just our wanted to dry back a little bit quick okay so yeah I played the moment I would give it a really good silk so that moisture strength is how long before you popcorn well the other side's been in about a week that's ready for remember another layer on top of that just depends on where atmosphere again whether there any heating on inside yes yes well tumor blood is good
Channel: NECT HSI
Views: 34,410
Rating: 4.5121951 out of 5
Keywords: Limecrete, Cumbria, HSI
Id: 0SxkdgGq5a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2012
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