Jimmy The Rabbit Visits Dr Poppy's Pet Rescue | Cartoon Animals For Kids

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here comes Jimmy the rabbit [Music] oh dear it looks like Jimmy may be allergic to something I wonder what it could be what have you been eating Jimmy [Music] I have an idea look at that I think Jimmy is allergic to carrots can you tell us what an allergy is please Rob Oh an allergy is when your body's immune system makes a bit of a mistake and thinks something harmless is dangerous to your body in Jimmy's case his body is reacting badly to carrots not to worry there are lots of other delicious vegetables that you can eat instead we have broccoli cabbages and squash they are all super healthy and tastes fantastic look the squash is even the same color as carrots but it won't make you sneeze yummy yummy [Music] my next patient is Jeff he is a stick insect stick insects are some of the best creatures on the planet at camouflaging themselves camouflage is a way certain animals can blend in with their surroundings it's a way of hiding from animals that might want to eat them Joe are you there I'm sorry but I can't see you Rob oh can you try and spot Joe I don't think he's in there I'm having trouble spotting Joe dr. puppy oh there you are Joe why are you sad oh [Music] dear dear Joe you're sad because you're sick of being ignored by people listen Joe it's not that we don't like you we just don't see you wear these codes and coat of many colors then we can see you don't go hiding in the trees no more or crawl through the bushes on the forest floor you can wear these anytime you want to and we will see you yes we can see you you really stand out I love the jacket it's a perfect fit you look amazing orange purple blue and red and yellow they're all here for you these codes and coat of many colors then we can't see you once you know about the friends you have you'll forget you ever felt so sad you can wear these anytime you want to and we will see you yes we can see you [Music] do you feel better now Joe and yes we can see you [Music] this is Gordon the hamster hamsters like Gordon are very good at digging they create big burrows in the soil where they live hi Gordon you look like you're enjoying your wheel there oh dear this is not good it looks like you're going to be sick have some water water makes you feel better by getting rid of headaches and keeping you refreshed how often do you spin in your wheel Gordon I think Gordon is travel sick if you're going to play on your wheel for that long you need something that will stop you feeling sick all the time ask your mommy or daddy to give you a spoonful of this every morning when you wake up and at night when you go to sleep and you can play all day long let's see how many circles Gordon can do in his wheel now shall we [Music] here comes settle the snail as you've probably guessed snails like Cecil are very slow movers in fact they are one of the slowest creatures on earth oh poor you settle you really don't look well at all a little slime is good for a snail like settle as it helps them to move as well as protect them from the Sun but this is too much slime it means sessile can't climb walls he's just too slippery I think sessile may be suffering from a cold I know how to make you feel better Cecil but we're going to need a bit of help from our friend Shane the Koala Rob Oh do you remember Shane was eating eucalyptus leaves before the oil from eucalyptus leaves can help with runny noses and coughs when you have a cold and should help our friend settle here I think Shane is just leaving the Pet Rescue Centre I'll go and find him thank you so much for popping back Shane now sessile breathe in some of that precious eucalyptus oil and you'll start feeling better let's welcome Sara the cat cats are members of the feline family which means Sara here is very closely related to lions and tigers but saris are locked friendlier hello Sarah shall we take a look at you I promise I'll be gentle hmm let's have a look Sarah your tummy looks very big have you been eating too much hmm let's have a listen to your heartbeat well listen to that you have four heartbeats and a large tummy does anyone know why Sarah might be feeling unwell she's pregnant and she's about to give birth let's count how many kittens Sarah gives birth to one two three three beautiful kittens well done Sarah you're a mummy here's Colin the chameleon chameleons are a special type of lizard and did you know that the tongue of a chameleon can be longer now Colin what can we do for you a chameleon has special skills which means they can change color to blend in with their background this is called camouflage let's test it out shall we call in hey guys meet Rob oh hello everyone Robo is my friendly robot helper here in the treatment room that's right I've got all of the tools that we need to help the animals feel better again I can even use my tickling stick Rob ooh please can you swap the colors of the backgrounds for Colin and we'll see if he can change to the right colour red this is red but oh dear look Colin has changed to blue yellow this is yellow but Colin has changed to red three this is green but Colin has changed to orange there's definitely a problem here Robo I think Colin needs to relearn which colors are which orange yellow green full of the colours of the rainbow they go by three more to make the full set [Music] because in between for all the car of the rain three more to make the full set [Music] can match the colors of the Ring [Music] what a wonderful thing you can do now let's test you again Colin yes well done Colin we can hardly see you your red yellow excellent work Colin you're now yellow green perfect you got all three right Colin you're now a lovely shade of green it looks like you're all cured fantastic here comes Jake the spider some people think that spiders are insects but that's not true spiders are actually members of the arachnid family it looks like you're limping on one of your legs what happened that sounds like a nasty fall let me take a look at that for you Robo I think we need to take an x-ray of one of Jake's legs one x-ray coming right up spiders don't have bones like you and me they are arthropods which means their skeleton is on the outside this is called an exoskeleton if you look you can clearly see here that poor Jake has broken one of his legs I think we need to put that leg in a cast which will give it the support it needs whilst it heals wireless problem is putting Jake's cast on shall we count how many legs jake has [Music] he's got one two three four five six seven eight legs all spiders have eight legs that's your fix Jake now don't climb any walls or waterspouts for two weeks and try to get plenty of rest that's all from the Pet Rescue Center today did you know you can download the toddler fun learning app to watch more videos from me without adverts just tap here see you again soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Toddler Fun Learning
Views: 771,246
Rating: 3.8241205 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon animals, cartoon animals for kids, rabbits, rabbit, bunny, bunnies, bunny rabbit, cute rabbit, pet rabbit, vet, pets, pets for kids, pet video, pet vet, animal, animals, dr poppy, doctor, cartoons for children, kids, cartoons, kids cartoons, animal facts, learning videos for children, educational videos, animal songs
Id: JCa69S-tFVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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