Hemp-lime Building Workhop

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this model has a port attached to the interior side and in this case we don't have a as you see drywall this is a magnesium oxide board and magnesium oxide is board support it on the deck with the nylon mesh so it's very robust and it's breathable okay I'm sorry yeah is that a European product or is that available in the US it's now available in u.s. so if we attach this board just the way it is in here we don't need as much forms as you see because this is a permanent shopping okay and the breathable board as you see later once we put the wet product in here it's going to get wet so the moisture transfers through this board and that helps to dry the hempcrete net is preparing our mix okay I'm kidding okay so let's put it in this was to the outside this is the ink this is inside of the house this is inside this is the out this is your water okay this is the inside okay this you wouldn't have to do anything more you would use it both as a form a poor mess did you finish as an into you okay we just about right okay now now I'll show you I'll show you but this is a very we have to be very skilled you need to know how to hold you to life all right so I spread this up a little bit around so I can have it even evenly and what I don't have if you if you took a thermal imaging photo would you have would it show heat loss because the exterior structure is so close no we'd be on that side so so you the thermal imaging you wouldn't have any of you you know you will see the terminal images of hempcrete walls more slides okay to demonstrate how well performs so how much water you're assuming you owe one part water one part binder four parts shipped by volume more earner yeah cereal I always only got to get to the truth here self decoded let's do some camping let's put some more material in here we want a little bit higher on this end did you ship all this chatter fall and please give me with that do you know shipping is quite expensive because these materials are brought in from England our cost of shipping doubles the cost of the material so that's why we are looking for suppliers in a close range like Canada like Canada and what are you doing in Wisconsin ah that will be the insulation Factory oh just the installation just an insulation factory yeah so this is a perfectly legal product in Vermont you use it to use it not to grow it enough to roll it yeah it's looking at legal anywhere in the state to listen music any word in here you can you can't can't correct yeah you can bring you can bring bales of straw yeah and you can process it in here but expensive transportation will be huge because it's a very light material and occupies a lot of space so we can have it we can import it we can process it we can use it and we just can't and we will do it hey could somebody maybe you Emily yep take a bag and send it to the governor it's depressing after a period of time well we'll let you how about if we let you stand on it many years down the road how long have you had a house like this nothing is gonna happen I'm standing I want but look at me you could find it she's standing on it so we're just this mass of compression yep get me pedelec that's that's what it is this is this block is basically made in the same way today yeah else I'm for knocking over the years no no it always retains its shape see I'm showing that the most simplest way of installing the product but now there will be a moment of truth now for the skeptics we're going to ask them to remove the force oh here we go take it right we usually can see the benefit exactly somebody did a good job right remove the forms right away and the answer is yes and actually it's recommended to remove forms as soon as you do a first layer okay it's usually layer is about two feet whip we will normally put we will normally put once we finish with this layer will add another piece of form and we start placing the more material here once we reach the top of this form we can take this one off and that one stays in place we can take one off from here and put on a top and this is how we rotate our forms that way we don't have to use that much forming a tree now in this stage we have to protect when it's raining because it's it's very unstable obviously it's it retains its shape and nothing is going to change as far as the shape water will evaporate okay and the shape is going to stay but it's very you know unstable you can basically if you touch it so you have to protect from rain and you have to protect from impact for how long I would based like today weather like we have now probably two weeks will be enough and after two weeks it's going to look like this and then it's ready to be finished okay we can finish this on the outside we don't need to finish this on the inside except that this board needs to be painted and we put taped and painted and we need to where we have screws we'll put a little bit of a faster would you recommend doing 12 inch on center framing or can you expand that to use less studs than go 24 all depends all square the answer is starting from all depends if I design my house with the in three or two by four I can use the electric boxes there are you know very it's only two inches right in depth if I use this kind of framing my electric boxes will have to have some kind extension right now if I design my house with this board I don't have to use all the forms that I will need otherwise on all four sides if I design to have a board I can start finishing my house as this material dries okay so I can speed up the building process I can attach my cabinets to this 2x4 with short screws versus long screws and on and on okay a thermally it will perform the same strength wise I think this gives me more strength because my framing of the house is sort of encapsulated completely and it becomes stronger okay because it doesn't bend so you can put more load on your walls and now when we build buildings in Europe we don't space to by force every 16 inches we space them every 20 to 24 inches so we save lumber so if you wanted to have a traditional sighting what do you suggest yes good questioning and not about questions we have if we have a sighting we will have a we call it the double frame okay so will be another piece of framing on the outside doesn't have to be as heavy and we once we strip off the forms we will see a frame here we will add a piece of foreign to by half inch and will maintain about half inch of space and we now are signing to the falling strips again breathability is very important okay we need to maintain you like the drainpipe the half-inch person yes yes and the same thing with brick okay if we want to attach brick they only have these furring strips that we can attach the the wall ties and we can bed it our brick on the outside maintaining a little gap we can do same with the stone so when you design you know whatever you know you you doing about what kind of house I'm going to bid okay I want to have a stone house and I'm going to show you pictures of the stone house that you will never believe is made with this material because it looks like any storehouse any brick house siding house or you can have a metal finish with the metal cladding this acts as a thermal wall there's no installation needed and this is the recommended thickness of the world when you recommend in order to have a full benefit of the material 12 inch is a good size you know it buildings were built with 12-inch walls and they still built with 12-inch was it's not exaggerated thickness if you want to have an extra performance as far as you know installation we can increase to 16 inches we built a house which I'm going to show you later in in Asheville North Carolina which is first passive house built in a world using Trudeau Hankook was our 16 inch thick and our value is 40 and it's easy to meet the passive house standards because you see it you have a one solid unit okay if you if you seal of all the connections that you windows and doors you can do a test and there's no problem that you will pass it how do you frame out regular framing yes what we have right we will have a 2x4 right here which will be embedded and then we use this 2x4 to nail our windows and with an adult frame we have many simple wall section details for architects I never spend reply stuff go to the outside without the end us for it I'll show you how to do it assistant I need you to make some sucker for me I've got to finish this and dump it and we're good to go are you artistic I test out of this I knock at this thing maybe a little bit Lana I want I have a fantastic idea for you artists and designers if you want to show this material ok inside not the outside everytime we mix we add a little bit of iron oxide pigment and as we temp it we develop nice color ranges just like a color sense in the bottle you'll have this yeah you all have this beautiful effect and it will be unique never only rotate it never duplicated right and so just an idea all right but it's fine it's not it's not what we wanted to hound it so you don't see the address no no even though even if we have this kind of gaps it's good for the line the building lime no line to grip oh yeah we're like the outside the gala for the outside yeah forced chuckle ok so go ahead I'm going to prepare some and also we have those little guys here we're gonna we're going to put some material in here is a great this is the desktop sort of yeah holy holy so you just clean it there you go and you will remove the I will remove it right okay okay and you put your plumbing you put your electrical right and you take some material and you cover it don't you use circular saw it's even it's it it goes much faster than playing with the two by fours attaching to the to the office then you can take control lines going on ball let the circular sub-zone zone you put your piping in and cover it up luckily that's how it was done for making hundreds and thousands of years the same idea is well be a this same idea yeah and so that's how Adobe clay do they use any kind of straw in Adobe yes there is they they they use dress they use straw they use hemp fiber they use hemp ships as they were very bendy I mean I mean all over the world we're not talking just New Mexico we're talking about Adobe in Egypt it'll be in whatever you know Africa I could see this making insulated concrete forms completely obsolete very quickly oh yeah yeah yeah oh except for maybe camera yeah except for the foundation put it on they put above ground I don't see need to ever use an insulated concrete form this is so much easier that's right yeah that's right is there any Portland cement in here no it's a natural cement natural cement is basically hydraulic lime with high compressive strength it comes in this withstand ring yes sir or you can take these and put on the outside and I come back in five years and it's going to look the same I'm sorry it's this also saying yeah that's less durable it's it yeah for at least compressive strength yeah it's yeah this is more harder this is much harder much denser so this will be more durable than this oh this is the stucco this is the stucco so yesterday yesterday oh yeah are we ready yep okay cuz I want you on what can you still know this good good I will do that for those then yeah they have this huh but if you put three coats of iron wash and we recommend minimum three coats it takes about 50 years if you put eight coats in England in Scotland when we do work in Ireland we put when we work on old castles right we put at least eight coats of language because scaffolding is expensive and you know buildings were not designed to be scaffold you know so once we put a schedule in a building we want to make sure that our language is going to last 400 years so and that protects because they the migration of these particles into the surface and like with hempcrete everything is used even the water that comes up to the surface of our limp it is used because it's very rich in calcium one additional question yes if you have the same number of people on a construction crew doing a traditional stick bill versus this method what with one case versus the other would you say the same square footage everything we can build much faster than you built conventionally and you'll use less skill pretty much you need few tricks okay you need a carpenter the same comp carpenter can install it and you need the plaster person to finish it so actually somebody a family could have it your frame and then do the rest that's right yeah that's right and we can teach you how to do it I mean we'll be happy to come to your site and work with you people I'm going to show you some slides when I work with all kinds of oops equal each other so yesterday I put some of the stucco on and it's kind of hard but I because I'm working with lime I'm going to revive it I think we'll see so I'll take this spongy float and put it in the water and see what happens okay nice and web my half this kind of robbing tool to smooth out my surface okay nice and wet again and we could add pigment to this you can add pigment to it or we can provide you one with the color to be more stable and colorism embedded so if I keep doing it I eventually see it's tuning out basic here were cover material again can we turn this around yeah Matt yeah so in this pocket I have next this material anybody speaks German which would be good the leash put is it's like used or design for for for it and bound and unbound outside inside yeah I already speak German ah it's good so I have mixed this together and as you look at this next besides a line a little bit of natural cement and aggregate we have what this is this little bubbles like a little Styrofoam bubbles okay that's what that's the lime that's no no that's additive to them additive yes it's a narrative that increases the time of performance all right so I'll put my much styrofoam a little bit of styrofoam here here's a pro light or something like that if you wanted to you you can you can definitely use other mixes but we recommend this because proven to work well so we always start with the wet surface have our dry surface even well when we work with this this factory walls here how can I love the spread that easily there you go thank you very much this is a very easy operation to yeah anybody wants to move in you put some more in here okay here stand the smell oh my gosh I didn't show it like this here's this dope huh okay okay he wants to speed up the process so if we were growing it per month yes we wouldn't need that fancy factory that you had to make installation why how do they put it the process for just beating it up to get it yeah I mean yeah you Eve if you grow locally you need the local country if you want to have a large production like we have in UK it's about 20 million dollars there you have to separate the carbon but then you sell the fibers for more Jo right now so yeah this was either way stuff oh so that's a good question my if you put the fiber into the wall you know just without thinking much about it it seems like it would strengthen it somehow you will not be going as you mixing and two lumps and it's not going to be a st. amour performance it's not going to be as breathable as this is I mean hey me I can take a grass and you can put it into mix but but we spend lots of time and researching what was the best yeah okay okay people are telling us why can't you straw oh sure we can use for me but it's not going to work if we want to build a serious buildings in the whole world okay using this technology we want to solve the the housing you know in the same industry problems we want to build release you know sort of arrangement houses for for hurricane and tornado areas we can prefabricate buildings and we can bring it to the side and install the building in one day yeah that's what after okay so I'm beautiful hey I don't have to do anything yeah so so this is base a base coat okay and it once it dries you kind of even out with this then you apply a second coat and you take the sponge and you sponge it and it's done I mean it's so simple on the inside you don't have to apply it heavy you apply as thin as possible and you put it in coding and you rabbit and you will show all the nice you know texture so I get excited about it when I work with it it doesn't smell it doesn't harm you okay doing this and you know that you're doing something good that you problem
Channel: Emily Peyton
Views: 154,304
Rating: 4.8981099 out of 5
Keywords: hemp-lime building, industrial hemp, construction, leeds, passive house construction, green materials, earth friendly building, carbon negative, energy savings
Id: Dnpw2hbpHxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2011
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