Former CIA Agent Exposes How China SPIES on The USA

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can you speak about Chinese officers or operators in America right now um so what I can speak on that's allowed is the stuff that has been making headlines more and more um we know that the Chinese have secret police stations in the United States and Canada it really was big a big deal in Canada yeah everything's a bigger deal in Canada yeah Maple Cup's a bigger deal in Canada yeah but uh so and they do that because uh at at the core of the Chinese experience like we talked about the American experience at the core of the Chinese experience you are Chinese first that's ideology that we were talking about right right so you you have such a close tie to your family and you have such a close tie to the Homeland then even if you are a Chinese immigrant you're still fighting for your family and for the Homeland right it's still your first loyalty doesn't mean it's your first loyalty by like 99 to1 it could be 6040 but it's still your first loyalty and you are often times responsible for caring for the older generation so your Revenue your money is actually going back to China to take care of your parents until you can bring them to the United States so which is quite common for immigrants though it is yeah I don't think it's a spe idiosyncratic to chosing me to the US ideology which is self first out correct in the United States mom and dad have a retirement fund and they have social security and they save their own 401k and if they didn't well why the hell didn't you do that Mom and Dad that's on you yeah yeah like now you're draining on me how does it feel that you know the the grandkids are eating Ramen because you can't pay your diabetes bill or whatever it is right like that's a whole different mindset in the United States yeah so stuff like secret police stations that are not sanctioned uh the incredible amount of Chinese intelligence collection that happens here in the last week before coming here we had a military uh person a US military officer or sorry US military enlisted person get arrested for Chinese Espionage we had Google a a technician Google got arrested for Chinese Espionage wow right so the Chinese are actually actively recruiting from our Tech sector and from our military and that's just in the last seven days when you look at the prosecuted cases of Chinese Espionage in the United States over the last five years it's record-breaking more intelligence Espionage case arrests just arrests than ever before every time there's an arrest our rule of thumb is for every one arrest there's nine more operations that haven't been caught yet who wow so it gives you an idea of how active the Chinese are against the United States I don't want to paint the Chinese out to be a bad guy they're just doing the same we do this is the game but we're the big dog they're trying to become the big dog they're a little meaner dog though they're a very different breed what is their offer for Espionage is it just money so this is so the offer for Espionage when we talk about the offer we have to remember it goes back to those four right those four ideologies or those four motivations reward we usually associate with money but reward is not about money it's about what you will do with the money right oh yeah yeah yeah you guys don't work for money you might think that service level of course I work for the money no no no you work for what you're going to do with the money with the money okay so what the Chinese have learned about our culture is that in our culture we all brag about the money and we keep secret what we're going to do with the money it's really there because I'm worried that my kids might not have enough money for college it's really there because I'm worried about when I get older and I get it's there because I'm worried about something or something else so when they make a plea for us or when they make an offer to us for money often times it's because we're already in debt and we've made bad financial choices because our culture is a debt driven culture and we're also worried about money in the future because we're already in debt so it makes it very easy for them to come in with a monetary salvation wow and we're like oh yeah I mean I'll my secrets are worth that much to you because my own government doesn't think they're worth that much to them 200k in student loan Deb even though I work at Google I still have a lot of debt I'm worried yeah and then you've got the whole uh the ideology of the United States also includes cultural ideology that doesn't exist in Asia like for example sex is still a taboo Topic in the United States as as open as it's become it's still a very taboo topic like the whole sexual deviancy thing I was just telling you guys about right we don't really like to talk about what our particular Kink is with just anyone we don't really like to talk about how often we have sex or don't have sex with our spouse or our girlfriend or whatever else we don't like talking about whether or not we explored homosexuality in college there all sorts of stuff that we don't talk about that Europe talks about on the front page of the newspaper that they that they'll go out and have drinks and like cheers each other and talk China way more comfortable with it no but CH hard to believe yeah they're not more comfortable with it but they know we are uncomfortable with it so they know how to present us with what's known as in in colloquial terms sexpionage they can feed our sexual interest because they don't have individual freedoms it is what the they we I guess the CIA accused Trump of doing with Russia like oh you got peat on you don't want anybody to know that we got you to get peed on now we hold this power over you China will do that to someone in the that's that's the SE and rice that's coercion blackmail is coercion the other option to that is you get a Chinese girlfriend a CH a discreet quiet beautiful girlfriend that goes where you need her to go when you need her to go there and she treats you like a king every time you arrive so every couple in Williamsburg is just spies ah I mean it's it's it's not it's not a far off accusation right but you want to know why all those I mean there's a there's a real problem with American academics traveling to Asia and the reason that it's such a problem is because they land in qual and poor and they have their Chinese girlfriend waiting for them for four days that their spouse doesn't even know about all taken care of by the academic institution that invited them there and those girls might not start as operatives they might just be hookers or Mistresses or whatever and then they become an asset of an operative right y this is so interesting and then you're saying that we can't do it in America because we have individual freedoms in other words you can't force an American to become to prostitute their body yeah now if they do it they do it but we can't say this is what you should do correct and if they do it so not only that but in the United States we've also gone for our actual trained agents our trained field operators we actively enforce that they don't take that step because when you take that step any kind of romantic or physical anything because of our ideology in the United States sex is very difficult to separate from connection
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: cgrpwUOIE6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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