Shiny Clay Wall Finish Sealed with Oil & Wax polished to a Mirror Finish Burnished Plaster
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Views: 955,542
Rating: 4.9468093 out of 5
Keywords: polished, clay, plaster, polish, burnishing, natural, alternative, Plastering, linseed, green building, how to, wax, sustainable, eco, diy, Japanese plastering, mud, plaster mix, shinny clay, clay render, earth render, earthen render
Id: wTY6arzNs24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Isn't this more commonly known as venetian plaster, and used primarily for walls? As I understand it, venetian plaster is a beautiful, very traditional, very expensive way to finish a wall.
Really liked the video and the look afterwards. Just wondering what the use-case/application is for something like this.
TIL about citrus thinner.
I liked the result but I would have used a lighter color
The couldn't show a wide shot of the finished product??
Why is he peeing on the wall at the end?
Thats a lot of work. Great video and great finish.