Lil Duval Gets Emotional Talking About Near-Death Experience

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I don't think people realize this you almost died yeah like you were very close and if you go back a few years before that you have a song out and you have a philosophy out which is just like hey live your best life you're openly saying I got life figured out I got it all I'm I everything's done I figured it out trust me if you follow me your life is going to be better you like bragging was there do I feel like God did this to show all right we F to see if you about all that [ __ ] you talking I've always want to ask you while I was sitting there I was like damn he really put me through this [ __ ] to show cuz it wasn't just that it's it's Kool-Aid yeah then clay or no then accident was after clay was like the day I got off my crutch the next day that's when this [ __ ] happened so think about this right you're telling people I got life figured out one of your best friends passes you get in an accent that almost kills you and then right after recovery a little bit your other best day no I'm talking about the next day I got off my crutch I talk about this on stage like soon as I got off my crutch he was like I was like I ain't got up I ain't got to walk with no crutch no more he was like yeah but take that [ __ ] to child support tomorrow cuz I had child support court tomorrow the next day I took the child Court I called him I was in the Bahamas cuz after I went child I went straight to Bahamas and I was like I did everything thing Woot The woot he's like you paid her cuz I had to pay right then like I PID like all right cool long as you paid her hung up two hours later L everybody called me was telling me that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] happened Fu it was like everything was like a movie like my life be like a damn movie it's like damn is is this the part here like I know it's part like I always know life is up and down but I'm like when you in there she like damn this that part of the movie now so do you think God was testing you like you think you got this for I don't think God was testing I think it was more a test of [ __ ] he knew I was going to get through it so he used me cuz other people probably was like how you like he just talking that oh it's easy to be happy when you're rich happy when you got me as an example and I was like damn this part of the example you know like when you're doing the movie and in the movie it says you gonna get shot here you going to have to do recovery you got to lose a lot of weight you got to do all this [ __ ] the night is always darkest before the yeah so like I'm like damn this the part of that movie okay take us to the accident okay take us to I I've uh take me through the whole thing all right I'm coming I'm leave you see it's I've been in your place so I pull out the I I go my my I started before that so when I'm over there my batteries be dead on my four-wheelers and all that [ __ ] there so I had to jump the four-wheel up so I jump the four-wheel up I drive it around to keep it to get it on ah you got to charge up the battery Charing up the battery so I drive down to a beach down there you know we got beaches everywhere I pop up to one of them beaches I'm sitting there smoking by myself I'm just looking back and you know me I'll be so I be happy like I can't believe I'm here I'm such such such I'm I really did it so I'm like this a good place to [ __ ] too so I'm like all right go back to the house his braud gratitud will do that for real beautiful Universe P yeah so I'm right so I'm right back now you know my road is empty as [ __ ] it's you might see five car the whole day on this Ro there's no numbers for the homes in order address you got to know like you go by the Red House left at the blue like those are the directions that he gave me when we were going to his crib yeah yeah exactly and the road is is it it's paved but it's not it's like one road and and like we drive on this side on the left side not the right side and the only reason I'm telling you cuz this why I Happ so we driving I'm riding on my four-wheeler and I'm about to turn in my driveway you know my driveing dve to turn my driver as I'm about to turn my just so happened this lady behind I never I didn't know she was even behind me she tried to go around me cuz you're obviously slowing down so she's like I don't want to wa I'm going around yeah and Bahamas they they drive wild they don't give a [ __ ] they drive in the middle of the road now so she trying to go around me she trying to go around me just just so having the right time boom hit me and I flew damn I flew everywhere do do you remember flying through the air yes I talk about it on stage I ain't going to give it here cuz I want yeah but I talk about on stage and laying I was on the ground I'm sitting there and I'm like yo I'm about to die so well actually once I realized I wasn't paralyzed how do you realize you're not paralyzed I started feeling my toes pain or you're actually was painful than a [ __ ] but it's kind of hard to explain cuz it was everything was going in my head so fast my life was going through my head and everything and I was like a [ __ ] I [ __ ] up now keep in mind where he is there's no real hospital no there might not be anybody is your old lady in the in the house she she sleep listen and so it's like on the ground like I could be there forever right so I'm sitting there and the lady stop and she go get my old lady and so when she go get my old lady my old lady come down she look at me this what I knew I was really [ __ ] up when she's like oh [ __ ] I knew I looked it crazy yeah I knew it was and the first thing she said mouth was oh you got all your teeth cuz like right before that the day before that I had said some [ __ ] about people a old people ain't got back teeth I got all my back teeth so I was talking [ __ ] about teeth and so she was thinking this was like that like man [ __ ] out of here so the first thing I tried to I called clay first I called clay I was like man I [ __ ] up bro I was like this [ __ ] over man like I knew was a death call yeah I was like wow I knew I was like I'm being the wheelchair forever now I was like I'm being the wheelchair forever now so right through that whole time laying on the ground I was laying on the ground for a long time I a I'll tell you later but I I was going through all the money I had I started saying what I can't do no more what I'm you just start thinking about all like I say like you said before I prepared myself for everything y so right then I Was preparing myself for being handicapped and not having no sh no be able to go on the road no more all that [ __ ] I had all in my head wow but clay kept being on the I don't even want to talk about cuz it's going to make me cry good good I don't want to cry I'll cry with you I love cry this is beautiful CER yo people need this man I need to hear about this nah so well when he when it when it happened I kept telling him kept telling clay man [ __ ] they like n you gonna get through this [ __ ] either the reason I got through it honestly for real for real I don't want to talk about this [ __ ] bro no it's beautiful man no it ain't man like I still that's why I ain't want to do this [ __ ] cuz I knew you going bring this [ __ ] up good I don't we want to talk about [ __ ] well you don't have to do anything but to me it's really beautiful to see you have these emotions that's why you don't want to talk about it no it's just it's just it's hard to it's hard to explain it all through because you still it ain't through the accident I'm I'm I overcame the accident I'm still recovering from clay yeah you see what I'm saying so yeah so all that [ __ ] happened but the day he was the first person at the hospital and he was the last person at the goddamn when when the [ __ ] happened so yeah the [ __ ] was a real [ __ ] he's the man I yeah I think people who maybe are unfamiliar with Clay he like an absolute icon in the music business and like a real standup dude and to the point where there was a lot of situations and you could probably speak to like the music business and I think you were his first comedy client right yeah that [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] about comedy he never knew about it but he knew about standing on business yeah yeah no like like for example like nobody was going to short you nobody was going to short any artist of Clays and he would really stand up but he wasn't that he was just genuine person like even when I [ __ ] with you I [ __ ] a genuine person you know what I'm saying he just it it's hard to find genuine people yeah and that's why I hold that more than anything yeah people being genuine cuz I can find talent I Got Talent yeah I don't need nobody have talent I don't need nobody do [ __ ] especially with technology I can do everything you seen me first I'm the first [ __ ] with a drone in Time Square I got footage of Time Square that nobody got yeah you know what I'm saying so I I could do everything myself techn I could do everything myself just finding people genuine people yeah I hold on to him yeah and he was one of them yeah [ __ ] yeah so what else we want to talk about we talk about everything bro I'm curious about the the recovery you actually you go to the hospital and how long does it take for you to get on your feet [ __ ] to get back walking yeah about six months how long it was when you came and shot that when I was down there and I checked in on you I'm down in that L I'm doing a a movie oh we went to Magic City yeah I go I go you're you're you're just the craziest dude I go I go I go yo man I want I want to hang I want to like come and see you where you at uh I was like do you want to go get some food or something like that and he go and then you said nah let's go to Magic City and I was like why you're like uh what' you say you're like uh it's safer it was something about you parking your car at a restaurant you were worried that like some people might recognize your car and then they'll try to follow you oh yeah were jacking cars like crazy oh yeah yeah yeah they they be they be stealing cars in Atlanta a lot so I you just got to pay attention and know where you going in Atlanta or whatever yeah but yeah I took up to the I took up to Magic City and [ __ ] like that there just cuz that's Sur fire that's and Klay was there too you know I'm saying it's like I say clay always been there for a [ __ ] yeah I mean that was that was right after the accident or no that was a few months it was about six about four five months afterwards but I was in the I was in my wheelchair and that's why I put respect on people handicap like yeah cuz the world don't give a [ __ ] about handic people for real anybody you see out there in that goddamn wheelchair they did a lot just to get up yeah and you learn that when you in that goddamn chair but that's that see that's another thing like perspective with you I think a lot of people look at that and they be angry that they were in a wheelchair no I and then you look at it and you're just like man cuz I know I was getting up they ain't never getting up you know what I'm saying like I knew like like I said at what point did you decide I'm recovering from this [ __ ] when I was laying on that ground waiting for about four hours couple hours waiting you know what I'm saying that's when I knew you like you go to the whole I'm going to die walk again going to walk again keep going yeah it don't take long for me like I I Hadar and especially when you getting when you in the air and flying you real everything pass through your life you just go through everything and then the well the first person I called was my daughter but she she didn't pick up her mama didn't pick up then I call Clay yeah you know what I'm saying so you start and then Charlamagne man this [ __ ] Charlamagne yeah this is right this is the most Charlamagne reaction go yeah this [ __ ] Charlamagne so I call him he's on the ground I said yo I'm [ __ ] up I I might even have on FaceTime yeah you're a FaceTime yeah he was like H I can't even say it cuz I I don't really want to say what he said say it say it we can B it we can bleep it we can B it no I ain't saying it cuz I don't want to throw somebody else under the bus we can we just cut it and you just tell them I'll tell y' off camera cuz I don't trust this sh we're going to bleed it we're going to bleep it I promise you we'll bleep it he was like so I was like hey man cuz first only person I know that know this know my Islands out there is ludicrous yeah and so I was like yo call ludicrous and tell him I need him to um send his plane over here cuz cuz [ __ ] I need a jet to get over here quit to get over to Miami from theas yeah he was like all right cool this [ __ ] thought I was bullshitting the whole time he didn't thought he was doing like a joke or a sketch or something yeah yeah he thought I was bullshitting the whole goddamn time it wasn't until clay called him what I say clay is is through all this [ __ ] it was until Klay called him he like yo clay and then he was like oh he really is [ __ ] up and nobody really understood how [ __ ] up I was because this how I knew I could take drugs too and like that's why I want to do cocaine because I could really take some drugs and they shot me up with morphine like three times how good did it feel man it felt so amazing at that moment I understood why people do drugs like it was like that [ __ ] hit your body dog I was so Eed up I was on I they was surgery and drilling a hole in my knee I got on live and they while they was doing that [ __ ] and I was turned up like a mother that's when they realized I wasn't [ __ ] that's when the world realized I wasn't bullshitting everybody thought I was bullshitting until I that's why I tell you I tell people like people always talk about the bad [ __ ] on social media but I'm proof that when use that [ __ ] right positivity it'll goddamn change it CH the world say [ __ ] like even through the whole situation all those people like I was talking to ice te yesterday at the show he came to the show and he was like man um [ __ ] like that give you a a different perspective on life and [ __ ] like it wasn't like that for me I think who I was prepared me for that cuz it made me that you know what I'm saying like if I didn't have who I was like to living my best life mind mentality I wouldn't be able to get through that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying because that sh broke you would broke the [ __ ] out of you because that whole [ __ ] and all the love I got from from I always show love to handicap people and all even before this [ __ ] happened all the [ __ ] came to my side really [ __ ] my first show is like a whole row of wheelchair all came fak this [ __ ] for a new market I'mma get all the disabled people out that [ __ ] was packed for the first couple show cuz I did my first couple shows inwhere like crack about like a drivein movie they came out they was in that [ __ ] like mother they like they all came out and show love like so like I said no they was telling me how to handle [ __ ] like even while I was going through [ __ ] like the DMs like they'll send me [ __ ] or people that went through the same situation they they'll tell me how to handle certain [ __ ] or or give me words of encouragement and [ __ ] like that so it it work a lot you know what I'm saying the most surprising person or or group that reached out what were you most shocked by just the in the whole recovery it wasn't nobody celebrities like that cuz not even celebrity but like what was the most surprising thing [ __ ] the love I got back from the industry people cuz like I said you know me I don't as much as people think like industry like hang with celebs I've never been that guy like that I never gave a [ __ ] about hanging with celebrities but the celebrities that I that that um that hit me up I was more surprised about and and just the love I got from outside of people that I didn't think that knew me you know what I'm saying so [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying like it's more a community thing like it wasn't like a the yo you know what it is sometimes it's like when somebody's going through something difficult you feel more comfortable showing them love than when they're thriving because when they're thriving you show them love some people feel like they're just glazing you or like they're just trying to kiss your ass but when you're struggling it's almost like the excuse to pour in to pour in maybe so I guess so or just like like even like when you have a kid it's so easy for people to reach out and congratulate you and just give you so much love I felt that and uh yeah it's just an awesome then later on down the line like when you call me like like man this [ __ ] is a lot bro yo yo he he told me funnyest [ __ ] yesterday cuz I was like yo I don't know how anybody does this he goes he goes he goes man for the first two years I was baby mama yeah I was what but like I told him like that was the you stayed home during the day with the yeah like and when my when my baby mama came on I felt like they're like where the [ __ ] you been but all she been was at work you feel it like but like I told him like that was the most important part like that's what the bond I get with my daughter now cuz they one to twoy old time cuz like it' be like a nurturing or like a a psychological [ __ ] that goes on at that time that you Bond that you can't take away from when they get older like no matter what somebody say about me it ain't gonna affect her because y you know what's crazy my dad uh stayed home with me I believe that it be little [ __ ] like that you don't even think about it but and I like I say like I didn't put no thought like I'm not smart enough to say I'mma Be with my daughter just happed till she won I mean like what the first month I mean the first year I'm not gonna be with her like that but somehow the universe made me where I had to sit there like that for about a year you know what I'm saying did did you have any animosity or frustration to the woman that that hit you like people ask me did I sue her nope I never said nothing to it because like I said I felt like it was supposed to happen like the way the [ __ ] happened and it was nobody on the road it's like how the [ __ ] just us two on the [ __ ] road it's like she was supposed to hit me and then she was the one that saved me if she wasn't there I would have BL to death you know what I'm saying did you ever see her afterwards to her people kep trying to talk and then like the Bahamas showed me love too like they was all praying for me and [ __ ] so it was just like I couldn't like I couldn't I couldn't like for [ __ ] like they show you a lot of love in the Bahamas yeah they show me love cuz I show them love B I remember when I came there we were filming the uh the the dropping in episode I had all this camera gear and uh the people asked me what is it at the Customs they're like well what's going on here and I was like oh we're just going to film something they're like is this a professional production whatever and I go uh I'm just going to film it with a little Duvall the Customs guy was like all right see I didn't know that but like that's why I say like sometimes it's just how you move and it works in your favor cuz like I didn't know like they show me like I don't reason I show them look cuz like I'm really from there like my family is from there so I just feel like it's a part of me I feel like I it's my duty to to bring the world to have understanding of of our culture
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: QxLW6LkwsQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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