Lilly The Dog Visits Dr Poppy's Pet Rescue | Animals For Children and Toddlers

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welcome welcome Lily very itchy Lily shall we take a closer look at your fur and see what's making you so itchy let's use this magnifying glass a magnifying glass helps us to see tiny things very clearly and in more detail just did I expect you have just me itchy little fleas having a party in your fur Rob oh can you fetch the flea vacuum please let's suck those little fleas right up [Music] that's it we got them all Lily you are now free free here comes Shane the Koala Shane is eating eucalyptus leaves which are a koalas favorite type of food this is very strange normally Shan is so happy I wonder what's wrong with him I think Shane might be homesick but I wonder where home is let's show him some pictures of places around the world and see which one makes Shane happy Italy America Australia Shane is from Australia which is on the other side of the world many people miss home when they are living somewhere different and they sometimes feel very sad and homesick the let's sing a song to make him feel better shall we you're feeling homesick I'm nuts because you're a long long way from the Land of Oz you miss visiting Sydney Opera House going to the outback or a walkabout [Music] clean gone don't let go you have lots of friends you know clean gone don't let go we can call your friends back home you can scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef and have the Barbie on Bondi Beach look at the size of the great Ayers Rock where many great people have climbed to the top clean gone don't let go you have lots of friends you know clean gone don't let go we can call your friends back home clean gone don't let go you have lots of friends you know clean gone don't let go we can call your friends back home so there you go Shane do you feel a bit happier now and we have a little surprise for you all the way from Australia I think this one's for you Shane it's your cousin Bruce [Music] here comes Jimmy the rabbit [Music] oh dear it looks like Jimmy may be allergic to something I wonder what it could be what have you been eating Jimmy [Music] hmmm I have an idea look at that I think Jimmy is allergic to carrots can you tell us what an allergy is please Rob Oh an allergy is when your body's immune system makes a bit of a mistake and thinks something harmless is dangerous to your body in Jimmy's case his body is reacting badly to carrots not to worry there are lots of other delicious vegetables that you can eat instead we have broccoli cabbages and squash they are all super healthy and tastes fantastic look the squash is even the same color as carrots but it won't make you sneeze yummy yummy [Music] Felix the tortoise has an appointment at 10 o'clock which is now but he hasn't arrived yet okay I'm sure he'll turn up ants like to be with other ants and live in groups called colonies most ants are worker ants and they use teamwork to build the nest protect their queen and find food for the rest of the colony [Music] wrong why aren't you with the rest of the colony oh I see Alice you've got a bad back from carrying too much it looks like you've been trying to do too much by yourself when you try to carry too much you'll make more tricky whereas you could make it know that you need a little help and your friends [Music] work together that's the key [Music] [Music] we can help each other to be strong and to be brave when you're worrying work you've not - Kevin s what's wonders and you can work as one on your own rated and you can't get to the end don't carry all the world if your back is going to burn to help me [Music] need we can help each other to be strong and to be brave [Music] [Music] we can help each other to be strong and to be brave [Music] so there you go Alice do you think you'll let your family and friends help you a bit more now here wear this back support which will help when you are carrying things well done you're all working together as a team teamwork makes the dream work here comes Lucy the goldfish many people think that goldfish have trouble remembering things this is actually not true goldfish have memories that last three months I do have Lucy remembers what she's come here for today hi Lucy how can I help you today stop stop stop Lucy before you hurt yourself hmm I think I may know what's wrong but I need your help Robo I think Lucy needs an eye test please can you get some words up on the screen for Lucy one eyesight test coming right up Lucy can you read this don't worry Lucy ker-rah ah buh spells crap let's try another [Music] never mind Lucy Shh ah hmm spells shell hmm I know Robbo I think Lucy has a problem with her eyesight can you please fetch the reading goggles try these out Lucy they're super special goggles that make you see better sometimes humans need to wear glasses to help them see better too a perfect fit let's see if that makes a difference [Music] that's right lucy h spells fish well done I think you just needed a pair of glasses didn't you oh look here comes Felix at 11 o'clock Felix you're an hour late tortoises can live for a very long time some can live to a hundred and fifty years old I think I know what the problem is Felix are you tired of being late for everything it must be very difficult walking quickly with that big heavy shell of yours do you have any ideas robo I do have something in mind roller skates great idea Robo let's try on this pair of rollerskates let's try it out Felix try and zoom around the cones Ready Steady Go well done Felix I don't think you'll be late again did you know that snakes can't chew their food as that they have to swallow it whole hey Sally let's take a look at what might be the matter with you hmm it looks like Sally you might have swallowed something that doesn't belong there I know that shape but let me just double-check Robo I think we need to have a closer look can you take an x-ray please one x-ray coming right up an x-ray is a machine that can see through things we can use it to take pictures of our insides it's a key oh dear Sally a key definitely doesn't belong in your tummy swallowing keys and other objects like this can be very dangerous it could hurt your tummy and make you very unwell well now we know what the problem is how can we remove the key from Sally's tummy how about a magnet magnets are amazing they have a magnetic force that can attract some types of metals like iron good idea Robo if we put the magnet against Sally skin it will pull the key towards it and we can move it along Sally's body and back out of her mouth stay calm Sally this won't hurt and the key will be out in no time at all hooray out how do you feel Sally great work Robo I think Sally's saying thank you I think it must be my magnetic personality here comes Henry after head did you know that hens are omnivores which means that as well as eating seeds and vegetables they also eat insects and small animals like mice Henrietta's laid four eggs but they're all different shapes and sizes and not at all the right shape for an egg I think Henrietta has forgotten what shape egg she needs to lay Robo shall we try and remind her [Music] [Music] [Music] my friend Henrietta you leave all the eggs but what is the right shape can anybody guess is it a square no that's not right here's it a circle close but I've got ready to bite [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] Henrietta has laid a perfectly shaped egg so now we know that oval is the right shape for an egg that's all from the pet rescue center today did you know you can download the toddler fun learning app to watch more videos from me without adverts just tap here see you again soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Toddler Fun Learning
Views: 2,310,309
Rating: 3.8255188 out of 5
Keywords: animals video, animals cartoon, dog, dogs, dogs for kids, dogs for children, animal facts for children, learning video for kids, animals for kids, animals for children, toddlers, toddler learning video, animals for kids to learn, animals for children to learn in english, dr poppy, doctor, vet, pets for kids, learning animals, animals for toddlers, english, educational videos, pet vet, funny cartoon, pet rescue, full episodes, kids doctor
Id: Q6fVJ3-WgZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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